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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
rTH2 Vcs'sccrr' daily ; toural. rcnTLAra. Wednesday 3.. (!:. tciwlo id; so Grain Bags Ara Ceing; Cm eVtd by Local Man at Nina and a Half Cants Today Ctocka Ara Much Heavier Than Had" Eicpsctsd TODAY'S MARKE I s ut m mm Pioneer Resident . of ' Wasco County Is Called to Great Re- -1?"., GRAIN BAG PRICES ; IDC DPtAtf : mn m t-tiii til ii -t ram . llllb . Mi a! Stocks Now Very Freely Offered ! T: at Nina' and a Half Cents " ' to Producers. "f . '.' - file IN CREASE-iN-JUT. iPtA-SHOWN Vry Quiet ; In Hop Market With ?; Dealers and Price Taking a Rett V. After 'Great v Activity Egft and " Poultry Firmer. . , '"'. :h - " . " ' ' front Street. An. xl-Tn nrliwlp! featnr ' te Portland wboleaal aaarket today f Break In fral ba pclee. Aery oalet In bop nwraet. v Poor park buvta cantaloup in; ' Tone Market It otlffer. - ' Watermelone ut lower; lerter eupplj. .,;.-,' ,' -Keeiarlaee ar aaore plentiful. : , Bateec alew npple avnre-et.. V a Iter a la of farad more freely. ' icd trl ta waeet aad "our. , ' In-eeeed demand la eeute. . " . and poultry ara firmer. ...... ..-. .; '" .;' Very small aupply t poaebce. '.;. ." Break la Srala Bay Trieaa v . Be axuM k Ml In of to"" at i. a-. that future arte will be haw .,.. '.. nMi I Tadif there w a break ','.k. n.i.iM aellera freelr offering base to - t farmer eaa baal of e aad (,c. ) ? a eearp decline fraai prevloue qiwtallaa and . ' eeema lo clearly how tb recent prleee- aave been ant of line. Hunplle ara a nweb tranter tliaa i peered by producer I bat tney aaveam . i. .4iam to narcbaar aa baratofara. Kair nail art tun adrkaa rrrardlim Ilia lamer aoppltaa at Calratla and the low prior blck ' ara aipariad.lo rale -hi tbe fnturr. Tha l kMrmc kr fma Iba DaUr Coejnwrrlal Kw irf Heart-ram-hro and ! aa faHeraatlaf aoa cf tha eatlaab for tutor prtree: w- MMAMnsift jkf ladla baa laaaad a atate- fauat arblrk aboara tbat . tba. aanber ef i ut hit nadr rultrratloa hla rrar m a.xii.iu. raaparrd arlth S.I3.0O km laat rear. Thtt la aa laereaa of .108.000 and rprt tb laraaat oaroac aar reported la tb barter uf t the trad. Eatlaiatee aair aa la tbe prudnct par am. A Oaadea cable dianalcb aatltaat a crop all tb war front .SOu.autt ta a.Sla.MO !. ' The ladla formiaMnt aar that-tbe ' rrop la arofreli aadr tba aaaat farorabl " rmdlrtona. Tba actual crop laat rear wa 8. auo.UM balaa. aad wltb tba latraaeed araa thl rrr tbert. a) caruta ta ba a amca larger ' Brgrfoctloa.,' - f, 'wrtaduaj af Vow Wket Bariaa. 6 The Alblaa mill of tbe Partlaad floarlac Mllbi cmnpaar reatardar brfaa (Hadtaf wbaal at Ut rar crop. Operatloaa at praaeat are for eiport trad, there bclnc oalr a awail. ' laml ol arhaat available at Ula tlaa (or anllrlaaT parpoaaa. Eeeeat arrlTahl of aw ptfi ' ' ahuw better analltr tbaa tbe trade bad bora led tipect. Plrat arrrral were rather abrloehJd aad raceatlj raealred ear are of bt aaalltj.- Tb wheat, awket M ka aoad poalUoa c wUb a comMeraMe aaaiber of aaVe reported at . latertor . polnta at aaubllabad raloca. . . OriaatU na Trade waad.' Walla la aoaie aoartera toral ailllen ' ear . there- la Mttla dom ka rha war of orteatel , f toar btulBCaa, tb fcaeral aplaloa I that trad I Odd liberal. Japaa eontnaea id ever barer, altboajrb Cbiaa la dolo aome aewll ' tradlaa la that lino. Aa rat aa deaiaad baa aaraa ap t warn Siawta. bat a trade ahaoat r aa (ood aa a rear ao la aatldpatad la eau ejaanora oa acooaat of rae bad coadltloa cf . -ta wheat roa la tko aaiplra tbla aeaaoa. Wlllaowtt rillar oat are being freely of ' law her at amall prleee, bat highar raloc ar being aaked for eaetera Oregoa ataek. , Me aala reported la tba totter; . Tory aala la Hep Market. '": ".'' ' A welllag attitude la etlll ehowa by tb bop - aurket. Deaarra ara - eatrhtnc tbefcr breath fraaj tba receat beaer adraaeaa aad ara waiting te bear amra drflalte aew regardtajr eottld craea and deawad. aa wall aa prima. .Tba fot fewlaf fct Irooi the lateat bM ( KwTork paner: " " "Tha market eaatlaaea la verf Oral poaltloa . with apot aooda aot offering oa ta toral aiar ' bet aar axteat. We ar of a amall aale f aute boa at ellghtlr.over 13e wkU Pacific t coaet hbpa ar held froai le ITe. aeeordlng ta qualttr. , Oa.lhe Pacific coaat there . a "''"Vin coetWnad "actlrllr In contract for tb . laod crop aad aa high aa lac baa baea reported , paid. The crop cuatlaaia to look Tcry arell, altboagh there I aoaaa complaint of tba rW being daereaaed oa aeroaat of tba protract -l '- bnt aad drr apell which ha prerailed for eaaw i little How part, la New Vork atate flae grow ing weather la reported and picking baa eoav aw aoad fa tba earlr Tarda. Quality ,of tbe early aamplea ahowa la xcaedlngl)t fla and ' -. tb early milling atate hope are held at S2e , aad XSe. Parking ef tb rcgalar lata crop will V begin wltbla tbe next 10 dare. . Report from - ' Knglaad are that tbe crop will be barely SOO.000 leu ami mu man palluiiira in BUM. ' ftarmaar report a tmproremeat la the yard, bat erop will be eery abort." ; - , Urate. 100 rbolca. per lb ..........ISfllS Hiate. IPIM. common to fair ,.lltl2 Pacific eoaat, choice, per lb 17a 1 Pactflr rout. Iri5. goad aa prime, ....s.lValld Pacific eoaat. iwin, oommoa to fair, Ik. . .13QI4 facl'lc roaat, 1S04, per lb... 106TII Bale. ' f . Piervipt tor week nzr Rerolpt for week fUrdtrt from Heptemher I Receipt new time kt year Ki porta from September 1 Ki porta a me tlm laat year .....Ut .IM .....110.041 4S.42H OA NT 1S.2KI a.T Imaorta from Heptemher 1 ; Import aame Hue but year Brief Beta ef Tarleaa Karkota. ' Ptmr pack la hurting the price of Oregon rantaleupee aad aalea ware reported lit y- leraar.anaiaaim a w aa ai a crate. yreah tuniatoee ar atlffer today at ft a bol. BAme few aoklng a fraction more. heard! y atlll pronoaaced In peachea, with prlcaa afirr at i. h A rate demand la abown for bote dreeeed veal f, 'and bnga atong the afreet. Price on former 1 farmer. Kca and poultry atlffer arlth price oa former loaklag up. bat aa yet unchanged. Wairmln ar down tu lc a pound today targer aonpll. Potatoea and onlooa maintain firm tone. .Prlr laaetia. Tba trad para tbe follow In price to front etraet. Prior paid ahippera are lea regular Qrsta, ' tlaar aad Veed. CHAI1 BAU- aicatu, H9t baying WHKAT New clua. ei red Ratal an B.V fclneatem. TOr: taller. Tic. Afcl.BY Kw Ped. lil.OO; rolled. $22 80- waae wmw, ei .w, encara, 2a.otl pt kTB IM per ewt . OATH New I'rodaeera- price No. I white 123 uoatsi.ou: gray. $141 .ooizi.oo. . PLOLB ftaatera oreron patent. .l.nna a Oi- aiTaigaiw, rftwuAfl. ezpofT. U.ll: alley. i.w a 1 - " wm.j, wana waeat, M.7; ry. ". 00; bale, a.T. MllOjrri rra nraa. . ia.o aer ton: mlrl dllnga, IM.O0: ahorfa. roaatry, fia.V): tilr IT rime'. l.ltil 00 1 .iy - WAT Prodacera' nrlee Timothy. Wlllamett aoney, raacr. "" Vi u.wviei io tM): eaatera rega. 1.001 11.00: mlied. Iioooa . 0 M; . I grala. TOCJgO; cheat. tvaj.av. . Bat aar, Xgg aad an! try, J .- aVlvTTKal C'lly ereamary 9e oajlald iarr SJ-f l ordloary. iOe, etera, lac , . . ;. I (rea Oregoa. canned, Ttr- erdlaary, VHei' aaeaadled, atHSlci eaat era. roc. IIKi:HK fw rail craaam, flata. UH14r; " vat Aitenca. inaxftov. POL'LTaT btlted cbU mcaaaH, 1114 'aey bene. 14c per Ibj rooatara, old. lAUa rr m aiarn. lllime par lb: Ibi aiag. " Ml.r lb; fry era, I4e: Kenllee. e Mr lb; M doeka. UWOI.V: h:. prto dark. IHI-14 Iht a, ttJIOt ri taraer. oe par i graaaad. SO aar lb: no.. 2.kC par uai pLgaaa. a.o . aTepa. Waal aad aMaa.' - p)prii-ntrae. arl rrop, iaBV per lb. vom-.tau rile Valley, aearae aa edlaaat- a aamj aeai aaaima) waagaaii awwaaar JOURNAL'S DAILY - - TIPS ON MARKETS Br Shark. Gaic Orahaau. TBTIylotter tuna prevail In tha cc market and tha Ua mand aeema much better. Tnara la no ohang In the price aa yet. but with atook arrlvlne; in better condition, and an Improved de mand w look for an advanca , ' aoon, uUtaa cold atoraga ftock : krepa, the prloo down. . -Country etora butter UMn .good demand -at the advanced' a. quotation and dunnf ina' pa . few werka haa been arrlvlnftjiuia paJUBf 1 rcWnmiT6ff.XntCrneooler . e miaatliee the nanwiin at " w product will be much more aatla- d factory. CUeeae la firm it-UH; o- 14 cenia per pound. -' ' . Potatoea are In good dfrmand f pNnted priced and""thla ia . alao true of ail ktnda of choloa frulta. puch a applea,"1ScarB, etv, Peachea ara eapeclally acarce and the ' prloo for good stock in atronr in conaequenca. A great d deal of - careleaaly packed and d poorly aaaorted fruit haa been In evidence lately and thla kind of , atock fioU ahippera very unaatla- 4 . ractory returna. . More cara ahould-be use by ahippera In thla reapect. .which would make 4 tba bualneaa more aatlafactory to all concerned. :. " , MOHATR New. aemlaaL - aHEKI'KIN Sbearlag. HO" each; abort ereal, , tbm nwdlam weal. awIac each; leeg woor Iftcail.OO each TALLOW Prime, par lb, ) B. aaa ciiittim lafMi-iaos ttock. IHCW per lbs "tliDiiirbJ!. U a-a-a. JHO ITH per lb dry kip, Ho. L I b Ihe. 14e: err calf. No. I. andr I lb. IK ad bldea. teer. aoaod. 40 Iba aad ar. rOOllc: aw. lUflPkc; ataga and balta. euand. dOTe: kip, PZ St h. S; lf. oaaod. aader II Iba. lie; ire a. aaaalerd. I bsaai coll le verlb toe-, oraehldea. Ml red. each. I.MfI.T: dry. cart, fl.00Ol.eO: colt bldea, ZaclSOe: goat akla. eomiaea, each. lOQl&c; Angora, cb. Mim ll.OS. Fralton6araiaair" . POTATOES Nw. aocOn-W Pr dutwra" price far car lota. 78ts0e lack) pro. per cwti aweata. 6c lb. . .. . .. i ONIONS Johbmg uric rw WIU Walla. II. M per aack; new California, red. Ill; allrera, 1.T: garlic lac , nor lb. ' -' IREBU VRUITS Raw applea, 8Octl.S0f orangM. Valeacw. 14.7515.00; baaanaa. 53 5V,c lb: brmon. choice. l4.TJ4r5.00 box; fane. $.-.ot3.5 Mr boi; lime. Mexican. 11.35 per 100: Hawaiian. 3.oo5.00: P'uait.Soe trl.V per crate; caotakmpea. l.SraZiW: rphertie. I ) ; Mack f Iga. I): California grape. 11.00: . Oratron. 50fTV: - bUckner rlee. 1.00tl.fi0 per erete; watermelon. 11.00; crated. 1.: peachee. T5car140; pear. lrl.J0; .raaea, balk, xe per lb; packed. BOc hex; hackleherrlea. IIHe. . VB41ETABI.KV-Tarnlpa. aew, 11.00 par each! rarrota. per aack: beat. l.50 pw aack;. 817 rani pa. II 50 per aack; oregoa raateaee. Oua: camiag, aaregoa, act SatlOc nor lb: lomatoea. 8.V ttl.l& per box; paranlpa. POcetl.OO; tring . heana. Otagoa, 04j7c per Ibi cauli flower. 11.00 per doe; peaa. dOSci boraa. radlah, luTc per lb; , artichoke. 7 J aar daa: aqaaau. t greea onion. Oregoa. ISM per noa baacbea; cocambera. 15c per hoi : calerr. 75c per dna; gree com,- iav,tl5e doa; om atr aqaaah: TbcflllM par boat egcpleat, ll.xntfl.7ft jter crate. . DRIED ' FKUITV Appiee. eeaporaiaa. iaor 14c per lb; apricot. 18V.CJ19C per lb; peachea, IsellHe per lb; aack a. VaC per Tb traa; pranea. M ta 40,. Pe: He drop aa each 1-ld aamller ; In Callfor;.la black. dH Pr.."l rallforola arhlt. eHe per lb; datea. gold. Tie par lb; tarda. fl.l.ew par l-lb box. wiaaiarlaa, . aTata, atta. r RTTOAR All raflnerlee Cone. S5.S0: owdered. IA.15; fruit, graau la ted, 15.06: dry graanlated, J.oo: ooaf. A, IA.OS; weatera .P. C, 4.fl: Hawaiian v. V... 4.wo; extra f oe; got" 4.66; u, yellow. 4.66; bDW, luc: H ooam. : beaee. 50a advaac aa aack bawl, leoe IBe aar ewt lur caah, ,15 aaya aapl. idfJiM Aboa prleee apply ta aale of Wo tbaa ear tote Car tat at apeclai prior aakjeet c leetnatlona. ) '; t . , C HUMi-xi.) par rt.,' j Vrf'ER Packae branda. IIVS501S.T8. aALT-rCnaraa--Harf greaad. lOow fO.OO par : Me. I0.60! table, dairy. BOa. 111.00; 100a, ill T) Imeeeted Laeerpoal. 50. 17.00l 100a, 14 80: ttU, 1 00: extra la, bbn), Sa. la. 10a. 4.505.fto: bulk. MO Iba, 4.005.on: aack. 10a. aoOMc; Lirerpool lamp rock. IM.I0 par ton; oo-id rock, atun; lou. aa.uu. irilmiailal Janaa. Ho. 1. Sat Me. t. I0514e; Kew Or Wane bead. Tel AJam. loij BRANS mall white. MB! tare white. .50; pink. M 75: bayoa, 14.71: Una. 6J5; eTlcan reda, dHa. ' , rtDTB Peaaata. Jamhe, c oar lb; Tlrflala, VkC per lb; raaated. per lb; 3apa- aeee, dttoc; roeacea, iaii pee m; eaaaaa aabi. Ufrao per doa; walaata. I501SH per m; plaanata. locJIlV per lb; hickory aata. loe per lb; ebeetnata. eacterr.. lanioe pee m; Itraall anta. lb nee lb: fllberta. I4alft Mr lb; fumy pecan. IV; alawnda. UttlT. - Batata, Oeal OH. tto, ROPC Paa Manila. 44c; ataadard. UH1 ll. 11c. . . -Peal I ia Aatr 1 per gal; water white, Iroe barrebj 14c par gal. woodea ITe per gal; headlight. ITO-oag, 1 U.m nmr mmi. OIHOUM aa-aeg. aaaea ae par am bbla lc per gal. BEr.lE S-o; aaaea zae par gab area bbla lawe Per gal.- TCBPENTINK la eaaea pa ear gak waeaaa hhla UHm Mr aaL WHITE LEAD Ton lota, T per ia: aoa-ny rta Or pee in; leaa Krra. an per n. WIRE NAIlA Preeeat baate at jlH. I.INUKfn OIL Pur raw. la a-liol Iota. SSe: I4hl lot, M eaaea. IV per gal; genuine kettle hniKWi mmmmm. no aa eat: S-bhl lota. b4ei 1-bM lot aoe per-gai; gruna caae, nr aa, n.w par ton; lea tbaa aaa let. gao.OO par Kaata. TUk aad Trarlaiona. PRBSI1 M5AT Pront Street Hog, fancy. mc; ardlaary.. THCtac; poor, 7J7v,e per lb; bulla, SkJ.IHc per lb; !, extra, IQbViC ib; ordinary. 7 He per it;-noor. oc per U); mutton, fancy., a a (use per Ib: lamh. MtOc. " HAMS. BAtu.i, M.IX- i-oriiano pace ani name, 10 to 14 Iba. 17 per lb: 14 to 1 Iba. Itlfcr per in; nraaaiaai nnm. mvjijt per lb; picnic. I2H per Ib: cnttaaa. 10V, par Ib; reanlar abort clear, aaamoaea, lie per lb; aiooked, l.'le pee. lb; clear bark, anatnoked. lie per Hi; amoaeo ia per in: unioe bulla 10 to II lb; coamokad. lc per Ib; amoked. e lbs clear bajiiea, anmoao. ie per id; twikarf ina nar Ib: honlder. 12U nar Ib: pickled tongue. f.00 anarter bbl. - MK)AL..TaB1 Ketll leafr -10a, lit- per Ib: 6. I3 per Ib; 80-lb. tin, 12c per In; t team rendervd. 10a. 11 He per lb) Ba, 11H per In: citnponno. iua. em. CANNED SALMON Columbia rler. 1-lb talw, tl.Mi; Mb tall, 12.78; faacr. l ib lata, fl.po: ,-lb fancy Sat, f t in: fancy 1-lb eeala. 12.76: A leak a Ull. pink, BOSOai red.; aomlaal ta. tall. 12.00. riSH Rock eod, T par rot Boo Mere, ae per P: kallbnl. 6c ner Ib: craba. 11.60 aer doa: trhied haa. 12u ner lb: rat flak, te aar Ib: aalntoa. Columbia Hrer Chinook. Ar par Ib; tel- heaiM. kc pet in: oinenacaa. se per ini n erring, per Ib; eolee, te per b: Brlap. 10 per Ib: perch, le nar lb: black end. Te per lb: toiaeod. it per Ib; aDrer (melt, be per Ib; tobalera par TO: rreea macaerei. ae par lb; rrawnab. 20c per dna: ekad. la par Ib; atargeoa, 10e per Ih: black baaa, 2Ue. OYSTKRS-iboalwatat bay, per gal. 12. 2B; per IIO-lb aack. 14.00. tuna-Haraaneii. per bob, a.on TJ KITED STATES OOTEBBMIaTT BOVDS. Vew Vork, Aag. 22. Severn meat bnndat -- Dai. Rid. Ak. Two, rertetered. ...v....... Opt. . 104. W, d eoupim .... Opt. I04k I OA (4 jnreea, reffiaterea. ..... a pi. 104 I eoepo-,.., - npt. -imtLt TlmalT bond Iftiu roora, legMtered ... laoT injiu do eonixm.. 1007 lna Pour. rrtatred. ........... 1-'S . do coupon H 1025 I TO Dlatrlcr t Colnmhla ..: VM 115 Phlllppta 4a ...........4 100 . l4 104 mi 181 BOlTLAJfD -BABB tTATEBIBT. Clearing today.,..', Cleatiag year g,, laereaa today ..... .fMM.8d.1.T . M.004.96 .laoO.dOO.T2 . , lUrllag Exohanra Rat. , : : New York, Ana. 22. Hterllag eirhange: Da. gaaao, fae-eeajaaevi aw aay a, MLS0w.4U.Tla RECORD PRICE FOR -' r it r a rn ' rtrnrvn mat w 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIIIIU 11 1 air.. . I . a iiitir-: i rtKi r i x i -1 i UUU fil l LLU UIUUII LIUI Hood Rivar Fruit Comrnanda Ad vanced Figura Over High ; Prica of a Yaar Ago. NEWORrCTlRlvi IS E. P Loomis ft Co. Win Out in Bid ding Over' Rat ft Hatfield Who Se ;, cured Last Year's Output ol Aa sociation43 for SpiUenbergi. ' (Special DUpatch to Tbe Journal.) - ' Hood Rlrcr. Aug. 21 la anuerlorlty ' of the weatera apple arer that ef tb eaatera fruit baa be fully deaonatrated by tha aala of Hood Rivar fralt which bare taken place here In tbe laat few day. While buyer wb bar beea here to bid en Hood Hirer mill hare bought tin quality Bea Imrla applea la Mlaaeurt. which they aay caa be- delleered ' Kurop tbla year for three-buehel barrel, Houd Rirar fruit baa aeld for more than that for box fruit matalnlna on buebel. Buyer who hare traveled tb country or from euaat le eoaat ea lima la the crop thla year at 72. OW.Oiio barreto. aa agalnat .oo.000 laat year larger, ther aay, than Iba famoua croar oi lRSd. wbb-h rear, oraraou to tbla aoe, broke III record for oppje. - Still they baa com west for applea aavd bare paid foe tbem price that exceed the expert tion of tb moat aa- gulne. , nniie lr rannoi no aearnea hkh? " " paid for . tbe cropa of apple dlapooed of by the Applegrowera' anion Monday, tboee la a poal tloa to know nay tbat It will average big bet tbaa laat year, which waa Iba hlgheat known In ih. klftlA.. a wU.nvln. In Hood RlTOT. Pnrt-baaea made by bnyera Independent of the anion In the laat few daya brought tbe top notch price of 13 per box for Spltaenberge and per DOX tor eaiiwaarrta wu ma, and ltJitiltf--tlui ed TlgBerjlTlo than Ihl of applea. The anion' fruit z.iKk for Newtow unlaa aaa receired tnm tk... varltlaa At anitleaL a Iwuift-ht h aha draa of K. P. LoOml A Co. of New York, who were tb hlgheat blddera. winning out over Rae a HataeM. wao laat year handled tb product of tbe untoa. Tb pur rhaae of tb Looml compaay will laclud about 6 cara, or 40.000 boxec and to tbe largeet parch of applea aeer made by one Irm at Hood Rlrar. Thl doee aot Include the entire production of tbe Applegrowera union, bat whea. It I known tbat the entire produc tion of tk valley lat year waa ewij hoxe It will readily be eeea bow roae mor frult will ba ablpped rrom nooo . year than laat, and bow asacb greater toe re turn wlU be ta grower. lo fact It la aatl mated at double. o about 120.000 boaaa for aU Tarletie. ' With tb tncraae la price wnica nn"". rT aid to bare received thla yaar, ana raaiiui tbe average price per box for laat yar a fruit, tbe apple crop at Hood River ebould be worth IliiO.OOO mora tbaa It waa tbaa. Any lacrea added to tnia win maaa mo -a err rapidly and a bow a . marked lacrea aa la W ..''.rrS"r' "-a a-w- ... .tl . AltnougB ma arncer. w. "lZlm t praaent make aar etatement aa to tha price received. tbr y tbt Ua aale ha beea a moat aatlafactory one. but for buelo reaaona ther do not car to announce ".n. aa yet but will do aa Uter. The blddera will not make any etatement la regard to their bide, aa aome of the anaucceeafnl one are (till In th market for aome of the Hood River fruit and eeea 1 drr It bad boil nee. policy to make known the amount of their bid when they r atill trying to porch from Independent grower. It eaa be 'art a ted, however, on th authority af on of Hood Blrer pjoet aatuta appwmen. that wk.BTbe price la known It wllf be the Boat eonelualv evidence of the auperlority of Hood River applea ever glvoa. and ttle, be aay. the qoeattca for all time aa ta the future of tbe Oregoa apple. - CHICAGO'S WHEAT LOSES. .i. !.,. .,.,;.-:,: VaeltM abown Searplhe xavarpool OaUm Md ZlglME OHk, RELATITI WHEAT YALCBS. tenfemher, Deiembet., My. Aug. 23. A .71 Aug. 21. Lee. lns. .H2 , MM .tl,B$ 0 ,73HB .v. ,.78B 7h .oua .78 .00 rHalaaol wheat optton her loat today, th decline from . ae ta kke a buihel. the marbot aaaaid-at-rne tun 'HtJftlpt of a higher opening cable from Liverpool. That market ctoeed higher, and deaplta aa advaac at caah prtcee bare Chicago cloaed dowa. WHEAT. Opea. ... Vk High. Tim ' IlOWa T0 . 7'A ' T7'2 4 CToa. Tl T3',B 78B , 4HB 44A September.. December.., May........ September.. December... May September.. Iiwauiuer,.- a,.. 1 75 .... 1 T ' CORN 4. 44 43 44T.B ain. - 80 M-.. . ga 3Mvt. t . . . hh TS 3114 0'A , May .... 8i. asia M S3B MEHS PORK. September. January September .j October January. . . . , September.. October January...., .... 1720 , 1720 .... 1350 iaoo t LARD. r g W12 - IWal ..... MT W7 .... 7x3 78 . SHORT RIBS. .... 2 KOT "7 ' h72 .... 720 7iM J TOO 1S4B 1 Set), ml TS2 BM . HAT 720 1700B 1345A SflOB aT . 782 SOS D70 720 - CHICAOO CASK WBEAT. Cbleagov Aug 22. Caah wheat: , Aug. 22. Aug. 21 No. 2 red.'... No. 8 red.... No. 2 hard... No. I bard No. 2 northern, new No. northern, new SHEARED SHEEP 25 CENTS OFF III YARDS , : Top of Market Standa at Fouf and a HalfBuyer Say Hoga ' 1 Are Already at Top. t I a - . , Portland I'ntoa Stockyard, Aug. 23. Uve- nock receipu: , . Hog. Today ir. Weak ago 78 Cattle. Sbeep. K 176 88 31 Month ago.. ... , ... Vear ago s' 811 86T 778 While tb bog market b lmng, buyer are bowing no dlapualtloa to pay more tbaa printed price beranee, tbey aay, aloek can be brought from the eaat at thee figure. Sheared ahvfp are 2Sc lower" with the top r tfc. Lam!, are good at 6c la cattle, ateer ara top lat ttc m Ofadal llroatoek qnotatlona: Hoff Beet eaatera Oregoa, IT. 85417. BO: blocker and Chin fat. 14.60; itoeker end feeder. 3.00; bulla, 12.50... '.- - - Cattle Beat eaatera Oregon ateer. 13.80; beat eowa and belt era. 12 0082.75; tocker and feeder. 2.60 bulU 12.50 ; Sheep Shearling. 4l4Vie; lamb. 8c. SHEEP MARKET IS QUIET. eUcovro Zs Btaady for Botk Mogn Bad . ' , 0ttl Todtoy. " - ' Chicago. Aag. 23. Llveetock receipt: Hoara. Cattle. Rheee. Chicago ....,.,,..,.,211.000 10,000 20.imo Kana City .. .10.000 12.000 ' t on Omaha ..10,000 4.OO0- LAoo Hoga-PIeady and enchanged with I. An left ever, fiaceipfe k year ago wee ir.ono. Prlceai .. , i mm it.., a in, . - J l mm imm.m ... rough and heavy, f3.u0.bO 11(11, 4.vvwl.e0. ugh and heavy,, I atlla Steady, 7244 6 .711 ,71 tf .71 .THi ' .Tl .TOiJ. .To( .4 .T4vi .T . .T2 I HUIe. HD ffllClOE FOR Five Par Cent Money Causes Prices' to Crop Sharply In New York and Close Tends Down. UNION' PACIFIC ACTS TWlRATlCbURINQ DAY Cains Abtrt , Three Points Early in the Day but Loses Part of least Night's Price Lata in Day Steel Stocks Are Strong With Advances, BET LOSSES. , . . 1 (Denver , Atrhleoa 'fr ,.. . Erie ... 214 Loulavin ... HI Norfolk .... S'.S. Y. Central ... Penneylvaaba ...... omeioar ...... far roaadry Brooaiya ..... Baltimore Colorado -rnal. .... .D nraqiia St. Paul., ('beea peak 4 Hock launa h Soothera Railway.. Canadian Houtaere t-acine... Central Leather... ali;nloa Padfle National Lead.... 1 i locomotive ........ Norther Paclftc.. IH . - par uiina Ancoda ........ 1U Traa aad Steal Oar, 1 Car. ::::::: JS Amalcamated .... U IJ. S. Hteel Mtaaourl Paclfle .. - do preferred Wall Street, Kew York. Aug. 22. Free par cent cell naaaey la not Juat tba proper aacdlclaa for a elck aiarfcet, and tba loe of atoeka la generally lower, t'njoa Paclfle gained S polnta early bnt cloaed aader laat night' price. Steel atock were trees aad hrgher. Official ouotxtlona by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke company K I ri - Q -4 S? S I I ' I'l l I I ': I: I . DESCRIPTION. ; laL Cooper Co.. 108i4llOeillOTHl"7S Am. Loeoawtlv, e Am. Sugar, com... Am. Smelt., com.. Am. Woo lea, com. .......... .....1 TO 140 12 V. M 1014 11HS T8 jo ii i 1H 88 Baltimore A Ohlo'rih! Brookiya Rapid Tranalt. Canadian PadSe, com.. Central Leather, com. . . im. hii. at. rem.. Cheeapeake A Ohio Colo, Fuel A baa, com Colo. Southern. 00m., . oe Sd preferred. ..... do lat preferred..... Erie, com Louuvtll A KaahvUle... 180 0 148 48 PS 142 V. 141 27 Mlaaoort Paclte New York Central.... N. T.. Oat. A Went Norfolk A Weatera, eaa Penney I vanla Ry...... Reeding, com. ..v.T... Rock Ieland. earn..,.. Southern Pacific oaa. 0 Union Paelne, torn.., V. S. Steel Co., coat., do preferred 181Hli4 44m 40ii 108 108 natal aalea roc aay. i.on.oo an area. CaU money cloaed 24314 par cant- ,. , OREGON SECURITIES C SOLD AT SEVEN CENTS Portland Stork : Eirhaaare, Aag. 23. tbonaand ah area of Oregoa 8corltle at Te and l.OOO abaree AUika Packer' at 80S were tbe ale today ta tba local market. uncial pncee: , . BAKE STOCKS. - Bid. Aat. Bank of California..: MS Merchant' National Bank , ITS . Oregoa Treat A Saving Bank.... ... :' 160 l nltca Btatea national Bank zoo . Portland Truat Co, of Oregon... ... - . 128 Banker' A lumbermen Bank ' loS BflHCBLLANBOCS STOCKS. . Leeaer Manufctor1ng...........r 168 ' , Camnbeir Osa Burner.... 8 loloa Oil 208 ' . Aaaoclated Oil 874!. 8914 A leak Packera' , flg , l i ina liaiae Trleiiliuill , PT Home Telephone.. -85 Puget Bound Tflepbone. ......... ... 80 uregoa ULim inaurance. ....,. 1000 . 180 28 . OS ' 40 ; 108 if J. C. Lee Co....,..... 14 , 20 02 2Va Merlin Towaalt Nicola Coal.......: International Coal. ...e. . t . . , lemeot rrooncr. ... ... u. a. n. aa j iw lUNnta stocks... Alaak Petroleum........ Alaak Pioneer 48 Htandard Cooaolldated 11 Oregoa Securltlee ., OTJ a. "Sab" Creek Oold.. 0114 )1H Tacotua Steel Ml. Oallc GooaolMatad Oalliher Oolden Rule Coaaolldated 061, .1 0214 08 OS os 0214 0114 18 8.10 . M Bullfrog Tenibl Golcoodx 0414 North rlrvlw.. Le Bnr. ... Hiawatha Caacadl Heela 820 48 041 Ra mbler-t:araboo. , Dlxl Meadow....... Great Northern t. ) SCO AB STOCKS. Hawaiian Comaterelal.. llonokea Sd . IS 14 88 81 18 8T a 'As '32 IS Hutcblnaon , MakaweU Onomea , a Paauha Lnloa Ajr. raABOTjoo imrnre aacauaea. Baa lrandaee,'Ang. 22. Official ckwhag: Bid. I Bid. Belmont 1.1214 Opblr 8.P0 Opblr Caah Bor .18 . Mexlcaa . Caledonia ICxebrouar ,. I.OS (ioldca abcbot. Home ........ .... 'V. .84 .20 . i.STH .81 3.2214 BPS t .68 .32 S.1214 IT. 60 . 3.80 .88 ' 1.08 -1.41 - Jim Butler ... Norcroea .. , (Jold Crown - MarNamara .... Midway v .... Montana ..... North Star ... (mm Toa. Bxten. . u Nevada ........ Weat Bad .... Adam ....... Atlanta ... Blneball Booth ........ (treat Bead J Keacue 22 , mack Butte Cx Tramp Mold Belmont. . Montgomery Mt Huaeet ........ - .04 .04 il f.4. .12 .24 . .85 .20 .14 IT , .14A .16A .82 M .04 . .04 M .07 JM . .42 .08 .20 .M .10 .ai . .18 .56 v.SS Mceptre' (Manhattan .... IHar. Humprey.. tliexter Kirannr l(old Wedge ... Lane Star Columbia Mt.. Coo. Qurry ... : rilamondfleld . TUv ......... t .18 .48 .08 Ut. .Band Bi... do Annex..... uoioifeiu . ..i Jumbo . do Etteai. Kendall .... .84 1.60 ...40 .08 .40 - M 4.46' L 7 Cowboy Denver Annex.. Bulla A Bear. Black Rock ... N. T. Conaol... Mancon Iir Little Joe ....a Marflower ..... Lagtina . Mar Mohawk Red Top. ... Saadatnrna -mi r Silver rici .6 . free ' .4 Jumping Jack.. National Beak Denver ........ Bcllpee Oold Bar . ... o. Boll rrof.i Stelnwar Lea. Cal. Va.. .67 1.80 .80 , 1.46 - .18 .18 , Lie km iop Annex Mimtag Bull in Polar . Mia. Triangle ... Tramp Co. t.42',4 xrw roas oottob mabxzt. New York. Aag. 33. Ootloa future eloaad: Official euotatauoa by Overtec k, Starr A Cooke cam pa nr: , I ' upen. mm. jw.awg.jn. aug.zi JanuerT . 027 - aw Pl2 - PA PH 2rt ill M PM 40 rehrnary ... March P38 April ....... PM Mar 844 Anmt September . . SO . October ..... POO. November ... PIS December.... PIT usut m pn P4I 878 XT , SOS . Pll 18 41 B32 PftS PH8 847. 80 Mt . 816 PIT . SIT 24 . 803 , . Pld CI 4 18 oa 18 IT , Bw. Terk-tVMlos Silver. ' Near York-. Aug, 22 Bar Oliver kacbajLfad 4 Mt4I Loaeaa. W U la. , It 142 140 I40H 12 . 168,. Ion M2 102H 101 101 11HU 11T 117 H'i 7oJ TT 109(4 l8m 1W 802 103 180 1001 ::::: ::::: 3 ::::: ::::: TO 46H AS 48Vi 1S2V, 180 150 874 BOS M4 143 14114 141 4 141U 1411, 14IH 1424 lmv,!188ki 27 27l 271. 04 80S 8814 18114 1814 4414 -iftC loo 14 10714 . ward--cuJi4fa4afrd.- ' (Special Dlapa'tch te Tb Journal.) ' Tha DalUa. Or., Au. JJ. Mra. Cath- erlne Handley died la Tb Dallea on tba mornlnc of , Aufuat ' )0.' She waa th rellot of tha lata D. B. Handley, on of tha' founders and " proprietors of :. tha Umatilla houae from ISII until his 'j. Mrs. Catherina Handle. death In November, 1810. Bh waa born In Chapel county, .Wexford, -Ireland,' 71 years ago, and cam to Peoria, Illinois, In. 1SS0. . From ther to San Franciaoo, nd from that city to Portland. wher aha was married tqjp iB , Handley In J8(-nd Krt'nfti Dalles, where ah. Hr Bisldon nam w and aha haa one's (-na oon arirwara cam to 1 no baa sine resideo. was Catherine Byrne, and aha, haa one elater atlll living lit Chapel, Iraland, and two other died in Ban Francisco a row.-years ago.. Jtra. Handley' was a woman of excellent tralta of oharaoter, a conalstent Christian, and her dally Ufa bad beea largely xnati up of klndnea to th poor "and benevolence toward th suffering. Bh . will be burled from th Catholic church in thl city .Wedneaday -morning. , ; , , METHODISTS ELECT ' J OFFICERS AT MILTON (Special Dtapateh to Tbe JonraaL) Milton, Or.. Aug. . St. The . fourth quarterly conference of the Methodiat Episcopal 1 church haa Just been held, having been conducted by th presiding elder. Rev. Gabriel Syke of the Walla Walla district, Thl , following officers were elected for th enaulng year: Stew ards. . George W. . Hannell, Robert Mr Kwen. Mrs. little McKnight, Mrs. Eli nor Phelps and Mra. Ada Wilcox: board of trustees, F. M. Kent, O. ' W. Hanaell, a K. Col, J. JC KlrklAnd and F. E. Wil cox.' ... . . . , ; ' .. Dlaclpllnary committee Mlsafons, W. R. Craig: ' church exUnalon. F. M. Kent: Freedman's aid,-. C T: Godwin: education, F. B. Penhock; tracts, Mrs. Robert McEwen; temperance. Elinor W. Phelps; Sunday school, Ellxhbeth Hamert church recorda, J. B. Kirkland; paaaonag and ' furnltur. Mrs.' Robert McEwen.;. 1 v ' - BOTH FIGHTERS ARE -T ' REDUCED IN WEIGHT - (Journal Special Service.) - Goldfleld, Nov., Aug o f1 - nfl Walaira an il 11 ll'T weight today and from now will only take enough exerclae to keep limber. Oans will con tinue his l-mll walk and trot every morning to perfect his wind.'... Nelson says he can eaally make and fight at HO. Both fighter say'Brttt I now anxious to meet tb winner. They"Jr they will only meet him on condition that th winner take all th money, any tlm after th . Labor day JH event, preferably In Nevada. Th arena "iPwtll- b finished Monday. Th hot weather Is likely to reduce th weight of th fighters still more. - --. - TRAIN1S WRECKED .. NEAR ISBEE, ARIZONA ''..1.3' V,.. ' - ,. y. . V(8pcll DIapitck to Tb Jouraal.) "' Blatiee, Arlsona. Aug. 22. The palatial train of th El Paaa Bouthwoatern road of th Phelps, Dodge Copper company was wrecked Seven miles from her this morning near Osborn. Th buffet and three - paaaenger coaches turned over and were destroyed by th ensuftig Xlre. Twenty-six pauieengers wr seriously Injured, but none fatally. , ... ' . Blglla AJraari Oapaiaa. ,-.' -, O. Johnson and C. Iverson were ar rested today on a warrant sworn to by Hattvormaster Ben Blgiln, who charges them- with obstructing . th channel of the Willamette river. Jt ' Is charged that they moored their veaaels In th channel near the foot of Lincoln street so aa to obstruct , tha passage-of -other veaaels. .!. ." ' . BTo Tainted BCoaey ' : '; '' . BecAuaa "tainted money'4 was accepted by th truateea of- th Pleaaant Grove (New Jerafcy) Preabyterlan church, th pavstor, th Rev. J. W. Lowden, baa re al gned, th. congregation, has dwindled and a- breach haa -been made In th church that it will tak a long tlm to cloae. ; , ' '.' .. ..' .All .this 'waa canned by' an oyster upper held at the realdence of Mrs. Suaan A. Apgar last winter. For' sev eral years. Mrs.' Apgar bai held oyater uppers at horn and enriched th church treasury thereby. Arom -to $100. At the Uleat supper dancing was allowed A violinist accompanied by mouth organ aervad as sn orchestra. This created a mtt In th neighbor hood, and th subject of mixing dancing and religion was dlacuaaed warmly. When Mrs. Apgar tendered the proceeds of th entertainment to th church ther was an outburat from th pa at Jr. After the truatees accepted th money th friction becam ao great thai th paator tendered his resignation. 1 ' Now the church Is looking for can didates for th vacant Job, Th "tainted money" has been expended for repairs to th cmtry. c "...' ' UTISBOOL lAlaT HARKXT. Liverpool, Aag. 22 -Official price) WPIBAT., 1 Aug. II. e I ld a IM 4 Td aal'Ad - - 0). (Jloa. . , flahi. Sept... n . a 2d na 2'4d f Dec.. :B. Or 8 ea 4d ld " ;t'OBN. ' ' Sept.....', 4 T Se T44 ; Hi . v. :;-lTFlQ!i!E-GO:-; im . ' ' L E. Sawyer of Portland On of ' the Fortunate Prospectors -7 IrrlldTnMzaUttfctr" ' (Special Die natch te. Tbe JTournaLl Orangevlll. Ida.. Am, 12. New was received here today ohronlollog tha third rich atrlka mad la. the Florence camp within the paat two weeka. " This tlm th lucky parties war Charles O. Bpaul dloE. .who made tha atrtke. and L. E. Sawyer of Portland, Oreson. . i rive-root tear ot aooompoaoa lRllUora.r per ton, was enoounWrod in a 40-fooi tunnel on th Karla (roup ol claims. situated half a mile from th rich sulk I maile on tha Hlyn aad -about two anllaai from th Old Realdenter, where rotten quarts coins over 44,090 a too has been taken out, .' -' " '' ' Florence camp Is now filled with pros. peotors and . minora, . and hundreds of locations have beea made -within -tb paat 10 days. So far all strikes appear to have been . mad on th aame leaa. AU the old tunnels have been located upon and ' development work started. The Earl tunnel atrlkes are now being worked by the owners. Owing to the remoteness of th camp a clear account of what Is transpiring la hard to obtain. , . . GOVERNOR APPOINTS : V DELEGATES TO BOISE Spdl DUpatch t Tbe Journal.) : " I Salem, Aug. 22. Governor Chamber. lain has appointed th following dele gates to represent the state of Oregon at th Irrigation " congress at Boise, Idaho, which convene . September I: C U Swain, Freewatci1; H. C. Willis, Pndlton: R. B." Houston, Balera; H. A. Rands. Oregon City: J. H. Lewla, Balemi G. B. Heagardt, Portland: M. A. Miller, Lebanon: Samuel White, Baker City: W. F. Butcher. Baker City: Will R. King. Ontario; Robert Btanfleld. Echo: Erneat Hicks, Canyon City; 1. A. Lackey, On tario: Thomas O. Hallsy. Pendleton; Bert Hjufman Pendleton; 3. H. Baloyyj JPendletonj W. J. Furnlah, - Pendleton; Frank B. Hoi brook, Portland;-A. Ben nett, Th Dalles; C. E. Redflold, Hepp ner; W. E. Grace, Baker City; Frank Saxton, Baker City; W. M. Pierce, Hot Lak W. T. Wright, Union; Dr. K. L. Smith, Hood River; A. M. Drake Bend; M. E. Pogue. Balem; M. C : Mason. Madras; W. H. Plnkerton. Madras; J. IS. Froom, Madras; William Reldty Port land; George T. Hull Br.. Eugene; John Mlnto. Salem; Herman Schneider. Da maacua; & R. Van Vactor, Heppnr; H. Wurgurder, Prlnevllle; J. Bcott Taylor, Klamath Falls; J. Alex. Martin. Klamath Falls; George T. Baldwin, Klamath Falla; Julian Byrd. Burns. The goverbor appointed II delegates a vera! weeka ago... .., , , .., .. GEER BUYS TRIBUNE J. TO MAKE FORTUNE (Special SlBpatch toVTae' Joarnal.) ' ' Salem. Or.. Aug. XX. Former Governor Theodora Thuraton Oeer will go to Pen dleton about -Beptdmbv l to take edi torial charge of the Pendleton Trlbun. having purchased an '. internet In the sheet from" E.P. Dodd."" Mr- OeeP said today that h hid hot It stated In th pre of tb stat that h was trying to- break Into- Journalism fo political reason a. He said that nothing was fur ther from his Intentions. He has boon a newspaper man, likes th work, b Ueves he will succeed at It, and that he will hav a wider sphsr of useful neaa at th editorial tripod than at any other business. v To rnak a long story short," ssld Mr, Gecr. "I am going to enter th news paper field to make money, just as all other men do." - - j Ex-Governor and Mrs. Oeer will go to Pendleton la a few days. - ,. WEDDING ENDS ROMANCE, "BEGUN IN FAR-OFFSIAM Joaraal SpecUl Bervie.) Washington. Aug. IX. A romance be gun In far-off Blam culminated her to day in th wedding of Mia Edith Law yer, daughter of th lat Dr. W. F." Law yr of this city, and Mr.. Montgomery Schuyler Jr. Brld and bridegroom first met In Slam, where Mr. Schuyler was secretary of th American legation. - Today's , wedding took place at th horn of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Hensey. In Adams Mill road. Th cere mony was - performed by a cousin .of th bridegroom, th Rev. Cameron Mann, blahop of North Dakota. Miss Katharine Reed, a coualn of th bride, waa maid of honor, and Robert Livingston Scbuy. ler acted as his brother's bast man. Brld ' and bridegroom will start - next week for Bucharest, Roumanle, wher Mr. Schuyler will tak up hia duties aa consul-general and secretary of lega tion of th United States. . POSTMASTERS MEET V- v IN ANNUAL SESSION -,.'. .i- . i ?",-'. (Journal, Special Service.) ' Detroit, Mich, wug. XI. If Intelligent discussion by men of experience will Improve th mall sorvlc of th country than much good may be expected to r ult from th convention opened In De troit today by tb National Association of Postmasters of second - and third class offices. Th attendance Is large and repraaentatlv of vry: section of th United States, while the program Of papers and discussions covers a wide rang ef topics relating to ths postal service In general and th duties of th poatmaater in particular. Several rep resentatives of ths postofflc depart ment at Waahlngton ar bare to addreas th convention, which will .remain In session three days. Th Michigan As sociation of Postmasters also Is In ses sion bers. ' ... .i. , .. . FIND SKELETONS OF t ; VALENCIA.yiCTIMS (Journal Special Servtee.) '' ' Victoria, B. C. Aug. XX. According to advice received from Carbanah Point, one of the lifeboats wf the. wrecked steamer Valencia baa been discovered In a cove near there with eight akeletona In it. Th boat waa found by th two boys of a llghthous keeper, who says In dians knew of ths lifeboat months ago, but ssld nothing, ss they wanted to gat th boat. . ARMED NON-UNION MEN UNLOAD LUMBER SHIPS (Jaaraal Special Service.) - Los" Angeles, Aug. Jl.-i Under th pro tection of armed guards, non-union men) many of them Mexlcana, art unloading lumber schooners st San Pedro today. Union men ar jmaklng no realatanc. but ar not allowed en the wharf. Ves sel owners and lumber magnates rieclar they will fight th union to a finish. I , l-v I -av t - M Your Neighbor 1 ary,.t i,.. ki. v.,... e . i ao aplo and apan, and he'll tell you It's Bay BUte Paint th beat on th mar ket. ' . - Effective, economical. V durable, cheap. Ready for uee, m gallon go A great way and gives ampl return for wlujt it eosts. -. v.. ';'".v; fnm aid ram aroma. Fisher, Tliorsen &Co.; .- BBOIT AJTO MOBBiaOaT BTaV , For Iced Tea USK'.'. -" Devers t Golden West v Ceylon : lea Peculiarly Refreshing. , Sealed Packets Only. INJEOTION BROHJ WILL CUBS ' GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHBB TBBATMXNT told by all Drueslts : . I a. ' eMICMrBTKeVa gWBUPI'. V rttnuifi&rmXmZmi . ; ubsset t& , Deyers ; , . -i : v .:. 'V. 'r- ' : . . . ,.:',.-,- .:-(-:. i :" ) , . aa atK aad Oeld ainlMi aaaaa, aaaaal itaartaia. Tabanoaabae. ran Bean aa aaa eamiaea aad I a ana 1 - aaaaa. bar af rear Piaaaan,av aaa do. as aaaataa f araleoUea. Tiaiwialaal aaTEBaltaf Ce UaMa Me. r re btau.1 te.eoe timamm a.4 ar ' Cfclia aala a. lailaai aaaaea, rmtmm raw - tHMMT3 00" ALL KrVA f - puma THCHCXT. MAJ0Rr.VCAV7lEYi:0L0:;GER RULES SOCIAL 170RLO V'.. y:4 .-..' .... .," : v.:--""! Major . Domo of White House Losas His Job aa Raault of Sick-Bad Marriaga. ' Jnurnal Snaclal Rervlc.) Kew' York, Aug. tl. A special to thB, World from Waahlngton any a: Whn hi present leav of absence xptrs Major Cbarlea U McCawley will resume , his former duties aa asslsUnt quarter maater at th5 marln barracks.' Cap tain Frank McCoy, Third cavalry, has succeeded him as major dome at th Whit Hpuae social function. Ther Is a possibility that Major MoCawley may resign from th servlc. H will not In futur be among th visitors at stat reoeptions at th xoutlv man sion. Thl waa settled a month ago when at Providence hospital, whll convalescent from typhoid fvr, he married Mrs. John Davis, widow of Judg. John Davis, of th court vf claims.- . .. . r Mrs. Davis was Salll Frellnghuysen, daughter, of the former secretary of state. - She has an Independent fortune ! snd mslnUins an elaborate horn her. 8h Is several years the major's eenlor snd Is not an lntlmat asaoclat of th Roosevelt. Th unconventional wed ding of the major and the widow occa sioned - much comment at th Whit . Hous. - - ' . hDROWLEY ADMITTED ' TO FEDERAL PRACTICE t' r 1 r mmmmmmt " , , ' " (Whrnftoa Bur of The Joornl.) : Waahlngton, Asg. 12. W. O. Drowjey -of-Baker- Clty has been admitted - to - practice befora th interior department. '. V Ope Athaa acaoola. 1 (gpneial Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.) r Athna, Or.. Aug. 21. Th Athena pubJ lib school will open Monday, September ' IT with Professor A, H. Perryman as principal, and h will Instruct th ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, and will b asaistod by tha following teachers: XA. Cannon. aaalstant - principal, eighth ' grade; Vflss Tllll Baalnger, .seventh grade; Mrs. McDanlel, fifth and sixth grade ; Jdlaa Carrie Sharp, third and fourth grade; - Miss Gibbons, first and second grades. . 1 ' ' i ', ' -" ovmaa ' soxanoa. ; . ... - RewW. U Riley. LU D.i Cubs. Naw aaaataai c:s.v;.::lcu,s f ; v c:3tc::3 mz? Ll. UI tH" HotAara ftbow , pb7ldr while Toeiiilnc for oyer ftftyTaara. , aaanatlrror dlarrboaa. . , AT f .ana) Tork, writea; "After . fifteen days f -" exoruclatlng palh from aclatlo rbeuma- tlam, under varloua treatment, I was Induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment; i the flret application giving my first re lief and the second entire relief. I can ' flv It unqunlined recommendation, tto. 00, IL88. , Woodard, Clark Co. ' a 1 a i t' (