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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
.ilvv jcur.i.v.L, i..L:.:;Dt -z::zzdas lv:.i:;g. august u LiVf SWT WEALTH AND DHAUTiFUL AROUND TO GMW0ME8 11 .(I))' A.Jl 1 '"'"Jl'j r win ceajfltonderful. tnd Prfmitivs Methods of Ufa" . Highly Intsrettingi . . . - ; f WILDERNESS AND MAN IN CONSTANT BATTLE -Trip- to - Cwtw ' Lalte Haa-- Few 'Y. Equals Big: Freighting Teams Defy Death and Danger on Evry Trip to Gain Wealth. '.' By CyM.'Hyskell.. J . Pokegama. Aug. 1. This plsce, of which Portland people have recently ' . heard so' much, la nearly up to the sum . ' mit of the Klamath paaa over the Cas cade range. It la reached from Thran ' by the Klamath Falls railroad, 30 miles, with a, double switchback. The eleva tion Is 1,(60 feet. Down at Thrall the aneroid" marks 1,250 feet The Weyer ' toaeuser Timber oompsny's locomotive climbs 1,600 feet In the SO miles. . The ' ride rives a magnificent view of the - valley of the Klamath river, the Fall ' creek waterfall, and the power plant at . tta baa. .; . -r . Little has been written of, this short but sensational bit of the Journey from Thrall to the Klasiath basin and Crater , Jake. 1 , asked 'William ttahf array, gen eral passenger agent of the Harriman lines, to tell .The Journal . what Ira , pressed him most forcibly on the Kla math trip. He replied: ; . 'The great diversity of products and resources and scenic "features.. This country has timber and agriculture. It . has other things that will prove to be as : profitable aa irrigation. . It is the great. .. , est game country In the world. Thous ands of water fowl populate the Kla- math lakesand marshes. The fishing I I wonaerrui. Rainbow trout weighing 10 . pounds are 'common. ' At Klamath Falls are hot mineral springs, flowing a large volume of water at a temperature of ISO degrees, pronounced equal to the. best rV .Xiurds Landing, Looking North Ovef Lower' Lake. mlneral springs of Europe.' If the peo- ; pie will develop a health resort' here they will attract much travel.- . The city ; of Klamath Falls Is beautifully located, aur rounded by a . region that la .h , dream of the sportsman. , . Trip to Crater Xke. 'rrheh;- there? is Crater inks. From " this city the ride to Crater lake Is short and easy. We leave Klamath Falls In the morning, reach the crater that even- Ing for o'clock dinner, camp overnight s the til ink. rise st a, in. and w limes ' the wonderful sunrise and stay at the lake rive nours. - At p o clock, wa leave ; for Klamath Falls, where we arrive f early In the evening, the entire trip hav . , Ing ocsupled but two days." ' From Pokegama dvr thd summit, an elevation of 4.100 feet and down the east slop of the range to the Klamath lakes, passengers are carried It miles by ., atage coach. And all supplies are freight , ad with four and atx-hors teams. The ' atage line is one of several comprising the Idaho, Nevada A California Btage company service, controlled by W. E. Travis. The Pokegama line runs two ' coaches daily each way and employe 10 Worses In two relays. The road la rocky and hilly, but the stages move on sched- ule time. The big roc ka way eoachea go, up hill and down, at a rate that reminds passengers of the trip taken by James O. Blaine with the lamented Hank Monk ' on the baa. ' The traveler's attention la divided be. tween holding on to the strap and catch Ing his breath, consisting of refresh ing oson from th sugar pine forest through which the road winds most of the way. It Is said the motion of the coach Induce an extraordinary exercise ef the duodenum. Jejunum and Ileum muscles that Is especially beneficial to a ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Little Liver PiUs. Must Boar Signature) of ee Pat-SlBrils Wrapper Tear small aa 'totafceawewi rcaiLiBicxL rti eizzixriiv ' ' rc IIU88SSSSS. rcj tc:pi3 uvn. fSI C8XSTIPATISI. FIX SALLOW SUI. rta mcse.rux.8i .... , oamiin nwiswimiw. ifZlgaratyTsewtaMevi? Carter's jpprs Lower. Portal of Tunnel person of morose or bilious tempera ment, it la a healthful trip a every Sense..,. ..,,.,. -,, . . y Sombet Ma ef the Trip. There Is a somber side of the trip, if the driver be disposed to tell It. -About half way -down a longs rugged Incline a strong odor of decaying flesh smote the nostrils of the passengers. Urged to explain, the Jehu pointed to a distant thicket .of rhododendron, behind which lay the carcasses of two once-powerful horses. A freight . driver, coming down the hill with a load of railroad Iron, had lost control of the brake on hla wagon. Aa ho was riding the near wheel borss at the time, there remained nothing to do but put the four animals to their beldandtrytakeejLJut of the way. Ordinarily, the rule of the roadTTlrlum. of "excitement, were tying hand- would have been to switch the team to right or left Into the forest at the flret. opening, and ditch the load. But in this mournful instance the'drlver aaw no op- 'A portunlty to end hla adventure In that manner. . With gathering velocity the great wagon and Us 1,(00 pounds of clattering steel pressed hard upon the fleeing wheelers, until some of the bouncing rails prodded them and tore their flesh. Then the driver jumped and escaped. The wheel horses. Insane-with pain and fright were caught between the load and a giant sugar pine at th roadside and cru.iiBd t'n death. The lead team was but slightly Injured. , Th atory put soma of th passengers to their thoughts, and after that when they passed long processions of steady moving teams drawing heavy freight wagona they regarded the driver and hla outfit with . more ' serious Interest Frelghtlnr-ver- th Cascades today 4a aa far from child's play, aa it wag 40 years ago. Coming back over the rout, from KenooPokegamaejerdriven by th redoubtable Travis himself, 'with two fin black, spans, and seven passen gers, with baggage. Including a hill that waa five miles long ascending th ast slop of the range, the-flret lnlne miles waa covered In 70 -minutes. At "the end of th nine-mile relay th horses MAKE RICH BOLD STRIKE . IN Tellurium" Ora ' and , Flask Mortared Metal Brought ' ' In by Prospectors. 6f (aaabl MeeatoS The Jnarall.1 Grants Pass. Or.. Aug. 22.-BlUy Frake and'pardner, two prospectors of this city, returned here yesterday rrom a prospecting ' trip Into th Siskiyou mountains, bringing with them samples of rich tellurium or and a flask of gold mortared from a strike they made a short time ago on Ellott creek, a trib utary of ADDlesate river.: . The eamplea of tellurium or sylvantte or brought In by them ar th richest ever seen here. They were removed from a three-foot ledge, all or of high grade, with alx Inches .on the hanging wall that runs up into several hundred dollars a ton. ' Tha prospectors also uncovered seversl rich stringers of free gold, from which they picked and mor tared a Quantity of -the pur metal. They are highly elated over their dis covery, aa It Is the result of three years' search and much painstaking work. They ar gathering supplies snd will return to' th strike to give th proposition a good, development . Th two claims lo cated ar directly on th Cinnabar Springs trait, and only a ahort distance from th California line.. Th ' prospectors state that ther I an army of gold hunters up en tha Sis kiyou divide this summer, attracted there by - th many rich strikes that were made last year and the year pre vious on Upper Sucker creek and the tributaries of Applegst river. As the district la on a high altitude, tha snow Is deep In winter, and only allows about five or alx months' open work each season. Saarism Mining Company. Salem. Aug. 22. Articles of Incorpo ration were filed today by th Santlam Gold Mining at' Milling company. Th Incorporators ar H. Maund, W. H. Clay pool and George Whltaker; capital stock, 1219,000; main Office, Salem J Through Hill at Klamath Lake. were chkngedat 'Spencer's, th only In habited house on a 84-mile run. . : Accidents of dlVers kinds happen, and these men of the road must always be prepared to make the best of every emergency. .About half way to Poke gama a tall- pins tree., fallen over night across, the road, blocked further prog ress.'' The "stage ax waa produced and the tree was chopped away. A little further, on . the- road was . occupied by another stage and a freight wagon. Th freight driver, standing In the center of a group of passengers from th other stage, was bleeding to death from an artery In hla wrist that had been sev ered by htm with an ax In an attempt to manufacture a brake shoe for his wagon. Two orthre of the pasngersl5.Ad' kerchiefs around th wounded wrist but not In th' least degree staying th flow of blood. ' Travis pulled - up his stage and sprang to the ground. "Artery cut,'' some one said. '"Are you -surer' Travis asked. "Yes. It's the artery." said th bleed llig driver, his face alckly pal. 'Does , It pump?" was Travis' test question. . tTYes. it pumps like hell." the driver. gritted, with a stern determination to stand up- and resist th sickness he felt at his stomach. Then Travis rapidly removed some of th . superfluous bandages, took one strong piece of cloth and tied It about th arm above th elbow with a double knot, through which he had run a good slsed stick. With a few twists of the stick he drew th rud compress tightly about the arm. shutting off th flow of blood to th wrist Th Incident Illustrated th- remote ness of the seen where these men work. Although In a rich and populous state and on the path where hundreds of men and thousands of dollars in business pass, no physician was to be round nearer than Montague, on th Southern Pacific railroad, many- hours' rid. Th wounded man was taken In tho stag to Pokegama. There he waited until th train left Thrall, and be went dawn to that station to catch a South ern Pacific train north bound. Th last seen of him he was holding tha lefer of hla compress with his uninjured hand snd debating whether lie would better chance finding a doctor at Montagu or take th north-bound train to Ashland. Travis corns of western stock. He Is on of th few great stage-coach men left In the far west Hla father, a pio neer argonaut operated atagea In Cali fornia, Nevada, Utah ana Montana, ana Is still living. The son. who now has active management, la said to be a chip " - M. Mfc and gifted with tha same faculties that brdught success to the older Travis. He knows first a good horse, and second how th animal must be treated to give Ita best service. Although a hard driver, he can tell the limit to a nicety, and th horses on th Pokegama atage line are plump, atrong and active. Ther la never a lama horse nor a- sore shoulder In the harness long er than la required to reach th first relay station. Next year will. It la said, bthe, lastlstructloq wortcJsnowlnjrograa on year for the Pokegama atage line. With the completion of the new railroad from Wed- to Klamath Falla th business will go .to. that route, and another of tne rew remaining siege-comon, tines through the romantic Cascades will paaa Into history, JIM CORBEn DEFENDS HIS TITLE OF GENTLEMAN Former Pugilist Placed Under Bonds to Keep the Peace for ' Assaulting Milkman. fJoaraal Special Strrfee.t New Tork, Aug. 12,-f'Tm a gentleman and In as good standing aa any one,' was James J. Corbett'a only reply when pot under 1(00 bond in tha special ses sions court at Jamaica, Long Island, today on th complaint of Joseph Oraul, a milkman. , Oraul claimed Corbett - whose pedi greed Boston terrier nipped Graul's horses' legs, shook bla flat at him and shouted: "I'll do mor than put you to sleep next time." Corbett - was in an automobile. Graul's charge waa backed up by a witness. Corbett furnished th required bond to keep th peso. The trouble started some tlm ago, Corbett alleged Oraul, whsn ths dog bit his horse, struck the dog with a milk bottle. Corbett to avenge the dog knocked out Oraul, according to the tatter's testimony, and latTthratned him. . .''.; ' 4'BreeheT Xs Buraed. (Special Dltpatch fo The Joeraal.) Th Dallas, Or., Aug. 22. Nsws was received from Wamlo- today, that a threshing machine, owned by1 L . D. Driver, was destroyed by fir at Lou Wing'a place, near-Tygh. The fire la supposed to hav originated ' from sparks from th engine or matches used carelessly. Mr. Driver's loss Is esti mated at 11.000. . .' BMTrfCAKSaf. When pains or irritation exist on any cart of the body, the application of Ballard a Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. 10. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reno, O. T., writes, June , 1002: "I tske pleasure In recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It I the only remedy I have found that rives Immediate relief." 26c 60 and 11.0. JrVoodard, Clark at Co. . . E&TJMJL ttrian Church Storm Canter in Covarnmant Scandal. REINDEER HERD LENT TO CHURCH MISSION School Attendance BailyPaid4-4i Teacher Received Pay When There Was No-School Although Govern M mawt Paid for One to Be B . " ' (Jearaat goedet Barries.) Washington, Aug. It. -Rev. Dr. Shel don Jackson, former- moderator of th Presbyterian general synod, highest In authority In th church. Is th storm center of a government scandal uncov ered . In Alaska. Jackson la United States : general agent - of education In Alaska, and also manager of th gov ernment reindeer herds. Odd faota In connection with hla offlc have been secured by Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock, who ssnt Special Agent Frank C Churchill to Alaska. Th result of th agent's Investigation la now la th secretary's bands. , , Bind ir Sard FadO. - - Churchill ftnda that while the govern ment has spent about $260,000 for rein deer to enable the Esquimaux to become self-supporting, and th Alaskan - herd numbers 10.224, ther ar only S.tOO In th possession . of the government Through Jackson's Instrumentality the reindeer have been "lent" to the Presby terian mission. This 'loan" appears to have been regarded aa a gift by the mission, which has been sailing back to th government young deer raised .from th big herds. Th- Presbyterian school at Sitka re ceived from th government as hlgh as S1S.00O annually, : Three other schools In Sitka are supported by the bureau which Jackson represents. Re ports of attendance of these schools have been boldly padded by Jackson. Th real attendance la pitifully small. '., OraTt fo School. . . Jackson- In hla official reports stated that a school bad been started at Bhis maref at an expenditure of t.6t. Churchill found no school but only a pile ef lumber. Jackson'a bureau of education- authorised tha expenditure of (6,000 for the erection of a school at Klvllna.'- Churchill found th only residents of that region were two families of na tives living In tents on the beach. Al ready 12,600 has been expended In the purchas of lumber for this building and Mrs. Walton Is being paid ISO a month as a teacher though aha haa no school. WATER USERS ARE TO X Y , MEET AT HERMISTON -(Spertal Manatee, te Tke Joornel.) ' Echo, Or.. Aug. 22.-The annual -meetr Ing of th Umatilla River Water Users' association will take plaoa at Harm!- ton on September 4, tot th purpose of electing five directors for the ensuing year and to dlspos of any other busi ness that may come before th meeting. The present directors hav received a communication from J. T. Whistler, engineer In charge of the Umatilla proj ect stating that they were locating the lateral of the distributing system, and that It waa necessary for fhem to know what particular landa the differ ent stockholders would sleet to hold, to nable the engineer . to construct a canal to th highest practical points, and that thsy wished to have the excess lands relinquished, so as to divide Into 10, - 20 or 40-aore farm nntta. aa tha case might be. thus enabling them highest points of thes sub-dlvistons. This will be taken up at th annual m acting. ACTUAL WORK BEGINS ON UMATILLA PROJECT (Special Dispatch to Tke JearaaM Pendleton, Or., Aug. 22. Actual eon. ini iniajie omu ana ivea cans ox uie Umatilla project Th Puget Sound BrIQgs eV Dredging company, the euo ccssful bidder on the work, haa the ground leased for Us main camp, near Echo. The contractors ar anxious to hava this part of th work mostly computed during th present low stage of th water la th river. There will be about 76 oar of material ahlpped to Echo for the conatructlon of the works, princi pally cement sand and lumber. Sev eral miles of th main canal will bo cemented where It la necessary to go through loos rocks or along a steep id Mil. Th contractors will us l.ftio barrele-l of cement In th work near Echo. SECOND SUIT AGAINST BAKER CITY COUNCIL nsedat Mspateb Is Tke iesraaLt . Baker City, Or. Aug. 22. It la tha faahlon to get out an Injunction against the elty council. Yesterday the council got en and today they got another and tomorrow they may get three or four. Th latest Is. an Injunction served this afternoon to atop tne city rrom nuiid Ing a aldewalk on First atreet at the corner of Valley avenue. Th trouble la that ther Is a ditch of th Mutual Irrigation company run ning along where this sidewalk should be. Street Superintendent Orabner pro ceeded to dig a new ditch. F. M. Sax- ton, attorney for th - Irrigation com. pany, immediately got out an Injunction and atopped the whole proceedinga. This aggravates th council very much, because th ditch question waa supposed t hav been settled long ago. " FALLING TREE HITS - ' MILL CITY LOGGER ' " (Special Mepttek te The Jeuriial.l Mill f'ltv. Or. An. St. 8. H. T hack er1, an employe of Wallln'a logging camp, located seven mile southeast or here, met with a painful accident yesterday by a falling tree striking him. He wa sent to th hospital at Albany for medi cal attendance. .. , RIPLEY DEFENDS ROAD'S i INTEREST IN POLITICS - (Josrsal Special' Serrlee.) Chlcaao. Aug. 22. Hrealdent E. P. Ripley of the Atchison, Topeka As Matita Fa haa addressed an open letter to the people of Kansas' la answer to commu nications approving or 'criticising hla conduct of the Santa Fa affaire. He You Are Invited to Call . Every young; old or middle-aged man who haa been guilty of vlo- taring nature's lawa. exposure, etc. To men with Feeble Thought. Falling Memory. Varicocele, Rup ture, ; Plea. Weak . Back, Poor .Stomach, etc ; , , , We Make No Charge for Private . ' . Counsel Our fliwt thought la Hi aaw tain the real cause of your ail ment; our second thought Is to ascertain If a cure is possible; our third thought Is te produce speedy snd lasting results. Our t ioouga is i tne quitiaest method by which - this ran - be don and then, to figure the low est price for the - treatment of your, case .. Over 50 Per Cent of Cured for $10.00; and Many Only $5.00 ; During tb Past Seventeen Year, , We Give the Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices We are alwaya willing to arrange terms to ult." Tou can pay by th Vlalt by th week or by the month, and we give liberal discount for cash. Remember, our chargea are the lowest snd most reasonable In the city, and you get the very beat treatment. Call and find out about your case at once; It will be th happiest day of your life. Consultation free. You Need Not Pay Until Yon Are Cured - Should yon desire you may deposit the fee with any bank or business house in Portland, to be paid to us after you hav ben restored to health, - - ' i. -'. BUST- loung Jina mlaaie-agea i .. Min.4 w V. . i. kani. body and mind, eyes, bad bablta, dissipation, poor VAjMOOsa vxrara Wo rm y veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain.. Rupture. Hydrocele and Piles cured.. Conault ua. free and find out how we cur without knlf. . Our price for a cure Is tha - OMMirxa AVD BXXJr BXSSASBS IBesema, ' ulcers. ' sores, plls,H constipation. Itching, heart kidneys, peine. , OUT-OT-TOW KB . Consult ua at nnn nnon arrival returning nome. inny cases can Consultation ana advice Tree. . Write People who live In outaide towna and lu the country who. cannot call should writs for consultation and sdvlce free. Many cases nave been cured by home treatment . .. . Office hours t a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 11 to. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. ', 'Office In Van Noy 'Hotel, 62H Third St., Corner Pine, Portland, Or. tUMOTBT AITS KOniT BtXDICAX. XJTSTlTUTa . SOSnwur. astabUaasd in Portland U 189. sex: HFfSPlSEASESCOREDfOR ESTABLISHED 2S YEARS IN PORTLAND We WillTreat Any Single Uncomplicated Ailment For NO arm metre mi r her re for examination, and w ar glad to have you call and hava a prlvat and confidential BLOOD POISON la the most dreaded, dangerous and destructitve - disease known. This disease not only unfit you for your work snd duties, but mskes a man unfit for marriage, for holding responsible positions. Whsn bia system becomes Inooulated with the germ th whole body undergoes a change of decomposition and not only results In a disfigurement of th body but also of th man. This dlseess cen be cured. We hav received th everlasting gratitude of those whom w hava cured and who ahow their apprecia tion by sending us other NERVOUS DEBILITY Loss of snergy, will powea. lack of concentration- of. thought loss of memory, which weakens your entire system, mental ss well aa physical. This lowered vitality of tha nervous and physical condition is strength ened so that In a ahort time you will have your original strength and b yourself again. - . All acute and chronic akin diseases, ulcers, rheumatism, heart kidney, varicocele, etrlcture, gonorrhoea, liver and stomach troublea cured by th latest scientific methods. WRITS. If yon cannot call. All correspondence strictly -confidential and all replies sent In plain envelopes. No names, cases, letters or photo graphs of patient published or exposed. Inclose 2-cent (tamp to Insure reply. " '-' Hours a. m. to I p. m.; Evenings, T to I; Sundsys, a. m. to 12 noon. St. Louis UECICAL AND SURGICAL coxm sxooxn An takbxu TRANSPORTATION. ALAS K A . ran and rorciAB tTBAiMtnrs Leave Seattle 'JiyrEMOW," Aaanet M. SI. "DO LP HI," Asgaet M, II. CALUNO AT Ketekfkia. Josees. Dncglaa. wsr, Cnssects with W. P. A T. rests lor atlla. Daeresa, Taaaaa, Kosm. ete. Par All aoathessters Alaska Porta. Can er eea fee 'Trip te Wonderful A !. " "tadlea Bartetrr." "Totem Poles." TBI AIAsXA B. a CO. Frank Weeieey Cat, Aseste. tag Oek st Partlsaa. Or. OtrraiAITHW ALASKA SOOTS. t rem bxiim i s p. si. for Ketrklkas, Jnneaa, Ski. wit. White Horse. Dsweo sd rilrheeke a. S. City e BMtiie, aag sat 80. g. g -Bomooldt Asgsst 4. 14, H. g. g. Cottage City (vis Sitka). Anessl is. OM I BOOTS. B. S. ear about Aornat IT. roa eas rsAiiciioo rimi. rrma Seattle at S s. . City el Feeble, Auswat 23: Queen. Aosuat S. . Perusal Offlej. Waealartea it, Bala tts, 0. M. LIE. Pees. K it I a f. DIN ANN, a. P. A., ass ftaaclee. saya the road is worth alt It la capital ised for and as to taxation, th com pany will not murmur aa long a tta property Is assessed In the same propor tion ef Its real value ss Is the property nf privet cltlsens. He defends the glv. Ing ef paaaea te stat omcieie on in Our Patients Have Been men wno nave injurea mramnw in iip.nvrh sunken eheeks. hollow memory. We cur secretly and cheap- ' 41 ver, stomach catarrh, rheumatlam YXSZTOTO) TataT C1TT. and mavbe you can be cured before 81 oe curea in ou. tp w . IWmUMttZZSXXtZXXXZKXSMii 121 $12.50 for the, fee ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE PAY UNLESS CURED We desire to reach th poor as well ss tha rich man. and by, making our fee only 212.60, pay on easy terms, w Increase our business and. se cure lasting gratitude from thousands, who would otherwise remain afflicted If It were not for this liberal offer. talk about your trouble. . Dispensary mim. POBTLAJTS, OB. TRANSPORTATION. Regulator Line Steamers THB EXCTTRSION STEAMER "BAILET OATZERT" maea round trip to CAS CADK LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at I a, n. returning, ar rlvea I p. m. - Dally service between -Portland and The Dallas except Sunday, leaving Fort une at T a. m., arriving about e k m., carrying freight and passsngera did accommodatlona fos outflta livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland; foot of Court street Tho Dallea Phone Main 111. Portland TELEGRAPH . i..'-- restart a the Btvet : Th anly steamboat making a round trip ! ; . . HAH.T Except Sunday Between ',' PORTLAND and ASTORIA a abb wat ponrrs Leavs Portland. ....,...f !e a, fk. f.rriv Astoria .....l:l p. m. ave Astoria., ...1:11 p. m. Arrive Portland ..1:00 p. Bv MaIJI SERVED A LA CARTB Brrtlaad Kaadlag, Aide Street BaV Astoria leading, Oallaadea 2ook. E. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main III. grdund of courtesv and - custom-and saya that aa the largest taxpayer In the stat th railroad ha th right to get Into politics when vital Intereata ar threatened by demagogic leglslatloa. CoIumbiaRiverScenery 3 Trains to the East DsUy 3 BJ niuui HiMiti Bgtel tatxtriai ' Ml? to Oaabtt. Oiacavn. tV- . oalir te aaasae c. , ssewears leeais imi ae S? "r. ....,.- kY,, JPi ' Let. ; Awtea, ."V"' !l Heatlnatoa. tr. :M aa aa Vnraf fw Kaeteta. , . ntr.. J,w'' S'Aleiie a . ! - - iSSU"? "'" detlr. e:ll " i. ET Stpraas for the gast 2"ytte. eallf.....7."t:lggm TillSSI """I" hetwm Bin . ssd rVetl. . ...T!:... S.tS ,e: e4Ve s l"f nvniA kivxfj mvisTO!. ,''''' and "war snlats. eesaeeUse wlrll E tnr Itwsee en Hertk Beech, eteaew IiZTa '."edaei BatnMa. 1 s. m. Atrtea "est g ... oawpt SmM,,. TAefHTLt krvaa inrrs. "' m. CUr yni , , . - vii v ii mum iiaini nwmw ltM Sallr. espeaS Sa4a leihw tw. ailHhi.. . . ' p. sv , au, sseest llfAKt EIVKB BOCTB. - V ' loeli. 'w'tU."' M,k aa4 war petite trtm Tletet Offlr-. Tbfr ,M WaahMrtna eta. TW" Kale Tlx r-' u-Sn!. fllWOSn. City Ticket aaewa, rSk UeafDRBAT. General raaaeager Ageat. EAST vu -SOUTH Uales Deeet teses. Antes. for Bati. Roaaearg. Aak .C.'f " V -,-' " la ad. Sacra meats. Osdra. bb . rreertaee. Stock toa .' 1' . r ' te Anseles. Kl Paae. " - -New Orleana sad the eaat 1:45 pm V T:llssi Meniliis tr'la tosseats a? , , . Wnndhnra Uy eseept '.. , ' mdar with train for , ' '.. ' , . '. : MoeM Aesel, Slleertne - . nrewnaville. Snrlecflald. " ' Wndllng end Katroa S:(Wssi T:se Rnsese r"onirr eon- , eaeta it Wowtbnrs with, Moset Aael and Sll'or. ' ' wis nal .1. .? sea ei.ea s nnrrallta neaaensrr..,i.,. ; :Wr Wierlitan iMaaensw :M pm pm PeMat Onve naMenaee. . tm-fln em ' lt:M em ltllv. Iirtatle eveee Pnnnmf. . ; JBrrBBSOWTBItET STATIC-!: ' It Dallas and tntaratealate points (tally V:M s. B. and 4:lo p. a. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. and 1:28 p. m. For time aa', eard ef Oawese entMtw trains applr at City Ticket OfAre. or Mattes. Tickets te Kaatern points and Furopef alas Japan, fhlnr. Bnotals snd Aeetretts. City Tlrket rtrse enraer Third i4 tfaah. tnrtna era. rheat stain Tit. C. W. STtMOBB. - Wm. McMVBBAT. ' City Tlrket Aceat .. . . Baa. Pnes. AsoenV TIME CARD of: TRAINS Portlands '. - ' leiaea. Aiilae. Park-Kansas ' City. Loots SpeaUl fos ,. " : Cbehalls, Centra lia. Otym- ; ! ' pie. Cray's HartMW, gonth '. '. ' ., . Bead, Tacoma. Seattle, Sro- ' " ' kaae. tewtatea. Betta. Bib Hmmu. Denver. Omaha. Kan- i V , aaa City. ft. Ixxila asd Bmrrheaat. Sally liMaai MtSj North Coeat Limited, elee- trie Hehteil. tor Taeoms . ? - . - Sea trie. Spokane.. Bntte. , Minnranona. r.t. nsi ans Baa. any - T.OS m Pnset SosnA Ueitrad. for . Mtrmri-ii. - v a m. 11-, . 1. , Taeone aud Seattle only, dally ...: net : pst Twin ci'v meres me xa- mm a. trW. SrwiV.M . m . FUlene." Battr. St. Panl. Mleeeapena. unrem. m. . .., . - loaepti. Kaeaoa City. he. St. Urate. wtthent ekaeee ef earn. Wreet eoe- i , nerftone tnr an eetnts 'I ,H nvwfawaat. sane., ntaejpni TWrSH sea ji, VI. niiniiii'ni ...wi u . u i 1 . V sesrer Arent tU Morrleas) street eeissi ThlfnV Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. Co. rslea Peso Uses. Ante, Per Masere, aelslee, Clete. kanlo. Wealport. Clifton. Aatorte. Warreetnn, rle h1 Hammond. Sort Stee. ens. Oearbart Park. Scsatde. IM em M:S M Aatorte en Seeehore. es- nreea daHy T ee mt vm Portlane -Seaalde rirer" Satorsay ealr laar-a Portland 3:10 B. SS. . . , An triee sane. I. C MA TO. O. P. sed P. A.. Arterls. Or. 0. A. STSWABT, Commercial Ageat, MS . A Mae street, phone atata SUA TNI COHPOftTASIX WAV. 2 Overlxail Trains Da3y 2 Tmm OHeatol Limited, the Vast ataJl , VIA SBATTLB AUD ePOBAHB. Dally. Dally. ' Lea re. ... Antra Portia A time eiheenle To and from Spokane, . . - . .' : ' r, St. Pest hllnneapoMe. , , Inlnth and all sotats ' ' " ' Beet vis Seattle e-Msm lls 11:44 pm A sm Te and rrom Bt Pent , Minoeanolle. Dnlnth v and all saints Beat da Srokaee a-TS em S;enem YM.h.n Btaenuhln Ckk Satnng rrom seaiTie inr aeo China pert and Mlslle. esnrytag aensern an frelsht . S. S. Dakota. Beptamha f. g. I. tflnseeeta. Ootehar 4 - BTPPOB TUSIB XAijna Malt ateamatils de.l m ' m . k I ar-. ,!! . aall Beaitle SBout pmher for Japes a - t 1 nine neria. aorrr.aa i-.- . 1.4 frelskt. . . Pee Oh, rates. hrt . eaaer ftnee. ate., ealt e oe aSdeeas , u. mcKsow. -a . T. a.. r St, Pertlsae. Oeeson. Pbens .. k S. S. F.-A. tJllk": 'ft, cess Bay. Beraka sad Sea Prase; Kait sailing from Portland, Thsredaf. A' Ketl eatllng trvm laa yrastoe, Ther., p. t. oarrsotsnAear Oneawleh Dae Be. S. lew-, a. ; 12 UNCT. I QlocOfN. snaSMl I ' TTatoat Dmm4 6URI SICK MCAOACHI. ..... :. ! A ' - ... .... . '' ' '. '.K