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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
daily jplv.::ai; rc:.LA:.D, vld::z::day L,:.j::a,. august t2, it::. fipy:, ss:i7ii p.a vmsniiiGTo; stuzets WEE 11 i'DIFFEREL 5VC2" Every V.'crd h This Printed Announcement L'.ust Be Czcked Up by the Goods In the Store OLDS, WORT UAH & K.VG Intensely Meresfing lieffls of Economic Importance to fiugust Buyers EXTRA SPECIAL, 8 Jl. M. TO 1. P.M. mm in Today's-News o Thursday's Extraordinary Semi-Day Sales Forenoon' Ml Items in This Division are at Special Advertised Prices , Only Detveen the Hours of 8 A. LI and 1 P. LI. V I Sensational Clean-Up of Women's Wash Suits Tomorrow's forenoon sale, in' tht big, Second Floor Garment Salons ; should create an unprecedented buying , furore". It's one of those end-of-season"selling events-whtch seem bereft of ."rhyme or reason" o out of all proportion to value is the selling price-rin your favor. .We've "rounded up" all remaining Wash Suits left over from the busy summer's business hung 'em on a large rack near the center of the Salons values in the 'lot covering all points between' and inclusive of $1.75 presses up to those that are real bargains today at $7.50. White and colored mostly new, this season good styles and materials, which include lawns, percales, dimities, etc. Many are prettily trimmed in laces and embroideries that alone4 would cost more than we shall ask QO for the Dresses. The' price during hours "named or until closed will be. .t.... ......... ............. 2?OQ ; It seems hardly necessary' to add "B ETTER BEE ARL Y.'l - ' ' - 75c and $1 Bolts Straw Braid 5c Wire Hat Frames Vorth 50c at 5c I ' 8 A. M. TO IP. M. V4 ; - Tomorrow, in the Annex Millinery Salons on Second .Floor, we shall close a lot of about 12 dozen bolts of pretty, fancy and plain Straw Braids 12 yards to the bolt worth from 75c to $1.00 each, at ...... .5 As a fitting accompaniment to the above we shall offer our 50c Wire Frames, in good shapes, at. . . '. .5j A splendid chance for home milliners to invest their nickels to good advantage. . r ;- - , - Women's $1.75 Juliets $129 " Shoe Store Women's $1.25 -JJsle Vests . 78 c Women's Back Combs, Values to $U19c , i 5c Toilet" Paper 2Jc Roll : 25c Bar Castile Soap He V Women's dm fort Juliets - and ' Slippers, made in six styles, low ' and medium heels of leather or rubber, heavy, medium and Itght weight turn soles, patent and kid tips or perfectly plain toe; values to $1.75.- Special, pair. . . 1.29 A line of Women's Lisle Vests, white, pink and blue mercerized "t effect, long, sleeves,- high neck;1 : neatly, trimmed, knee length ' tights to match;' regular: value $1.25. Special, each. ..... ..78$ .-An assortment of fancy, stone-set ' Back Combs, in shell, amber and white ; values to $1.00. Special .... ...19 5c Roll Gem Toilet Paper Special, roll ............. . .2y2t 25c Bar White Floating Castile Soap. Special ........... ;!14f Halt Price for Em broidered Shirt waist Fronts Spec' I Sale Men's Scrlven's Patent' Seam Drawers Dress Nets,Worth to $2.50, at 98c Women's 75c Belts 25c v $1.25 v Hammocks :85c Cups and Saucers 10c Pair $175 Royal WorcesterCorsets $1.39 All our Hand-Embroidered Linen Shirtwaist fronts. Special at HALF PRICE! Scriven's Patent Elastic Seam Men's Drawers Regular 60c value-f Special. . 45 Regular 85c value Special . .64 - ' ' ' ".'",' -Fancy White Cotton Dress Nets, 45 inches wide, very stylish. for evening waists or. fancy dresses; worth $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Special, yard .. , ..I... .... . .98ft Women's fine' silk-trimmed Kid and Taffeta Belts', in brown, navy " and green ; regular value 75c. special .25e Open and Canvas Weave Ham mocks with pillow ' and ' wide - valance7concealed - spreader,- full -size ; regular value $1.25. ... Special ................ . . . .85 1 ' Second Floor. -Thin . .White China ; Cups and Saucers. Special, pair., .j,. . .10 Royal Worcester Straight Front . Corsets, Princess - hips, medium high bust, hose suporters at sides and' in ; front,' drab and white coutille, sizes from 18 to 30 ; regu lar price $1.75. ' Special at, pair $1.39 y r : . ' -v : ; : extra special 1 to 6 p. m. -: ;;c ? v : Afternoon Special Items in This Division Sold at Advertised Prices Only During Hours Specified, viz: t to 6 P. M. :r;::0:'. i jo 6 P. 1.1. -y::-: WM" s Women's Handsome $7.50 Plaid SilK Petticoats $4.65 " Wonderful values these strikingly pretty plaided beauties. The ' Petticoats are fresh from their makers and 5 in the smartest plaids ever shown here in one collection. The material, fine, beautiful all-silk taffeta, in very latest style effects, including a triple-plaited stitched ruffle at flounce and durable dust ruffle of material.- .Only one hundred in the lot, secured underprice thro' favor of the manufacturer,' from whom "'we' select heavy pur chases thro' the year. .The skirts are perfect . and made 'in faultless workmanship. A full complement of 'colors in the line, representing all clans of bonnie Scotland's crags and braes.' "These fetching Silk Petticoats are among the smartest novelties of the budding autumn season. , Splendid value at $7.50, tomorrow G4 TC from 1 to 6 p. fn. only you may select at.....................'...................'........ $5 Trimmed Hats $1A9 -,r i TO 6 P. M. An opportune time for thrifty, tajsty women to select a becoming Hat for early fall wear. We shall offer, tomorrow afternoon, a choice of splendid values in pretty Sailors, chic styles, neatly trimmed with large black or white ribbon bows of rich silk well worth their regular $5.00 price to close...... ....... $1.49 r Pretty Dress Lawns, Yard - Leather Hand bags, Worth. to $3.50 at 98c Women's Smart $5.50 Shoes $2.69 Handsome Checked Loulslne . Suit Silks Yard 31c A wonderful value sure to at- -tract throngs of buyers to the Wash Goods ; Store tomorrow afternoon. 7 1 10,000 yards of Fancy Figured " Dress Lawns. Special, yafd.34 A broken line of Women's Leath er Hand Bags in ' a variety of shapes, sizes and colors values ' from $1.50 to $3.50. Special. 98f Women's Patent Colt and Kid Leather Lace Shoes, with hand turned soles, medium" Cuban . heels, straight vamps these Shoes have patent tips and dull tops regular value $3.50. Special, pair ............ .$2.69 Checked Louisiene Silks in blue , and green checks, also 28-inch : Silk and Wool Poplins in cream and brown only, and remnants of. Crepe de Chine ; regular 85c val ue.. Special, yard... ...31 25c Bands and . Caloons 9c Special Sale White Tucked Organdies ; Men's 10c r 'Kerchiefs 5c Women's 55c Side Combs 20c 50c Box Writing Paper 25c Women's$1.25 Lisle Hosiery Point Venise Bands and Galloons, ' in cream and' white; worth to ! 25c : Special .............. ..9f ; Beautiful ' White Tucked Or gandies , Reg. $3.00 val.-Specl, yd. $1.75 , Reg. $1.25 vaL--Specl, yd.. .75 i Reg. $1.00 val. Spec'l.jrd. . .62f ' Men's White Cambric Handker ' chiefs, with tape border; regular - value. 10c. .. Special, . '. ....... .5 Pair 35c Plain Shell and Amber ' Side Combs. Special ..... .20 Special Sale or Jardinieres at 25c $1.50 Summer Blankets at 95c Women's 55c Corset Covers ' 23c 50c Cabinet Box French Fabric Writing Paper, in white,' ' V. Special ................... .25 ; Women's Plain Black Cotton and r- Lisle Hose, all lace or lace boots and embroidered fancy shades V" "" Values to $1.25. Special, pr . .39 ". .. .-is1;. '' ' ' " ',' .". ' ', . '' Third Floor. ' ,- lyj-lnch Jardinieres,. , assorted : hapes and colors, full, glazed. Special' .. . ......... . ,23 Heivy. Fleeced Summer Blankets, in fawn color with; dainty bor-; ders, full size; regular value $1.50. " Speciar.7.7i".T. . . . . . . . 95 , Ladies'' Fine -f Cambric Corset Cbvers,,lace- trimmed around neck . and armholes; regular price 35c Special, at . .'. ... .......... .23 TO CARRY WHEAT BACK TO EUROPE British Steamer Knight of St ; George Receive Charter Im . ' mediately Upon Arrival. HAS CAPACITY FOR : ENORMOUS. CARGO Officers' Report Hiving Encountered - Stormy Weedier - Coming Up the Coett ' From ' San Francisco ' Steamer Brings Cement. -, , Kerr, Glf f ord Ca chartered the Britlalt eteuner Knlht of Bt. Oeore jreaterdey efternoon ' to eerry new-orop wheat from ; this port to the United Kingdom. She haj capacity for about '000 tone, and the cargo will be one ' of the lararet of Ita kind ever set afloat from the Pacific eoaat for Europe. The Xnlcht of St. Oore arrived In the harbor thla mornlnf and went to Columbia dock No. 1 to dlaeharge. 1.(00 tone pt eement brought from Antwerp. The eement la conalaned to Balfour. Guthrie Co., . and la the larrer part f a full cargo,' 1.600 tone having been dleaharged at San Fraaclaoo. CapUln D. R, Stephana reporta that c6mlnaT up from San Francleno the ateamer ran Into one of the fleroeat galea ever encountered, and for houre the powerful machinery waa barely able to keep the big hull p agalnat the tre tnendoua aeaa that came rolling and tearing from the ntrrth. It took five daya to make the run. or a couple of dayt longer than the ordinary eteamboet .time, and the of f lcere aay it waa more exciting than the entire voyage from Antwerp to San Franoiaeo. By - going through the Straita of Magellan the ae vere atorma off Cape Horn were avoid, ed, but coming out on ithe Faelflo aide of the promontory the ateamer ran Jato a blow that kept her beaved to for SO tieura. She, waa than muoh deeper tn the water -, than now.- and the aeaa turned the broad decka into bolateroua awlmuilng-tanka. None of the crew re ceived injuriata, although eome of them were knocked about in m dangeroua manner.-.' - The oraft with the long name la a beamy veaeel mcaaurlng 47.1 feet from ' rail to .rail. She meaeurea 41e- feet In length,' and occupiea the whole, length of one dock and overlapa another. Her rough voyage from San Franclaco left ite-marfce-ln the ahape of ruat and aand in parta exposed to the weather, but a few daya will eoon turn- her Into aa neat a merchantman aa aay in the harbor. ' - ' ' The Knight of St. George will gain the dlatlnctlon of being the first steam er to clear thla aeaaon with wheat for Europe, but several other large carriers are expected to follow cloae upon her heela. Two are already under charter for grain to Europe, these being- the steamers Sheik and Imogen, the former taken by Balfour, ' Guthrie aV Co., and the latter by Kerr, air ford eco. WAS NEAR THE WRECK.' Oeptata Werllok Saya Farte of Steaater Yalead Are StUl Visible. CapUln R. J. "Werllch. of the light house department of this district, was In the vicinity of the Valencia wreck a few daya ago searching for a whist ling buoy that had gone adrift several montha ago and drifted on the beach near Capa Beals. Captain Werllch found the buoy, aa atated in yeaterday'a Jour nal, but saw nothing that would ahed any light upon ooma of the mysteries of the terrible Valencia disaster. "We stood close to shore for several hours,' aald , Captain .Werllch I this morning, ."but it waa very foggy and we could barely see the coast line, which, by the way,, la very , poorly de fined on the charts. We found the buoy, near, the scene af . the Valencia wreck and some of my men-aald they could, see part of the bollera of the wreck protruding from the water. "According to the report from Vic toria concerning the finding of one of the Ufeboate In a cavern, the boat must have drifted a long- distance from the ahlp .'before-running into the ahelter. Carnamah ie about 70 miles from Cape Beals and - pearly that far from the pot where the Valencia went down. Our presence in the vicinity of, the Valencia wreck led to the spreading of a report on Puget sound to the effect that we were searching for the bodies of thai missing Valencia victims, but the report waa entirely without founda tion.' We were eearchlng for the whist ling buoy, found It and brought It back on the Heather. , HILONIAN SAILS TONIGHT. Soaolala Bayere Will Mart tot Some After AppotatU Areata Kara. - The Matson Navigation eompany'a steamer HUoiUan, CapUln Johnson, aalla at o'clock tonight for Honolulu, carry ing about 1.000 tona of freight and sev eral passengers. Thla la her second trip for Honolulu direct, and t,he business showa a great deal of Improvement, with indications of a ateady Increase. The ateamer will return tn five weeks. Thomas J. King, president of the Cal ifornia Feed company of Honolulu, will be one of the passengers on the HUonlan He came here on the ateamer oatenalbly for the purpose of buying large quant! tlea of hay and made aome purchases. but the merchants her wer eaught un awares and were not ready to flu the orders, at once to the entire satisfaction of-M r. King. The gentleman from Hon olulu haa appointed a buyer here, how ever, so that In the future large ship ments of bay will go forward on the MAY TRY DARK PAINT. Steamboat Owners Fiad It Impossible to Keep White Craft Clean. : River ateamboatmen are talking of changing the color of their boau from white to bottle green or eom darker ahade In order to keep them neater looking than la possible now because of the oil that adheres to the hulls as they plow through the harbor. They aay It la almoat Impossible to keep them clean without painting , them at least once a month, "Somehow or other it' seems impossi ble to prevent oil from aeeplng into the river from varloua sources," aald one of the river ateamboatmen today, "and there la no way of preventing it from aticklng to the boats. Moat of the ateamera now plying on the river are covered with oil near the water line, and they certainly preaent an unpleas ant appearance. Wa aet the deckhands to work - scrubbing occasionally but it doea little good, for after another run the oil la there again. The only remedy that I can ae. la to paint the bulla a darker color ao that the oil won't show much, even If It la there." , IS NOW AT SEATTLE. Vorwaglaa Steamer Vormaa Xslea WUl Be Sere to &oa4 Soon., The Norwegian ateamer Norman Isles la expected to reach Portland by 'the end of thla week. Sh haa gone to Seattle from San Franclaco and la now discharging aome cement brought out from London, the. greater part of tho largo having been delivered at San Francisco.- ' The Norman Isles cornea her under charter to the Paclflo Export Lumber company to load lumber for the orient She will carry about S.SOO.eoo feet The Norwegian ateamer Thyra will finish loading lumber for Port Plrie at the mills of the Portland Lumber com pany some time thla week. DREDGE GOES TO WORK. Okaaaal t tk Sea WUl Be Beapeaed by the Columbia. After having been given an overhaul- In a- the dredge Columbia left yesUrday afternoon . for Kaapp'a bar. about alx mllea below the mouth of the Willam ette, wher ahe will commence deepen ins the channel to IS feet at low water. The dredge will continue working down th river untu the channel te u eea la again in perfect condition. It i estimated that the job can be completed in rour montha actual working time. The expens of deepening the-channel will be borne by the- government. contract for the lease of the, dredge rrom tne port or Portland having been made between Colonel S. W. Roessler. United SUtes engineer, on behalf of the government and the prealdent and secre tary of the Port of Portland, the con. tract having been forwarded to Wash ington for th approval of th depart. menu - i BACK FROM BRISTOL BAY. Tag Worth Star Arrive at Astoria and Wtmdjamwere Will Boon Follow. The arrival of the tug North Star at Astoria thla morning means that before long the salmon ships Berlin, St Nicholas and others that went north last spring will soon put in their appearance off th Columbia river. Th North But haa been to Bristol Bsy as a tender to th aalmon fleet and . ia supposed to have started south after towing the vea aela to aea. 'The Berlin and St Nicholas will prob ably eom to Portland to .discharge the pack which is ready to go east by rail. The fishermen who went along for 'the season will probably also be paid off nere. in view or tn demand for lumber carriers on th coast there ia little like lihood of the Bailing vessela tying up for th winter aa heretofore, for they will undoubtedly be converted Into lum bar droughers aa soon aa they can be na or tneir cargo. FAVOR OPEN RIVER. Aaetstaat Bngtaae Ogden Interviews Commercial Men of Arlington. David B. Ogden. assistant .United States engineer, returned from Arling ton this morning, where he went a few daya ago to confer with th commer cial body there concerning th gather ing of data pertaining to commerce for us In th report to be forwarded by th engineers to . the department soon Mr. Ogden aaya th merchant and people tn general ' of Arlington are anxious to have th upper Columbia river mad navigable, for they believe it . will be of great help to their community. Tomorrow morning Colonel S. w. Roessler, United States engineer, and Mr. Ogden leave on their monthly tour of Inspection along th tipper Willam ette river. SNAKE RIVER IS LOW. Stoa mere Spoken and Lwlatoa Are &ald Off Temporarily. . Owing to the low water In the Snake river, the O. R. N. boat Spokane and Lewlaton. plying between Rlparla and Lewlston. have been laid - off tempo rarily. Xhe-'long. dry apell has lowered the water nruclr that even by lining the boate could not get over the bars in th river. Thla ia the usual occur rence, however, during the dry season and the officers and crews of the boats are taking- their annual vacation. The first heavy rain wilt-swell the river again so that navigation maxbe resumed, and It la hoped by the farmers and fruitgrowers of the country con tingent to the rout that thla will occur early In the fall ao that they may bring their crops into, th market without too much delay. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The French bark Laennec shifted to the foot . of Pine, street thla morning, where aha will dlaeharge the remainder of her cargo of cement The oriental liner Numantta will shift to the flour mills this afternoon to begin loading flour. On gang or long shoremen worked all night discharging cargo and during th early morning hours the hold waa fumigated in ac cordance with recent rule laid down by. th quarantine service, v The steam achooner Yosemit com menced loading lumber at Vancouver this morning, a gang of longshoremen going over there from th local bead quarters. i The steamer Alliance Is due. to ar rive from Eureka and . Coos bay thla week. - Couch atreet dock is already crowded with freight awaiting her de parture. . The Harrlman liner Barracouta left San Franclaco at midnight for Portland and tha-Costa Rica is expected to sail today or tomorrow. ' Th steamer Jim BuUer, which ar rived at Astoria this morning In tow of a tug from Grays Harbor, comes her to have her machinery Installed by th Willamette Iron Worka. Sh Is expect d to be towed, up th river thla after noon, i . MARINE NOTES. Aatoria, Aug. It. Arrived at T a. m.. ateamer Jim Butler in tow of tug from Grays Harbor. Arrived at I a, m., tug North Star- from . Alaska, Arrived. schooner Monterey in tow of tug Defi ance from Monterey. San Franclaco, Aug. II. Sailed. achooner Oliver J. Olaen for Portland. Sailed at midnight ateamer BarracoUU for Portlaod. ' Aatoria, Aug. SI. Sailed at 1:10 p. nx. achooner Virginia for Ban Franclaco. Arrived at noon, schooner Bender Bros. from Unalaaka. Ban Francisco. Aug. 11. Bailed, bark- entlne Ceorglana for Columbia river. Hollyhead. Aug. 11. Arrived, British bark MUtonburn from Portland. , St. Johns, AuA II. Passed at 7:40 a. nf.. British ateamer Knight of St George. Astoria,' Aug. IS. Condition of the bar il I a. m. amooth: wind southeast, light; weather oloudy. . . . ' Froen eg ste Peases oada. - Alien. . Lewla Beat Brand. , . ir"4 ID On 'Easy , Payments Less Than Elaewhero for Cash . Put Your Saving's Into DIAMONDS DIAMONDS are steadily advancing in -: value, until in the very near future they can ' not be had but at prohibitive prices. An investment now is certainly a matter stroke of wisdom. Our prices are at least .20 per cent below the regular market value, which is enabling us to offer the very best bargains . obtainable.,'' Your Money Back We offer to take back any Diamond bought from us and refund all the money paid if its equal can be secured elsewhere at ' our price. : F- MARX Q DLOGEJ Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon.; ' 74 THIRD STREET. v . . NEAI? CS-ZZ. ta Fifth Oslo XMvnrUt. ' ' I Fifth Ohio district her tmy Paulding. O., Aug. II. At th Keoub-1 man W. W. Campbell of ! Ilea a oongreastonal convention of the I renominated without opputr... r t -,