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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
V ' p. - satuksay zvz::i::g. august ,13, i;::. Ml A A AUSTRIAN ELiFEllOR OBSERVES SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY rrv til CONSISTING OF r DISHES WASHING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS CUTLERY HOES' - ' GARDEN HOSE V GLASSWARE -. ( , . WASHTUBS GRANITEWARE ' . , , AXES ,. :" ' . '', r PITCHFORKS ' ' j ROPE . - RANGES WASHBOARDS"" ; i TINWARE . MEAT CHOPPERS GRINDSTONES SINKS - ' "' ,"' COOKING STOVES - WRINGERS . WASHBOILERS ? SHOVELS v : ; SCYTHES " r';:- ' " '.:' x GAS PIPE ' GAS RANGES . OIL RANGES j HEATERS ! SEWING MACHINES ' BIRD CAGES . SPADES 6 " LAWN MOWERS lamps. . Juds Fanton to Eract Clj Dulld- V Inj Jutt North of Oak '" : -:' ". ere.e.e "?". "'" WILL BE MADE FOR RETAIL CONCERNS ': , I II -'. ' ' '' ' .-' ' . " Owner of Property Believe Seventh ' Street la Destined to Be. in Center 1 'of Great Shopping District Within ' " Few Years. - : . . V '".''' ' And Hundred! of Other Articles of Merchandise Uiually Found in a First-Clasa Hardware Store of Years of Business Activity. - , Our Ilardware Deparbnent Has Deen Removed to 130 First Strccl ' . Our own building, but the above merchandise is still at our old, stand. Odd Fellows' Temple, First and Alder, and is on sale at the above address -until our lease expires on the premises.j Rather than move this stock WEJHAVE' REDUCED PRICES ON EVERYTHING, IN THAT. DEPARTMENT1 10 "TO"25 PER-"CENT--end -shall continue the eduction u'ntlj we vacate the -buildinf. -z , 7 ;; '; Z : "Ztl7-Z . . r. . -j c cu daily jsunr nTTTnTT I III 111,11 8E11III8IB II i it '1 Seventh street U to hsvs a six or seven story steet frame-traHdlna end -It will be erected by Judge W. 1. Kenton, .who recently purchased from Mr. Rogers of Bslsm the property on- the west side of Seventh street Just north of Oak. "While Judge Fenton hae decided to build such. a structure it will probably not be erected for a year or two. His Idea fs to make ths building a large mercantile store, believing that Seventh Street Is to. bo one of the leading thor oughfare In the, elty,- especially, when the lines of the United Railways are built in that street hTe lot on which the building will be erected1 is nicely adapted for rental pur poses. ' It . has - a face of 80 feet on Seventh street and runs back to Ankeny street,' having a face on that street of about to feet, thus providing for a rear entrance." The property was purchased laat November by Mr. Rogers for 000. therefore the SSt.OOO he received from Judge Fenton shows an advance of it, 000 In less than a year. ' . Good Slock Xs Bold. The block bounded by 'Twelfth, Thir teenth. Iettygrove and Qulmby streets, owned by Richard Koehler, has been sold to local capitalists, whose names are withheld for tho present. The price of the Portland at Seattle railway. The property adjoins tho proposed terminals of tbs Portland and Seattle railway. Tho new purchasers are reported to have plana in contemplation for a six-story modern brick warehouse, with track fa cilities. , ' . . Holmes A Mshefee report tho sals of a house snd lot on Schuyler street be tween Seventeenth - and Nineteenth streets to Frank Zimmerman. Tho eon aideratton Is given as 1.850. ' Louts P. . Beno has purchased "from Ferdinand Dresser the oast- half of lots and T. In block til of Coach addi tion, on Overton street near Fifteenth, There is a small hows' on the property. Tho consideration In the recorded deed Is given as $1 but It Is understood that ths pries paid : was $4,800, which is considered remarkably fair for that lo cation, as It is close to tho proposed freight yards of ths Portland Seattle raUwayr Othsa Salee Sooorded. Mrs. Kate ' Ward has sold to Frank 8. Relder three lots in ths Ainsworth tract just beyond Piedmont, for 11.100. H. JB. Nobis has purchased from Mrs. C K. Pond a lot on Orient street near Milton. The consideration, announced in nominal. . . Rer. B. li'Housarpastor-of-tho First Congregational church. Is to join ths Portland heights colony. Ho has pur chased through IX B. Keaaey Jb Co. two lots at ths foot of Sixteenth street, close to College. - The" lots are out on a point of land, that commands an excep tional view of ths city and mountains. Tho pries : paid wss 82,800 and It la understood that Dr. House In tho near future will start building a boms on tbs site. C. H. Tousles has purchased through ths asms company for 11,800 a nicely located lot In HUlvlew addlUon to Port land heights, facing on Ravonsvlsw drive and commanding a view of the picturesque Marquam gulch and a part "of ths upper Willamette liver. ' Work has started on a homo for W. C. North on Kllllngsworth avenue between Union avenue and Garfield street. It will cost about 11,000. Ambross Thatcher will build a 82.800 boss of ths semi-colonial atylo on East Burnslds street near Twenty-eighth, t A pretty bungalow - Is being con structed by F. M. Warner on Belmont at rest near East Thirty-seventh, It will cost between 11.500 and f 2.000. Mrs. H..J. West has awarded to Crook SV Walton the contract for tho building of her horns on Halsey street between Kast Twenty-fourth and. Twenty-fifth. It will cost about 11.500. . . . Atttff ' (Special Dtopatea to The Iras1.) Albany, Or., Aug. II. Jos Attlg of ; Halsey wss committed to ths stats asylum for ths Insans Thursday by Jus J tloe of tho Peace t I Swan.' who was mwm illf : 1 1 -Ml -t'.jsaj. ss m a- . A Automatic Instantaneous UnUoited Individual . Service Mealdenee Adopted in 60 leading , . C CITY RESCUE MISSION " - ' ;'v V - ' GRAND RAPJP3, MICHIGAN . , The Automat io eyatem of therCitizen3 Telephone - Company of Grand Rapids, Mich., will make any other telephone system in existence look like a wheelbarrow-in an automobile parade, ? I have two 'of them and-never have the; least trouble with them. i I oan oall ten people in the. same length of time it used to take to: call two. As a Christian worker let me say that this telephone makes it easier to live the life. It1 s hard to praise the Lord and spend fifteen minutes trying to get Central. One word more "Get right wita.God and use tne Arrange to Hitch THE HOME TELEPHONED COMPANY, pr?B. X. pi V. ' Emperor Frans - (Jonraal Special B.rvlc..') i- ! ' Vienna, Aug. 18. Once again the dual monarchy has had the privilege of cele brating the birthday - anniversary of Emperor Francis. Joseph, the .venerable figure whose firm grasp has held to gether the sheaf of natlons'for nearly 0 years., Today was ths seventy-sixth birthday , of the emperor. ." It . was cele brated In the customary manner In the capital by a general suspension of busi ness, special services of thanksgiving In ths churches and gala performances at ths opera." Sensational rumors have bean clrou lated of late regarding the health of tho emperor, go far as can be learned there Is today no better foundation for these stories then there Has been for similar reports that have been circulated periodically during ths -past ' decade or longer. His - majesty's excellent health is undoubtedly duo to the absolute regularity of bis life. There Is no more conscientious monarch on any throne. Formerly he used to remain in the Hof bsrg In this city all winter and only go out to his beloved Schonbrunn about ths snd of April. But for the past two RED-HAIRED GIRLS SCARCE IN Portland cart brag some mors. This is ths boss town, of ths' United States for red-haired girls. : People who know declare "It . contains mors to ths squars yard than any othsr city of its slss. . ' Just walk along the street and notice m They're everywhere, but -it -has been taken as a matter of oourso for so long that tbs fact baa not been much commented upon- ... , . And Ifs tbs real - red,- too not -the product of tho chemist's art. Dark red. light red, auburn, tinted, "golden sheen" air are there If you look. Red hair la growing mors popular every day. Tims was when a girl was ashamed of red hair, but It'a all ao different now. Is It the climate. Bun run water, or has nature tried to make some of the1 designated to Inquire 'Into tho sanity of : the 1 man. Dr. ; W. L. uavia examined ths unfortunate one and found that he was laboring under , delusions, fearing that people, and unseen ones st that, were going to Inflict bodily harm to him. . ATHENA MAN INJURED BY RUNAWAY HORSES ' (gpeelal Dlipetch te The Jonnutl wui-. or lu. . II. William J. Wilkinson, former mayor of-Athena, waa seriously injured isst - evening - in "Olrl-lees Central" cities in the United States Here MELVIN your house to a Home" when ' : Rates reasonable. - l i. . niever -wSKw . KM'.'.' Visit or . y 1 r " II Josef of Austria. or three years he has spent ths greater part of the year there, coming to Vienna for stats business foniy. Everv morning, summer and ' winter, his majesty gets up at t o'clock. By I o'clock his toilet' Is completed and ha goes for a lone- walk in the park of tho castle. At 7:30 he Is back m the castle. ' changes his boots and at o'clock enters his carrlags and drives to the Hofmirar. a drive of about 10 minutes. - From 1:10 to 4 ' o'clock he seldom cesses work, receiving ministers snd functionaries and perusing and signing stats documents." Hs does not even rise from his desk for lunch; his servant simply brings him a tray con talnlng two or three dishes, a vegetable and a stono mug containing half a litre of beer. That, with a roll and a aalsstengel forms the whole repast. At 4 o'clock bo drives bsck to Schon brunn . and at 0:30 o'clock dinner is served, to which one. of ths archdukes or one of his aids ds camp is sometimes Invited. Tbs emperor's chief delight in lets yesrs appears to bsvs been the half hour or so dally that ho hss spsnt In company with his grandchildren. AREN'T S0; PORTLAND EITHER glories of an Oregon sunset lmperish' ablsT ' - r ..... . . Long. long ago It waa remarked that Portland girls outdid ail comers . on complexions. Ths moist ' climsts was credited with the soft skin, and delicate coloring which so charmed every new amvai. Ana now it is me nair. "I take a look at tho women In every town I make, and I travel clear across ths continent," said a drummer the other day.- "It struck me ths first day I was In Portland that there seemed to be a tremendous lot of red-hatred girls her, and since then" I've been looking out for them. - Why, In soma towns they are very much the exception and you scarce ly see one a day. Hers they are mighty numerous, and, by golly, every one of em Is a dream." runaway accident on the county road a mile north of Weston., Hs was return ing from a trip to ths mountains when his team became frightened at some Indian pack mules. Both bones of his right leg were broken besides sustaining othsr serious Injuries. .'. Oorvallis SeatOi Bate Mlgb. ' (Sperl-I DUpetrh to Tbe Journal.) Corvallls, Or., Aug. II. six deaths In CorvaUla within .' ss many days hss caused a gloom In this city and aa two funerals occurred Thursday afternoon tho cltlsens ars asking each other, "Who nextf--It-la -not an epidemic,-a no two cases ha vs been alike. is what they say: Auiomatio.1' E. TROTTER,' SUPT. the solicitor calls. V releplioneMalrr 138 a 11W . 'xxrtin fit xriiinrrm fail n rrfrrm fWiJr funrtlon nrooeriv hv not strainine out the ooison- A W V AWa eW a ous wasb, matter from the blood as it passes through them, tne poisons, are carnea Dy ino circulation to every part of thei body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble; sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. corrects irregularities and ; cares Kidney and . enorn n Mr.Keberta.arlBlBors.aarstecaC..N.V..writM:-Isaislsdtskavsssesier. . rCSUltCa ITOm QlSOraereU rkianCVS UiS4UlCrtJ, vanity ef telling what nagmftcent rnnlU I have bad treat sales: FOLEY'S KIDNKT ' k - CURkerterkeTngtrudeth.redvertlssie4lclneeaaeemlhyaclaae. Before 1 begaa - bCa.USe t he C2USG haS t 1 had to set na from ts to aa times I to get op Irora ts to aa ttmeeeaea signt to relieve my eiaaaer. i woe an eieaira with dropsy aad my eyeeif ht waa ee rope the y eyeeif bt waa la fact. I was ee seroee tbe waa erg ed mmd bv t a Mead to try FOLEY'S aera, aad before I bad takes the third ukM ivmntam, of Kidaev trouble, ' all tbeucbt I waa c oing to sie. very I WOO ffMBf tbe aame of tbe wonderful medicine aaa mea n aaa lausa at ss seaeaneea 1 CHURCH SERVICES - . SAfTIST. , . -rirct Tbe White Teaiple Tweirta and Taylor strerta; Bar. J. Wbltooatb Brousber, D. D. At 9 a." St.. Bible erbool at SaTivtrmt brincb; 14 a. a. -Hrrd pr.rr aiectlnc; )0:0 a. m., wonblp with. prMrhtnc br Kt. M. W. HajoM of SMttle.oa "Uadrc Deep."; 12.1A p. n., maple Bible school; S:0 p. at.. B. Y. P. V. Bwetinc; f:S . m.. pnoelar mrw Ice. Dretrblna br 1UT. M. W. 11.TBM oa "Out of tbe Snare." Second Bereath and Kaat AnkMiy atrMt: Be.. Bt.ntoa C. Lapb.iB. SmttIcm at M:l a. m.. with arrmoa by Bv. Juha Bantatea. OrarelionUTllla; Rn. Ollmaa Parfcw. PrMcblnc la th. mornlnt at 11 e'elork; la the erenins at S o'clock. . ' . Isimaanyl Second and Mrade atnets; St. 0. W. Orlffla.i Banday acbool. 13 m. B. Y. P. :., :48 p. m. ; preachlas, 10:M a. m. and at T:48 p. a. DnlTaralty Park Bev. Joha Bratatea. Sand.y chonl, lu a. preacblns, 11 a. di.; T:48 p. m., anion wrTlo. la Uathodlat . Eplaeopal chorch. Oufr.l-R.nt Twentieth and Aakeny street; Bar. W. T. Jord.e. pTMcbinv. 10:M .. at. by R.v. II. K. Bydw; Sunday acbool. It at.; ss .renins service. Arleta R.t. Joha Bent.len. . Sunday acbool. 1A a. in.; addrea. at 11 a. at. by Mia. Carrie Mlllapantb: S p. m., aermua by paator, "A WIm Fool." Mount OltTe Seventh and Everett .treat.. Pre.. -taint; at 11 a. aa. asd S p. m. by ker. 1. W. 8relth. St. Joba'a B.v. B. A.' Leonard.- Boaday acbool, 10 a. si.: proachlna, 11 a. B. I:SJ) p. m.. praachlns. Third Vancoorer arenn. aad Knott afreet; Rev. E. M. Bllea. At 10 a. si., grind. e acbool; 11 a. m., oreachlnf by Bav. W. 11. Black; ao erenlns aerTlce. Swedldi Hoy and Fifteenth afreets; Bav. Brlc Rcbentrorn. Prearhluf . 10:45 a. aa. and 1;M p. m.; Sunday acbool, 12 m. ' RuaarllvlUa ecboolhoaae. Sunday acbool, t:M p. m. Hl.hl.ud Albert, and Sixth atreeta. Peeaek. Ins, 2:80 p. m.. by Kar. Joha Bentclea; Sun- oer ernooi, :w p. m. afoaot Careial Fourteenth and Planner. atreeta; Bev. A. I. Bbephard. Sonday achool. is m. ; preacrinf, 11 a. m. and s p. at. Sellwood Elaranth aad t'matllla .ireete; B.v. Ooorae A. Lera. Sunday achool, 10 a. at.; preacblns. 11 a. m. aad T:4H p. m. Fi ret Oaeui.a rvtnrth anil Ellll ateeeeef Wee. t. Preacblns at 10:46 a. at. and T:t0 p. m.; B. T. P. U.. 7:48 p. m. Second Oerman Rodner aeenae and aforrla afreet; Bav. F. Bueermaa. Preacblns. 11 a. au and 7:80 s. n.; Sunday aebooL t.45 a. at.) B. T. P. v., 40 p. m. cairary Eaat Eisnth aad oraat afraeta; Rev. A. Lawreace Black.! Bible achool, 10 a. m.j aermon. 11 a. si. by Mr. Daela of T. U. O. A.i t.tO s. s.. Hawthorne Dark meet ing . . BESBTTXBXJUf. Mlanab Mary aad Powell atreeta: Rev. Je. mm B., D. V. Preacblns aerrlcea at iv:w a. m. ny Bee. I. s. irnnnms and at S t. to. aerrlcea under .uipice. of Cbriatlaa ndeaeor Snc.ty. Caleary rieeenth and Clay afraeta; Rev. Ben-tar a Stiles Kly Jr., D. P. Serrlrea. 10 HO a. m., "The Glory of the IHelne Boa"; T:43 p. m., 't'urae Turned to Bleaaln." Third Ka.t Thirteenth end I'lna afreets; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. Preacblns at 10:) a. at.: S:Sn a. m. this eharch aaltea with east aide eharchee la anloaaefTleca at Hawthorn. Flrat Services at 10:00 a. aa.. with aeraoa na "IJelns Eplaflca'.' ; T:.t0 p. m., "Nea. to the Klnflnin"; Bar. D. H. Hare will preach at both eervlceo. Fonrtb Flrat and Globe atreeta; Rev. Joha B. Welch. Preaehlns at 10:30 a. Oh by Paul Radar: Sunday school, 12 m.; T. P. S. C, E :WI p. m. ; ao erenlnf aerrtce. tf.wtoonie Tweiftn and Ea.t Taylor; itev. B. Keleen Allen. . Preechlns. 10: a. at.; Sun day erbool. 12 n. no aeeniiur aarvlce In eburch. Manb.ll. Street Seventeenth and Maraaall; Bar. fj. W. H.ra. Sundae achool. to a. aa.i sraachlnf, 11 a. at. I so evening eervtcV . e ' , .. . . VXTH0DIST. Tavlor Street Third aad Taylor atreeta; Bav. r. F. Bnrtette Short, riaaaea. S:.W a. a..; aermoa, 11 a. ., "Folhrwlnr Jeaua"; Bandar loni, js:io p. m.: apworu e:i p. aa.; . aermoa. T:4S p. m "TH. l.ira of Chrlat," bv Tiaaot'e palntla(a, alee. Tne Moiy t ny," iniww.feo or eong. Kpwfrrth Twenty-third and Irving afraeta; Rev. Henry T. Atklnaon. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.; sierntm aarvlce, 11 o'clock; so evening Service. e1rtk . eiut TevLtf atretaf 1 See Clarence True rVlleoa, t. f. At 10:30 . m.. Braachjng; 7:10 p. . at., "Hociaiiam " iwingai ALL GOODS ARE; FIRST CLASS AND PRICES WILL' NEVER BE "SO LOW AGAIN. aF sss sw mi?m awa aaai w " eesa - ssaioaavra mat era star , eaeb sisht to relieve ar Mad ee impaires that I ceaia e badly seed op that I bad i impaired that I ceald ecarceljr eee one I bed sivea apJtep KIDNEY CURB. On VSX&'EZ.ZiZuZXi at the first sign of danger. Do not risk wd that I waa sored, aa they , , , . . .ea from milee away te lean riavino- RrlfJrrit'a DlS-ASft Of DiabCtCS. bottle tbe eupeifluoue af v frleada were eurorieed tew eays eoate one com. tut sueea sas sf Snfbt'B Pieesse, aadl aot sas Two Olzbs, CO Cents end 01 .00. Z SOLD O nECC--Ei::ED BY z WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. aervlce,T p. St.; elasa meeting, :S0. a. a.l Banner .arnooi. is:u p. m. . -: Pettnn Michlaan and -Carpenter' ..eases Rev, Melville T. Wire. Preaching. 11 e. Bb and S p. m. ; gansay-acse.i,- wajfcao worth Leairue. 7 p. m. . , . . . . Central Ruaaell and Kerby atreeta; Rev. J, P.. Abhott. Claaa aneetlne. S:46 a. m. : Ing. 10:80 a. .; Sanday acbool. 13 m.: Bp worth League, S:4S p. m.; aermoa. 1:40 p. Centenary Fart Ninth and Plna atreeta. Preachlna. 10:90 a. m.; no evening service at cbarch; Sunday achool. t:lS a. m. , TJntveretty Park Sunday achool, 10 a. aa.; Breeching. 11 a. m.; union eervtcee, T:4o p. m. Trinity Eaat Tenth aad Orant atreeta; Rev. Harold Oherg. Sermoa. 11 a. a.; Sanaa acbool, 10 a. aa. f so evening service. .... EFisCOPAL. Trinity Klaetaenth aad Everett afreets; Rev. Dr. A. A. Moniaoo. Holy communion, I a. b. morning earvtee. 11 o'clock; .venlng acrvlce. S o'clock. . . St. Paul'. Wood mere; ft u. Parker, lay reader. . MornlaF eervice at 11 o'clock ; so evening service. St. - Davld'a-rEaet Twelfth - and Belmont atreeta; Rev. J. B. Vas Water.. Snnday achool. 40 a. m. morning prayer aad aermoa at II o'clock: no evening eervice. St. Andrew'e Unlveraity Park: Bev. W. B. Powell. Service aad aermoa, 11 a. m.f Bn. day acbool. 1T a. m. St. Jobn'a Memorl.l Sellwood: Rev. W. B. Powell. Snnd.y aebooL 11 a. m.) aarvlce aad aermoa. T :4a p. m - Oood' Shepherd Sellwood afreet and Taa emver avenue; Bev. Joha Thiwaoa. Sunday achool, 10 a. m. ; morning aervice. H o'clock. St. Matthew's Flrat and Carutbw. .rret: Bav. W. A. M. Rrerk. Holy eommnn'm. T:tO a. m.; Sunday acbool. S:4S a. m.; aervice and aermoa, 11 a. ta. ; aarvlce aad addreaa, 1 :i av . . . OOaTOaEOATTOEAL. Hasaale-Street Eaat Seventh and Haeaelo; Bev. R. K. Ham. At 10:30 o'clock; morning wnrahtp; 12 m., Sunday acbool; S:4S p. m.. Toung Peoole'e meeting; T:4 o'clock; evening eervice. Flrvt Madlaon end Park at reef.; Bsv. B. L. Hone. D. D. Sermoa. 10:10 a. m.. 'God Seeking Worebtpera"; T 4 p. m., "Laaaoaa From Little Thinra"; Sonday , school. 12 aa.; T. P. S. C E.. 0:45 p. m. Sunnyaldo-eRaat Taylor and Eaat Thirty Smrth atreeta; Rev. J. 1: Staub. Morning aervice, II o'clock, with errmnn, "The Supreme Qncetlon"; Sunday achool, 10 a. m. Senior Chrtatlas Endeavor meeting at T p. m.; sn evening aervice. MlaelMlppt-Avenae Mlaateetopl avenue end Fremont .treats; Rev. William L. Upahaw, Snnday achool. 10 a. m. : aermoa, 11 a. m., "Chrlat In Ihe Heart"; Cbriatlaa Endeavor, 1 a. m.l aermon, S p. m., '"Another Chance." - Highland Eaat Sixth and Prearott atreeta. Snnday achool, 10 a. m.; praachlas. 11 a. m.l Cbriatlaa Endeavor, 1:46 n. m.; Mrmoa, T :4S S - t t '. 0RBISTIAV. fir.t P.rk snd Cnlnmbla atneta: ' Bev. B. R. Muck lev. . At 10:30 a. m.. aermoa. "A Twentleth-CenfuTy Chrletl.n"; T:4S p. m., "The Danger, of Lire"; cnrlatMa na.evor. T p. m. Bible acbool. 12:13 p. m. Centi.l Eaat Twentieth aad Eaat Sdnmn treeu; Rev. I. H. Ohnrmley. D. O. At 10:45 a. m.. "wbt i Am wnat r a p. an., "Environment"! enecl.l mnate; Snnday, achool, 12:13 n m.; Senior Endeavor, :43 a. m. Rodney-A venae Rodney aveime and Knott atreeta; Rev.. F. Elmo RoMaeon. At S:4A a. m.. Blhlo achool: II a. m., enmmenloa and aermoa; S p. m., I. P. S. C B. eervice, foe lowed hy aermon. Wood law a Sunday achool, 10 a. m. ; nreach tng. 11 a. m.. "rbllowlns Chrlat"; Cbriatlaa Endeavor. T a. aa.: aervicea S a. m.. with apeclal mualc . . i THftTEB ZTABOEUCAX. Flrat Fa.t Tanth and Sherman atreeta: Bev. A a. Winter. At 10 a. m.. Sunder acbool: KMcbtng. 11 a. m. aad S p. at., by Profeeaor M. Metager. . Second Fargo aad aemr arreet.; Bev. 4. Hnemnt. At 11 a. m.. mMchlns: 8 a. . m.. aermon: Snad.y achool, 10 a. m.; K. L. C. T:A p. m. St. Joan a ivaaaoe ana eonn; aiev. B. E. MeVlrker. Snnday acbool. 10 a. m.l r aching, 11 a. m.l J. K. L. C. E. 2:30 p. m.1 K. U C. S . I f. ; anion aervicea, S p. m. Ockley Oreea snnday acneni, ill a. m. ; U a. m., preaching: Young People', meetlns. T p. - m. ; prearhlug, S p. m. by . Mra. Ethel Pol Ing rnvipa. . . ' ' ' - ITTREBAjr. ' St. J.mee' EnglUh Weat Park and Jeffeeaoa atreetai Re. J. A. Uvea. Bervlcee at It a. m., eoodarted by the paafor. Sonday acbool, 10 a. m. There will be ao evening aervice. . Betanla Danl.h t'nlon avenno aad Morrta atreot.: Rev. Undmnnd OrllL Sunday aervicea, 8 P. m.; eomiaunlon, T:30 p. at. FTorwaglaa Brand Kaat Tenth aad Orant atreeta; Rev. O. Hagoea. Snnday eehool, S.aO horweglaa as ajorta rouneeois . treat; aev. J GAUGE QE-T(1IRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. ww - ws - w fT" J '""ef' ' Bladder diseases in every .n4Mt rtrtA Via WUU1C OjrSlCtU!, v . -: - mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. that AND- SKIDMORE DRUG J. U. Nervig. v Service, at 11 a." a. and T:80 a. m. .. ..- . , Swedlah Immanuel Nln.teenih aad Irving atreet.; Rev. C J. Kenbard. Service, at 10:30 a. ex and II. a! Bandar acbool. 11:13 p. m. tlerman Tin there n IVnlnaiila avenne and KI1? Patrick atreet. Sunday achool.' -9:80 a. m.( German aarvlce, 10:45 a. m.; Engllah aervice, S P. m. i.. ' . , St. Paul's OermanwEaat Twelfth and Cllnroa atreeta; Rev. A. Kriuee. ' Morning aervlco, li):8ii a. m.; evening aervice, S p. m.; Sunday acbool, :30 a. m. '" .' CKBrtTU SCIIBCB.'' ; " ' " ' Flrat : Church of Chrlat. Sdentiet SmM1b Rite cathedral, Morrhton and Lwwnvdal. atreet.. MVrvlce. at 11 a. m.. aubject, "Chrlat Jaaua";' Sunday achool at eioae of moral ua aervice; ao evening eervice Bceona inurcB or tmri.t, ncienuat Rira templn. Stark and Seventh atreeta. Snnday aervice at II a- to. had 8 p. m., .abject, "Chrlat : Jeaua"; Snnday achool, 11 a. bu . . ' anssiOBB. ..-.:.;., ' ;'. Beacon IJrM - Mlaaloa 11 Fwrrrh : atreet aortb. Ptvachiag every alght aad Buaday at 3 p. m. Olive Branca Miaetea n rirsr street aenr Columbia. Preaching every alght at TJ: Snndara. S p. m.; Sunday acbool. 1:30 p. m. Bt. jon a a tiounsaa aiimioa secona street near Mala: Rev. Joha F. Glieco. Servleea ewrv night and Sunday at S and T:W B. m Cblneee Be Mutt 248 second treat, aervicea at t:30 p. m. ... .' ETAlfOELICAl ASIOCIATIO. Flrat Englieh Eaat Sixth and Market atreeta; Bev. S. A. Slewert. Preaching at 11 a. aa. Sunday school. 10 e. m. ; at S:30 p. aa.. anloa aervloee In Hawthera park. Grace Leate; Rev. H, O. Henderaoa. Preach, tng. 11 a. B. aad S p. m. ; Young People'. Al liance, T p. m. ; Sunday , acbool. 10 a. at, Flrat flerman Tenth and Clay atreeta; Bev. Theo. Schaner. Sunday . acbool, S:30 a. aa.: aermoa, 10:45 a. m. ; preaching, 1:45 s. m.; I. P. A., .1 p. m. .. .. ,. C. ivVS Bt. 'is, " : ' : '. ' Chrtatlaa aad Mhmlonary A 111 .roe Sixth and Main atreeta; Rev. C. D. Sawtelle. Preaching. 10:30 a. m. : Snnday aehooL 12:15 p. bv; Young People's meetlns. 3:90. D. aa.: evtaaellai aervicea, T:80 p. am. , ' ZTROSIST. SOTfTH. " First 1T1 H Second - atreet. Fereatera' hall; Rev. B. H. Mowra. At 10 ... m.. Snnd.v achool: 11 a. m., preaching. T p. bl. Epworth League;,. S p. m., preaching. ,. - ! TVTTAEIAaT. Church of Onr Father Seventh' and Yamhill afreet.: Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr., mlnater: Rev. T. L. Eliot, Dv D., mtnlater emerltne. Sen lea at II a, m., conducted by Bav. E. W. Bt. Pierre. - ' , ":. - no. " '' ,' '' r".''! ' '. Cbriatlaa .Catholic Church In lion Aneky hall, aecoad floor. Third and Morrison street.: Rev. Charle. A. Hoy, elder la charge. At 2 p. m., Bible study: a p. ., aecvlcee. , r1 TBTFXBSALIST. .'.",.. ( 1 First Eaat Eighth aad .reach atreeta: Bev. W. F. Small. At 11 a. m.. eermon oa "1. Ood De.dr'; 10 a. m., Sunday acaool. . lATTZB DAT SAJBTS. Chorch of Jeaua Chrlat of Latter Da a.'lnta Hall 400. .Allaky building. Third and Morrt eon atreeta. Service. . at 11:30 .. m. aad T p, na. ; Sunday school at 10 i. a. ; VBTTBB BBXTSBEB IB CBBIST. Ftrat Beat Fifteenth aad Morrleoa atreeta- Rev. M. C. Shaffer. Bible arbuol at 10 a. aermoa at It a. m.l anion aervicea, at Haw tborne park at s:au p. aa. i VBTTXO PBXSBTTZBIAB. Church of the Stranger Waeeo atreet ead Orand avaaae; Rev. 8. Earl D.Boia. aavv eea. .,'' .. .' . ,. . .., a,.. . . AsriBTisTa. r Seventh-Day Adventlate Eaat Eleventh aa feverett' atreeta; Rev. Oenrre A. Savdee. a. day acbool. 10 a.. .; praachlag. 11 a. .; aermoa, 7:45 p. m. . .CKTRCH OF BtTMAJriTT. Church of Ha inanity Allaky building, room no. Lecture. 3 p. m. by David A. Lelek, 'The Ureateat Dlacovery of Modern Tlaaea.'' ". rWTDEBBOBOlAB. , New Church Society Eleventh aad A Me atreeta; Rev. Hiram vraomaa. At It a. Sk. 'Spytn Out the Lend ef Cauda a." '" ' . V CKBISTIAJf ADTEBT. Chrlallaa Advenl-Second atreet between Hall aaa uaeoia; aav.' CAM lea Uef lease n. Odd Fellows' Temple, First and Alder Sts. And 130 First St, Bet. Washington and Alder.' ';" ; form, tones, up. the , itieaflMa fVtaf fiaVM ussv.aw0 - been remOVeG. COO. CO. lEo Portland , . PORTLAND, pRKQON. ' EUB.OPIAN FLAN ONLY ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS i v , AH COMMERCIAL., . , TBA.VEL.SRa. . - ' Everything- to est ' snd drink, aad It costs no mors In ths ' . ' PortlaiH Hotsi Rattekslsr than elsewhere In ths city. Every weekday nlsbt from 8:10 to It, B. a BOWBBJ, Btaaarea. Cloud Cap Inn Oreaon's famous mountain resort at aaow Una on Mount Hood - Away from' the heat of ths city.' Tbs most' dellf htfu! - restlna; plaoe . In tho northwest. - Full ; Information at ths TICKET OFFICE. Third & Washington SU: arhool. lomo a. hi.; preachlog, ' 1130 a. s. aermoa,. 8 p. at. . , t r , . ,. .. ; . r "it . '.' . CBHTBCH 0T SOB.' l' ' Church of God 4:10 Hawthorne avemie. Serv leea, 2:30. and 1:M sw aa.; Senuay, school, 1 P. BV.-- . ..,- -,.' . SPIBITBALISTS. ' Fh-et Spiritual Society ltaj Third afreet. Services at II a. bl, and T:43 p. m. kretura by B. F. Coulter ee "The V'reaUir." .. 'XHXEBBIAL DAwB. Millennial Dawn 0. A. B. hall. Second aad Morrleoa atreeta, . Servleee at ,2.30 p. at. 1 rBEB METHODIST. Free Methodist Rant Ninth and Mill afreet. j PToacuiasi 11 a.-at. 1 Sanday achool. 10 a aa. BIG TIMBER TRACT , IN LEWIS IS SOLD i ChehsJIs. Wash., Au. li. Ths par tloulara of ths sal ef lion sores of timber owned by th Lewis County ljn It Lumber compeny, which hes Its head quarters la Heat tie. bav ueen m known her. TH tlmbeyyls In -eastern Lewis county, sbovs Bolsv postofflce. It was formsrly ewnej i the Heaiy-Lacy company. The p -chaaara ar si van aa the Confine Timber company. Thl concern. H stated. Is an auxiliary or bm ot th men Mentined wl'H the Mtlwauke aV HI. PnL They p. I I 00 for th timber an.l It la eat that there Is over loo.nOJ.OC feet ( Ther Is no railroad vary c: ' tlmbr IpriOsJ c e I i I . I i I I liiynn.i IIJ1...IJ ' I. A