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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
i he III; :...v.i rain Ct. Johns Council Wants Mayor Valentin to Resign but Ho . Isn't Talking. ' CAUCUS DECIDES THAT v ; HE WOULD BETTER QUIT Xntimated H Woold Abldt 1 De- '. cUion of Caucus, but Now He Unt y. Sura Whether Ho Will or Not V? Residents Art Waiting; r - . . .... .. v A good many people In St. John want v.i..iiim ti la also Boat saaatar, to resign his positions mayor. ,'-..t. Thsre wu caucus, la the town lsst (night and the ceuous decided he weul .better unit. ' -, ' - Councilman Walker aayo that Valen tine promised to ebld by the declajon - of tha caaeua. - - J i tf.WM VeLnttfta amid u IBH nvnuH,ii ' ' . 'didn't know. r ''... rnm which it anoears that maybe -" fee will aad maybe ha won't. - ' ! And now St. John wonder, why hold a. eaueua when a aucua can . oo ihiM "foe iun. , - At an Informal meet In of tha St I Johns council held laat nlfht Mayor Valentin waa advised that tha beat intereet of the city demanded that h .should not .bold both the postmastsr - ! ahtp and the mayoralty. The mayor had suggested to the council that tha meet- thorouahlv discussed. Ha Indicated that To would abide by their declelon In the Batter. - - - ' ' ' Councilman Walker in discussing lat j'Talght's masting of tha council said: i "I feel pretty certain that Mayor Valentin will reaign tha mayoralty at . tonight' meeting af tha council. The . mayor remarked to Mraral membera of ; 1U "w ; desire to aet contrary to the action that the council thought ha should take. We canvassed tha matter among ourselves and concluded to advise him to resign, and aa I remarked before. I have no ' doubt he will do so tonight." ' There la oonalderable speculation ss r t who. will . wear Mayor Valentine s shoes In tha event of hla atepplng down and out to devote himself to handling Uncle Sam's mall. There Is a strong undercurrent favorable to tha selection . 01 Kecoracr w. u. 1 nornajrse. am nu , draws a salary of $1.00, which In event I of his selection would probably b In creased by the fit per month now paid ; tb mayor. , . j Mr. Thorsdyka la thoroughly familiar 'with every detail of tha city govern i roent. - He has mads a study of tbs city .'charter and Is Invaluable to the council I in tb matter 01 explaining 10 mora ui r intricacies of that Instrument. It Is ! generally thought that ha would not refuse to accept the sddltlonal honor t . mayor If aaked to take It. ; Counellmen Legget and Norton hav been discussed by their friends for the position. Both are popular-with the ? other members of the council and would ! probably ahow up well In case of a con test for th of So. - The building committee of tha eoun . ell last flight discussed th plans of the (ew city hsU. There was but one bid 'for tha erection of the hall submitted to th laat meeting of the commute - and that wad found to be defective and ' rejected. Contractors complain that they cannot understand th plana and specifications of tha hall that were pre- who was th architect of th building. The commute will probably employ a practical architect to go over tha plana of Engineer Goodrich and make auch '.changes ss will permit tha contractors s to mak an Intelligent bid. . - I ' Street, Improvement troublea will oc cupy the time of the council at Ita regu lar meeting this evening. .A flood of protects waa presented to tha council last Tuesday. Everyone I dissatisfied with the street grade established and til accusing th engineering department of . incompetency and neglect. An effort waa made to discharge Engineer Good rich -and .trie i deputies, Sooggln- and Klllptt. However, they still, hold th fort andnnouncehetr determination to retain 'possession. . Tha question ' of paying, th engineer will also corns up. He has declined to pay' the 'improve ment advertising char on. tha ground thst the I per. cent of the cost of th Improvement' was. not sufficient to pay his charges,'1 much Jess th advertising Dill. , ' ' The old -telephone-franchise question S II Ira! ., , r. J.k. a n.w .council peremptorily turned down the telephone, company's proposition two A art V,,, , I. Im imilaMhiMl lk.( mwww ww,v, B. U . . . ,w W...WCW.WW. . ' .A . f : Is this important tp you? Than watch our daily adver tisements, s tnoner-saver for you very day. Today it's trousers, Set tha window display, 100 pairs they were 3, $4, $5 -oow I2J5. i Two-piece suits cut down one halffew of s kind, but all sizes of soma kind. ( , CuilhnPa lien's and Boys Outfitters 1MND 16S THIRD STREET Mohawk. Building. H (CIolhHinCO . . ''. I . ... . . .... . . .". J. . . ..' . .' . .. . . I ....... . ' ; Dosiery Ladies' Fast Black Hose, seam- less, sells for 20c; our : price , . . .10 Ladies' Seamless Hose, fast black, regular 25c grade, (for .............. ....US? Misses' Fine Ribbed Hose, ab solutely stainless, 3-thread lisle, regular 30c, black only ......... 24 Pearl Buckles, the latest novel ties, just arrived, regular 75c value, special . ... . . . .34 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, a lot of rr 5,000 to pick 'from," some ': worth as much as ?5c; :' special ............... .11 Combination Ladies' Needle Books, 4 papers jof needles and a large paper of pins, the . . regularise kind ; special 10 Standard Brand of Thread, the . regular 6c spools, 8 for 25 Ladies' Hose Supporters," with Belts, , nickel-plated, buckle with velvet grip, regular 35c grade; special for .....24 Children's 1 Hose . Supporters, - good strong elastic, with vel . vet grip, 15c kind ; special 9 Novelty Ribbons and ; Gloves ; ; and . Fancy Ribbon, regular , 15c ; special .8 Long Kid Gloves, black and white, 16 buttons, best " quality ........... ..?3.50 Long Silk Gloves, black and v white, regular $2.25 ; '. 'special , . .' . ?1.60 Knit Underwear Knslin Ladies' Sleeveless Jersey " I Ribbed Vests, 2 styles, plain silk trimmed and lace yoke trimmed, regular 25c and 85c Rvalues, for . . . . .10 Ladies' Muslin Petticoats, plain . hemstitched, also .lace and in ' . sertion trimmed, extra value, - at ;..;.f75 Ladies' Muslin Gowns, all qual- ities, all styles, values to ; ' $4.50 inclusive, Tuesday only, for ......... 79 to $2.23 HI th eom&ariy wIIT iuttmtt a nw preposi tion tonight. Residents of Center Addition turned 'out In force at last nlhfs neetlns; of th Montavllla Improvement leasue to opp6a Ui widening of Villa avenue to an JO-foot roadway, w. c Ayieswortn reported thst he tied Interviewed a Iarc number of tha residents alona tha pro- cosed boulevard from Montavllla to Fairvlew and found nearly aU of them fa vorable to tha wide street. - Dan Groat spoke for th Center delegation insist. Ins; that tha property owners in mat ad dition were opposed to an 10-foot street. Hs was asked If his people would be fa vorable to a 70-foot street, but they declined to accede to that offer. H. B. Dickinson, W. J. Burden srul othsrs ad dressed th moating urging ths many advantage of an (0-foot thoroughfare. On account of th spirited opposition from Center addition It was decided to let the question go ovsr until th next meeting of ths lesgus. - It wss agreed that the best road through th Ladd tract would be an extension of East an sa n street rather than to come Into tha city further south. ' A Ions shoemaker remains In the row of buildings on ths north slds of Union avenue : where th rut Is now being mads. All tbs other occupants moved out yesterday except tha cobbler, who Insists that ha will stay with his shop until It goes to the bottom, of the slough which seems likely to do In a day or aa On of thees buildings. th old East Slds hotel, now ready te topple over ih the mud, waa built by Jo seph Burkhard, a resident of Los Ange les. Burkhatd- traded, this, botsl prop erty for a piece of acreage near Los Angeles, which afterward made him a very wealthy man. . ; The Brooklyn Republican club" has Inaugurated a movement to make a park of the block at Milwaukl and Powell strsets that was purchased by th city at th titn th old East Slds Wster company was tsken over. For a long time this block hss been used by the wster company for ths purpose of stor ing wster mains. .Ths spot Is below th streetievel snd would have to b fUled at considerable expense before it can be mads availabl for park purposes. It hss been decided by the shutting property 'owners to pave With bitumi nous material East Ankeny street from Orsnd avenue ' to East Twenty-fourth street. A petition Is now being, circu lated tb this end and la being very gen erally signed. It Is probable that East Bumslds street will be paved with the same material at' an early data. V O. P. derln-waa purchased from Jo seph M. Heatey two lots on ths oorner of East Sixth and Morrison streets, for I Every how&tzpiitoows phat that word means We arc right in' the midst of iL You can't imagine what it means to us piles - of - goods-r-riew, stylish seasonal!: carefully selected, worthy of confidence and bound to gire entire satisfaction to every ptirchasar all have td be taken from our shelyes and counters, repriced at such lov values as to move them: at once and. prepare our whole building for the inrush of the mew fall stocks that are already arrivmgthis means to us Here is the needed articles at and right in the middle of the season too 2 That it will pay you to buy many of these things and put them away for next summer; many wise and: careful shoppers have antici pated; this hint 3, That this is air opportune moment to lay in? a supply of these staples always in demand the year through You won't be able to get them agam at these prices We present but 33 of the thousands of similar 'or better values that are awaiting your inspection on our counters We ask that you look here and elsewhere then purchase where you know you can do i k i v I 1 n ,v i i i4 rjj Silk Eton & Shirtwdst Suits With 'Sunburst and Pleated Slrirts, ex ceptional value to close, and a small lot of about SO, find ready sale at $25.00; now.... .. Entire Corner and YamhiU which be paid m,0y- Mf. Clerin will hold this property for a rise In values, which. he believe in dus In that sec tion of the city. Woodard at Clark sold yssterdsy to Oeorgs B. Newlsnds half of th block orf East Third street between East Da vis and East Everett streets, for $10, 000. It Is understood that J. J. Kad- derly and Frank Prim were Mr. New land s principals In ths purchase. BIBLE AND EVOLUTION AS THEME FOR DEBATE ; San Francisco Llberalirt and Portland Attorney , Discuss Subject at Y. M.C. A. A debate, "Resolved, Thst ths Bible Is In Harmony with the Theory of Evolu tion." held In the T. M. C. A. auditorium last night, was largely attended and excesslvs amount of Interest aa well as merriment. ' The spesksrs were O. Thompson, a well-known - llberallat, who came bars from San Francisco Immediately after th earthquake, and E. S. J. MoAlllster, a Portland attorney. , Thompson took the affirmative aid qf th question, while McAllister upheld ehe negative. Thompson's argument wss that not only t be. Bible, but everything else Is In harmony, with the. theory or evolu tlon, sine the theory of evolution Is a scientific explanation of an the life and aU ths activity of man. Thompson made no preteps of hsrmonlslng the story of Adam and Eve, of Jonah snd th whale, of Elijah ascending to heaven, of the resurrection, or any other explanation of the early history of the race, with evolution's explanation of thst history. These things, hs said, aa explained by evolution ars simply the result of the groping of undeveloped minds. . "The cow Is In th garden of Eden right now," shouted the liberal 1st "The eow does not lie awake at nlghta wor rying over th sins she hss committed." From his point of view, McAllister at tempted to show that th story of tSS) creation, of Jonah snd th whsle, and the many Biblical myths cannot be liter ally true and the account ef the origin of the earth by evolution be true also, Oreetlngs. Some 100 of Togo's sailors srrlved In Ixtndon ths other dsy to man a eouple of Japarieae cruisers Just finished. They were promptly lionised. Crowds greeted them, shouting "Bsnial.'' to which the Japanese replied "Heller ; ' -: ' ''.'. ..' . ; . -.v :-. : .'.. t-- .". ' is what ' what it can mean to you a price that is surprisingly lower than the same besu A fair proposition; isn t it? . Walking Skirts Walking Skirts, in all-wool Lustre, Pan- amas, Serges, Voiles, good value at $8; ; extra special, - "J AO Wednesday PaV.70 $12.50 If You Ars Bashful. Think of everything, anthlng but yourself. , Get Interested In .some special work have a hobby that you can converse on at ease. Alwaya d res your prettiest and aes that y.ou are at least making a good ap pearance. Try to act self-possessed whether you feel so or not Get Interested In - ether people's ex periences 1st thsm io ths talking and you act the part of appreciative listener. When you go among strsngsrs forget that you have a reputation for baahful- ness and try to act aa the other girls do. -.' ' , . .-. H St St ' Sardine Canapis. . " Spread circular plecea of toasted bread with aardlnea (from whlch bones have been removed), rubbed to a paste, with a amaU quantity of ereamed butter and seasoned with Worcestershire sauce snd a few grains of cayenne.. Place In cen ter of each a stuffed olive, made by re moving atone and filling cavity with sardine mixture. Around each grange a border of the -finely chopped whites of hard-boiled eggs. , . St StSt ;.. ; Cafe Prappc. : Maks some strong elesr coffee, using any kind of a drip coffee pot - Set aside nd when-cold sdd to each quart on quart of cream and mak very sweet with a string sugsr syrup. . Just be fore serving stir ' In on scant table spoonful of vanilla and on cupful of cream, wnippen to a aoua rrotn. rises a large lump of ice in the punch bowl, pour in th prepared liquid and serve in glasses. This mixture msy also be froaen to a mush and served In tall glaase. . ' . . Sf gf . On Jewel Crax. Some time ago fashion decreed that th finger that was adorned with a ruby should hav Ita beauty further enhanced by , ring ef diamonds, that "- trT". Entiro ',VA Corner Portland's New Department Stoq :ahdv - Listen: Jt can mean: U That you get just turquoise-ahoald mingle wit h emeralds. and ao on. - Now, however, thers Is a naw law. and the hand that carries ons pearl ling must, wear no other Tings than those of pearls. According' to the robe that la worn, the hands ahow a blsse of diamonds, mass of rich, red rubles, or soft-toned pearls, all quits unrelieved, and showing as little aa possible of their gold or sliver setting. V ;:' -'st'. st'V Black Tulle and Red Roses. . W . Tf a girl with golden tresses wishes to csnter attraction in the theatre or ballroom she should wear a black tulle gown, made extremely -decollete and with big tulle-bows on the ' shoulders snd ' a hug bunch of Meteor roses ss coraage adornment. Her tresses must be wreathed with rosea of the same sort In the form of a coronet, and letting her parted and waved locks radiate be tween the flowers. This fashion origi nated with the Princess of Pless, who Is considered ths most perfect blonde In th United Kingdom. ,;....: !;. .:. St St .W ' ; Iron With Gag.' '' A small Ironing atovs heated with gns Is the best .st sll times, since It cost less for fuel and may bs put out the In stant the laundry work Is finished. Oaa doea not atain ths Irons, but both stovs snd Irons should be kept very clean, scouring the, Irons each time they are used and then putting them away 1n small paper or cotton baga and keep them from duat and dirt. Certain Irons should bs kept for starchsd pieces, and others for ' the plainer. Alwsys have plenty of Irons. It Is not such a Isbor to do up fine underwear -and fsncy blouses tf various sixes of Irons are provided. . ' 'St .ST st Gift of 111 Omen. Superstltlously Inclined persons whis per thst the wedding gift ths Em press Eugenie bestowed upon her god daughter, tha young Queen Victoria of Spain, la symbollo of dlsaater. Thla gift Is an exquisite crown bearing a pair of outstretched wings. "Wings for laA sf the World of troubles thst robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Orove, Is., of sll usefulness, came when he began taking Klectrlo Bitters He writes! "Two years a so Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, whlen I would never hav survived had I not taken Electrlo Bitters. They also cured me of Oenera) Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach, I.lver and Kidney Com plaints, Blood diseases, Hesdsche, DIs slness snd Weakneas or bodily decline. Price too. , Guaranteed . by Skldmor Drug Co. ! a queen's diadem!" Is th dismayed cry. were ever sold before, Ginams .The .best 1254c and 15c Ginghams, in dress styles and checks and OV- fancy weaves, at. ........ and truly th ornament seema ready to fly awsy. Boms seers say this omen of HI luck msy be connected In some mys terious wsy with the aaaassln's bomb. But Victoria seems serenely unconscious of all thla and weara her crown with perfect ease. Perhaps shs feels that crowned heads ar proverbially uneasy nyway. . ' MUNKERS' WAREHOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE (Special Dispeteh te The Jearaal.) Albany, Or., Aug. II. The big ware house at Muskera station was destroyed by firs last Sunday evening. The ex plosion of a lamp In the home pf Wil liam Murphy, section foreman, caused a fire that spread ao rapidly that It' waa impossible to eheck Its progress ere It had crossed ths track, consuming section, houses and ths warehouse. : The original cost of construction ' Is said to have been between $11,000 and llt.000.-' Insurance about 11.000. . ' No grain had as yet been received in stor age. r , " ' .' MASTER BUTCHERS TO , ' -BUILD PACKING HOUSE ; ' V-' , ' . (Joans! Speelel Service.) Milwaukee, Wis., Augi II. Th estab lishment of Independent . slaughter houses by ths National Master Butchers of America will be discussed at ths organisation's twentieth annual conven tion which opened In Milwaukee today. The project haa been under considera tion for aome time. While the investi gation of the packing houses wss net the flrst cause of th agitation, it has caused th master butchers to look with mors .favor upon ths proposition. - A saving Of expense and absolute cleanli ness sr stated to be th two principal factora In the plan.' BROTHER OF BAKER WAN IN VALPARAISO ' , . -.. (Special Dispeteh te The Jearaal.) " ' Baker City, Or., Aug. 11. J. Muller of this city haa a brother In Valparaiso, Chile, snd Is using svery means todsy to get into communication with him. Mr. Muller had been out In th Cornucopia for the pest few days and did not know of tha awful calamity that had befallen the southern city until he received a copy of a paper, -when he Immediately returned to Baker and tried to get into telegraphic communication with hla brother, but sll efforts proved fruitless. He will wslt a few dsys snd 4 hen try again to reach hie brother after oondl tlonaTbav settled la th stricken city. 5,000 , pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, good .taped edges . and nice, neat patterns, and are worth up to $3.50, or;.,.. ...... ;,.M,40 Full-Sited Bed" Spreads, Mar seilles patterns and extra quality ........ . m . .?1.20 Better grade ..........$1.40 Bleached Turkish Towels, ex V tra large size, the rerular 25e kind, for 1.G2-3., Pillow Slips. 42x86, Wneh hem . at top, made of first-class . muslin . i 4V, i .;. i . 4 .12 l-2f A Seamless Sheet, full sire, for:i.......;i....fe0 A large-size i Brown ? Honey comb Towel ........ 13 1-8 50-inch Tapestry, in a, number of ' patterns, suitable - for , couch covers . and portieres.' - one grade for , . , . , . . .40 Basement Bsrjplns : 75c Agate Covered Chambers,' large size; special, .Wednes day only ........ k.-... 49 65c 4-piece Glass Butter Sets, in cut-glass patterns ; spe-j dal .,.;.4ff 10c 1 -quart Shallow 1 Stew Pans ; special, each .5 25c Decorated Pottery Glaze'd Cuspidors ; special, each 15 White : Semi-Porcelain ' Fancy Edge Crockery Plates; Wed nesday only, each . . . .5 25c Footed Glass Berry Dishes ; , special, each . . 14f Brownie Lunch Boxes, largest . aizc mauc, aoia reguiariy zoc ; ; special . . ...... .10 The Celebrated World's Fair Hardwood Toothpicks, pbl , ished wood, sold regularly 10c box; special, box.. ..5 Fairbank's Fairy Soap, for toi-. - let and bath, sold anywhere 8c. bar; special, Wednesday . .oniy, t oars , irrr7.7T.,.isOff All" 6ur : ?50c and 75c "Fancv .; 'Straw Waste-Paper Baskets, 'in all' shapes and' styles;. Wednesday only ...... 32 85c 2-quart Nickel-Plated Tea Kettles ; special, ' Wednes day ..;20 nin iiinT.niu ni nni mm UIU llUI Ofll ULOUil - If AO RED-NOSED MAGISTRATE Dr. F. Burgstts Short Explains What Hs Said and How " Mistake) Was Mads. " s w. ski aw - - ai - m m as In Th Journal yesterday the state ment was made that Dr.. P. B. Short, In a - aermon delivered the night before, called Fred Olson,. Justice Of the east side . eourt, "red-nosed magistrate.' The following letter from Dr. Short es "August 'II. to the Editor of The Journsl Tour report of ny Sundsy evening address, In yesterday's Journal, In which It was alleged that I had called Magistrate , Olson a red-nosed magis trate,' was Incorrect. To the best ef my knowledge and belief the east slds magistrate Is an upright, sober, fair minded gentlsmsa and officer, and 'I re spect him. In my address I did criti cise his officiating at that Oaka. wedding on the grounds that th aanctlty of th, wedding ceremony - placed Ita perform. anc entirely out of th provlnoe of civil officer and lodged It solsly (if It Is to be regarded as a sacred sot) In the handa of regularly ordained ministers "Bill f AIA amir with all amll ''P1ire are ariose who so disregard tha aanctlty of tne marriage vow that they will al low any old drunken, red-nosed magis trate to marry, them. And this Is wrong. Why not have the same man baptise their children and bury their dead TV "The above la true, but was said with no thought of applying It to Magistrate Olson, whose habits and character are unqueatlonsbly good. ' "Thanking you, Mr. Editor,, for al lowing thla correction to appear In your columns, believe me, very truly,: "FRANCIS BUROETTB SHORT," Renders ths 'bit more fluid and thus prompt relief from biliousness. Indi gestion, sick and nervous headsrhaa. and overindulgence In food and drink. U, U Caldwell, Agt. M. K. T. R. R, Checetah, Ind. Tr writes, April It; "f. wss sick for ovsr two yssrs with en largement of the liver end spleen. Th doctors did me no good snd I hsd to give up sll hops of being cured, when my druggist sdvlsed m to us Herbln. It hss mads m sound and well." . 10. wooaara, uars to. A: