?::z cr.zcc:i dailv jovniiAL, rc::7LA::p. i:oi:pay cvz:::::o.-august to. ltzz. U U U L J I J n ' - 'Tirsn Vir'rrtr fSimn' fij-mu 'Pi?Pf- jPn 'ifin ' 'CMMran- Tbffciv nn7 Tnsfnv v I r - WITH 'EVEIlY PAia OF CHILD'S SHOES SOLD AT11XD OB OVER MONDAY-OR TUESDAY IN OUR SHOE STOKE, TO -CIIU-UKKN OF 1J YEARS AND UNDER, WE ,WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE - A TICKET TO THE ; CIRCUS ! Ertnr V.'crd b Tkls Prized Anzszzctztzt tett C: Czckti Up by fc Czsii h the Slirt. fine Of&s, Vortman :6t King Store FillhSixth & Ussbtc&a Clc. Addition Add the Extra Specials tor Ju those advertised In Sunday and Monday morning papers, subtract the advertised price of each Item from Its real worth and regular price, and you'll obtain as a result a sum of savings amounting to thousands of dollars. Try It I Tuesday's Saml-Dar Specials K'.lntho Matchjpsa"; 1 ' Demi-Week. Sales Extra Special S. m. fo i pm. vr; ; t FOREHOON All items advertised vertised prices only between hours ot 8 a. m. audi p; m. An Important Side of Vash Skirts x Colored Wash Skirts $iJ5to$5.00-Values Tomorrow's afternoon offering, in Portland's foremost Garment Salons hou!d interest, hosts of ' w.omen with 7 saving proclivities. It's . clean-up ' time , among ' the Colored Wash. Skirt . Stocks. There are yet : weeks ahead this . season when the 'skirts will ; be . needed for outing -and. general.' wear ; and these same skirts, with a pretty waist, form a happy combination' as a neat morning costume the . year 'round..,. We've divided all remaining lines in two lots for brisk selling tomorrow, after lunch. - Neat walking lengths.; Skirts ranging In value from $1.75 . ; to $3.00, linen, duck and heavy percale materials, neat- ly trimmed in bands, braids, strappings and buttons,; in blues, natural linen, tan and mixed effects. " 'Choice for;;; ... , . . :;.; .... .;..;;; . ..... .98j - Skirts ranging ' in values from $3.50 to (5.00, in linen,- khaki and -twilled-, cotton serges, trimmed attractively in folds around bot- ' torn, strappings, pretty braids and' y buttons ; cut in both gored and circular tyjes. Special c- to close at....... ........81.79 Pretty Short Kimonos, in dainty colorings, prettily ' figured in at tractive effects, sleeves in regular " or elbow lengthy .materials of lawn and dimity, kimono or dress-, ing sacque , style, a r charmingly fetching breakfast frocklet; best Tegular $1.00 and $1.50 valuesJn, $3.50 to $5 Colored ' Vash Skirts 51.79 Vomen's $i.00 to $i.5Q ftimonos V v. " .. , town -tomorrow from 8 a. in.- to 1 p. m. only, at. .............................. .69 -Verv handsome Kimonos in short , models, materials of lawn, -dimity - and dotted Swiss, both, in sacque and kimono styles, long or elbow - sleeves, 1 all prettily trimmed- in 7 dainty laces, pretty ribbons and clever ruffled effects. ' Colorings are temptingly attractive." mostly on white grounds;,but some in. dark effects and. black . and white mixtures. Values from $1.75 to $3.50. Tues ; day from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. only, at. ; . . . . . . . . . .S1.29 : WdeViltiiriennes from Women's $1.75 to $3.50 Kimonos Licm for ' Half-Prke 50c Cabinet of Hi Paper 29c f2 to 8 inches in width both edges and. insertions , values from 18c to 90c, the yard. ' Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at.. Half. Price Large'; size cabinet . box of. fine Writing Paper, contains one tab let, one quire paper and. "50 en velopes; xur0c value.. Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the box . . . . . r. . .29 In the Shot Store Vomen's Oxtordsi $3 to W Values 4 52.69:; 33c Shoe Bags ' or "Catchalls" 24c C . 1 ... ' - ' ' .'" ; tJlen,s 35c Fancy Usle Hose i?c . Women's $1.00 Union Suits 65c Brass Candle Sticks Special at 25c mister: Mardras Shirtings or Walstlngs 18c Yard V; lace. z-Cortains the $2.75 Sort at 51.90 Odd lines of Women's Oxfords in -. patent1 and dull ; leathers, " in Blucher or regular cuC with , heavy or light soles.- All the new j&hapes. and styles included in the " showing. Our $3.00, $3.50 and ; $t.OO; values. Special, from 8 a. " m. to 1 pm. ati the yard . .82.69 v-v: ,.,-.. -j-'- Fancy Shoe Bags and Catchalls, :' lin assorted designs, tinted or linen burlap our , 35c value. Special from 8 am. to 1 p. m., each. 24 Men's Fancy Lisle Hose, this season's styles ; regular value 35c. Special, to close, at pair. T.".19 Women's White Cotton UnTon ' Suits, the "Merode," with high : neck, long sleeves, knee length; our $1.00 value.- Special from 8 a., m. tq 1 p. m. at, the suit. .65 Brass Candle Stick with - candle, . holder and shade. Special.. '25 . Madras Shirtings in light , and dark' colorings, for ' men's shirts and women's fall shirtwaists ; our 25c value., ' Special from 8 a. m., ; to 1 p. m. at, the yard Ixvll; 18 - i - ' " .White Lace Curtains in rich Irish Point and Brussels Net effects; have the ( general appearance of expensive' hand-made curtains;" -34-yards-4ongr-.fi4 inches - in width ; 10 handsomepatterns - ' from which to choose ; our $2.75 value. Special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the pair. .81.90 ' '5 j Cake , Choice Hard Milled Toilet Soaps, TStjM 1 v.lor. hotel ot boarding-houses; ex i vi iwi . wvap . tra value,; our 5c value. . . Of from 8 a. xn. to 1 p. m. at, the cake Special 2L . Every. Trimmed -Summer Hat, 'V' smart down-to-date shapes : in to Millinery Salons Turbans, Toques,' Sailor and otner preny siyies; materials in ithese Hats can be used another season ; some, may be worn all winter for street or evening dress ; ' in black and all colors ; values at $8, 10 and $12. Special, at. 81.98 $12 Trimmed t Hats at $1.98 Pretty 35c NECKCHAMS 25c A line of fine quality White . . Pearl Bead Neck. Chains, in - graduated beads ; regular lengths ; our 35c value. Special from 8 a. t m. to 1 p. m. at, each . . . : . . .23t ; Extra Special 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. : R FTERtlOOtl Special it ems in this division sold at advertised prices only during houfrfy Women's Fine Womens Ideal Summer Shoes, of white Sea Island duck, made with slieht extension soles. Goodyear C7 Of) CfiiPC '-welt sewed, military heels; made fJ.UV HUCd Biucher 8tyje over a 6ensibie and - O 1Q perfect-fitting last; our $3.00 val '.''" T. ' ; ue- Special from 1 to 6 , : p. m. at, the pair. . , , . . . , .82.19 t2c Apron lawn 81-2c Yd. White Apron Lawn, sheer and , fine, 40 inches wide; our 12c .., value. Special from 1 to ; 6p. m.' at, the yard..... V $1.25 'Raah" Silk Handbags 59c The remainder of our "Rajah" Silk Hand Bags, in various colors, all with metal frames; our $1.25 value. Special from 1 to 6 p. m. at, each. ............ .59 ' - , Heavy Twilled White Cotton m it Mattress Protectors used in hos- $2.50 Mattress pitals are washable, absolutely Protectors sanitary and save the mattress, 4 E adding years to its wear; Size $1.03 54x76 inches; our $2.60 value. Special from 1to 6 p. m. ; ' t each . .;.......'... .81.65 :9c lollet Paper WToiletPaper;;.!.::...:5 Mccac tk nn Misses' Sweaters, made of, fine Mi5".M00 all-wool yarn with fancv oearl t oweaiers , buttons in front; in red or white; uj our $4.uu vaiue. special ; 7T R-artr S11 Back Combs, value to 75c Jt- Oa 1 11 for ,35 - Combs 35c At T0inr,F1oS untet f m-- n . i; A-chotce - assortment-of '- Fancy I DC D3CK Mounted Shell Back Combs ; val- Combs 35c -chs Qe Pall Toilet Patter LrK-,Ize rolls of fine Tissue VCKOUioueiraper , Toi,et Paper. ouf 9c 1. Spe- 2 cial from 1 to 6 p. m. at, thc roll 5 '' ' " ' t 'ot Birds, Wings, Quills, SpeCial Sale Fancy - Ergretts, Wings and '' 1 " Breasts, can be used for summer' rlHiinerY ' or winter trimming,, all colors; . . . ; values from 50c to $1.00. Special, Trimmings f w ' Bow 75t Golf Shirts 29c A line of Boys' Golf ' Shirts .In fancy madras, figured mohair and . silk fronts; regular value 75c. Special, ............. .29 Don't Miss the SpecialSale 1 Silverware 1847 Rogers Bros.' Table Silver-, ware, fancy pieces at special-sale price. , r. .:. .;!,'' Closing out lines of Forks and' Spoons at less than Half Price. .L" .-r - Third Floor. ; ' Thin-blown Tumblers WcDoz. Thin Blown Table Tumblers r 1 Third Floor. Best quality flint glass Special, dozen ............ . 40 35c Black Cotton Hosiery 23c a Pair , Women's - Black r Cotton Hose, medium weight, finished 1 foot, double sole; our 35c value." Spe cial from 1 to 6 p. m. at, the pair ... ..., ......;..,. 23eV . t . Sharply reduced prices on entire f Great " stock of Parasols. Among the Clannhter ' notabU barSain especially JiauyiJICf worthy of mention are the fetch- S3 fg ingly4rtty DresHftia, ynd smrt of All Summer "Parasols' .lines in great choosing. sOme beautifully enhanced by embroid ery and insertions. Pongees call attention, and the charming Tokios." This latter favorite from the land of Ito possesses 16 ribs, which adds a strength not generally -found in "sunshades."- Reductions trend this way; The ,$3.50 and $4.00 Parasols.. '.......aXO The $5.00, $8.00 and $7.50 Parasols..... ...,"..$3.75 Beautiful "ToWo" Parasols, in colors, at.'. .Half Price $8 grades at 84; $10 grades at 85; $12.50 for 3JS The pretty and elegant fancy Parasols in high-grade makes : $15.00 values at 8T.5Q ; $17.50 grades at 88.75 ; $20.00 grades at 8 10.00. v ; ; iVOHAN IS KILLED BY GOSSIP At Last Relatives of Late Mrs. Cecil Are Located and Child 1 . Finds Home.: CACKLING TONGUES ARE . BLAMED FOR HER DEATH tVlfe, Deserted by Husband After He . Was Publicly ' Whipped, - Finds . Every Hand Against Her and . . Finally Succumbs. : , .'. . (tpwlal ObvafcS to Tk. IwrMlt Skr Cltr. Or Aur JO Th. clo tnf M.n of on. of too Mdd.at trm la rr notl In th. blatory of Ba kr City occurred f.w day. aro, whn t'nderuk.r Weat rrctTod a. l.ttw from th. tTndfath.r of th llttl. boy l.ft an erphan by tha death of hla mother, Mra. arah P. CecU." . Tha atory of Mra. Octl la a aad on., th. cam. to thla dlatrlct nlth bar bua band about nv. y.ara ago and every thing a.med bright and' happy in the Httle home. Mr. Ceolt worked In tha eilnea, but later -eecured the appoint tiant of poatmaater at Tipton. All waa (oy and happlne.a' for eome time and b-ue love aeemed to be taking Ita nt iral courae. AlthouglUthey loyed each ith.r dearly, -.boy became fnaanely Mloui of aach other and becanae of tome euppoaed breach of falthfulneaa . Mr. Ceoil gave hla wife found beat. .' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' complaint wa filed agafnit him and U waa brought to Baker City la June 1 I of IMS to be tried for wife-beettng. Ha waa found guilty , and aentenoed to be publicly whipped at the poet He waa the third man to be publicly whipped at the poet In Oregon and Immediately aft.r hla dlagracful punlahmant left the country and haa never been heard of alnce, although It la euppoaed that he la In Arkanua. . ; " . WTam StTOto. ;. Mra. Cecil .then . Instituted v proceed In ga for a divorce, which granted without proteat. 8he alao aecured the appointment of poatmlatreaa at Tipton, th. position held by h.r husband X th. time of hie , dl.grao.ful , treatment, of her. v. , ,-, . -But her troubles had: only begun. The neighbora made complaint that ahe was not properly fulfilling the dutiee -of the. omce, and did everything In their power to add . to her troubles. Her enemlee eonUnul to haraae her for aorae time and when the railroad waa compl.tsd to Austin ah. secured the position as postmlstreea at risks, the terminus of the road. - But Vlth the ehange In poal Uons came more trouble. Flrat chargee were made to the gov ernment 'and her name waa connected with that of a mall elerk. An Invealga tlon folio wad and the charges were en tirely disproved. , Then th.re waa more trouble over the poetoffloe position, thsre being an effort mada to wipe the rtska .office . out . of bualness. aa the Austin, office waa only a mile distant The next move was the circulating of a petition to haye another paraon ap pointed, postmaster at .risks Worrying over her troubles, both real and Imaginary, the poatmlatreaa at riaka waa . brought to St. Elisabeth's hoapltal In Baker City In a very arl oue condition,, being-a nervoua wreck and alao threatened with brain fever. Vee Woman Defeated. While Mra. Cecil hovered between life and death In the hospital aa the reeult of neighborhood broils fostered by the enemlee of the woman the government at Washington tired of thrashing out the troubles and discords ef, the risks station and declared that r the office ahould be abandoned for ..' the publto good. Only In so much as Mrs. Cecil was. de prived of her mean of a livelihood waa. the triumph of the opposition. -The de partment did not uphold the charges brought agalnat her by thoae who op posed her. But she never knew of the order Issued, by the government depriv ing her of her tneana of livelihood, aa ahe waa too 111 to be told. For nearly a month the lone woman kept up tha unequal atruggle, but Anally on the evening of July J, about 4:10 o'clock, -death's angels wiped- out the cares of the poatmlatreaa at risks and, freed from the burden, the spirit of the suffering woman paeeed out - of thle life. , . Undlaeloaed by the physician's dlagnoals waa the atory of troublee and caree that- broke down the health of Mra. Cell and literally worried her te death. - -k ' At the time of her death Mr. Cecil was but te yeara of age, and waa the mother of a little baby boy, left at Auatin during her alcknese and death In the hospital. In .Baker City. . .' ' Body bM.Vaolalmea. , . Without a relative or kindred of any kind to shed a tear or lay a flower on her caaket, the body of Mra Sarah Ce cil, which had lain at the. morgue for over two weeks, waa to be burled and the funeral announced for Friday after noon, Anguat 10. . It waa impossible to locate any of h.r relatives or her di vorced husband and the body was taken charge of by the authorities. The only relative which the unfortunate woman had In thla part of the country waa the Infant which aurvlvea her and la now being cared for by friends. Undertaker Weet searched diligently and faithfully for soma relative of the dead woman, but at the time of her funeral wea unable to And any. There are eeorea of people In Baker county who knew the woman Intimately, had been well aoqualnted with her since ahe flrat came to thle dlatrlot about five yaara ago, and yet there le not one of them who knows her maiden name or knowa where her people reside. It mmi that after the trouble with her hueband 1 Mra Cecil destroyed all pa pers that would teU who ahe waa, where ahe came from or throw any light ef any kind upon her peet life. , . meUttve BlaeerereC . ' Vpon the return to his office Mr. Weat dieeovered a oiue te Ute Identity of the relatlvea for whom he haa been eearchlng for tha laat two weeks. In a letter addressed to Mrs. Cecil be dis covered that her father waa Green Wi ley Mercer, a member at Rome Lodge, A. F. A. M.. of Dlx. Illinois. The family has sinca removed from Dlx. but through fhe Maaonlo lodge he hopee to be able to trace the relatlvea of the unfortunate woman and to Inform them of her death. . That the orphan boy will not be without a home waa announced last Monday, when Undertaker Weat received a letter from the grandfather of the pretty ababy boy, who wanta to know about ' hla circumstances and also wanta tha undertaker to arrang. to aend the boy to him. He is at prea ent at Quay, New Mexico. ? RAISE SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND FOR ROAD (pedal Dapatek te The Jaarael.) ' Bftker City, Or.. Aug. 10. The so liciting commute of - the ' Cltlsene' league, Which started to raise 1100.000 by subscription to tha capital stock of the Eagle Valley railroad, has met with very enoouraglng success and the In dications dov, are that the money will be ralaed by the ' flrat of September, the data specified In the contract. ' It Is understood from reliable sources that at th. laat footing up of the sub scription yet the amount subscribed for had reached approximately 165,000. Thla leaves only f 3 1,000 more to be ralaed and thla will no doubt be done, as no work haa been done along the route of the road but ill the aollcltlng haa been, done In Baker City, DIAZ TO BECOME , A MYSTIC SHRINER ' Auatin, Tex., Aug.' 10. A degree team of the Ben Hur temple, Mystle Shrine, of thla city, leaves today for the City of Mexico to Initiate President Dlaa and Other members of the Maaonlo frater nity In the southern republic Into the Shrlnera' order. . The party numbers about IS end will reach the Mexican capital In time to confer the degrees next Friday. ' t , - . !'- - '-- ... FLY INTO SOCIETY AS "ANGELS . .. : . '. , . ; ' .... ; . , . Multl-MllllonalrM Back Theatre to Gat Foothold in New York' Four Hundred. SCHWAB AND CLARK iai nreorDlTC CirUTT' any rata, when he approached Clark IN UtOrtKA It flun I .-a achwab they told Hammerateln Gotham Will Witness Great Battle of New-Made Rich to Compel Recog nition Prom People Whoee Fathers Mads tho Money. ' (Jearaal Special Bwrlee.) ' ' New Tork. Aug. to. N.xt winter will see the greatest social war New Tork haa ever known, and In it the complex ion of Fifth avenue banquet tableemay be changed and Newport may have an Influx of new Inhabitants. . The battle le between Senator W. A. Clark and Charles M. Schwab and their wives, on the one hand, and a-large part ef the "four hundred" on the other. Arrayed behind Clark and Schwab are dosene of othere .of great wealth, who for several yeara have been amarting under the anavet Insolence of the eet that la satisfied 'to gat along without them. " The specific Issue" of the battl. is found Ip that abode of lyrlo art, the Grand opera-houe. The possession of the parterre boxes at the Metropolitan opera-houae haa been carefully guarded by i. PLrpont Morgan, J. J, Aetor, Jerry Belmont, Adrlen Ieelln and others eloae 1 allied to toe-feur hundred." When Clark, Schwab and certain ether socially ambitious multl-mllllonalree tried to get parterre boxea they were met with cold emllea. Then when In surance scandals smirched some ef the names that appear on the Metropoli tan's parterre diagram Clark and Schwab felt still more aggrieved that euch men ehould have been admitted, while they eould not get In. About this time Hammerateln. th. theatre builder and vaudeville magnate, became ambi tious to be an Impresario and built the Manhattan opera-house. Then he found to have all grand opera competition cor. nered he must have - strong ' flnanchU sympathy. Maybe he kept his hand oa the social pula. of N.w York and knew what millionaires he ehould appeal to, for no one ever accused him of stupid ity, although he at tlmea la amualng. they would back him to th. limit. When .the curtain goee up the Hammereteln opera-houae will represent a caah ex penditure of f2.EOO.000. and, with the millions of Schwab and Clark behind him. It Is hard to see how he can fall. . But what will happen to Schwab and CI ark T They and the . others behind Hammerateln purpose exercising ' the eame are over the list of box holders that the Metropolitan directors have done with their diagram. If they auo ceed In getting a Hat of names in some measure equaling the Metropolitan, mi nus, of course, Morgan, Mra Ooelet, Mra Vanderbllt and aome oth.ra, th.y will be In a position during the follow ing aeaaon to atampede the Metropolis tan'a parterre boxes and boaholdera. The move le taken to indicate that Clark and Schwab, unleea accepted by the Inner circle of the "four hundred." with their wlvca. Intend to . build up another exclusive aet t -. . . , HUBBY IN MISSOURI : SUED FOR DIVORCE (Nneelal DtMotrft te The JeareaL) Baker City. Or., Aug. 10 Mrs. Mary Ooeeett. for yeara keeper of a boarding hnuee In Pleasant Valley, thla morning filed eult for divorce from her husband, W. A. Ooaaett, who la now In Missouri. The defendant haa bee la Missouri einoe the first of July, aad haa. through hie acta while there, oonvtnoed Mra. Ooaaatt that aha doea not want htm for a husband. He waa seriously Injured soma yaara ago In a railroad wrtdk aad ainoa that time haa been mentally Irreeponalbl., she aaya. It la becalee of thla trouble. Mrs. Ooeeett allege, that he baa be- " oao in - nis treatment of her the t she cannot longer etand tt Sh aska custody of th four minor chil dren, and- a clear title to property ahe haa bought and paid for with her awn money, together with half an. interest elear In Mr. Ooeeetfe property, which la In the name of both and. constats of valuable mining claims. - PERSONAL. Herman Klaber, a large hop grower ef Tacoma, la registered at the Belve dere. ' :, v. State Senator N. Wheeldoa of The muiea is stopping at tne rerkina. He la la Portland on baetnee. -, - Harrlaon Allen of Astoria, dlatrlct attorney of Clatsop county, la visiting In the city. -. He waa In th federal court, thla morning n legal bualneee connected with the habeas corpus pro ceedings Instituted : by two Italians serving eentenc tn tha Clatsop county Jail for unlawfully fishing la the Co lumbia river. Walter Seaborn, a eannaryman ' who lives at Ilwae. la registered at the Portland hotel.. . . . "Yea." saM the resag wife. sreetM . ttraa. of M.fH with her pereeot, "i year ef ear BMrrl.se Jim ana 1 exoaheunl Uaeally ever wklb we Meei. kvy into r 1 aweae ereM," "A4 bow 414 r " Mr . I '. ta the white heihlng eelt. "We eMenraatkae." eat the f 1 W" , blaeMag falailr. " a eahy rr .." (Jnam.t ipx-tal e-rl- ' Annapolis. Md.. Ac 3a. . - ' sukata. aa 1. f Toalo, ml dead of typhoid fever. ACea A LW 1 . ( V