The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tins : ozizz:: daily journal;' romxAiiD. satui:d
- --
i w w a
" T.1AY
i uaiiiiisE of
; Z'.t of Ctratsgy My .Result In
Compromise of Big RaJI-
. ".':. -,f.,; road Fight Y-.
i Railroad Men Speculate at to Out-
j ' come of Contest for Supremacy in
I Columbia River Batin Santa ; Fa
j ; Majr Be Directly Benefited, '
: i With the' arm thet the Milwaukee
' l reaching Into the Paclflo northwest,
Harrlman hopee to. W4 club that
Will brjng the pugnacloua "Jim" HIU to
time.' end already ' there .la talk ot an
ether northwest-Compromise." '.. i
V It la admitted on all sides that pos
- s-rslon '- of the Milwaukee greatly
strengthens the Harrlmsn position In
; the north bank fight, and throughout
J Idaho and Wsshlngton. where the warm
it. est feeling of friendliness exists for
, the Milwaukee road. Thn Columbia!
i'allejE railroad's undertaking on the
north bank has met much opposition
and an antagonists public sentiment
because of a general .belief that the
: Harrlmaa Interests were bark . of tt
; with the sole purpose of blocking the
Mill north bank line rand not with a
twmaflde Intention of building a railroad
J there. '..,'...'-.
.But from, the first It lias been eon
reded that the north benk affords the
. only way for the Milwaukee to get Into
the Columbia riverebasin on a feasible
grade. It te aa( the Hsrrlmsn people
will now go at tbetr task with redou
bled determination to. build the line,
nd that' warmer reception will be
'. given them; by the - people and ( the
courts. - ;
Xgl Battles rmmiaoa ,
-' Condemnation . proceedings snd suits
to enforce contracts for deeds for rights
of wsy an the north bank will be pushed
with more vim than ever.. Ths Colum
. ,bla Valley's attorneys are today pre-
paring papers for court hearings that
j are to be held this month at Vancouver.
. Judge McCredle. who has returned from
1 Ms San Francisco vacation trip, has set
August 24 for resuming the hearing of
- evidence in these cases. O. W. 8taple-,
; ton will appear for the Colombia Val
ley company, and James B. Kerr, for the
. Portland Seattle. Rights of way for
the Cape Horn tunnel one of the most
Important strategic points on the line,
will be determined in this suit.
A Portland man whose knowledge of
. inside railroad doings Is considerable,
said: ;-.' -.,;.-...
"It looks like Harrlmaa. tn taking
over the St. Paul road, has given up
" hope of the Santa Fe, which he unavall-
ingly sought to control with a view to
' retaining bis exclusive; hold on Califor
; to fmi on
V ' aaBBaaaBaaBaaBBiKBBaBBBaaaaa - ,. .
Formw Populist Leader Likely to
Accept and Bloodshed
? . May Follow.
r (Jeeraal SserJet Servlee.t
Thomson. Oa.. Aug. 1L John M.
Ttarnea, postmaster of Thomson, former
United States marshal, has challenged
Thomas E. Watson, the Populist candi
date for the presidency tn laOe, to tight
duel. So far Watson . baa not ac
cepted. ' - ..... ..- -
: The trouble grows out of a charge
Watson In 104 that the Utter (WatsoM 1
- worxea ror itooeeveic in ine easi ana
: wu receiving f te.OOe therefor from the
Republican national committee.. Watson
, heard this story and wrote Barnes de
manding to know whether the latter had
f made the charge.
Barnes' reolv did not satisfy Wstson
f and the latter wrote another letter In
which be characterized Barnes' state
V menlas "an Infamoua falsehood. -f
la "reply Barnes wrote: "Some of the
i language la yonr letter la very offen
jr alve to me. I hereby beg you will ra
' tract every word of It; failing in that.
' , you will indicate what time and place on
the frontier of the neighboring state
. wa may continue this correspondence."
Barnes is known as a ."killer" and
; Watson Is reputed to be brave. It la be
' Uaved that bloodshed Is inevitable.
' IBoeeUI SkMbt to Tfc.'
La Grande. Or.. Aug. A Ilt.OOe
; Sra at La Grande last night destroyed
the warehouse of the Grand Roode Cash
- company, owned by Lewis Bros.; the
, Fowler warehouse and one email resl
aence. The warehouses contained hay,
feed, machinery, etc., and are a total
loss. -
Horses In a barn attached to the
ttwaretiouss were saved. An old man
named Smith was sleeping In the Uvli
warehouse and escspsd by Jumping from
s window minus any clothing. m - - -Constant
streams of water were
poured on the Standard Oil company's
tank la ths Immediate neighborhood to
prevent It from burning. The absence
i of wind slone saved the thickly settled
district from a very serious lire.
'J " (asetlel Mwetrk to The iearasL)
Walla "..Walla, -'aah., Aug. !.
Charles E. Berg, superintendent of the
brickyard at the state penitentiary, was
made defendant In sensational divorce
proceedings commenced in the superior
court yesterday by Mrs. Berg.
Several weeks ago tll which the
Bergs had cached away in their home
mysteriously disappeared and Mrs. Berg
In her complaint for divorce says Mr.
erg accused her of taking the money,
lira. Berg also alleges cruel and In
Kuman treatment and aaya her hue-
. land's conduct the past two weeks has
scandalised, the neighborhood. '
'. a.sagwail'aa Ba Benaa Bosma, -(leersal
Sped I gerrtee.)
' Ovster Bay, N. Tf, Aug. II. Con
man and sirs. Longworth went to
Vashlngtoa yesterday, from tbenee they
ge te Cincinnati. ...... .
turn. Ml aiwelal aervtee.t
Wsrsaw. Asg. II. An attempt. waa
rade today te assassinate the governor
it Warsaw .
f.inr::y;EE iioiio
nia. If "the Rockefellers have relln
qulshed their St. Paul holdings to him.
It la certain they will hold on to tneir
Santa Fe stock, of which John IX Rock
efeller st the last annual meeting regis
tered shares amounting to II7.ieo.eue.
Next o the holdings of the Rothschilds
and tile Rank of Kngland, John D. has
the largest budget of this stork.'
eat e Wtu Be Benefited. ,
Of all ' transcontinental lines that
need an Oregon outlet. It Is declared
that the Atchison. Towka eV Santa Fe
would be most largely benefited by such
a line. - The Santa Fe has a mileage
of 11.000 miles' through a prairie coun
try, with -practically not a atica ox
timber. So long ss tnm situation con
tinues, the road must tske grist rrora
rtarriman'a mill. A coast Una Into Ore
gon would be of Immense financial bene
fit to tne Santa Fe stockholders ss well
as to the country contiguous to Its mala
system. In view of the road's control
In Europe, It is not believed that Har.
rlmnn can longer restrain Its extension
Into western Oregon. - - '
The forelan holders got their present
control of Santa Fe stock at 117 per
share, In the Raring Bros.' failure, when
they loaned 111.000.000 to the Insolvent
firm In an effort to aave it from bank
ruptcy and took the stock of the Santa
Fe as security. - Since thtn Harrlman Is
said to have offered as high aa lilt
per shsre for, control of- this rosd, and
was refused.
. Belatloae Bsve CTaaaged. .
In connection with the Santa Fe it la
Interesting to note that ita relations to
the Harrlman roads on the raoine coast
have radically ehanged a! nee the
interstate commerce law became effec
tive. June 1. Agreements by which
Pacific coast territory wss divided be
tween the Southern Pacific and the
Santa Fe are null and void under, this
law." The agreement by which Harrt
man was not to build a coast. lino south
of Eureka, and the Santa Fa waa tinder
pledge not to build north of the aama
point, la no longer In force.
It wu in anticipation oi mis ensnge
that Harrlman. it Is said, ordered con
struction of the Coos bay extension, and
sent-his engineers to locate a route
from the bay south along the coast.
At about tbe-ssme time one Evana, rep
resenting capitalists whose names be
refuses to divulge, began promotion, of
a road from Eureka to liakevlew. In
southern Oregon. Other construction
movements have sprung up. It is dally
more apparent that railroad agreements
In various directions are broken.
Four weeks ago, when In negotiations
for a compromise 'of the north bank
fight Hill demanded that the Columbia
Valley Railroad company's project be
withdrawn. Harrlman la aald to have
anawered that ha knew nothing about
that company's operations and had no
power to stop It It was assumed that
the Columbia Valley, In disguise of a
Harrlman line, was really a Milwaukee
project and that Harrlman waa unable
to make terms without consent of Ear
ling, who refused to quit Now. that
Harrlman haa gained control. It la said
there, are even chancea that the north
bank fl'ht wilt bo settled.
: IVKO I'll JOil! El
Husband of Mrs. Yerkes Denies
Marrying for' Money Will
; . Live in Cottage. ;
(Joaraa! Spedal Service.) ,
New York. Aug. II. Wilson Mlaner la
back In town. When asked today If ha
had stopped quarreling with his wife
"he excialmed:, -'-;.'-- ,
"Oh. heavens, will thla awful noto
riety never. cease? i It Is such an awful
thing to be harasted thla . way." He
I love my wife devotedly, she loves
me desrly. Ours la a case of true love
If -ever there was one.- Our enemies
hsve tried to mak trouble, but have
failed.- Nothing can come between ue
now, and our future Is a bright, glad
- "The Idea that my marriage to Mrs.
Terkee wss based on a dealre to share
her wealth- Is nonsense. Merry for
money, perish ths thought!
"It Is not true that I waa thrown out
of my. wlfe'a house In Chicago. It is
true there haa been some slight trouble
with her lawyers, but It Is a mere baga
telle. Mrs. Yerkes I mean Mra Mla
ner Is getting better rapidly, and with
in ten daya will be able to Join ma
here, then we will build a little home
down at Bensonhurt"
M liner said ha was doing well in Ssn
Francisco as a em'tractor and rspidly
building ap a fortune. , , .,
Arthur CovelL the alleged leader of
the band of river pirates who were ar
rested yesterday, wss. given a prellml
nary hearing In the municipal court thla
morning and held to the circuit court
In default of. f 600 bonds he was com
mitted to the county Jail.
Charles Edelman. It years of age. Is
to be tried on the ssme charge on Mon
day. -Tom Peterson, 1 years old.' will
be taken before the Juvenile court to an
swer the asms charge.: .
(Jnerael Special ServVe.t '
- New York. Aug. II. Adverse com.
ment npon Harrlman la hoard for his
withholding the announcements of divi
dends made In an enforced statement.
The decision waa made at I o'clock
Thursdsy afternoon, and held for the
New York stock exchange .rather then
London, which would have had first ac
tion Friday mornlnf.
tWa-Mostes Barter of The Joermel )
Washington, Aug. II. . James M.
Swsltser Is appointed postmsster at
Beulah, ' Malheur county, Oregon, vice
H. A. Smith, resigned. .
-;-v . -
(JoemI ImcUI Servlee l
Oreenbay, Wla., Aug. It. This morn
ing Fred Billings was chiding hie
dsughter for her fesr of a storm when
lightning struck and allied him aa he
g::.'.:::3 l? t;:ift l:.'.ci
.o.'.: i tiiy ran
asaaaasBBBBS9BBBBseasaBBaeBnw '
Mrs; Matschlner Accuses Them
j of Takinj Silverware, Watch
and Money. . . .
1 Chargea of a aerloua character reflect.
Ing upon the honesty of the. members of
the fire department and involving the
theft of a -considerable amount of Jew
elry, rasn ana silverware during tne
progress of the fire in the north end
early this morning were made to the
police this morning by Mrs. Matsrhlner,
Petectlve- Reslng haa been detailed on
the case. . . .
Mrs. Matschlner Is the wife of one of
the proprietors of the IT. 8. Bakery, at
2J Rumalde street.-which. fell arey to
the flames at an early hour thla morn
ing. A portion of the structure was not
deetroyed and the woman says that
npon making an Investigation today to
ascertain whether- any of her effect a
had escaped the fire discovered that a
Jewel case which contained a gold watch
end chain valued at $71. a bank with
140' in silver, . one dosen solid sliver
knives, forks and spoons, two dosen
solid silver soup spoons and ' several
gold earrings and rings had- been broken
open and the -articles enumerated car
ried away. The chest was only scorched
by the flames, and the lock gave every
evidence of having been forced with
an ax. -.-...-(...( , ....
Mrs. Matschlner, although having no
clue to the identity of the thieves, be
lieves that some of the firemen who
were TuIIjr engaged with' their axes in
her room are the culprita The matter
will be reported to Chief Campbell.
Supports Belief in Seventh Day
Sabbath by Quotations
From the Bible. 1
'At the Auditorium last night Elder
O. A. Bnyder, replying to the attack on
Seventh Day Adventlsra made last Sun
day night by Rev. Clarence True Wil
son, supported his belief In the seventh
day Sabbath by frequent -quotations
from the Bible and declared that "We
expect to stand by the authentic ver
sions of.tho Bible until we have some
stronger evidence, than .mere wind."
Continuing. Elder Snyder said: "How
could the day on which Christ rose be
the first otfe of the new series, and Sun
day, twenty yesrs later, when Paul wrote
to the Corinthians, also be the first one
of the same series? It is simply pre
posterous, and yet It Is Just whst our
critic's argument Involves; for - the
Greek words are precisely the same In
both texts, as any one can see by --consulting
a Greek Testament So fight
here at the very outset the argument
commits suicide and is dead. We will
now follow It slowly down the road to
the cemetery and give It, as decent a
burial aa poaslble.
' ."Let It be remembered that not one
single authentic .version of the New
Testament has ever rendered the Greek
'Mian' tn the wsy suggested
by our modern critics. Even the re
vised version renders It 'first day of
the week. and It Is rendered thus be- ' 1 ? memoers or ine mbiib,
...... i. nn .h ..: tn .H.itha same organisation which killed Tor-
It without setting sslds common Bense01-1?1 i" 8 fnnc nd nacked
and the rulee of the Greek language.' hlsbody to pieces. - . -
, " - J One of those present when asked If
.kavma a A I
rUKtdl tnb Ur AMtnlUA
Tomorrow will be a -big day -for the
Foresters of America, for . the annual
celebration will be observed at that
time in all parts of the United States.
Ia Portland elaborate j separations have
been- made for theeeesiti. - .-
Local Foresters will celebrate at
Csnemah perk near Oregon City. The,
affair haa been widely advertised and .a
large crowd ts expected. The expecta
tions will likely be realised, for no ad
mission price Is to be charged and
everybody Is Invited. An .Interesting
program has been arranged which In
cludes the following events:
Fifty-yard race for daughters of For
esters, first It, second 1.I0, third,
cents; (0-ysrd daah for men, first hat.
second gold-filled cuff bottons; - boys
race, first watch, second 10 cents; fst
man's race, first shaving mug; ladles'
race, first set perrumery, second bottle
perfume; ssck race, first clock, second
box -Of candy;- girls' sarlc race, first
picture, second box of candy; pie-eating
contest, first sweater, ' second pocket
book; three-legged rscs, first box of
cigars; prise . wslta, first pipe, second
silver aet. .
One of the most Interesting feature
of the dsy will be a base hell game be
tween the Oregon City club and thf
crack team of the "west end of this city.
A valuable prise wll be awarded the
winning team. - '.
(Journal ftpeelal errlr.
Concord, N. H., Aug. M. The hills of
New Hampshire will blase with bon
fires tonight to mark the opening of the
state's eighth annual "Old Home" week.
In the city, town and country, from
the Massachusetts line to the Canadian
border, festivities will be held through
out the coming week to welcome home
the sons and daughters who have found
new homes In other states. Reports In
dicate the arrival of numerous visitors
already from Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Kan
sss, from the southwest, from the re-,
glon beyond the Rockies, and even from
the far weatern part of the dominion,
where many sons of the Oranlte stste
have taken up their homes during the
past few years. .
(Joerttal Specta! gcrvtee.) :
Lspss, Bolivia, Aug. Is. (Bui- 4
let In) Tha chief official of the e
telegraph company at Taona d
wires , that Valparaiso is , in 4
flamee end that - the earthquake e
continues. Troops have shot e)
sll pillagers. Many have been 4
killed by falling walls. Selsmlo e
disturbances on the Chilean slds e)
of ths Andes continue. , 4
- Faaeral of B. O. Beager. .
(Sp.rl.1 Bwsatili te The anial.
Corvallls, Or., Aug. 11. Funeral serv
ices of Elmer Claud Sanger, aged 31, who
died Thursdsy evening of ursemlc pot-
sonlng, were held at the parents' resi
dence this morning. The remains were
taken to Brownsville thla afternoon for
Intsrment , Sundsy. Rev. . atoCaualaad
eeadueted the funeral ,
7V' - V :.
Ernest VanUccI Says Mafia De-
: dared Another Assault. Would
' Mean His Death.
Declares on Stand He Did Not Write
Tender ' Love Epiatles to Mrs.
Thomas Antonelli snd Handwriting
' Teat Is Tried by Judge Cameron. .
Whisperings of the vengeance of the
"Black Hand" come aa the-aftermath
of the assault of Krnest Vanucct on
Thomas Antonelll. Lothario of ITUr-
bano's Royal Italian band. During an
excited conference following the dispo
sition' of the case In the. ' municipal
court this morning, Vanucct claims that
he was. Informed that death swift and
sura would be his fate If be made an
other attack on AntonellL
ITpon the calling of the case this
morning Autonelll . waa placed . on the
standtoalya Ala version of the aa
sault . John Cordano. former deputy
sheriff, was pressed Into ssrvice aa In
terpreter. The pale-faced musician de
nied absolutely that he was the au
thor of the tender epistles produced tn
evidence yesterday and alleged to have
been written by him to Mra. Vanucct.
He atated that be had only been tn the
Vnited States for a year and could
neither read., write nor- speak Kngllsh.
- At the direction of Judge Cameron
he copied severs! lines of the amorous
blank verse- embodied In the letter of
July 10 for the purpose of comparison.
Attorney Ferrari endeavored . to bring
out on cross-examination that AntonelU
had been aeen In the company of Mra.
Vanucct during the Illness of hsr hus
band, but this the band man denied.
. ' Befeaaant Is IMaed. : '
That the court waa of 4he opinion
that there waa a similarity between
A-ntonelll s handwriting and the letters
In question wss evidenced by the Impo
sition of a fine of 110 and the suspen
sion of sentence.
A dosen members of the band which
has msde the Oaks famous. Including
D'Urbano, the long-haired and classto
featured leader, were Interested auditors
of the court proceed In ga After the
Judge had rendered hla decision they
filed from the room and adjourned to
the sidewalk, apparently - for a discus
sion of the case. --. Vsnuccl followed a
f ew mlnutea later with hla attorney and
mmedlately became the central figure
In the group of excited Italians. With
much gesticulation and their voices
raised to a treble pitch, . they eeemed
to be endeavoring to Impress something
of aerloua nature . on VanuccL -
; SJaya Be Waa Vhxeatemed.
To a Journal representative Vanucct
stated that they had Informed him If he
again assaulted AntonelU his ; dead
body would be found aome morning in
the streets. --
"I do not Intend to molest AntonelU
If he leaves me alone." said Vanucct,"
and do hot fear the three ts" of these
iULH . .Ill . .i.k, vytii auwuv .Mil
luecl. replied with a shrug of his shoul-
daea 4nn' IrnAw thai la him la. neat..
ders. "I don't knoi
ness, not mine.
A. Hood, janitor of the Portland, Trust
eompsny, will patronise a first-class
union barber shop the next time he haa
occasion to get shaved, and It is prob
able that he will be sure and enlist the
services of a tonsorlalist of masculine
Hood notified the police today that ha
"patronised a barber college on Couch
street between Third and Fourth, and
now mourns the loss of a gold W. O. W,
pin. After entering tha place and re
moving his collsr and tie, be clambered
into a chair presided over by a buxom
female,- and under her gentle touch his
whiskers disappeared as If by magto.
After the ususl application of witch
hasel and talcum powder. Hood went to
put on his collsr and .tie. The lodge
emblem, which was one of his treasured
possessions, wss missing. He lost no
time In acquainting the police with hla
loss, and a detective la now searching
for the pin. ... .
' " -i - - - :t
(Joarssl Special Bervfre.)
'- Washington. Aug. II. The depart,
ment of Justice yesterday decided that
railroad laborers do not corns within
the provisions of ths - law - which per
mits the Importation of skilled labor,
when It is found Impossible to secure
It In the United States. Contractors on
certsln western railroads have Imported
several hundred laborers from Mexico
under the plea ' that sufficient labor
could not be secured In this country.
The department holds .that if It per
mitted such Importation the antl-cpn-tract,
labor law would be wholly nulli
fied, ; .' ' !-.,'.
- (Jioraal Special Barvtee.l i ' ' '
Milwaukee. Aug. 1 1. The Eagles tel
lers this morning Jeclared Dr. Laren
Edward Krauae of Delaware waa elected
grand president) Theodore A. Bell of
Napa, California, vice-president. - There
waa no majority for the next conven
tion, the city leaders being Norfolk,
Omaha and . Boston. . The rest wsre
scattered. , . , ,
. Norfolk is to be the scene of the
nxt convention. Spokane won first
plaee 4n the prise drills.
, ... ' i i ., j
New Train Schedule on South
ern Pacific. ;
Under the new schedule going Into
effect on ' the Southern - Paclf lo lines
August II, train No. 11. which haa for
merly left Portland Union depot at 1:10
a, m., now leaves at I a. m., 10 minutes
earlier, and train No. II Instead of ar
riving at 1:61 p. m., as heretofore, now
arrlvea at 7:11 p. m. On the west slds
division between Portland and Corvallls
tialn No. I now leaves Portlsnd Union
depot at 7 a. m., Instsad of 7:10 as un
der the former schedule. On the Port-Isnd-Oswego
suburban service train No.
II due to leave Jefferson street
depot at 4 p. m.i and train No. II, dua
to arrive at Portlsnd at i:OI p. ul,
have teen discontinued,' -
Ia a woman who runa about the neigh
borhood making trouble Insane A great
many people would like to .think eo, and
they will soon have the opinion of an
expert In mental diseases and a legal
decision by County Judge Webster to
guide tbem.
This ' morning a complaint eharglng
that Mrs. G. W. Stewart la insane and
unfit te be at large waa awora to before
t:hlef Deputy County Clerk Fred W.
Prasp by Mrs. L. B. Fluke. Deputy
Prasp wondered what variety of lunacy
possessed Mrs. Stewart, and asked what
she had done to cause Mrs. Fluke to be
lieve her Insane. :
"8he runs aronnd the neighborhood
and makes trouble." aald Mra Fluke.
'Any one who bothers people aa muob
aa she does must be Insane. 'Her hus
band can't do anything with her, and we
can not endure it any longer." j
inquiry oy ueputy Fraap railed te re-1
While ' Returning From Ranch,
: Train Is Attacked by
- (Jeeraal SpeeUl Service.!
. Buendh Ay res, Aug. llv While See re
tary Root waa returning from a ranch
outside tha city yestegday strikers
hissed and etoned the train, breaking
three windows. The police era invest!
gating. . .it,;. - . ,.
Former Mlnleter Drago in a speech
at a banquet In honor of Senator Root
today said that the day waa approach
ing when closer relatione wilt exist
commercial and social, between the two
Americas, The banquet was given by
the chamber of commerce. Four hun
dred of the nation a leading buelp
men were present.
.. At Rio Janeiro the Drago committee
baa reached a unantmoua decision 'for
mulating an Invitation for The Hague
to consider. . The Mexican ' minister to
Belgium will be at The Hague as soon
aa the conference closes and will pre
sent the resolution to the permanent
committee. This settlea all Important
questions except the next meeting
placea. .... -
(Special Dhsateh te The JoorsaLI
Ashland. Or., Aug. II. Thieves pried
open the side door of Holmes Brothers
grocery .store fast night, blew open a
safe an got away with Ita eontenta.
About 9O0-In money waa secured by
the robbers' and a tin box containing
papers of no value to them waa carried
off. - A hole . waa drilled through the
top of the safe. Pieces .' of the door
were . thrown acroaa the - large room.
Soma papers were scattered about and
burned partially by the powder. There
la no due to the thieves' Identity, but
some bad characters have been dropping
off at Ashland lately, and 'are believed
to have coma, from San Franclaco.
'(Special Dissetek to The Jearaal.l
Pendleton, Or, Aug. II. Ex-Governor
Geer Of Salem la In thla city and ia
gain Investigating the advisability of
getting into the Tribune of this place.
Reporta were current last evening that
he had purchased a half Interest with
E. P. Dodd, but were not confirmed to
day. - - '.'.. ... .
It is known, however, that Gear wae
here for the third time to get entire or
part control of the Tribune and the deal
la expected to be made any time.
Geer does not deny wishing to con
trol the Tribune. He will leave for Sa
lem today and .expects to return next
wkk. ...... : ,
WAS HIS H00000
Twelve tlmea did J. F. Darsey walk
peat the houae of Mre, Bells Irving, on
Rodney, avenue, near Russell street,
yesterday afternoon, and the wild look
In hla eye aroused the suspicions of
Mra Irving. - A policeman waa called
and he arrived Juet aa Darsey waa com
ing down the laat stretch of an unlucky
thirteenth turn-around the block.
Darsey waa' taken In custody and thla
morning Mra Irving appeared before
Deputy County Clerk Chrlstsnson and
swore to a complaint of Insanity. Dar
sey Is In the county Jail and declines to
tell why he wanted to7 make II tripe
past the house in one afternoon.
(Special Dbpateh te The JasrssL)
' Forest Grove, Or., Aug. II. O. W.
Olson and E. Cannon of Portland ar
rived here this morning from Tillamook
with an Oldsmoblle. It Is ths first
time an automobile haa ever crossed
the mountains by way of ths Wilson
river -toll aoad and the feat waa naver
before attempted. . .
The autolsts had hair-raising experi
ences. They . made the trip to Tilla
mook via Sheridan and Rolph and re
turned through Foreet Grove and are
not- particularly pleased, with tha toll
roada. .,. , . , "..'
Collector of 'Cuatoma Walter L. Robb,
Mr. and Mra. W.- J. D. Laahmuth and
James H. O'Connell, form a party of
Astorlana stopping . at the Imperial
bote, '- ;
Mr. and Mra. 3. M: Crawford and fam
ily of Walla Walla, Washington, are
Btopplng at the Oregon, on their return
home from Staalde. ' .
George Albere, president of Albsra
Brothers' Flouring Mill company, Seat
tle, is stopping at the Imperial hotel.
Mr. Albera is In Portland on business,
J. B. Small, a rsllroad contractor op
erating on the north bank road, la a
guest of the Perkins. Mr. Small la
from The Dalles.
Leigh Hunt, a noted writer and trav
eler, Is registered at the Portland ho
tel. Mr. Hunt is from Iola, Kansas,
and haa 'visited nearly every, part of
the world. .
Mre. R. W. Steel ' Is visiting Mr.
Steel's mother at 117 Chapman street.
Mr. Steel la expected to arrive. In a few
daya, ".-: ,
Suites to wood BeaU. V' ,
(Journal Special Serrtee.t
' Constantinople, Aug. It. The sultan
yeaterdsy attended religious function
to show the people hla health wag all
rlfht, ; r , . .; .
' "i " ' t )
veal Just what kind of trouble Mra.
Stewart cauaes . among her neighbor;
whether aha carrlea goaslp er -assaults
people with weapons,- or merely spanks
the children.
The result of the ' examination Into
Mra. Stewart's mental condition, which
will be eonduoted by Judge Webster and
some insanity sxpert whom the Judge
will name, will ba watched 'With great
Interest, and tt la whlsperedthst If Mra
Stewart Is pronounced Insane the county
court will - be flooded with complaints
sgalnat many of the ladles of Portland
whose neighbors regard them aa trouble
makers. - '
One of the deputy county clerks who
overheard the remarks made by Mrs.
Fluke sit seea a little later -trying tn
learn from a law book whether any pos
sible construction might arise that
would' enable, him to oomplaln against
hla mother-in-law. , ., ..
HAVJtL officer di;:i Gil
? SHIP HE C0"".U:.DE0 :
,;.,. ; ' . , , .-. '
Testimony in Mare Island Court-
martial Shows Woman Was
. Aboard Vessel. ' '
- (Jeeraal SeeHal Serrw ) - ' -
Vallejo, Cal., , Aug. 1 1. The Dunn
court-martial - waa continued at Mare
Ieland thle morning, with a big crowd
in aiienaanee. tMsf Teoman w, BL
Richmond waa the first wttneea. He
stated he saw the Churchill woman In
Dunn's room at a time before atated
by other witnesses.'. Dunn signed all
orders and performed the duties of ex
ecutive officer. He wae drinking heav
ily, but did not appear to be 111.
' Assistant Paymaster Mel teattned that
he saw the accused . officer drunk In
Paymaster Nicholson's off lea at 1:19
m. Mel went to Dunn's room to awaken
him to perform certain tduttea. Dunn
wae drunk and Stupid."
Paymaster Nicholson atated he saw
Dunn drunk and later searched Dunn's
room for liquors and found bear and
whiskey, later he saw the woman leave
the ship. He did not consider Dunn fit
to conduct the affairs of the ship. -
captain z. & rvaroer. commander of
tha Independence stated ' be was In
formed ths woman waa tn Dunn's room
and aeat- word.; three tlmee for the
woman tc leave the ship. Finally she
left. The next day witness asked Dunn
for the woman's address and Dunn did
not know tt July II and July II ,he
again asaen - Dunn for Jier addrasa.
Dunn replied ' be knew her telephone
number but not her street number.
(Jearsal Special Service.)
San Francisco, Aug. II. A
member of the Arm of Balfour,
Guthrie St Co., which haa large
interests in Valparaiso, aald to
day that since tha fire he had
received no oommunlloatlon, but
that W. R. Grace Co., also'
large owners, received a tele
gram yesterday stating Ite ware
houses and slso thiae of Balfour,
Guthrie Co. have not burned
.yet ....-.:.;.; : -
. (Jearsal Special Servfce.) '
Sonora. Cal- Aue-. II. A destmettM
forest Are la still raging through the
section bounded by the south fork of
Stanislaus river and Rose creek. In
Tuolumne county. Already the burned
district covers nine miles in length
from Italian bar east and from ' one to
three miles in width.
Last night the fire Jumpsd across ths
south fork of the Stanislaus river and
a determined fight Is now being made
to aave tne mm and valuable Improve
ments of the Kelts mine. The progress'
of ths flamee haa. In a measure, been
checked on ' the west but thev are
sweeping to the east and south un
checked. The .Are la now on the edge
of the timber belt and a crew of fire
fighters left this morning for Confidence
and a determined fight will be made to
aave the valuable timber holdings there,
wnicn rep re Ben i miuiona.
(Special Dfcweteh te Tke
Pendleton. Or.. Aug. II. An unknown
man was killed, by train No.-1 a few
milea west of this city this mornlns-.
The body waa brought to thla city and
an Inquest la being held. - Efforts are
being made to find . out who he waa
He was on the track and waa killed bv
ine train. ....
. .... -
:'. v , -. ;;, ;
(Josraal Speelai Service.) '
Warsaw, Aug. II. Three bombs were
thrown Into ths carriage of the aov-
emor-general at A o'clock this morning.
two expioaea ana nouses In the neigh
borhood were damaged. None of tha
occupants of ths vehicle were 'killed.. '
Oyster Bay, Aug. II. The president
haa appointed Clair Hunt of Col vl lie,
Washington, to be special allottlna
agent of the Spokane reservation.
N ' (Jonraal Special Senlee.)
London, Aug. II. In an exploeton et
Ponycralg colliery, Walea, many minora
lost their lives. -
W. BU StrnhMe ne Jpcaeek, '
Rev. Wallace B. Strubble of Chicago
will preach at the union service In Haw
thorne park Sunday , evening, at T
o'clock. ' v
Stow Yery Slstreeelag. , .
mm the Kolnkwhe Selteng.
The satlrre' et Oersue Eeet Africa have
eetraetd the vulgar bMt et drlnklns anda
water Slreetly eat of - the twttlee losuaa et
Soaring It Bret Into S (Ian.
Te ekerk tkla tbe Bnvernswnt ernXala have
laned a reeslaNoe that ell satlvre Kwwil
oYlaklnf eat et kettles e-lll he lUble to aerere
enrporal pneUkewet er latprlaneiaeat. ieet re.
ailed eettlre ee sM keald led their way te
tastes wt Saropeaae. .
i i
Is Submitted to Jude Hunt, Who
WW Rendet Decision L!on.
day Morning;. ' Vxv
Declares Forrper United States At
v torner Used His Position to Be
friend Maya While Latter Waa Be
inc Investigated. -';
j ne piea in BDa lament mternaeafl M
Franklin Pierce Mays In -ths hone of
averting trial on the indictment charg
ing mm witn complicity in the Blue
mountain rmmmmnm. 1 - u...a ..w
..i..-u i tfuaa-v nun mis morning ror
decision. An affidavit In answer to the f
plea waa Sled by 8peclal Assistant At-
lorney-ueneral Francia J. Henev. This
u'luuitioii t .L'uw, jvnn xi. xi 111 ox us
ing his position aa United States At
torney to befriend Maya while (the lat
ter waa pelng invest!
tion with the first Puter-McKlnley eon- '-
' Prosecutor Heney makes oath on In
formation and belief that Maya aaked -Hall
to induce Fred O. Buffum to serve
on the grand jury and that Hall did aa
requested. It is set- forth' that this
waa dene with the belief that Buffnm'e
friendship for Mays would tnduoe him '
to vote against tha indictment of Maya
Buffum had Intended to aak to be ex-
euaed. but he coneented to serve, end
Heney avere that he conscientiously
performed hie duties. At the time men- .
tinned Edwin P. Maya, brother of the
aerenaant, was a oepuiy in Hall a office.
" Maya, In hla plea tn abatement at-
Jurars FreS G. Buffum, because be did
not take' the oath at the flrst meeting.'
of the grand Jury: Gorge Gustln, Jo-
seph Essner and Frank Bolter. It waa
alleged that Gustln was not a eitisen
and that Keener and Bolter were not on'
the assessment Boll. . Sine then It naa
asvsiopea inai uusxin naa long neaa a
eltlaen, that. Essner waa on the assess-1.'
msnt roll and that Bolter paid taxes, al
though not in hla own name.
Prosecutor Heney In bla affidavit sets
forth that Maya was kept posted, oa tha
doings of the grand Jury, that he Investigated-
the quallftcatlona of . the
Jurors and. that he could have raised his :
objectlona long before a plea-In abate
ment waa barred by the atatute of 11m-
lUl.lOIM. . -
' Prosecutor Heney and W. Lair Hill. '
xns laiivr maaing nup xirsc appearmoca
aa attorney ror Slavs In tne Blue lfoun-
tain ease, argued tha plea this morning.
The government aaked that the plea be
stricken from the rues on the ground
that It had been offered too late. Judge .
Hunt took tha matter under advisement. :
and will render a decision Monday, morn.
in v which ia tne uma set ror rna trial
of Mays and hla alleged fellow eon
sptratora, George Sorenson and Wlllard -
M. Jones. .. rW."
Marriago , ' to Obsouro - Thosplan
Followed ; " by Contraot v
. V With Dillingham.
(Josraal Speetal Servlea)
New York. Aug.- la. After oeopera
tion with eight ether managera, Charles
B.' Dillingham haa algned a Ave years'
contract with Mre. Leal la Carter, who
wae dropped by David Belaeoo after her
recent marriage to an In conspicuous
actor named Payne. . Although It haa
been reported that Belaeoo would dis
cipline Mra Carter and retain her, tt
waa evident In .theatrical eirelee all .
along that the very profitable and er
tlstlcally successful association of the
two. waa ended.
It le understood that Bolasco'e rea
sons for dropping Mrs. Carter are that
her art had become unsatisfactory to
him; aha alwaya needed careful super
vision, otherwise bar manners and
faults became too pronounced; that
while he waa prepared to exercise all
superintendence over the aotreea, he waa
vt grweaB wva v w aw w aswis wnw w
a complicated situation with a hue
band. . - -
Dillingham's contraot calls for the ex
ploitation of the actress in a play by
October 1. He has net decided what the
play will be. t He doee not even know
when and where he will get a theatre
for her new play.--He has a Isaae en 1
Wallack'a theatre, but has already -booked
It for much of the season. - Mrs.
Carter will probably play a road en
' (Josraal Special Servfc-e.) ' 1 '"'
; St. Petersburg, Aug. II. The peasants
in Astrskdsn provlnoe have seised the
land and driven out the proprietors.
They are '' prepsred to defend their
possession and troops have been aent "
out.- '.-: -. ' -' -" 4 ' ;' ''.
Relnforcementa of Ave battalions have
been aent to Warsaw to suppress f the
rlote, , ' - ..'..' ; ,?;
' ' (Jeeraal Special Service.)
Atlanta. Oa.. Aug. II. The Evening -Newe,
owned by Colonel English, chief
of staff of Governor, TyralU offers Ita
readers 11.000 for a lynching In At
lanta and lauds the South Csrollna mob
and aaya "honor" may come to Georgia
next. It aays: "Those South Carolina
petrlots upheld the honor and tradlAona -.
of their Btate." "
- f-
' W. at. West Bead.
. funnt. Or.. Aug. ,11. W. H. West
an aged farmer1 residing four miles '
north of Eugene, died yesterday at, the
age of II years. He leaves a wife and .
several cniiaren,- ine isiier oeing in tne
east He has resided here a number of
yeara and wae a nigniy reepectod eiti
sen. He wss a memoer or tne uroer of
Odd Fellows, holding s certificate n the
lodge at Clearwater, Nebraska, i r
' Milwaukis Country Club.
'' Eaetera and ' Seattle races. Take
Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First
a.1 Alder. -, .
. gteferred gtoek Oaaaed e)eesV
Allea Lewis' Best Brans. . .
r m - ----