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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
; Dailv -5v.:.v.l. i;a 'u:day ev.:;i1.o; august ti, itzi r 'n. i . y V . i o . .1, ; SUUtlKa RZSORfV " 1 ' " : ' ftwMi sekeertkers - aw lad Tke I euraai aa ! at mM. . La. , ok aad Vewfart. A h-i - rter dellvar wiU he saiiti i. 0 dlreat dm w eeest a Imm ; jad ae will ettaad areatpur to ee- MB&' BIACK leala Oesae, ' itl . Unr M Tf p. lata aa tM kk. J UUit Ai G&AABt V. w, s.. wnuaua, Hnti bu- -..tars et lewis tra.'a .u Mara, lla, - ' Or. IwUtot te 4 petaie ee Ut haea. , ' , , j . a. TW0 AND TAUIJA-ar ' XHvelkiae, erwa ' hm CiiiwUii Xaetera nUnti. aaeat. Kead tuartars et Newport, Or. DellTer te an poinia aa ue "WiUoit, Or, JCE i.l Lai aaeat. Mat Lak. Or. CAMION, WAari Mineral Bpriaf la. ' tel Ca aaeata. OASOASS, WAIH Tkaiaaa atettatt, colims mm ax iniiai, win.' O.X. Beleser, eaat, Oallima. Wash. aa; WILHWX ralka V W. VoLares, aaeat, 'WUaoil. Or. BOX LAXE feet Laka Baalfitrlast Oa ' toinoars AHuiimxTt. s Star...,., ...a.Baraj tea..,,, VBUfMTIll Clrtrrtpth Bros., at TwcBty-flflii a, Bins B trig H UVCIIi ...... ....."Partaera la the Mine" .... ....... .."Caught la the Web" .............. v.. .VaudaTllla VaudeTtlie It to wonderfully pleasant, when th winter storm airly and tha dajre are -oarep ana tha evenings chilly, to hare a warm radiator to snuggle up to aa ooa mum nmain ioe gssnrt ana rssas the -evening pa par. Tha Brown Apartment hotel, Hawthorne and Grand avenue, haa ateam heat, (aa and electricity, fine elevator eervlce, be ths, elegant dining room on tha first floor and every other convenience that engenders comfort in life.. It Is a model five-story stone and brick structure, and sis electric car lines pass Its doors, affording rapid transit to all parts of the city. Tha views from its windows are the finest. In the city Snd One nan araia? frhm th hn,t.. ... ., pm pi town, in iv minute. . :, ''J The city examination of teachers will be held at the high school August 11-10-II. City Superintendent Rlgler and H. W. Herron of tha high school will be In . charge. Following la the order of es amlnatlona: Wednesday morning, writ ten arithmetic, reading; afternoon, gram tnar; Thursday morning, geography. ..ww, iiiif iuiu(f( p nosy murnuig. '(eacning, speillna;; afternoon, mental arithmetic, United Btatea history Tha ;estate of Julius J. Kn. the Williams avenue saloon-keeper, who wss murdsred February 17, Is valued at 36,- by Henry Wagner. Fred W. Torgler -and Edward J. Gratis, the appraisers of the estate, who (lied their rerjort In tha county court yesterday afternoon. Cash on hand and In various banks amounts H Vn eia at j ft.. , . . iiiviv im aiao rw fllllta valued at $1,000. the remainder being personal property. . - United States Senator John M: Gearln is expected to arrive In Portland about September ' I. Positive information to that effect has not been received In this city and Senator Gearln has made an definite announcement aa to his plana. However, at tha offices of Dolph. Mai lory, Simon aV Gearln. It ts said that ha' Is expected to return during the early part of September.. H. W. Mitchell. Walter B. Honavmaii and H.'t Durham, appraieera of tha es tate of A. T. Webb, have filed a report In- the county court- showing that tha eatat hae-property valued at 181,446. Of this amount 125,000 Is represented by cash and certificates of deposit. $. 100 by real estate and $U,I4 by per aonal property. ,. t Water through hose for eprtnkllng yarda or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance anduaed only between tha hours of and I a. in. and i and I p. in. It must not be used for sprinkling atreeta. If used contrary to these aulas, or waste fully. It will b shut iff. , 1 ' . Ha never taste-t water while In Port land, aa they say, But awam about and eplaehed about In wine: . - 1 . . Ct all f dajMlne; fellowe he was ray. . art of tne ay, And the ohsppies said. "He's really r superfine. ' . v - He lianbered so fur autoe oh, gracious, . ha did hank , And be rode am everywhere around the 'town, ...... But when If was discovered he was "no good at the bank," :, Say, 'twould make you weep to eee 'the chappies frown. f; Now "Drlnkta'' 1 arrested and Is board ing at the Jail, .Yet he might have .been quite decent If he would. .'.. Ware he working In a laundryT-oh, how different the tale . And bow pleasant to bo always doing . - erood. , . . UNION LAUNDRY , Vol. Mala ttt. SeooaA and Oolambla. Only steam-heated polishers the kind that da not burn the linen in Portland. project. Agents for the Interior de partment have tried In vain for months to purchase the land owned by Ramos for the canal, but ha baa held out for what the agents claim la a prohibitive price, and" they seek to have the gov. ernmedf appraise the land, hoping to seoure a price within reason. Ramos wants IX.I09 for his property. O TO o to in t:::::: c? gfit.'.l Dr. Francl J. Hall Visiting Par nt in Portland Prior to ,. ' - His Departure. - ' n u t n Tfr-'i u uit; i.i i. ....... i o dtg;! it eo:7 Rose Oe Cicco Says She Would ' Rather Uve There Than . ; In County Jail. . ' . , -Dt. Francis J. Hall and his brother Allan are in tha city on a visit to their parents-. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Hall, If I Williams avenue. Dr. Hall, Jr., ia on his A Portland party, Including Jefferson Myers, H. U Plttock, F. W. Ieadbetter, H. M. Cake and Tom Richardson, form ins; a part of the delegation of bualness men to Klamath Falls, returned horns yesterday, , having made a trip from Klamath to Crater lake. They camped at the -crater nearly two days and ex plored The interesting region. It was : the first visit for all excepting Mr. Plt tock. The party drove overland from the lake to Medford and record time is said to have been made. . James DArcy, T years of ags, was adjudged insane and committed to the asylum a by Judge Webster yesterday afternoon. D'Arey was a lather by trad He has lived in Portland for II ears. His dementia is said to have been caused by business worries and is evi denced by A desire to preach and address Imaginary persons. The physician who examined D'Arey reports that thla ia the first attack. ; . - . - Rev. Charles Scaddlng, bishop-elect of Oregon, is already demonstrating his loyalty to this stats. Writing from La Orange, Illinois, his present home, to a friend In this city, he inclosed a leaflet Issued by the-Portland Commercial club advertising Portlsnd and Orsfon, and said: "You see I am beginning well. I Insert these ln my letters. ; Portland must be a beautiful city." .- , A special rate of IJT.IS for the round! trip from Portland , has been mada by the O. R. eV N. company for persons 7 Dr. ' Francis J. Hall. way to take charge of a hospital at Pekln. China, under the care of the Pros byterlan 'board of foreign missions, ss a medical missionary. Dr. Hall Is a graduate of Tale and of Johna Hopkins Medical college, class of 1905, and haa been spending a year of preparatory work in a hospital at Fhll adelphla. - . In his eonrss through Ysls snd at Johns Hopkins Jbm haa been asso ciated with Frank Biaflen, son of cap tain J. A. Bladen, and Lawrence Selling, son of Ben Selling of this city. He expects to eall for China from Ban Fran- claoo, September 4. who attend the government sale of j Hawthorne park this evening. BobertJlL-Platt. George J. Perkins and f Woman's exchange, tit Tenth street Henry Berendrlck havo filed in tha of fice of the .county clerk articles, of in corporation of the Alblna Fuel company. Their objects are to deal in timber lsnds, conduct logging enterpVlaea, and deal In all kinds of fuel. Capital stock. 111.000. ... . , r Tbs United Artleana will give a moonlight excursion on the night of JLuauil 11. ti iln mull t..k shlp contest among tha city assemblies. The steamer Chsrlea ft. Spencer' haa been chartered for the occasion and at least HO Artisans will . make tha trip. ' Articles of Incorporation of the Hef feman engine works have been filed in the office of the county clerk by J. T. Hlffftrtun 1 M. Bmhm. . ,r . . t . . -- - .DH TT. A. . 1 UI I, They Intend to build and operate ma ehlne and engine shops. Capital stock. 1100,000. ... Armilronr. tha tallnr i 11, Raleigh building. Sixth and Wash ington. Tel. Pacific 1681. 1 Assistant United Slates District At torney Jamee Cole ties. filed papers in a condemnation suit against Joseph Ramos of Kcho for the purpose of se curing land on his property for ths right of way of the Umatilla Irrigation townslts lots at Rupert. Idaho, -in. tha Mlnnedoka Irrigation project; , The sale dsta is August tT. Tickets are good for ten days from date of sale, August li. .' ( . . - .'. .' . ,. . r New' oriental goods More, lit First street, next to corner of Salmon, Charles Kan, proprietor. Retail- at wholeaale prices. - All goods plainly marked. :' Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments; $1 down, (Oo a weak. Don't go without , a good timepiece. Metsger sV Co., Ill Sixth street. Launches to tha Oaks every few min utes every evening from Fsvorlts Boat ing eompany'a, sooth slds bridge, foot , Morrison treat..,' Milton A. Nathans, atty., 1000 Stalner st., Ssn Fronclsco. Commissions prompt ly executed. Insurance adjusted. . Armstrong, tha tailor, rooms 19 and 11 Raleigh building, Sixth and Washington streets. ' Phone Pacific tilt. For Quality. Quantity and Quickness, i ge to Morris' restaurant y, . Acme Oil Co. sella tha beat safety coal oil and fine gaaolinea. Phone Bast Til. HAWTHORNE PARK ; CONCERT TONIGHT An exceptionally fine program haa been prepared by Bandmaster Charles I Brown for ths Park band concert at The con . Fol low- cert commences at 7:4a p. ing is tha program: . "Wedding March" from -The Rat ' charmer, of. Hametln" (re quest) Nesslsr Walts. "Tales of Vlsnna Wooda' Strauss Overture. "Martha" Flotow (a) Romance, "By the River". .Norse b) "Pansy" .Erlcbs Medley of popular songs O'Hare Intermission. Scenes from "Aids" (request) .... .Verdi Caprice, "Badinage" . .... Herbert Paraphrase. "Lorelei" , .Nesvsdba Excerpts from "Mamselle Nspo- ' leon", : . . ,,.,Ludera Twoetep; Spirit or Independence1 ..........Frankle Rlchter " Charles L. Brown, Conduotor. " Milwaukle Country Club. . Eastern and . Seattle 1 races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First an.1 Alder. J . ..- :i 1 1 ' i " - Prefarred Stoek Oaaaad Ooeds. Allen Lewis Best Brand. I After 'epending three weeks lthe eounty Jail. Mrs. Rosa Do Clcoo has decided that aha would rather live a year in Tacoma than In' JalL and ahe haa chosen to beard the train leaving for TacVma this afternoon. She will be accompanied to the train by a deputy sheriff, who will see that the order of tha' court directing Mra. Do Cicco to leave the atate Is obeyed. Mrs. Da Cicco was divorced by Tony De Clcoo about three years ago and the husband wss given tha custody of t'ae -children. Mrs. De Cicco admits having assaulted her husband ' three tlmea since thsn, ones with a hatchet. But she says that was only -In play and that she did not strike him with the sharp edge. Last April ehe waa found guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon after having atruck . De Cicco on the hsad With a steer barf She waa sentenced to one year in tM .county Jail, but on Jtromlse of good behavior aha waa sl owed her, freedom on parol. About a month ago De Cloco ' im ported a second wife from Italy, there by Incurring again tha displeasure , of his divorced .wife, who threatened to kill .both her former huaband. and his nsw wife. Alarmed by hls ' prsvious experiences with her, De Cicco at one complained to tha court of thess threats and Judge Fraser, after hearing teatt money, decided that Mrs. Do Clcoo had broken her parole. He ordered that she must slthsr servo ' out bar unexpired sentence of one year tn Jail or leave the stats and remain away a year. At first the woman thought ah would remain In JalL but yesterday sh noti fied the court that sh would rather live in Tacoma, and would go here If al lowed her liberty. An order for her release signed by Judge 'Fraser was received, by Jailer Mltohell yesterday afternoon and Mra. De Cieco will leave this afternoon to watch Tacoma grow. . i f ., i n j ..t BABY BEAUTY SHOW AT OAKS SATURDAY . i The ' event . of . events Is tha baby beauty show thst la to take place on Saturday afternoon at "The Oaks." Ow ing to the shortnees of time tha man agement have decided to postpone the show one dsy longer, to Saturday, August IS. to give all who desire to ex hibit the prettiest, fattest, smallest, ths best and worst boy and girl sll the, way from 4 months to I years. ' There Is to be s grand parads of nursss and baby carriages. Prises will be given not only for babies of all sixes, styles and condi- tiona, but also for the best drsssed nuree and handsomest . decorated baby ear rlage. Tueaday next will be free chil dren's dsy snd there will be a free grand spectacular ; production of the beautiful fairy play, "Aladdin and Hla Wonderful Lamp." Tha boys and girls of Portland are Invited to take part as everything will be furnished free of cost. A large atag la being erected on the lawn in the open atr and accommo dations will reserved - for at leaat $.900 spectators. Ml the 1906 Fall Style STIFF MP SOFTHRTS Nov Ready r Sll KOXRISCIf ST, c.PcsJcfac. as to TAXtra, von bo o cam rra ma ? c....l:;:. LAST- axoVcf- Krcitr at n '"-w O'CLOCK . il ll.ll a - m mmm . ENORMOUS Shows United AND THE THRILLING I0OOCHARACTER SPECTACLE THB FLAMES Moat Gfeutio 'aature ever ry ta . repre nS A erknaa City Stsce big ger taaa ldoTbe-atraa-1000 Char, aetare 10 faw' I'ightare-ElslMr. B to ipripniat far laoimltAtlm jt Bmok sad Ftre, and complete. Modern Flre Itghting and Ufa-Saving Apparatus. . EWORLD. LYRIC STOCK COMPANY WELCOMES ITS RIVALS Just to show that they welcome com petition and tha advent of a new com pany of players Into tha Portland drs- e14 Ik. m k... M ,ki. T.. stock company yesterday chipped In I and purchased a floral piece, which they TKa? '-; Passengers traveling on the' , ; f f r Steamer Lurline Will be landed at any steamboat point between une Portland and Astoria - Every day In the week but Sunday. ' This is a neat, trim, .large, commodious, fast-running steamboat, carrying passen gers and freight at lowest rates. Accommodating officials, . prompt service. :;' .' ..y..- ..: , '.'..'. Portland wharfs foot pf Taylor street Astoria landing, -Flavel-docfc .--r : ..rTjj ,j :.-r---";. ;'-";:"iv: Departs from Portland at 7 a. m., from Astoria 7 p. m. Connections at Astoria with trains and boats to and from all beach points. ' ; ; - . .: it to the Allen stock company.' when that aggregation opened a aeaaon at tha Star theatre last night. Frank Fanning of the Lyrloites denies that tha floral offering waa given aa on gives ouch tblnga at a funeral. '; . All RI G FC2TUNE'S C02IVER STCr.'E Tou' cannot erect a bolldlng ex cept, you flret have a foundation. If. Xortun.b tn tructure begin with saving as your corner stone, in no other wsy Is your future financial succsss possible. 1 lt ,ySu. w?lt. ,or om "lucky strike" to bring you wealth you .will be disappointed. - Good for tune la for thoae who deserve It , who earn their right to It who have some means of thel own with which to tske sd vantage of some fortunate circumetsnce and turn It Into wealth. , Open a Bsak Account Now' And add a little to it from week to week or 'month to month, snd you will soon discover . that you are a fortune builder. IVE PAY i PER CENT Islcresl ca Sivln;s Depsslls . Banklnf hours, a. in. to I pi nv' Baturdaya, I a. m. to I p. m. The Citizens Dsnlc - iso asAjro Avrtra. 3. H. LAMBERT..,,,.. President A. W. LAMBERT Cashier lunch. ,11 Dr, B. C Brown. Bye-Kar. Marquam. Rental Sign. AnsHy Printing Co. $l "PERSONAL. , : F. A. French, a banksr at.Tf-PaUea,- ts registered at th Imperial. - K. W. Bartlett, formerly receiver ef the land offloe at La Grande, at th Imperial boteL C. A. Johns of Baksr City, wh was a-, candidate for the nomination for governor against Wlthycombe, is at the ImperlaL State Senator I. H. Bingham of Eu gene Is- at th Imperial hotel. Jamea E. Fenton, a prominent attor ney of Seattle, ia at th Perkins hotsl. M. T. Nolan, register of th Isnd of floe at The Dalle, la at ths Perkins ho tel. - Dr. J. A. Geleendorffer, a well-known physician of Th Dallas, Is at th Per kins hotel. r T. H. Johnson, a banksr of Dufur, Oregon, Is registered at th Perkins. Csptaln J. A.. Clark of th Third United State infantry, who hss bean stationed at Manila, la at the Belve dere. - Captain Clark has many friends whom he Is visiting in Portland. Hs will leave for San Francisco tonight to spend th remainder of his leave of ab sence. , A NEW DEPARTURE. ' Tae Oost ef m tens eats Xaa Been 6reat ly Bedaeed by Th Xolmaa Trsder tslag Ooanpany. Heretofore it hss bean the custom of funeral directors to mako chargea for all incidentals connected with a funeral. Th Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portlsnd. beginning July 1, 10I; will depart from this old custom. When the casket Is furnished by u Its cost will Include a.11 chargea, such as convoying ths remains to our chapel, Outslds bos, smbslmlng, hesrss to cemetery and all aervlce which may be required of us except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving of 121 to 7t on saoh ftrnaral. ' - . THB EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANT, 110 Third street, corner Salmon. PtJTTER IN SERVICE. : repnlar O. aV gj T. Baea-rston Boat B .. .. Trip o Beaeh. . . i Tha "T. i. rotter" leaves Ash atrset look for North Beach, touching at As toria, as follows: , ' t . August 14, 10 n. tn.! -August If. 11:19 s. m t August II, lt:!9 p. m. From Ilwacoi August It, p, ml August Is, I a. r.i August 17, I a. m. - Tlcksta at - Third and Washington streets and at Ash strsat dock. Meet may be scoured on the boat. . ' Tea an not ire. i amies yew Vaat A4a , .. .... leeklag eat fo twh The gnMl jyourCredit Is Good In itsightheekcontinueitQL offer.ihe extremt limit ia sale values, embracing furniture pieces of every description, in a pleas-" ing assortment of designs, suitable for parlor, library, living-room, dining-room hall and den. ; -hMakrYburh Uwn lerms ODD PIECES IN ALL FINISHES INCLUDED IN THIS SALE AN ASSORTMENT OF DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM . 111 : $3.25 Arm Rockers, in the golden oak; ! sale price ....... . . . . ... . . . . ,f 2.50 $4.50 Chair, in the birdseye maple ; sale ' price ; . . . .3.00 $3.00 Tabourettes, in the mahogany ; , sale price . ."r. ....... .... . . .$2.80 $6.00 Pedestals, in the golden oak ; sale price ?4.00 $9.00 Center Tables, in the mahoganv ' finish; sale price ....f5.75 f. 0f : sale price .................. $6.00 $10.00 Magazine Rack, in the weath - - ered oak ; sale price ....... . 9 7.00 $10.50 .Arm Chair, in the weathered I oak ; sale price ............. $8.50 $12.50 Desk Chair," in the birdseye maple; sale price .......... .97.50 $15.00 Bedroom Rocker, in mahogany;; -; sale price .$10.00 $15.60 Arm.Chair," in the weathered oak; sale price .' ......$10.50 $19.00 Mahogany Arm Rocker sale price :. .v .; rv ... $13.00 $18.50 Arm Rocker, in the fumed oak; $22.00 Cellarette, in the weathered sale -price .$13.00 ' oak; sale price' .......... .$16.00 $21.00 Arm Rocker, in highly polished i$2.00 Ladies' Desk,' in the mahogany; golden . oak, carved design ; sale 1 . 11SAa si-inn sale price ................ .asio.iMj price ....... ,si4iUV . ' , . - . , $21.50 Cellarette, in the fumed, oak ; v';' $22.00 Shaving Stand, in the weathered : sale price ......$14.00 oak 5 sale price ....... i.. ..$15.00 , $25.00 Mahogany Arm Rocker ; sale price ....................$10.00 $25,00 Library Table, in the golden , oak ; sale price ........... .$17.00 $30.00 Library Table, in the golden oak ; sale price ........... .$20.00 $37.00 Hall Seat, in the golden oak; sale price .... .....$25.00 ODD PIECES . FOR PARLOR, LIBRARY, LIVING ; ROOM t Removal , Sale Prices. I m - v w i' mmiam YOMttrarrjy 11 0000 I L 0MPLETE-tI0U5E-FURni5i1ER5 swJT in 1 AKCYOUft VARIOUS PIECES FOR v PORCH ' AND LAWN AT REDUCED PRICES. FOREMOST CIRCUS. THB GREATEST AREITIC FEATUKE3 of nvs coiirniEiiTS. - . tSTOUNDINO NEW SENSATION, rttm umir op what mam BNtx mm to SALVO'S TRIP TO TUB MOON, Out-loomnc all the looc-the loooe -Out-eaiwlss ill the gap-the gape. Most thrilling Kid-air ieai svsr attempted. ' B1GSEST KERAGC: 03 EAHTIL Thro Hards of Elephants. Giant Eh- Mora Carat than svar . hafara. 7 1 TkCE TTRCCT TARAtS Itl sr k cecoea? a. at. 'the most MAGH1FICEIIT '' r ! PAGEAHT EVES. SEES. BI Q QEOT BIQ SHOW In alt th World. i ' . One co-cent Ticket 'admits to all, - Children under is years, half-price). v Two Exhibitions daily, at s and. 8 P. M. Doors opsa I soar earuer. 1 horn tteketa oaa a sseejeja em show tmjm a rav Co. maavo Stora, SSS Wssaiagtoa street, at aasas pxloea ahArreS at k ahov grouAs. , , DASE DALL ' ATHLETIC PARK Cos. Taagka aaA Twmtraatfc , M CagMtv BsiJMiIa Anu IS 1 Portland vs. OaKI-rJ ' asas Oalla at SiSO aa. BeJly. Osmea OaUeA SSM aw as. araaaAya. ' ASatZSBZOsT, SS. . '. Orandstand. He. Children, lee. Box Seats, St. L,YRIC THEATRE WIBK COMMRKCISO afOKDAT. AtTO. SI All OBXaOV SOMABTCS. "Partners in the KineM m rovu acts. ; Aamlaalan,. I0et raearrad arata, . . Par. foraiaaeee ararjr attariwoa aa4 araalas. PANTAQES feartfe aad Sawk St. , BUT TAMILT TKTATBZ. Balah Ottanalaaa Oe. ia tka LaafaaVla ' PWr, "A Same ef Xaarte." raakies ruta Trie. . Xalth KaBtaaters. Jaaa Chiah Oe. - Saat Cbaaikarlaia. Btasraph. aaa Wllaaa. . . ParforDianraa sail? at 3:30. T:SO asd bi. i Admiaaioa. lOe aad SDei BMae, SV. adlaa aad eblldraa take anv aaat at weak-' da natlaaea for TEN CENTS. - It! Grand Hairr IsBas Oe. ' "The Bailor sae ths Bane." Baaa-rraaele Oe. Thrae aHraaUats. WOl TMaaa. ; Kr. Carle Laae. : Ireas Oallaa. Kr. Ja Prlaa Matinees, lOe to all eaare eseest hnaa. ETaalnaa, 10c, SOc, asd SOS eeat 80a. THE STAR wxxx or AVSVST S. ISM. ,i ,. ALLEN STOCK CO. ; I CacoM in Ifce WctT DAlt-T MATIN CIS AT t t. Bt , , "BVKNIXa MRJOBfclAUrB AT :!. ' Pi Ii ea Ma tloaaa. aadara. 10 te sll saata. veaioae. lot, t aad (a. Baals - rnrad fat avaninf sarfaraaa'a Sf ptisa. Mala le. so a etiire eaas rraa u s. B. at s p. si. tkc NicKELcrrrr Utk, arseweea Aides rcllzri. MOTIaTO B-IOTor' "On a GoodOM o trollay PM Adaaisetoa se. "BTaf t.- Pcrc -t . Pr.1 Sanderson's te Pavta snd Cotton F. The best snd oiy r . ram ad 7 for J fi ia.e, Cure t.,e an"'""- sttnsts cseaa In I te If d- . . Jar bos. mauM in r'aH -- '. ree T. J H'Rf'!, P O., 1 i street, eeraes 1" ,,1, ft.-. j 1 . r' .'