Tin? OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVw.'HiG.' AUGUST 3. r 1 HUMID EMPIRE IS HARVESTItia WHEAT i awawawasaBa 'ft .A i-f .1 fci I Familiar Scene io an Eaaten Oregon :''i'-''v ' Br Lu,a loron. ' -, j (ftpeclal Dlepetek te the Jouul.) Pnditoo, Or., Aug. St. Kaetern Ore- ' son and . Washington are now In the midst of harvesting this season's crop f ersln, and each year brings a larger yield, shewing the banner for quick and mighty development In ' t matter of ; bringing the sagebrush wld of the ln- - land empire beneath the plSw, and cre ating tn the plaoe of jack rabbit runs - fields of golden grain. And arres of far tile and producing soil. Thus countries ' t that oa raise wheat ran raise towns, 'and good ones. '. I . Aiding over the different railroads in . tha - northwest, one sees thoLsaoda of acres ef valuable land in wheat, which Is now keing harvested wit hi excellent results. - Around sll fields nht already harvested the binders have.olit a wide ' swath close to the fences making room r for the lordly tt of the kuig of har - ersst .machines. The big ootabtned har f veater end thresher drawn bir a team of f rora 10 to Ie horses, heas, threshes, . Means and sacks as It avoves over the I TO CUD a':. Cantenbein Will ' Direct Move ments f Second Brigade Tomorrow. - J ARMIES ARE TO OPERATE SEPARATELY tery Surrounds Maneuvera to Oc- nr Tuesday in Which the O. N. Q. It to Be the Only Military Organ- igation to Participate. , V nperlil JMapatak te Tb JmmM Camp Tacoma, Murray, Waalu. Aug. ea Vf lAmnrrAw'i maneuvera In which -the Oregon troops will be the Only mil itia participating. Colonel c u. aon- tenbein has been honored by being ep- ' pointed commander of the second brl' gade. Under him will be aU the Orel gon organisations and nlso . ths first battery field artillery. The orders are for the brigade to march to a point on the Stellacoora Roy road about four miles from camp and there form an out 'post, facing, south. It wilt leave the camp so as to arrive by 10 a. m. ', ' Sealed . orders will there . be delivered for further orders. Three brigades, two of Infantry and " one of cavalry, each with a battery at , tacned. -will operate against each other tomorrow. The plan of action la to be . kept a secret until the forces arrive at the point ordered. Colonel Daniel Corn man of the seventh infantry, will be chief umpire. '. ' Order from headquarters this morn ' tng- are that camp No. S, five miles be ' low Murray, will be abandoned this week and all organisations will concentrate bet wees Murray and headquarters. The Fourteenth cavalry and , two mountain batteries will occupy the Oregon camp .' alto- as soon as Colonel Oantenbeln'e nen depart Wednesday. No special ex eseisee occurred today. The Oregonlans had regimental and battalion drills with extended order. epeotscalar Amy. In ths presence of 10,000 enthusiastic spectators, whose martial spirit was at Ha height. General Frederick Funston st - noon yesterday reviewed all tbe organ , v laatlons In camp. ' Every company in the field passed be for the reviewing stand. In each com- ' You may argue about tbe : Beef . Trust, the Insurance scandal, the Railroad rate but there's no chance for argument over these prices - Here are the facts. . : 100 Suits that should have been delivered to us in July have arrived 30 days later. Now we've put the price on them so thevll go quicker han they came. , '. " This is the finest oppor tunity offered this season for the quick buyer. - . aasstas Mm " aas, . Men's and Boys' Out fitters . tM AND 16S THIRD STREET . . Mohawk Buildin. - OREGON COW riet1f..t.a.livMe -.1 Wheat Field Two Thousand Sacks Photo by Theodore Danner. field, dropping the filled and securely tied bags off, five or six in a pile. At this season of the year large stacks of wheat in the sacks are seen at nearly every station In the Inland empire, the product going toJnterlor poUUto east ern merkets, to the Orient arfj Alaska, Rightly la the great northwest, where the soil is peculiarly adapted to tbe growing of all email grains, specially wheat, fast earning the distinction of being the "world's bread basket." ' There is no scans to exceed the beauty of vest fields of golden grain, and now when hundreds of harvesters are cutting the Homed and mature crop, and hun- ! dreds of teams laden with the bursting sacks are seen pouring from all direc tions toward the railroad, carrying the harvest to the markets of the world, the' scene is even more interesting. . There has never been anything like a complete crop failure since the first set tler arrived.,.,, Different sections use dif ferent varieties ef wheat, the official re ports showing that Little Club is most I pany only aufflelent men were left be- nind to guaro .tne property, it is sen mated thst In tbe procession there were .000 men. Never before In the history of the northwest has such a largo or apectacu. lar aggregation of regulars and militia been seen. . -As early as S o'clock special trains began to arrive bringing people from far and near. Tacoma, Olympia, Seattle, and even Portland fumiehed a quota. In automobile and carriages others came from tbe surrounding country and when Oenersl Funston snd his staff marched upon the field at high noon, the line, of spectators was stretched along for more than a mile. Although the Oregon ians had friends In ths crowds the soldierly appearance and military bearing of ths Third and the First separate battalion - brought praise from the people of Washington. On every side- ths Oregoniann were ap- ? lauded to ths echo and the boys showed betr appreciation by making the best showing of any militia organisation in the review. - The separate battalion- was weU up toward the front, being In oom- mand of Major Toran. The battalion formed a part of a provisional brigade, ths Second, commanded by Colonel Ed ward A. Godwin, Fourteenth cavalry, - Colonel astabllahea mepmtatlo. 1 The Third formed the rear end of the I Third brigade, led by .Ilia iolfllflrty fl ure 01 woionei Aiirea mynoiai ox me Twenty-second Infantry; The star Ore- gen band headed Colonel Oantenbeln'e command snd they played a stirring martial air while tbe sons of Oregon marched by. On a dashing charger. Colonel Gantenbeln headed hie organi sation. Colonel Gantenbeln has estab lished the reputation hero of being the most experienced and beet - Informed militia commander In the field, and his appearance in the review shows the effect of years of military training. The colors of the Oregon regiment were dipped as the bearers passed the etand and. aa usual, ail the soldiers review ing doffed their , bats to the Stars snd Stripes and regimental colors. As each officer passed the ventral he saluted with his sword. The Oregonlane . did not miss a step, nor did they make some of the mistakes of other militia regi ments. In reviews there are many lit tle formalities which the averaa-e cltlsen doee not notice, but the experienced eye or a military man eees thess errors at once.- But the Oregonlane made gooj and at all times . deported themselves with true military precision. Mounted Troops Make Sit, On of the features of the review was the spectacular movement of the cavalry and artillery. These organisations, after passing the stand on the walk, returned and again made the round at a gallop and canter, respectively. The daahlng cavalrymen and the formidable-looking artillery made a hit with the spectators and they were loudly cheered. The R end cavalry band, mounted, furnished muslo for these movements. Ons of the pieces of . this band is a kettle drum, the sticks being wielded by sn expert horseman whose mount knowa his busi ness ss well as the musician. The mountain batteries, carried In sections on the backe of tnules, also rumisnea no lime interest, many of the spectators never having seen such an organisation before. Upon returning te camp the Oregon- ians had little to do but routine. Unlike the Washington and Idaho regiments, who had a march of about six miles to the review grounds, the Oreson troona hiked lees than a mile each way. and although it waa hot and dusty, the oys were not muca rstigued. . in fact the Oregon eoldlere are well hardened to marching by this time and all are In the pink of condition. Open-Air Services. Last night Ctaplaln W. S.' Gilbert conducted open-air services In the camp. jnese ware well attended, the elnerlne- belng particularly good. By tonight Oregon will heva the Miv militia remaining In the field. Idaho went horns early this mornlna- enri wasnington was out of camp last night, several of the companies having en trained sfter the review. -There will be little doing In the Oregon camp to day, the work consisting of regimental exercises. colonel John MeBlrney of the Second Idaho was prostrated by the heat after the parade and waa rken to the field hospital. He was much better last night and will be able to leave todsy. , General Funston, after the review, gave high praise to the. militia organi sations, stating that they, had done splendidly. Oregon had the most sol diers In the field of any state. The general eald he was sorry ths boys had to march on Sunday, but he consented to yesterday review at the request of many citizens of Tacom and Seattle, , PRESIDENT PLANS TO j . ENTERTAIN OFFICERS ' (tonel asedal Servwe.1 ' ' Oyster Bay. Aug. 10. Admiral Bob Evans ia visiting ths president todsy. Ha ceme on the Tsnkton, which an chored off tbe Roosevelt pier at noon. In planning a review It wae decided that the president ehstl entertain the ooiamaaaere or tn snip aboard. Us I MarpevM after Uie review. , , 1 v A .t. of New Grain. Ready for Market used where the rainfall Is to tnchee or mors; Bed Chaff, where the rainran is less than Is inches. Genessee. Grant, Red Russian. Canadian Hybrid and te nors are also larselv grown. The rain fall In eastern Oregon, eastern Waeh- Ington and northern Idaho is wen ais trtbuted. With a rainfall of 10 inches a yield of 40 bushels to the acre ts an or dinary thing, while SO, (0 end 70 are often grown. Spring' wheat under favor able conditions yields zrom iv e ss bushels to the acre. ." Umatilla county, the world-famous wheat countrr of Oregon, has over 110.- 000 sqres sown to wheat, 60,000 acres ef which Is located on the Umatilla Indian reservation. The total crop of the coun try averagee 1,000.000 bushels of wheat, or 1 per cent of the total wheat crop of ths Vnlted fits tea. "And the plowman settles the share i More dp In the grudging clod; For he said. The wheat Is my care. - And ths rest is the will of Ood.' It Is good that the young wheat grows. For the bread Is life." DEMANDS $300,000 FEE FOR DOCTORING ACTRESS Dr. Charles C. Hendricks Wants -r Half of Laura Bennett's : V .Fortune. (Josnal Special Service.) Pittsburg. Aug. 17. Society hss been much startled bv the suit for tm.tlO brought against Laura Bigger Bennett by Dr. Charlee C Hendrlcke of Atlantis City for exclusive professional service rendered her covering a period or four years. He aaeerta he brought tb,e ae- Laura Blttr. tress from a speedy decline into a fair degree of health, eo that she might en Joy the fortune left ber by Henry M. Bennett, the millionaire theatrical man ager. ' People supposed Dr. Hendricks and the former actress were on the best of terms, especially eo In view of the fact that Dr, Hendricks was divorced by hie wife ae the culmination ef relatione that began when Mrs, Bennett entered bis sanitarium. It la this sanitarium treatment en which the doctor base hi eult for more than half the fortune the actres In herited from th Bennett estate. Dr. Hendrlcke declares Mrs. Bennett went to him on May 11, If 02, broken In health, and applied for treatment at hie private sanitarium, then In Bayonne, Nw Jersey. ." ' " At her special request, be esys, b closed hi sanitarium snd relinquished his remunerative position as health In spector of Hudson county, New Jersey, to attend her exclusively. . MONTANA FEDERATION OF LABOR IN SESSION (Speet.1 rtlepatrh to Ths Jmrnial.) Helena.' Mont.. Aug. to. The annual convention of th Montana Federation of Labor Is in session iiere today with the largest attendance on record, despite the fact that several unions had gone over to the Industrial Workers of the World. President Alex Palrgrleve, srho was expelled from the Mount Helena Miners union at the Instigation of the Industrial workers, presided and was given sn ovation. PALMA HAS ENEMIES (Continued from Pace One.) ' and they, too, have been marked for arrest. , The Insurrection has been growing tor months snd was of a much more aerloue nature than the wovernment seemed wil ling to admit. In the remote provinces the people ere gstheiing arms and say "iey, mm &ot , u . uesa tewa. I 4k', iP y a The Kind You Have Always Boufflit. , v ' w '' t THI8 la the cautlbn applied to the publio announcement of Oastoria that has been manufacturea nnder the supervision of Ohas. E Eetcher for OTer 30 years the genuine Oastoria. T7e respectfully, call the attention of fathers and -mothers when purchasing Oastoria to eee that the wrapper iears his denature la l black. When the wrapper is removed the same signature appears on ccth eides : of the bottle in red. Parents who ihaye used Oastoria , for their little ones, in the . Sast years need no waniing. against counterfeits and imitations, but our present ' uty ls to call the attention of the younger generation to the great danger ci intro ducing into their families spurious medicines. . r ' ' ; - It is to be regretted that there are people who are now engaed li tha nefarious business of putting up and celling 'all sorts of substitutes, or what should more properly be, termed ccnterfsits. rfor medicinal preparations not only for adults, t)ut worse yet, for children's medicines. It therefore devolv.es pn the mother " ; to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. : Adults can do that for themselves but the child has to rely on the mother's watohfulnes3. . ''i'Vf--;"::-y 71 Avertable Freperedoafor As similating feroodariclReeula Ong the StoBflda and Bowels of rfc)nt " 'HtUHi.v Profltttes DtgfjtiarvCbetrful ness and BestjContalns neitfw Opium.Morpliine nor MotraL JMOT NXK C OTIC. ' ' jrVni i'TTl JlkeAW. A perfect Remedy ferCDastlpsv lion. Sour Stomtxh.Dtrrte, Worms onvulsiorts.Fevtrish ness andLosaorSLEXR IssiSuniU Sreahar al NEW "YOHK. BeaatifvUr located la Portland. Oragea, eSers nsnroaawd IsciliUes lot the col tarn sad educailoa ef i osag woswa. Special epportanlties ia Hsslc. Art, Laaraaces and Liter ature. Well equipped Physical sod Chemical Lab oratories, Herbarieaa and Mineral Cabinti. The larseat and eldest Ladies' Seminary ia the Pacific Morthwest, it snjors a sstiosal resstatioa lor lm partinr the best physical, mental and moral train lag aad deveiopiag true wemaabeod. Equips socially and educationally lor the most sxalted statioa. Confer. Academic and Cbllrfiat Oesrees by State Authority. Interference with convictions el sos-Csthollcs Is scrupulously .voided. Academy Is Ideally located, amid ia.piriog scenic sdvao safea. Social epportanlties such ss are availabW Is so ether city ea tbe Coast. Building, larre and eemmedioa.. well-ligbted, heated and ventilated! dormitories and private rooms supplied with all modem conveniencee, The In.titutioa Is liberal sd prosressivs without aacrificins ths cbsractsr and traditions e( ate and achievement. Terms modest. Sitiefsctorrreferesces required. Write for announcement booklet. Board aad tuition SIM) per year. Address Sister superior. D. Mary Acsoemy PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S. A. PORTLAND ACADEMY .-y.-. Portland Oregon ;-.y lBtk TMAM WlXXi OTUW SWT. IT. ' Pits bore sad stria er Eaatera aad Western eollegea. Includes primary aad grammar school - Boarding hall for glrla affordlne the eomforta and eare of a refined liome. ... Office hours during" the Summer from I a. m. ,to II ro. . For catalogue 'write te tbe address given ebove. ' MILITARY ACADE51Y A Boarding and Par School for Bora Manual Training. Military Discipline, College Preparation. Boys of snyege admitted at any time, write for Illus trated Catalogue. - . . Dr. J. W. Hail Prop, and Principal Fall term will open Sept. It, 1101. roaTnurn, oazooar, Columbia University ' TJnivertity Park, Portland, Oregon. Classical, scientific, commercial and grammar grade courses. Apply for catalogue. Feline promises reform In bis election methode and carries out bis old-time promise ef public Improvements la re turn for the neavy -taxes levied. The rebels are weir eupplled with ammuni tion. ........ - - Tbe railway company hss been noti fied to have a train -In readlneea to carry troops te Plnas de Rio, but the govern ment la la the unfortunate- position of bsing subject te attack at home as well ee abroad and feara to eend troops from Havens, where the etorlee of plote and conspiracies hare made It Imperative that the president be guarded. in an or ms provmca or nnar aei Rio there are only 600 eoldlere, rural Tuarda, and the government does not be leve that tbe commanders are above suspicion, V .- , f ch ? ; I i riTiTtaii ' V 1 tir in I - MCACTeeavor wTUWit. i UTT T vvVvvvnxvvxxxvvvvvvvvvvvxvvvvvvvxvvvvxvvvvvx.vvVVVVV,i 1 f J M A The Kind Ton Hare Always " In use for orer SO years, and VCr-0 I i All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-aa-good" are bu Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of : Inlants and Children Experience against Experiments What lo CASTOR I A : Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio ubstanee. Its age Is its guarantee.' It destroys "Worms , and allays Feyerlahneaa. It cures Dlarrhosa and Wind : ' Colic It relleres Teething Troubles, cure Constipation ; and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural aleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ; - CCNUINB CASTO R IA ALWAYO Bears tlia The KindYou Have Alway? InUeo For Ovor 30 Yooro; rws asaTMia sowsaay, rr OUR. EVENING , " ENROLL NOW - FOR THE WINTER BUSINESS. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, Our evening courses are not a side issue. Students ac quire the same degree of proficiency as day students, be - csuse the same sble instructors have charge of the work.- .' . Students may enter at any time and take such studies -as they may select. Do not hesitate to enter our school you will not be embarrassed, becsuse our. work has been i planned for those who have had limited advantages. . , Call, Write or Telephone the ' BEHNKB-WALKim THE LEADING ' m' BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS' BUILDING. RECEIVES ATT E NT I ON v in our business course, from first to last. We think it impossible to overdo tnat branch. Practical'short cuts" are applied in all calculations -"trick work" is studiously avoided.. Accuracy first is our doctrine. Besides arithme tic, these branches are included in the business course namely: spelling,.grammar, writing, correspondence,'com mercial law, bookkeeping, banking, business forms, busi ness practice, corporation accounts, office 'work'. " Call, phone or write for copy of new catalogue. Do it now.' . , .. . " " : PORTLAND BUSINESS .COLLEGE ' OPEN ALL TUB YEAR- ' i " Park aad Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong , LL. B Principal ' " '." ' . ' . . .." -. ' Mori colli for hlp than wit can mtk-Itpayt to atUtuLcut 4(hooL er Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per : i : sonal supervision since Its lnmncy. Allow no ene'to decelTe you In this. Signature of swasav or, atwraaa SCHOOL v. ... i -Vf, Bought NOT7 ;0Eli AFr:r:::n at i cazm " KICZT AT 8 0'CLCCn nyrnrj. Skovs United AND THE THRILLING IOOO-CHARACTER SPECTACLE FJGMTING THB i- FLAMES Most OigaaUe Feature aver IvlsedrSeeai ery to repre. sen. a faolo City Stage big- 1000 ChaiH. I '"KAr,rT JrTKTl atres- aotere 10 Fit ricnters-ESabor. ; 1 te jM)ulpaaen oka and Tire, andatompleu. Modern Tire use-oa1 a ring Apparatus, iWORLD'aS? FOREiVtOST CIRCU5. TEE GREATEST AREJTIC FEATUXES of Rrnoka an nshting and OF FIVE COATIUJUIXS. ; arrouNDiNO new sensation; rum umrr or wir mam win. oahu re mo SALVO'S TRIP TO THS MOON.'. Oet-looptng aU the loop-Ois loops Oot-tmpptae aUthegap-Ui aepe, eios ihriUing nud-aarlaal r attempted. , , BIGSEST UEKACZR.'Z 0 EARTH. Three Eards ef Elephants. Giant XBpe tamus. xaiiaaT isinuia auvs. , ore Cages . thaa ever before, FREE STXEET PARAVE at to o'oiooa a. at. WHS HOST XAGH1FICEHT '. PAGEAUT EVER SEEH. BIGQBOT BIO SHOW In all the. World. One so-cent Ticket .auhoits to ail..' Children aoer ia yesrs.1 hali-price, - Two Exhibitions dairy. At e and 3 P. M. Door) open 1 boor earlier. .. , eavys aA sfrave Oo.'s nemo saoro, - SOS. Waahlafftoa sctoea enarrea m saa aaow grouads., - . v- t-v BASE BALL ATHLXTtC PAVJC ' Oor. Taarha aad TweatrTeuta. IS Camea, BeshunngAns. IS ; Portland vs. Oakland ernes Oalled a SiSe 9. as. Bany. Oemea CaUed SM p. so. sTaitdajre. ASBtXSSXOir, 9 ; - " Orandstand, lSe. Children, lee. . . Box Seats. J 60. UYRIC THEATRE WEEK OOMMBtoiNO MOWDAT.' A.UO. 10 AM 0100 XOKAXCX. . ...'( - . "Partners in the Ilinr I IfltJ ACTS.- .'.-v.iL.- - AdmlHlna. 10; reeerved 1 e.t., Sne. Per- rorowaeM every srternoea sad ..ealag. PANTAQES ;x & ' nit ructr rmTii. kaljih Oumnlan si Os. la the taagaeele V KarrT'A Saau ef Hearts." raakiea Flate Trie, . Edltk KeMasters, 1 4eaa cmioa at we, . , aMrt onaaiMriala, " . rvrfcrnaiKe. dally st M, 10 sad p. a. AdBilaalflo. lOe and 20c; braes, 3IW-. LedlM .ad ehlllr.a take .nr seat at week day matinees (or TIN CENTS. THE STAR; OPSN THIS ETENrNO. rO. 10, ' . : aixi stock oourajrr "CacgM In the Web" PerforsMsees at t:0 sad p. sj. PrWei-' Matlaees, 10e erenlssa, 10, SO aoS -soe. The) J - eaa-rraaels Oe, inuranci j "The Bailer aad . tr. Jaaies Barks, tbe Berae." ersasaeoepe. Prleee llarlnees. 10 t all .( except .knses. . STeslDgs. Me, SOe, aad bos eeau 6CMeT9 Or ALL tUNOS . st-at1fc, map 8forybeHticpeo oh t oat ,rt3Hco fwtm Ttta ftexr. ' nr.:. icLcvrs , c::tt.::3 err.:? ass deea ad by llHons of Kotker. for the? ' .Blklraa wnile TaeUUna f otiw VKty Taei. 1 i It eoouies sue ebud, soTto n. the ram. all7i i all p'. enrwViBd eoUa, aad la the haet 1 tern-- fur inr. ' I r y