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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
daily jcut.::ax; i:. catukday lvzihtto, august is. ill STEED' -OF Fill 0 IjOOTESTB PILE Kl UOTES Ambitious Young Men and Woman Working Vary Hard to Sscurt ; , .( Scholarships Offered by The Journals Circular ' J tlon Department to He Readers. - ' ; : " trxnna or oQwtmnxAMTt xm "worn. ' , s e Bene A. Wilson, Halsejr Bt, Portland. Or...., 11,111 Nellie May Shannon, Iff Tonlao, Portland. Or.... ..11.111 - Ulltan lfcVlokar, St Johns. Or.. ,.;!...,....'. BX.TI 4' Rhode lm Stalnaaar, Albany. Or. ...,..;.,,.. ..... .,. ........ .4I.41 ' Ouy Graham. Troutdale. Or.'....'............... ........ 47,ol .4 Mildred X Clemens, UniversityPark. 'Portland; Or... ....... .....ll.JIO e CharleS Gross, T. M. C A. Portland. ...... ..".. ...... ItMO 4 Carl Shelton, Forty-eighth Bt, Mount Tabor,' Or.................Il.l0 e Mee Feodergrasa, 111 North Seventeenth St, Portland, Or.. 11,011 ) Bertie, a Chaa, tit Clay Bt, PprtUnd. Or............. ......... '..I4.l Bdlth M. Harris, ll Oxford St Portland. Or....'. .V......1. 14,444 4V Roy Johnaon. T4 Division S& Portland. Or.....................!!,!) 4 Clay Jones,sO East Twelfth Bt, Portland, Or.. i.'iU. ..1X.OO0 4 John Benson, Che maws. Or,.......;,..,....... ....11,441 Mary ML Powell, 411 Salmon St, Portland," Or.,. ............ .... .14,1(4 4 aisle O'Donnall. Boston. Or.................. ........14,410. 4 Paul .Nygren, III Seat Third St. Vortiaad, Or............ .ll.lo df Dorcas Vaa Sehoonhoven, Cora, Or, Harry. Brent; -The. Norton, Twelfth nuu turner, mum urer s-wrunuo, 'Lloyd Riches, Sllverton. Or..... ....... ................ ; Dean Knox, Corrallle, Or......,........... Clay Cary. Salem, Or....... .......... Slenn Patlllo, Grants Pass, Or...-.............. ............. i... Alleen Hackman. Myrtla Park, Portland. Or.... Guy ; Johnson, 101 Grant' St, Portland, . Or . . , . .......... .. .. . . . Louise Scott, Cantral addition, Portland. Or,.. ........... R. W. Cyras, Solo, Or......................... .................. Ivy Owens Cedar, Mills, Or - Edward X Kinsman, Xlnnton, Or.. .Agnes Br ana, Latourell, Or. .....I'.. ..... ........... WBLOwyna, fed Eaat Thirty-seventh. St, Portland, Or.... Menard W. Ollrln. Roaabarg, Or... unrp v. MIIi aiaiD vr. ...... ' Carl flhalton, tha Mount Tabor orphan boy Jn" itha aduoatlonal oonteat. had ' ,,. vr Vona to school a day until ho waa v'Vllfaara .old. Ha than antarad th Mount tCTabor, school and want through It la four 'yaara. Ha Is anxious to eoatlnua ' his aduoatloa and that Is th reason ha ' la In this contest. . - Carl makes his home with W. Bl, Pot . ter, whose residence telephone Is East - 177. He wll he clad to hear from peo ; pie who will take an Intereet In him ' and advance their ubscrlptlons In his ': behalf. He will answer calls and wait upon auch prospects. " . Carl started ouy at ninth position In the contest. He waa crowded down to "number 11 and then worked hla way I back up to ninth and ola-hth. He is with ' in two points of the cash prises and he Is working hard to et up In tha money. But those above him have so many in fluentlal friends that ha finds It diffi cult to go above them, ' , - Ooot Proa BnreHoa. : ' . : Lloyd Riches, the well-known suh serlptlon hustler at Bllverton. beran hla 1 , oonteat career about August I, after the -inaloriry of tha contestants had - been ; a-jthf-tne; ,vete , f or :fou. weeks. Jils ii ret report was s.soo votes, ana tnts . put hint as number II la th soore list By dint a, hard, work and Of a well- W. E. Owynn, - Student ; bt Poreit Oroya Univermity, Who Soon May Go to tha Front. : earned popularity - he has. now 4,600 votes to his credit and he Is 16 places above tha foot of th. class. , Berauee of the success of Riches aa a hewa agent at Bllverton. much will be eapected of him In this contest He Is . familiar with every detail of canvassing and collecting for a newspaper. - For several years he has been considered ' one of the vest news airents in the Wll . lamette valley. The people of Bllverton were surprised when he sold his news agency a -month ago, aa he waa doing so well. But they understood his move when they learned that be waa prepar Ing to go away to college. He haa ad vanced as far as the Bllverton schools will carry him. The ambition of Lloyd Riches Is com mendable. Th people of Bllverton should aid him In th carrying out of .'. his desires. . 1 . Verily good things' com Out of 811 ver.ton. Vide Homer Davenport I And bow see Contestant .Lloyd Richest. v!-;':-',, Bttn CKHag v. . Dean Knox at Corvallls entered the contest on August and his first har vest resulted in 1,410 votes which gave him 21th position In the contest In one day he paased by contestants who had been, before the publio for a eVeek or more, such as Quy Johnson, Ruth 'Turner, W. E. Owynn, Georg D. King and Agnes Evans. t Tha Corvallls boy kept on gathering 'votea and working himself up the soore line uhtll he has become J 2d. He Is now among the scholarships. And he is still ' going! 1 Aa OrerwhelaUag Amhitlon. ; . Seneca Smith, the well-known attor- ' aey of Portland, Is acquainted with Con testant Edith Harris and with har his tory. He contributes a letter In favor of the girl who lost her health In. the Ban Francisco earthquake. It Is aa fol lows: - r Tha Journal Publishing Co.. ., . S "Portland, Oregon. ' "X desire to say that I know Miss Edith Harris, on of ths contestants for a scholarship under The Journal's offer, and have known her father for a long "time. Her mother Is not living. - "MTtsa Edith la hrlaht. haa an over whelming ambition for an educe tlon that will fit her for earning an Independent vellhood. and I believe shs is entirely worthy of any prise she may win In this contest . Very respectfully. - ; "SENECA SMITH.". va PaoUle University stadeat, . Vf. E. Owynn, 141 East Thirty-seventh street. Portland, is a student of the Pa clfla university of Forest GQrove. HIS work at tha college Is well spoken -of by faculty and students. He has not much p-fn ..... ...,. '...., . iV . . . .'. ..... . .. rTl.fttdj f 1,119 and Morrison. Portland, Or.,., .oil ws-. ....... 1,110 6.400 1.081 Oil 4.410, 1,7X5 I.HO i4) 1.110 i.i; 1.TH 4) 1.41 4 WOO 4 ioo;e ; 411"' 4 ' lOO 4' .........r. ........ .......... of an acquaintance In Portland and that Is tha reason he has . been getting on slowly In the conteet work. Something may develop In a 'few daya which will send him up (ha score Una. KeXlaavUl OoUag Mote. The folowlng newa no'tea about Mo MlnnviUa college will Interest those who are trying to make up their minds what scholarships to select from the at tractive Hat In The Journal's prises: Prof. Emanuel Northrup has com pleted II years of work with McMlna vllls college, thus manifesting his faith In th institution and its future. He Is a graduate of -Colgate university snd of the Morgan Park Theological semi nary, now tha Chicago Divinity school. He has - proved himself a thorough teacher, a good administrator, having served as dean for many years past, and Is much beloved by the ajumnl and tha entire atudent body of the college. The town Of McMlnnvllle has Indicated it confidence in him by twice electing him its mayor. He is also vice-president of the, Oregon Fire Relief association. whose headquarters are at McMlnnvllle. Studenta of expression cannot do bet ter than avail thara solves of the ODDor- tunlty. of fered by McMlnnvllle college of studying, under -Mrs.. Mettle Hardwlcke Jones, a reader of exceptional talent and experience. As a teacher of elocution and physical culture,-she hss proven herself among the first of the land:' She possesses those qualities of mind and heart which make her tha Impressive, entertaining and effective interpreter of that which is truest and beet In literary art.-- , "Tls ths glance, th expression. . the well-spoken word, . By whoee magio the depths of the spirit ere stirred. McMlnnvllle college has been very for tunate In securing the services of Prof. F. O. Boughton for Its department of philosophy and modern languages. ? H Is a graduate of Denlson university and of tha Rochester seminary, and haa held two prominent pastoratea In Cambridge and warren, Ohio. He is a leader of ex ceptional ability, taot and wlnsomeness whose presence In McMlnnvllle will be a marked drawing card. . . , -,.,..i Prises at Stake.-.'.-' j Tuition In best Oregon schools,' 1760 in gold and cesh commissions. - Following is the list or scholarships with approximate cash value of each. offered as prises. Deteiled information ooaoernlng them will be published from time to time, or furnished on applica tion to the contest department: . Academy of the Huiy Names, As- torls. valus 260 Albany College, Albany, value..... 100 Behnke-Walker Business College, Portland, value .. 100 Capital , Business College, - Beletn, value ..w -. .100 Columbia ; - University, Portland, valus 100 Dsllaa College, .Dallas,, valus 100 Olllesple School . of Expression. - Portland, value 120 Hill . Military Academy. Portland. - value 100 Holmea Bualness Callege, Portland, - value 4. .. 101 Holmes-Flanders , Private . School, Portland, value'..... ,....160 International Correspondence -' Schools, Scranton, Pa., value.... 110 MoMlnnvlUe : College, McMlnnvllle, , value 40 Oregon Conservatory ; of Muslo, Portlsnd- -- - - " ? On Pianoforte Scholarship, Talus too On Violin Scholarship, value.'... 116 7 On Quite! and Mandolin Scholar ship, vslo ...100 Paclfra College, Newberg, value..... 100 Paelao Telegraph Institute, Port land, value Ill Portland School of. Domestlo Sol' ence. Portland (T. W. C. A.). value. ., 104 Sacred Heart . Academy, Salem, value ; 144 St Mary'a ;: Academy,. Portland, -value too - Beeldes the cash commissions which the students receive when they secure new subscriptions, cash purses to the total sum of 1760 will be awarded as followa: . . -. . 1. A purs of 1100 for th general ex pense of the winner while attending any public or private Institution providing free tuition. 1. A purs of tt00 to be used la the same manner as the above. s. A purse of 1100 for Incidental ex penses to supplant a scholarship se lected from the foregoing list. - 4. A purs ef 176 In sddlUon to one of the foregoing scholarships. 6. A purs of 160 In addition to one of the foregoing scholarships. ' 4, A puree of $16 In addition to one of the foregoing scholarships. ' NORTHWEST LEAGUE. 'v Y'N v at Batti -. R.H. E. Butte . . .......00 1 1 00100 I . 4 J Spokane .. .,..00000 1000 1 11 I Batteries Bandelln and Swindells; Rush and Altman, w . flsto i;;;:ii;g3 VICTORY The. Giants Emerge Triumphant ' After Four Chapters of Ex- v'i"' r:i tra labor CALIFPS PITCHING WAS i : I FEATURE OF CONTEST The - Locals With .Defeat Surbif Them in Ninth Inning, Take Brace and Tie the Score McHale's Hit Decides the Match. Portland I, Oakland I. II Innings. ' Batteries, Calif f, Henderson and Don ahue; Reldy and Bliss. ' The fair fana and the fans fair got their money's worth yesterday. It waa a great struggle, but lacked the snap and accuracy that generally attend well-played game. Of the many features the principal one waa the work of young Calif f In the box for Portland. He had wonderful speed. During tnsnn In nings that he pitched, eight Commuters strock out, and only three men on .the enemy's team were able to connect safe ly. . These were Devereaux, Halley and Vaa Haltren, and among them tbey se cured th six hits credited to Oakland. Calif f got off on the wrong foot In the first Inning. Three safe drives and an error gave Oakland three runs. Oiaats Begin.. ' In the third the Giants ' got hungry, and after an effort aent one run home. Thia waa repeated In the following In ning, and left the score I to 1 In Oak land's favor, with both pitchers working like Trojans. ' : The sixth inning oame and brought luck for Portland in ths shape of a tally, whloh put a Patrick Bruin knot in the soore. But the score refused to stay tied, aa several Olants began playing the revised foot ball game and .made a few on-slde punts, which, with a safe alug, netted Oakland two gross runs. Now it was s to I "agin" the Giants. .'The fana didn't aeem to ear. They sat back and calmly awaited for the ninth Inning. In dua seaaon th ninth loomed along with its customary poaal bllltles and .usual hopes. - The expected happened. ; Lister, who Is getting to be a bad boy with the stick, hit ons Into saxe territory., . , ' e Meaderaoa Appears. Henderson, who succeeded Calif f In this chapter, whlxsed one In the direc tion of Heltmuller that was a trifle too speedy for the ex-Berkeleylte to handle. Jamea O'Donnell McHale delivered the goods In ths form of a sacrlf toe, moving the baserunners . slong to second and third. Sweeney thet la. Bill went at the starting point snd -one smsrt crack on the eyebrowof the ball sent it spin ning to township 0-14-21, and Lister and Henderson romped home. Again the festive score was tied up. This time it was tighter than a patron of a Chinese gin mill, but th situation didn't appear so dangerous. Henderson The Oreat was hsndlng out shoots for Portland. Hs pitched the four remaining innings, and dldn t allow ,the slightest sort' of a hit On the other hand, when th twelfth chapter was reached, it. looked as If , Reldy was ie- comlng a trifle tired. In the . lucky imrteenui the goods were, del re red and 'paid for. Franck'a bad throw gave Don ahue life. . Llater-popped-up one that was good for a aee. Henderson per ished .at the plate. McHale whacked a single to left field, and Donahue waltsed home with the deciding score. 1 The game waa full of errors, each side contributing five to th column. The soore: , ; ;" PORTLAND.. : ' . . ' AB. R. H. PO. A. Mcinue, cr.: 6 1 - t 4 Sweeney, ss. .. 4 Oil Mitchell, ir. MoCredie, rf. Hmlth. 8b. Moore, tb. Donohue, o. Lister, lb. t'allff, p. .. Henderson, Totala . . 'V I j. Smith, rf. . . Van Haltren, cf. Kruker. lf.-Jb. ; Heltmuller, lb. ...... Biles, e. Devereaux, lb. Halley, 2b. ......... XTBnuKB, mm, ..... Ketdv. P- ' f.-lb. . Catea, 1 e 0 Hopkins, if. kii Totals . ...........44 ,6 , l!T II I ' 'One out when winning run scored.''' - . .' SCORE BT DJNINQ8. Portland ..... .001101001001 1 Hits ..OlttOllOIOOlt It Oakland . I 000001000000 6 Hits . 10000 1141000 , SUMMARY. . Struck out By'Califf, I Thy Reldy, fj by Henderson, f. Usees on balls Off Callff. 2: off Reldy. 1: off Henderson. 1. Two-base hits McHale, Donohue. Sac rifice ' hits Kruger, Moore I, McHale. Stolen bsees Kruger, Devereaux, Hal ley 2, McHale 2, Smith I, Vaa Haltren, Cates. First has on errors Portland, I; Oakland, I. Left on bases Portland, 12: Oakland, 7. Innings pitched By Callff, ; by Henderson, 4. Base hits Off Callff. 4. Time or game Two hours snd 40 minutes.. . Umpires Keith and Rankin. . . BASEBALL GOSSIP. Portland may lose th services of Pitcher Essiclc .and Catcher McLean. Essick's trouble dates back to last spring, when he decided to return and play this year with Portland." Walter MoCredie promised him a contract for 11,40. whloh was 100 less than last yeer, transportation and half of any purchase or draft money, should he be sold. MoCredie also promised Esslck, so th latter asserts, that ahould Port- (-American Restaurant OOl S AJTO CO 17 CM STS. Open Bay and Bright, Pried Baser Clam .t... ........ .15 Med Kallbat Steaks... lfe Fried Salmon Steaks mg Fried Columbia Blveg Smelts, ijg Komi Made Sausage ifcg Bcetton Chop 1... 15e Fork Chops ....ZO Veal Outlets A.20 Fried Heat .1S Fried Uver and Oaloss. .......... .15 Fried Baoa .15 Ftskled Umk Tonga, , Potato Salad ........ZO Ftokled Figs' Fee,. FoOat SaM..;SOf) Ooraed Beef Mash, Foaehed Bfg...lft Bread, Batter, ' Fotatoea aad Ooffe wita all orders. Dialog -room for ladle. OD 6 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 6-1.4 I I 0 4 6 0 t I I 6 1 1 11 1 0 .......... I 1 t 16 11 1 0 0 0 6 1 p. ....... 1 1 0 0 0 ...44 . 4 It II 16 6 OAKLAND. . . AB. R. H. PO. A. B. ..... 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 11 10 4 6.106-00 6 0 0 100 1 6 10 4 10 ...... 5 0 11 t 1 6 1.11 I 0 40111 ...4i-o it e land, have a chance to sell him he would net be sent t a club without his consent. Now Esslck says that Judge MoCredie has sold blra to Cincinnati, and told him to pack up and go, and re fuses to giv4ura his share of the pur chase moneyi Manager MoCredie says that hs promised these things to Esslck. hut Judge MoCredie, as president of the club, will not countenance tb deal. How the affair will be settled Is prob lematical, but Esslck says be will not pitch any more ball until he receives what his agreement with Manager Me- Credl ceiled for. Esalok was not In uniform yesterday, but will be on hand today. . .'.., ., , ... ' , ' McLean seems to be la th same boat aa Esslok. Tb big catcher says his contract calls . for half of any purchase or draft money, and that he will not play untU th earns Is paid, provimg hs is foroed to go to Cincinnati The probability la that th affair will be brought before the National association. ' i . . - e ,' .: .-. - McHale's timely drive la th thir teenth Inning aad Sweeney's hit la tb ninth were th sort that mak ths fans stand up aad yell., t . - ., , -.- '., . :. e e. ,'-' ' : '. -, .. "' CaHft pitched a remarkable "game and got stronger aa ths contest preoeeded. This young t wirier Is composed of big leagu timber.- .. ,u. .v e e . .. :, . ', Only three ef the visitors war -able to oonneat with - Callff. - That sounds pretty good for any pitoher. . .. .h . . .a e . ': .. 'Henderson went In to bat for Callff In the ninth and hlsjirack helped Port land to tie the soore. He did nvt allow a hit la the four Innings that hs pitched. . .-, e. e -. ..'',,! Jud Smith hit with telling effect yes terday. . Out of flv times -up- th ex Angel connected safely four - times. Sweeney too, was there with the wal lop, on of his hits bringing In ths two runs that tied up affaire in the ninth.- . .."''. : e e - , Ed Rankin and Buck Keith acted aa umpires, ' In fairness to all. It may be said that their work was very poor. Rankin called out Kruger In th eighth, although that runner had been on the bag fully -10 seconds before ths ball got there. A the Ladles' Lone Journal, in Its last Issue, stated that It Is not fair to kill the empire. It Is safe to as sume that Keith and Rankin will live a " few days longer. Oh,well; - what evsrs ths rule. NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' '' , Won. Chlcsge .';,.........Tt New TorltA,,...i Tl ; Pittsburg A, ....... ...It Philadelphia 60 Cincinnati) . '.........47 Brooklyn,? - ....;..... 41 St Loula .- .'. II . Boston.'. .17 Lest 10 PC. .726 .170 .610 .447 .416 .190 .161 .116 At Olaolnaatl. First game . R H. B. Cincinnati ......t T 1 Philadelphia . . 4 It I Batteries Fraser and Bchlei; Hparxs, Dus-gleby and Dooln. Secon id gam - R. H. E. ....I II Cincinnati Phlladelohla. -. . l o Batteries Warmer and Bohlel; Klcnie, Duggleby and Donovan. Umplr -Ems- ., .-: ' a- k& -.1 ...... "';'f,I . . R. H. E. Chicago -,; ?' ....,,. ...... .6 0 Brooklyn .'. .... t 0 Ratterlee Renlbach. Overall and Kllng; Scaalon and Rltter. Umpires Carpenter- ana Kiem. ' ' At Fltrtshmrg. . .. . . R.H. E. Plttshufg ..';.;........ ....4 10 I Boston . . i s Rsfterles PhllllDD and Oibson: Lind .isi amen and Needham. . Umpires John- itone ana lonwey. : ; . At St. ivoala. . R.H. B. St. Louis V., , .".......4 I 6 New York..:,. ........... 4 Batterlee Rhoedes and" Marshall; Ames, Wlltse and Bresnahan. - Umpire O Day. . . - , AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost, '41 5S 4 PC. .401 .677 .61 .647 .626 Chicago . . . Philadelphia New York . 6 41 61 6 Cleveland St. Loula . 61 Detroit J Waahlngtoa . . .......41 Boston , . , tl .600 .117 .117 At Washington. First game R.H. E. Washington . I . 6' I St. Lours . - I I I Batteries Hughes aad Warner Pow ell ana epencer. t - -. Second came . i - R. H. E. Washington . .' ....I 10 4 at. Loula 4 6 Batterlee Kltson, Falkenberg. Patten and Wakefield; Howell and Rickey. At Philadelphia. First game R. H. B. Cleveland . . 10 1 Philadelphia 4 I Batterlee Moore, Rhoades and Be rn In; Coombs and Powers. - Second srame R. H. B. Cleveland I 7 I Philadelphia , .- 4 1 Batterlee Hess and Buelowj Coak- ley and powers. At Boston. Bnston . .......... I I , vmcago .- ... R.ii.rl.i Tonus and ( ...... m CrtgSr; Carrl- gan, Owen, White and Sullivan. : ' ..At Mew York. R.H. B. Detroit . . .l 7 t New York . 0 6 4 Batteries Donohue and Payne;' Hogg and McQulre and Thomas. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. . Won. Portland '. . 46 Ban Francisco .11 . Los Angeles ..........66 Seattle . 44 Oakland . . 41 Fresns . . ., 41 $ Lost II 41 41 10 44 41 - PC .471 .404 .63 .421 .100 .III ; Seals. Beat Seattl. . .. (Joerasl Spsdsl trvke.) Oakland, Cel., Aug. II. The Seals hsd a slight advantage over the Slwashes yesterday In the bunching of hits. Ths score: ;..."--'.'.. . ' R.H. B. Seattle 00 0000112 I 3 San Francisco ..0 001020 4 1 Batteries Garvin and Blankenshlp; Hltt and Spies. Umpire Hodson. Fresno Is Bestaa. .. Los Angeles, Aug. 11. The locals beat th Tigers yesterday In the first two Innings. Score: ., R. H. B. Los Angeles ...14 0 000 10 7 8 1 Fresno 10 14 00 11 6 I Batteries Randolph and Man serine; Hall and Hogan. . Umpire Perrlne. CHALLENGE REGATTA OFF FOR A WEEK , . ''' . Th challenge regatta scheduled for this afternoon by the members of the Oregon Yacht club has been postponed until next Saturday This was made necessary by ths fact that several of the boots are out of condition. Commo dore Knight said this morning that very thing would ne la fine order for line races next week, Gi'iiS IS HID HIS IVEIGIIT Colored Boxer Declares It Will Be Easy for Him to Make One-Thirty. NELSON TRAINS CLOSE TO A BIG BREWERY Indications Point to the Contest Drawing One of -the , ;'. Biggest Crowd in the History of Pugilism How Men Are Spending the Time (JMrnal BseeUl tarrke l Goldfleld. Nov., Aug. II. "Easy from now on. . rll train down to no pounds by degrees, oans said, "and about four days before the fight start to come up. Why, this country is the beet plac for training I over struck. You may say for me that It will be so easy for me at lit pounds that I've ceased to think about it. I'm nut svcnmioting to spean of. Meat Is not specially good for a maa In this oountry. so I've cut that out, and that's all." Mrs. Oans Is with her husband, and the negro, from, the viewpoint of oomfort, has easily, the long end of the training situation. . Un der the car of Frank McDonald, hla trainer,, he runs for an hour every morn ing at t o'clock, Immediately after a light breakfast Returning, he dons khaki trousers and jersey and does bag Dunchlna snd rope-sklpplng. all out of doors, in the enaae. He men taxes thinks easy until. 4 o'clock, when he goes through a little light sparring with "Kid" Sims. iarry auuivan or me Sullivan Trust company and "Tex' Rlckard are 111 as the result of their strenuous labors in connection with the n.lln,n.,l.. ' indications of attendance, judging oy falamma. are that It will be large rrom all parts of th country. Nearly two score real or aiiegea toreaaors nave wired their wishes to exhibit her on Labor day. ; The referee haa not yet been selected by th club nor he the wager between Oans and Nelson In re sard to McOulgan's tactics aa referee in the McQovern-Nelson fight been de cided. After a day spent In automoblllng all over the country near uoiaueia dii tllng Nelson finally selected quarters at the brewery near here. "Pretty tough on a man who does not drink training at a brewery. Isn't Itr said Nelson on announcing his selection. The brewery Is situated about, a hall mile due south from Goldfleld. It is entirely exposed to the hot sun at mid dav. vet within it Is very cool and com fortable. There is a large aanoe naii connected with It, and In this a fores of carpenters are at work setting up the paraphernalia necessary to the Dane's exeroises. He started on hard work yesterday. Oana spent ths hours from t to 4 Fri day lounging In the shade of the large UDoer claasa whloh surrounds his train ing quarters. Having succeeded In bring- ins his weight down to lie pounas our Ing his morning's work, a reduction of two pounas over yesieraay, uie voiorsa fellow felt very well pieaaea.witn nim sell-. --.'. '-;...' .-C ,.,..' .... PORTLAND CRICKETERS START FOR VICTORIA The Porttana cricket 'team, will leave this afternoon for Victoria, B. C. where they will engage In -a Ave days' pUy. The teams that Portland will meet are Old Kooteney of , Viotorla, Burrards of Vancouver, B. C, and New Weatmlnster of Washington. These teams are the crack cricket performers on the Paeifio northwest. The local aggregation has been practicing for some time, play a corking good game and expect to re turn with a few scalps. The following Portlanders compose the team! O. W. Smith, captain; R. Bylands, S. Mills. A. Slshey, J. Atkinson, C. W. Lawrence, A. Fenwlck. 3. Mallett, H. Cummlags, P. Henderson. C W. King and H. Shipley. Portland's first game will be with tho Old Kootenay team on Monday. - , , SPORTINO GOS8IP. The many admirers of the Cleveland club are hoping that the Naps will take a brace soon and climb toward the top. Whr they should take suoh a slump each season is one of the Inexplicable things in baseball. . ......... e e , . . r ' 'injuries and umpires keep "Kid" El be rfeld out of the game pretty much all ths time. ' e e , . XMnny thing that the Philadelphia havs won but one game from the Whit Sox la the Windy-City this season. ; . e ' - Brooklyn fans have been turning out In good number of late to see the Su per baa perform. ' . Clarence (Pop) Foster has quit the Newark club and Joined the Lancaster team In the Trl-State league. Foster haa been the leading batter In the East ern league nearly all season. e , e Word Is passing around In the south that Atlanta and Birmingham will per haps be In the South Atlantic league next season. - It Is said that Richmond. Vir ginia, will make aa effort to get In the Eastern league. - The Vlncennea (Indiana) club looks like a sure winner la the K. I. T. league. , , e j e ' v , The Bteubenvllle (Ohio) club has been doing great work In the P. O. M. league of late, working up from last to rourtn position In a short time. . . e, '...- Who says ths old-timers are all In and the yonugaters are the only ones play ing ths gameT The Dea Moines club with Jack Doyle, Hogrever, O1 Leery, Dexter and Magoon, has a cinch for the Western ' league pennant, being 200 points ahead of the second team. .--v - y. e . e -Clyde Ooodwln recently pitched and won tor Milwaukee doio enaa ox a double-header with Indianapolis. An other case of a cast-off getting back at his former team mates. -'"- e The Columbus team Is at th top of the American essoclatlon column and , Tha Bad of tha World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Orove, la., or an useruinese, came when he began taking Electrlo Blttera He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I would never have survived had I not taken Electrlo Blttera. They also cured me of General Debility. Sure cure for ell Stomach, Liver and Kidney com plaints. Blood diseases, Hesdacher Dls slnsss snd Weakness or bodily decline. Price loo. -Guaranteed by Skldmore Xrug Co, , v Tuj Fcttcry Cc;t Ffcc Flnno . . IS i '." -ji.: . ' Hay CePald 1 forJn-y 24 Payments. The Reed-French Piano r.Ifg. Co. : " ; "FROM MAKER TO PLAYER" v , Sixth snd Burnside Sts. r Commonwealth Bldg; BEFORE ENTERING BUSINESS COLLEGE- . It will be well to consider the facts detailed below cot cernlng the Behnke-Walker Business College before de-' tiding where you will get Most expensive equipment west of Chicago, f Highest salaried and most expert teachers on the coast. ) . ; Graduates all employed. ' .? Largest enrollment of any private school in, Oregon. Pupils enrolled from IfiOft fiR2 - Pupils placed into positions from September 1, 1805, to Aueust 18. 1908. 311. - : Applications from Dusiness men dunng same period, 653. ,; ,; J a ' Call or Write for Catalogue.,; Day.or Eveningj rA BBHNKE- tb v:.. the ELKS' BUILDING, SEVENTH AND STARK : STS. MB FOR OFFICE HELP ; are constant And nnmerons; We receive many more calls people who will attend our may feel certain of profitable pared for work. There is always , an over-snpply of thosas who can do fairly well, but there will never be too maaj who can render first-clcus servict; Learn what and'feev wj teach, and. what it costs it will pay. CalI,lphont! orwxitd for our new catalogue free for the asking. Do it nw PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE r ' OPEN ALL THE YEAR v.. . '- '. .,' .' ;' .'-v ''-' Park aad Waihtartoa'Streets A. P, ArnstrMf , LL. B., PrisMtpa. MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding and Day1 School for Boya, anual Training. Mlllti S Military Discipline, on. Boys ef any age College Preparation. Boyi admitted at any time. Write for Illus trated catalogue. Dr. J. W. mm Prop, and Principal rau term win open aept. is, jibs. roanAjra, oaaeosr. drawing? away from the hunch. 1 The Clymer outfit are climbers for sura, MISS SUTTON SAYS SHE WILL TRY AGAIN - ; . ' - - ' ' IJoerasI Rental Berrfee.t 4 Quarantine. I t, Aug. ll.Mlss May Sutton arrtTed on the Cedrio today. .She said she lost the championship by a pea and would like to try again next year. FAIR MAIDENS ARE TO - PLAY IN BRASS BAND (perisl W. petes to Tie JesrseL) John Day. Or., Ang. II. A band has been organised for John Day, anAlt was decided that in the future the hand will Include girls, snd several names were enrolled accordingly. Miss alsud Bnyee Was elected president. and Paul Griffith secretary, . . . i fflLL It Do-;:rr t.v- piiiLAC-Lr::: l.- . . . long to ncjr . PROPOSITION, O? ,TI- KIND; If it coats tZZ3 tl build a pUmo and you est It directly from the maker, ws would ssy (337 were a tsir price, for hs but if this same piano be sold by a factory , agent to a retailer and from a retailer to a commission man (with a possible teacher's "rake off thrown in), and from this commission man to ths user, we would ssy it were only fair to these several people for you . to pay $350 for the same pifno . . 7-they ' really , couldn't make . any money unless you ' DID pay this sinount,' . -More-' pianos' than you think travel this old-fashioned road. ..,"rv..;. . Oet our propositlon--4t la later-day piano dealing; by this we 'mean all'' expensive - et cetera are rubbed off and get right down; to first prin ciples hist maker and player doing" the. talking.; , ' We would like to see you Monday. - - -y ' - ' your business training : r. August 1, 1U0, to August I, "'V -i - WALKER leading: in person, by phone, by lettai'. than we can meet. Yonn school, and btcortu thororjkA employment as soon as i pre PORTLAND ACADEIY Portland Oregon . v Xtth TBAJS Fits boys and girls far Bastera aa4 Western colleges, Includes primary and v a-raauaas school. , Boarding hall for girls affording the) comforts and ears of a reSned home. ' Offloe hoors during the Bummer frons I a. m. te II m. For catalogue writ to tha address given above.'. --, , . r- - Medical Department -or the-- University of Qko 0U limit aVchal Sept. ' IT. Aedress S. a. ieMntal. at l , Pm. PbX. SL li&C.. pnrtUsa. SIO Pessst lu Colum!:!: U: University Park. Portia Gasiical scientific, com.. grsmmar grids couris. eaulogTi. ... .. Tea as aes reperv 1 Fe. 1 maless yea waaS Ada, - , ,