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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
daily jour.::AL, rcJ.TLAi.'D. Saturday cvr;iiHO. august is. it:: 7 SUMMER RSS0RT8. " ' hwul tsieaerfkeaa Saa lae " MtTMl 0a Ml O foUld.. loaa o,S eaA VMi. A tlat ew. rr aaUrarj U1 W hiatal 4. roes 4uM frwe ear ea-eat toeee palate wUl MM praaapu? t,ae- ii OHO SKACS Zests Ookon, eetit . keadaaartan at Ilwwee, ul. B llrerr eTl potxta tw MA , ZAglfcl AhD GiAAAAAf PAW f v W. . Wkitauta, Wat I heaaaaarteie " at lewte Oe.'e Ana iW, leaeiae, 0i SoUrer to all palate ea K nwroii in TAfttmrA HiTT . DlvelMae, bows ! Oerteliie . . Iuur nllnU, , auarters at MewpeH, Or. Deliver to all jpatate ea th to oh. - WILHOil SrAlAiJS T. W, 1UIMH, Mast, WUiart, Or. - - 01 LAXS Jiet Laaa Saaituiaa 0. ' scent. Sot Lake, Or. ' CAkgOW, WASH,. Mtaaral larias-S JU- ' tal Co., afwnta. CASOASX, WAAKv Tkaaua Xoffett. aceat. COLL Lint mu nxnros. wash. 0. X. laW, aeat, (MUaa. Weak. TOinoHn Avvfxiaim. true...... Grand .... "Tbe March lac Itealmeot" VaaoeTllle Vaudeville Rev. O. B. Hswes, who la supplying the pulpit of ths First United Preeby - tarlan church, is-revlsltine; the scene of ins laoors, axier an aosenoa ox nearly eight years. He was pastor of ths church for about seven years, and dar- . Ing that time was a well-known figure n cuurcn circles. Bines leaving nan Mr. Hawss has been pastor of the First United Presbyterian church of ' Brad dock. Pennsylvania, This Is ths old his torlo point whers General Edward Brad dork waa AafaataH In USA Mr. Hewaa' . horns la on ths edge of ths - battle ground. Ho Is ths secretary of an or ganisation which Is now taklne? steps to mark this historlo point. Ths eon- - gregatlon of which ha Is pastor is one of the strongest snd most aggresslvs congregations in ths denomination. Last Sunday there were many of Mr. Hawss former mends In tha city out to greet him. ;, y , v" , " ' ' a Xt faira of Los Angeles . commercial orgnaisauons seem not 10 oe in m con .dltion as prosperous as might be. A IAa Anaalaa nawananaa vafMirta that tha local Commercial club, being unable to raise $3.(00 . to satisfy a dsbt to the .' V , i v.ri i l the club rooms have boon closed. An ' effort la belug mads to sail ths stock of the club, which la said Is valued at 1 11,000. No reason Is assigned for the placing of this valuation on tha stock pf a club that wss unable to raise 12.100. Officials of tha dun ara trr. Ing to settle Its total liabilities, amount- ini to s,uv, ana reorganise onaer otner and fairer auspices.. .. No Mead for ths big. . grouchy-looking bull buffalo In ths City park soa to be a bachelor much longer. A mats Is on her way from Ravllll, Montana, and will bo added to the boo within a fsw days.- Tha present occupant of ths pen lias loqksd vsry sulky for a long time, and he will undoubtedly welcome com pany. Tbe female buffalo has boon pur chased by ths park board from B. H. Dennlson, and has been ordered shipped without delay. Bha will coot the city . aoout mi oy ins urns ana la in tne.aoo. ,-..Wr -J. Williams waa arraigned before i Judge Ftaser In the circuit court thla morning and pleaded guilty to a stat utory offense with Mrs. Catherine Long. William Folay, attorney for Williams. atated to ths court that Wllllama had always been a hard-working man and that thla wad hi first offense. . The man was sentenced to to days In ths county jail. Mrs.-Long pleaded guttty-t- Jlorae of ths Good Shepherd. . Charles W. Henderson, manager of the Washington, D. C, office of the J. C. Los' company, was In the city on Fri day, accompanied ' by Captain Robert Bodler, a capitalist from Washington City. They left thla city on Friday . evening with Mr. J. C. Leo to vlatt tha Great Northern mines In the Blue river district, the Lee's creek, mines In Doug las county and ths Sterling mine In Slaklvou countv. California. Excursion Olvsn' by ths it. Johns Cltlsens' Band. Sunday, August' It. 101, on steamer Beaver up the Colum bia rtver to Washougal, Washington. Steamer will atop at St. Johns, Llnnton and Vancouver and three hours n will be had. at Washougal. Baseball and other sports. Refreshments will be served on ths boat. Tlcksts f 1. Every body come. You'll get your money's . At ine First unitarian rniirxh .- nth And Yamhill atreets, tomorrow. Rev. K. W. St Pierre, superintendent of the Oregon Prisoners' Aid society, win tsia on prison wora. . Rav. st jrierre i cnspisin at ins penitentiary at Salem.', .... ;--.'vv . Chief Deputy County Clerk H. C. Smith haa found a novel way Of spend ing his vacation.' In company with Wilbur O. Kerns he will walk from Hlllsboro to Tillamook,' and along ths beach to Seaelda. . Mr. Smith thinks by ths time they reach Seaside they I RI G FOSTUNrS COXNER STCXE You cannot' erect a building ex cept ,jrou (lrst have a foundation." If fortune be the structure begin with - saving ss- your corner- ?tons. In no othsr wsy Is your uture financial suocsss possible. . If ' you wslt for some "lucky strike" to bring you wealth you, will bo disappointed. - Good for tune is for those who who earn their right to It who have some msans of their own with which to take advanlags ' of some fortunate clrcumstsnce and turn It Into wealth. Opta a Essk Accocst New And add a little to It from week to wsek or month to month, snd you will soon discover that you are a fortune builder. WE I PER PAY li CENT Interest ca Savte;s Deposits Banking hours, t a. m. to t p. m. Saturdays, t a. m. to $ p. m. The Citizens Dank 10 OBAaTS ATMWUM. , J. It. LAMPORT....... President A. W. LAMBERT.... -....Cashier Earthquakes wrerk poor Chile and tha firee ilrbt the skr Zaohary la auiity a-sweerinf to a 11a. Labor unlona laka a shot Unci Can- noa's boom, Bryan' a presidential plant . la . almost now In bloom A atlly pair la married while they're whirling at the Oak a. Tha eountjr court determines It will feed Ita prison blokes. . Ch)caao'a amlii - mas-tots at Its 1 lunches at aaloona. Hops ara seUlnc hlsbsr than (Or many, many moons. . Oh, tha busy world Is busting full Of ' Interesting; naws. Like. "The Union Laundry's washing; clothes for all of those whs chooae To hare their linen polished and re turned as whits as milk, , Every man and woman shouting, 'Say, this work Is fine as silk!'" '! " 'union iuacndrt... ' Tel. Main !. Second and Columbia. Our ... attam-heate'd polishers nsvsr scotch ths clothes.- ... will have had. all ths walking they heed and will ' return to Portland , by rail. Each will carry ' a. pair of blankets, and they will sleep under the trees wherever night overtakas them. They expect to segur food from ths' farm houses by the way. Messrs. Smith and Kerns will be absent, from - the olty about two weejes. . In an endeavor to prevent any at tempt on the part of the saloon proprie tors In the city to rearrange the Inte rior of their resorts so as to accommo date women. Captain Brulnf yesterday lssusd an order to all patrolman calling their attention-to the ordinances rela-1 tlvs to such places. The policemen are ordered to make reports - of saloons where women constitute considerable portion of the patrons and alao those resorts where gambling la oarrled on. The Inspector assigns as a reason for thla. action the Information whloh he haa received that there waa some dis position to lift ths "lid" by ths liquor men. and that despite the Increase of gambling .the police have made no re ports ef thla form of vice. . Bruin de clares that ha Intends to sea that ths laws- are obeyed and -that the patrol men must obey the order lssusd.- Mrs. J. F, Colburn, residing at 17 Tsnth street, reported to the .police laat night that she was badly frightened by an unknown man who entered her resi dence about 11 O'clock. ' Tbe fellow was found In Mrs. Colburn'o apartment by a servant and upon being questioned, as to the reason for his presence there did "not vouohsafs any explanation, but took his departure and walked up. the street. Hs returned In a few minutes and was discovered peering under tbe blinds. The police were notified, but could And no traoe of the man and are at a lose to determine whether he wss bent on robbery or contemplated an as sault ,, j Addison Pottsr haa begun suit in the circuit court to recover 1777 from Ta turn A Bowen, alleged to be due for services rendered as salesman. Potter states that he contracted with Tatum A Bowen In 1(01 to work for them five years at $150 per month. He says they paid him at that - rate until August, 101, when they reduced bis salary to $115 per month, and paid that only till April of this ysar. C. M. 1 diem en and H, Thomllnaon appear as his attorneys. '' Spscial Excurelon Rates on O. W. P. Tomorrow. To Oresham, II cents: all polnta east of Qreshsnv to and Includ ing Eatacada, M centa round trip. Din ner at Hotel Eatacada, ft cents. Dana ng In the pavilion; music by Brown's orchestra. Cars with trailers leave First and Alder streets T:I0, :$0. 11:10 1:10, l:i. 1:44, 7:1. Tickets must be purchased, on sale In waiting-room. The chimpanzee : of J. J. Lambert, which played havoc with ths peace and happiness of the family of Marks Ryhe of 4I( 1 Clay . atreet, yesterday mornlhgMrentaken-tothe - City Park boo by Mr.' Lambert It la ths first aps to enter the park, and Is much larger than any of the members ot the Simian tribe there, now. Charging desertion beginning In Feb ruary, 1104, Isaac Wslnstetn haa begun suit In the circuit court for a divorce from Ida Welnstsln. Welnstsin asserts that he has frequently asked his wlfs to return to him, but thst shs hss re fused. They were married In New York, in November, 1101. - Articles of Incorporation of ths -National Rope Computing Machine com pany have been fried In ths office of tbe county clerk iy Charles , A. Benbow, George W. Lynch and Ev C Warren. Thsy have patented a rope computing machine and will . manufacture them here. Capital stock. $14,000. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours of and I a. m. and I and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets If ussd contrary to thess rulsa, or waste fully. It will be shut tff. . Now is the time to order your new suit before the stock is .picked over. Ws have Just received a large shipment of all the latest materials for gentlemen. Any suit In the bouse to order for $2$, no more, no less. Satisfaction guar anteed. Unique Tailoring company, $01 Stark, near Sixth. Alblna camp No.' 111. W. cCw.. hss filed articles of Incorporation in the office of the county clerk. There are j five trustees, W. I Cunningham. W. C. North, J. M. Farmer, J. R.-Hems worth And R. T. Byrnes. Ths sstlmated value of the property of the camp Is $$,$00.- Artlcles of Incorporation of the Port land Mssssngsr 4V Delivery company were filed In the office of the county clerk this morning by Nelson S. Bbr lind, Alexander A. Oiler and B. B. Fanrlngton. Capital stock $$,000. A River Ride Sunday. Qo for a trip up the Columbia to Cascade Locks and return1 on -steamer Bailey Gatsert Leaves Alder strset dock at Rs turns $:$0 p. m. Dinner,, $ cents. Fare $1. Phone Main $14. ; ' Articles of Incorporation Of the Wil lamette Tent a Awning company have been filed' in the office of the county clerk by HI Henry Wemtne, Msx 8. Hlrsch and H. A. Wets. Capital stock, $100,000. : , ' , Oregon City Boats. Sunday trips from Taylor street leaves $:10, 11:10 s. m., $:$0 p. m. Last boat back at $:I0. Bring your frlands for a nlcs river rida Round trip 2$ cents, . Concrete Construction Co.. 701 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers ef concrete stone blocks. Contractors for al kinds ef cement work. Tel Msln H0. Japanese Auto Dust Compound for sweeping. A highly meritorious article, F. E. Beach 4 Co.. 11$ First street Armstrong, the tailor, rooms 10 and 11 Raleigh btilldln Sixth and Washington streets. Phone Pacific 3$Xt I. A wsgnn belonging to M. Bid Son, driven by Frank Major, was struck Maa i .v lU IS 1wiiiiiiJ i 1 v '. - .""' , ': Forspaujh-Sells Brothers Showt Coming; for Performances . Monday and Tuesday. r Tomorrow morning tha Adam' Fore-paugh-Sella - Bros." circus will reach Portland. Ths work of earing for .ths horses and soological collection will oc cupy the attention of, the workmen to morrow. Work on the show tent will not begin until Monday morning a! day breakall must be in resdlness for,4hs street parade which leaves the lot at 1:10 o'clock, then all the rare, unique and wonderful things that have been promised on paper will become a reality. The airy 1 riders .who. in dlsphsnous skirts, have been pirouetting on the ex panslvs backs of tremendously speeding circus horses on the billboards will be seen in . all the gorgeousncss of tulle and seductive smile. Tbe els phsntta will occupy thslr plotured acts of a comedy and go them one better. Captain Webb's ' two ' companlss of (rained seals snd sea lions will show the wondering world that when it oomes to learning new tricks ths circus seal is a dyed-ln-the-wool , expansionist; the contortionist will , proceed to disen tangle himself from ths knots he tied in his responsive limbs last ysar; tbs acrobatic family. In attire at least-frssh from ths ballroom, will turn dlssy somersaults in defiance of long dresses and swanow-tanCosts7nd the clown will work off his time-honored comedy on the confiding audience. , "A', There Is nothing - on earth . In the amusement line Ilka ths circus. It Is the people's snow par excellence, r The expert knows what Is coming every minute of ths show, but hs wouldn't hsve . it changed for the world. Tbs very conventionalism of much of ths performance Is what makes If so de lightful. - The merit In a big circus such ss that of Forepaugh-Sells is in ths fsct thst everything in ths show Is ths very best of the. kind. p There must inevitably be riding acta, but the riders are tha leaders of Their profession. ' There must be aorobats, but the acrobat lo artists and .aerlaltsts are gathered from the world wide and are the best thst money can secure. It la this superiority In the quality of the performers that makes Forepaugh-Bella' circus the great institution It Is. It Is a colossal affair, but mere Immensity would not suffice without a great arenlc performance to sustain, ths Interest of ths public. A great deal of preliminary Interest hss been aroused by the coming of the show arid circus dsy will be a great day In every sense or the wora. by a car of the Sunnyslds line at Bast Sixth and Morrison -atreets last night snd ths vehicle considerably damaged. The car was In charge of Motorman Stiles and collided with the wagon with such fores aa to completely shattsr one of the front wheels.. The horses and drtver escaped Injury. , ..- , Trolley Outing Tomorrow on O. W. P. To Oregon City and Canemaa park SB cents round trip. Foresters' picnic at Canemah park. Cars with trailers leavs First and Alder atreets on the odd hour and every 40 minutes. Tickets must be purchased, on sale, In waiting-room. Rational divine healing, embracing natural, mental and aptrltual law. Ask for explanatory pamphlet Esst 161. Rsv. P J. Gffen, B4 East Twenty-sixth street, , Vv .- .... -, : .'..', -A ' .'. ' . Watches, diamonds - And Jewelry on essy psyments; $1 down, $0o a week. Don't go without a good timepiece. Metxger A Co., Ill Sixth street , Launches to the Oaks, every few min utes every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south side bridge, foot Morrison street - - Milton A. Nathans, attorney, $000 Stelner street. San Francisco. Commis sions promptly executed. Insurance ad Justed.'; . : ; . .. . Japo. Ths Japanese Antl-Duat Com pound for sweeping. F. E. Beach Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., agents. Phone 1$$4. '., a ' . . :.'.'.'. Acme OH Ca sells ths best safety coal oil and fine gasolines. ' Phone East T$$. , Richards' elegsnt Sunday French din ner, with wine, $1 per cover, 4 to $:10. Woman's exchange, 1$$ Tsnth street lunch. ll:$0 to $. "T Rental Signs. Ansley Printing Co. CONCERT AT CITY . PARK TOMORROW The Park band will render the follow ing popular program at City Park to morrow afternoon at 1:10 -p. m.: ... , , March "Spirit , of . Independence" .... .4 .....,,... .r ransis nicmer Walts "Vienna' Bloods". Strauss Overture "Fcstivsl" E. Lassen Morceau Characteristic "The Vision", .Von Blon Excsrpta from, "Rlgolet to"....... Verdi Intermission. Paraphrase "Nearer My God to Thee" Langley Scenes from "Fsusf. ......... .Oounod Intermesso "Ooean Breexes", .Herbert Tld-hlts from 'Woodland" (rsquest) . . i I . Luders Two-Step "Love of Liberty". .Scout on ' Charles L. Brown, conductor. Chinese Leper will be sent to china . Wong Sue. the Chinese leper. Is to go back to China next month if tha plans of Dr. Wheeler, city health officer,, can be carried out. i The Chinees government. It seems, provides transportation home to decrepit Chinese, and , arrangements are now being, made by which the leper will be sent to Seattle early next month, and on September $ leave the United States for China. Until that time he will be eared for In a cottage on the property of ths county near ths county poor form. Some time todsy he will br tsken from his shark back of the Multnomah held by William Beutelspacher, deputy health of Acer. , 1 "",'.'. , Building Vsrmltg. The following permits have been Is sued: B. F. Stephens, one-story dwell ing. Bancroft between Front and First cost $1.1"$; Thomas:. Brady, repairs. Minnesota avenue between Beech and FalUng. cost $160; W. A. Benedict, re pairs, . Minnesota avenue, corner Simp son, cost $10; J. H. Reeves, repairs, Washington between Fifth and Sixth, cost $600; ' Mra L. A. Carter, two story dwelling, Ross between Dixon and Dupont, cost $1,000; G. Abendroth, two-story dwelling, Vaughn bet wees) Thirty-first and Thirty-second, cost $.$$; MseMssters, repairs, Tilla mook between East Thirteenth and East Fourteenth, cost $100; Sam -Wagner. repairs. Twenty-third between Northrup and Overton, eost $0k OiMCOn IKS 17ATER FAL1I0E Residents Unable to Get Enough ' fo'r Domestic Use, They . Declare. WATER COMPANY SAYS : ' SUPPLY IS WASTED People Sty Pipes Art Empty From . Pour o'Clock in Afternoon' Until Ten st Night and Are Beginning -to Ttlk Annexation. ',; .' . .Beat. Side Department The ong dry spell has at last told on the water supply of ths towns along ths Mount Scott car Una Some weeks ago, when the shortage ef water waa being generally felt On the east slds, " ths Mount Scott towns wore congratulating themselves upon having an abundant supply of water for all purposes. In cluding irrigation. Now the cry of no water is general In that section. Be tween the hours of 4 and 10 p. m. not a I drop will run through hot water tanks. and for Intetvala or 7ioursmrs -thne-no water, hot or cold, will come from ths faucets. ... Tbs Woodmsre Water company, that Is' eupplylng water to this entire dis trict, reports that the water has been on in full force since hot weather began. The company insists that water In plenty haa been furnished at all times, but that the scarcity la dus sntlrsly to the wanton and malicious wsste by Jin governable consumers. ' . Sams of the residents 'of the district have signified thslr intention of refus ing to pay full rates for what has been far from a full supply. The water ahortags in this district has renewed the talk of bslnglng Bull Run water Into that territory.' The Mount Scott News tskss ths position that It Is not Imper ative that ths district be annexed to the city of Portland before Bull Run water cant supplied. The whole Mount Scott territory Is discussing th question of annaxatlon and Bull Run water. - There are many who are opposed to coming into the city, yet want the city's water. The prevailing sentiment seeme to be favorable to annaxatlon as the only so lution of the watsr question. It Is sd mltted thst If ths district continues to grow as It haa in the past year It will be Impossible for ths present system to supply drinking wster, much less a suf ficient quantity for general domestic purposes. i Chief of Police Brsdson of St Johns" Is having an unusual amount Of troubla In enforcing proper respect for his offi cial dignity. On several occasions'. re cently tbs chief hss had a hard time In preventing' ths friends of a lawbreaker under arrest from effecting a rescue before he could land his chsrge ssfely In the Hotel do Thorndyke. The latest Instance of this kind In volved one Frank McGee, who wss ar raigned before the recorder yesterday on the charge of rant taking the chief seriously when he waa engaged in the discharge of hla official duty. It aeems that a friend of McGee' e got on a hilari ous drunk, and while Chief Bredson waa escorting him to Jail McGee came to his friend's rescue. The chief, however, wielded ' his willow effectively . and landed the pair behind the bars. Recorder Thorndyke held McGee to await tha action of the next grand Jury, fixing hla ball at $500, in default of which he wss committed to the county Jail. - The chief snd the recorder hsve formed a compact the object of which is to teach tha friends of St. Johns' malafsctors that this playful habit of ) attempting to rescue prisoners must os cut out. v Cltja Engineer W. W. Goodrich of St. Johns announces that hs - intends to stand by his deputies, Elliott and Score-In. that they ara the most competent men that he can And and that he does not Intend to; be driven by a panlo- strlcksn council Into doing the very thing that will most please hla enemies. . It has been conceded thst the msyor hss the sole authority of removal, and Mayor Valentine haa announced that ha is entirely satisfied with the work of Engineer uooancn anq his deputies ana has no Intention of. disturbing their tenure of office. The 8t Johns engineering department Is pursuing ths even tenor of its way Just ss if ths town had nsver been near Internecine strife because of the alleged derelictions of Engineer Goodrich and his Assistants;- - : A way haa been found by which the Improvement of Hsyes street, recently held up by- injunction, msy - proceed without fear of the city's sustaining a serious loss. The property-holders on this street have nearly all signed a waiver, which allows ths work to pro ceed notwlthstsnding the Injunction of ths circuit court.. 1 In speaking of ths street grades es tablished. Engineer Goodrich confirms the statement msde to Ths Journal by Deputy Engineer Bcoggln, "that street grades must bs made to conform to the requirements of proper drainage and that these protests came from people who were Ignorant of the technicalities of street engineering." Recorder Thorndyke of St. Johns Is determined to make a New England vil lage out of that city so far as profans or vulgar language on Its streets Is con cerned. There is but ons offense that ths recorder looks upon ss being more serious thsn public profsntty, and that Is resisting an officer. The' recorder says thst hs Intends to have St. Johns' streets so that the most refined snd dellcste- ear will not be offended by having to listen to unseemly or boister ous language, much less profanity. i A number of arrests, hsvs recently been msde for violating the antl-pro-fanlty ordinance and In every Instance the recorder has assessed a stiff fine. accompanied with a lecture warning the offender not to spnear before him charge with a second offense. Some of the St, Johns rounders are so panic- stricken over the recorder's attitude thst they are thinking of adopting the sign language. It Is not Improbable thst In a few dsys a stranger dropping Into the peninsula city - would fancy himself In the mountains with Rip Vsn' Winkle, or suddenly transported to a country Inhabited only with deaf mutes. : : Whsthsr the city purchases Mount Tabor as a site for a 40,000,000-gallon reservoir and east side psrk Is the all absorbing question over ths Willamette. It la said tbst options on $0 scree of the mount have been secured In the past few days, pteparatory to turning them over to ths city. The price at which the land may now be taken over la much higher thsn It could have been acquired for one year ago. Councilman Kellaher IS snthuslsstlcslly interested In the project He sees much more thsn a park ami 'a reservoir site on the mount. His lria Is to make Bui) Run water light the city Why means of a ") Commrvatlo Cmatodlam" SIMM SAVKGS'DANX . Payg "4 per cent interest on savings accounts, compounded emtannually. Pays 4 per cent interest on yearly and 3 per cent on six months' time de posit. -' v'. . ' '' " .v Call and tee vs . at our . new banking ' rooms . in the Labbe building, corner of Second and Washington streets, for further ' particulars. V ' " rricxM aits ezmsoroBst ANDREW C. SMITH. President DAVID M. DUNNE, Vice-President. LANSING STOUT, Cashlsr. C. B. BE WALL. Assistant Cashier. ' JOHN DRISCOLL AND E. C . GQDDARD. turbine wheel waterpower plant at' the foot of Mount Tabor. ' The councilman would like to sea established a huge municipal light power and water plant at the foot of Mount Tabor, all of which amuM ha AmratMl with Maw Ah- tamed from Bull Run.1 An addrMonaH Incentive to the purchase of Mount T s bor ta the fact that over 1,000,000 cubic yarda of dirt from the mount would be available for making - Alls - In - the lower district near tbe river. , It may be said that no park prop erty can be purchased by the olty until after the city election next June, when the question msy be submlttsd to ths votsrs. , . ; .. .. A party of nawcomsrs bought it lots recently In Reservoir Addition, on ths Mount Soott-car line. Every purchaser is aa immsdlate homebullder, and all agreed at the time the lota were pur chased to begin building operations at ones. This ta but a sample ef the great building activity now on . la that dis trict 1 At Crsston, near Anabel, 70 lots In one addition were sold in ths past $0 daya, and residences already have been atarted on a number of them. ' Captain Hanson of the Sunnyslds firs department recently purchased seven acrea of land Just south of and near Lenta, which he Intends to convert Into a beautiful country home, and wUl move there with hla family. The Mount Scott. News hss inaugu rated a crusade against defacing build ings, especially buslnssa bouses, with large-lettered advertising matter. In the course of. an article discussing ths objectionable practice, the News says: "There is scarcely any one thing that atands out so repulslvs and that ao flagrantly flaunts its own cheapness and Inconsistency aa the Jumbled1 mass of outdoor advertising matter ' with which ths environs of . Portland is cursed." , . . . The News deprecates the fact that ownera of handsome buildings sllow them to be defaced in this manner for tha few dollsrs they get In return from the advertising compSny. The News is swsre of the fact that lta motives. In denouncing this custom will be impugned, but avows Its willing' ness to bear the odium, If thereby It can lieIjMi0vrrwnhlewj'M,lc SB. M. 9. ronroir, aatnropatk. (I IT IS A WONDER FO 13 TXAT SO KAgT nrFAJfTS STTBTIVB TS3 lOaTOBAaTOa OF vxin MOTXIH," Is the wsy a skilled nurss put It this week. If the child "nestles" shout and appears nervous It Is dosed with medi cine. If It cries, It is medicine.' If the least things happens to it, its stomach la surfeited with drugs. BBVOS ABB A XBWACS TO TBS BBAX.TB OF ABT BVKAB BBXBO, And there are not many stomachs that can stand this everlsstlng drenching with the nauseous decoctions that go under the name of "Medicines." t AM A BATVBOPATBXO BOOTOB, ABB BlOTOr BO BBVOS AT ABB. By my method the stomach Is not made sick, no poisonous drugs' are ad ministered that form the basis of one disease while being taken to cure an otherand with my treatment the pa tient Is 0&BABX.T OVBaa, FVXSX.Y CVBSB, lllTIPJUT CUBSO, rSBMA BXBTX.T CTTBSD, Without an atom of drugs or surgical operation. , WHAT BZSBASBS BO I TBBATf All manner of affllctlona. eepeclally rheumatism and blood dlsssses, stomach troubles, lumbago, Insomnia and nsr vousness, headaches, all classss of fe male diseases, children's complaints, etc Kind friends whom I have cured have supplied ma with numerous testimonials which msy be seen by any. Interested person. Dr. N. J. Fulton ATVB0ATX. 315 TWELETH STREET Ceraer Oar. see slack frsej M il. ear, eae froai I Itk street ear. It frets JeffsrseB eat. , Tilaskeas Mala tlU. ' , l,--if:iJ"ifiiilSiWiisi'iii1 ifci iirTwsaT Imii Mpwiw$$aiUjli THOUSANDS IN USE A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY T ft . IPiup ' ' ."'( . . WITH PATENT OLASS VALVES. SEAT and EX PANSION BUCKET THE PUMP THAT PUMPS . HAND PUMPS Kitchen. Sink or Cistern Pumps deep and shallow well, single and double-act-;. ing Pumps Two carloads now on the way. We offer. Pumps at prices that make them sell. Pump water, saw wood, grind your grainr"Will do almost any work on the farm and never get tired or complain of long hours. Over one thousand STOVER Engines ui use in the Northwest. WHY? They give satisfaction. THAT'S WHY Large Stock Car Just Potatoes; Spuds or Mu rphys Are one and the same thing, but not so with the machine that digs them. There's a difference. The principal dif ference is that the HOOVER Digger is better than other THE HOOVER The Palles. Or., lass 11 lane. Sexton Walter C'e.. ' Tbe Dalles, Or. ' flentletaea: la retard to roar ene tloe aa to the nerlta ef the Hnorar Fotate Plssw, I will ear the machine la ss reptraenteS. I hars no faalt to lad. So far It has proves tat laactor jr. Teura reeoaetrfllu-. 0. r. SA17DBRS. . Hew Era. Or., Jiae IB, ltoe. Hitrtiell. Iwla Surer 0e Pnrttaaa, Or. Pear Sir.: Yours aaklng waat t . think ef tha RnnTer Potato. Plr at nil. I have seed ae tor ahont taa fears snd It Is the only food differ hat I hare erer sees work. I broiht a Rnorar Jr. laat fall tor tor brother, and ka like. It rerf wall. I ennalder, It s food tmprat.taetit ever the old HoeT.r, snd I wools avtae horlns the Hoorer Jr., aa I eatler It te ba tbe seat potato Sler oa the- tasrket. xosra trslr, . ' , UBO. H. SBOWX. . JUNIOR MEDIUM I ml senior r - 1 ' :- ...... A ' : u .... ...... ......"!. i : C.ARLOAD JUST IN "We buy Urge quantities And , make low prices - : - MBit ATTACHMMT stow In Prices Reasonable POTATO DIGGER ' Seavartos. Or., Way , IM lfltrhsll. Lewis a Suvar Co., PnrtlatMl, Or. Oontleava: I daelra to state tfeat f hare seed a. rami kloda of poialo Sers and hare found twee te equal tha HooTer. It will work sat lee. fully where o Chora fall. Treat It rlakt aad It will mat Tea rlsht. , . , '.-''. . tears trolr, abchib a. rnts. Mllvankla. Or., sae tT. MM. ' Hltrbell. Iwla A lurer te,, -Portland, Or. Oentlanteai la raptr ta roars ef . Jane 14. ahoat the work et tbe Hoover , Potato IMggar. will ea wa kare ism4 the olff-r eTarr year Stains Ike eaa Soa for tke laat fnar year., lrltk a at-' fanes or rapalra. Tba Sl(tr Soot) e eelleat work,, follow la ( a elantee. hat will sot dls erookeS row a, alastea HS . a planter or hj aant. as it eaa't fol low tbe abort carree. Ws ara watt pleaeea with it. . Terr tratv jnem. . jusxM aaos. ,. FIRST AND TAYLC: STREETS Portland, onzcr: ..... ... Drench at Cn F1 amHiuf. I ; SPtWT J I - - - l$ums llXM0g l - imsni it Y : v