The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1906, COMIC SECTION 2, Image 19

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    Tin: crzccn daily journal, rcsTLAKD. Saturday cvn:Tii:o, auoust is. iscj.
'mi -
- .
, FrTHI? economical war which swept
,1 through the Uit congress la I
, JL - aroint; to wlpa out on of. thai
, '" ahow places In Waehlngton, In I
- Tact, one of tha moat Intereatlng placea
to vlalt, for there on exhibition war I
the producu of tha brains of America' I
Inventors. . Tbo deelalon of eongreaa will
abolish tha department of patant mod-
. ls . and the 167.606 or mora modela
i which form an Illustrated history of I
invention In tha United Btatea sr to w
swept to the four winds. The claim I
-'' was mads some time ago that tha mod I
'.' ola occupied space that was entirely I
. loo. valuable and that the government
would have to relinquish care of this
, .. (rest and Interesting museum. ;
. , Patents in this country - were first I
ranted In 1111 and sine that time
thousands of invention have boon filed
to b protected. ' The 'majority of these
were accompanied by models, showing
the actual workings of the invention,'
' Theee modela ranged from the first tl
ograph Instrument to the Idsas that
came oot of the distorted brain of some
crank. They also Tsnge from the ever- f
useful sewing machine to th pusslol
tnat naa delighted and perplexed tbou-
.' sends. They have cauaed laughs and
..they have caused tears. Bids by side
would be some model, th workings of I
which had brought fortune and fame to
o th Inventor, while alongside of it would
be th model of something that some
man had racked, hia brain and -worked
himself to death perfecting, possibly
: speeding his last coin to get It in the!
patent of flee, only possibly to learn that
H waa useless.
Everything Imaginable Is embraced in
this collection and every on of them.
' whether it was useless or valuable, was
; of lntereat to Professor R. C Olll, the I
- aged keeper of th model rooms, who!
has fingered, fondled, 'labelled - and
( atowed away models for the pest 40
.yeara. They are to -him Ilk children
' and he haa followed eloaely th course
of every model. This one he has eeen
succeed, while probably Its neighbor
galled, but to him all were the producu
of man'a Inventive mind, tnerefore he I
respected all.. .
Tola great collection of th croatlons
of man have been , houaed on three I
floors of th Union building, for whloh
' : th government paid an annual rental
of 111.600. Th building was prac
tically a museum where nfodsls of th
; Th crown prince of Oermany la the
only child of th kalssr who Is not left-
- handsd.
.' - Mrs. Elisabeth Hunt of Brooklyn has
. caught tne auto fever at !, and la road
, touring in Connecticut. . ,
e , e .... , -:.
i Sir' Andrew Fraaer, governor of Ben-.
.' gal, virtual ruler of la.tOO.tOO people, la
th active president or tne Calcutta j
: - Benjamin Turner, who is believed 19
have been th laat survivor or th wreck
of th troopship Birkenhead In 1161,
. died at Portsmouth recently at th ag
Farmer John Emery i of Columbia
county. Pennsylvania, haa just got In
Ma eeventy-seventh harvest. He began
farm work at It. and he'a still at It
an actlv and robust veteran at to.
' e . '' .- '
Pedro Monte has been elected presl
dent of the republic of Chile for a term
of fiv years. Benor Mont la at pros
ent the vlce-oresldent H will suoceed
Jermaln Rlesco. who waa elected . fivsJ
yeara ago. '
e e
"Prodigal as ths Rothschilds were aul
.' are, nesrly all of then have on trait
In common. Thy will glv thouian-ls
- without- a moment's hesitation; thoy
; will not be fleeced a penny after half
- an hour's discussion. - .
Th German emperor own ths most
valuable draftsboard In existence. Th
light and dark squares are mad of ail
ver and gold and the drafta are also
mede of silver end gold, each having a
diamond or ruby in th center.- -..
Robert .Jones, a Liverpool surgeon,
tells of a patient who was sn old
' poacher and who, while under th influ
. ence of cocaine during an operation upon
th bones of a leg. regsled th surgeon
with tslsa f his poaching exploits.
' Ex-Benator Chandler waa asked by a
young woman: "Don't you enjoy going
into tha country in your automobile?"
-Tea," aflswered Mr. Chandler, "but tb
pleasurs Is nothing compared with th
aatlalaction or getting nom sueiy.-
v : ; . e ,, . .- ,. - - - .
. Denver Stout, a pilot on th Ohio and
Kanawha rivers, is tha first whit child
"'' - 1 - - - v '- .
, born In what la now ths oity or Denver.
H was born 47 years ago. His parents
traveled by an ox team from Omaha In
and reached Denver. In six Weeks.
'.v .. . e e
Dr. A. I Crampton of Maryland, the
chemist of th bureau of Internal reve
nue, haa been mad chief of a new
division of ths bureau, which la to have
charge of th work -or enroretng th
provisions ef th denaturlsed alcohol
:. ..act-;' '','-' .'''. '.;
.,r. ; v
Baroness Csderstrom, as plain Mm.
e Pattu haa mads as much aa 100,400 In
a slngls year, tnoogn at present, it is
said, she does not trouble to make more
than 160,000. Melba earns 1150.000 when
; In full work, and Barah Bernhardt
makea an average of $70,000.
v Dr. Emlle rischer. who four yeara ago
won th Nobel prise for chemistry, hss
4-annvered. he declares, that coal is edl-
t bl. H hss been making an sxtract of
coal and flnda that this extract naa in
earn nutritive qualities aa are possessed
. by beefsteak and eggs. - , ... .
Th lata John J. Toomey' was organ
. 1st of th Bprtngflsld, Massachuaetta,
cathedral for 14 yeara and mlased only
on Sunday ssrvlc In II yesra H had
another, distinction; he took th total
abstinence pledge at th hand of Father
Theobald Mathew in UiO.
a e '
Tha Oerman foreign afflc la consid
ering the purchase of tha house at Val
lima. Samoa, formerly owned by Robert
' Loula Btevenson, as a residence for th
. governor. Herr Kunst, who bought It
from th Stevenson heirs, dlsd recently,
and his heirs offered, th property to
' th government. -.
.. a .-
. Th English royal family recently
celebrated simultaneously th birthdays
Of the oldest and youngeet" sovereign
members of ths royal house. Th dow-
, ager grand duchess of Mecklenberg-1
Btrelita, first cousla l tha MflA'aj
... :.-. a-' srr o.- j, I e-i.-i t, ua :. ; jsr-.. sj.. aix -;..
. t . ' -r- vr. & , i ta r .
I ' ':' " I I I : T I 1.1 I .ar'3tS W ! I
( V- s 1 I I I f ' w l II II
great epoch-making inventions shared a eV- i 1 I ' iA neap. - Already quite a number' of teah-
place with the beautiful theories which Sf BlcaP, ,cW. ,n'aU,;:irei"eUg "Vv.VX
would never work out in practice and , . f - - I I I i) -wTri;- ... "T
the that did not need , L, -, I l.l t: , J 9m V eU
government protection. In point of in- ' - - f3 . : II I doubt but What tnanjr of them will
terest the collection rivalled that of , 11- I I I I . - ' l; ' prove jmportant parta of . th museume
the Smlthaonlsn Institute. ' I K-T -! II I oitnese institutions. ,
To properly protect a patent these , V f II V II I ) i V ? .,M .T"1 ool'ectlon naturally tha
models were neeewsrv. Borne of them h W l I 11 I II CSv ' ' moaeis or in greatest lntereat are those
are still necessary and theae will be re- i JC I 1 I ' 1 I YXX which wer crude at first, but which
talned In the care of the government. V V-J I II r . 1 I I I fiJv . h,v ,rom tlme t0. tlme bMn Improved
but th vaat majority of the U7.000 JV-' J m-TTA I I I V. uPn until today tney ar of th great-
will be distributed to schools, musetima ' V&r . Fi4. 1 I I A "t bwioflt to mankind. Take for in-
and patent agencies, and no doubt many V ' XhLZ-- -n'- f I ISiAt'15 stance th original working model ef
of them will find their way to the ssh I . f r N I J " jthe Howe's sewing , machine, now an
" . VJ 7 r-
mother, is 14, and If she lives afi other
year aha will Just break tne record --f
her brother, th Duke of Cambridge, .1
tne longeet-iived of the royal houie.
Bhe esubllshes a record of her own by
keeping up a house In London whMe
wife of a foreign aovre1gn.. -Th other
celebrant, tha young . Duke of Baxo
Coburg. nephew of to king, completed
nis twenty-second year.
e e . ' ?.'
' The late Henrik Ibaen was one asked
nia iaea or Americano, - "Well," said lb
sen. smiling, "it is my Idea that the
average American, 6 or months
01a. aits in hla mother s lsp and eyes
his own cradle to aee If ha csn't Invent
a better one, or at least suggest some
improvement ;
John P. Hopkins, who tin mavor of
Chlcego "before the ymmgpr Carter Hir-J
rtson s time snd a "gold Democrat," has
climbed into the Bryan bandwagon.
"The Kebrsakan has changed greatly
for the better sines 11(6," he sys. "He
seems to me to be th best man in
either party for th .Whit House.. 'j
The Kashvlll American telle us that
ths Tennessee woods ars full of better
fiddlers than "Bob" Taylor, ths coming
United Btatea sens tor. "In his earllor
days." it says, " 'Bob' offlcated st a few
puncheon-floor shindigs In the Watauga
settlement, but he can talk of the fiddle
more eloquently than he can play It"
.. ...-ii.
Ths pop haa given hla sanction to th
publication of a postcard produced in
London. It ia ornamented on the front
with an illuminated picture of th Vir
gin snd a colored portrait of tlrie pop.
Th Illuminated back haa a aettlng by
Leoncavalla of th "Ave, Maria" pub
lished for the flrat time. . An autograph
letter from the pope Is also printed on
the card. In which he beatowa the apos
tolic benediction upon ths originators of
ths project ; .-,
' ; :
. ; r - . '
..: V ..-.'
, Arbert B. Cumnrrings.
Oovemor Albert B. Cummins h . again been nominated by th Re
1 publicans of-towa. It waa a strenuous fight, but ths political sagacity
'of tha govsrnor won, when many of hla friends thought h faced ds-
tsat ...'.
, -.( I'll . . l ' f '
In the center of the picture ia a photograph of R. C Gill, who for 40 yeara
; haa been keeper of the modela. ' On the upper left ia a photo of the first
Morse telegraph tounder, on tha lower left one of Eliaa Howe's first
' sewing machines.; On the upper right ia Alexander Graham Bell's orig-
.. inal model of receiver and transmitter for his phone, wrhile below la a
photograph of the firat typewriter ever made..
waaMBSwaswHB -
Lads From Berkeley - Ship 1 on the
Transport Logan.
They wrote poetry when' not other
wise engaged, did these husky lsds from
th University of California, who
shipped on the United Btatea army
transport Logan as - cabin-boys snd
messboys. Ths Logan returned yester
day,brlngtng ths boys and the poetry
home after many exciting experiences,
but th poet Is particularly bashful and
declfnea to own hla authorship. He
says the rolling' of ths boat was re
sponsible for the meter. . Th poetry
folio: "I haven't been sorry I'm
abroad,'' wrltee th poeV'Het vn
"When th cabin portholes are dark and
"Because of the sea outside.
"When the ship goes wopMwlth a wig
gle between) ; 1 t
'And the steward . falls with a . soup-
' tereen,
"And when the trunks begin to slide.
"When the nursery lies on ths floor in
a heap, .
"And mummy tells you to let her sleep,
"And you aren't waked or washed or
. . dressed,
"Then ' you know (If " you 7 haven't
Tou'r fifty north and forty west
Wsyne Patterson, who is the son of
Colonel B. F. Patterson when he la
ashore, but simply bellboy No. S on the
Logan, aaya he Isn't responsible for
the above. Malcolm Bottoms, No. 6,
",. ..
and brother of Captain W. Bottoms,
wanta to know "why he should writs
anything like that" and R. R. Ran
kin of th University of California and
late of the steward's department. United
Btates army transport Logan, thinks It
must be th result of combined effort
I. D. Wheeler, '06. California two
mile runner, and O. Colby of th North'
western university aren't her to -as-
plain th mystery, although they were
in the steward's department when the
transport left San Francisco on May It.
The two boys dealded to stsy over In
Manila end make-th trip around the
world If they can. or elss to return
home on th next transport
Rankin Is a university athiet and a
member of ths Accacla fraternity. He
says he enjoyed the trip, slthough he
was seasick immediately after, paaalng
through th Golden Oat. It waa hla
duty to tend to the rooms, and hla com
panions wer obliged to answsr bell
calls. None of the lada will admit that
it la a part of their dutie to writ
vers to th rolling of th ship.
'.'' Vnol Mam, Voliawauum,
From the Baltimore Newe.
It la not yet known what tha Central
American republics are fighting about
but like a good policeman. Uncle Sam
will atop th row first and Isarn th
causa latar. - t - . . ..
Forf Part of It
rrem Jndfe.
Can roe reoeet the declaratlea ef Indesea-
desret" he aaked. '
I sera to t to i to." ae rerun: -Hit
Sbest all I reoieaiher ef It sow le. To se nr
sot le be, that Is the aoeetlea.' " -
n 1 1 in 1 rt .. , .
. United fttstes Judge Qeorg Orsy of Delaware has again won publt-o ap
proval by refusing to bs s csndldats of the offtvere of th Mutual Life
Insurance company for director, but will b a candidate of thai Interna
tional policy holders' committee. Judge Gray la a .sound min snd th
fact that he retired from the senate poorer than. Ha entered it ia teetl
mony of hla honesty. . . J, . -
i . .. t t jl . , vr vJir.A mi nr gwv j
The women cooks of Now Tork are
forming a union,
. '. ' .''' '
' Tll-layers have secured a II per cent
Increaaa In Boston.
Olove-workers of Wheeling, West Vir
ginia, wr secently organized.
e e . . .; ' '
. Beventy-five maater eteamflttere of
New Tork City have offered their men
It a day. beginning Auguat 1.
. e e ;
Tha Lake Beamen'a union haa voted
11.000 to the International Beamen'a
Union of North America for tha purpose
of organising oa tha Atlantio coast .
e -
' Barbers of Buffalo, Now Tork, have
been granted an Increase of 11.60 per
week. They haa also been granted aa
afternoon and evening, off each weekv
" : . - mm
Tha union bakera of Chicago auoeeed
ed in estsbllshlng a new wag scale In
every shop but on In that city. They
received a flat Inoresee of 11 per week
over th old scale.
. e e )
. The San Francisco Building Trades
council la vigorously fighting a propo
sition to bring In 1,000 Jspanea labor
ers to work oa tha ruins as brick-
Tha United Cloth Hat and Can Makera
of America have placed a per capita tax
of 10 oenta per year for support of th
tuberculosis sanitarium conducted by
th organisation at Denver for the
benefit of ita members.
, , ...
Th locomotive engineers employed on
th hundreds of work trains operated by
th United Btates In dlrt-hnullng In the
canal aone have mads th following de
mands: Incress of pay from 1110 to
1226. a month, time and a half pay for
; ' i' ', -v '-"
Isrtlcl that has soma Into everyday us
Isna wnirn nas provca ox act nucn wvn
A mam . Th.n ,hrA la - tha first
locomotive, ao crude and ungainly-look
series of inventions by which man is
I nnw anaMM in travel Ions' distances in
la ahort space of time. There is also
Iln this great collection' tne nrsi tele
graph - Inatrument of Morse, .who waa
mfiHin ver 'trt 4liiUne, but thlt
I e ...TKlia.V.awt Kaa aa1aav'm nh 1n
-MltKniitk atyViIrh tnrlflw that world WOUlst
jb. puHled liow to get lon. Thi- Ii
Professor-Ber -the- first. modsLjot ths
M.niin. .utrtmAhll,' an1 other .fnven
Itlons that have msrked the progrees of
I th worm, i n urst mourn 01 1
really greet. Inventions wilt no doubt
rind a rsstlnx the National
museum In Washington. , . .
1 Th. fliuAiuriAB inn BrraaK nniiM.
I tin. oamaa to Profeaaor Olll. tha keener
I of tha medola. aa a severe blow. Any
I ona who haa talked with . the aged
keeper knows of tha Interest he felt
ii a ha a vseef red each model when It
I came to the department For 40 years
I ha naa arrangea. cataioguea, ucseiea
and exhibited them wlth-ae much loving
pride aa though they wer th children
I or hla Drain ana nie personal prepany.
It waa not neceessry, that the model
mmm a.wIm f trrmmt nrartlpal
value to atand well ia tha eettmstlon of
tha keeper. Th faot that it had refuge
In th houee of modela waa enough to
I gala for It aa xeuon oars as mm omrra.
I t iiul.l)ulln tha anllactlon of mod-
ele th government la making arrange-
1 mente to return to living mnnion im
1 Maia now in waaninston. 11 tne in-
venter ao desires It Thomas A. Edison
I aiMaa renuaatad hla and ther will
I be returned to him. with the exception
I pf thoee wnica in governmwm iu
of flelala -deem neoessary to reuln to
i ... nrntaotloai or those Inven
tions which are now being litigated.
I Edison fUsd his rirst patent ana mrai
In 116. Since that time ha haa taken
i 111 natanta. aoma of them Calling
I for oulte large modela. If Edison gate
I back ell Of tneaa mooeia, am win mm
I aulta a aollectlon with which
I ta atart a museum to ahow th progress
lot electrical inventions.
all work dona In excess of sight hours.
double time for Bundsys and holldaya.
and free transportation, to and from
tha United Btates when on leave, ,
Nearly all employers In th carpn
tering trad In Manhattan, whether
members of tha Maater Carpenter' as
sociation or non-easociatlon men, so of
flclsls of the Carpenters' union report
have granted an Increase In wagea from
14.60 to 14.60 a day.
Revised figures Indicate that tha Im
migration to this country during the
fiscal year ended June 10 laat waa 76.-
674 greater than, It waa during. the fis
cal year of 1606. Th immigration dur
ing last ysar aggregated 1.100.071
agalnat 1,010,40 for tha provloua year,
e . e . .
Th Centre! Federated union, repre
senting lbtt.009 organised laboring men
fn New Tork City, recently decided by
an almost unanimous vots to enter th
field of polities, t wag war agalnat
tha enemtee of tradea-unionlam. and to
work for tha election of only such maa
aa ar favorable to union labor.
7tfamhaa a IV. At... trt1 . J
Manufacturer and tha wage eommltte
of th National Olaaa Bnttla Bion.
aaaoolatlon. . reprtaentlng th 10.000
workmen In th factorlee of th United
Btate and Canada, adjourned recently
In AtlantlA fltv Mu T.-..M .
disagreement over th wag seals for
me coming year. .
1 0ot the aTOTT.
Dollle I don't believe that lovelv
Captain Tymmld Is half aa much of a
hero aa the newspapers say. -'
Polly Why not?
Dollle Becaue h will never coneent
to atand' in front of hla tent and be
photogrsphed with his favorite dog at
hla side. "
Ndson VV.
Senator Aldrich occupies an unenviable position In ths senate. - Aa
is tha father-in-law of John D. Rock sfsllar Jr., ha somes la for tstu
etitlelsm, being regarded aa sponsor for legislation favorsbfo to trus's.
-,:. K It ' "."
Alexander del Spina mad The flrat
pair of spec tac lea in 1166. , .
e e ','.
The flrat armored train waa used ta
th siege of Psrls In 1171. v .
) ' ,. e e ' .
rndla, at laat advlos. had 116.900 par.
Sons on Its famine relief roll . .
' Blrthdsys were celebrated aa long
ago aa the time of the Pharaoh, ,
': ' '' -.a e . - , '' .:. ..:.'..'
Giraffes . and anteatera each have
tongues nearly two-feet in length. v
' " ' e e ,.. . ;'. . .. 1
Tne nrst hooks were bound by Atta
lus, king of Pergamua, in 111 B. C . '
; j" , .i :
Afghan soldiers' ar not admitted aa
witnesses in law courts of their : own
country,-,., ,,..'
; A9Uren Anne fsrthlng bearing th
aaie ins wss poia lor iuv in ijonaon
. lirn nr, in numi 111 mvnmrnvi
snd convents, with 11,711 monks and
i.viv nulla.- , . . ..... : .
Th British home office haa- ordered
that henceforth con vie ts shall be fed oa
only colonial canned meaa. ;
Recently tha postage on Jomsstla- let-
tera In Franca waa reduced from
oents to 1. Postal -card a, hswavsr, will
cost t oents. ,
. " ' . . .
Insanity la Infrequent In India, ao- .
cording to a blue-book. In Bengal In
1104 the ratio ef Insane waa pef
1.000 population, agalnat 14.71 ta Eng
land. - . ..',.,....;
Chines eoffln ar made at timber
I to 10 Inches thick. It Is calculated.
therefore, that over 1.000.000 feet of
timber la utilised yearly for offlne la
China. . ,. ..
. a .-.......
A camel begins work at foar ysara
old, and frequently ' eontlnnea la use
for over bslf a Century. It will carry
1,000 pounds on its pica, wnus rew .
horses can earry mora than 111 pounds, '
-..".'.'. . ,;.(".. e :
Locust ar ravaging Austria. Al
ready 60,000 acres of crepe near Vteana
have been destroyed. At on place IS
steam rollers were used to crush tha
locusts, but mad no apparent Impres
sion. '.- ',...;. , ... .... .;.'.'
Blx Bailors In th Baa Franaiao Ma
rina hospital refused to go ta bod th
othr night becaus they deeraed th
hour too early, but th nure la charge
pulled a pistol aad th sailor went ta
bed at th musala of a .44.
, , a. '.'
, According to historians, Ihs flrat
striking clock waa Imported lata Khi
rope by tha Persiana about 800 A. D.
It waa brought aa a p recent to Charle
magne from Abdella, king of Persia,
by two monk of Jerusalem.
. 1 . v a e ;
In Germany If Is considered nece.
tora It goea down In tha world, so It.
la carried upstairs as soon aa It la hem.
In eass ther sr no stairs, tha nurs
mounts a tabla or chair with tha In
fant . . .. ' e e " ?
Ladles seldom rise In Bp tn to re-'
celva a mala visitor, and they rarely
accompany him to tha door. For a
Bpsniard to give a lady even his Wife
hie arm, when out walking. Is re
garded as a decided violation Of pro-
pn.ty.; , .
Th silver wedding preeent that la
said to have- most - pleaeed tha .kaiser -wss
from th combined rowing and
sailing clubs In Germany. It consist
ed of six silver modela representing th
different styles of shipbuilding from .
th viking galley to the emperor's
yacht Meteor.
e e . .-.
Th evidence before th British army '
stores commissioners as to graft dar
ing th Boer war ahowa that there waa
only one regiment th contractors wer
unable to cheat That proud distinction
belongs to ths Seventh hussars. They
weighed everything and cheeked th
qua my of evertyhlng supplied these.
e e ,
A special poetage-atamp was Issued
by th Jspanas government to com
memorate th return of th troop from
th war. Two of theee stamps, of th
face value of H aad 8 sen, respectively,
wer leeued. and ther wer - availahta
for postage for letters only on tha day
of tha recent great review. Not more
than on of each kind waa aold to every
applicant at th general potaoffleaa, .