"c?.zzz:z .daily " izvzzzu' rc .7La::d. ::c::day cvz::i::a.' augtjst t r - r r 5-t -J "' SUUUER RESOKTS. , feuaal eatearlaeai f e-el ea at u smwyen, a iia JLn lelinry win, be nln Or" met Im mi aseat at te aetaw aae he will tiUU imiui . llnrt I all ea tfce ?ft ' llasIDI AfcD (.4.ASBJJLI A.A at Inrlt i C.'S (ton, mm. jrawroBt . aw ' TAaunr Kanr DinlklM, Mn lnl Oervallla aiMrton a Meweert, Or. DeUearf : III Hmll V 0B, - aiarBfe aTiimait. O. SOX LAJTI itot Uta'SMttMtoto P, V1U,-aUaeral Sprlags Be eofjAM imriLU mini, vm 0. X. Sclsess, Hti (MUM,- WhW - roaieaTS iKQinaRi. : frie. .....,.. ....."Partners m tie Mint'' tr ! : "Cimht In th Web" Dried ..................... .7,,.. ...Vaadevllle FDtefl ,, sBllle CUoakrtofvaiich-Ml aim.. at Twi sas iaif s uresis. , rnm t o'clock Sunday until midnight last Bint the man at the elty erema tsry war at work incinerating tha II hersea burned la tha aUM ra Satur day morula. It wm on unpleasant Jab, ad on wblek ahewed up how Inade qaata la tha capacity of tha city garb tit plant Tha crematory la euppod to have a capacity ef tl ton a avary 14 hour. Between It and ft ton, tnolud ing tha- daad Koreea, war received yes terday, and tha furnaces war wornee: beyond their oapeolty. Only eight of tha carcasses could be plaoad in tha lara-a furnaces, and tha other ii naa t . be cut up Md burn ad In tha amallar fur- pace. , ;v , Tbo who ramatnbarad tha aollpa of tha pun that waa aohadulad to occur ' yaatarday aftamoon arm ad thamtalyaa with amokad flaaaaa and -aaad eara folly throuKh tha blu atmoephar to tha ahadow.aa It paaaod acroaa tha aun'a orbit No ahadow waa aaan, and thara era many who aaaart rigoroualy today that tha aatronomera war wrong about tha aollpaa. Tha aellpa did taka plaoa, bpt auoh a small part of tha ahadowVaa ylalbla from Portland that tha aid of a powarful talaaoopa waa nao aiaary to ao tt Tha aellpa waa mora plainly Tialbla from Canada and tha axtram nortbara part or tuia oontmani. Tha funaral of Mra, Oraea Hugh, tha China mlaalonary whb dlad at har homa In tola city (aat rrtday. waa bald at tha Chrtatiaa church yaatarday aftar noon, Tha aarvloaa war oonductad by Rav. & V Muoklay, Bay. J. F. Qhornv lay. and Bay. F. Elmo Roblnaon. la tarmant waa at Lon fir camatary. Mra. Hugh waa bora In Vacantia. Call fornia, of - Chlnaaa paranta. but waa brought up In a Christian homa. Mha cam to Portland four yaara ago, whara aha marriM Ixiul atugn. and angagaa - In mtaalonary work for tha paopla of , har raoa. -8ba waa tl yaara of ago at tha uraa of nor daatn. . Charlaa Waltta, a trusty prlaoner, aa eaped from tha oounty Jail at T o'clock last night Waltta waa amployad 1n tha ' kitahait and oecaua h baa a gooa rac ord waa allowod mora Ubarty than many of tha othar prlaonar.' Ha waa claan In up tha ' kltchan whan laat aaan by Jailer- MltohelL Whan tha Jailor want around to lock up a llttlo later Waltle had -climbed oyer the wall and made Ma aacapa. Tha police wore gtraa a deacriptlon of him and Mitchell la eon' fldent that ha will be rcaptura. Wal tie waa earring a aantanca .of nine months for larcany. Ha would hare ban released In November. - From tha eircumataneaa aurroundlng tha Incipient bias In tha etoreroom of the Olympio Warehouse at Milling com 7 piny, at East Front an Btark atraeta at I ociock tnia morning, it is rwneTea ' that an Incendiary attempted to fir tha building and an investigation la in pro- cress. Tha Tire waa aiaeovorad by t trolman Tearln. who telephoned for an In company No. 7. and tha flamaa ware quickly extinguished. A number of lot- - ters found on the railroad track near tha ' building lead tha polio to believe that tha firebug broke Into tha offloa of the establishment belor starting the fire. The aewar committee of the executive board. Meaara. Pery. Cogswell and Me Pherson, are thla afternoon awarding tha contract for tha construction of the huge Brooklyn district aawar. Tha Fa elflo Bridge company has bid llll.IIT.it. - Paquet, Glebleen ft Joplln, IZ41.ITT.il. while Robert Wakefield aabmltted an untotalad bid. Tha Brooklyn aewar will . ba tha largest In tha cltw. Water through hoaa for aprtnkllng -yards or aidewalka. or waahtng porches or windows, must ba paid for In advanoa and uaed only between tha houre of ( and lam. and I and t p. m. It must aot ba uaed for sprinkling streeta If uaed contrary to thaaa ruleo, or waat- fully, It will ba abut to. ' Tha new September magaalnaa are now oa Bale. Leading dalllea from all tha big eltlea Carl Jonea has tha largeat assortment or newspaper ana perioa fMia In tha nnHhviit - T)ron In today. - We'll tell you why. r -IT I Washington corner Fourth. , f -.' Concrete Construction Co.. Til Chi k n rnmmtna manufaoturera of . concrete atona blocks. Contractor for all kind of cement work. Tel. Mala ll. ,' After an lllneaa of several yaara du ration, Daniel Hawea. II yaara of age. died yesterday at tha homa of hie .eon, - H. B. B. Hawea; 110 Clinton street. He rama to Portland when, ha was SI years of ago and ha reeided her since that time. H la enrvivea oy a wiaow We aim to git e you the Tery best Printing Service that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST & PRICES LOWEST F.W.BaIte8& Co., Printers FIEST ft OIK STREETS TWO DlTMf IiB44,Bta Cala 111 1 is Fttd M01 of W. B. Splca it AmImI, which will coa( $25,000 Tha mlU ' hat a capacity of 25 tona par day. Tha grain wDl be brought from eastern Oregon by way of Troutdale-Cedarvtile branch of tha O. W, P. HEAD CRUSHED BY STREET CAR Drunkan Man Falls Undar Trallar ' at tha Oaka and la ln . ' ttantly Killad. i : WOMEN FAINT AT 8IOHT - OF BRAINS AND BLOOD David A. Smith, an Electrotypar, Makea Rash Attempt to Catch a . Flying Car Misaaa Hand Grip and ' Fallg Beneath Can. . .David A? Smith; an alactrotyper In the employ of'tlra American Type foundry, waa Inatantly killed at 11 o'cloek laat' night while trying to board a moving trailer at the Oaka Fa'.'lng to gain a aecur hold, he allpped la front of tha rear car and received a blow on tha head ao terrific that It eruehed la tha entire right aide of the akull. Tha aean waa ao horrid that a number of woman wait ing on tha platform for tha ear fainted. According to Information gathered thla morning by Coroner Flnley. Smith waa allghtly under tha lnfluenoe of liquor. Ha told Jo Adama, an employe ef tha Portland hotel, to watch him catch tha ear as it waa approaching, and the next moment hie corps waa dragged from the aide of the track. Adama says ha tried to keep Smith, whom he did not know, from getting on board tha ear before tt earn to a atop, but tha man paid no attention to tha warning. - Henry Baker, a . lather, who waa Btnlth'a roemmat at -Tenth and Couch streets, was with htm at tha Oaka. Ha aald Smith bad been ordered off the premises by Policeman Ham me relay for aome. alight offeaaa, and together they went to the ear platform aa tha ear waa approaching. Baker euoceded In catching one ef the flret eara of tha train and looked about for hla partner, but could not find blm. He heard that soma one fell under the ear and rushed back to see who It waa. but did not recognise the dead man a hla friend, and ao got on the oar and rode to the elty believing that Smith waa alee ea board. Smith eame to Portland from Seattle about two weeks ago. A brother there has bean notified and word haa also been sent to hla paranta In Minneapolis. He waa II years of age and the manager, Robert Bali of the Amerloaa Type foun dryaayaJthat he jrovedhlmelfajood workman, during - thaehortJtimaem ployed by that firm. Coroner Flnley aaya no Inquaat will ba bald because the facta all point te the man' a death being due te hla own reckleaaneea. '. and the following children: lira. C H. Wheeler, Mrs. William BUnco, Mrs. L. E. Kern. Mrs. Hannah Comstock, Mrs. W. A. Richardson and professor 3. V. Hawea of San Francisco; W. J. Hawea, O. N. Hawea and H. K. B. Hawea of Portland. Funeral arrangemanta will be announced later. i Lieutenant Thomas B. fcee, who waa to have been in Portland today to In atruot the members of the First battery in the -use of the new three-Inch runs recently received from the nock Island srsensU telephoned to Captain Welch thla morning from American Lake that he would be unable to be here until tha and of the Week, statins; that he would aet the date definitely In time for the men to be ready whan he arrived. The new guns arrived -last week and are of te latest approved pattern. There are four of them and together with the c ale sons and rat of the equipage took up the apace ef four large furniture care. The new outfit repreaonta an outlay of 140,000 and 1 complete in every respect Tour Eyes Kxamlned Free. We are atlU eelltng eyeglaasea at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger at Co.. Jeweler and opticians. 111 Sixth atreet Thirty daya' trial, money refunded if not aatlafaetory "Quarto Mattresses See demonstration in show window. Power, Flret and Taylor. For Sale Newly-fumlahed l-room flat, good location and coating IT0O, will take 1400. Call at H. Jennlng A Bona, 174 Flret atreet. , " TMeeovery of Greet Importance. Quarto Seotlonal Mattreaa Demonstra tion In ehow window all week. Po were. Flret and Taylor. " ' Launches to the Oeka every few min ute every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south aide bridge, toot Merrlaoa atreet, Armatrong. the tailor, rooms 10 and 11 Raleigh building. Sixth and Washington streets. Phone Pacific III!. Demonstration In shew . window Quarto Sectional Mattresa Powere, Flret and Taylor. . , , Acme OH Co. aella the best ssfety coal ell and fine gasollnsa Phone East Tl. v ; esiBnueBjBBsBS . ( f Women's exchange. It! Tenth atreet. lunch. 11:10 to x. Rental Slgna. Analey Printing Co, Mllwaukla Country Club. gfcatera and ' Seattle race a Take gall wood and Oregoa City eara at Ftrat and Aider. , rf. Stoek Alloa 4 Lewis' Beet Bread, 111 FIEl IIEl'i I ORGAIIIZATIO I East Side . Paopla to Work for Elghty.Foot Boulevard Tan, , Milea In Length.' TWO. PROPOSITIONS ' NOW BEFORE THEM Minority Which Deairei Street to Ba Only Sixty Feet Wldo WU Ba Won Over If Poaaible by Eighty-Foot Enthuaiaita. Side Department. Kvary patrlotlo eitlaen from . East Twenty-eighth atreet to Falrvlaw la ex pected to meet at the rooms of the Mon tavllla Improvement league tonight, whan an organisation will ba formed, having for Ite purpose the opening and grading of an 10 foot boulevard, extend ing from the elty eastward a distance of 10 mUee along Villa avenue and the county road' to Fatrvlew. Two propo altlona will' come up, one to make the pre posed thoroughfare 10 feet wide and the ether favoring an 10-foot road.. A majority of the realdenta of the dla trtot are eald to be favorable to the 80-foot street, but enough are opposed to thie Idea to defeat tt by remonstrance unless thay are won over by the elo quence of th majority. ... An especial effort will be made to got out to tonight's meeting all who are oppoaed to tha wider atreet. that they may be Informed of the advantages to acorua from auch an avenue. There la no wide, first-class highway saatward from the elty, and Villa avenue will be the first of the kind, ahould the proper ty owner along It determine to give the necessary land to make It so. . Savs through tha Ladd trsot, the etreet la new 00 feet wide to the olty llmlta on the east. - Heretofore the owners of thla tract have opposed making a full width street through their holding, allowing only a 10-foot lane, but now that prop arty la In the olty. and ite ownere oan no. longer prevent opening atreet through lt., - " ' .' The liontavllla league and the Board ef trade are gathering their forces and invite all residents and realty owners from Wlberg lane to the end of the proposed thoroughfare to Join In thla effort to make the finest road In tha county, extending from Burnelde bridge 16FairvttW7 A. Li Stone of Fatrview la one of thoee who haa dona much to arouaa public intereet In th new road. He eaya he believe there la llttlo opposition to th wider Street among the property hold er who will have to donate land for It that7'" 'It will add' greatly to the value of property In that section and would open a large area of country now hardly accessible to settlement. Dr. William Deveny haa been cease less in his efforts to interest the peo ple of Montavllla and vicinity In the proposed boulevard. i " Residents of Mount Tabor are having trouble getting their atook and pound limit lawa in operation. A portion of the district voted at the laat election to put the stock law in operation there, but It haa never been enforced. - Cowe atlll have free range of the lawn, and whan not busy devastating aome pretty flower garden, they atand In the door of the Mount Tabor Juatlce court chew ing their cuds. Tha realdenta want tha stock law enforced in all the newly acquired territory and will appeal to the council to have It dona The Home Telephone company'e two nsw east aide central stations, one at East Morrison and East Eleventh streeta and the other on Union avenue in Upper Alblna, are completed. They are being equipped with the automatio apparatua Construction work on the three new east side centrals of the Paclflo Btatea Telephone company haa begun. Theae building are located at Wood lawn. Mount Tabor and Brooklyn -and will repreaent a total expenditure ef about 110,000. Th company expects to have the three buildings ready for occupancy by January 1. . j . It looks aa If the effort to aave the eld East Side hotel and adjoining build- sings, on Union avenue where the fill la being made, la doomed to ranure. 'i n occupant of the ground floor room be came alarmed and moved out during th past week. Tha roomers occupying the upper floors decided to risk It a few daya longer. - H. H. Newhall. agent for the owner of the pioneer building, had It braced with heavy timbers in an effort to aave It, but during the past week It became badly warped and twisted. It Is a very heavy two-story building and th fear la expressed that It will fall without warn ing. The upper story Is still occupied by roomer. The row of buildings belonging to J. M. Mealey on the southwest corner ef Bast Btsrk and Union avenue ar nearly ready to topple over. The tenants In these moved out soon after the work on the fill begen. - - , , The new eehoolheue at Bstacada will be finished throughout A. Lind say, who had the contract was to flntah only th lower floor, but- th terma of tha agreement were changed and now the second floor Is aleo to be finished, Th total coat of thla, building will ap proximate 11.000 when oompjeteA. An accidental shooting occurred In the brush north ef Irvlngtea late yesterday :".:-V':.:'::.'i: IQOO : Prs WoiaicnV'Shqcs 53.50 to 03.50 Vetoes ct 01.35 the Pair I YI I a W e a i More good Shoo news for economical women, j, 000 pairs of fina Shoet -Footwear of standard manufac ture Broken lines from regular stock Lace and button styles Kid or patent tipsLight or heavy sola Shoes for dress or atreet wearAll sizes $2.50, $3.00 and " IS.50 values ' on sale. while they last at tha jphe nomenally low 4 V C price, per pair. . 1 f Wa muat warn you again about coming early if you want beat values. 5 ; $3 Ten Oxfords $1,65 100 palra of Women'a Tan Ox for da. thla ses son's best styles, llaht weight or welt aoltsj all si ses and widths; our regular ll.M veluse, a ar ' aale at thla exceptionally low price, per pair take advantage. 9 lOJ Great special lot of Men's fine Shoes, In box . calf, velour. calf, kid and patent colt leathers; our best tl.lt llnsa. In all slses and widths; ty on sale today at thla low price, per pair; grand value ef Ortat valuea in Mlsaear and Children' Footwear All gradaa. Pgofas in Madras Ciutains Thousands of palra of cross-stripe Madraa Curtalna on sal at greatly reduced prices curtains suitable for windows or light portlerea Best designs light and dark colorings, red, green, blue or yellow cross stripes; three yarda long by 40 Inchae wide all grades, at special low prices. Mail orders filed. . - r-1 $1.45 value, per pair. . .95 $1.75 value, per pair. . .f 1.15 $2.25 value, per paif . .7fX65 $3.50 value, per pair. . ,f 2.Y0 Croaa-slrlpe Madras Curtain Material great variety of the beet pat terna and coloring great special valuea at the following low prices: 20c quality, per yard. . . .16a , 5c quality, per yard. . . .20s 40c quality, per yard. . .32 , 50c quality, per yard.'.. .394 Oriental Stripe Tapestry, alx colorings, 41 Inches wids; beautiful eoloy comblnaUons of red. blue, green and yellow, at the low price, yd. . . C " New . Cretonnea, Burlaps and colored Swiaa. Scotch. Madraa, figured Denlma and Art Ticking. Beat dlaplay In the city Curtain Department Third Floor. ' j -' . - -; - - Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Third Floor. Idea's .Salts ct Kc!T Ettso i .ii Doya Saite ct HdfPr2s3 ' ' Sale extraordinary of ICO men's high-grade i-pftce Suits In fancy twda, worsteda and cheviots strictly all-wool materials In tha beat patterns , single or double breasted styles Suits made by the leading wholesale tailors Stein. Bloch, . L'Ader Bros. A Co Hart Schaff- Ci t'ner & Mara, The Washington Co and others, $18.00 to $25.00 values All men's Outing Suits at V price Special lot of 800 Boys' 8-ptece School Suits of strictly all-wool ma terialsFancy mixed Tweeds in double-breasted styles Ages 7 to 16 years Suits selling regularly at $5.00, $4.00, $7.00 and $8.00 Your Choice for a few days only at Great derfully A Prico epeclal valuae In young men'a Suits, all Summsr weight, at wot lew pricea Mea'e fancy Washable Veete t low price. Clothing Dept.. Second Floor. Women's . 02 Hosiery 98c Pair 50c Hosiery 23c A special assortment of fine Hosiery on sale at a very low price Beauti ful gause Hales with silk embroid ered designs, plain lisles and self embroidered Hales In black, gray, navy and white Very large variety of patterns $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 valuea in all sises Your choice for a few days at this wonder- flflM fully low price, per pair. ...Ov Importer'e sample line of fancy Hosiery; . solid and fancy colore In black, white, tan, red. pink, champagne and light blue; all slses; ISo to lOo valuea; 1,100 palra to aeleet from; matchless value at, per plinTTtrrinTiijii.iir.33 Great epeclal valuae in Men'a Hoalery. . Chlldren'a faat black Hone at. pair 104) Children' Cio faat black Ho, pair , IT 25c Wash Goods. 12 l-2c Ycrd Two great epeclal lota oT new Waah matsrlala on sale at half their values; best styles and materials. 8plndtd fsbrlcs for women's, misses' and ehlldron'a dresses, etc.. etc Investigate thess unusually low-priced I VoVyarde of Lawns, Organdiea and Batlatea, thla season's most at " trsctlve atylea in a Urge, variety 6f designs and colorlnga; regular 31 e lio valuea. on aale at thla low prion, yard take advantage.... I 000 yarda of Vottsa and fsncy Cotton Suitings, light and dark coloring; very beat atylea. for ehlrtwalat suits, house dressca school dresses, etc.; IS vslues. on aale at thla epeclal low price, yerd. . I Special lot of 100 whit embroidered Lawn Waist Patterns, splen-? Oj- did tyle. Tic values, on aale at thla low price; grand value... AWW? Greet special aale of 100 piecee of novelty Cotton Dress Oooda all new FaU atylea; Immense assortment " inchea wide; grn 'T,Iuf" t.-Tara.l8 Bemnants of Wash Goods at special low pricea All styles. Lace and Embroidery Specials -Great-August clean-up aale of fin Laces, Venice, Irish and Net Oalloona, r Band an Edges included will also be found a lot of handsome AUovsr Laces, in white, cream and ecru: values up to 11.00 a yard, on aale at the extremely low price ef, per yard OsfC 1,100 yarda of new Corset Cover Embrolderiea fine patterns. In 'large assortment; very unusual valuae at thia low price, yard...C gwlss and Cambric Allover Embroidorleo in pretty designs: regular a ' ll.tl valuea, on aale at thla extremely low price, per yard ...... 110.00 white Net Robes, with flounce skirt, elaborately trimmed.'. . . 86.98 Men's Furnishing Cos3s Sale of "Manhattan Shirts" '; U Y tl . LI I CI ' -Our entire stock of the cele brated "Manhattan'' Shirts on asle at greatly reduced pricea: Thla eeeeone' atylea plhln or pleated boaom. all th new de signs and colorings; msde cost style, with attached cuff a; all else. Tske advantage of these special low pricea: ' SLS0 "ataafcattaa" Shirts $1.15 SaUM "araraavaa" aalrta S)l8a aa.se, sa.ee qcaaaaMaa" - ahirte a ..fl.T Saae llankawaa Shista fS.TO 1,000 palra of Men'a fancy Half- . ttoae, emoroiaarsa wit jsvquaru effects; ait aisea. very iarge.va-.ri rlety: valuee up -to 15c, a .1 on aale. apeolal prloa pr.,lw if Men'a fine elaatle web Suspend- 1 I.... tin. Ar n a t Mturni: strong leather end;' reg- aa. ular 10c value, at pair Men'a silk and linen waah Four- in-Hand Ties,' fancy sflk figurea and stripes; attractive -,.. .colore; reg. IQo yaluaa...eiyw MSB a ana tioys nexiiaee onine. - aoft, attached collar: new patterns, in oiu. gray inrwr. ' lar 11.00 valuea at thla remarkably Special low price, each ... . Mm's Golf Shlrta made of Oxford. Madraa percales and ehambraya, light and dark patterns; also plain colors; 11.00 valuea.' for each. Beaeon wind-up aale of Men'a and Boya" Leather Belta: ' Wa valaee, each. .IB) WJ4 vataea, each. 49 Sa.se valuea, ak. Hopplcker Glove, best valuea In town, at this very low price, pair. 63e T9e .10 NEW GAME FOR YOUNG F0LKS J WHO LIKE TO FEEL FOOLISH Therela a nsw game in town that brlnga delight to the hearts of the af fectionate young man and hla maid. It la walking the ralla to and from Council Croat. In building tht exten sion, the . Portland Railway company haa used aa extra heavy rail, the top of which ia ao broad that it la no great feat to walk it without aid. But tha young men and women who delight to wander through woodlands and delle and "hold hand a and feel foollah," aa the eeylng la, are ualng thla new rail to anawer their purpose. . Th plan la for the young woman te get on one rU and har "eteady" on the other and then they go walking up or dowa the new line, ,each balancing the other. Of course in thla gam there are no rules how tight you muet hold your partner's hand. Teeterday after noon there were an unusually - large number of visitors to Council Crest, nearly, all of them following the line ef the new railway, because It la a much eherter than the old route by the Patton road or the Mountain boulevard. There are well-beaten paths on each sids of the track but to use them people have to walk elngle file.- Yesterday afternoon at one point on the down grade It or 11 couples were In sight at one time and each of them war playing th new game. , There were a number of those girlish cries of "Now, Georgs, be sure end hold straight," while now and then the pres sure of some ardent swsln'e hand be came too strong and a dear awaet voice would say, "Charlie, don't hold my hand ee tight, for It makea my ring hurt me." - . The game la popular but th real romance of the walk cornea , when the ahadea of night are beginning to fail, for in tba duaky twilight when going through a ahady piece of woodland it la necessary for George, or Charlie or Fred to give 'the little hand, a reassuring pressure that he la present to guard his fslr ons sgalnat danger. And doea the girl object to thla reassuring pressure? Well, ask any ef them who played the new game laat evening of "walking th rails." afternoon. Charles Chsrry of Mount Tabor, who waa near by when the acci dent took plaos, says that two young men from the city while hunting- became aeparated in the denae undergrowth, and that one of them received nearly a full charge ef ahot In hla breast at close range. Mr. Cherry la of the opinion that the wounded man was badly hurt. He refused to teU hi name, replying, when esked to hie Identity, thst "that waa hie own business." NORWEGIAN SINGERS TO MEET IN TACOMA , (Boeder DhaatenTt TV seematr 1 Taeom. Aug. IO.-Thc fourth annual feetlyal of the NortK Pacific Coaat Nor wegian atngere will open- here and con tinue three daya. Norwegian singing aocletlea from Portland, Seattle, Ev erett, Ballard, Belllngham. Astoria and Taooma will take part, and over 100 alngera will he present. The various societies have been work ing hard during the past year so aa te make the best possible showing in the eonteet for tae allvar eup new Mid by .th Norwegian Singing society of Portland, and - thia last society will have te do- work of vnuaual excellence thia aeason If It hope to retain it. Th program for th fsstlval which have just been Issued ehow a number of delightful number. LAWSON IS INJURED v BY GRAVEL TRAIN (Sseettl Bbitatek ta Th toaraaL) Stevenaon, Waah., Aug. 10. A very aerloua accident occurred here Saturday when Gustavs Lawson, of tha firm of Johnson A Lawson. railroad contractors, waa standing- on a trsstle and tha man in charge of an approaching dirt train lost control, allowing It to run away and at rise Mr. Lawaon with auch force aa to break one of hie hlne and precipi tate him to the rocks below, about It feet, but very fortunately the following care fell to one aide ef htm. He 1 re covering from the effect a nicely, al though auf faring Intense pain. Vea eulok reenlat i tau ef rae femnaL tk Want ',- -.7 :' RAILROAD CUT WILL CAUSE H Of CAR TRACKS .' . Half Mile on Peninsula Must Be ' Changed Between St. Johns ; and Northern Hill." Construction of th Portland A Seattl railroad cut through the peninsula will lesd to a removal of half a mils of track of th present loop of the Port land Railway. Light A Power compsny's line between , St. Johns and Northern Hill.' The trsck will be moved several blocls east, to the corner of Oawaon and Wall atreeta.. From this point the line will run nesrly due south and connect aa at present, et Smith's crossing. The ehsnge will enable the streetcsr company to secure a more advantageoua crossing ovsr ths Portland Beattle'a cut, which at thla point will be about to feet deep. The loop will be about the aama ahape aa before, but will connect with the main line ef the streetcar com pany at Walt atreet Instead of West anna. : r Dawaon street, the main Una of the streetcar company through Portsmouth and University Pnrk districts, la to be made an Improved thoroughfare.' It la I feet wide and will be graded - and paved and aidewalka laid a distance of nearly a mils. A contract haa been let to the Peninsula Feed A Fuel company, backed by T. A. Ketchuat. for the grad ing of one mile of the atreet. from th south line of Columbia park to McKenna avenue. The improvement will - coat about 110.000. It la Intended by prop erty ownere to try to have bitulithlc pavement -put down next year. . ' ,, ' The Wlllumbia addition ayndlcete haa let a contract to the Penlneula Feed A Fuel company te continue the grading along the north half of th atreet from McKenna avenue to Northern HUI sta tion. The aouth half ef the etreet will not be neglected.. Property abutting on the aouth aide la owned by F. I. Mo Kenna, who during the coming winter will have that part graded and will lay bout 1.000 feet of cement sidewalk. WtU Skew SUaaearL Thlnga political are shaping for a warm campaign In Mleapur! thla fall. It ta said thst the Republicans will have Vlce-Prealdent Fatrbanka and Speaker Cannon on the atump, whll tba Ixajo fill! M Your Weight:? What makes his house and fence look so aple end epan. and ha'll tell yea tt'a Bay Bute Paint the beet en th mar ket. Effective, : economical, durable, cheap. Ready for use, a gallon goea a great way and glvsa ample return for what it costs. ... ''-''..;,;.' .,',' V , . Tata sua PAzarr svoaa. V - Fisher, Thorsen ft Cc, mn Air MoamiMM srav Jg-gg-M L SegggP"--. -LIU -I rratlc oratorical force will probably be led by William J. Bryan, Senator Stone and Oovernor Folk. New Train Schedule on South ern Pacifio. v ' vL Under the new achedul going Into affect en the aouthern Paclflo linen Auguat II, train No. 11. which has merly left Portland Union depot at I a. m., now leavea at I a m.. 10 mlni earlier, and train No. IS, Instead of ( riving at 1:11 p. m.. aa herlof-re, 1 arrives at T;ll p. m. On the w division between Portland and t train No. I now leaves Portlf 1 depot at t a. m. Instead of f under the former chdt!'. , Porrlsnd-Oswege sobtirben -t. No. II, due to leave the Jr. depot st 4 P m., and train o. to arrive at Portland at I " r . bee discontinued. . , ' tf yew have net aaaw ' aal west Ada lit r i at f lea- wtw i J. .