The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1906, Image 12

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    tiizvotzc: cu:;day jourriAi; Portland, suksay ::cr.::::::v aucu-t i:, x:::
jfon girl mm be :mm of
id nr
Marlon v Churchill Thneatens to
Oraz Othar Into Court Which
la Trying Dunn. '
Art 20 Cd ,tt I
: - . .. ' -- ' - .' '; . ... .......
.- m. I . I iu : 1 ' I I
.-.'.-7 ; A
i nv7
?JAT .Borton Society Girl Whos Betrothal
y ..r-J s "N ' Htnld Venderbat Zi Predlrted.
. .. . v I " luroia TWNa iar 11
B Xi I no o inesa lew VMII, tn I
ft Irounc Vanderbllf Romo com back to
r X 53 ' Y ' I Mra. O. H. P. Belmont at Nawport. I
Y " - I 1 - vuw HMH Wl ' WOVJ 1 LJWU I
' t i , s-S ft nr aa toa moil un-uoion I
E 4 Y . .. ; 1 Boatonlan ha avar met. . : .
, . fci S ' I 7. wirannr, a on 1 1
VS ' I Her ( appearance certainly, oea not!
I ZZ 12 t I A All hi aft VH Mil. fiM-. ... .U. I
'lTl--lI 1 I tun. ' flh im ra thrlnp nntA kAPail a I
.'J.tSX 1 5 . thraa . acaaona ago, when her atbletlo
II if 5 5 . rma wore a resplendent copper color
I ff a 'nd cbaekj were brown aa beriica.
f cA i Hirold'i brother la -Willi K. Jr.. and
;I ttSl '0 nl" tw tha'Dueneea of Hirlbor-
Other Member of Service Are An
ions to . Knife Accueedr Men Be-
cause : He" Was In '-. Higher Favor
.Than They .Were.0'..
t -
f ...
. ; .
Thototraph of IQaa Eleanor 8cara
? .'"..: Fancy Dreae.
t rtwi I aMdal BMTiee.t " ' '
New Tork. Aug. 1. It la currently
reported that young Harold VanderbUt,
', the aaaaon'a rtcheat ' catch, haa boon
t ananared by Cupid and that the lucky
la the' Boa ton aoclatr beauty.
- Mlaa Eleanor Beare.
Mlaa Eleanor Beera la on the very tip
of the pinnacle ' of Boaton'a excluaWa
: oat and probably the moat eminently
: fitted a-trl tn the United State, from
' aoclal reglatar point of view, for a Van-
; derbUt to marry-
Mlaa Seare tawlth her paranta, the
Frederick Bears Jru of Storrow Hill
i eatata,' Beverly Faxma, and Harold Van'
iD qes of ramiosy
- firmjiTED i:i ghiie
4.1 oax rrogreasiva rare or ooum
' American Republic In
--;' Ruins, -v "- .f ..V J
, (tpetWl Dttk ky Lmm4 We Tie Joeratl)
Buenoa Ayraa, Aa II. Only the
f moat fraetnentary reporta are eomtng
from Chile awing to the damace to the
trana-Andeen wlrea, vfent every thing
point to the fact that one of th
i greateat dlaaatera of modern times has
v occurred to the . territory tributary to
, Valparaiso. The are af otrela drawn
; about th interior with Valparaiso as
, im enier. witn
Harold Vanderbat
sire little republic and within it are
dosens of thriving towns.
Most of them are in ruins. The dis
turbance waa felt but not In Ita full
aeverlty In the utmost mountain bounds
ary of th country. There was no
shock at La Zerena, on th frontier, tout
subterranean rumblings war distinctly
At this 4 hour, p. n- all hop of
stopping the' haa. been . aban
doned. , Rapidly th Area ar eating
their way northward and not a veatlce
or tn Buildings is left behind. It is
swept clean. As far aa th eye can
leh la en sea of flames. - The lira
started at th Plana de Ordea. and the
shock had hardly subsided before th
streets were, lighted up by burning
buildings. Many of th engine-houses
were in th son of destruction and th
machines wer unavailable, .
a radius Of IS mtlaa
wiu prooaoiy oorer th worst part of I Th wis always ar willing to be
th Btrtckeu territory. , This Include called foola, but never anxious to hastes
most of th rich section of th progree-1 the erent , '
(KpeeUI Dtepetck by Ltsetd Wire te The Jearaal)
Ban Francisco, Aug. IS. Th atreetoar
men hare reaolved to demand an eight
hour day-and sewage ot B.Falllng to
btaln their demands they wilt strike
September 1. This decision waa taken
at a meeting of " the Streetcar Man'
union tonight. A typewritten resolution.
embodying th demands, waa ratified by
ins large numoer present ana will be
presented to th United Railroads Mob-
day. ' v
' Th carmen's union will send a com
munication to th United Railroads
Mondsy declaring that they will not
take out any of th company's ears un
less they are put la better condition
ana in irouey wire repaired.
Th union, at a meeting tonight, de
clared that th cars, on account of har
Ing been handled by Incompetent men.
ar la a dangerous condition, both to th
men conducting them and th passen-
""!HHt'"tMH'MM ,, Htmeet ,4g
Little Rents
Ljttle IGxpenses
Uttle Prices
Little Down
Ulttle Monthly
o -
Oar advta
t&zt over
b Indisputable
E ACH week we furnish many homes from cellar to garret
; on very liberal terms. A splendid line of PARLOR
PARLOR FURNITURE lately added to our already large
.. stock of house-furnishings. Give our different lines your care-"
ful Inspection and compare'our prices with what other dealers
are asking. .. ':-'
Steel Ranoe
Without doubt the best high
grade Range on the market.
, Second to none in quality or
construction. Why pay $40,
$80 or $80 for a range when
you can get the Celebrated
Toledo at $36,: $40 and
$44? Fully guaranteed for
. 10 years,"' .
See the display of weathered
' , - and golden oak , . ; - r
m Furniture
In our windows. -. Our stock
is complete and our prices
the Lowest. '
China Closets
A large assortment Just re
ceived from eastern factories
20 and 25 per cent lower.
. than other dealers .
(Special Pi patch by Leased Wire te Tbe Joaraal)
Vallejo. CaL. Aug. H. "I dined .with
other officers than Lieutenant Dunn on
th Independence. i I am quit willing to
take the atand at the courtmartlal and
tell all about the dinners and entortaln
ments glren in my honor on the Inde
pendence by Dunn's brotner officers.
such is the burden of a 'letter Ma.
rlon Churchill has wrlttsn to her friends
her. When th contents of. this letter
became known there was consternation
among; th omcere stationed at ths
yard. Ever sine - th beginning s of
Dunn a courtmartlal Sensational storlss
have been whispered over th tea cups
na over the high balls of th ravels
that hav been bald on the Independence
for .ever a year. As maay other of
fleers more prominent than'- Lieutenant
Dunn ar mentioned la connection with
theae orgies there .seems t b no limit
th scandalous poestbtmiee of th
Investigation -now under way. .
Marlon - Churohm la at present in
Santa Rosa.- There Is a persistent rumor
her that she visited Vallelo a few days
ago and turned over to Attorney Ryan
mass of startling evidence bearing
upon th dinners and dances on th
famous old training ship in which she
participated. f .-. v
Whether ah-Will personally testify
Is not' known and every on refuses to
discuss th possibility of her appearing
before th court, but says:
'Marlon Churchblll cannot be pre
vented from being a witness if ah Is
willing and I summon her." -
In a letter regarding th case she
said:. .' . .'. .
1 am very sorry that they hav
brought trouble to Lieutenant Dunn. He
a good fallow and that Is why hs Is
being tried. For th other officers were
Jealous of him and they took this chance
to throw him down with th captain.
"Dunn Is ths least to blame of them
all and a gentleman, which Is more than
can be said of th other who I by
th newspapers ar only too glad to
cut htm In th back. I could tell a few
things about that ahlp . Independence
and don t be surprised to eee in down
there, and If I do com I'll put a bug
th admiral's ear that will make him
sit U9 and take notice."
The trial was continued until Mondsv
immediately upon meeting today.' At
torney Ryan stated that as he had had
no time to examine th transcript of
testimony which was given him this
morning, and that he and Lieutenant
Whit needed time to nranara a da.
I fens. He said-that he would flniah th
aerens Monaay.r j ut"
Dunn was in better spirits today than
at any tims sine th trial. He is much
relieved that no more witnesses sre to
be called against him and Is annarantlv
Indifferent to his fat at th hands of
While he would, of eourse. prefer to
remain in the service, he is not worry
ing a great deal about hla future. Ha
haa had special training aa a marine en-1
gineer ana it is said bs has many friends
in th merchant service who would glad
ly give him more paying employment
than hla present rank In th service is
worth. .
He reoelves letters dally from hla
wtf in Rochester, New Tork. and it is
asserted that shs sends him encouraging
words and has forgiven htm for Sue
may be true of th reports of his
relations with ths Churchhill woman.
Dunne defense will " probably be
mental irresponsibility. H will make
no plea for clemency. ' -
Seasonable bargains gathered from every department in the store. Frugal women will take;
avaniage oi viese cxiraorcunary price reductions Jaear in mind the items listed below are re-
uaDie gooas oniy no eneit-worn or "sale" gooas. ' special attenUon will be given to out bt town
U 3 Great . :
Pure Linen Towel, 23x46 in.,
,, knotted fringe, red, white and
blue ' borders;, our 50c OCA
value 3 , day . . . . ..LiJL
Bath Towels, 21x40 inches, doii
ble'twisted warp, extra heavy;
V worth all of 25c. Spe- ITU
. - cial for 3 days only, at,, I IV
Bath Towels bleached, : 18x49
inches, best double , warp, and
, a regular L 25c, Towei for
Suits Ifor
i . We expect to do, the largest fall' busi
. nest v we have , ever done. , If right goods
. and right prices are business bpilders, then
we. will not. be disappointed. New Suits,
Coats, Skirts, and Wraps (or ; fall now on
rxniouion. . just, .in special.. lot - oi Silk
Petticoats $7 50 values ail colors,' selling
at $5.50. - fJew Long Coats in. mixed effects
$15.00 values $10.00. Great' showing' of
Panama and -Voile Skirts. 7;
r Attention
(Ssedal Dtssateh by Leased Wire te Tbe Jeanal)
Washington. Aug. 11. President
Roosevelt's first aalute from th net at
Oyster Bay on Labor day will be a dls
chargs of ios six-Inch guns, ths biggest
snd mos cosUy saints In ths history of
th American navy. Later aa hs visits
each or ths nagshlps he will be saluted
on arriving and departing by each of
th six flagahlpa. th total numhar
oeing Its guns, making a grand total
of salutes, of 711 guns during th re
view. .-.)...
Th officials having to de with ' ths
mobilising of ths ships and th prepara
tion for th review predict th cost of
th vent will not fall much twlow
ll.00e.000. This Is not far short of the
cost or ssndlng ths American warahlps
out to battl with the Spanish fleet. The
American navy is twlos aa large, today
as it was in HIS and th Atlantis fleet
ill be in fuu fighting trim when r.
viewed by th president. .
' Bia Stocking XUtU no.' ''.
(SpMlaltMspatekbyUeMdWIretoTse teaman
Washington, Aug. IS. Because Ella
Clements, an earthquake vlottm of San
Francisco, waa given No. t stockings to
wear with No. t shoes shs indignantly
returned the misfit package to Prov
ident and Mrs. Roosevelt with a vim
letter of protest Th letter and pack
age war sent to th National Red Cross
society headquarters.:. Ths offending ar
ticles wer given to soma mor appre
ciative person in need. -, . ,., .
Hoppickers' Gloves.V made - of
' ; good . strong drill,, tor, men,
' women, boys and girls. ' C'
" For 3 days, pair . . ....... uL : '
Hoppickers Gloves of male and '
goat akin, ; last ; the whole
season. - Special for. 4 9Ra I :
days only, pair. LuL '
Special lot of ' Ladies' and .
Misses Mackintoshes, just
.'. the thing for the hop fields'
Three Ways at tost. .
Ladies' Fast-Black Hose, all.
size. Special for 3 ?ia
days only.' pair. ...... , .'
3 Great Cur-.
tain Specials ;
. i - r "fy-i
Nottingham - Lace Curtami, in:
' new fall designs, 3 yards
.long,' 45, inches wide; worth"
Nottingham -Lace ; Curtains, . 3
yards long, 50 inches wide.' 8
' different eattrrniv t200 val. '
ues. : Special;. - tl ?
'pair. ,7 lLt
Corded Arabian Curtains, ' 45
inches wide, 3 yards long; m
regular $2.50 value. For 3
Specials ' :
f Seis Window . ' '
'Cambric- Corset Covers, deep'
. lace yoke. lace around arms
ribbonr- and beading;, regular ;
; ouc value tor ,3 J
'; Carnbric'Coriet Covers, 2 rows '
. ,01 Jace insertion, lace around.
-, arm . and neck, , ribbon 07
., draw Sale. . ......... ..ZiC
v ........ i, ,
' Cambric Corset Covers, .3 tows
of wide Val. insertion, lace
i-r edging, ribbon around OQv
: yoke 3 days.'. ....... v. 7U
Great Linen5p
72-Inch Extra Heavy Table Damask, dou
; ble warp and warranted to give CA
satisfactory wear; 75c grade, yard. ,JUL
64-Inch Satine Finish Damask in several
distinct! v "patterns weH-worth-jr5c a
yard. Special for 3 days only at, JQq
72-Inch Satin ' Finish Damask, new
. pattern, extra heavy and our regular $1.00
grade. . Special for 3 days only at, JCjr
'v:'-;; Bureau .
i Scarfs and
: "Squares,
50c (trade.
Sheets, and f::
Cases ; Red uceid
Sheeta" 81x0 inches7Vupror
linen finish, extra- heavy,
hemmed,- reenforced; ' 75c
t de 3 days only, , JJ,
Pillow Cases,' 42x36 inches, of
frood grade ranslin: our regu
ar12 t-valueFotJ
.days onlyj each ,7L
Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches,' of
' best muslin, fine soft finish;
regular 14c value iOt,n
3 days only, each...,. ILftlt
3000 yards of Indian Head Suiting:, 36 inches wide,,
real linen finishspecial for 3 days only, yard
CiUxena' Industrial Aaaoclatioa to
V Oppoaa All "Traata."
Ths CiUsensV Industrial Association of
America has sent out a notice in which
it says: . .
To oheck th political ambitions of
th union labor leaders ths National
Cltlsens Industrial association Is sub
mitting to political eandldatas through
out th country two questions:'
Have you pledged your support te
th union trust or to any other trust.
organisation or corporation seeking
special leglelatlonT '
'Will you or will you not represent
th eitlsens aa a whole snd seek to pre
set them from claas legislation.
whether by organised eapttal or organ
lied labor, wjien such Isglslatlon. Is in
th Interest of ths few to glv power
over th manyf ,
Th plan provides that ths names of
esndldstss who stand for labor or capi
tal trusts shall be supplied to th dif
ferent eitlsens' associations now organ
ised in over 10 towns and cities, in
order that citizens of all partlss can
VOta for antl-trtiat eandldatas at lh
1 eomlng taction.-.
Write for. Samples J ' CORNER THIRD . AND MORRISON STS.i Write for Samples
Natives, Incensed at Murder, of
Jomrade, Attack For-
', J; aignera. . ':
(Setelal Duipateh ay Laased Wire te The Jnornal)
Helena, Aug. is. private cablegrams
from Csrro ds Pasco glv meager de
tails of what appears to havs bsen a
sanguinary battls between Americans
snd Peruviana. In which at least ona
Peruvian was killed. . e-
J. B. Hasina, A. W. McCun and other
well known American copper operators
ars developing properties In that section
of ths SoiAh American republic and ac
cording to reports received, a son of
MoCuns in a quarrel killed a Peruvian.
The natives became Incensed and sought
revenge on th Americana Th latter
quickly got arms and barricading them
selves in th mines and smelters, pre
pared .to defend themselves
Because of the earthquake and. per
haps, the impending battle. Itself no
further details havs been received as
yet. Scores : upon scores of Montana
men, millwrights and . experts, have
gone there to assist In th work, at the
properties and their safety is feared
for. A. W. MoCune, formerly of Mon
tana, and later of Utah, in which state
hs was a candidate for th United States
senstorshlp ssvsn yesrs ago. had sen-
era! charge of th Hagtn properties.
He who seeks out th suffering never
needs to worry as to whether be la walk-
mg with u gavlor. . , . . .
' Brlisolarl la going to taks a vacation;
ths Frsnch chef who has -aided mate
rially la making th Portland hotel fa
mous aa a. placs wher epicureans could
live to their eminent . satisfaction . is
going to rest aftsr many years of servics.
Jerome Brlisolarl cams from sunny
Francs, whsrs hs learned his profession,
for so all truly great chefs regard tholr
vocation. And Brlisolarl Is en of th
great ones. - Svsr since Brlisolarl has
become known, which Is now a matter
of many years. Manager II. C. Powers
has been besieged with offers for the
chef. But Mr. Bowers likes Brlisolarl
and Brlisolarl likes Mr. Bowers.
For U years ths two have remained
teaafast friends and where fortune car
ried one1 ths other , went along as a
necessary accessory. When Mr. Bowsri
was ir) Tacoma, Brlisolarl was with him.
When the former came to Portland ths
lattsr cams along. . That was If yesrs
ago.' What : Brlisolarl doss not know
about preparing dlahe from ham and
eggs to a feast that would startle even
th most noted disciple of Eptcurtua, he .
expects to learn on his vacation, '
For Brluolari is not going to- spend -his
tims lolling on ths banks of ths Wil. .
lamette, neither Is he going to th sea
shore to gstn a coat of tan, but he is
going to New Tork. wher hr expect
to find the secret of preparing many
dtahes that are unknown to Port landers.
During his absence Lnula Darlel, .for
many years chef at Sherry's In New
York, will preside over th culinary de
partment of ths Portland. '
k Xslpl melpl ..
From th Indianapolis Star.
Mary had an auto tank.
Filled full of gasoline; . ' : ",t
. Shs took it out to scorch en day,
And hasn't sine btnilna. . . , ' -
snaa rrmn a eisnramve sronwea. naisesuoa, toryia Hver, senSMs
t&axeorteaeDotuuUneBaMa, -. . S
Tcrrcnyp Gcllzcr l$zzrX
" - at. o. s. r. oa.
is a poelttn, eraventlve of WttMiwwws, enmcts the eeldlty which 1
m Mriirarn, aaa eaies suiroiag oeKaeas, sea stakHew ea ait ' 1
teruisnf mtUMt. V
. mm
eued aeo by shieMlaas for
r.eenHnf an
at rears.
Sethms te eeaal It at sat'
t Pwerfcet I0mtmmd IM ly mmi fm Tit T Alt AWT CS 44 gsseea It, Raw Terk.