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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
I . . ' i 1 L v.. - , - . ' s , a 1 -' I 1 i:;v;o''''L-JoaGu,.;-Cj-':uc,an J r- a w . a-e- f l SB 4 4 ' t X I - 4 M . A mr . . iC -7 ik ai - : 4 tK t '.-' 1 4 S J . .S,., ' .- . 1 '-4.4 at fc-eaa, . . . s V' s a f '-.' - i r; Lvrj ts sl tmmmt- tae ''it; r, . r" ' '4a-wWv 1 . .saws lat. UTa. 4 : -'. -. eTs 4. !.. v (HH44t h,444ft, l. P4ll47 oi i-T omlu4 haltartaas Oe .., .4 He, T. ' ' ' " C Vi . mnl BsHsgs Ks. CAWaJi. J12-a4se 'Marfan, obX vnrnAi mnr'wini . . O. X. BeteM. eaaat, OeiUss, sah.,. uvur .'.v . :: . .'; . ...... "Prtnr4 hi V aa Mine' Star; . ..'j. .'. ...... .'. -. ."Ceasbt la the Wb' or 4 ad . ...'. ... .-, ......;., . V4iii4 PMtSfeS .............. V4ttdTliU '. For;; Help ; Wanted, Situations Wanted Room to RentHouses for Rent Hoat for Sale, and1 dther classified , advertising see pages .10 and U.;:,' '',.,.'.. s '': ' ' , While endeavoring to; fore apart two mammoth ' log ,' which - had become jammed at the East Bid Mill 6 Lumber company1 .'yesterday -afternoon. Ed J, T.urner. an employs at that establish man. In com , em ploy, wn Ion. front,. tha I MM i ment. met , death ' la a horrible man . . ner- . Tna unfortonata panr, , with' A, another, narMk4 ' In milling '. .river, and. .placlnar them on; the carrtaca . to 'convey them' to. the Mwa, A In aome . manner two, of, the lo became .caujrht en .the ' platform . and, Turper, tried to ; force, them, apart with hla peavey. ..The atraln waa too areat for the.lmpleraetit end aoddenly It broke, apart, praelpltatlns ,. jurner ojreciiy.m tne pain or m rp Idly approaohina carrJace. which waa .re. tyrnlna for. another, load.' . Before .the engineer ,'eou)d. brine th machinery -to .' ' a atop , the earrjaca had cruahed Turner . to deaths.. Coroner, rinley -waa notified. Baa ariar.aa inTeauaattoa aecioea tnjK an. Inqueat twaa not eceaaaryr. Turtw waa formerly-emplqyed by the0t.iJpnfM Lumber. company. , i A brother. Ooi Tor her pt,8t.-Johna,-took:cbare of te r- nn ana wui iaae .me Doay to ,vja - cpnaln. for. interment. '. .. . . : .Prank Qravea, a brakemaa employed ' on . the O. R. 4V N.. waa. arrested laat nlht at Troutdale by Special Detective ' Fitiferald of .the rail way. .company and ' locked up In the city prison In this city .- on a charge' of .larceny. It la alleged ' that. .Graves and' another .man who waa arrested at Hood River this morning ' broke'. Into. a box-ear and stole several '; thousand cigars and1 a quantity of cloth- . inc. ntxgerald waa on bis way eaat on a passenger ' train and upon arrival at Trputdala was informed , bv the eon' ductor of a freight train of the robbery. A search ' revealed the aooda hidden on the fender and tha' detective 'went' lata hiding neayby to await developments. It ' Is alleged that Qravea' was detected In '. the 'act of' taking the goods from their . hiding place and Als arrest' followed. xne nraaeman IS said to have made a ' full 'confession and 'the arreat of bla partner In crime followed thla morning. ' The will of Fred Klelnsorge has been admitted In the county court by Judge Webster.' - The estate la valued at 14. foe. To the widow,-Catharine, i la given the use of .the home la Pulton for life and )! a year. Lena Helming te to have the use of the residence in Btevena ad dition to Pulton-aa i loner ae ahe Uvea. Barbara Draert la bequeathed 1 10. The remainder ef the property le-to be di vided .equslly between the ' children. Denai Bohler.- John . Klelnaorge, Ben Klelasorga, ! Llssle Kreasel (and Mary - Zimmerman. The' real aetata le not- te be aold until after the .death of the widow. ...- -4 t "w'.rt ' ! "v.c The .41 boye and erlrls arho are Inmates I of the Children's home were 'given free eeata at the clrcue yesterday, by Henry Rlnglloa. manaaer of aba Passpauajbawil Bells .BoajL company. yTh Utile, tads marched Inte the hit -tenb In' charge xT the 'matron, of. the. home,. and .after re--vtewlng'the) menagerie, were) aiven' eeau Inwthe, neater -of. .the reserved -section. . Jay Rial, who-has -charaai- of the tents - end the thlne-a beneath, treated Uwo to peanuts, and lemonade. , , ; ., ' .( ' . Water ' through . hbaa'.f or sprinkllnc yards ar eldewalks. or washing -porehoe or windows, must be paid for In advance . and - used, only' between .the hours- of ( and I a..m. and I and t p. tn. rltmust '. not be .need for sprinkling .streeta; If - used. contrary to- theae ruleo, 4 o? -waste-fuly it shut. iff. .-. ..: - ; . . Charalng -desertion -beginning Deeem- ber. lie. Cora M.- Perry haa begun, ault In the circuit court for. a divorce from Edward- M. -Perry. .They,, were -married in -December,-141. , ;.',.., f 'Toue," Kyes . Examined Pree. We. are etlll celling eyeglasses at 11.00. ... A per- . feet- lit .guaranteed. Metsger- Co v. Jewalera and, optlclana, 1 11 .lxth atreet '" ' "' Launchea to the Oaks ovary fee? ratn utes every .evenlnc from Favorite Boat ing company's, south elds bridgav foot ' ' Morrison atreet' '.- - ,: -' y t' , Armstrong, the tailor, reome 10 and 11 - Raleigh bntldlng, Sixth and Washington ' etreets.., Phone Pactflo lUi. '.. . , ' " Acme Oil Co. sells' ths best safety isoal " oil and fine gasolines. . Phone Bast Tat. V Wpman'e eicianaa, lit .Tenth etreet lunch, 11:10 lo-tV... ; V,f: t:' rv;,,,r- 'fClvh service exaralnatlona will be held MggTB'' - " I 1 iL-saaaaaaajaasasasa si li a.i li - - '. ; ' .. : rV7vnim to gire y qii the jery: best Minting Seryice Co Print 6tq li23T; 'tL 01S Twe tinvt Un,Zi C! ICS Adepts ';. Rr?s!utJr,i..-:. Urjinj Counci to Qrxnt East Third ; Mdctrtst Privi;. M OFPOCrflON FAILS TO ' : ' ' TACLE RESOLUTIONS Committee It Named - to . Present ,Thm. to Council and Aak That tha Eaat .Third.: Street J Franchise : Ba ' GrantedWould Benefit Propcrtjr, .' .The .Portland Realty Board Vd a lively session -yesterdsy afternoon over the question -of. ursine the granting-' of the franchise to the O. R. . H. Co. for East laird street. After some ' minor matters . had 'bean disposed of, t J. - O. Rountrea, acting, secretary, read a set of. resolutions urging the ' council to grant tha franchise . and appointing 'a committee to present tha reeolutlona to the council at Its next meeting. - The reeolutlona called attention, te the fact that the petition asking the council to grant - the franchise, bad been alg-ned by et per cent of all the property-owners on. Kmt' Third street, and .the railroad eqmpany had ' given bond , for ' f slthf ul performance - of the ' terms of auch . a franchise' aa If seeks. Including -free switching freight desota. sidetrack con struction and a fill 'of a portion of the afreet -':"..'; " -.'..; Continuing the- resoluttaea ealied at tention to-too foot hat the proapecta of such , railroad faellltlea .had ' advanced property valuea on East Third atreet 10 per cent, making It -a moat desirable lo cation' for warehouses.' ' The prospective franchise, through : the ' interference of e)italda parties, the resolution declared, had .been' subjected "to 'unjust erltlolsra and. action by' tb,e; council ..had bee'n de layed; therefore, to brine; about thla Im provement," it was necessary 'for --the realty board to approve the terms of the franchise and urge ita passage.-. BpeakS Jaatast tt, ' m;tJ. Orlffln apoke againat the adop tion, of, such resolutions, declaring; .that If .the llarrlman road .was given' the franchise It would 'shut -out all other roads and put the owners of warehouses in ths district under, the control of the o. R.. N.-CO- f - "v ., Charlea B. Fields enoke .in favor of the- reeolutlons,. declaring ' that their adoption would be favored, by a major ity or tna people or tne east aide. - r , After, considerable discussion and an unsuccessful, attempt had been-made to table the. resolutions, they were adopted. and .3. O. , Rountrea, . W. II.. Orlndataff and Charles JB. Fields were appointed a eommittee to prskept ,the .resolutions to the council sad urge the. granting of the East .Third street .franchise. ,, -, . . Praat atreet Prepeaty Bold. "-A" sale announced this morning that has attracted much attention waa the transfer -of a property on Front atreet' near Pine, now ' occupied by - the; Jamea Printing company, from. J. -V. Burke to Henry Mesiter. for $.. This prop erty two years aco waa sold by W. H. Orindstaff for $lt,0M.'aad about a year ago Mr. Burko secured It for something like SI 7.000 or l,00e, and now aalUng It for tlJ.SOO shows.- bow property . In that section of the city -la advancing. . . -W. M. -McOowan-haa sold to. Anna Champion the house and quarter block et the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Broadway for IS. 100. : r, . . Matilda Crockett hee purchased from Elisabeth Warren S lot In the Patton tract -oh Portland- Heights, and- It la un derstood she will -build ' on it an at tractive bungalow,- .. ) s l - J. H. cook ha sold a lot at .East pine and East ' First . streets' to Dr.. W. H. BvMn- for' $.' sOO. -. .-. . . A lot. 7 by -100 feet at Tillamook and Beat Seventh streets haa been purchased by- Mrs.; J; Hartman from Holmss A Menefeo for 11.000.- Mrs. Hartman will start at-ones to' build a-modem home on' tho elte. , .. - - .- v ' Thomas Darling -haa started work, on two houses on Bast Main etreet between East ' Twonty-niata and ' East Thirtieth, They will Cost between f 1,000 and $1,000 earn. i '..' ..v . .v Richard Martin, the architect, la re- celvlna bids -for -a bungalow,-which wilt no bunt by w.'A. Morden at Mount Ta bor. The bide will clooo Friday.' -' ' 7 T, TB. 'Schellhemmar haa Started work on a pretty home "for Oeorge ' Reed on Eaet Twenty-third etreet between Tilla mook and Thompson streets.' It will eoet about t,500 - ; , 'O. H. Hall wUl build a horns on Tilla mook atreet near Eaat Twenty-first. ' It will cost about 11.100, .- In. Portland September for rural deliv ery carriers. - In ' the ennouncsmsnt which reached Portland thla morning. It waa atsted that at least three applicants must hand In . their application blanBt before .'August It for , these examina tions. .'-. i , "''!,'. ''. '." ':,.. . '-I. .' Rental Slgna Anslsy Printing Co. PERSONAL 1 1. B. P. Doherty' of Heonner. one of tho lergest sheep owners in Oregon, la a guest of the Imperial hotel. . . , . John Mlnto bf Salem, a pioneer of Or egon end father of. Postmaster Mlnto, la registered at the Imperial hotel. Mr. Mlnto Is on hie way to visit hla daugh ter, at St. John a. He haa lived In Ore gon a majority -of. Ms years and la one of the best-known men in the west ern part of the atate. ., f : , W. W. Baksr, an officer of the Baker Boyer bank of Walla Walla, Waahing-ton.--la reaistsred st tha Portland hntal He .la accompanied by hla sow ... , . , .. . x Mrs. B. a Helftisch of Mountain Home, .Idaho, -accompanied, by her guest. Mies Jesnerte MlUerjof MeadvUle, Penn sylvania, la at. the .Tort land. -They are on their way to the coast. ,',' . - :. Mrs. CiR. Ray of Gold Ray. Oreeon. accompanied "by her. daughters. Misses Ina and , Mabel Ray., la a .guest of tba Portland. .Mr. Ray, who Is a well-known mining, man, will join hla family tomor row." . ' .'. , , .'. t-'V ' . . . Mrs." F. W.. VlnoenL wife of a well- known, physician of Pendleton, la at the Portland hotel, ana la aocompaaled by her. son. Jack Vincent. .'.. ,;.-;;. v i' . , - k, ., , (" . :;';;t NotrCt.J' ';;.-'", ;.' ..All eye-wltneseea of 'accident'' which occurred on the 19th Inst, at oorner ef Third and Washington . at 11:11 p. in., In which a. lady was thrown from a buggy and ' Injured; win confer a' favor by calltng at 40? Chamber of Commerce building,. between I and 4 p. m., or by aendlng address or' phone Mafh ,1111. , aMiaaaMaiHaBMaHaaaBa)wOTSHBMMaaakMaaM r, Milwauklt Country Club. V Eaatern and Seattle raeee. -Take ellwood ana Oregaa City ears at First More f-zl- sboo) ct-rt frr cfjeaecdcfcl m ) wear cf , r.lT-TfjctrrwCrcita L'ns frcn ryJar stac Leio ks Cattca stylts-Ki j or patent ti;s -Ur-t cr hssvy solo shows for dress cr street wear All sixes S3.30. S3.Q0 end $330 vstass on sale while they at this fbeaoiatai low price pw pair. We nast warn yog ada clont com lag early If yon want t!;e best values. 03.00 Tan Oxfords! qt C 1 .65 Pair 500 pairs Women's Tan Oxfords, this season' best stylet, light-weight or welt soles, all sizes' and widths; our regular $3.00 values on tale at this exceptionally f 1 fLtZ , low , price, per pair take advantage. .... .............. ... ...... O 1 tUV Great' special lot of Men's Fine Shoes, in box calf, -velour calf, kid and patent colt leath- era; our best $3.50 lines? in all sizes and widths, on sale tomorrow at this ': TL , unusually low price, per pairgrand value.................................. saVesa? - . Great value's in Misses' and Children's Footwesr all g-rades. 'r ;i;;'':. DIuo hd White Enam Values of Import anco to tho Houscvifo 35c 40c 45c 50c 60c 70c 75c 0c: 50c - Blue and Whits Enamelwarc ' .' ' Pretervjng Kettles for, each, . . ,. .STe? Preserving Kettles for, each... ,.31 PTeoerving-Kettles for, each.. ... ,.3B Preserving Kettles "for, eh.,. ,.39 Preserving Kettles for, each......' Covered Kettles for, each.....-....B5s Covered Kettles! for, eachJ..'.;....'..59o Covered 1 Kettles- for, each ; .. .'.'. Lipped Saucepans' for, each...,...39e ; " Blue and White Enamelwara. tUS Tea Kettles for, each .,.... $1.60 Tea Kettles for, eadh,........f 1.34 60c .Teapots on ssiv4or, each . . . . .46e 70c Teapots on sa)e fcr, each...-.'. . ,. ,B4e 30c Pudding Pani forT,each.. 33 40c Pudding Pans for; each. ........ ..31 50c Pudding Pans for, each. ...... . ,...38e 60c Pudding Pans for,, each,.. ......,.46 30c. Dippers for, -each... ,..23e icon's VSGitG.' at MaSlr Vi?1q '.'"..'' - ' ev Shdg at :Half- PHc Doyo' 1 j 1 i . i'',"'-' --TJr ' Sale extraordinary of I CO era's t .-y grade 3plece Sgits la fancy txr? worsteds and cheviots Strictly 1 wool materials in the best patttrr t- Single or don blebreastd stylessits ' made by the leading wholesale tailors, ' Stein Eloch, L.Adler Eros. 4 Co., Hart Schaffher V Marx, TSs Wastins ton Co.,- and others $ 1 fi.OO to $35.00 values on sale 1)- at low price of, per suit S2 WW ; V All Men's Ontlng Suits at HALF PRJCa Special lot of 300 Boys 2-piece School Scju of strictly all-wool materials Fancy mixed tweeds in double-breasted styles Ages 7 to l6 years Suits selling regularly at $3.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Your choice Ofa.5 for a few days only at. ....... 4 W . 44 WW Great special , values in . young men's Suits, 'all' Isummer weight, at wonderfully low prices.'? Men's Washable Vests at low prices--Ciothing ' De ! partment, Second Floor. "'; .s- ''A-'t'v-'Zl tltyt'- Sale of Trunks and Traveling Dags Great Special Valnes--Third Floor The Largest and best selected stock of Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Coast Every good size and style Best values Note these prices i 32-inch Leather Bound Trunks, full linen-lined, bolt v : lock, best iron corners, 2 trays and leather straps: . regular iy.A irunas on saie iirr I sr this unusually low price, each.."...a4j UeeVw 36-inch Iron-Bound Trunks, malleable iron corners, it- full linen-lined, 2 trays, etc.; regu- f 1 , ? lax $17.00 trunks on sale at. V 1 3ea VI ' 34-inch Steamer Trunks, bolt lock, heavy malleable ! iron ' trimmings, linen-lined; $10.75 . fQ . f Cf .' value on sale at this low price, each..e7l a 24-inch Full-Stock-Leather Suitcase, with shirt fold, brass lock and bolts, linen-lined; flf Af $10 value at this special price, each.. vCJeSrVI 24-inch Leather Suitcase, with shirt fold, leather lined, brass lock and trimmings, very handsome case; regular $8.50 value at, , 20 14-inch' Baby Suitcase bookbinders' cloth cover; at this special low price, each....f l.OO 14-inch Oxford Traveling Bags, chocolate . color, brass trimmings, cloth-lined; $3.50 vsl. r ..on sale at this low price,; each.. .........n.....-.f30 . T,elescops, Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps, etc':' '-.. ' -.- : " T I .V, 25c Wash Goods 12Mc Per Yard Two great special, lots of New Wash Materials on 'sale at half their vafues.-: Best ' styles and materials.; . Splendid fabrics for women's, misses' and children's dresses, etc, etc. Investigate these unusually low-priced bargains-r , ; (' ; ; ) ' , . 3,000 yards of iiawns,' . Organdies and Batistes, this season's most attractive styles in a large variety, of designs and colorings; regular 25c values on sale . - 1 ; at. this low price,. yard take advantage......... ................v....... 1 mi rjjy 3,000 yards of. Voiles' and Fancy .Cotton Suitings,' light and dark colorings, very best styles : for 'shirtwaist, suits, house dresses, school dresses, etc; 25c ,1 - . values on sale, at this, special low pricey per yard..... styU Special lot of 100 White Embroidered Lawn Waist Patterns, splendid styles; 75c val ues. on sale at ;thir,low; price, eachgrand ' value ........ Kf ................. . ,.25e Great special sale" of 100 pieces Novelty Cotton Dress Goods, all new fall styles; im mense assortment, .32 inches wide, grand values, at this low price, yard. i..... .18) r-i', Rettiriinta:.: f ' Wl .Good8 -"'at special low prices all styles. ; ' i Knit Undenvear Bargaii.s ziCmkM mm Ml ,' 'AJ Women's Fine White Gauze . Lisle Vests, Swiss - ribbed, low neck, no sleeve, prettily made and . iinisneu, an. sizes; aoc values on saie js 7 at this special low price, each. ........ 4 C Women's Knit Drawers, French bands, umbrella style, lace-trimmed, all sizes; the best Ttff 50c values on sale at, pair.,..........,if C "Harvard Mills" Union Suits for. Women, fine ribbed lisle, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, and low neck, no sleeves, knee length; ' hand-finished, perfect-fitting, all sizes; AO. regular $15 values at, sait............VOC Women's Mercerized Jersey-Ribbed Vests, high neck nd long sleeves: reg. 65c val. for...42V Women's 'Fine Imported Swiss-Ribbed Vests, low necK, no sleeves, Band-crocheted yoke, 1 -all sizes; reg. 65c vaj. on sale at, each...vl C Women's Fine Swiss-Ribbed Vests, mercerized- a . 'as e sa ti . - gooa quality, au sizes; regular mk vai- ' ues on sale at, each........,.....:... J&aC IT'Lt-GQSTiYOU-TWENTY-THREE : CENTS AT THIS SKIDDOO PARTY Here's a suaatstloB for New TerVa faahlonablea who are weary of the world and Its monotony of entertainment. An enthusiastic erowd of young people over In Alblua have conceived a new one. - It'e called a aktddoo party, -and hitched onto the title Is the announce ment that the entertainment will In clude a bonfire and social, tha -whole to take place on the -campus of Columbia university. ' Incidentally, tickets are to be sold for St cents. ' " v '. - The skiddoo party la to be given by the Tonng;. People's club ef St. Mary's. Alblna, of which M. E. Ward la pres ident. Mr. Ward and Mlas Anna Stew. art have charge of the arrangements. What the prosrsm of the party will be baa not bean divulged. - - "What's a skiddoo partyr. father Daiy was asasd. "Don't ask ma." replied the prfest "1 don't know -. anything about It, but' I yuess it's au riant.- ... r i THOUGHT CR0170 17AS AFTER ' ; HO, SO HE TIED : C. Hover. Cuest at Imperial Ho tel, Creates Eircltement When -' He Gets Hallucination. ' Claiming that he waa being chased by a erowd of. people, who sought, hla Ufa, C Hover, a guest at the Imperial hotel, rushed downstairs from hla room on the sixth floor early thla' morning and da-' mended protection from the clerk. Hover told a long story about the wrongs that were being Inflicted upon him, stating that hla room waa In a state of uproar. He was quieted by the elerk and finally returned -to hla room. ', ' . This morning he waa still possessed of hla hallucination, which be told to Clerk Douglas Ladd. . .. ' - rThey . broke the . windows," said Hover, "tore,, my bed to pieces ' and mussed things up generally. I tried to keep them away, but they would, not be- . , ... at have, so I ran. away. ' They fowowed me for 1 miles, and when I foend that I could not shake them off I returned to ray room. I think I had better leave Portland. I . am afraid that they are waiting for me at tha depot, eo I guesa I will walk. I am going to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my home." - .. Little Is known of Hover In Portland. He registered at tha Imperial last night, and gave his address aa Chicago. He seems to be all right mentally with the exception of the hallucination that he la being pursued. . Ha -talked Intelligently to Clerk Ladd upon many subjects, but could not get away from the fact that he waa being followed. ' All ef forte to quiet his fears were unavailing, and De tective Hartman waa called in.- Hart man took Hover to the station, and he will be examined for insanity. , : BATTLE WITH REBELS . : . EXPECTED IN HAYTI (ioermai Special aarvfee.) Cape Haytl, Aug. Jl. General Ouel-lito,-' leading 000 revolutionists, is ad vancing from Dajabobon to Join forces with. Oeneral Navarro and make a ern oerted attack upon MoptechrlatL- , The government has . sent 1.200 troops' to Intercept Ouelll to., , .. ...i eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee INDIVIDUAL SAFES - . 6ur Safe-teposit Vault contains a largo number of Indi- ..' V : vidual safes. Wa rent these to people at $4 and upwards, according to sis. These safes are under tha sole control ' 1 of the renter, and afford convenience, privacy and security. - ' V; W Invite you to call and inspect them. ' v.'j','. I Oregon Trust ' and , Savings Bank ". V SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. eeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 4eeeeMeeeeeeeeeeeoeee)eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo) J -i." la the Stores.?-''' ' , '',;.;.. Gray ts to be the color par-ekcellence for early autumn wear and red la next In favor. Gray bats may be worn with almoat anything and aome ef the pret tiest of the-new tailored hats are of thla color. ''": .'' ,'...'':', It la difficult' to decide on the ma terial for the fall suit, aa the stores are ehowlng plaids, checks and stripes, and each and all are declared to be just the proper thing. Very . few . plain , weavea are ahown aa yet. v,.-;. . :. ' .''.. A pretty though somewhat expenatve fad la to have the purse, long gloves snd the new umbrella of the same color.. These accessories - In a . dark shade of red are especially attractive and would add much to the looks of the plain tailor suit. , .--..' ; . , ; . The automobile la responsible for tha new long aoat, but even the women who do their - riding on the streetcar will welcome the return of thle comfortable and becoming garment Some of the coats aean are made with a hood affect In the back, the hood being lined with bright plaid silk. --m.-m t v;v: -. . '.'."..'.' It st "'HV'-' Z(:'-:i No More Look Pleasant" ; . The day of the' look pleasant" pho tographer la past.. How many of us have foraedh- seared, unnatural amlle at that command? Judging by' the pho tography of a few years ago, every body waa happy- grinningly happy old and young wearing tha "smile that won't come off." But that phase of the photographer's art la -. (and . we should be duly . -thankful) past, and the effort IS now to eatch the expres sion that Is most individual to the per son - photographed. Artists olalm that every woman la beautiful or at least Intereattof'Vom the right point of view, and that tha effort ahould be not to make a woman a conventional pink and white beauty, but to aelae the distin guishing characteristics of the faceto emphasise the Individuality. , When thla le successfully done, the result, will be pictures that are true likenesses instead ef caricatures. .', : keeping their Whether thla is .toe. fault-of, tha. company or of the individual conductor. I do not know, but I- do know ' that this matter ahould be looked Into and remedied. Many women have had their gowns ruined this season by' a. ride on a dirty ear seat dusty, floor, dusty and window ledge duaty. ImX know of ,we woman who had a silk dress absolutely . spoiled by the con ductor, who In a sudden access .of be lated neatneas awept a mixture of milk. Which- had been apllled soma time ear lier, , and dust over the front of her areas. . xnis woman snouia nave gone to the railway company and received damages, and aha only refrained from so doing by - pity for the conductor. whom aba feared would be dismissed. But unless women do make complaint, the company la not likely to Institute any -reform In this matter, and the ears wUl continue to be practically unfit to rlde-ln. r - .. i i .. - - , i ..!...:'. at ; it. R.l f Streetcars and Dirt.. Streetcar conductors are especially aegllgent this summer in the matter of ;', '; V ' ."' Staffed Steak; , ' - V';. ,r 'Buy ' a piece of round steak about twe and , half tnchea thick. Have the butcher . out a pocket to ' hold the stuffing, and etufi with the following: One ' .cupful of bread crumbs, ene quarter .of. a pound of sausage meat, one teblespoonlul of ehopped onion, one tableapoonf ul of chopped - mushrooms, and i seasoning. Fasten together with toothpicks - and brown In a little hot fat - In a deep skillet. Pour boiling water .over tUl the pan la half full, cover and let -cook In the oven about three hours;. if necessary add more water.. " t-:, r-rt "?.' -.. - . ' -Jeweled Bouquet Holder. .' since the fashion of wearing flowers haa .come in a sarin, there la ahown a hew' clasp to fasten them to the cor sage, in the shape of a Jeweled clasp pin. with a gold upright support and framework, to. -hold the posies together. WKATI AN AUGUST BABY AND NAMED. JACK FROST! 'iack: rroat.H Isn't that an awful name , to saddle ' upon an unoffenalve baby boy? Think how he'll be guyed when he goes to school! - i According- to a birth report filed yes terday by Dr. O. C Holllster, Jack Frost Is the hams of a child bora on August I to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Frost of 001 K'amey street. . . i And Jack Froet'a birthday will always ba in August, too. -.,- 1 ., ' . Xsllai OraU Vire; -.' ; 4Sa4tal trtseatcfc ta The Jneraafl.) . Pendleton. Ox., Aug. . 12. Another grain' fire occurred yesterday ow the Richmond ranch, twe miles from Helix. The- fire wss started by ths Brotherton thresher engine, which had been at work on, the: place. - About five acres ot uncut, BASE DALL ATHLETIC PARK Ooe. Taauram ana Twentyosvsk. 13 Camee, Bef4niiiiis; Airs. IS Portland vs. Ozltizzd aaaee OaUled a Si30 p. aa. bally. Oamea OaUsd asM p. as. BumdAya. Asaosnoar asa. Grandstand, to. - Oilldrea, 10a. ; Bos Seats. He i.. , - . ... i , .,-. L. i.: . THE STAR -" mux of Atrewn as, itos. ALLEN STCfflCO. "CansW .'la W'&s Uc'j" OAILT VATtXBvn AT t:S0 f. at. BVKNINO PCSruaUANCH IT Prices M4MM4S, axcTt Snneara, 10c te alt Mil. Kraalnaa. lOe. aoe sad SOb. aata- rup-4 for evrnlns twrfornuarM by sane. Mala OMM. . Boa e(Uce eiwa tnm U a. m. te S s. Bk Ii Crcnd Hsrry taaasa Osk 'Tae Sailer 'sad the Hares." Deaa-rrsaeia a Os, Ttoea ainUll4rs. WUl VM44S. Mr. Chris Laae, tyess OallMe. 1 Prices M4rln4e, Me tn all Mt4 eareat bftiaa. Crania, 10a, SOe. sb4 has saeis S0e. PANTAQEO favrth 444 Suu-k S ' BIST TAXTXT TKXATBS, alph Oumaiara A 0. ia Ik. taagkahla yiay, T'A easw at Hoarta." raahl4a Tiate Trie. Itfith Mw.ers. J4ka 0)ii4h Oa,,-. Bett Cha 4. Bkatraah. laaa VUmi. -' PWteaiaiMva Sally at S:S0. r0 asd S La AdaiUalno, 0r aaS Sturt S4444, J" '. dl,4 4Hd chlMrra t.k. anr s4 at 4- 47 Batinaea tur TEN ICKTS. lyric theat: wkek . roMiiexoiNd MOWOr, At AM OSiuvS luali.i. r" 4 AdralWHi. tV: rjr.. a T ' furawaawe 4.4,7 i m . -1 "PcrtT.:rs h C: grsln was bum! " f ' f' ' be anttan unir c .uL X- I t waa not - . '- , .. . . ; .yr:1 .'i,-..,. ',',