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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
v . . ....... , . . . . . . . ;. . , ... w ; : ' . v . ' ( 4 ' ' m; ' '' . - i 'v : ; rr . J s- 'G0QD.:BV2CIHG r The weather.' V ": - Fair tonight and Wednesdays south V. -,' A l '. v.. i i v. ; ; i j ? j. 1 . i Journal CirczLzzn IK Yesterday '' Was. , to west winds. VOL. V. NO. 144. BUTTLE 0017 Revolutionists: Attack mm Very Entrance to Capital and Put to Flight After v Exchange pf-ShotST-DanishiConsul Robbed of His; Horses by Rebels Who Seekj to Force Foreign Intervention; omnM Special ttrrte.) . - ; Harana, Au. 21. Tha .Cuban ravolu t ion la now an actual fact, acknowledged . although reluctantly, by tha Cuban ot ' amment. Tha situation la very aerloua, owing- to tha fact that all of thoa par ticipating wero famoua In tha lata war . for military prowaaa. ,..'.,.'. . . Tha rabala axa trying to foroa foreign Intervention aa well aa American. They attacked tha home of tha Danlah consul near tha residence of tha American min ister and atola It blooded horses. Raid Ing contlnuoa In various sections, - tha rebels taking horses on which to mount -thelr:toHowara;""" : ' ": . " i Rebels tried to force their wiy Into the city" today.. They were, dlsoovsrsd by the police And fled aXtar an exchange of shots at the threshold of the capltoi " There waa fighting today at the Btlt of Plnar del Rio. Thr wverament baa vraerea nm mrmi or unrm vw at guel Oomes. It Is reported that be has been arrested and held secretly. Oomes ' ' VliM Bavtta oj.' ' ' Tha.' first Important formal - conflict occurred "'near' ' Hoyo Colorado,' where Ueutenant Rourke and a private or the rural guard ' were . killed and several wounded. Eight ru rales were captured. The combat , ocourred with the Insur gents commanded by General Quentin Bsndero. General Emlllo Nunea,- gov ernor of the province of Havana, led the government forces. , He returned to Havana last night and when ' naked : It there were casualties, ' he answered. "Tea, "wounded and everything else." All rail and telegraph communication between here and - Plnar Del Rio had Boggs Made Chairman Convention No Business Until Bryan's! Objections Are Discussed, r - (Joaraal BosrUl Sefvlce. ' . - Peoria, I1L, Aug, 1.-The Democratic state convention assembled here today . for tha nomination of candidates for the . state offices to be filled at the Novem ber elections. The feature of the con vention la the. bitter fight being waged by the adherents of W. J. Bryan to carry out their leader's desire for tha removal of Roger C Sullivan of Chicago aa na tional committeeman. Whether they are successful or not, Bryan's candidacy for tha presidency will be . Indorsed, aa a majority of the delegates have been in structed for Bryan . by. their county ' conventions. -f Mr. Bryan opposes his In , dorsement unless the removal of Sulli van la accomplished.' ' , ' r I . Congressman Ralncy withdrew after a confefence with Sullivan leaders at the hotel this morning. The agreement provided ex-Justl3e Carroll C Bogra of Palrfleld for chairman .of the conven tion. . .. .' . , . , The ouater resolution from the com mittee on resolutions will either' be re ported out as tha minority report or In troduced from the floor. All other bust-1 ness. Including nominations, will pre cede the debate On the Sullivan Issue. The roll call will be taken by counties SUCCESSFUL REVOLT OF CLEVELAND BOYS '. ' - (Joarsal Special Service.) ; 'Cleveland, Ohio., Aug. 11. On hun dred children calling themselves "the Courtland Street Liberty league," marched upon the city hall yeaterday and ' besieged Mayor Johnson's office until admitted. They bore banners reading. "The Streets Ars ths Chil dren's, Too,"- "Down With Oppression," and "Children Hay Rights." ' . Chief of, Police Kohler had driven them off the streets Snd they ssked Msyor Johnson to revoke the order,' The mayor did ao after hearing their story, Arthur Newell, II years old, acted as .....vV;.-;- - TT, TT A .XT v F i A . T A 10 PROGRESS; Towns-r-Discovered at - V been cut, bat later communication was , restored, v The rebel commander at Pino Guer rero, la advancing to take that city with 00 men, who are marching In three col umns. - There are only lea rural ea de- rending the city. ' Close' watch la being kept by tha American government on developmenta of tha revolutionary movement for the purpose of determining whether It will be forced to, Intervene tn .the Interests of peace. The question now being eon- aidered la Whether the United Mtateo shall Interfere of Ita own volition or wait .until President Palme, aaka. aaaUt-.l anee." VeJa ! , ta Xasatme, '.Whatnaf tha Cuba government isan i vox flown the' ft resent revolution ar -wot im unknown, r lit President Pal ma finds th aituaUoa beyond hla control H la eiievM he win not appeal dlreeUy U the American government, but the re ouest would Mat through the AmeH- ft e - caa minister her or the Cuban .minister1 in - waanington. if the situation oomes aerloua . America, la , expected t to Interfere. - . ? 7 ' j Washington Aug.. 11. The -state- de partment haa required of tha diplomatic representativea la Cuba a iull report of conditions, ' The government . la pre pared to- take formidable means of re atortng order without delay If neces sary. - If It is found that the Cuban government is unable to maintain order the marines will be sent ashore to pun- is n tue revolutionists, v urnciaia aay they . do not - have to await a request from President Palraa, - - , Tiir no issue of Illinois, Democratic on tMe Sullivan controversy. Congress man Ralney said after the conference: "The agreement has been made for a full and fair hearing and a roll calt We are satisfied with if Roger. Sullivan said: "They have aoanoonea every tnmg out the personal attack on me. - They will have the roll call and a ..chance to express . their views. I am satisfied." - Ralney withdrew upon the assembling of the convention and seconded Juatloe Bogga. for, chairman. , Boggs took the j chair. - MUTILATED BODY FOUND- LYNCHING IS SCHEDULED (Jnornal Ssselsl service, t " ' ' GoMsboro, N. C, Aug. 11. The muti lated body of Minnie Waddlll. 1 years old, the daughter of George Waddtn. a planter, waa found thle morning. Her lips were torn as wtth a naked hand. and her neck terribly bruised. She had bean ravished. The people around Fre mont, aeer where the crime- waa com mitted, are enraged. Another lynching is - scnoaujofl. spokesman for the Tilda" H presented a petition to thcmayor. It wn Ilk an anarchistic proclamation, written in red. "Thla la a bloody petition.'' said Mayor Johnson, smiling after he had read It through. . He oalled Inspector : Rowe. who told of the trouble, how the police had been petitioned to stop ths children from playing In Courtland street: - "If the children have no playgrounds.' said tb mayor, "they should be per mitted to play in (he atreeta Let them play to their heart's content, any kind of games, solong as they don't brow stonss." '. -',''.."' PORTLAND, OREGON, ,- TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST. ASS T7T7TfTT';'T Flaihirig Lightning and Driving Ram Accom- l : l'fl" I ' '. till ' W ' S S ' i" tv. paniea;anaKes;Yyniie - rireDeiis-reaiea; in All Parts of Cityr-rDead ? Now- Estimated at ' ' (Joaraal I pedal Service.).- " Santiago, Aug. ll.-Only now can the extent of the earthquake damage be ap preciated. The : majority of '. modern houses In this city are unfit for habita tion. A special corps ha been organ ised to rase all tottering ; structures. It la unsafe, to .walk on most of the streets, on -account of the falling debris.- Advices from. Valparaiso Indicate that the .dead, number 2.Q0S. . . The night of August 11 was rendered baleful by 'flashing . lightning,:- driving rain,; wires and cablea. snapping aa the result of the . constant earthquakes which-followed each other in rapid suc- cesston. Fire bells pealed, announcing the Starting of fires in various parts of the city simultaneously. . The first shock lasted 4. minutes and seconds, .longer than any, quake In the memory of any Santiago 'cltlsen. The ahocks caused the bells to ring snd pictures to swing from -the walls. Kxperta say the only thing that saved the city from total destruction waa tha fact that the mo tion was circular. , - 1 : . ' , meat of QnaJta. . ' i The principal shock extended from Valparaiso to Santiago and Merlpllla, with a center at Llmache, The towns of Qullloua. t 10,9. .' population, and Llalllal, were -destroyed. The- quake was foretold, ( The Keval observatory predicted It two days pre vious and Valparaiso papers printed the prediction the day before .It occurred. There. waa. a heavy quake at Valpa raiso last night. Huacho i was shaken yeaterday. . " . .''."'. The government and the people. have received President Roosevelt's message of condolence and thankfully replied. Tha government, has ordered the Imme diate construction- of houses of -wood and -sloe to. house lbs homeless. ..'Mili (Rpeelal Dirpeteh to .The JSaraal.) ' Baker City. Or., Aug. 1L Seaas of the dauntless eoursg. of Mrs. C Johns, social leadar of this city and wife of. Mayor c.'A. Johns, reoent Candida t for ths Republican i gubernatorial nom ination, a bold burglar who broke tntq the' Johns mansion last night' was pat to flight' snd foiled In hie attempt to' loot' thm houae of the family sliver. Mrs.' Johna waa alone In the house st the time of Mh attempted burglary. Mayor Johns having gone- to' Portland on a business trip.' The hour we s late and she had retired to the upper portion f the mansion when aha heard someone prowling sbout the outside. She thought little of the noise st the time, but,later abe . was. .certain someone had entered her home.' ' She hastily traversed the up per hall ' and snapped a button which flooded the lower floor with the glare ! of electrle lights. . - - . U. . : Bid Met rata. ' : , ., . Dased by his sudden disclosure, a bur- 1 glsr stood blinking in th light below, Mrs. Johns did aot scream and faint im SOCIETY tary engineers are repairing the rail road and telegraph tinea.'. . Ooavlete An Eases. ' ' Largs parties of convicts who es caped, have been committing all sorts o ertmes.T-Ovet . -were publlcrr shot Ths i people are returning from the hills. The - banks .are . open" for two hours dally. . The work of restoration la proceeding slowry. Over s thousand, bodies recovered , from the . ruins have been burled. . . , , 1 FIRES ARE PUT OUT. OyaasBita Vsed Bff eotlvely is eayiag -I . -. , Fiogiess sf the nasaes. ; (Jewsat Speelal servke. ' ' ' .Valparaiso, Aug. 11. The fires whioh broke .' out after the earthquake" have, aa a result of stubborn efforts, finally been suppressed. Dynamite "was large ly uaed to this, end. The atreeta of the city, are constantly patrolled by military and other forces. Many robbers have been shot and killed. Martial law prevails. No sosurate eetlmate of ths damage dons by the earthquake can yet be made, but it is considered certain that It will run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, and it Is feared that a com mercial crisis will follow the earthquake disaster. It Is believed that steps will be ' immediately , taken.- to relieve ths situation. Buaineaa la being slowly re sumed here and at Valparaiso. . A great-deal of damage haa been done at the mines in the Na galls and Ca lona districts. t A- number of houses have fallen at Talra, SO persons were killed there and 160 were wounded at Mellpllla. It la believed that all the .houses , will, have . to , be pulled down. (Continued op. Page. Two.) Wife of. Mayor Johns ;BaterCityPuts Robber : to:: Flight MhGun tht' manner - usually, attributed t ' her aex... Instead sh said calmly:. ' "I have a gun and if you do' not want ms to blow you' full of hole yon had better leave this house instantly." r Without waiting for the adieus of po lite society the robber bold took his de parture with more haate than grace. Mrs. Johns avers that she could hear him' running at an extremely rapid paos ROUTS 21, -1806 SIXTEEN PAGES. BualneM Center of Valparaiso, ..Wrecked by Earthquake and .Fire." clTypiiisoiiEiis wnillOOIISTCHflflFlllllO- kii!!Soci( S S iiERiiiHiip 1 - I mi Arrangements Being Made to Havo Them Live, arid ' Labor V With ' County '.. Prisoner, at ' Branch .'jail', in Stone Quarry Near Kelly's Butte, -Beat it. de ' rockolls for youae." This will be warning postsd through out bumdom before long. witnin a month it seems probable that the pris oners at the city, jail, the tioooea snd nettv thieves as well as - the steady boards the gin fiends will be at work in the quarry at Kelira Butte, several miles east of ths' cttys. It is tb plan of officials to utilise the sub lall under . - construction by Multnomah this point. Here the eouirtv prisoners . will be worked, bats there is plenty of room and plenty of rock It is now- ths intention to take . such- prisoners aa ran work from the city Jail also. . Ths elty would nav the -county Its pro rats of 'the ex pease of the jail and guards, and -the nrlsoners or nota mantuuona. . wouia b worked under-one management, The bollee committee of the executive board is now determining whether. there are any legal obatacles to such a eom blnatlon by the city and county. . The matter will be decided by the commit tea aoon. probably at its next meet- in r. : ' . Mayor Lane is jm ravor or xno-pro ject There will -fccarcely be any oppo sition to ths scheme. It is believed. -, Chief Uke the Zdsa. Nobody would like to see such an ar rangement ' more than - enter urns macher. ' . . "In the winter the jail la always crowded with a lot of bums who want to get in out of ths rain, snd with a lot - of petty , th levee, who don I care whether they are in Jail or not Just ao that they can get out before long, and there is nothing, for them to do in Jail but sleep and eat" saya be. "it win keep a great number of the hobo claaa out of the city. -. ' ' - "We will work tha city prisoners st ths Kelly Butt quarry if ths city au thorities will let ua have them." said (Continued on Page Two.) for several blocka, in fact,' as long a hla footsteps wsr audible. .' ( - ' , Mrs. Johns' cool courage is a matter of - not among her - numerou - frienda, and they are little surprised that aha should calmly -put an armed burglar to flight Sh enjoys athletics and sports ss well, as the more sedate aide of so ciety, and Is equally at home , upon the tennis court, or In, the aaddle.- ,, ". ; : Attempts Sweead mobbsry. - ' Apparently the burglar was not dis couraged by his Ignominious defeat In hla first venture of th night for soms few hours later he attempted to force aa entrance into th horn of W, EL Baker. - Hla second4, attempt, however, ended more dlanstroualy than the first, for Mr. Baker discovered him and poured a fusillade Into the robber's vicinity with, a gun.' The bullets are believed to have gone wild, for the burglar again escaped capture and Is still at large. , : 1 The police have taken up th case and believe that they will be able to run the man down, although he has covered up his tracks with exceeding cunning. THIEF PRICK TWO Thomas; . Kobinson ot ivDifficult jIob of E tiver Also BringS;Suitrfbr; iFwenty-Fivo Thousand Dollars Damesj (Special Dtepsteh t The Jesmal.) Detroit Mich, Aug. II. Thomss Rob inson, globe trotter, has undertaken' th difficult ' task of ousting tha governor of JPiregon f roraL bjg job, In a Vlait to" Detroit he haa engaged attorneys to be gin sulta in th United States ' court against th executive and declares that bs will spend' his entlr eatat in the prosecution of th suits. Robinson haa also arranged to bring a damage suit for 116.000 against the governor "an an Individual. Robinson was a resident of Oregon when a year . ago he - learned of - the death of hi 'aunt in St Mary's, Michi gan. . She .bad dlad i four, years before leaving Robinson a legacy of $1,100. but FIFTY-SEVEN SHOT FOR TAUNTING CZAR'S ARMY (Joarsal Special Berries.) -St Petersburg, - Aug. . 11. Taunting th Soldiers for letting : ths Japanese defeat them resulted yesterday in the killing , or wounding of IT peaaanta in Kharloff province. . MORRIS MAY LEAD ANTI-RAILROAD FIGHT v , (Joaraal Special Barrier.) -Lincoln. Aug. 11. The city la filling with Republicans for the state conven tion tomorrow. - A fight Is on for the senatorshlp. Th anti-railroad's likely nomine la Attorney General Morris. ' HICAG0 SOCIALISTS CONSIDER PLATFORM - (Joaraal gpselal BrW r Chicago, Aim. llThe Illinois social ists' convention considered todsy a plat form drawn, up by Joseph Medtll, a Pat terson millionaire.' . ' -,. MANY DIVORCES IN. ; ; GOTHAM ARE VOID; S MARRIAGES ILLEGAL . " ' (Joaraal Rpeelal Berrtee.) : v ' New, Tork. Aug. . 11. One of the re sults of the researches mad by William M. Jam of tb census bureau st Wash In rt on Is the discovery that in several cases, whers , divorces were' granted" by the defunct court of common pleas, prior to 1S, Judgment decrees have not been entered. Thla omission ' leaves these suits in 'exactly the same condition aa when they were started. Judges have often declared that plain tiffs in such aotlona ahould have de- srses, but owing to eareleasoess of soms - " v- a am . CENTS. Michigan Undertakes the executors bad been unable to locate) the helra. . --. . t ... "I went to San ' Francisco and aaig. Governor Pardee." declares Robinson, ''Ha advised me to place th matter b f or Governor Chamberlain of .Orego and ask hla assistance. I did so and was' promised th aid of th a tat de partment - Nothing was aver don and after a long delay I was refused admlsx slon to the executive offices. . "At a great financial loss I earns back to St Mary's only to leam that my delay; had lost m th legacy. Under the terms of the will th heirs had to be found within s certain period. . .. . t "The governor was derelict in bta duty and by bla actions forfeited. hla right to th executive chair." , -, 1 J 4 t.UIL R036EO OF $2l3,C:3 AT ILLINOIS T0VI Sack Is. Stolen From Depot, CuJ Open and Rifled of VaJ-' ' . ' uable Contents. (Jeans! Special Ssrvges.t t Effingham, ia, Aug. 11 A sack first-class mall matter from th Penn sylvania train August II, to have been transferred to tb Illinois Central for Chicago and northwestern points, . wss found on th outskirts of th elty, out open and rifled of Its moat valuable con tents. It had been stolen from ths transfer platform at th local union de pot. .. ., " -r -.. v It le estimated by the postmaster of Effingham that th sack contained $200. ooe In1 drafts, checks, money orders and currency,- .--..-. : ,,..; vA like robbery occurred her six years ago. - The robbers were caught and sent to ,th' penitentiary" . kind, order for tb Judgment has a been submitted to (he court, snd seo.uently.BO decree of divorce has r entered or signed. Papers on i therefore, are worthless. 1 In many caeea persons lr' hav- married. Such second w . , the lawyers contend, a re vol 1 children of ouch unions are I. and will remain ao unless sn s i leglslatnre- Is pssiunl U ' them. Th dowsr rights of a msrrled will slso be serlon and com pi lea t Inns of a nat. lAdsscrlbabl U ii;V . :vyv:v.'v-: