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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
1 8 A. M. Children! Shoes at 50c the Pair 300 pairs of infants' and (children's Lace and. Button Shoes in black, tan and blue kid' and patent kid leathers; values from $1 to $175, on sale from 8 to 9 a. m. only at this tA. ' unusually low price, per pair.,.... JVw Coys Supporters at 33c the Pair The celebrated "Wolverine" Suspender and , Hose Supporter for boys, 4 to 16 years of age; patent clasps, adjustable, best all-round .Sup porter made for boys; 50c values on sale, 2d floor, 8 to 9 a. m at,......?? RoKiag Pins for 10 Cents Each Special lot of 1,000. wooden Rolling Pins, me dium size, great value, 8 to 9 a, m., 1 ": at this special low price, each....... I VV : All refrigerators are being closed out at spe-. cial low prices. Basement. ( ScshLace at 23 Cents Per Yard 1,000 yards of Nottingham and Cable Net Sash ' Lace, 30 inches wide; best pattern; value ex- Inordinary, from 8 to 9 a. m. only 0 . at this unusually low price, per yard, ear fC On sale in Curtain Department-3d floor. - High-Grade Leather Pillow Tops Hand-painted I ndian Head Leather Pillow . Tops, with slashed borders; just, the things for your Indian corner; regular P O $5 and $5.50 values on sale it..&JZrJ . 1- Worth coming for this early hour 2d floor. Men's $1X3 Nightshirts at 63c Special lot of men's extra quality Flannelette Nightshirts, plain or trimmed, military or plain collar; best pattern; good full sizes; best $1 values, on sale, from 8 to 9 ' L " a. m. only, at this low price, each . : . . OJC 3 Great Drag Sundry Bargains "Sanitol" Face Cream for sunburn, 1 Q. blemishes, etc.; great special vat at. 1 7C "Bathasweet Rice Powder, exquisitely .- per fumed and ant iseptically. .pure; 25c value. 16 Aluminum Soap Boxes, hinge cover. ...... Women's 23c Hose 9c the Pair 500 pairs of women's Red Hosiery, with white polka dots, absolutely fast color; all sizes; 25c values, on sale from 8 to 9 a. m. only at Q ' this. ridiculously .low price, per pair....rli 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. 200 Dog. Pillowcases at 10c Each SOS dozen good cotton Pillowcases. . slses 4&xtt Inches ; buy , all you .want of them, ft ' from I to s p. m., at this low pries... 1 VC No mall or phone orders filled. Isut two wwX of the greet August Linen Bale. Great - Special Jewelry Bargains I1.0S, $1 JI sterling silver Bracelets for....... 894 t-Day Kitchen Clocks, strikes on the half hour; oak frame; greet special value at 02.33 Entire line of Crystal and Gold-Filled Hatpins on ' sale from 2 to t p. m., at, each... JJ3g 100 Suitcases for S2.43 Ea:h 14-ln. Keralol 8ultcaes, In brown color; regular $3.0 values, on sale from X to J p. m. at .K2.45 17-lncb Basket , Telescopes; treat special value, from 1 to I p. m.. at. each ..284 Trunk and Bag Department Third Floor. $1.00 Pictures for Only 29c Each Bpectal lot of Delft Water Colors,-on txlft-lnch . and 10x20-lnch colored mounts; handsome pic tures; lie and $1.0 values, on sale at this very low price, each 1 to I p. m...ss7C , ", Artlstie Picture Framing to your order. . Galvanized Wash Tubs 34c Each 'Special lot of 100 Galvanised Iron Washtuhe good else, best made; regular lie values; on : sale from I to t p. m. only at this CA wonderfully special low price, each...04C ' On sale la the Basement Store. Girls' 30c Overalls for 23c a Pair 8per1al .lot of Olrla' ' K0e Tarn Overalls red trimmed, ages 1 to ft years, well-made through- out; great special value, from 1 to I At p. m. only, at this very low price... aW3C On sals In Boys' Clothing Department 2d Floor. 10 Ytr6 of Ribbons 'for 10c 100 pieces of Noi 1.1 and J Satin Oroegraln Rlbbona in a Urge assortment of colors, to yds. In- a piece; wonderful values, from J to f J p. m. only, at this low price, piece. . . 1 UC m&wrHmfi III to rnz cm .. - daily n. 9 A. M. lOA.r.i. Wash Goods Remnants , at Half Another grreat lot of 1,000 Wash Goods Rem-, ' nants, all grades, all styles, all lengths, on sale from 9 to' 10 a. m. at one-half regular selling i $r&:Hvif Price $1.00 Pyrographlc Panels at 49c Pyrographic Panels for burning; size 12x24-in.,' square, oval and fancy shape, large variety of subjects; great special value, 9 to 10 AjQjm, a. m. at this low pride, each. ;. l.'.fWmW w , ' I 1 ; . Second Floor. :', ..S Infants' Wear Specials, 2nd Floor Infants 'Pique Slippers . and Bootees; a , soft, comfortable shoe for baby; $1 values... Stockinet Diapers, 50c values, at.. .... .., Infants' Creepers, made of blue gingham; regu lar 25c values, from 8 to 9 a. m. at'.,..lT Laca Ramnants at One-Half Price All remnants of Laces.' Venise, Baby Irish and . Vals. edges, insertions galoons, allovers, etc.; best styles, all grades, on sale from 9 to . 10 o'clock a. ,m. at one-, UnlfDmm half regular prices ..... .Jlttll rriCC Table Damask at 24c the Yard 1,500 yards of red and white Table Damask, , good patterns, splendid quality, best values for the money we ever offered; the wise ; housewife will look to her needs; on OA sale from 9 to 10 a. ro.'only..., oW-V Specials in Women's Knit Wear Women's fine ribbed whfte cotton lace-trimmed Umbrella-Pants, all sizes; at, pair 18 Women's Swiss-ribbed "light-weight Cotton Vests, high neck and long sleeves; 1 all sizes; great values at. ........ . J Bargains In the Basement Store Paraffine Wax, 15c value for, package.... Wax Fruit Jar Rings to fU Mason Jars; O-, regular 5c value for, dosen... ?W Special lot of 100 2-9uart " granite OA , Saucepans, great special, ta.sYVW Women's Long Usle Gloves 42c Women's 12-but ton length Suede Lisle Gloves, two pearl buttons, mousquetaire styles gray, mode and a few white, all sixes; vals.- A.0 extraordinary, .from 9 to 10 a. m....TV0VV 3 P. M, 4 P. M. Dress Goo is Remnants Half-Price 100 remnants of Wool Dress Goods, all styles,' all grades and all lengths; wonderful values, on . aale from to 4 at the saving of H in regular . prices; best dress goods f -wli fj, : bargains of the season.. IlUll rrlCU . 10.000 Tumblers for 2c: Each 10,000 Jelly Tumblers, extra special value, . from S to 4 nl m. only at, each. ...... evC S.OOO thin-blown Tumblers, great special ' value, t to 4 p.- m at, each .... l.OftO Jepen' 1"t Bniwhee. esch . . . ' i 4c 10c to 20c Ribbons at 2c Yard 10.000 yards of Noa I. . 7 and Satin and Oroe graln Ribbons splendid lino or- colors; values -from lOo to 20 a yard; Vholce from t to, 4 p. ra. only at this low price, yard.. aWC ..' ' ' Take advantage.. . ' $1.73 SCk Gloves $1.39 a Pair 60S pairs of "Women's long pure silk Gloves- macs only, eaira nea-jr quamjr .in-iipra . fingers; all slses; 11. TS values, on sale from I to 4 p. m. ai tnia exiremeiy . special low price of, per pair... $1.39 Toy Bargains on the Third Floor Special lot of Mechanical Trains, with track; - regular 1 1.00 values, on sale from I MIQ ' 4 p. "m. at this remarkable low price... OC Tumble-In." the latest parlor game; regular $1.IS value, on sale from t to 4 p. m. at..78d 0c Chemise for Only 32c Each 200 Chemise In fine cambrics and nainsooks, plsin or trimmed with embroidery, hemstitched tucks , and ruffles; regular too and 00o values. 132c on sale from t to 4 p. m, only at. Muslin Underwear Department Second Floor. 73c Coat St Now Only 19c Women's Revere snd Eton Coat Bets of silk Ma . draa, pique and heavy linen, with straight and . pointed cuffs; very pretty styles; too Q ' to 7(e values, on sale, I to 4 p. m., at.... 1 lnTBeoiNMiNO jlf; foStlaiid. tul-day mmr r- . reals- 10 A.M. 11 A.M. $4 JO Wool WbU, at 90c Each Special lot 'of 50 women's Wool Waists, in alba tross, nunsveiling and flannels brown, green, red, blue and black; good styles, all sices only 50, remember; values up to $4.50 each; QO. on sale from'lO to 11 a. m. at. each....7(Jw $ 14.00 Wash Suits. $2.48 Each Special lot of 40 women's white and colored Wask Suits in linen, poplin and Indian Head linens, blouse,-Eton and pony effects; skirts gored and pleated; values up to $14 per suit, CCO on sale from 10 to II a. m. at.....veWe"rJ Women's $3.00 T Shoes at $ 1 .08 1,000 pairs of women! Lace and Blucher Shoes in all the best leathers; light or heavy soles, Cuban or military heels; all good lasts, all sizes and 'widths; best $3 values, on sale f 1 QO from 10 to 11 a. m, at, per pair..,. V "UU "President" Snspenders 3 7c a Par The genuine "President" Suspenders for men light, medium and heavy weight; regular and extra length; also boys' styles; always sold at 50c a pair; your choice, from 10 to 11 Lfg a. m., at this low price, pair.. ......... Women's French Chemise at 89c 200 women's French ' Chemise, of fine nainsook, hand-embroidered, pretty designs, all sizes; best chemise values we ever pffered; onTnO' 200; they won't last long, at...........U7l ; .v Second Floor. ;'i 63c Pillow Tops for 38c Each Great special assortment of stamped and tinted Pillow Tops top and back to be embroidered, very Eest designs; regular 50c and 65c values, on sale from 10 to 11 a, m. at this spe- ipr ' cial low price, each second floor...... JUw $1.23 Changeable Taffetas at 39c 3,000 yards of fine quality changeable Taffeta Silks in a great assortment of colorings silk for suits, waists, petticoats and lining purposes; regular $1.25 grade, on sale from 10 to ; txQ 11 a. nv at this low price, per yard $ 1 0.00 Scnbnrst Skirts at $ 1 .48 Special lot of 30 women's Sunburst andr Accordion-pleated Skirts, in cream green, blue, cham pagne and tans; $10.00 values, on C 1 AO sale at this low price, each V,,u 3 P. M. . to 4 P. M. 1 16.00 Shirtwaist Soltt for $4.85 Special lot of 10 high-grade Shirtwaist Salts tn silk and serge black.-. navy, green and- fancy plaids; pleated waist and skirt, very attractive styles, fit to II values, on sale (i fit from 1 to 4 p. m. only a V each .) 4?eOeF ,12Kc and 13c Wash Goods at 6Xc 1,000 yards of Cotton Voiles, - Cotton Suitings. . Lawns and Ginghams, In a great variety of styles and colorings; regular lltto and lso values, to . be cleaned up at this re- ' markably spccbtl low pries, per yerd.-. OC 18c Embroideries tit 7c Per Yard Great lot of Nainsook ' and Cambric Embroideries, Insertions and Beadlngs. 1 to Inches wide very pretty designs; values up to ISo a yard; your choice, from I" to 4 p. in.,' at this f s nnumially specie! low price, per yard....".. V Ruffled Net Curtains for $1.79 Pdr to pairs of ruffled Net Curtains, whits or Ara bian color, with Cliniy pattern lace Inserting and edge; S yards long, IS inches wide; best .11.60 values, on jtal from t to 4 se ffQ at 'this very low price, per pair. ) I Women's $4 and $3 Shoes $2.48 Pr. Great special' lot- of Women's French heel Shoes and Oxfords, in patent aia ana vici aia, nana- urn soles, tipped or plain toe all slses; 14.00 and $5.00. values, on a-1 iTom to 4 f at the remarkably low price of . . . . . ePseSrO Children's $1.50 Dresses 42c Each Great lot of 1(0 Children's serge School Dresses In fancy plaids and plain Diue, Drown ana rea styles, trimmed with braid and buttons ages to 14 years; besfll.M values, on sale from t A to 4 p. m. at this low price, each..... ffevC M. and J, Coffee at 22c a Ponnd 10.000 lbs. of Meier it Frank's famous Mocha and' ' Java Coffee, equal to the best 40o grades sold 'at grocery stores; buy all you want of It , from I to 4 p. tn. at, per pound, only.....etavC VcP lOiolMMs HI -,BCGlPININ6 ,77 "Mnot 11A.M. to 13 M. 23c Dress Ginghams, 1 2Kc Ycrd 5,000 yards of fine Ginghams, absolutely fast colors, immense variety of the best patterns f to select from; reg1.' 25c values.., 1 sale from 11 to 12 a. m. at, yard.. . 1 mi QV Material for school dresses, aprons, etc Rcbdry" Bath Towels 14c Each 100 doxen of the celebrated "Rubdry" Bath Towels on sale from 11 to 12 at 14c each the only towel worthy a name; good size; absorbs the water quickly; look to your towel 1 As , need and profit by this bargain.. .... 1 lTv Ccrtcin Laces at One-Half Price Remnants of Lace Edging and Insertion, 3 to 25 yd. lengths; Renaissance, Cluny.and Arabian, in white and Arabian . color; values ranging from 10c to $3.50 yard; Ussl? DmSv your choice, 11 to 12, at. 11011 rTICC 300 Comforters at $1.09 Each Great lot of white cotton-filled Comforters, full .;. .illrrtlin vrvri n or Kee nattertitt! heet comforter value offered this CJl fftQ season; 11 to 12 only at, each. V aVr"'1" ,, Third floor. ,Z5c College Elpnse Ties 10c Each Special lot of College Blouse Ties for women silk grenadine,' light blue, navy, royal, cardi nal, scarlet, brown, tan, pink and green; regu lar 25c values, on sale from 11 to 12 1 ff a. m. at this low price, each........ 1 vW AU ChaHies at One-Half Price From 11 to 12 a. m. choose from our entire . stock of fine wool Challies at half prices; best styles, great assortment; a bargain you can't afford to miss; take ad- Otf Otl vantage of tf-price gale. aTriCV ChHJren's $ 1 .CO HaU at 49c Special lot of misses' and children's crash, linen and colored Duck Hats and Capsa variety of styles for school and outing wear; AQ 98c values on tale at this low price.. "XW ' Millinery Department . on Second Floor. . Men's Clack Hosiery 10c Per Pair 1,000 pro. of men's fast black cotton Half-Hose, white feet, all sizes; the greatest value ever offered for the monev; buy all you 1 want of them from 11 to 12 a. m. at. A 4 P. M. Children's White Dresses at 89c Special lot of Children's fins white Dresses, long waist style, elaborately trimmed In lace, em broidery and . tucks; all ages; beat 11.50 and , I1.7I values, on sale from 4 to I p. m. OA -only 'at this very low price,' each... 0rC Wonderinl Dreg Sundry Bargains Band or Stand Mirrors, chipped plats f Q glass; great values, 4 to I p. m., at. .. 1 7C lOo. 4 So hard-rubber Dressing Combs, all coarse 4 and coarse and fine; great value ...39) ISo Whisk Brooms on sale at this low price. . 23 Women's $3 Oxfords $1.39 Pcir 400 palra of Women's Oxfords, In black and. tan kid, Russia calf and patsnt colt leathers all : slses and widths this season's best styles, sell ing regularly at 11.00 a pair; your f 1 CO choice, 4 to I p. m. only, palr.... I iJ Doys 30c Waists at 19c Each "Mothers' Friend" Waists for boys, white laun dered atyles; collars attached or without col lars; ages 4 to 14 years; regular lOo values, on sale from 4 to p. tn. at this unusually a Q ' low pries, each Second Floor.... 1 fC $1.00 Crepe tie Chine 31c a Yard 1,100 yards of -fine quality Crepe do Chine all the beat colorings, for waists, gowns and trimming purposes; best $1.00 value, on sale from 4 to ft p. m. only at 4hls very special low CI price, per yard Take advantage. . . . .eaf 1 C Women's Nightgowns C9c Each Special lot of Women's Cambrto Gowns, square tucked yoke, ruffle, on the . neck and sleeves, high or V neck, all slses; hest0o yal- ' ueei 4 to I p. m., at this low price, ea. r C " Underwear Department-Second Floor. Children's Straw Hats S3c Each Bpec4l Unr of Children's Straw Hats, with Silk ribbon streamers, variety of colors; ISo and tlo values, cleaned up from 4 to I p. m. at this low price, each.. .40 JC IbiAhH T V. - Bill - " Ho BE6i!waecTnl to 99 r 1 P. H. ;:i:toV.?-: 2 P. r.1: Man's 30c Uz&vnzr at 1 7c Eaih Gat , Peal line of men's 50c Neckwear Tecks and Four-in-Hands, light and dark pat terns, narrow and wide widths great assort ment to 'select from; 50c values on 9 sale, 1 to 2 p.-m., at this low price., If C 63c CatUte Bands ct 29c Each Special' lot of embroidered Batiste Bands for. waisting, beautiful styles, 3 to 9 inches wide; value up to 65c the yard, on sale from 1 to .2 p. m. at this remarkably low price; 00 per yard come early. s?VC 73c Dictionaries at 39c Each" Special lot of Webster's School and Office Dic tionary, well bound and printed; best 75c val- V ues, on sale from 1 to 2 p. mi' at this Q j low price, each take advantage.... Book Dept., rear of Main Floor, near Alder at $1.50 Shams and Scarfs 42c Each Special lot of hemstitched and drawnwork Shawls and Centerpieces, 24x24 ins. and 30x' 30 ins.; good styles; values up to $1.50 each: your choice from 1 to 2 p. m at this A 0C 'wonderfully low price, each .farovC Sidewalk Roller Skates 33c a Pair ' ' ' ' I I UN . I II fl IB Special lot of 500 pairs children's Sidewalk Rol- ler Skates: best model, all sises. great special - 'value: from 1 to 2 p. m. only at this l C very low price, n per pair....,.......sV - On sale in Toy Department Third Floor. g 1 .73 Wrappers at 48c Ecch Special lot of 100 women's percale' and flannelt ette. Wrappers; Vrays, navy, black and white, few reds sizes 32 to ,36 only; values up to $175 each, on sale from 1 to 2 p. tn. iO. - at this low price ,?vM Men's $3.00 Bath Robes at $3.65 Men's fancy Blanket Bath Robes, In blues, tans and grays very attractive style, large vari ety; reg. $5 vs-la., on sale from 1 fiX .i" to 2 p. m. only at this low price ve9 Men's Clothing Department Second Floor. Woodbcry's Fcdal Soap 1 6c' Ea. Great special sale of 200 cakes of Dr. Wood , .burys celebrated Facial Soap for the skin and complexion; wonderful value, from 1 1 , to 2 p. m. at this low price, per cake. I WW P. M. to 6 P.M. Men's 73c Underwear 29c Each Broken lines of Men's Bummer Underweer eJl styles, shirts and drawers; selling regularly at , tOe and 7 So a garment; your choice from ft to ft p. m. only at this wonderfully special . low price, per garment........ sW-fC 200 Reference Bibles $1.00 Each In the Book Store, from ft to ft p. m.," we will place on sale a special lot .of Nelson's Refer ence Bibles, else ftxT Inches, handsomely bound, great special value at this re- see markably low , price, each. ...... V 1 eVIU $3.30 TnmkSg Spedcl at $4.33 Special lot of 1 2-inch canvaa-covered waterproof painted ininH, aingie irj, . nmr .uaiia, good, strongly built trunks! best fS.OO values, : " ' a . .1.1. mm mm ; SD.vv values, $4.55 on sais zrom e o e p. no. . very low ' price rnira . rw, Men'i S3.50-S3.00 Shoet W.43 200 pairs of Men's Shoes and Oxfords, in patent colt, vlct kid and box ralf leathers, hand welt . soles, all slses; $1.(0 to ftft.00 valuee, -to be cleaned np from ft to ft p. m. at l C ' ths wonderfully low price of. pair. teCeSl'.J Women's $ 1 .23 Boleros 23c Each Women'a ftLJft tucked lawn sleeveless , Boleros, -; trunmed with lacs snd Insertion and embroi dery yokes; large variety of pretty styles to select. from: tl values, on sale from I to ft p. m. at this very low price, each. 25c 30c Wtth SOa at 26c e Ycrd B.000 yards of Japanese Wash Bilks. In stripes and checks rery large assortment of patterns. In . the very beet colorings and combinations; regu- .a- am ula from I to S sea 26c JW WW T M - p. m. at this extremely low pries, yard. Men'. S3.30 Pantt $1.79 Pair 100 palra of Men's casslmera Panta In dark grays. : Fall weights, '. all slses; splendid trousers for wear to work; regular III and f tCk 1(0 values, on ssle, ft to ft, it..y 117 VkYr" w y r- III .'.'V;.' -a V