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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
- c:. :::i daily jouhijal, rc?.TLA::r. caturday evening, august is:?. 11M 5EE;':SCi5GSTS WHO STRIVE TO SET IS t " (Joornal gpeeUl Berries.) ' .. ' New-York, .Aug. is, Enough mor phine and atrophlne to kill an ordinary man had to be administered to put to aleep a big Bengal lltir. Helnrtch," that veterinary surgvons might perform an operation on hi left foreleg. - -.- Helnrlch took hla medicine with Juat aa much composure aa is -exhibited by a pet cat that 1 having butter stuck on lta pawa to cure general feline de 'bllity. That mean he scratched and . .clawed and fought and cried. The operation waa performed in Bos tock's -animal arena, where Helnrlch Is employed aa one of the atar performera . in Hendnckeen'a tiger group. "Tsm many." the flerceat tiger in the lot. bit hole In comrade Helnrlch'a leg re cently..- Two operations were performed. DEMAND $500,000 FOR HUSBAND Mrs. Delorah M. Rafferty Suet Fathsr-ln-Law for Alienating Son's Affections. STORMY ROMANCE OF SOLDIERS RECALLED AIl'f e That Athleta Acted as Agent . nd Wa Paid to Induce Her Love to Leave Her Marriage Result of an Elopement - tJoanal Special Berries.) t New York, Aug. It. With the return or ueorge a. Kantrty, son or Gilbert T. " Rafferty. the Pittaburar millionaire, to years aa a private in the army of the Philippine, cornea a revival ot the story of hla tempestuous romance In a sutt for ISOO.OOO brought by his wife against the aenior Ha (Tort y for alienation. ' mik. t o.vuiu a. - . Mra. delorah M. Rafferty. ,ir n , - r i u . i if IL- II 2 r? Showing How Operation Waa Per , formed on Royal Bengal Tiger. m service In the suit, which was brought In the Kings county supreme court, left the - Waldorf for the Thou sand Islands, wbero he maintains two magnificent summer homes, known ss InmertAl Isle ind RnnnU Paatl. Tauii. Rafferty Is at the Imperial, where he him off after his marriage, and whom, he declares, he nas not aeen since. The plaintiff In the alienation suit la young, charming and beautiful. She was Dolorah Mclntyre, daughter of Mrs. A. C Mclntyre of Alexandria Bay, New York, Sha la. well known In the Thou sand Islands, where she carried on photographic business established by her father. It was In her atudio that her romance with the son of the Pitts burg millionaire began. He went to her to have his ploture taken, and it was lore at nrst sight" The Rafferty family objected to the marriage of their son to the comely young photographer, and an elopement and secret - marriage - followed,- Their brief life together was stormy, and Mrs. Rafferty charges that every effort was made by the father of her husband to separate them. A year after their marriage, Mrs. Rafferty brought suit against John Har old Hayden, the football player, for I2S.00O. She charges that Hayden walked with her to market one morning and Invited her into a reitaurant to give her a confidential message; that he told her It was worth $15,000 to him If , he could separate young Rafferty from her, and that he offered ber half the aum If ahe would aid him. On her refusal, she declared, Hayden drugged ner. In yhe new suit which Mrs. Rafferty has Just brought sgalnst the father of her husband, she .charges that Hayden waa only the agent of the senior Raf ferty. GOMPERS OPENS CAMPAIGN AGAINST LITTLEFIELO . , , , , I Labor Leader Makes First Speech in Maine at Lewiston Tonight. ' (Joaraal Special Bervtce.t Lewiston, Me., -Aug. II. President Samuel Qompers of the American Fed eration -of Labor Is scheduled for . a pefcph here tonight, the event marking the opening of a week's active' campaign that he will pursue In his efforts to bring about the defeat of Repreaentatlve Charles E. Uttlefield at neat month' election. The Federation of Labor has singled Mr. Llttlefleld out as the partic ular object of attack In the first politi cal fight to be waged by organised labor. Beaidea President Qompers, It Is like ly that John Mitchell of the miners' union and one or more other prominent labor leaders will be brought Into the district and put on the stump to apeak In behalf of D. J. McOIUlcuddy, who Is Mr. Llttlefield'a opponent. The nominal Republican majority In the district la 1,000, and Mr. Llttlefield'a campaign managers declare that they are not un eaay over the outlook. Believing, how ever, that It Is better to he safe than sorry, they Intend to bring Speaker Can. non and other big party lenders into Maine before the close of the campaign. GERMAN CATHOLICS GATHER AT ESSEN .(Jeerae! BpeHal Service.) ' -Berlin, Aug. 1 1. In the city of Essen. where the great" Krupp steel works are located, scores of representative Roman Cathollos front all parte of the German empire are gstherlng for their snnusl eonclave. It is the annual meeting of the Roman Catholic Central vereln. The proceedings are to begin tomorrow and continue through the coming week. Em inent representatives of the faith, both clerical and lay, are always in attend ance, and some of the speeches delivered In the past have had far-reachlirg effect But the relation of the Cathollo church and the government at preeent are most satisfactory, and it la not anticipated that anything will come tip at the con vention this year to disturb the tran quilly. The American Federation of Cathollo societies hsa sent a fraternal delegate to the convention In ths person ' of Alphonse O. Koelbe. - . , , FOUR 1EN 7 BROKEN LEG I but unsuccessfully, to put the injured member back into proper gear. Or. Henry Amllng of No. 4231 Fan avenue then advised that the leg be let alone and that It might work back Into form itself. A few weeka ago. how ever, the animals condition became so serious that a final operation -we de cided on-- - : . : When Helnrlch was brought outside to be tackled by the surgeons the bone was protruding through the flesh. He rolled his Trown eyes round pitifully until they fell upon the medical kit I Then he stsrted to snap and snarL ' Four men were needed to tie him I down. Then the anaeethetlcs were ad' ministered. In IS minutes the opera tlon was completed. BEER DRINKERS Official Figures PrOVS Great In crease in Consumption of Malt Beverages. . FALLING OFF SHOWN IN ALCOHOLIC DRINKS New York Leads Statea in Manufac ture of Beer .With Wisconsin Fourth and Missouri Sixth In crease' in Number of Cigars. - fWuhlnitaa Boreas of The 7aaraaLI Washington. Aug. II. The United Statea la becoming a beer-drlnklng na tlon. The official flgurea prove It and from them there la no eacape. Away back in 1S0 the people of this country consumed but two gallons of beer per capita, a very modest amount when compared with what the leading na tions of Europe had been doing : for generations, in 1ST0, however, the per capita consumption went up to five gal Ions snd in 1180 It waa still further In creased to eight gallons The blggeet advance waa noted in UtO, and In that year the American people drank, per capita. II gallons of beer. There wss a further advenes to II gallons in lioo, and for the last fiscal year it was 10 gallons.. . There Is soma comfort1 In these fit' urea, ominous as they wllf seem to some of the good temperance folka, for it Is noLedthatlha consumption- of alcohol la drinks has not kept pace, proportion tely. with the consumption of beer. Whiskies, wines, brandies, etc., while making modeat gains, are left far be hind by beer. - This seems to Indicate that the American people are gradually limiting inv " v& -- .. drinks, in the middle of the last cen tury, and in race rrom me revolutionary period to the cloae or tne civu war, whiskey wss ths ' favorite American drink. Beer was unpopular, was little known and had few promoters. But with Imoroved methods of brewing and the influence exerted by tne neavy uer man Immigration, which began toward the middle of the century and contin ued until well toward . Its close, beer came Into favor. . Beginnings of Industry. The term "whiskey," however, as used herewith covers a good deal more than what' Is properly embraced In It. In oolonlal times, and fsr Into the last cen tury, there wss a wide distribution of small quantities of wine made from grapes and currants, and these, with whiskey and brandy, were to be found on every sideboard and on every table. The manufacture of beer In the United Btatea did not begin until 1140, and then It waa In a very small way. - ror years the breweries were all owned by Germans' and ths products of them con sumed by the same people. Gradually beer made headway among native Americans and then, after the cloae of the war. It began to drive out ale and Dorter. ..which are now useM here In al most negligible Quantities. In the half century cloalng with l0e the number of- beer establlahments Increased from 431 tr l.B0. the cifrltal employed from $4.02.180 to 1416.114.4(1. and the value of the output from I5.72M4I to HIT, m.m. ' aourl and Wisconsin are known aa cen- lre ox Deer manuianure, u may oe somewhat surprising that these states do not stand well toward the top of the lift of states -In that Industry. But ther do not. According to the official figures compiled for 1100, New. Tork stands at the top of the list with a manufacture of t.lll.OSI barrels Penn sylvania comes a poor second with 4.4g,171 barrel. Illinois third with !.74.T1 barrets, Wisconsin fourth with I 049.1ft barrels. Ohio fifth with 1.018,- 111 barrels. Mlisoiirt slath with 1.410.- barrels and -New Jersey seventh, with 3.117.41 barrels. ' . V ' - Tn Capita Ooamuapuom. A few figure regarding the per Capita consumption of whlakey will be of Intercut tn this connection. - The gov ernment kept no figures as to consump-; tlon until' the Internal - revenue lawa went into effect during the cival war. For 1811 the per capita consumption NATION BECOMING was about half a gallon, ana It was ; . .TIME f DOCTORS vmo t Men Now Visiting the ' 1a.- fl a. " ly invncu 10 vail $10 Examination Given Free. It cava men to ma to the Dr. W. slclans are-of : the world's best T out the northwest to" T Quirk and Tasting our T Indorse them. Grate be reliable, Call at Once If You Are In Trouble ' Stav Young and middle-aged men who have Injured themselves in body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken cheeks hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. . Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the ; Past 1 7 Years In This City We Qlye th Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices. ; We are .tlways willing to arrange terms to suit. Ton can pay by the visit, by the week or by the month, end we give liberal discount for cash. -Remember, our charaea ara the lowest and moat raaaonahla In tha c-itv. and you get the. very beat treatment. at once; It will be the happiest day TASlooaa TXrjra, wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with- out cutting. No pain.. Rupture, hydrocele snd piles cured without op eration. Consult us free and find out how we cure without the knife. . Our price for a cure is the cheapeat In the northwest CKSOlTXa skin dlesses, ecsema, ulcers, sores, piles, constipation. Itch Ing, hesrt, kidneys, liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatlam, pains. Oat of Town Men Tlsltlng the City Consult us at onoe upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before returning 'home. Many caaea can . be cured In one or two or more visits. Consultation and advice free. WaUTI People who live in outalde towna and In the country who, . cannot call should write for consultation and advice, free. Many eases . have been cured by home treatment Our new treatment has cured 1,008 others and will cure' you. Come to us and you will alwaya remember It aa the moat important transao- -tlon of your life. If you can't call, send for our free symptom blank. We will tell you if you are afflicted. Consultation free. If yo live oat ef tha eity, eosae for ess rial yoa eas gs sack on" the seat train. You Need Not Pay Until You Are Cured Should you desire, you may depoalt the fee with any bank or busl . tiess house tn Portland, to be paid to us aftsr you have been restored to , health. - Office hours t a. m. to. I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 11 m. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS B CO. ' leading rpeoUUsts la the Worthwes. BrtabUshed ISM. TA VOY KOTOX M TXZBO ST COSUTZB TOT. OBT&AJTD, OB. WS DISEASES CURED FOR $ ?.fjfl ESTABLISIIED 25 YEARS EV PORTLAND We Will Treat Any. Single Uncomplicated Ailment For NO We make no charge for examination, and we are glad to have you eaU and nave a private ana conuaenwai BLOOD POISON Is the most dreaded, dangerous disease not only unfits you for your work and duties, but makes a man unfit for marriage, for holding responsible positions. 'When his system becomes Inoculated with tha germ the whole body undergoes a change of decomposition and not only results In a disfigurement of the body but -also of the man. This dlaeaae can be cu red. We have received the everlasting gratitude of thoae whom we have cured and who. show their apprecia tion by sending us other cases. NERVOUS DEBILITY Loss of energy, will-power, lack, of concentration -of-thought, loss of memory, which weskens your entire system, mental aa well as physical. This lowered vitality of the nervous and physical condition is strength ened so thst In a short time you will have your original strength -and be yourself again. All acute and ctironlo akin diseases, ulcers, rheumatlam, heart, kidney, varicocele, stricture, gonorrhoea, liver and stomach troubles cured by tha lstest scientific methods. - 1 WRITE, if you csnnot calL All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent In plstn envelopes. No nsmes. caaes, letters or photo graphs of patlenta published or exposed. Inclose 1-cent stamp to Insure reply. . . Hours I ani to ( p. m.; Evenings, St. Louis MEDICAL SURGICAL OOBBBB SSOOB9 ABB TaJOOU gallon and four fifths In -1110, - these being the record periods. It had dropped to a gallon and a third by 1110, and to a gallon and a fifth In .1100. This la the low-water ' mark. . On the baals of 11,000.001 population In 10, this being the estimate of the census bu reau, the consumption of whiskey this year has been a gallon and ..almost three quarters per capita. This In crease Is in striking contrast with the much more rapid Incresse In the con sumption of beer, snd beers out .what has already been said sdoui tne Ameri can people's tendency to switch from alcoholic to malt beverages. Since 111 the consumption of cigars In tha United Statea has Increased from T per capita to II. or more than 100 per cent. During the asms period the consumption of clgarattea has Incraaaed mors -ths n 100 per cent in lo this consumption wss eight per capita, and for the fiscal year recently cioaed It waa . This figure ia me same aa for 1104 and for 101. In 1101 the con sumption per capita was 40, In 101 It wss 14. In 101 it was i. in lfoo it waa 10. In 1110- the per capita was II. The Increase beginning with 1101 Is due to the general Introduction of Egyptlkn or Turkish tobacco in cigarette lorm Into this country. . - - evais CXATTOA. - Wav. W. L. Rllev. LL P. Cuba. New Tork. writes: "After fifteen days of excruciating pain from eclatto rheuma tlam, under various treatments, I wss Induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment: the first application giving my first re lief and the second entire relief. I esn Ivs It unqunnneo recommenaaiion. ia. Oc. 11.00. Woodard. Clarke Co. c vMMMaaAAeaaa- ' Nortnn Davis nomnanr " Thalr'ntu,. .specialists. They. are. known through honest -UDrtsht Dhyslnlana and aura-eon. ' auras have established their reputation. Cured patients rateful men recommend them. ..'': . T Call and find out about your case of your life. Consultation free. 4 e $12.50 for the fee ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE PAY UNLESS CURED We desire to reach the poor as well ss tha rich man, and by making our fee only 111.(0, pay on easy terms, we Increase our business and se cure lasting gratitude from thousands, who would otherwise remain afflicted If It were not for this liberal offer. . . , taig aooui your irouoiea. - and destruetttve disease- .known. This 7 to I; Sundays, a. m. to 11 noon. AND Dispensary STBBBTS. OBTXABB, OB. SHOE AND LEATHER FAIR IS OPENED IN CHICAGO ' (Jooraal Special Serylre.) unicago, ill., Aug. II The national snoe and leather fair, for which prepar ations have been making for aeveral montna, opened today in tha First Ran-- iment armory, to continue through next week. The exposition la the first large ariair or its kind In this country, and has attracted unlverssl attention. It includes the display of the biggest shoe joDDers, snoe manufacturers, tanners, leather dealers, machinery and. supply firms. A unique festure of the show Is the exhibit arranged under the direction ot Major John M. Carson, chief . of . the bureau of ma nu fact urea of the United State gvernmeAt. This exhibit Is de signed to arouse tha Intereat of Amer lean manufacturers of shoe snd leather goods In the Immense possibilities of tha export trade. Ths exhibit Includes a complete series of samples of the boots and shoes worn by the Chinese, also of the several parte of theae atylea of footwear, ao that the mathod of manu facture and the appearance of the fin ished article can be comprehended at a glance. BAY STATE MILITIA , IS INVADING CANADA ' . (Joaraal Special Sarrlao.) Boston, Mass., Aug. II With bands playing and flags flying the Fifth regi ment of Infantry of the Massachusetts militia stsrts this evening for sn Inva sion of Canada. The Immediate objec tive point Is the city of Ottawa the capital of ths dominion and the seat of a-avarnment. After taklns tha cltv hv latorra the regiment plans to hold a re- TRANSPORTATION. CclcMaRiverScecery Regulator Line Steamers re excursion stbamcr "baxlet GATZERT" makee round trlpa to CAS CADE! LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at I a. m.. returning, ar rives p. m. Dally service between Portland and The Dallas exoept Sunday, leaving Port land at T a. m- arriving about f d. m- carrying freight and passengere.' Splen- oia accommoaauons tor omnia ana llveatock. Dock foot of Alder atreet Portland: foot of Court street. The Dalles, Phone Mam lit, rortiani. . TELEGRAPH t Vastest aa tha Btvei . The Only1 steamboat rnaklng a round trip . " ' Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA aitd way roorTS . Leave Portland..,,...,.. T:09 a. m. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. m, Iave Astoria ...1:10 p. m. Arrive Portland........ 1:00 p. m. M.tLS SERVED A LA CARTB ' PcrtUnd Z-aadlnr, Aides attract Sock. , - Astoria landing. Oalleades Dock. E. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main III. ALASKA raT AMD POP FLAB gTEAsflHIPS ; Uaee Seattle ' "nmitOl" Aoruet t. . . ' "DOUHIN," August 11. C ALU NO AT '' Ketebtksa. Jaaeea. DnogUs, Haloes. : way, Cnaaeets wltk W. P. a T. rants far Atlia, Pawsoa. Taaeaa. Mosae, ate, . roe An Soatbesstsra Alssks Porta. Oall or send tot 'Trip te Woederfal aUska," . "lodlaa Baskstrr." "Totes) PoUs." . THS AIAIXA a. a. CO. PTaak Weolsay Ca., Afents. tni 0k at. PortUod, Or. SOtrTKZASTZItir ALASKA kOUTX. ' rrom Hesttle at S p. at. for Ketrblksa, Juseae. Ikas war, Wblt Borse, Da a too and s-alrbenks 8. S. City of Seattle. Ass ort 10. SO. SO. S- 8. Humboldt, Aagast 4, 14, St. S. S. Cottage Cltr (via Bltln). Ausust 11. SB. . nOUS BOVTK. m. I, S. Senator shout Auruat IT. ... roa ia raAvoisco siaxor. Prom Seattle at s a. s. City et PoeMe, Angnat 9. ottiaas Office. 141 Waahhvrtea St., Bala Stt. . O. X. LEE, Pass. . Art. C D. DLMAXN, U, P. A.. Baa Praaeisee. C. GEE WO Portland's. Widely Known snd Successful - ' Chinese ' Medicinal, '-. Root snd Herb Doctor Hal famons rtsiedlaa, tbe Ingredients wkleh we Imoart dlioet troai tha Ortant large eaaatltlea and srapare and set ap fat nae la bis nn-ie-eate lanaiorri no sMrenrr, polaosa or drags ef any kind esaa, . Parol Veavtable. Tke Doetor treats eaeeeesfany and gaarsntoos ta enre all stonaarb tronbles, eatarrb, aathoaa. Inns, throat, rbenmatlam. aervoasneas. Urar, klilnar and Mat manhood. yufAU raotrBLEs aim all putati : DiaiAais. ' Re tslae er ttlaleadlns etateaiaats te tbe stfllettd. a safe and Uatlng enre In tbe eateb eet aoaalbls tine and st tbe lowest east pee. SIMa for bonoat treatment. If Ji ran sot rail, writ for symptom Blast sad eircalar. Inrlnae 4 eoata In etamaa. eonvLTAnov pais. - ----- tae 0. 0e We Cklaaae Madiouis Co., UIH - pint St., Oar. Morrlsoa, Panlaaa. Or. Pleeae maatlaa taia no par. Scott's Ssntal-Pepsn Ce?sc!:s A POSITIVE CURE yorlnflamiaatlon orOaUrrbof the Klaodorane a. aeouaaaerav. enms ckly and nomMnantir tne ana niwt. ao msttor oi now jonc atandlnc. ikiolataly harnlaaa. Sold kv druaista. TKE SAXTAL-PEPSIXCa Bsikawatelas, Okas. Weedard, Clarke A Oa. Evory Woman Isl 111 I IS IBS 1 Ma. ahAMM fcaaaVeaW ft. do i in wooasjrnii MARVEL ttblrUag Spray 'Tataaaiajinaja, JmJf. . mow ear. IS iaa aaaalallai B Ttha oanaotaafnly tbe naaa avii. aojent no oihor. but send stamp fc tllosiraioa book Mirf. fnll narUoulara and dtraMiora to. valuable tnladlra. MHVBI. rSX. aa . saa sr.. aatv iosil a. a. ikidmosi a oo., it -Hian ixeut. AXS WgOBAAA CLASJLB 00. lrynLvsAra. n-.T.rwi..i. uih., its J(Cve CHi55HBTs;ir.NGiafla I wlik no rttkn. Toko ao ether. Bira.e I aoaaoraaa Baaotltaatoaa aaa ' Maaa. Br al J lnfim, Ao. te Zmm. a. P.rtlUn. Taatlaaiiilals aae :'R-llr Par ISIoa.. lm.l re. tara MaU. I.M1iii Tii I Inaw. -bl'borr t kraalrol view on the beautiful grounds In front ih. narllament buildings. ' Tha fart that tha Invaders will bear arms might lead some persons to Imag ine thst snother Fenian- raid was In prospect. But nothing la farther from tha truth. The regiment goee to Canada at tbe apeclal invitation of, the authori ties Snd the trip in in ino niur vi ai return for tne vtmi pma omon fall by the Vorty-thlrd regiment, Duke of Cornwall's Own Rifles of Ottsws. The Maseaohusetts aoldiers aspect to spend two daya In Ottawa. On tha re turn trip they will make a stop at Mon treal. '!';'. , . . , 1 1 Tha elivalataom ef Tha Joaraal la rertiand and u Oregon exceada that at any otbes Oregoa aawspayeav , a - n Pa sJaby Foi ' WMftM Tronsiis; ! s' BELIEVES IN ' v 1 DISCHARCES I EaehCas V- ) 1 1 ((--, ' ' ' yjr gmnrmtfetmml, w For sale aJldrmirrlata. J, m iW.XiWHIM I Bat n w- ." WMan. t nneasiK-no Bk rOsV aat-MoalConTonlont. Xi ' jaTNnaaoa m I i. M M mm as w a ' e e - - - w-eere,e drag Trains to the East DsOy 3 ,-JiM Piitlawa staasatd sad lisslit aVt. ?- Sail s Oawba. Cklsasn. Baekl SS sla,fn1, d.l.r l. iTan. c. JJfsa rr"aiag saatreara (aaata Srael le -rwa"r. rbtraso.PnrtliMI flaaH. nissaaas M. ' aaT b.tV" L. "2 1 v " P"rtled. . - S-1S am ' Ml ltlL!w,,"l wf pniata. emweetta eooaeetlaff wttV ti.m.Vi-. ."" sae norti -.,0.!-- Beaeb. steaaia eseent Snoaari gatarda. 10 a. sa. Airteas s a. .. except Snadar. TAifHTtr, arvita aotrra. Srtos- Orasna City and Tint! Til rtw Pts, steaners Ratb sad Vodoe. Aabt. seek. hiTl "r. eveept 8onday atsr pr taaas?' ,M' , , BTA ntTVK IMTtt s " ead way points IVa toa ClVt (Poeaae sad Lewte. tsU j 7. 40 or spea arrival Train fcwVip1,- - s. - ticket OfaVe. Tblr ami Waatlagtne) ska,., w- afeMuRRAT, General Paasaasef Asont. EASTvu SOUTH tTnfaa IImmI t-M& Antve. Overland topreae .ftiha F", Roaebajrg, Aaa t4, "oeramonle Osdaa. fan Pranrlaaa, Staektoa Los Asselas. El Paao, '' New Orleans aad the east 1:45 m Mornlns train eonaeeta at Woodbvpa . aallw . n-.i m Snnday with train foe " Monnt Angel, glleorton, ' , ttrtimnniu. Sprlnsleld. Wendllng and Natroa.... 1:00am knea MnMim ami. T:Srs rfm st Woadbnra wttb - Monnt Anal sad ailna. ' ' ton loeal ., es-aaj aa - a: an rflrrallla'paaaenser. ...... "T V am R nOpta "berldaa paaaenser....... MHOpa -:aBpni rorat Orera maaeaeer.. fS AO aa 111:10 naa -uanr. lTaH exeent aainday. TEPTlRSOltTaSKT sTATIOlf. - ' ' For Dallas snd Intermediate points dally T:W m. snd 4:15 n. as. ArrlTe Portland 10:10 a. tn. snd B:ta p. m. ror nme im eara er newss imrM) trams smtr at Cltr Tteket .Offtea. a ataMaa. . Tickets te Eaatera points snd Rnropej else lapan. Oiln. Rnnnlnln and Anatrana. Cltr T1ok.t. Of rmr ' Third .ad Wash- mswa arrena. man a main Tlx. O. W. STiNOEE. Wm. MeMTTRVAT. Cltr Tlrbet Aaeat. Am. Psaa. A seat ' TIME CARD Tn a iRio' Cnloa Papal Tallswatnne Park-Ksaeaa lease. Antes. Clty-St. Loots gpaetal for ' - ' Cbebalts. Centralia. Olym- v . pia. vnir Baroar, aonia . Bond, Taeoma. aVattle, gro lano. tewlatoa. Bntta. !. - ' ' llnaa. Donrer. Omaha. Kan- V saa City. St. Louts and ' " i '' ' RoatKeaat. dally IJOssj dtHasi trie Mabted. tae Taeoma Seattle. Spokane. Bette. Mlnnmnona St. Paal SM the East, dally S:OBaaB -". IMia Puri Bnnad Umltod. C1areasot. Chaalla. Cen tralia. Taeoma su Beatua alo Sallr d:SB8i - S:Wsm' Twin Cltr Express foe Ta na, poarrie. Bposan R.Imi. Botte. St. Pant. : 4- Mlnneapolla. Ltnmln, St. ' ' loeepb. Kanaaa City. ftai. . - ka. St Lenta. wttanat-. . -...."-'.., eheneo of ears. Wreet m-, . .. . , ootlone wr sll polntar -. -t a4 a , Sail., tliaapm laBsas k. D. CHAMTr01. Assistant Oeasral Pae. seasee Agent. Set atucrtean street, setae Third. peruana.- iresnnw , , Astoria '& Columbia River Railroad Co. ' Catoa Oonet Lssva, Ant Par Matrra, aalnler, Clata. kanlo, Wratport. Cliftoa, Aatoria. Warreatoa. Pla aal. ffammoad. Port gtav- ens. Ooarbart Park. Seaside. SM am 11:1 ss Astoria ana Seaabore. ex- nreoo dally T4Wpm g:m 'Pertland-rVasid Flyer" Satarday only lesres Portland S;10 p, na. All trains dalle. -'? t. C hfATO. O. P. sad P. A., Artorla. Or. ' C. A. STBWABT. Commarctsl Ageat, , So Aider street, phone Main eoa ' TNC COmrOrtTABIX WAV. 2 Overlaad Tralas Daily 2 "The Ortaatal Umlhra. the Past atafl VIA SBATTLB AND SPOgABS. - ,- ; - Pally., , Dally. laaia Anlea Portland time eetedele T snd from Spokane, . .-v . St. Paal. MlnMapolta.. i , tmlath and ell points ' . ' Kssl via Sssttis...... S:"sm T-OSam U4Sm SASaa Tn snd from St Pent. httnneanolts. Dslnth end all points Beat eta Spokane SrtS ma Sios aw orthorn Steaarabtp Oa, - aning from Soettle lor Japoa ana China porta and Manila, .enrtytaa aa erasers and rrelaht . , - B. S. Dakota, aeptamkor 1. 4 , B. 8. Mlnnoeota, Ootobar Sa, HTPPOB TUIBB KAUItai (lapao Mall leanM t. g. a Akl Mara will sail from Seattle ahoat Sepirmbef 4 tor JPS nnd China porta, tarry US naeoeasot . fralfht ' Par tlekets. rates. easnres. rloea. . eall aa oe edAreas K. DTCBBOW. O. P. T. a., n T v afc, Pertlaad. Or' aia ' rant. ran. S. S. F. A. Kill;:: par esse Bar. Snraka aad Sea Ptairr- . ... ..Ulna from PortUad, tbr'1r. A Btat sslUsg hvm See Prasemee. Tknr., A P. L. OBSIJIOUOM, Aee. ' Oreeaakfe Posh K. A. lanr ' ' (UHtT I (faai 1 T