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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
TII2 Or.. Zll DAILY JOUKIIAL, PORTLAND. TUZCDAV IIS Every YcunJ r.!n vin Pcrtknd ; It Will Pay Yea to Know Us 0 fterthwesttrn Guarantee end Trust Company loatM StmluuLaw BUW. (MmmA -Tost) , ' B. B. Cos. Ihoi4 mi urk Ub FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WU HAVB FOR SALB TODAY ONB OF THB FINEST BARGAINS EVER OFTKRED ON ORAND .AVENUB. BUCHTEL 1:2 EAST ccsc.i ST. Just From Alberta Coma In and we'll tell you an about that wondarrul country, ids unoqumou production of wheat and all . . amall a-ralna, potato and . all root crop. frtMa if to lt par avera. Cheap trans portation. 1 ' 'j ;- v . . VV. G, IDE. 25 1 Alder St. VATCH LENTS G3XNV And 1m; roar ay on WILET ALLEN A CO. 8 ads for flna bargains la raal aetata. WEATHER REPORT. TIM tarea small weetera dlatartaae ban united and Itemed a elngl larg, wwKl shallow, lew praam ana, which la mom ena traj erer earthen Nends. Seowan and thun- dar storms hsn aeeonrad la aeattarad plans ta . tha Rocky mountain statas and alee ta southern California. Tha mil low preseure ana yes terday ever Beaters South Dakota has adnncej ta aoatben Mliineaota, aad eaneed Uatat nine la tba Dakotae, MlnMaota and ths upper laka region. . Tba high pwam am orr Naakatebe wan I Increasing la magnitude. Tha Barometer continue nlatlvely high mat tha easthnst Me llon of tba -United StaUw. No Important change In Mnparatara ban eecarrad. " Tba indlcatlone ar for abowara and thunder ; atornia la tbla dlatiirt tonight or Wednesday, except in waatara Oregon, wbera fair wetbr will probablr continue. Obeervailona taken at ( a. Paclfle. tint: ' Stations Mas. ilia. Prettp. Raker I nr. Areena. ....... M . . 44 .0 thlraao. lllmola VO r T .0 Imver,. Colorado M 80 - :.' .03 K ansae City, 92 74 ' 2 78 . 74 M 44 7 61 M M M , . M 71 I Ancelea, California. New Orleaaa. Loulslsna. New York, Nam York... Port is nd. Oregon........ ; Raaeburg. Oregon....... Mt. Louie, Mtaaourl..... ... M 77 M ... H .01 .74 A .0 .0 T. Halt Lake. Utah n .5 Ha Freaclsca, California.. OS Kpokaaa, Waehlngtoa...... 88 T acorn. Washington 71 .0 O .0 .0 .70 "Walla Wall, Waahlagtoa.. M Washington, D. C 84 MARRIAGE LICENSES. H. B. William. S3T Wnaalar atreet, ST; Kyaalo Mario, 140 Poarth atreet, . Camnth, aa. . ! Mary Wadding Card. W. a. Smith At Co. kagtea bldg., ear. Poarth aad Waahlagtaa ata. Wedding Mlllne earaa enfaad ae Tinted. ated. B. Baahton, SSSVh Wahlagtoaat. Mlaa Bertha Martin, room SIB AMekr bldg. Stamping aad In needlework ; leenea gtrea. BIRTHS. DEATHS. AMDBMOW Aag la, IeebeU Aadaraaaw Tt ear. T4d BaWer; lawadlc. RWETJv Aaa la, Albert CaeweO, BT raara. Ml Weldler; eerrho! of Hear. ' 4) A1XAOHKB Aagaat IS, Annla Oallaghar, M jeer. Borne for Aged; eealle decline. ' JONES Angaet IS, Sabaloa P. Jonaa, W yearn, SC ThMeat'a haapttalt Bngbt'a dl- U VU.HH Aogaat IS, Mrtrla afcOlara, s dara. Ul Ainawarth: cholera Infantum. PITTTNOEB Angnat li, Joha A Plttlngar, yeera, Oantenbeta areaue; aeata laneemla. VAOBL Aagnat 1. Hrnry f. Ifagel. 4 yeare, . al Rodney arcane; laOammattea of ' bowela. MA BI Aagaat - IS, Vary, Indian woman, so . yeara. Mount Tabor aaaltarlam; cerebral hernerrhaea. J0ti 0N Aosoet 1. OonaUace M. ' Jeh : . month, 11 Bralaard; aongeattal de formation ef heart. . BA WES Aagaat 19, Dardel Bawa. S year, MO Cllntun. KLL1S Aegnet 10, tad S. B. BUM. S3 yeera. Hotel Portlead. BAUAngnat 1. Jaaapa at. Ball, men tha, Crlttentoa borne. Ml Rl'HX Augaat IS. Marshy, Cornell men; nnanoi ucior f . BCHM1DT Angnat IT, Prleda ' Schmidt, month. S4S Worth Eighteenth; Inanition. ' FUNERAL NOTICES. vATlPSOn la thai ally, Aagaat IS. isntv lewl O. Daeldena, aged 7S yeert. Prlead ,;and aeanalntaaeee are reepectfniij hfrlted t attend the funeral aerrlcee. which will be ' new nt the reallefire of hie aaachter. Mre. . C. C. Wtae, 3MI Moatgomery at.,' Wedneeday. . Angnet CI. at 1 p. m. Interment Rlrerrlew eemeiery. . ' UNDERTAKERS. waning. McEntee A Ollbangh. aadertakera and rmbeuaere; modera la eeery detail. Baeeath aad fine, mala aeu. Laay tetuuit A R. Bemetork. nndertaker and emhaln Bet Thirteenth aad l mew la ar. wood II. v Krlckeea Craertaklng Co., aad embalming, ao Alder at. raoa Mala aiaa. lady amUtaat. J. P. Ftnley A Bona. Third aad Madlaaa ata. orsc ar eeaaty eatwner. raoa mut a. Edward Bolmaa, nndertaker. Ho Third at dark Bma far Sewer. BJTIBTIEW CEMETEBT. . Ingle sraeea $14. Family lata 7S fa ll.ftno, T-e oalr reowtery la Pert land which ner. e -eally maintain aad earea for lota. Par fnll I, ma tloa apply to W. B. Macheatde, Wr e"er block, city. W. M. Ldd. preeldeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hug and Winnie Rneger r Olleer P. karck. wcet 40 feet ef mte II. IS. block S, Bttlllama Aeenn eddltloa. 700 C. K and Annie C. Bennett te n . J. PaMmna one thlrd avf lot 1. A : i. bnrh t Nunnreld ' ' M Chrlattaa aad 'hrtotlna Laraea t Sarah A la lahlerk TS. IrTlawtea ' addltloa aaea to REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Granville C. aad Fannie E. Haff to Wll- lawa .... 9 Blrbard William ta Will la ai Henrr aad Jennie 8la. lot t. bio. k S, Wllllaaia . . Aerana ailliloa No. t Taoaua H. 8mlih t Bollle B. I rdahl, ',. . hit! SB. AO hlna; la U addL. tlna t Kaet FortUad V Park Land aonpaar ta Mlltna B. Tower. kta , S, a, 4. block Inleerelt Park .... : i rott MeClara Laad eoBpanr ta Carolina ' ftwotMMl In 1 hWv K UnnavaUl ad. dltlon .... ; ' 4011 -William J. Dlrkson'te J. L. Ibafer. lot 1, block X WUIUaaa Imu addition No. S 10 W. P. and Anna Filed ner to C. O. mala, ftutiaa faet. eoniaenelnf at paint. . . 7 fret went and (AS feet aoatb of , atoa at aartlaa corner of aarttona T. a. IT, 18, townahlp 1 aouth. range A. aaat .. J7 0i'' eoapani' to MarT Keenan. eait -, . . 14 Vfc faat of lota I, t. block "II," Kerne' addition ta Kaet Portlaad ..... '. . 1 L. M. and N. M. Davia re O. and tana aria, lot 5. blork 22, Ventral Alblna. ' 600 I. N. and Kllaabetk U Rnenerr to Joaepb . Bar lei. percel f Und In WlUUm , Irrtnf 0.. C. ,K)0 United Htate National bank ta A. W. : and H. A. Beldinf, lot It, block lw, . Heutbrrn Portland . ISS Walter Praaer Barrell, trqatae. and Con-- , tanre M. BanreU to H A. aad A. W. . . . ,. Beldlna, hta 1, , X. 1. 4. block 1: ' . lots 10, ta anhdlTlalon "A." block -.17 j, lot 4. in eiibdirtatoa "B." la block 17, all In Southern Portland ..' 600 Recall and John Praaer to Jullu A. . Bata, lot 4. block 4s, Portlaad Oil Boneaatead .... .... 1 B, U. and Fanol M. Wilbur to Saaet , . taad eompanf . anatkeaat W of north aaat U, aeclloa la, townahlp 1 aoutb. . rang 1 eaat, alcept a 4-r tract oat ' hortbeaat earnar: alao atrip off aoolh aide J : I Jane aad Mar A. Banfnrd to M. L. ! , Bead, lot T, black . Miller' addition v -t SeUwoad 170 Amanda B. and Fred Wetaler to Wlltlaoi . and Emilia Loebecke, lot t. block 1. Beacon Beinhte 1.700 Joha J. and koee Blew to Chertee K. aad Delia U. Craln. lot 10, block t, Ca- . plee' addition to 8t. Johna - I Mnltnonah Real Batata aaaoHatloa to B. P. and J. F. Amend, lot 22, block 10, Willamette TownalU Annas SM Lou I A. aad Ada U Sbana to Satk I Bobcrta, lot 8. block a, Albion add.-- tloa .... 140 If. Jf. and W. A. Well to O. R. Addl. ton. lot t, block , Mount Scott .Park 900 B. O. Leonard to Mairnna CarlqnUt, Iota IS. 14, 14. block 4, addi tion to Alblna ... ....i..... 4W Ma B. aad J a me 6. flmUh to Laeairetto Lorenao, lot . Mock 1. Uole'e aooitioa t Beat Portland 1.400 Par abatracts elM. Inawranea ar taorUtata laaaa, caU aa Pacific Title Treat eompasr. formerlr pacine uoaet Aoatrai unaraniy m Trnat company, KM-A-a-7 Falllnf bnlldlns. , Oat roan- Inaaraac and abatrarta ta raal aetata am tha Title Onaraatee A Trnat eeenpanj, 140 Waahlnton atreet. MEETING NOTICES. IrWi ROVWTHIXQ doing tonight at Georare Waahlnatoa camn. ter coma. VUltlng neigh welcome. Woodman hall, Tantk and Waahlnftoa at. H. S. AARON. C. ft'. B, A. PRBDRICBV. Clark. , If. W. A, , 178. hfoa- , unfw vnp. vHf ..w. ear. ITta aaa ataraaaus rtaltora welumt. If. W. A, ETBRORBBN CAMP. e40. taaat Wedneedar arenlng, AUakj bldg.. Third aad Morrleoa ata. NOTICE. POBTLAWTI. Or. ' Aag. 1. 10d Healed Mda will be reeelTed at Tha affle of T. 1. Jone. arrhlteet. No. U4 Raat .Third atreet. Port- . land. Oregon, np to 11 m. on "atorday. Aagaat , - lone. ' for addition and alter. ' ttone to the Falrral arbool bnUdlng for achool dletrlct No. 14. Plane and apeelflre tlona for aame ran be teen at tba architect' office. The achool board reaarrea tha right ta reject aar and all bid. ' T. J. JONES, Architect. . NOTICB la barebr gteen that I will aat a reeponalble for aar debta - contracted by ny "wlfa, Eltaabeth BhrlT, ah haetng left my bed aad board. (Signed) EDWARD BHBITEB. LOST AND POUND. LOST la tha City Park, pocket-hook contain log raloable paper; liberal reward for re- turn: mnt hay raluabl paper. Ratnrs ta Joarnal afSea. LOST Between 1 and L ta V black para, go gold piece aao aooni ao or ft la alleer; reward If retnrned to Mr. B. T. Job neon. Portland Betghta, 15th and Ella a bath. ' - HELP WANTED MALE. WABTED Young me ta team telegraphy aad railroad seeonntinsi ffo.ou 10 airo.uu. Par free eaUlngne addreaa Mora Collrga of Telegraphy, u 11th at., Oakland. Cat nr.NTFD Tea or three nrat-clare, all-around avaeblna atan; permanent aaattloa, goad wage. Oregon Pern 1 tore Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WB gat work fir our member; epeatal meia M. C. A Fourth lad Tamhlll. f Union Hotel : St NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment ta oar pntrona. Weakly rata: Room, l.2S up; ram board. S4.(0 a. Anoeraon. proprietor. WAWTTI leuct mekera; ataady wark M north Front, comer ar inn. ALBBMKIV ta tatredaea tba world- wee eel la fmlta Barnaul new atone lean piua artnelol. Choice nf territory. Ceh weekly, Addreaa Washington Maraary aampnay, Tep- penlah.. Waiolngtoa. W A !TXT Moeln r -rlctare madrlna opera tore t 111 teeeh yoa the eueineeei teraM eery rea mania: poeltiene eeearedi goo ajary. 14BH auta at. WABTED At ence. SO eammoa laborer at at. BO per day. Can at engineering oepert ment Oregon Water Power A Railway Co., Plrat and Alder ata,, tor partlcnlara. A1KNTS wanted to aell ennertor, high-grade auraerr erock: complete antttt rumttbea rreei caaa weekly; write today for choice at ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Company, Salem, tiregoa. WANTED Boy; ataady work. H M. Front, Dana, MBit AND WOMEN to Jeura harher trade la eight week; gradaatea eera from 1A to fa wprnty, OBpori iinvinuT( nuiin in. pc'el tat tbla1 month. Holer Syatea of C..jTa, SS North Poarth t.. INnrtland. , DON'T MONKITI Be a WBOLB MAN, FREE OF A l.l. OISBABES. Dr, Madiaon, ancceanor ta Red Croaa Dlapeaaary, ear. Third aad Aaa. WANTED AT ONCB 15 carpenter and 19 car neater helper; ware tor carpenter as, for carpenter helper 2.B0. Call at engineering oepftrtmeni, uregoa meter rower neirway Co., Flret and Alder at., lor partlcnlara. WANTED Aa electrtctaa -with rrneHeac la ulehlc work for plant la amall town. A dreaa O 81, rare Journal. WANTED t rpeHeneed railroad brakemea for loertne roa d: ateedy work with good pay, Addreaa S 17,-aara Joorael. WANTED Young maa ateaographer who baa aid eome experience; atate age, menace and experience. D. 44, Journal. WANTEIt Ydnng people ta prepare theatsslvss aa beukkeepen and ateemgnpliera; have bad 848 call since September 1; placed SS In aeltlona. We will place ye when eota- 1 petent. Day ar Bight Catalogue. Beksk Waiker Business eel legs. WANTED A boy for wort la library. Apply Public Library, aevenia ana stars. WANTED Fifty fcggen at Eastern A Wester I yt inhering oompauy' nmp No. A Eufaala, Wash. OFFICE. men Must be goad penmea, and onlck at rignrea: eawry e'v to -w; aiai ex' nerleuce. B 18, ran, Journal. WANTED Advanced etndenta to iota ear apeed elate day and evening: positions wbea com petent. Ale two young men to do light , work te pay tuition la telegraph yi position i dsvIiui If see month when aradnated. Pa cific tel'graph Institute, Commonwealth bldg. WANTED 4 competent Been for aolldtlng elovnee for cleaning ana dyeing; good ssi ary and enmnilesion pftld for good hustler, at the Eaat Portland Steam Cleealng A Dji Work. 14 Oraad ave., rlty. . PBA),TICAL bms to take charge of hardware aad furniture rmatneea; must bav eacartty P 88, sat Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Qlrla t make alia at TS Plrat at. v "Beat at All" erer- BANSKN'B LADIES' AGSNCT. SUVL Waahlng. ton at., ear. Sernth, upetalr. Phone Mala Sous Female help wanted. GIRLS WANtjUV-Oparatore ta work aa ahlrta adoerall. Lreaona gleea ha Ineiperleaeed. Apply nt Standard faetury Mo. A Oraad an. ana tt Taylor at. i THB BOMB LAIVKS' A0ENCT. remain help fnrnlauMl free te amplayar. Baglatratloa Free. ISfiH Poarth at.. apaUtra, roam M. Mala IM WANTED Aa experienced - dome tie arte teacher - for aa Important Inetltutloa la the , city. Apply W IB, cere JonraeL WANTED Competent girl tor work. Apply ItMl Bast 10th geaeral at ' S GIR LB WANTED to factory. Apply to P. C. Ullaaa ata, In pa per -box lutb aad Stettler, 61 RL wanted to do geaeral kooaework ; wag . so ntu and college. LADIES wanted te on aaay faacywerk at home, apan Urn or ateady; experience un aeceaaary : goad pay. - Call S to 4. 4VM Pleldner Bldg., 407 Waahlng toa at. . A GIRL. I or general bonne work and cooklna tillaan. betweea 22d aad 23d ata. Call 741 WANTED at'112 North 22d at., cook. WANTED A girl for general houaework. 436 Tillamook at. , WANTED Woman or girl for light houaework and help with children; no waamug. i-noue Kent 8070. ... ' ONE who anderaianda Oliver t Titer. Apply Colombia Phonograph Co., 871 W nailing ton at. WANTED Lady; eaay. ealary and commlaelaa. ST' fltable poaltfcm; 11th at QIRLB, If yoa wa it to aara IS , C. Kreba. per day, apply at al Fourth at. WANTED A hteangTupher, fair ealary; chance to leem. ll m. rare journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOPPH'KERS waated 804 10th near Colombia at.; abaca ana iruu inruMneu; goo nup. Mr. Knapp. BOPPICKERS waated: good camping groaadn; noont 1 oya wora. rw panicujem dreaa Barrlaoa Brue., North Tamhlll. Or.,; CAPABLE aoltctnar, eeary city and county: cormulaalon or a wry; ine oeei ponry ana company. 824 Lumber Exchange, Portland. WANTED 400 hop-plchere by Sept. 1 1 beet yard In Oregon; goon pecommoaarionn. appir to Andrew Kan A Co.. 887 Montana at. BE LP waated and annplled, male ar femnle. B. a. Drake, ZUOH wainatoB m. a-neiaw .'. l.too BOPPICKERS to Pick S4 acre bop at Or per box; Urgent aopyara in ut woriu; beat accommodation; aik for 8-peg book, glrlnat partk-Blara. at S8 Fourth at.. Kreba broa. Phena Mala 4670. OfSce hour a a. m. to S p. m. - WANTED TB bopplckera. , CaU at No. 100 Taylor at. - HOPPICKERS We pay S0 per boi. bunkboue free, will ha at taa ot. inarm noun week la Anguat ta aell round-trip tlcketa te Brooke. Coma by trala Heptember S. Ad dreaa Homer Oouley. Brook a. Ore go; 71 acrea. P. P. Oouley, Brooka, Oregon; 00 eerea. WANTEO Two famllle to pick prone 1 Clark county, waaningion.' enn yea tt. 'Anderaoa. Lumber Kxehanga. , . ' ' TOI7NO men and women to learn orepg enert- hand; woa the higbeet awaro at nt. i-ini expnaltlon; learned In half tha time and nt half the exnenue of ny other nyatem: taught everywhere In the eat. Holme Baa Ineea college, Waehlngton aad 10th at. WANTED 100 bopplckera t 60c per box; beet grade la mieyi no acre.. "" '"--"', run boarding bona. Fred J. Miller. Hub bard, Or. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. 8ITTTAT10N WANTED by axpedlenced bonk- keener . ana nccounient; vm w ....--furnlabedv. 0 (. care Journal. WANTED SITUATION By aabar, nimble, all around butcher; amall tow a preferred. Ad dle D 47. JoarnnL , ' POSITION wanted by a gentleman with bual rurar. erocery or abtpplna; nesa exnerlenr In no objection to navel; first-class bookkeeper. Address B 44, ear Journal. - . AN EXPERIENCED carpenter wants a PeeJ tloa aa foreman or superintendent. P do, ear Journal. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFTICB , , FOR MEN. M North Second at. Phone Mala 182. 'WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Houeee, ottag, store, office, nomlag-hoanaa, ate. flats. lord will do well te cell on POBTLANP TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOON. Phone Bs. TA . S- E. Car. 8d aad Oak. - HOlinR". flats, fooaaiwi-houaaaw. (ton, af- Mala 1171. Und hard A Jack. McKay bldg. WANTED By Irian and wlfn (n children) S to 4 pleasant as furnished beuaekeeplng-reeme. within walking distance, with aa agreeable family preferred. Phone Mala 811. wanted Br Sent. 10. Arena modera house, betweea Ash and Hawthorne, Eaat 12th to lath. H. A. K, car MarahaU-Well Bard ware Co. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL year rjroperty. It la or where located. Bead deaerlptloa new aad wa will do tha reet. Investors' Gold Co., 811 Marquam bldg Pert 14. Oragea. OOOD tncoene aad residence property, lota, farm. , lag and timber lands. LINDHARD A JACK. McKay bldg. WANTED Bustaeee ' or residence property ta the etty ta exchange for good farm lands; can handle anything from il.oM te fM.ono; we also ban some excellent bun la timber sad graalog land. CaU aad s ai w ' want 1 get eeonalated with you. .; TURNER A WALKER. Room A BOSH Waablngtoa at- . CITY property rehaaged for good farms, aa farm for m for city property, oy .... P. Fi:CIIS, 231 V Mornaaa at ; I WANT a 8 or T-reoi prlc and loeatloa care Journal. t house oa eaat (Ida: gin ha flret letter, u au. WANTED Modera houeee, eaeant lota, ao Installment; ban bey era for all ,br7 LAMONT A HARRIS, , 107 tt Sixth St, at Um WANTED T b-ass, with privilege to bay, farm IS to 80 acrea; Improved, running water, wlthla 80 mllea rortlaaa. ' B IS, ran , JonraaL COTTAOEB ar rooaaa, lot or fractional kit. rloee In, reaaonable. Phono Best so. spot cash anno ai.noo for Imnroved home, anno si.ri ertv. Wll Income, property. Widow. ITwoe Mala , a addresa B 48, "ran Jouraal. . mn.ti . I ii ... i i.l ....... n. . I ernes property, bbiist " KfV M. C. liavln, SB1 Alder. ; wanted f ar 8 acre la city limit, on near ear line: must ne gooo sou ann my well for platting. , Addrree 864 14th, or jbonc Min mm. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTINO. atwaylng and whitewashing tree. basements, barns, docks, etc; largest gasoline spraying outfit oa the coast. M. 9. Morgan a) Co.. ta uaiea an. f none neat aw. WE WIIX BUY year furniture any old tin Waatara Salvage Ca., 27 Waahlagtaa at, WB WILL BUY, SELL OB TRAPS ANY OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE 00,, 2T 20 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 708. . " Mela BSCB Mala MB PTJBNI1TRE WANTED FOR ' SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS 111 Pint at. Mala MM HIGHEST eeh prlc paid ' for saeaad goada. Phone Eaat 8077. IBS Union an, WHO IB M. . MORGAN CO. I WANTED A 'light driving buggy. Addreaa Bus D 88, Journal, Pboa Mala 841 8, WANTED FINANCIAL. I1.0OO.OU0 TO build tret-cleat hotel, PortleuA O 18, car Joarnal. " - ' 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TBB GRAND. 4H NortS Third t Room tor gentlemen $I.2A per weeh end ap. . THB RrCHEI.IEII. S3 North Sixth at. Ele gantly furnlabed: eta at heat aad bathe. NICELY at ogle ar ea eatte. beard If deelred. , free bajh -trie light, hire. Brown. 8 ia paeoa. loth at. POB RENT 3 ar 8 aafurnlabed rooaaa I mod em flat, private family. n) Clay. 80 ROOMS, furelabad. fof rent 187 Front at. - or MM. . Apple FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING.. TUB MITCH EI U FUader Rooma,. heuaekeeplng and; eeuleutr price reaaonable. ad femptb treaeleat: aaa. LARGB elegantl ntljr rurnwnea aooeeneeping. ne. ruaolug water. Tha Lnwaa- . rooma: gai r dale. S0si Alder at. ll.BS PEB WEEK Large clna - fwatehed hoaaekeplug-room; lauudry aad beta. 184 Sberman, South Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP. eleaa fnrnlahed hwmeheen. Ing-roem. with yard. prlor. Uaodry. bath, furnace beat. - BOSH Btantee at. U car.'. THB JEFFERSON! AN, aid Jeffereoa t Bleely furnished suite ef two r three noma with ' all coaTemtneea: cheap. PVRNlSHKp boiiwkceplng-room, , 88 per month. 831 Seventh at. d PCRNISHRD honeekeeplng with rbou bath Eaat and t. 80 Eaal Eighth at. HOrsEKKKPINU rooma In aoltea, SS and up. 204 Jefferson, corner Third. OOOII furnished bonarkeephig - end alerplng) roovoe, t wees, eisw lis. mnn rvoti. sc ' Cor. 27Hi Morrleon. ercond floor. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS and board at Me) Orertoa t- Pnclne 1000. PboM BOOM for atagbj man, with board. Clay at, 480 Eaat THB WOODLAND. 869 Sixth, cor. of Madiaon Close in; beenttfnl print residence: la re lawn, elegant raoum, choice table hoard; rea eon ble. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 LOWER room for rent. Water and Jeffereoa, s uafurulabad, tst FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable clan and furnlture-moTer: also tor. age. Phone Mala loao. Ofoca 110 K. tuwo. FOR RENT o-room enttag. betweea Hoyt aad Irving. K. 149 Apply loth t.. rat dour. 118. 11. f20 TURKS modem house, Sixth and carurners srs, . rnona main uw. POB BENT 4-room cottage, . Inqnlr 70S Eaat Stark at. yard and fruit. rCBNIRHED bona. convenient rooms, bath, rose garden, car, convenient; rent reaaonable. low Porter at.. South Portland. HOI KS for rent; also anlt booeekceplng-rooma. Inoulra log Sherman at. FOR RENT Two 5-room cottage Orsnd an.l alao one 2-etory bouee. J. I S. Fota, 40S Hawthorne ave. NEW modern S-rootB cottage. In Sunnyilrie. 82.100! .mo cash, balance monthly. H. H. Van Poaaeu A Co.. 21H Morrison gt. FOR RENT 8-ronm cottage, newly papered; , nice location. 620 Everett. Inquire on prem ises. - I FOR RENT Howie 8 room: gss. both; - oa IT west Park, ail: Inoulra 800 N. Fifth.. or 141 First. Dr. Koehlar. - FOR RENTFLATS. 8, 4, 8 AND 4-Toem flat, Cincinnati Coart; team beet and janitor's ervtc. 8 W. cor. -i 10th and Harrison. - FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT T-room bouee aad 10 acrea. T mlleefOR from Portland, on o. W. r. liy., witn soma fruit; will rent for 1 year. Addreaa Mia Carrl Tracy. Lenta. Oregon. ' R. P. D. 1. FURNISHED HOUSES: r ROOMS, arnnged for 2 famHlee. close la, p.tft. Call Hathaway a sixib ana aaimen. v houses for rent furni- , TURK FOR SALE. MUST sold inside 10 daye, fsrnltnn ef 7- bargain aeekera call: goo loca tloa; I. L. rent reasoosble. 283 Nartllla at., Mrs. Martin. ' FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of ahop ta rent, snl table for painter ar plumber. zus rouria at, ., OFFICE-ROOMS, aafurnlahed rnoma aad aample. rooma for teat, oonanooga Bias Apply t le vator. . CIOAR. fruit and confectionery etore: wen located; cheap not. - PbOne Ksst limx PART of furnished of flea for rent la Lumber - Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark. Address B. 41. care Jouraal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separate or together; new aad with all convert Ivors. Phone Main MM. SUMMER RESORTS. THB BRITT, family hotel. Long. Use eh. HOTEL SALT AIR, Ceatarvlll ata tloa; flaaat i accommodations. THE PORTLAND, leading hotel. North Beech, BOTP.L WICKHAM. euletne. New Ma atarion; 'excellent AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMA A. SCHUBACH, Prop, . HI pi . ... Phone Mala tMSB. A set Ion dally at 1 p. mv Ulgbeel cash price paid fur rar altars: alao goods eoia oa ct sign ment BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR "I ALB Watef -power caw and planing. ' mill, located oa good logging stream, la Wll " lamette valley, aud In good farming country; ; excellent local trade ef about feet a rear: canadty 10 to IS M. In 1 boara: 4V, mllea to railroad; 100 acrea of land and about 4 8.000,000 feet timber to go with mill; splash ' gam, boome, etc. Andreas William jlvTlea ' ene. Meant Angel, Oregon. - MEAT market for aale etieep; W Untoe an. north; aetng good hualneaa. - . POB tnfermatk or for share of the Nicola coal mine, limited, write to Paul Borkmler, . manager, Pakruae, Wsah. FOR SALE A general merebaadlae a tore; stock I novice about Al.onO. cheap nnt. In town within It mile af Portland, en Southern PaclBc railroad: raring tmsliieeai good r ' aons for selling. Addrrea E 28. can Journal, PHILOMATH. OREGON, want ' bank. creamery, rruit can ner y ana n nvur mm; i Sne opening ben for neb ef thee enter. price; capitalists please Investigate; aak for lrata of fine farm and neeoertlee eels or xchBge. Caldwell k Co., , Philo math, Oregon, DRUG (tore for aale fbesp; The anlr oaa In good college town; stock complete, eak irtoree, marble fountain, corner atnn, nnt 110. eleetiie llghta and telenhoaei swi Snlng out of buelneaa; aplendld onentng for rngglat; come and an for yourself; part time If desired. Apply drug store Mount , Angel, Oregna. WBO IS M. O. MORGAN A Cat GOING BAT; mnst fell atnre; market aad 11 V. Ing-resma. Phone Msla 43IM, WANTED Parrnsr In good partag restaoraat; 8190 required. BOH North Third at. FOR BALE -Good mereantll business requir ing B4.800 rash; Mg proOta and cash buslaea. Uearga Mclrla .MUlrr, Eugsae, Ursgsa. : r -: : TvouitrVrvrti , mm. HY PlCTURt.'.) . business chances: TUB beet money-making buelaeee la the city . for aale oa account af sickness; 8400 la . veeted will reallae 840 weekly or mors; ex perience anneceaaary, Addreaa Y 1, Jouraal, HATE s good feed aad grocery baalaeee oa . O. W, P. railway, a few mllea from Poef. land; doing goad business, hut want to aell oa account of alckm-ee; will aell noipertr and buelneaa or stock enly-and less the prop erty; will aell at actual Invoice, Addreaa O A car Jouraal. . - . PHENOMENAL rise In price of. Hunt Switch expected any day; thla may be your last opportunity to buy before aubecrlptloe book are rmeea. Kay bldg. J. P. Bunt A Co., 80S Me SMALL restaurant la good location with leaas, for aale. Address 62. can Journal. A SMALL grocery etore with living roam for ssl nt s sacrifice; will exchsage: as agents. Apply 64 North Seventh nt.. city. 8ALOONMEN Investigate thla paying corner! elegant flxtnm, long lease, cheap rent. Phono Woodlaws 88. A OENERAL cnuntry a tore: awa aar own build ing; a good business established; would tak . about tn.noo to buy everything; a chance for oma enterprising men to make money. Ad dreaa M. M. Co- Monument. Or, . , SALE. CHRAP-Reatsnrsnt outfit, good aa new; price ll&O. Address 408 Ivoa at. STBAM woodsaw aad team for aale: owner olng away; a good paying baalaeas. CaU aaat eighth at. . . 1840 MEAT MARKET In a good location ; cheap rent. Call 4t 107 "4 Third at. FOR SALB or exchange for Portland property. Improved farm of sno scree. 1 mil from county neat, la valley; 120,000. ; Addreaa E 40, care Journal.'- A Genuine Snap " ; t rooming boneea, one 12. ana 24 rnoma; must be sold; closs In. Inquln A. 88 1Mb. WANTED Amblthma young maa.' who I now employ en as nuns eiera.- to neip organise a amall cor iteration and set as treasurer. 0 81, care- Journal. "FOR" SALE-REAL'ESTA SELLWOOD HOMES." ' - 150ft 2-msm bou, corner - Int. clone to car line. . 8760 ft-room nosas, 1 full lota, good garden. . 8750 I -room bouse. City TIw fark. bhick from car line. : ' fl,260 t-ioom modera bouse, .' new. . I1.0S0 4-rootB boui. - with, i T fnll lota; , creek running - through. , SELL WOOD TOWNSITB CO.. ' Phone Sell wood 11. E 13th and Tenlno. - H. P. PALMEB. Manager. " " . Or Call loS Sherlock Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 100x100. with Aroom hoosa d itsble; ground covered with; located on Mat iiiiam Hill, with splendid view of the dty. This property can be aold at the tow prlc af ll.onu. 8S.600 bur a modem lO-roora bouee en . B. Sixth at.; well located and la flrat-claaa condition; wlthla walking dlatance. ana fin . view. ' 88.600 bun a ' fin Dew modera Arooak : house, bwatrd ckw to bnslnra. center f Hnnnyaldc: everything modera and up to Hate; furnace, uata. hot ana cma water, tank attached to hstb, furnace and rang. Be thla before baying. . , JAMKS GIBBON.' Pbon Pacific 1843. Room 100 Abaigtoa. BEAUTIFUL s-room house la Irvtngtoa: leaving city; 1.150 nab. balance.. terme. Addrrea S 18. cere Journal. - , TWO E-room cottagea. Eaat 4018. . Acreage ,000 um to be cut np In amall tract from 1 to 8 acres aad np; nnt aide, excel lent locality, soil Unsurpassed; market opes today) sjo in aiou per acre; terme. 144 STARK STREET. . 8 GOOD BUYS 8 ISOO rash and 13 per ' month buy Besrly . new weii-arnng cu . mvoera e-rooa neme, Uolladay'a. - . - Su.oiai bay elegant ll-ronm BMdera eaat side home, lot luniiai, cbuUa hruhberyl Aowees fruit ; hslf essh. 84.000 buys splendid 7-eeom bouse, 1 lets. rruit, aowara, on m-eenrt at.; term. n, -i -ann i nam B22 Chamber of Comiaere. too PARMA amall tracts and lots; bargains 'sa O. W. P. electric line. O. R, Addlton. Leal, Ongoa. Tak Moaat scett ear. a. FOR SALB OR RENT -room boon, newly papered, bath aad toilet and atatlonary waabetand nnstatre; and cold water, gaa fixture aad gaa mux. 182 Uacola t. 1 mn BEAUTIFUL building lot, YTth aad l surma a ata., ivivk iDira. , 8000 BEST Wwitad. eernef lot In Suanrslde. 87th and Beat Taylor. A. r. amith, 43 w aatiingtoa atrset. 1 LOT HOt 100, 2th and Tillamook ale... Irving law. - rnona main sof m , t ' T riAATYt 'ay Y001LI NDtCITK v-,; . w IN MiNirrc! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . 8 LOIS on tha . peninsula. only 2 h locks from Penlnaula ave., and n few minute' walk " from St. Johns car: prlc Sma) , for the B kMs; 8 1 00 caah, bal . ance on time. . -. i 10 kit on tha nenlnauln clea to above, price l,f" for the 10 lota; 1200 casb.'balanc oa time, either monthly payment e otherwhie to suit parrbaaer; , these Iota will double la value by next spring. ' i Cottage, rooms, and 6 lot, all under fence and aat out la fruit and vegetable of the . finest hlad. a - few minutes' walk from Penlnaula an . and theSt Jobna-ea Ilea; price only ai.-ym; amall cash pay. merit and balance .to eult pnr- raiser, either la monthly pay-; , menta or otherwise. TUB . TITLE OL AfcANTY A ;: J ' - TBI ST CO.. (Seal rotate Depertreeat. . 'j 240-244 Waablngtoa St. . ', Comer Id, Portland, Or. ,, NEW Sevjnra hours, mt DtxIOO. alcely f foamed. up to date, Jbsst J uiru anrt uiissa; never was occupied. Addraes 0 A vcan Journal. LOT 40liil. Aroom boose, all moden finish. electric light, g. aintngroom panel nuien; fruit m stxarianre; 1048 Eaat Lincoln, be tween s4in sad. Marguerite. ; Address D 04. can Journal.' - MODERN A room bone m ewyTI Eaat Brrrnalde . district, hardwood I mora. aanjeiea ainmy , room; fine place, ate. Lambert, Whltnier A Co, Bbarlock bldg. i - 1 . 8.1, flfio BUYS modern borne la Irvtngtoa, from ItWner. t an at aoi wn imn, avir moos aaa see it, ..- - - r-j-rr Should he a landowner) great rale of acreage new on: any alar tract from 1 to H st-rea and apt 138 te lnO per acre; choice locality, west elds;- eaay term. . Be . , . ' . ' 24t STARK STREET. . ' ' ' r . IF you wast re feulM any kind of barldtng, gmtll sv large, ge, to Anserlcan Inn for lumber, tlm ! ber. doora, windows, plaster 'Boards, t,.., . BEAUTIFUL modern Aroma booee. eaat front, mil lot. i.imi: aotni. oeiaese zo meatBiy. On eer. Phooe Eaat 78. -: 4-ROOM modern cottage with bath, hot aad cold water, one carpcte ana snauea, x tola, aornar. sice laws, fruit aad Bowen, 1 block from car. Be fare, t mlnutee' ride; 41,200. half rab. . Town. MS it Morrlaoh at Psoar Paclle 2614. - 'V : 500 Homes, For Sale Farrna and cite property. , ',.'.' i THE-INYET0UB GtTIDK CO., X ' . BIS awniHiiw eivft - wivrrvTS , FOB BALE, CHEAP',, Bars at Maupt Tabor; . eeeana. Owrser. .sal . East kaoerlsoa. asenav TJatoa av. ' '..,."'.. s . BUY a lot oa the enat (tde; 8-mlattt car eerv Ice. within walking dletaocet ine boa going up; price from 8600 Is 8-'0; tatin if , deslrtrd. t THOMPSON. r". ' -S4 Mlsataalppl v. Pbona Woodlawn 101, or branch efnee ea the gronnd, Tweaty Beeond and Morrleon. Open dally 8 a. ' m. " te 12 m. Moaat Tabor and Sunn raid earn. FINE building lot ea Eaat Sslmos st 60x100; street la Improved and all Improvement said; en Mtghhorbeod. Inquln - -v. , . M. B. THOMPSON. ' 84 Mlaalaalppl v. 1'Hone Woodlswn tn r at branch fBca, '22d at. aid Morrleoa, 8 a. m. t 11 m. . ;. . FOB SALB Chsaa, SO acre . antmproved Mad nay cleared, 10 mllee from Vaocoavsr. 4tt from railroad: 8460. O, A- Woatar, R. P. D., ; Vancouver Wash. BOUSES built e Instsllmenta. tots If 18 Commerclsl bldg,. . Main 1840, v Oyer 25 Per Cent v Hs beea made on nedtnoat lot 'fks last 'sti moat ha. Bow Is that for aa lavntmentl Lata ' 8400, 8600 and' 8Sta). Installment. Bouad t lecresse again ss much . befsrs spring. Be r led merit. Tak St. Johns,. Woodlawa M U FOB SALB FOR 81.100 ' Aer tract af land located at Tlwaco beach llfe-aavlnsj atatlon; all cleared aad fenced, good 10-room nous, good dairy bam. station for 14 eewa; sew cream aaparatnr and . milk eans, a baggie. 1 light wagon, 8 Blows, 1 new barrow, 4. Be. I mUrh eowa: title " guaranteed. J. W. MILLER, Nacatto, WablagtoB.f 18.600 NBW nv-dera B-reom bona, corner let 8S100; plenty of ream to build another bouse en rear ef bit; gnded streets, cement sidewalks; honn face north:, only 1 block . from Hawthorne an.; furasce. fireplace. ' gas. electric llghta, laundry, front aad back at airway i everything nv-dera ; terme to eult. Thla will make you. a fine home, nor csa It be do piles ted a an In Teat ment. will guar, anta year rent at $30 ,a , meatb. t Phoaa Mala ana, c. v. itaay. , . NEW bungalow 82.600: $900 ran. balance manthly peyasents, Pnrt't BUM aevlag this. fbone aasy, Mats sea. : lYajlLrtrVstl UPKNDlCITlSaJ J T-..Mwri'J. I i ryva' -ar. aA : "trrM S j - ' A Y0UX4.iTWfteS, .. -'". . I CUESfc HUtiSmtME. CANT BTAN0 ROUNO sVtnjTVvO' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' :' THESE WILL PLEASE Vol'. ( . ' Splendid hwathni. or near ' ' finest car service, best value la ;' ' - etty; eeey teraM. : i.v 11.460 New mart era 1-robm , cottage. . ! l : 82.OH0 New. modem. 7 room ' nttage, gaa. etc.. eeaseat laun--. ' dry and bass ment.' ' ' . ': 81.2JO Sew. modern 8-rrom ' heuae. every ciwvenlence, te. ' -. t ment baaement . .. . '.. 8A8l Oealrable home., fin "..'flew. 7 large rooma tnd closet. . j fine plumbing.- cement base meat, 2 bxa In lawa aad fkrw- ' V 1 AVIBKHT WHITHER ACJl-v. -" la Sherlock Block. WOH 8At.B---A av modern S-rnom b-uea and 1 lota 8OI100, I B lock mm soul nt. eonnn station. . , ' " ' Here1IsaFew cf Wiley Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains aeu acres Fair Arootn noaaa. 8 ef goad orchard. 11-acrea asder.cultlvetlon. 29 aeen of good tlmbee, near csrllne tnd sa good road; only 8U per acre. Sevenl See pieces nf be verdant land ca Johnson creek, near Leata; rst. class fur AIbo f4jinu'nere tract with .rntdeneea; houaea In rent, furnlabed and unfurnished, at rnsnaabls rvata. 4 -acn fncta. . all Imrewved with bnlldlags. B mlnutea' walk tram srhnel nn.1 car atattna, B fans to any part uf lort land. and tbs eheapnt lots ea the Maunt Scott Mne. . '' , Wiley Allen & Co. DON'T' forgaf the place The New Era. Paint at Tarawa, uo., now at us rim, net. m; rlsna and Tamhlll. FOB SALB Cheap. 4 mom cottage, lot Mil28t mtg ot Iran, vail or aooresa eai v iiusms BOOMING HOtSB of 4 rorena for aale cheap: 11.20 buya it; owner leaving city. . tau Real Eauat Oa.; BOA Plrat at. - -. ' - ' I1.60O -ROOM house and T lots, la Moata- US' '1 w '. ' '' 1 ,aeamnmasw-snt " V."'' ' ' ' villa; os run neet-inw irvjit w.. , a".-.- -) house aad bam; aaay teres. Call at 107 Va soars at. - 4 ACRES Haa 4-room booee ana nam, aeene rrnit, near ' canine, eore. , -ai, m w. ra ' Third at " - - - - 1 ' ' 82.100 GOOD Broom boon and t acre land. r ". ..... ai at Y a. Uaaaa4 elWa, Ivas A 1 1 at WnU Jtam rJIl, BtuyuJB ATsaevuB, IBvrvi , waa as. V107H TWr4 et. OoTl af OIB, ' W1IB HIBW' bvwviw, aeaaati at JOTtt Third at. , .. - . PINB corner 100x100 far 8400. J. I. Hosmer, 727 Caloa ave. n, . . . LOTS 'tor 11SO Terr beat Investment: reduc tion on 'full . block. . f B. Hoe mar, TIT . Untod-av. N. . . PINB 8-room boasts, tinted wood fiber, bast , kitchen, gs and aleetrlelty flrtorea. larga aihad trunk room: lot 60x100: Tory flna train, tan - WMier. vnaiareiera mnarava - . loca t lea of homes, near beet car lias; lABOn, .eaay term, e. R Hoamer, 727 Vawa an. K. East elOO. BXCRANGR host nesa neooerty ta Bn WlUam atta vallry towa for raaldeac proper ty In Portland. J., A Hoamer. T27 Uafaa an. W. SWFJIJi" saw home ta xcllent Vvantloa 4.000, . If you want something fine fag sah - dou't ails thla. J. B. Hoamer. 717 Ualea , an. N. Beet 100. - A OBSAT bargala in aereage; 11 aons la St. John, oppoalte Point Tl.w todltloa, aad la Ike ps eking houas district: will maks 71 lota;, owner forced to wll. Tkla la the araet- ' nt ana ansa ever nrrere invevesve. . svsia . v. Box 20. Bt. Johns, or. CLOSE la. Vat 80100, earnest aldewalk aad gr.dl 1-eet; IKX) csah, mooUly pay menta. Phone Bhay. Malan 884. . 8 IXITS In Bunnralds rssdy to bnlldoa; arte Bono; .800 esh. H. H. Taa Feaaaa A CO., ? ttlii Morrison. Paclfle 8881. , . . , . AROOM modern booee. Alblna ave- semeat wama, a baaemeut, carneta, gtaama, ' ? naVvsr,'' " loom, aser, dots, ra " . and tlectHevtr. baatmaati eteaa la; IA0OO,"Ah at., waThlng dlatobosl ' rreavm h-sise; aaodera, fall baaement; 88,400, easy )A mom and attic; furnace, ga aad alec trtcity." gaa gratn. mantel; a magnificent redder' .1 nlw"s' "-elk from eur fflcs, wet aids; pries 810.600. . .' ;' B. A. TAN F08SBN A 00,' ' ' B1 V Morrison au uuafic aUl, BEST view la tba city and splendid neighbor hoed (taka a anap, 100-tlOO. Bronklrn ear en Kaet Blxth, walk block aad half aouth). aim I, ad tree, mepm and fir. W, H. Buoy, ua Uasbag. Kichanfe bM. . , : Jt , , . , , " 1 'A :l