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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
11 It THS ORltCO:! DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13. IZli r ,, ,. "" " - -in ft AY .--v.: I U I . I V V.:. V Y-;i .ar-M I'l 1 tr-p.: KA A 'M k-.i Ml-. J I II. II lerrrVr -1 Newport 4 Special Oarresposdeaee to The Journal.) Newport, Or., Aug. IT. Thla has been ehe bla; week at thla popular reeort Saturday and Sunday were the largest daya of the eeaeon, fully 100 persons arriving en those two daya. Although . the weather has been rather misty, -amounting almost to a rain, it has not dampened the splrlta of the visitors, for every one seems .to enjoy hira . selt, , .' ; Property' ln Newport just, now Is showing some rapid strides. During the past . week several ; choice locations changed bands, the new owners purchas ing with the Idea of building summer homes. By next year It Is expected that quite an Albany colony will be located at this beach, as five or six Of the re cent sales of locations were made to residents of Albany. Among- those who hay been enjoying life At the Abbey Hq,use have been ' M. L. Howard of Hood River and John H. Scott of Portland. A. B. Weatherford, a well-known ctti , sen of Albany, has been her for a shore stay. ' - Mr. and Mrs. C R. Leroy , of Port land are among the gueats at the Ab- ! bey" House. - - Miss Hallle and Miss Annette Garrl rus of Portland are among the recent arrivals here. ,. i. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Irvine of Cor allls hare been enjoying a short so . Journ at Newport. - T. D. Jordon of Seattle, who paid his first visit to Newport during the week, wss captivated by the charms of the -beach.. .....'. :v.i'.' Up and mf rm. H. ' X i RIm and em of Vancouver, Waahlngton, are at the Bay View Houae for a ahort auy. A. N. Fosdlck and V. A. Fosdlck of -Portland were among the Newport vis itors this week.' Mlas Vivian Martin, a charming young : lady of Aberdeen, Washington, Is at the Abbey House. ,.....' At the XoMav -.; . Abbey House Mr. and Mrs. C R. La- . roy, H. C. De weesse. Oeorge W. Will son and Claude Stratum. Portland: Mlas Fraslere, Salem; Dick Madison, Dallas; Vivian Martin. Aberdeen, Wash.; Edith m iiivr,- wruvi awn f jnr.- tmiiu 'jars, . - t . Hall, Slco, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dan ner. West Silo; Ruby Dilley, CorvalUs; Charles Wltham, 8alem; O. 11. OeUey, Albany; J. A. Duff, Portland ; Squire Farrar, Seal Rocks; W. M. T. Custer, Chicago; Ed Jary, Salem; P. Murray, Portland; Hallle Oarrlgua and Annette Oarrigua, Portland;. Danna CaUlson, Monmouth: Edna Hoefleln, Coburg; Mrs. W. A. Williams, Theodore Roth -and W. A. Tea ten, Portland; J. H. Wood and 3. C Foley, Athens; Clementine Bau man. . Lena Harris, Lulls Harris " and Emma Baum. Portland; ' Willard L. Creek; J. E. Leonard and Mr. and Mra. Edward Frohman and Sol Harris. Port alnd; Mr. and Mra. - Tracy Staata and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Dallas: Mr. and Mob. Frank Irvine, John H. Scott, Kaiem; A. . n. weatnerrord, Albany; Charles BU. Dallas: James Ross, To ledo; M. A. . l"ord, Dallas; J. F. Rich mond, Portland; M. L. Howard. Hood River; A. N. Foedlck, V. A. Fosdlck, W A. Bryant andThsdors Senn, Portland; J. W. Hodges, Kadala. . ; Bay VUw Houee N.' B. , Avery,- Cor vallls; R. Ooeley, Balem; Mrs. J. O. Daniels and Miss A. E. Shaw, Portland; T. W. Robinson, Houlton, Oregon; Ho mer Moore and 8. Smith, Portland; Mr. and Mrs, H. Cherry, R. W. Cherry, Eugene; F. V. Jordan, Seattle; E. H. French. The Dalles; Wills rd Marks. Al bany; Charles McDonald. Tacoma; J. P. Mlss M. Long. Albaayr H. M. Welsh, Portland;, Charles W. Card well. Pome roy; Mra. T. J. Lowery. Ashlsnd; Olsnn Percival and Burns Powell, Monmouth; R. H. Knight and Mary Hollowmead, Portland; Effa Cronquest, Tidewater; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Prlos and son. Van- ooovsr; O. A. ' Wlndfelder, San Fran rlaco: W. S. Burress, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Theodora A, OodeL Portland: H. F. Hahn, Taqulna: Merle Nichols, Juaetlon City; Mrs. J. H. Chambers and Victor Chambers, Cottage Grove; Jo- sephlne Burch and Edith Burch. Rick : reall; Mrs.' D. IL Glass , and Cornelia Glass. Seattle. : , Ocean House Miss Marttn, Miss Frances Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. i'row, J. Henry Conder. Mrs. George W. ratteraon, Mlas L. Patterson. W. B. Nel son, Hsrry Taylor, M. P. Murphy, Chance Kline. F. J. Jackson. Mrs, H. V. Carman. D. C- Elbert. John Duff. H. W. Welsh. Jennie Bonn, G. G. Mayge, J. R. Brlgham, A. Sanderson. Msx Wise. Blanche Mulkey. Onle Mulkey. May In land. Mary Ireland. Mrs. W. II. Grlrd , staff. Miss Mildred Grlndstaff, Mrs. Gnorge D. Schalk. Hortenae E. Watktna. Florence D. Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Msrshall, Mr..snd Mrs. K J. Butler. Henry V. Dolph, W. P. Daniel, Portland; Mrs. W. H. Stlnson. Maud B. 8tlnann. Kva Stlnson. Miss Llns Culllson, John Woodruff. Mrs. J.' W. Beroy, Mies Ag' Kee Harris, Mrs. Laura Harris, Eugene; Miss A. Finley. B. H. Jory, F. H. ItwK. R, E. Hankie, San' Jose. Csllfor nia; Mrs. W. 8. Plerson, Monmouth; F. K Coatee, Lydla McDonnah, Joseph. Mc Commack, L A, Warford, Mrs. M. P. Hurnett. Mrs. L. Campbell, Mrs. Myers, Harry Schlosser, O. Will, Miss M. Long, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hewitt and daugh ter. Albany; Mra. Joseph Mayers, fta lrrna; Jack Taylor, Mr., and Mra II. W. Kanplsch. Mrs. Thomas White I rn, Carrie Botdon, Mrs. Bordon, IWrs. F. L. Miller, Corvallis; Charles W. Card well, Pomroy. Wssh tngtou: Dr. and Mrs. D. O. Cujly. Slleti; He Loss Frits. Klckersll; Miss Emms J Belt. W. 8. Csry, Mrs. Csry, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rowell. Vivian Howell. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hayes, Vsn muver; Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Mlllory, Mill City; Mrs.. E. M. Toung. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Conker. J. 8. Cooper, Inde rendenr; M. I Thompson and family, sails Ciij A, . RaXC, Talentj WUllaa M. Colvig. D. L. Cofvlg. r. IX. Colvig, Barney Mar, Jacksonville; ' Frank K. Andrus, Hurry Andrus. Harriet Cochrsn. Oregon City; Mrs. R. H. Baker, B. Baker. Junction City; Dr. and Mra. A. A. Jcsnup, Boise; Mlaa J. Relnwand. Newberg; Mra. A. B. Robertson. Mlaa May Btelner, Minn Ruth. Btelner. W. M. Btelner, J. W. Baker. Fossil; F. 8. Washburn. M. W. Below. .- Minneapolis; Arthur Bandera. Uirriihnri' r n Varlnnd-. J. W. Baker. Cottage Grove; Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Don 1 ' R oh I neon, Kenneth . Robinson, , cnico, ! California. -...' , family, C. H. Bond. A. Frsnsw-Mlne-Mee TGlbaon. Portland; Mlas Marth Schooling. Madrem, Oregon; Mlaa E. Huff. Eugene; Mlas" tT, A. Bnsw, union; sirs, n, nrouir, Albany. . ' " Seaside . (Npeelal fwrieepueeeaea te The Joernal,) Ciutsop Beaoh, August 17. -The sea son at Clatsop Beaoh this ysar will probably extend later than at any time In the . history of the popular . resort. While the time at which the season usually begins to) wans has arrived, there la not the least indication of a falling oft irpattendance thus far. but, on the contrary, every train brings from ons to a half dosen family groups, each to remain for an extended outing. People who have been regular ' visit ors at the beach during the past decade J predict that September this yesr win o a banner month. Home even oeneve that the attendance next month will be heavier than at the present time. In any event, it ia true there is a stesdy influx of visitors who come for an ex tended periodY while but ' few are yet deserting tbs resort. On the other hand, there Is a. slight decreass in the strictly transient attendance people who come one day and return the next but this Is believed to bo controlled mors by weather conditions than any thing else, and another hot spell. It Is thought, would sgain drive 4 people to the beach. ' ; , While weather conditions control the beach seasons to a great. extent, it is declared that there Is a general tend ency toward late seasons. Each year the season opens later, while as a rule the trafflo continues until a later data. Enthusiastie- beachers declare the best weather and the most delightful time is to be had during the month of Septem ber, i.' , - . ' - . -The "hand concert given at the Moore I . . . .... ... ... v a,ll.1 band of Portland was one of the delight ful occasions of the week. The many small streams in ths neigh borhood seem to be plentiful with ftsb and Ashing parties going or returning may be seen a5k almost any hour of ths day, A few of the anglers are fortun ate enough to return with a string of flan, but ths majority have only a story to tell.": - - People at the meaeh, Senator Fulton was reristersd at ths Moore this week. Between naming the candidate for ths Astoria oollectorship and the one at Portland soon td be named, politics hare proved a little too strenuous for the 'representative of ths people, and hs sought recreation In tbs sea brasses si ins popular ocean re sort . -f ... - : ::..: J. C. Ainsworth and family arrived today and will spsnd several days at ths beach. ' Mra O'Shss, wife of President John F. O'Shaa of ths Union Meat company, has arrived at ths .beach for a short recreation. She is , registered at the Moors. '.. .-' ' - H. L. Day, a prominent mining man of eastern Oregon, Is registered at the Moore. t : -'; ". ' " '' D. a Munro of .Washington, D. reristered at Locksley Hall this wsek. P. R. John of Cardiff, Wales, was a guest at Locksley Hail for a few days. ' - , At tha Motslg."- ;-"'-- Ths Portland Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Drlscoll, J. B. Nlcoll, William Klumpp and family, Mr. and Mra D. McKeen, Mr. and Mra. F. P. Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. B. Woldt, Pearl Richardson, Mrs. Raper, Mrs. H. H. Matheson, Mrs. H. A. Lawrance. Miss Grace Lawrence, Dr. A. F. Petsell, Mrs. D. Rockey, Mrs. W. H. MUls. Mrs. E. F. Riley, J. A. Brown. J. ,W. Warner, O. C- Manning, Mlas E. Mills. Mr. and Mra. F. A. Tay lor, Mr. and Mra. O. W. Weatherly, Mor ris Gregg, IL Van Ness, Miss V. Faley, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Her In g, Mr. and Mra George Scoggln, Mrs, Sam Rosenblatt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beck, Mr. and Mra J. P. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Meyer, Mrs. L. H. Tarpley, Ford Tarpiey, Mr. and Mra. Charles Conners, B. K. Law son. Miss Ross Lisle, Miss Ida Nsubauer, H. W. Wallace, Mr. and Mra. H. M. Falrfowt, Mrs. Ferris, Miss Annie M. Clarr. Mlaa Katharine Clary. Mra R. D., Miss Ivy, Miss Minnie M. Inman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grunbugh, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. White, Father De Boo, Misses Delis and- Msud Hahn, Mra Ida M. Church" Mlas Roy Church. Mrs. P. L. Kenady, Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas H. Rich ardson. Mrs. Georgs Hoyt, Miss Martha Hoyt, Mr. and Mra E. E. Peterson, Mr. P. D. Cunningham. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Nichols. H. L. Corbett. Albert B. Fer rer and family. J. M. Alfofd, Walter Durham. J. L. Ksady, R. Hralth. Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bush- ong, Ruasell Smith, Albert u. Wakeman, J. W. Bailey, J. L. De Bevolse, H, U Dey, Miss Day. Mr. snd Mrs. C. R. Davt-. Ray C. "locum, R. P. Knight, J. B. O'Shea Jr, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Rob inson. Locksley Hall Harriet S. Calhoun. J. P. Newell. V.'. B. Uotton. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dement,. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rlchsrd Cox. Mra. J. T. Moylan, Thomas Van Andrcn, O. Lee Hynson. H. R. Moore, Mrs.,' Jamas Cambell, James Archaon, H. Bchnke, Mrs. W. O. Wright, Miss Clara - Woolpert, Miss E. . Jones. . Dr. Shepherd. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Hunter, O. A. 1'all, Florence Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark, Mr. snd Mra L. More sen. C. E. Ernst. C. Corf man, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McNeld, C. O. Flngley, J. R. Boedt R. MrOUl Jr R. Mlnnay, Mr. snd Mrs. O. Cv'Baljey, W. J. Ollmore, EtU O. Bailey, ir. arid Mra. J. O. Hawthorn, Mlas 1- Hawthorn, i Miss Blskley. C. F. Loedlng. Mra H. C. Lacy. Portland: V. 8. Murno, Wsshlngton. V. C; P. B,. John. Csrdlff, Wsles; Paul Whltehouse. Walla Walla: Mr. and Mra C. A. Pierre, San Francisco: L, C Mc Leod. . R. Keagy, Miss B. Gregory, C L. Hlane. Dr. Frledrlch. Astoria: Mr. snd Mrs. A. B. Eaatham. W. C. Hassard, W. Easthsm. Vancouver, Waahlngton; Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Krlen, Ths Dalles; Mr. snd Mrs. D. H. Knapn, Sprtngrteld; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Danslo, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Eatsy and daughter, Mr. and Mra O. Hull and daughters. To peka. ' Kansss; W. R. Hooper, Walls Walla: Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Smith,' Boise City; Helen HUerldan, J. Brown, Spo kane; M. B. Travis. C R. Travis, Chi cago.; William Dilta, H. O. Anderson. Seattle. Preferred stash: Oaaaed Soots. Alias A Lswls' Bsst Brand. " Tew snick reealts ass the WssiV Ooi. f CM Jensnal. '4m 1 t, Cloud Cap Inn (Special Comapoodasee te The Joaraal.) ' Hood River .Or., Aug. 17.- The visit ors to Mount Hood have been many dur Ing the past week. ' Ths road from hers to Cloud Cap Inn la In good condition except from the dust, but every visitor Is willing to suffera slight inconven ience to enjoy the wonders unfolded on ths trip to the snowline. Among those registered at' Cloud Cap Inn this week were: Mlas E. E. Barette, Miss E. Morse, Mrs. C. H. Gsyloru, Miss J. H. Smith and Miss C. F. Lamberson, Portland; Dr.. Nichols, Spokane; , Miss J.vWallsos and Miss G. Westsrraan, Dea Moines, la.; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hudson and Miss A. Hudson, Ksnsas City; W. M. Laurentser, New York; B. Norton, Berkeley; Mlae M. Kelley, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langille, Ban Francisco; Mrs. H. H. Wortman and Mlas H. Wort man, Portland; B. M. Tucker, Albany, N. T.; Miss M. & Hall, Boston; Miss Howe. Carle ton; Miss. 8. Earthman, Mr. and Mra. C. J. Schnabel. C II. Bchnabel, K. Bchnabel, J. N. Wets and Q. H. Grufka, Portland. , North Beach tllpeeUl CorreaposSMMS te The Joorsal.) North : Beach, Wash.. ' Aug. IT. Au gust Is as usual proving to be ths busiest month at this ocean resort. The beach Is thronged all day long - with tanned and sunburned children, bathers and horseback riders, all enjoying to ths utmost ths beautiful sunshiny weather. Mra. Bert Irwin arranged a very beautiful musicals ' for tha entertain ment of the guests of the Hotel Break ers on Bundaa- evening. The first num ber on the program was O Dry Those Tears," by Mrs. W. Scott of Portland, whose, little daughter Janette contrib uted later with a very pleasing solo. Miss Geraldlns Carson sang three lulla bies j C Rogers of Seattle played several pleasing selections on tha piano; Miss Anns Dltchburn - ssng "Contentment" and "The Lass With ths Delicate Air." William Scott told delightfully several stories", . and the last number on tbs program waa randered by Miss Helen Lytle, who sang, three songs. . - . CHvea jrsrewsll. v.-.f The Misses Edwlna . and Ramona Danners, who have been ths guests of ths Mastick family at Seavlew during the past two weeks,' wsre given a fare well pSrtyon Tuesday-afternoon -by Mine Edwlna Mastics. ' Progressive five hundred wss played at tlx tables. Miss Edwina Dannsrs and Mrs. Howard Rus sell being awarded prists. Mlaa Mas tick's guests were the Misses Ethsl and Agnes Mclntoah. Ethel Honoyman. Pearl Harder, Edna Haight, Lu Height, Ellsha Harrison. Persia Sargent, - May Coon; Wilma Flake. Marguerite Schwab, Ed wlna Danners. Ramona Danners, Enid Rothchlld, Margaret O'Connor and Ann Dltchburn. , i' -, ' t ' , An Informal 'bridge whist' party was given in the parlor of the Hotel Break ; Pictures mmr - ... ... wmim 'lm K t f" , ' v . ' S , . t i VlW m ."'.:':.-,.'..-."' sng & j - i ' 1 ' ' irV 1 ' ' ' 4 X ' - ' 1 , , ' ' ' V ? . , ' . - ty - . . , - 4 ' " , " i ' m$PK7r' --w.-'w'w:-?'- .A w x , , - . , ( ' - - , v r , , 1 , ,1"" J w.f c; f . ' ' ' y r ' " - " - v Sm tp . , - - r , - m Ji53?ffiSWlK ' rr-. -iBi'iISa5: V v On ths Breakers Porch, North JB each, ers on Friday evening by Mrs. Charles Phillips of Lewleton,' Idaho. Mrs. Neu stadter of Portland made , the , highest scors.. . -., J -V ;.' A beach fire and an Informal supper were given to entertain - Miss Loulss Morrison of Lewleton, Idaho, by Mra. L N. Lipman on Tuesday evening. k ' - The departure of the yacht Glsmonda and her crew for Portland- on Friday waa regretted by a largev-number of young people at seavlew who have beejj having great sport sailing with them during their stay at tha beach. The crew, which consists of Ralph and Leo Hahn, Guy Bennett and Roy Golding, took a party to Canby In their boat on Thursday, Ths gussts of the Glsmonda were Mlases Ross and Tudye Bchacht, Miss Emma Gerspach,' Miss- , Vivian Holmes. Miss Bertha Schaoht and Miss Jessie Hurley.' ; .i A party or young people from Beaview drove to Shoalwater bay on . Wednes day, when they had a plcnlo lunch. Tha party was composed of Misses Emma Gerspach, ' Ross Bchacht,- - Margaret Bchacht. Tudys Bchacht, and Carl Nsth, Wldd Honey man, Arthur Fields , and Fred Gerspach. . .' v ; XjaAd Family nVsnnloa. ":' A reunion of the Ladd family ' was held at ths cottage of Mra- William Ladd on Tuesday, covers for 10 were laid for ths dlnnsr, A walk to North Hssd lighthouse and a thorough' Investigation of the weather bureau was mads by Jolly party on. Saturday. Those In tha party wars: Edwina Mastick, Emma Gerspach, Ross Schaoht, Tudys Schaoht, Ellsha Harri son,' Ray Fields, Curtis Sargent.'- Bob Colllnson. Frank Howell rand Arthur Fields. On Monday evening the guests of ths Hackney oortage congregated on the beaoh to toast marshmallows at a large bonfire;'' . - ;.u-.-. .. An elaborate affair waa ths reception and card party given at ' ths . Alders on Tussdsy by Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Psrklns and Mrs. Conant. Ths unique Invitations ars worthy of special men tion. Small pieces of birch bark with tha nsmes, data and address stained upon them were tied together with bunch of aider - buds, apropos of the cottage,- at which the affair was to be held. About to guests were entertained. Ave hundred being played at tables placed about the porch and lawn. A series of muslcales to be given at the Driftwood cottage ' every Frldsy night was Inaugurated last Friday even ing, when a vary delightful program was rendered. , . , i Mrs. Phillip Schuyler , was hostess to a number of her friends on Tuesday afternoon, entertaining at a bridge whist party. Her gueats wsrs: Mrs.' Henry Corbett,, Mrs. . A. Mason,-Mrs, Theodore Wilcox, Missss Holman, Mra Fred. Wheeler, - Mrs. J. Vsn Rensellar, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. C Pratt, Mrs. William Ladd, Mrs. William Alvord. The dining-room of the Hotel iWlck ham was gsyly decorated for a dance on Friday .evening,' at which MIssvMsry McKlr.non furnished music for tha ZO COUpleS. . ','. ..' " Progressive Whist. " . ' Monday r evening a progressive .whist iu Recks at Seaaidc. Photo by Woolfield. Astoria. ' f - ra an party was held 'in the parlors of the Wlckham, a handsome allvcr aouvenlr spoon betng'awarded to the holder of the largest score. - ..: . , . Ths summer residence of Frank Barnes of Portland on the ridge at Ti oga has been opened and xwlll be occu pied by the Barnea family during the remainder of the season. . , ? ' Mra. R. Warner and her sister. Mra B.j Pope, are camping at Tioga with Mra. :. Pope's granddaughter, .Frances Pope. ;.,..;,,'-.-'v- ,,...:' . ; . The family of J. J. Kadderly are spending August at Newton a. - The Misses Ethel and Anna Shea ar rived on. Tuesday to spend ths rest of August 'with their mother-at Seavlew. Mrs. E. Garrett and daughter, Elsie, are registered at the Sea Croft.. Mrs. H. CHanlon has - her family Miss- Klna McKelvey Joined her sis- ter and mother on Tuesday. - The fam ily will remain at the beach until Sep tember. ; " ' , Adolph Brasel and ', dsughtsr have taken a cottage at Centervllle. ' , The family ot L. M. Lacy are In their cottage near Tlogs, ,, . Mrs. Curtis Holcomb is at present en tertaining Mrs. H, M. Carloek of Port Wnd. . : ' - AnMBeT the Visitors. ' The Misses Vlda and Mildred Nich ols and their cousin, ; Fay; Nichols, will spsnd ths rest of ths season at the Nich ols cottage at Tioga. - . Mrs. John Annand la the guest of her mother. Mrs. P. W. Baker, for . the week. . . , ' . Aden Lebak Is , ths guest of Miss Margaret Bchacht at Seavlew. Miss Ola Cooper . is visiting MVs. Charles Cook. '.',,.. Howard Gaylord Is a guest of the Jeffrey cottage at Tioga. . , , Ulna Louise Ha gner is registered at the Hackney cottage. Mlas Amanda Rasmuasen is the guest of Mlas Bertha Botefuhr at Seavlew. Miss Katharine Sumner and ' Miss Catharine Toomey are at the beach with Mrs. D. N. Toomey. . .. The family of R. E. Menefee are com fortably located at Tioga. .. Ij. M. Lacy hae opened a cottage at Long Beach for. his family. , . n t Oosan Part.- fit greatest attraction of ths week has been the bssebsll games between the younger set of the psrk and ths old fans. Crowds havs turned out to wit ness each game. A series of games is schsduled to be played during the next two weeks. . Up to the present the younger; set." for . which Shipley and Scott are the battery, have won two. out of three games played. . Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Buttorf leld have taken a cottage for ths rest of tha sea son. .'...;,!,' , . -.. , . - Mr. and Mrs. J. T.- Sullivan, Thial Sullivan and Ross MacKenna are camp ing near the ocean ridge..- - - The family of Fred Weston is spend ing August st ths park. ' ths visitors to' ths park this week were Charles 'Buttnrfleld and Frank Porter. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hlggtn are smong ths recent, arrival. ':i ''','' ' m ! iVf Tbs family of Donald McMasters havs opened their cottage and are Installed here for the summer. Mr. snd Mrs. W. D, Smith ars with friends st ths park. : ., ' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Grldley 'are oo- cupying a cottage on the ridge. ' Mrs. Julia J. Porter will be here for the remainder, of the month. ' At the Sotslav, " ' Hotel Breaker -Mr. and Mrs. .H. G Cotton, Mrs. T." W.' Nordby. Mrs. Katharine Daly. Miss Ethyl Craven. Mas ter Tommy Hardby, Mlaa Gertrude Steln bach. J. W. Strelt. Fred 11.. Rothchlld, H. A. Goldamltb, iaaao B. Holaman, Dr. Otto B. Bruswanger. T. W. Nordby, Margaret Boote, K. W. Pranck, Dr. and Mrs. Chester Bewail, Dr. snd Mrs. W. A. Rogers, C. T. Barker, M. Mossensohn, Mrs. L. A. Baldwin, Jerome L. Schwarts, Mrs. h. Jti Harris, unaries unamDers, Mra Charles Chambers, W. H. Chambers, Janette Cheley. Lucy Matthew,' Mr. and Mrs. H.. B. Pike,- Mary 0'NelL-God in Eric, Mrs. H. U Powers, Mr. and Mrs, B. M. Lombard, Mrs. F. A. Jones, Mlas C. M. Jones, F.' H. Hocken, Mrs, J. F. Jones. J. F. Jones Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam 'Scot t. Dorothy Scotf, Janette Scott. James Thompson James A. Ellis, William G. Beck,C. E. Houston. Miss Maud McCoy, John G. Peters, John Fergusson Jr., Miss Paulina Brown, Amanda D. Rasmusaen, Miss B. Batefuhr, Minnie M. Baum, Mra. F. W. Hanebut. Henry Hanebut, J. L. De Bevolae. Martha De Bevolse, Miss L. M. King. Mrs. J. Hatfield snd daughters, W. G. Brown. Alexander Ots. Portland; Mr. and Mra C. H. MoCov. H. A. Hover. Hover, Washington; J. 8. Hlrky,- Nampa, Idaho; William Connor,, Dr. and Mra. M. K. Hall, Mrs. Harry X. Holland. Spo kane; p. H. w. Rohs. EUensburg. Wssh lngton; Dr. Westermsn. T. . C. Dtitro, Wew York; Mr. and Mrs. M..A. Hlrsch man. Sn Franclaco; Mrs.J."A. Rowles, 7 Lav Crrsse;-WlKconshtti-MIss-Jsnetfe Mae Mlllan, Chicago; Mr. snd t$r. George W. T. Snare. Philadelphia;' R, Klrkpatrlck. Tacoma; Mrs. J. O. John son, Columbus, Ohio; Miss Porter, La Grande; Mrs. J. D. Gregg, ' Morris B. Greg, St. Louis; Dr. Forstrom, Dick Smltli, G. W. Ralston, . Miaa Jessie Sands, Astoria; - Jennie , Chrtstlsnson, Nora Chrlatlanson. . Sslt Lake City; Walter Lenborg, Bay View; Mr. snd Mrs. M. Crowley, - C. F. Bolmson, Ray mond. Waahlngton; Mrs. A. O. Baker, A. E. Van Dusen, South Bend. Wash ington; J. F. Olaey, North Yakima; Lena M. Knox, Kathryn L. Duffner, Seattle; Roy Alexander. Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stark, Mrs. J. Hatfield. Rockville, Indlsna. . '-' ... , Hackney Cottsgex-Mlsa Bertha" Han son. Myrtle Hanson, Mrs. - Harry J. Msysr, Philip Harris, Mrs. Harris, Carrie Harris,-Mrs. T. W. Whitney, S..C. Plor Jr., Elisabeth Harwss, J. H. MscKensle, H. T. McBeth, R. W. Foster, Mrs. E. C. Miller, A. W. Orton, Eleanor Ganxe mlller, H. J. Meyer, 8. K. Purrane, J. Wertletng, Mra. J. Wertleing, Edgar Wertlelng, B, M. Bates Jr., Grace Kin cald, Portland; Miss Grace Bryant, Cora Rubin, Boise; Dr. M. Bowman, Condon; Miss Bowman,- Salem; Mr. and Mrs. C C. Smith, Boise. - . , Hotel- Wlckham H. Goldsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldsmith. Mlas Es tells if uuu. uviiumiiu, AUia. imimtiw Miss Ray Goldsmith. Katha- cr. Mrs. D. N. Toomey, Cath - u.. v f ,,e.i Goldsmith, rlne Sumner, erlne Toomey, Helen Rand, F. Lengfel- der, John Miller. E. Fassas, Elmer Rlch- enbach, Klen Hupp, Isabelle Gilbaugh, Ruth Lee, Mamie Ryan, Lillian Powers, Mary McKlnnon. Minnie Hogsett, May Hoxsett. J. O'Brien. J. Kallahan, C. H. Bralman, Harlunda BUmpher, LOuiae Etampher. B. S. Dowllng, Andrew An derson. Bert Mitchell. J. W. Btevenson. Alma Shomanskl, Henrietta EL. Roth chlld, Daisy Gerson, Cheater Peterson, John A. Matthews, Mrs. L. Levy, Edna Ivy, Meta Levy,' Portland; Lawrence Swarts. Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. E.' Cox, Nsw Tork City. Harvest Home J. H. Chohssey, W. A. Caatletcn. Mrs.' E. E. Saw tell, Annie Davles, Kllse beth Davlea, L. Gi-McMul- len, J. P. Gait ley, Mrs. W. H. Garard. Mlas Ella Gaynor, Mlas Carry Loeb, Miss M. Cramer, Miss Ella Smith. B. 8. Pal mer. Miss Elsie Healey, Portland: P. P. Patton, Pittsburg; E. Tolum and son St. Louis; J. S. Owens, M. M. Owens, Gatee. Oregon; F. A. Virtue, Fnir View, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Payne, Walla Walla; Mrs. Edward Fruitier, Springfield. Illinois. - , , Driftwood H. ..M. Jensen, T. J. Brandes. Mr. and Mra. V. W. ' Vine, Miss Ullla Dyer, Mrs. Dyer, Dr. Frank lin W. Holltster, Elesnor Mann, Duella W. Sagulr. ,A. - M. , Shannon. Miss D. Lowden. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Mattsrson, Lulu Woodward, Nells Bchwsrts. Miss M. Mastereon, Mrs. B. M. Dallas, E. Sullivan, M rs. K.- Sullivan, Miss .Llxxy Cealy, Mrs. E. F. Scott, Portland; Mrs. J. E. Powell, Mrs. F. E. Powell, Oregon, Illinois; Mrs. George Williams,. Seaside; J. R. Frank. Lena M. Knox,- Katharine L.' Dufner, SeatUe; Mrs. W. W. Bnell, Miss Julia Snell. Mrs. Everett, Nampa; Mr. and Mra, J. H. Downing, Condon; Mra. A. a. Oossan. Salem; Miss Mamie J. Bsrty, Miss Alma - Barry, Walla Walla; M. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, A. Richard son, Baker City; Walter Seubury. Bay View; J. W. Oarn.e, IL D. Ors y, As toria. ' '.. .-'.'.'' .'. 7.' Ths Whltehouse Arthur Gslslel, Fred Oelalol, Mr. and - Mra W. 8. Paige, Myrtle M. Bratton, Eetella R. Angell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knapp, Mra E. B. Hyatt, Portland; Mrs. O. Mclnroe, Mra of the Black Cherry bark, Golden Seal. Frunk Mclnroe, F. L. Buroker, Walla i root, Stone root and Queen's root, con Walla. . : , : -,...' . ,.. - j talned l"GolUen Medical Discovery" In Portland Hotel Miss M. Smith, Mln- subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, nle M. Baum, A. Slehald, Dr. . H. T. bronchial, throat and lung affections. Hooplc. L. M. . orrooa. Caw Taylo-, A. . i J. Tsylor, Mrs. D. Shade, Dora A. Ras kins. Archie L. Douglas. R. K. Plutlslt, Charles W. Jack, Robert Wright and son, Hssel Westemlre,' Captain Bourne, Mrs. . Bourne, JameS Rothchlld, H. E. Sautsr, Mr. and Mrs. K. Bau ter, R. M. Bates, M. J. Hlokey. J. G. Brown, B. C. Johnson, N. D. Barger, R. L Adams, Portland; M. 8. Wright.-Sacramento; J. T Hay. Caldwell, Idaho: C; P. Stamper, John Kuuier. M. B. Mealey, II. H. Jen kins. Mrs. W. Haucbrlt, Henry Haucbrlt, F. W. Lorkwood, Wnlla Walla; Miss Donsghy, Mlas Prentice. Ing Be'ach, Cel.: J. Sblrlda, Astoris; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Posse, Boise; W. T. Martin, Toledo. Ohio. , rf Garden Grove Emir a Thompson, J. t. Bronauph. Enrl V. Eronuueh. R. W; Frohmen, . Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and rhllil, John C. Beck. Mrs. OVA. Broildle, 'lreiice Proddie, rortland; Jim. J. R. Thomrseu, Daisy Thompaen, KalMma; itAv Call. Ftta Trf-'sdnnt AVelser, Idaho. Iyong . Beac' Hotel II. " It. Pomroy, Lydle D. Smltlj. Charles A., Burton. O. E. Wlltshl -e, F, F. Vrnnklin, T. K. O'Neill. G.'oruo A. Stehlev. Rrlph Ilnhn, Guy. Bennett. Rsy B. McFadden, F. L. aTcSu'.ie. ::cj.!:ao JcnUIa.", itr. rr.d Mrs. W. II. Brunnon; A, W, Bartlett, J. B. Holsman, Charles W. Short. Nellie Hurn, Marie Hort'ier, May Ch Ion. Andy Barger, Mrs. C. N. Freley,. Mrs. .Albert Crowa, ,n. F, r.iSttn. If. r. fl'r.eHer. In-, V M. HnlllHtnr. Unr.P,H. u u-ii. : 11am Poblnnder, J. O. Brown. , F. C f Petty, R. V. Pattfn, W. G. Mnsterson- Mlas M. Mnsterson. itf. Mreh-w. J. n ; MeDevItt, Mrs. HIIb H. l-iuln, Prt. lard; Mr. end Mm. J. H Dow-lna, Cm. den; Mrs. 0wrt. Wi'ptr: Mra; IM. A. Mnnisv. rjra. n.'iiwf, "ff''-i' sun A. M. ' SVUB A . '.;.' jg" ;s : '- -r- i" ' ' j . - ---""ii ii. . n y mm, soih; Nellie. M. Ramsay, Ellsa N. Ramsay. Mayme J. Barry. Mr. and Mra. n.rt O'Donavan. Mr. and Mra Melantban Wajters, Mrs. A. Jaloff. Walla Walla; A. B. Cowlsy, Mr. Und Mrs. J. H. Brown, C. H. Landbeth, Ia Grande: N.-S. Slbler. i. 4, ;nmorg, Heattle; W. J. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. I 'B. Townsend, Tacoma; J. T. Hay, E. K. Eaawen. C F. Esswen, Caldwell; H. T. Klpp. Mr. Btehleyt Bpd kane; Flora Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Tslt, Mr. ard Mrs. O. a Spencer. A. W. Hammond. " H. O McGuire, Charles Hopper. South Bend: Mrs. w ' B. Ball. The Salt Alr-Mra. Charles J. Dunne.4 usnvs j . uuiihv, cawin wssiey uunne, L, L. Kafka, Dr. C C. McFarland, Mrs, E. C. MaFsrland. Mrs. Harry H. Hpls man and children, Mlaa Martha Levy, Millie Levy, Miss R. Ollroy, Mrs.- A. E. Labolrlteh. A. i Edward Labolrltch. Henry Jennings, A. Wsloh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcb and1 family, Evelyn Hur- iey, runiano. ' , if . - Chamberlalnse-Hsl Bcheeta.- Taooma- Mrs. J. E. Ingalls. Mrs.- R. W. Price, MIss-Ocs Price. Portland: Mrs. A M. Cation. Bvsrell Cation, Forrest Cstlon, Mrs. H. A. Crowell. Miss Jessie Baird. - - " mm. maiie. A TAUAN CONSUL ASKS' THAT MAN RF IAII PR Dr. C. F. Candlanl. Italian consul in Portland, hna asked United States Com missioner Bladen to have Bunl Adolf a. a sailor on board the Erama. lying at the Northern Pacific mill, arrested and confined In Jail until further disposi tion Is made by the consul. Adolf a la in the county Jail for assaulting the cap tain of ths Erama with a deadlv vnnnn snd was brought before Commissioner Bladen, lata this afternoon for commit- ; The usual' request In eases ' of this . - - -- "tur? J, Bailor untlKths "' b ""if" ". "" Adolfa s esse Consul Csndlanl has asked that hs be held until he decides what action shall be taken. The law bearing on the case states that, tho prisoner may be heleVas long ss two years, and the sailor may be confined In the county Jail that long, whether the vessel leaves port or not. WA I trtMtLUN tAIIIMu CONTEST AT OAKS A t the Oaks tomorrow ' afternoon 1 1 darkles win engage in a watermelon eat ing contest. They will be placed on a raised platform on The Avenue. where everyone may get a good view, and at the word "go,", they will attack a Jarge. Juicy watermelon. To the boy who sinks his ivory teeth Into the - rind on the other side first will go a handsome cssh prise. - The colored lad who la second to gouge out the red meat of his melon will also be .rewarded. . , . auung a sasiua. , , - From the Baltimore American. "Now I've queered myself for . good with Miss Prttyfare." , "What did you dor - . "I atartsd to write a proposal to her, " but I'm so used to writing business In stead of lova letters that I told her I wanted the refusal of her hand." ' - Br. hert'a-XiWe. ' i.; On Sunday evening ths Rev. Dr. Short lectures cn 'The Life of Christ," and uses ths famous paintings of Tlssot to illustrate his talk. "Ths Holy City" will alao be sung snd Illustrated. 'A Valuable Agent. Ths s-Wcrrtn emnlored In Dr. Plsrcs'i inedlcinns greatly enhances the medi cinal properties which It eitraeta and holds In nolutkjn much better than alco hol would. It 1m possesses medicinal properties of its own, tolng a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antt-fnrmnnt- It adds greatly to the efficacv : lor fill or wwrn inee npenis are reoom- i. k. a 1 I . I it 1 A. I tm mended by standard medical authorities. In all cases where, there li a wasting away of - flnsb, loss of appetite, with weak stomach, as In the early stages of eonaumptlon, there can- be no doubt that g Iveerino acta as a valuable nutritive and aids the tiolden Heal root. Stone) root, Queen's root and Black Cherry bark In promoting uigoxtlon and bullUing np ths flesh snd strentb, controlling the conga and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole svstem. Of court, it muit not be expected to work mlrarles. It will not r tire consumption except In Its earlier tare. 1 1 will enre very severe, obstin ate, chronic roMghs, bronchial and laryn geal troubles, ard chronic sore throat with lioarwoeM. In acute roughs it la Dot so effective. It Is In the lingering' conghs, or those of long standing, even wheD acconpanlod by blei-ding from lungs, that it ban perform"! Its mo marveloiiH enrcs. Bend for and read the little hool; of ettrscu, treating of tu firnpertleit and uses of Ibe aoversl raed clnal roots that enter Into Dr. Pierce' Coklen Me:llcal Discovery and learn it'hji this medidne has sucli a wide range of sppllrntion In thectireof diat-ases. It i -aont free. . Adurecs Dr. R. V. Pierce, llnffalo, N.-Yr ,Th "Dlaeovery" con tains no'akohol or harmful, habit-forming drug. Ingredlonts all printed on each bottle wrapt In plain English. Nick people, pcrlally those offering from dlsesees of long standing, are Invited to ramailll Dr. 1'iereo bv lnlWr. Ttr. All eorrtispondence is held as strictly prlvite and sacredly mi6dentlal. ' Address Dr.' K- V. r'IInffalo. N. Y." ! Hr. V liollrsl Adviser Is sent frm on tvrlp. . stamp to pay eipeiisj f mailing' owfy. Seud 81 oisvci'ilt Manns nn,i or ""verctt, oi stamp for clotA- , W I - -