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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
11-r .vcic'j.c:::i8 - y i ; ;?:,,: -o Cixty Homes Now in Proceaa of - 1 ' Construction In Vernon ' ; Add-on.. ' ; ' REMODELING WORK STARTS AT THIRD AND WASHINGTON East Side Property Along Waterfront Shows New Activity and ; Ware house Property I in -Good . De 1 man Many Mine Deals Reported 'W. H.'Moor,'preaident or the Moor Inveetment company. la on cttlsen of Portland, who U Snaly convinced that jthla city la going ahead rapidly and that lta futur I assured.. Mr. Moor baaaa hla opinion on hla peraonal esper! nca In handling Portland real aetata. Sine locating la thla city about a year ago tha company has handled consldsr able real aetata, but the largest tract they exploited was Vernon, In which there were about 1.000 lota.- thla tract la rapidly being Bold., So far1 upwards of 000 lota have been sold, and -the prloe ranged from 1100 to 1600 par lot. Not only have tha lota Bold rapidly, but they have son Into the hands of home builders, aa Is evident from 'the fact that since the first lot. was aold. Just about a year ago, upwards of 0 homes have, been built In Vernon. To day there are between SO and 00 homes under construction and before the and of the year It la expected that the num ber of houses built In this dlatrlot In IS months wH be 100 or mora. Tha houses are by no means-cheap ones, but the majority are home-like cottages, with mi pretentious two-story homes.'. Mr. Moor saya that each wee sees num ber of sales. Teaterday tha salee ran up to tl lots and on the previous Mon day 21 lots were sold. ..; . , , . . : BemodeUms- Work giaav . . ' The work of remodeling tha former office of the Northern Pacific Expreae company at the northeast corner of Third and Washington street has corn menced. A long lease has been secured on this corner by 8. 8. JStchet, who will use It for a cigar store. v ' - ' L. O. Clarke and W. F. Woodward have aold through Oeorga B. Newlanda to 3. J.- Kadderly and Frank Prim the half block on East Third street between Ess Da via . and . Eaat Everett. The price paid la aald to have been 110,000. Messrs. Kadderly and Prim bought the property for inveatmant purposes.,- i A warehouse costing fXt.000 will be erected by Oay Lombard along the Wil lamette river at tha foot of Dupont street. It will be a frame structure, on story high. . , . . . v . golls QaarM Block. - Joseph M. Healy has sold to d. P. Clerln the quarter block at -the south west corner of East Sixth and Morri son street for 111.000. There are two small frame buildings on the property. The place waa purchased by Mr. Clerln as a speculative investment. . , A number Of changes are to be' made In the buildings owned by " the Htrow brldge estate, which occupies the half block on . Tamhill . street between Fir it and Second. It la propoeed to add' an- . , , t- ...-: : - : ' t i. .. ' V . . li'.,- ' ' ; i .. .:,jrti..,! ...... TO. .. 1( lL...3 Honolulu U.uti Duvt Animal and , -Thoy Call on Steamor :y."'Hiionlah, Tomorrow. A recent photograph' of tlie 'Marciionpa beauttful woman in . England, ;f or L wbom tta jatwo of America's gmtea beirMaW ahakig the .striking contrast.between.the .snnuig pe.eresV peer. ' . ' C, ; other atory: to. the atructur renovate th bulldlog'.and maKe a'.nuinber'or Irp provementa to . the interior. . i Acohlteot D. D. Near'haa been cemralssloned. to draw nuns. and aupervise,' the. altera- (ions. ..'XIHI VUI1UK1S lta m v, 10 feet oh "First, 200 fast .04 Yamhill and 100 feet on. Second. ' " : . W. J. HUls has awardea' the contract tot William- Barrtngton foe -a. (two-story frame - house of the seml-cblonlal typt fiorfc Hundreds' of patterns-; '. 1 yea, thousands to choose : 1 from. Cheviots, ' Tweeds, . ' Worsteds Vicunas " and ' Cashmeres. - a . Sails to Yonr ilcisnrc Trousers to Tosr Uesssre steioiot We have increased the capacity of our shops so r that now we are equipped to turn out 400 suits a week, and on time to th : very minute we promise s : them. - ! :.. a . Inspect our .workshop: Look over our stock. . have over; 2,000 patterns; . to ; show . you a finer, , more fashionable assort- . ment than any ' ever be- . fore ' shown , in Portland, ' . ' we believe, v Elks' BWg, Seventh end Stark. to be bullf on at Thlrty-flrat, atreet Madlaon street. . - 5. James 'Masnlr ha started' work 0D thre attractive Cottages on Bsldmore street between Orand 'avenue and Eaat Bixth . atreet. - They will coat about f 1,000 each. . ., . i . $2,500RUGON EXHIBITION. , ."V '. '.' . :. ' Opeaina; of the ITew Art mooiu Baaaat at Swvaatk and Waaalagtom a Baooeea. ' '.' The opening- of' the newt art 'goods, antiques snd Oriental rug besar estab lished by' George Jabour aV Co. at .Sev enth and Washington streets, attracted a mob -of people - yesterday - afternoon and the side Welks in front "of the place had to be Clecred br a policeman, ao eager . war. Ah -women shoppers, -to. -e tha new and Hretty nings inat na vs been pwced ok x,WWtten.'"The,dlspmT which v represents a heavy. Investment Is all special' Importations. from' abfoad, and the art. goods, the Fprentlne hand made lacea, the -genuine article." sroo much enthuaiastic ' comment.'' ;' Mf. ;'J"' bour Is much pleased with th.fayOf hi new departure haa Melted:' , ' 'V 1 On tha Seventh atreet alda, "pf ; tha K winAnwa . le kll'.bv S-foof riik. which Is .ort of . th., most beautiful things Ttver, .brought '. , K '.;WtV.V".H States. This rur Jrepresants In-valaea pretty, good., house, and, lot In any. of tha bent .resJdetice, )ieetons.pC fbrtland It represents o.sp,ths .close ItWH peopja sjx.tpen,nd sJx'.wonieo;H fo IS months.', k The rugwsr Originally; manufactu'red fqr. a Jslftc'whlch aVPer slan ruIeK af "ov Hemdsy-PaaHrfona of the' -bestikilo'Wh 'hlemn .'at tn Turkish', emplf "Th Persian1 ruler; as a mark Vf tntf frtatidTtlp "for' the' noble msn, ordered 'the htg;'irtnde--especlaUy st Taprts snrf'sfterward, .irpon 1i oom plelkmV seAt' lt-to' Hemdwy- pasha at Constsntlnopl. thi actOf friendship, because Mt - oecifrod ; In i hlgJr quartera( led to iealfctjsles -arfd'-soms vlndlctlys machinations Smona1 the tiobleman's- a'a Boclatesi ' porte -time -attOTwar ltet cam Involved ;ih polMlcal.- trouble. Ht was ordered" xileir-swl-ws-soon- there after accidentally; KinedfOre an". pJ peal for 'clemency-could b prepared -rn his behalf. - Hla property Jwksi air exm nscated, ss 1 the rVjIe ireneralN lfl' tht country, and the VMg tell; ht th hands of an, att colleotwt; for: s' Parls- house, The rug '' piaoed .on.-eshlblllow at th Paris : exposition'. . EventuaHy an exporting house' obtained1 possession Of th Vug and it' was. senftd ' th Itnlted States. Many rothsr rar and 'Interest Ing goods ar oh flrsplay. Whatevsr Mr. Jabour jUndartake-s o'. do hi generally Anm well, and th' discriminating on Vlll find, his hs specialty artlsflcaUy satisfying. Mr. Jatrour ts niung, oruers for rugs and other' joctts-as, fernorfn. as. Brlt'an; Columbia...'.;',. 4 'y " SUNDAYCHOdCily TAKE JBIB JO ASTORIA V 'su'peVfn ten dent ;C t.' .Baling 'of ' tn Central Phiatlan TJhurch ..Sunday rshoo( has arranged with' " Ml ' atSmerTele. graph foV a' nfourslOnto Aato-rla - to. morrow. ? xpectst; sxholj sra and teachsrs on-th trtp.-The boal leaves Aidar afreet - dock 'at -7 -a. m., reaching Astoria at;i:0 -p. iti.."remstn. Ing one hour, aqd then- strta'forhoine, reaching Portland at : p.. n.'" '- ; 1 . .. Major Hamm, adltor and ' manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence.. ,KT.. when he .waa fiercely attacked, four years sgo, by Ptlea,- bought a ox.' .ef ltucklen a Artilca Salve, of "Which- he aays: "It-cured me irf ten day and no trouble-. alnoe." I Uulckeatt .-healer. .. ef puma. Sores, Cuts and Wounds, Ho at kidmore urug co. IPasiueiCiebisch & ' poplin .Will rV s . ,.'' -saws- ," v aw M - owa a . iiUQ 1 wor(c-Tnair. ibiq. oeiow " Cjty Engineer's Estimate. . -.V . "i V Yfi'.tF; Under-th .cUy'-atiglheer'a , estlmat. but, still- almost a. quarter 'of a million, waa- tiro auccessfur bld-for-th con atructlon of - th big'. Brooklyn - district sewer,, ?4J.1 J.t PaQuet Gleblsph Joplln submitted this bid last week, and yesterday - 'the -contract . waa . awarded them' by .the 'sewer committee" of th executive board.' ,f: . r- , N - ' The Pacific Bridge company bid 7,4 anl ' Robert 'Wakefield's bid- to 'aled'.4MrfS.4t..' .v i The Brooklyn aewer haa bean talked ofS. f olr;Twrara. The- proceeding for It resstrycMoft' have- been v under way for ' xaar. and now- according to th con- 1 tract'it must be.flnlshedl within a year. 3nooniraciorswno win ao me wore ar .at ' present - digging th. pip line 'frotp-'the Mount . Tsbor. reservoir to l)Man.- 'Though" this i contract, with the water board has not been carried out Oh time It is 'promised 'that the sewer Work Will be pushed at once. Th city enatriVer's-stmiat or. the' cost of th ewel-' was I1M.00O, Tt ' wU be the lifrgetit' district aewer rn th city: drain- f tha ' the greater part of th- region lying south' of Hawthorne avenu and irora thai-river eastward 'to the new city lira Ua'' For ;,ll, feet, tha diameter of th turner will, t 10- feet ;; . ;,:' V J; Tha Nickelodion. - he iletur this week at ths Nickelo dion. Is another one to make us laugh. A good ,old 6c trolley , ride, where such hlsgs s .schedules .and modem- strest car rulee-ar unknown. We amll when tbercar starts and the smile broadens as. tha picture progresses and beoomes ssdlhl. espeolally . where ... cendactor and- paasenger leave th car on wild- -gos.-ohasf. ., -4 -. V AT Tr ,i. 'in ''i-.- .-S THEiTHEATRES. ' . " .', 1:" -. .-. .... v V f arters-te the' Mine." . ... . Tk ; plesetog . ehenas of t WU ,at Urt for tbe-curri-Bt wtk. MitMudns the rbsrw Ins" ramtiice' ,ol .' Ike slei. , " the eenes IdllT I ertuteTO 'OrfOB, win. -bo-doobt. prove to- be. a' very pneulkr-attreetlo saMg tae tke lresolr Wl f Pnrtlsa.j, It k) s very pnttr Moqr ' 'n4ftr -br a .etflMewt compear H pier.Bll.ortalaly werthy e a large. BstaBsag --;r. ; ' 1 t.v. t f jfJ -.'? ' n. v . '- ' u .;, ('Orand.s , One' of the .-(. . oomedjr pltylets thit Tr: toored, the J Or?hena clreult I "The aner . ssd thV-.riorM-.'t-kplaved; ; by t Herry tH4tM eompB...,wl4 H tie-th feature t the Omol Hile wwk, 1.plaMt.-krrea be a tt Will fry.;, v,. '. - . :pAyWWW: - - M'1W:weki-airW.s61 it Mae Sterwlthjtne M' ffwrV ."CesgM ts ikt-'Wel"- Tbl ty4: thrlHiig dstertlve .arena In Jlre-odS.' Mhv- !.,! br a etrtk fn, rettBiDttoce to, th .'.rvcejt .bask .rokkery la hT-,'-" 'h'v'r..! RATRAfsSIOFrtlCULSi ' : ARrtEr5TE& FOR RIDTI NO ',-itf ,',.'V ..v'" .'.I1 .' r v.v.- -. ! 4" i K '. JororatiW .SWVIW.) rt' : -'Kew trki VAtfg.t fl. Meld without bll on the chare ofincttlag th recent Brookjvo I Rapid. '.Transit, double far flotBy f3ene,ral .'.Supsrintendeot Smith and General Inspector ; Kewberry wer oommttted to Jsll-st' Brooklyn thla aft ernon by MagretratS Hlsirenbotham of th poltc'oourt to await tries. rn o fendants sr ; ptepsrjng habea'a eorpue proce4iinsi.J Minor offtstaia aie kaja andec IM-lras4s'. The eatabllshment of a direct steam ship Un between. this port ana in Hawaiian Islands already has directly benefited -the nora raisers of eastern Oregon. ' - Tomorrow night th Mataon NavlfStlonvOOmpant a steamer Hllonlan will aall ; from. PorUand for Honolulu and on the forward deck will be It head of broken work horaea that would likely never have left their native soli had It not been for th establishment of the new steamship line. , Tha horses ar being shipped by Jsmes McQueen.- a stock buyer In Honolulu. Mr. - McQueen la ' In Portland today superintending th buUdlng of th stalla for-the horses on -the Hllonlan and be will' b among the passengers when the steamer pull out tomorrow nignc - ie expect to return to Portland soon for nior horses and will probably also se cure soms cattle ror in laianu planta tions. ' .' " ' "I hav been buying herees for many veara In California and" on Puget sound." Slid Mr. McQueen this morning, "but ow that Portland haa a direct steamer line to th lalanda I believe, we can do better here. We uoa moatly heavy work horses and I have found plenty of them In eastern Oregon at prlcea that I con sidered fair. We Import a great many draft animals annually and I will say that my first visit to Oregon resulted erv satisfactory. We have been buy ing so- long In- ths California market that they sort of look upon us aa regular customers there, but of oours w ar not In th business for cnanty or iovs and consequently will buy In th mar ket moot advaatageoua.", -. ; ,x PREDICT BASEL'EHTS 17ILL V LEAK DUSKiG 17KITER Contractors Say Hot Summer Weathar ' Has . Bad Effect on ; ::x f: . Walks and Oirdera J ' ' Many contractorr predict that th baaemanta-.of. practically every business house , In the down-town district will leak during, th coming winter ss a re sult ef th unusually hot summer. Th Stearns building,, at Sixth and Morri son.. U the first-to be affected. - rWorkmcn.'av-' completed repairs at that eorner.. and .the basement, will not suffer w from leakage this winter. Sev eral weeks sgo It waa discovered that the basement waa damp and water was ehterini'.. and for a time th cause was unknown:. , investigation, however, ra veatad; the fact that there were Invls Ibte cracks - in - th : cement sidewalks through whfch v water leaked Into th basement----V. . - :The basemenU in. nearly all the down town buildings -extend to the outer edge of the sidewklk. The concrete sidewalks sra held In place by iron gfrdera at fre quent "Intervale. Because of tha exces sively' hot Weather th girders expanded, causing invisible cracks In the sldewalka. The defects have been repaired at Sixth end Morrison streets, but contractors predlet ' that 'ln many ether places th Sidewalks bar been similarly Injured. BIG GRAIN WAREHOUSE ; -. FOR DUPONT STREET ' .i , - .,' ' sasaawWMBaBssB . . 1 ."'A grain warehous to cost 115,000 Is erected, on the east river front at the foot of Dupont street by Jay Lom bard of th Pacific Grain company. A permit for'th struct urs ha Just been Issued t"- the , builders, Velguth a Pi ere. " Other permits hav been Issued aa follows:..' ' Mr. Hills, two-story dwelling. East Ttllrty-flrst-street, between Hawthorn avenu and East Madison street, coat 11000; Misses Goldsmith, two-story dwelling. Irvlrig street, between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth, coat 4,B00; W. F. Garrlott, one-story dwelling, Bherrett street, between - Eaat Ninth and, Eaat Eleventh, cost SsOO; Thomss Darling, two two-story ' dwellings. East. Main street, between Eaat Twenty-ninth and Eaat. Thirtieth., coat $1,600 each; D. A. Morris, - two-story 1 . dwelling. Victoria street, between Broadway and Hancock, cost $2,000; G. P. Clerln, two-atory dwel ling, .East Seventeenth atreet, between East Taylor and East Tamhill, cost $5,000; O. O. Hall, two-story dwelling, Tillamook atreet, between Eaat Twenty, first and . Eaat Twenty-second, cost $1,600; Mrs. B. ' Jlm hereon, repairs. Tenth, street, between Montgomery and Hall, coat $100; Jacob Orth, two-atory dwelling,: Sixth street, between Lincoln and Jackson, cost $1,600; O. L. Grim shaw, one-story dwelling, Eaat Thir teenth street, between Alnsworth snd Rlggen. cost ;i.000s W. H. Burdlck. barn,- Alberta- street, corner Eaat Fif teenth, ooat $160; D. C. Pelton, barn. Eleventh' street, between GUaan and Hoyt, coat-$1,000; Oeorge Reed, two story dwelling. East - Twenty-third street., between .Tillamook and Thomp son, cost $$,100.' .-. ' Th lata Daniel Wesson died worth $$0,000,000 as ths result of Invsnttng and 1 manufacturing the revolver, a weapon that has don a thousand times as much, harnt-as good. a.aa-i - - SOME IDEA .... , , ... ,.. ..- -. . -.... - .- V -th wonderful merit - of aTostetter's Seoaaaeh Btltters can be obtained from lta record of cures during the paat S3 years, but a better plan la to try Vot il and test It for yourself. You'll loin with, thoueands of others In saying that HostetterY Stomach ' Bitters has .' been well named, th "sick man's . frland." Through It every Ick man or wom an can find but relief and cur for nrsxoasnov. , STSPSVBXa. - oosTzvavass, foob arparzTB, MAVSSA, OmAMFS, w r- tlnT a 3 siAmmxoBA sr v, ramaxa nu. f "T1 I The genuine haa I Fvtvat Sterna r asca oi not- :Z"i,,,;,w:u,iru.. procedig. Minor oiiwiai ar mi sw ' .,....,..'''.. ?': '.- '!. '.'...:' . i;':. ' .-' ';':V-.!- .V.':.'' ' -"..: ''''- '"'.'.. . " rcrrow " : Day ..'liltfTl-tMr 1 Tbrce f Days' Sale fTr-TU J Jiliii 9 h 2 . 11 11 aasax Swisses aaaaa P.-:'--':'v-:'rrv): Three Days' Sale 5 The FoUowingr Extraordinary Bargraina for Wednesday's EJellinn' iome ID Ml t3 Price s Thousands of appreciative women have indorsed by their purchases the unmatchabler value-giving power of this great sale. Tomorrow Wednesdayis the last day, and the values are greater than ever before., This will be your last opportunity to buy good, dependable mer-, ' chandise at half and less than half price. ' .';.''".";.''v':v; V V';"-,'. This item on sale Wednesday only at this price. A Sale of. f f That Will Be a Winner T I r I AWKumr iww H""" ...t .,. mi glllie .ii Tomorrow, One Day Only OEBTTS 200 dozen bleached "lisle thread combination sui ts-for women; made with hip;h neck, long sleeves and ankle length, the greatest knit underwear offering of the season. .' See Morrison street .win dow .display.'-: Purchase a? many. as you wish tomorroay at less than cost of , . Oi manufacture.' " The 75c grade at,' suit; all sizes ................. i mf m w ''!. .''. This item on sale Wednesday only at this priced ' ; ' Wliite Spaclitel" Doilieo Specially ricededeDdayat ScanAOtiEaicli v iTomorrow we place on sale about 1,800 "Spachtel" Doilies at -extraordinary low prices made of fine quality Swiss and Linen in a great assortment of appliqued-and cut-out effects, handsome designs, with scroll, hemstitched and scalloped edges, a most attractive assortment arranged in three great lots, specially priced for Wednesday's sale; see window display, v,Nq mail or phone orders filled at this price, none sent G Oi D. 'fj r . ... ; , ; Spachtel Doilies, size. 9x9 inches, 8c values. Wed nesday at . ..... . ' . . . . . .' . .3f Spachtel Doilies, sire. 12x12 inches, 15c values, Wednesday at....... ......... f Spachtel Dpilies, size 18x18 inches. 20c values, Wednesday t .y............:,... wf . "" mmmmmmmmmmmm1mmlmWmmmmMmwwmm eajssajaBSBsjBMBSjsjsBBBBBBBjsjsss . ' ' ' - .:'.'.:'. f 'v..' I i'.v ' ; This Item on sale Wednesday only at this price. ., 39o a Yard for New Fall WqTol Goo do Best 50o and 85o Qualities. A Most Extraordinary Offering v lor "Wednesday's Great Barrain Sale - We have iust received a bisr shtement of new Fall Dress Goods consistine of about 3,000 j l-l -t. aals fmnArrnw tnr tn first T1TY1. ytr-Jl.:. Noveltv Plaids. 38-lnch An- -Woot Albatross 88-inch All-Wool Serge. 40-inch; AU-Woott ites 38-inch All-Wool Fancy Cream coiorea Monairs, ao-incn rrenw wmua u pretty embroidered designs, values from 50c p to 85c a yard. ; Your choice for one ; Q day only, Wednesday, a yard. ....... .'' ..'"'' UV This item on sale Wednesday only at this price. 16o for military Hose Supportero Never Before Sold for Less Than 25o : .The price turned our way on thia purchase of Women's Hose Suooortera and tomorrow we offer them to you at much below their real worth. '. : . ; - : 500 dozen Women's Military Hose Supporters, well known and universally used,- made with silk front pad and four silk-frilled elastic hose supporters, finished with velvet eno clasps,, white, pink, red and oramge,.so Id everywhere : at-56 oair y and the best supporter on the market at that price, on special sale for one dayronly, Wednesday, , the at, a pair. ..,.,....... . . : iUW None sold to dealers. No' mail or phone orders filled at this price. None sent C. O. P. , 1, This item on sale Wednesday only at this price. Tomorrow We Will Place on Sale 200 Dozen Infants ' "! AIL Wool Cashmere Stockingo ; Best 25o Qnality at 12 l-2o Pair: Black blue, red, white and pinki alr-wool cashmere hose for infants, made' with silk heels and toes, never before sold for less than 25c a pair and the best erade : ' made to sell at that price; we sell all sizes, two pair for the, regular price of one, I the pair 'r This item on sale Wednesday only at this price. , . . ; lQ I II Women'o $3.00 Onfordo We've a good manv thousand oairs. women's real hand made Oxfords, that are actual. . .v " nn 1 Kn- tti.u r h v.rv latest ctvloa Hnun tn tti Kmallegt- lf till .' thry I " 'worth buying to carry over for vour next season's wear. Wednesday they will ( be sold at . 4 .. '