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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
c.,-c:i daily J3tr..:::.i; rbaTi:j:3. tu:d Wejtfef. a k. VI J - ' '" " " cicitT JURORS ACCEPTED (fJ THE BLUE HOLD-UP LiEO GET WlTMl LAOD FRAUD CASE DUSY nemo VV- ..J. Mttchall Trial Makes ; Its Influ ? ALL JURORS QUESTIONED , v ' CAREFULLY BY.ATTORNEY8 Large Number . Excused " by Court, ' Prosecution and DefenM Heney Busy Preparing for Taking of Tes timony and Admission of Evidence. . ' BiU "The Blue Mountain Reserve - CSSe.' an. rrlf States district court. Enter the ehade ef Senator. M ltchelL : r Twenty Jurore have already been , examined In the lend treed ease In , (which State Senator Franklin Fierce 'V J Mere.. WUlerd N.. Jones end Qeorge t Sorenson are defendants, hut at noon to- . - J dar tha Jury was ons short of the neoes 1 -; aary II. If John H. Mltehall had not . , I bMi included in the original Indlot ' f mant this preliminary work would have '.. I bwg completed In a few hours. It IS his Influence, lasting Ion eftar he has passed away, that baa eeuead much of ' " J the delay. The queatlona aaked of the -.i.'- man in the box and the challenges Intsr- 1 posed ehow plainly tha realisation of .both eldee that tha departed acne tor In f hla dare of power msde not only saaloua . friands but hitter anemias, end thh In- oulry put oftaner than any other K : . 'War you ever , afflllated with the 7 Mitchell faction, tha Blmon facUon or - the Moody faction f . f - attars Jmw AoeapSst : The anamination of Jurors began yee ". t tsrday morning. Before adjournment v rffor the day aight aeeaptaneaa wera re . I corded. This morning three wore added, t making it in elk Those eeoepted are as - - , ; follows: -" . '.' ' . j George H. Bull, merchant. Lebanon, i Linn "county. ," ' "' i J. S. Pettyjohn, farmer,' Wlllamlna, Tamhllt county. - ; - ; - Walter A. Goes, tannls champion, end " manager Acme mills, Portland. .-.- Robart N. Lovelace, farmer. Rainier, ! Columbia county. ' - William J. Fullam, ahoe dealer, Pert- . ! j land. - r .'... ; Oarratt . W. Versteeg. brlckmaker, ' Portland. -v. Andrew . Varcler, architect, Salem, Z ' i Marlon county. " .-. i , v Thomas C Bodley, florist, Portland. - 1 1. E. Kelgler, stockman, Gervala, .MaA .- rlon county. . W.' M. Kapua, department manager with Portland Oas company, Portland. , " ' J. Buchner, farmer. Tall man. Linn .'county, v . ."-'- ' k '' " v ' Just before noon Judge William tX " Kenton, who la doing the questioning , for the defansa. bagaa tha examination . of John W. Armstrong, a taamater lie V ing at Klnsel Park, thla county. Of thoaa already rejected one, Oeorga y H. Andre we, was excused by consent. . y Other were dlsposad of as follows: . . -V- Edward P.- Hutchlns(sxpacted defansa " to prove Innoconoe - excused by the , court. j- :.-'::'? ,': i . ' Oeorg W. Kennedy, needed avidenoe COUNTERFEITER'S OUTFIT CI MIKED VESSEL - Lifs-Savsrs Find Sinking Yacht Oessrted ;. With Spurious ,. Cold Coins Aboard. ; (Josial Special tento.) Los Angeles, Aug. Jl. Long Beach ; f nfeaavera sighted a yacht wfclch ap . peared to be in distress two miles oft ' : ' tha shore and mads hurried preparations ' to go to the assistance of those on hoard,. When they approached the ' craft, which was driving ashore with ""an-'ssng flapping,-they found nobody - aboard. The men boarded the yacht, . which waa a email sloop, and found a ' full counterfelter'a outfit. There were dlee for making II and 1S gold pieces and. .several strips -Of .' metal, from which spuAous money Is believed to have been made. There were signs which Indicated that the yacht had been recently abandoned. The -. boat waa In a sinking condition and waa left by the llfeaavera, who allowed i j i her to go ashore. . The isoop has been Identified aa one "-Which has frequently been rented et i Sen Pedro by two men. When the men 'left San Pedro yesterday they were ; trailing a small open boat behind the - ' sloop. It la believed that they became ' ' frightened and abandoned the craft at eea and made -their way ashore during - the nlgbt " UNION AND SOUTHERN LEADING BULL MOVE New Tork, Aog. 11. The Vnlon end Southern Pacific are the real leaders of the bull movement, which Is now in full swing in the stock market While both fell off from their high levels, it Is ap parent the Harrlman Interests are eb arblng ell tha profit and taking the sale, to resume an Upward movement .later. Union opened at III and fell to 112. and ageln went slowly upwsrd. There was murh buying on the predic tion that It would reach 300. Southern fluctuated within narrow margins. Ev erybody let aVMithem alone until the aaurce of the Union could be learned. It le eeld Harrlman le still long on both, which will be marketed. SILVER -EXCLUSIVENESS , Beautiful After Dinner Coffee Sets ' ' f "ZHasaead traders of Jewelers, SUvsrsmlths. ; ' ; to remove hla prejudice; excused by the court. ; A. XTMlner, Wmltted prejudice; chal lenge for cause by defense and allowed. Norria PerkUabanker of North Tarn hill, decided opinion ee to tha verdict in tha Mltehall ease; peremptorily chal lenged by the government. John W. Probst, farmer of Albany, peremptorily- challenged by defense; reason not disclosed by examination ; Robert -J.- Stewart. Portland manufac turer, waa a fellow lodge member of Senator- Mitchell; knew Borenaoq ' and patronised -. Boren eon's favorite cigar store; . peremptorily challenged by the governuaat. ' . Amoa Beach. Woodburn oonatable, eet On the Jury -that convicted Clarence B. Zachary; peremptorllx challenged by de fense, ' - ' Thla left both sides with only one per emptory challenge. There were two va cancies in the box and one Juror still un examined. The defense asked that the box be fined. This would ensbie tnem to see shead a little and reduce the dan ger that their last peremptory might not be put to the best use. Although the rules of the court called tha examina tion of the remaining unquestioned Juror before filling tha box. Judge Hunt stretched a point and granted tha -request "A few minutes later the defense, in en excess of caution, wanted to paaa J. Buchner for cause and reeerva the privilege of going back and challenging him, but the court decided that thla waa asking altogether too much. The defense thereupon took exception to the ruling and accepted Buchner. - ' i Xeaey Tory Busy, i . United States Attorney. Bristol looked after tha gorernment's interests in court this morning. Special Assistant Attor ney General Francis J. Heney waa busy wth the final preparations for tha In troduction of evidence and put In only an occasional appearance, at no time re maining In oourt more than a few mla- tea. - v Tha small army of attorneva enmaed In the defense was , reinforced, this morning by tha arrival of James K. Fenton, who oame from Seattle to join his brother and W. Lair Hill In the fight to sare Senator Maya. Edwin P. Hays, brother of the senator, took part In' the oenferenoas of the defense. These conferences, ware frequent, aa the et torneya for Mays made no moves with out consulting ex-Judge Pipes and S. B. Huston, attorneys for Jones, ind ex Judge 8 week, attorney for Sorenson. A mass of evidence la to be I tu re duced by the government In Ite effort to prove that the defendants conspired with Senator Mitchell. Land Commis sioner Blnger Hermann and Congress man J. N. William eon to defraud tha government out wf 200,000 acree through the creation of a forest reserve . that would Include Immense holdings ac quired by them in various ways, fraud ulent and otherwise. . On the establish ment of a reserv. land quoted at 11.26 an acre would at once become worth tl.l an acre for ecrtpplng purposes, thereby assuring enormous profits, pro viding the government did not Inter fere. In this instance tha government Interfered and Investigation wee fol lowed by a string of Indictments. Among the witnesses to be called by the prosecution are Captain Salmon B. Ormeby - and Daniel Webster Tarpley, who testified before the grand Jury that made tha Investigation. It le expected that . the . trial will last about three weeks. '-V ' -'-. ACTRESS HAS .FIST FIGHT -iVffHPOIY-ffllFI Mr, Lssli Cartsr Payns Puts ... Up Hard Battls With Officsr . In Hsr Auto. ' i. (Jesrsal Special Service.) Patchogua, Aug. 21. A woman In a feet auto, aald te be Mrs. Leslie Carter, the actress, and Deputy Sheriff Addlsion H. Burastead figured In a lively Set fight in front of the Brook Haven poetofnee late yesterday after. aooa Those WBflfc witnessed the affair aay that they never saw a more daring attempt to etop an automobllo than the feat of Bumetead, while both Bumstsad and the crowd agree that they never knew a woman to use her fists in such an affective fashion. . Bumstsad said the man, presumably Payne, the ac tress1,, husband, crouched In the corner of the car and took no part In the pro ceedings. . The auio did not stop when com manded' to do so, and the deputy sheriff made a daring leap" for the machine and tended. Then followed a fight. . as the officer did not heve hie official timers with him he could not make out a -case and arrest Mrs. Carter, but per mitted her. to proceed efter she had apologised. . GENERAL PALMER'S . : DAUGHTER IS DEAD (Sseetai DssstcS te The fearaaLl - Dayton. Or.. Aug. 11. This commu nity was shocked . Sunday morning at the aewa ef Mrs. John Mob re's death. She wes down town snd did some shop ping Saturday evening, apparently In her usual health. On ewaklng Sunday morning her hue band found that her spirit hed taken its flight. An eutopsy showsd heart rallure the cause. Mrs. Moore waa tha daughtsr of Oen ersl Palmer, who figured prominently in the early history of Oregon. Besides her husband shs Is survived by a sister and brothers. Another sister, Mrs. Jsmea Martin, preceded her only, a few months ago. The funeral will be held today at i p. m. from tha M. E. church. Prevails abundantly to satisfy Individ- ' usi tastes.- The variety Is large, well . selected snd of that "sterling" quality, J 11-1000 fine. With tha erer-st tractive prices and artistic engraving accompa nying Moid Wedding or Annlvtrsary Gift . - , Ar lbs Hula t, - the ITerthweat. ' Out. Thted and Waebiagtea Sis. Thrss Victims Rsport Sensa- ' tional Robbsriss to Officsr at Polict Hsadquartsrs. V NUMBER OF HOUSES ' ENTERED BY THIEVES Detectives Recover Part of Stolen Goods and One Suspect Languishes ' in Chy Prison1 Pendinf an Investi- gation by the Authorities. Two hold-upa, a couple of burglerlea and a number of petty thefts during the past ti hours indicate that the lull in tha crime carnival . waa only tem porary and with renewed vigor the criminate who tnfeat tha city are again commencing extenelva operations. J. n. Burgess, a railroad man 'from Albany, and P. 8nadon. a bartender at the Beattle saloon, were held up and robbed at an early hour this morning at Park and. Davie streets by a masked highwayman. The footpad secured 1100 from Burgssa and relieved Bhedon or I1.T0. The railroad man arrived here veaterda with tha savings of several months stowed away In his pocket.' He etruck up an acquaintance with Shadon and confidentially Informed hla new friend that he waa tha possessor of 110. This served te Intensify the mixologist's friendship and the two boon compan ions started ogt te take In the eights. They had not progressed very rar when the highwayman put In an ap pearance. Burgess started to resist, bus Shedon advised htm to submit and the crook loat no time In relieving both men of their, coin. . Bhadon upon being Interrogated at the station by Captain Ballsy became extremely nervoua and conveyed tha Impression thst he might have been ImDltoated in tne roooery. Acting on thla theory he was locked up pending a further investigation of the case by the detectlvee. ' ' ' Bobbed 'em Bast Side. James Kilroy 'reported to Patrolman Mallet at midnight that he had been beaten and robbed by two young men at Ankeny and Front streets. . Hie eyes were badly blackened and the blood wes streaming from a gash on nia race. After taking Kilroy to the station the policemen made an Investigation and found the mane hat, spectacles and a rosary at the scene of the hold-up. Kil roy claims that the highwayman secured 120 from his pockets After striking him repeatedly in the race ana men aisap- peared In the darkness. p. a. McPnerson. witn omoea in tne Belllng-Hlrsch building, reports that hie diamond stud waa either lost or stolen while he waa In Kruee'e grill on Stark street last evening. Mcpherson declares that when ha settled hie bill at tha coun ter the diamond waa In hla ehirt front, but before he reached the door the atone had disappeared, .a detective baa been detailed te make an Inveetlgatlon. A. risks of the Mcdeay building re ports that a puree containing 110 was atolen from Miss Munseu, wno occupies an adjoining' office. ' The polios have a suspect In view.- - . r.O Stts Boss mobbed. Thomas Narln of 111 Second etreet has notified the police that his room wss robbed yesterday between noon end I p. ni -end HI In gold taken from a puree In a dresser drawer. Lovelace, rooming at Mrs. jonn- aon'e residence at IIIH ' Nuilh Front t atreev reports inai a sneas mist oamea sway a suit of clothes valusd at 110. Tha garments hsve been recovered In a pawnshop by Detective Vaughn. w.'H. Drennan or East Bumsias street notified the police today that a burglar enured hla residence at 4:10 p. m. yesterday and secured es his plunder a topas ring, a ring without a eet, one blue Montana atone, one yellow topas and one pair of opal earrings with diamond sets. j A burglar entered the home or Mrs, Ed Clsncy et Eaet Nineteenth and Hol- laday streets yesterday morning and stole e pey eneck lor issue oy the O. R. A N. Co. and II In currency. It is -understood that the property has been recovered. . r MANY TEACHERS PASS M'MINNVILLE EXAMS rSneetal DIM tea s Tae Jesrsatt McMlnnvllls, Or., Aug. II. Those who were successful In the recent Auguet teechsrs' examinations are aa follows: First Grade Elisabeth Kirk, Mildred Stott. Lula Mann, Aria Hampton. Nelle Nelson, Elsie Ollphant, Mettle Cavltt, F. H. Buchanan.- Lasra Morris. L. IC fryer, Rhoda Newklrk. Susie Burden. Hattle Brown. - Eva Alderman, Oussle Updegraph. Agnes Hilary, Ploy Bass. Anna Gallup. Second Orade Lulu Olds. Flora Bert ram. Laura Manchester, Martin McDon ald. Evelyn Dlx. Pearl Agee, Dorcas Csl vln, Terrls L. Strait, Lydla Manchester. Fanny Rlppey, Lela Murray, Ussis Mc Allister. Third Orade Stella Warner, Done M. Duncan, Marguerite Hammond, Ethel Llnvllle. Gertrude Holmes. Ruth Blair. TAura Corrlgan, Myrtle Oeuee, Medge Planck. Primary Wlnntfred Bogus, Ida Mae Smith. JEROME IGNORED IN rlCE TRUST INQUIRY ' IJmnal Bseelal Strrlee.I ' New Tork, Aug. II. Tho grand jury hes taken the Investigation ef the Ice trust out of ths hands of District At torney. Jerome and began - what the Jurere say will be an Independent In vestigation, which Is likely to result In Indictments. This is the nrst time in msny years thst a grand jury has de elded to act Independently ef the dis trict attorney. The csuse of this drastic action wss thst tha onlv evidenes produced by the district attorney wes that provided by the officials of tha accused trust. Mr. Jsroms wss also frank In stating hie be lief that the trust had not conspired to relse the price of toe and that no Indict ment would be found. - TAFT T0 DECLINE v PLACE ON BENCH ' . ' " Washington. Aug. tl. Secretary Tart will decline appointment to ths United Ststes supremo court bench and remain In the cabinet He will notify the presi dent to thle effect early in September, aa court aaasmblee for the autumn term In October. This, determination upon Mr. Taffs part mesne that "he probably will make his visit to tha Philippines next winter. It elso means that hs will continue to be presidential timber until the nomina tion la made by the Republican national eeavsaUoa. :'. iFrom - now ;uhtil Saturday night will be a etimc of great value giving on all of the finest' grades of Clothing and Haberdashery. ; ; The fcntire line of; Chesterfield: Fancy "Suits in light and medium: weights are on sale at greatly reduced prices, and every man; knows that prices reduced here; means ;ompthihg.? JTlie; end of the; season being the only time during th year "that any , contessions are made 'from' thcimarki All 016 and All 022.50 AH 03O and 035 Chesterfield Suits at . . All $5.00 All $8.00 Trousers St. ..... Trousers st ...... $3.00' Vests st. .....'' '.ejl50 1 $4.00 Vests st. $3.80 Vests st. ............ ?1.T5 $5,00. Vests st. Special sale on alljight weight underwear. Sale night Your opportunity nearly past. . r - FURIOUS STORM " aaaa-akMBaaaBSSBeassaaaa: ' (Continued froea Page One.) owing ta the sever, shaking which they received from the earthquake, and at Salvador and Santa Turnlpo a number of public buUdings will have to be rased. At'UsJUal 7 "housss fell. - A number of smaU vlllagee In tha Ter remote district were destroyed. ' REIGN OF TERROR. .- caty Strtckea hy 11, Bn.t Harrlce.! Buenos Ayres. Aug. The cut-off in tha San Dleg. telegraph line has been repaired and hundreds of private messagea have been received. They report everything In a satisfactory con dition there, Refugees are arriving at Santiago' on horseback and aay that a reign of terror prevalle and there are horrifying scenes In all parte of the eity. Squares are full of people who have been driven from their , homea. Thousands - ere praying In the streets and many have gone mad. The government haa declared an in definite period of mourning. Public re Me anbeorlptlons have beenopened la Buenos Ayree. The Jockey club gave iO.eoO pesos and the Argsntlna govern ment will pess an appropriation for th. relief of eufferere. BUILDINGS DISAPPEAR. Aamlnlstratloa Sattdlag- and "Victoria Tbeaers Senk Out ef Sight. V (Jes-ial Sseetal SerrUe.1 .ntlasn Chile. Aug. tl. Carlos Ed wards, ons of the proprietors of the Mercurlo of Velparaleo. has arrived here on horeebaek. He confirms the reports thet the Almendral quarter and principal avenue ef Velparaleo have been MMfsrmtil into heaps of ruins. When t.e mtt th oltv. inhabitants were wan daring about looking for relatives and frienda. The majority sought refuge In the hille, in perks and along the sea shore. The Administration buildings and the Victoria theatre have dlssppeared, even to the foundations. When Edwards left it wss Impossible ta dstermlne the number killed. At one Aefint he saw 0 bod lea. The main hotel waa etandlng and aU the guests mm In Uirv. The destruction of the villages of Papule. Zapllla and Rensa has been confirmed. ' The barracks of a lancer regiment at Llmsohs wee wrecked and two. off leers were burled beneath the falling walla, MRS. MARY F.WALKER DIES NEAR ALBANY 11 (Sserisl Dwpatefe ts Tie fesraeLi Albany, Or . Aug. 1 Mary r. Walker, wife of Cyrus H. Walker of this city, died Sunday afternoon at her country home near tbla city. She was a native of Linn eouaty end it yeara of age. A daughter of one of the oldeat pioneer families. . Hen. Jason Wheeler of this city, she was a woman highly spoken of, and a splendid Christian character, being a member ef the Con gregational eburch. Her husband, Cyrus H. Walker. Is said te be the first white child horn west of the Rocky mountains. Besldss htm she leaves two sons and a daughtsr to mourn her untimely death. The fu neral waa held yesterday afternoon from ths Baptist church and waa. conducted by Rev. 8. A. Douglas. SCOTT SAWYER DIES " ' AT MOUNTAIN RESORT f ., ( . t (Sped! pupate te Th Journal ) Sitverton, Or.. Aug. II. Scott Sawyer, proprietor ef the Sllverton eteam laun dry, died Saturday evening at the Breit enbush hot springs. 1 miles , up the mountain trail from .Detroit, where he ' ' '. ' ' V - .- ''' 02O Chesterfield Suito at ... and Q25 Chesterfield Suits at SALE ON PARAGON. TROUSERS ......... ..e-. , .f 4.00 .V. ...... . . r. , . ?4.50 HALF PRICE SALE Jlvii had been for a week la company with a party from SUverton. Tha cause of his death Is supposed to have been heart dlaeaae, and hla departure waa very sudden.. - - - ; His remains wera brought out to De troit this mornlnr and; -wui arrtve here this evening. . Mr. Sawyer has been la comparatively good health during his visit at the springs, end wss heard to remark on the morning of his death that he never felt better. -:..-.., ," ... '.' ' ,.:;' - . ; r CITY PRISONERS i -(Continued from Page Ona) Judge Webster thle morning. "The sub Jstl at th. quarry will be completed by September It, and we Intend to put the county prisoners In there and get them to work ee soon aa pot alble. . "We are going to keep the quarry and rock crusher going all through the win ter, and we shall soon have the flneat roads In the northweat in thla county. "If the city will let ua have the prisoners ws will glsdly put them to work. It would not only be to our ad vantage, but to the advantage of the m .. , gu Danknipt Sale Of th. $6,000 Stock' , ' , or-. L.MINC & CO.. fid 6th St. Ladles' asd Grata rnralahlag Oeeds ti sll klsda at HALF PAICX. Com is aod look aver ear Imstese. stock before baring elMmrher. an4 yas wiU be aere to auke a sorekaM (real na after getUag ear esUreaMly low prlcee. 1KB VBIOSS AU CVT III UU. MAN. SINC (bw CO SS Shrth Sweet, Satseis Oak sad Stark, BU. - CUT:: RATES For 30 Days Only II.SS Oold Crewna...... Oold Crowns Plates Plates B.OO 3.60 5.00 7.60 rulings, p from ih.ix anf Week Crmaraateeg. Boston Dental Parlors SSiVs Morrison St- Opp. S. 0. sad ateta rraaas. WARM WEATHER WILL HELP Now Is the Tim td Get Rid of Your . Catarrh by Using HyomeL ... , '' livery ons Vho is afflicted with ca tarrh should . take advantage of ' the werm weather to get rid of this annoy ing and distressing dlaeaae, for the right treatment In August and. Septem ber will give benefit much more quickly than in the winter and early spring. The germ-kllllng and health-giving Hyomel when brsathed In the summer months hss an evsn more beneficial ac tion than 1 when used In ths colder weather. It Is nature's own remedy for the cure of catarrh.- It goes to the most remote air cells In ths nose, throat and lungs. klUIng snd driving from ths eye tern the ratarrh germs. Hyomsl is the simplest,' most pleas ant and ths only guaranteed cure fot ratarrh that has ever been discovered. It la sold by Wooderd, Clarke Co. under a guarantee to refund the money if it doee not give complete eatisraotion. At this season of the year, the first day's uee of Hyomel will show a de cided Improvement In health and In a short time there will be no further trouble from catarrh. Von take no rtk In buying llynmsl. The complete outfit costs but tl.00, e. tra bottles IOC, and If after using, you say it hss not helped . you, Woodard. Clarke h CaTwUJ return your money. All $7.00" Trousers All $8.00 Trousers t if. ON FANCY VESTS ', ; city as well, As much crushed rock la needed for the Improvement and re pair of the city streets as for the maintenance of good country roads, and If we had the prisoners we could put crushed., rock . In -here .at- the . ooat-of crushing. -- It . would : save the . city money, and give the taxpayers some re -fir tr f "f -f SAFETY RAZORS AND OTHERS '.. " Meaning the old Standby. Some men like one style better thanL another. . We hsve them both, and here is an opportunity to pur : cbate your favorite at far below the regular price.' -; , - Star Safety Special . . . I................ .f 1.10 Radio Magno Safety, 4 blades special... ..................... .83f .VV ."' OLD STYLE. ; . , Peerless special . ..... . f 1.88 Swedish special ' ..V. .;. I . f 3.50 ' Borscic special . . ... . . .Me) . ' Columbia special . '.. . . . .f 1.10 .I- .:; KAZOR. HONE SPECIAL. .. . ' :, Old Hickory. ............ .62 - Genuine Belgian Mone..,..M) Barber Special.......... Apart " '.:'i:t :''-y RAZOR STROPS SPECIAL. 2':h ' r" Double Swing...... t....a0e Rsdium Double.. 1.2 U. S. Cavalry.. Kokens' .ejoc GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS $5.00 Family and Medicinal Fiaher's Rye, quart, special.,,... ) Muskingum Valley Whisky, full quart,. ...fl.25 Chicken Cock Rye, quart, special ,.,.?.Ma Paul Jones, quart, special I ll.OS'. Hunter's Baltimore Rye,-' special t ., ;.... . . t, . . , . l. , , 11.03 ' DeWsr's Special Scotch,; upecial ...... ,i . . ............ . .).' 11.08' Extra Fine Old Scotch, special.;...:.;... ; ,;,.fl.lS Fine Old Bourbon, special.;.....- ..;T.;..W...;;'Vi'. . Fine Old Cansdisn Rye, special..... . ...81e). White Port, special..,. ,..T3e California Port, quart, special.... ..2K California Sherry, quart, specisl...... Mf. Cabernet, Ssttterne, Burgundy, Reisling, Extra Select California, quart, choice .....r.. ,t .-.42 Our Special Port and Sherry, for this week, gallon...... ,. 1.00 . ' ' I SHAVUIQ BRUSHES AMD CUPS - - i .-- . 013.50 o . . . . 016.50. 023.OO . ... 55.00 . .................r i'.'.. V ...?8.Q0 .e2.00 . , ,3.S10 ends Saturday, - , , : turn for the money it costs to keep the city prisoners." ,- ; i i m i .1 ' . While Mr. Harrlman is doing such big things )n tha transportation world, ho rateht.-it weuld seem, put on another steamer or two between hare and. Ban Yrancisco. ' . ' i',iH SHAVERS ATTENTION! Xttt Ever Kexdy 0() AO . ' Safety Kmr.y&yy Regular 15.00 Rasof 44 bladea 10 shsves to a bUde, 250 iriaTeav5 Shavs a year and a half no cuts no cussingno honing or ' strap ping, in fact sver-rssdjr. " . Ruatia Shell.. ...... v .f.T . uenuine Horsehide Mrop rs it i 1 1 '. "