t;:2 c:..:::i cu;:day jouh::al, i c::tl.::d, cuwday ::cr.:ni:o; august- it, irt. I .U. JAJA tl k I L I 1 1 41 V J I Inl l.l JIIWI Ml 1 II i a n 1 Hi : - .,.'-:;... ........ .!. ' i Q. r ,iU OCJ.. I k d " f . J La... LP" j it if 7, 1 mi: K. . , . l l V -it 3E r. I'IWP,,, Iff 1 1 1 f, - . 'r ' j VK4 1 Aa r i nil Q V - ' " - v Ai LI 1j 1 1 pp,; ' 'Jff "J v v "L - V v v SJ. -TV- ' M 1 2.'- - x S ' II V L 13 a r -2! t. -9 f v 3i . -i . ' I . ,i i '' Gale E. Miisler, Florence I. Rooki, Edith May Carneony. Second Row Lavina Bottles, Ruby If. TReadine from'left to right: Firat Row Ruth V. Lampert, Margaret E. Burroughs, Erma T. Boughey, Haxel Jennings,' uaoie, J-avigna colt. Kooert. J;fiuon, Vera binder, Anna La Mofee, aartnce E. Cochran. Third Row Joyce A. Albert, Kermit O. Combes, Haven J. Mackie, Edmon and Edwin Richards, Haael L. Brebner Wvlle W. Blaner Grace M.Reep. Fourth Row-Elmer T. Wagman, Rolland I and .Glen Culbertson, Bernadeau ShumakeV, Clifford E. BosweU, Alice L. Reynolds. Edna E.lCetchum. Yardy Wallace. Fifth Row-James H. UmbiruTjimiervrMead; Lena E. A Fleming, Helen Latterwhde, Hohster LatterwhUe, Dorothy E. Martin, Carl P. Miller, Helen Neibert. ; , ; I . , ' J J ' AMERICANS' CHEESE. We Eat Much of It and Make AU the p Foreign Brands. Arerlcan usd to b half tolortlek half d(nnt, when thjr took . oht. They had ao oftait bn told that It waa Indlceatlbl that thajr would aa aoon have quaatlonad tha Rula of Thraa. Tha atalaa of eharaa la dlffarnt now. .Paictans ar iaclarlnf and tha pla ara ballaTlnt that ehaeaa. If aatan proparly, la not only dlgaatlbla, but alao mora notritloua, walfht (or weight, than almoat any othar food. . A graat amount af tha ehaaaa manu factured In thla country la exported to thoae plaoee In Europe which have bean and atlU are famoue for thalr eheeeea, and It la declared by What to Eat that our product la fully equal to tha natlva brande. - ; , . t . , It la aald that StUt6n oheaae la made In thla country, aent to Bnaland. where aycioth la put around Jt, and reanippedl to thla and othr eountrlea aa tha genu Ine Bngllah Stilton.- The cloth ueed puta a peculiar print upon tha oheeae rind which la auppoaed to Identify It . However thla may be, thla country la aueceaafuUy making cheeaea ' . which were ence made -only In certain Euro pean dlatrlcta, . Chief among theee la the Swlaa oheeee called Bohwettaerkaae by the Oerroana and gruyere bythe French, an excellent brand of which la made In Ohio. - Much af the native eheeae la made In the elate eX New York, it, to tailed almply New York atate eraam cheeae and runa from the new, nearly white and nearly taateleaa cheeaea to the dark yellow or dark' red a, which In flavor and appearance reeemble Stilton, Pa;, meaan, Edam and almllar European makea. ..' 1 t To get any particular kind tha pur chaaer muat except It be American Swlaa, Roquefort, Dm burger or the like go to tha ahop and buy aample. Moat of the American cheeaea. Indeed, are Bjuneleaa. la Europe tha eail far a cheeee of a certain name alware brlnga the earn a product.' The white cream eheeaea, auch aa tha Keufchatel from Normandy, are mad ha thla country to perfection. For the eight montha ended February, Hot, tha cheeee exported from thla country amounted to 7.301, III pounda. For tha eorreepondlng period of llo it waa I.Ott.OIS pounda. Thla llllng aft la merely a eo1ncldet.ee and doea tot indicate a leeeentng of tha product, be eauae the Induatry In thla oountry la In ereaalng. - taring jtha laat feur yeara It ha nearly doubled,1 and a feature af the altuatlon la that Americana are be coming great ehaeaa eat era, a fact which may. Indeed, account for part Of the falling off of the export. ' wood ladlee Bora. From the Chicago Record-Herald. "Ton told tne he waa a good ladlee' horee," angrily aald tha man who had made the purchase. . "He waa,- replied the deacon. "My wife owned htm, and ahe'g one of the beat women I ever kruw," We All tke Vlata, From tha Cleveland Leader. ' Mr. "Jawback See here. It eeetrk ' ma you're aaking ma for money a:i ( time, Mra. Jawback No, deer; I'm apt Ing It part of tha time, yea knew. "'-.'''.';-.'.." Tory Praec'sl. . From Judge, "Wiat la a practioal joker "One that yea eaa f ry a aa4 bat; bread wiat "