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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
ORECOII ' bAILY JOURNAL, FORTLAND.' SATURDAY EVErrn.O. AUGUST IS. 1CC3. 12 mmmm TODAY'S MARKET S Dealers Prominent in LeSe Buying Say Hop Will Co to Twenty-One Cents a Pound by Tuesday Several Sales at Twenty Cents The BREAKERS MOTEL C0Li;iG HERE AMKrUCAN PLAN. f T'J.'vx,n:.' HOPS TO GO OVER 20 CENT MARK Joe Harris and dulius Pincus Say . Prices i Will ; Rise Tues , . day Morning. y; SEVERAL DEALS MADE " ; J AT TWENTY CENTS Flour to Be Shipped to Stricken Chile "i-OrienUU Orders Cominf More -.. Freely Sweet PoUtoes Lower .. ' With Larger Supplies. - v rrcat Street. Aug. 18. Th prtacipal featttre ' f the Portland wholeeale mar en wuay a. . . Hope la so erer te per pound. . : , . . , Vtour te b ehtpned to Chile. Thro ear canuloupe arrte la. . . Olm lower with larger supply. -Cillent ton rules In poultry.- 'Breakfaet imfe m 10 advanced. '' " l-ocel grapes sr striving more fre. , Bell pepper com in better ebape. Tmata market very firm. , . . .... SHU inrtlij of peaches. Firmer ton ruling la pottoe. . ' -j, Wall Wall onlma quoted with rlae. , . t nab receipt mailer front Columbia. " ' . Hop to Oa Over SO Oente, .. ''. ' While JOrrwo paM la wvcral tnaunce for hop 7terdr at Tarloue valley points, tht . market la null firm. The few nurere who par been dolnc all tin burin to data, coallaoo tho , aggreeenr In the market and every dajr fln-le their bltla higher than tho farmer on. Tlila ta tip froaa Harrla, and h kaows, for a lrgs par cant of th purcheee at Bira npmi i"t bee mad b him: 'Hopa will go at tie a pound ar better oa Tuoadajr. Thla la coincided la by Jullua Plncue, and b la an other m that hi anpnoaod to know, on riery aid -there ar awrmnra of astonlbmat-at. tb odraarfns prlcee. Tbcr ar talka of orer aoc bring paid today, but tho far tb rrporta can " not b confirmed. Una Bale waa mad between 'Sealer her jrtrdy at 20c per pound: thla prle being paid for a eon tract that waa orlgla allr aerurod by another dealer around ISc a pound. . flour to So Shipped to Call. I .oral flour me are aattouelr awaiting re port from t'bll. th aeon of yeaterdare earth uake and disaster. It la now eipeeted that a. large amount of Oregon flour will be chipped to 1h atrlrkea eeaariy. ---Chile in regular pur . rbaarr of our flour became that country dorn not rata eufflcJeut amount of wheat for It own uae. Tber ar mora laqulrlea tor fkwr from tb Orient and fradaaUr tb Oriental r coming to the rlwo of tbo local trad. A few mall order or reported accepted at SS.1S a barrel. Tb wbeat market la ratbr ateadjr o-l . actir. . I Exaol'aat Tn Baloa la Poultry. ' TVbl) eery good ton baa 'bees ruling ta tb poultry market for nereral werka, tb action of th buying during the pant 34 boura baa been moat remarkable. Becetpta ar eonetderably enlarged near tb aarly part of tb week, but be trade la taking all that cornea at printed figure. Cm ar mortn aomewbnt better wltb price fcohllng uarnunaed. The batter market hi rather mlied with Front etreet handlera unabhi to no Ilea much lmpror meat In tb demand. . Tiah Xaoaipti An SmalUr. From th ColuaiMa th receipt of aaliuoa In thla aaarket are entailer. The market la la good nape, bower er, and prlcen ar being maintained. lreaad meat of all kind, with the poaethle except! of beef, are abowtng a eery healthy one - In the FraU atraet market. Demand I mat per latent In drmwd boga and real. Price bold cue to tb top. ' r ' Haary tale of WaL' From Boat on Tb Journal recede tb follow ing aperlal dlapatcb: "Folly l.OUO.UOO pounds of tra ' Oregoa hire been sold her during tb peat week with price aangtug front S3 to S4V,e. Thai to oa a acoured baaki of 71 to 73c a pound." ' Brief ato af Tartoaa Linaa. , ' Red pepper ar coming la much tetter ahap from Tb DUa and a ah land. Demand good at current price. fb-nrdty la (till ehown la peach auppllaa wltb price ruling between 7Sc and II U a bos,. Tb earn figure are .beta maintained for toma toea. Latter price I for three-tier atoek. - Thru ear of cantaloupe arrleed hi daring the morning and wer unkmdbd early, price bold oacbanged. - Local grapea ar arrlelnc Bkora freely, bat - tto to atiU aoor and price ar aawttofaetory. Receipt! of Califarnta white and black a of bet tee auallty. femand therefor Improeod. f erm to lot a ea adnaeed. Wall WIla onion ar 10c blgbar with bat ter demand thaa sunplle. Celery la lower with a good lacr la (ap plies. Tb trad pay tb followmg price to Front aireet.: Irleaanaid ahlppere ar leea regular . cmauilaaluB: - , ; v wrala. nur aad Feed. ' OBAIN BAO Calcatta, ' baying price: arlltng. 10c. WHEAT New club, Tc; red Ruaalaa, 7e: "Hueatem. TOc; ealley, tie. ' - BARLEY reed, 0.W; rolled, 24.0028.0O: brewing. (24.UW, k'hola, t.OOl cracked. 28.00 par ':. BYR f t.bS per cwt. OATS New I'mdaoara' pric No. whit. $2.w; gray, $22.00. . FLOl'B bew atern Oretoa natenta. an am n eoi r inn i, e.wv-wi Kigj.oO: export, 48. IS; . i.; whole wbeat! ; bale, 42.7b. vllee. graham San: rre. an. t.vno bHUATVIKB Braa. per tea; -arld- dllnga, 25jU0: aborta, eoontry, tX.0uj city. , HAl Prodocer' price Timothy. WlllamatU alley, fakey, lUftil ordinary, $10.00010 60; 'aatera Oregoa, lS.0Ofn.0O: mixed, tlO.OUkl - 1U.60; eloeir, , grain, 7.BoeS40: haaL , t;.oie.oo .. H ' Butter, lgg aad Faulory. ' BUTTE B AT F. a. b. Portland Swart cream. V4',rf. .wr. Xlc. BU1TKH It t'lty creamery, SSej oataida ranee. S.iu,ilc: ordinary, tc, atore. lee. Huarv fi.. .iM II. ' ' SOUS . fi-eab,. Oregoa. candled. S2c; ea'tera. ao21e. 4t CITKESB New Fall cream, flata, lluau., Jmteg America. IBaiSVtC - 4OL'LTkT Mixed cblcktaa, Igu m. p., fancy bene. I4e per lb; rout-ra, old. lo!ie wr (hi ataga. I14JU4 net lb; fryera. brollera. lef per lb? old ducka, JITaiv.: 10; aprlng ducka. lm13H lb: geaa. Stli lb; turkey. lSe p-r lb; drcmed, 10c ner 4b;, glftuI3.go ear due; plaaoa7f20 ' Bop. Wool and Kldaa. ' HOPSContraeta, ISO crop. ItQlOe ner lb WOOI 1 clip Valley. ure ta mmtt.J tJc; Sne, ct eaitera Or-aoa, 10ll, . UOHAIK New, nomlnai -. SUKEPHKINB gbcarlna. IBt, Wool. S"ei medlam waui, gofjji,' urk A..e am . TScfrtl OU aack. eacnj ALLOW-I'rlioa, pa lb. US)4ei Be. I HIDll fry. be. 1. 14 ba and p. um 17V.C per lb; wry kip. lo. 1. to It lb. 14c! wry can, no. i. unner wa. isvt aalted hld leer. ound, SO Iba and eee. lOttllc; cawa. SHOBVic: ataga aad bona, aound. Sf)7e; kip. IS to Iba. Be I calf, auand. undet It Iba, lie green, nnaalted. le leai; cull. i pwt lb bM; SATURDAY PRICES IN " THE WHEAT MARKET o dept. - Deo. CMrsgo ......I .70 14 A I .71 New York.... .77 H ..... . Bt. Louis...., Milwaukee Kanaas flty.. Minneapolis . Ihilutb ....... Liverpool .47 .7014 .! .7I1B .t4 IsITtd JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS at ' By juveraina; m rarreii. - uy Poultry recelpta thua far this d week hava been fair, but not dH exceaalv. and with fair le- 4 mand atocka : hav cleaned up .' nicety. a for aoma waeka pant d the principal .demand la for d d- hena. but larg iprlnga will aiao . d aall very well, a there do not 4 a rem old bene at tnia wniina;.. ay Dealer have been Belling both , hena and aprlngs at a flat price d of 14 centa for the paat few d daya. and we are- of the opinion d) that if recelpta next week are not too heavy prloea will remain d about as they are. Small sprints are not wanted and wa advlae 4 producer nd ahippera 'ta hold d) theae until they are of at leaat ) two-pound average. There Is d O-trppaiently ' a i fair flemana tor w Urge young goeae at and 10. d) d cents and the market can uae d' aome. Ducks, if young and large, d) d will also aell at It and 11 cents. 4 d Turks 'are- firm at 1 and H 4 cents on old. and !f you have d e aome nice spring turks thst wilt d go from 4 to pounds each, d they wilt aell for a premium over d) d thla price of from to 4 cents, - If gotten in early. a - w beraehldea. nalted. each. 41 2at.7B: dry. each,; colt hide. SfliU; goat (kin, rominon, , each. lOttSbe; Aogora, each. ca id Tagwtabtoa. '- POTATO BR Nw, snrJ41.on P" sakl see. ducera" piic for car tola, 7S 0 per cwt; aweeta. Ac lb. ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla Walla. 41.60 per aarkr'ew California, red. (1.76; llrrra. 4I.7.S: garlic, Sat we per lb. FBR8H FRUIT New applao, SOc$l: orange,- Valencia. S4.766.00: banaaaa. 54 lb:, leoiona. choice. 44.SOlS.BO bo: faoey. MOveO HO per box; llmra. Mexican. 41 M per 1i: Hawaiian. SXOS.OO: .pbima. (Die rI1 3ft - r crate; . liliaL ti'Mtlltt; raapberrle, $'J: black flga. - 41 "": California grape. 41 oor,r 1.60; Oregon. 6"76c: blackber rlea. 41.001.23 per crate: watermekwa. HJH,c; crated. 1 Se per lb: peachee, 76c44I.S3; peara. M.V-tT1.5i; prune, bulk. Zc per lb; packed, SOc hot: bnckleberrlea. Ill He VWtBTAHI.KB Tnmlpa. new, 41.00 per ct carrota. $ per lack; beet. 41.60 per lack; paranlpa. $1 .40 per aack; Oregoa radtahe. SOc per d.; cabbage,. Oregoa, Sc; bell peppera, , loy 1 Jr par . lb; tomatora. - 76e Vl.lo per box paranlpa, - BucQI.OO; rtrlag benne. Oregoa. 7c per lb: cauli flower, gi.oo per do; pea. 4i5c; horee. radish. S7c per lb; artlcbok.-a. 75 per do: unaab, I Vic; green onlona. Oregon, 12 H per dn bnnchea; eiH-umlier, . 85c per box: celerr. 7.' per do; green corn. 12e par doa: aum mer aqnaab; 7SefI41XX per box; eggplant, 4i.7S!,t.a) per crate. DRIED rKI'ITS Apple, evaporated. ISO lc per lb: aprteote, l8Hle per lb; peeche. 2QUt per lb: aack a. Vi pr lb lee; prune. SO to 40, Sc; drop en each MS emaller aloe; Sea, black. S6He par mi California white, JHc per lb; date, gold a, 7 He per lb; tarda. per lS-lb box. 1 ' ' rari. But. Xt. Bt'OAR All reflnerle-Cnhe, .30: powdered. fft.lR;' frntt, granulated, 43.03: dry granulated. 4.VUS: eonf. A. 4V06: weatera P. '.. 44.BM Hawaiian C. Co-44.SA: extra C, 44.65; golilea C. 44-66; D, yellow. 44.66; bbla. 10c; V, 6e; boxes. 60 .adeanab en each baala. lea SA per w fur eaah. IS daya; Staple. 14016 per lb. - (Abova price apply to ealee f lea ta er tot. Car lot at apactal price oabject to ucrun lion. - . , - t . HONEY 43 SO per erat. - COFFER Parkaee branda. 41V.t80IS.7S. ' SALT Coarae Half grauad. Kin. 40.00 per bn; 60. SS.60; to hie. dairy, SO, 11.00; 100, fll.TS; fmnorted Urerpool. noa. SI7.00; Iiaa, I1S.60: Z24a. fltl 00: extra One. bbla. aa. a. Hi. 44.6o03.5O' bulk, too iba. S4.eotS.0O: aack. 40. S34rHc: Liverpool lamp rock, 410.44 per ton; bo-ID rock, au.mi; loua, nw.uu. RICK Imperial Japao, No. I. Sc; No. 1 46614; New Orleaaa baud. . 7c; AJax. Be; Creole. Ste. BRANS Small white. 44 : tare white, 360; pink. 42.78; bayou. 44.76; Lima. S6J9: Meilcaa red. 4V4. NUTB PeannU, Jumbo, Be per lb; Tlrglnla, StSHe per lb; roaated, SarSH per lb; Jap. oee. 67 .1 "4c; roasted, 7ti7He pee lb: cocoa nnta, SGfritOe per do: walnut. lSSUH per lb; plnenntn, loei2V per lb; hickory ante, 10 per lb; cbeatnuta, eaatern. latjloc par lb; Brarll But. Ifrc per lb: fllherfa. 1416 par lb; fiacy pecan, loci almond. 16017c. ralata. Coal Oil, Eta. ROPE Ps-e Maalla, Ue; ataadard. It Me; (lal. 11. COAL OIL Pearl f Aatral Caeee S per got; water white, trow barrel 14 par gal, woodea 17c per gal; headlight. 170-dag, eaaee me par gaf. OASOLlNBsS-deg, eaaee J4H per gal. Ire bbla lHc per gal. BENMNE--H-deg, tSe per gal, troa bbla Iftue per gaL Tl'RPENTINB la caae BSe par gal. wooden BDH Hie per gal. WRITS LEAD- B To Into. 7 per lb: SCO-lb lota e per lb: leaa lota. 814 per lb. WIKR NAII.B Preaent baala at 42. SS. LINHEFP t-IL Pure raw. In t-bM lorn. Sec; I -oh! lot, 6.1c; eaee. 4V per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caeee, pet gat; S-bbl Iota, 64e; 1-hM lot tSe per gal: ground ck. car lota.-420-00 per ton; leas thin ear kta. 4-10.00 par ton. Meata. rtob aad Vravlaloaa. ,1 J FBEBfT MV.ATS Front Street Hoc, fancy. SHc; ordinary, ibk; poor, Italy. per lb: holla. S((8Hc par Ihl veal, xtra, 714y8e lb; ordinary, 7c par lb: poor. Be pee lb) .mutton, fancy. HQK14c per lb: lamba. StntSc. . HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland rack (local) bama. 10 to 14 lb. 17e per lb; 14 to IS Iba. ItlWc per Th; breakfaat bacon. : Idftzle par lb; plcuk-a. VUv per lb: eoltaae, W14 per lb: regular abort clean, uoemoked. IV per lb; nx.ked. IHc par lb; clear backa, ana looked, lie per lb; ataoked I8e per lb; UnloB butta 10 to II lbar tnamoked. So per lb; amoked. Se par lb; clear belllea. tinamoked. 14e per lb; amoked. lie per ll: atiouldera. 1214 per lb; pickled tonguee. 40 00 quarter bbl. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, IJte per lb; 6a. 2t per lb; 60 lb. tlna, 13c- per lb; team rendered. 10a. II He per lb; 6. 11 per lb: c.mpoand. 10. Sl4e. CANNF.D SALMON Columbia river. 1-T tail, l. so; 1-lb talla, 4X.76; fancy, l ib lata. II. BO; Vt-lb fancy Seta. 4 1.16: fancy Mb orala. 43.76; A leak a talla. pink, S60Oc; red, l.o; nominal la. tall. S2.00. . FISH Rock cod. 7c per lb; Sounder. Be per Mt: halibut. t per lb; crab. 11.60 per d; atrlped baaa. ltVc per lb; ratnah, Se per lb; aaimon, Columbia river Chinook. He per lb: ateel beada. Sc per lb: blnebauk. he per lb;' herring. e per lb; eolea. Sc per lb; nrlmpa, 10 per R;- perch, Sc per lb; black cod. 7 per lb; tomcod. 7c per lb: altver emelt. 6c per lb: lobatera Dec R: freb micherel. Se ner lb: erewflah. tor pe do: abad. Se per lb; turgaa. 10c per lb: black baaa. 20c. OTSTERS Bboalwater bay, par gaL 11.23: ner 110 lb aack. 44.00. CLAMS Hardabell. per -(torn. 42.00 par boa. box. 410OJ rasoe COHON EIGHTEEN TO TWENTY-TWO POINTS OFF New Tork. . Aug. ' IS. -Cotton future rloacd IS to 22 polnta lower. ororlal quotations by Overbeck, Starr Cook company . Open. . B.8t . S.87 . ft. 44 . S.4II . S.4S . , S.K4 . S.l . S.20 . 20 . S SI High. .,Vi S.4U lt.46 P et) . BM S 04 n.tai . 1 0.22 Iw. Aug. IS. Aug. 17. Jan.... Feb..., March., April.., Mtr... A..., . S IS s.7 S.IS 0.72 S.'JS S.M S 20 S.7S S7 02 S.07 .IS 44 S 47 40 BM .7 Xrl ft. 21 K7 II S.M B.2S H.2S S.7S im BOB S.10 S.10 eot.. . Oct ... Nov..., Dec... Liverpool Cot tan Lewer. Liverpool. Ang. IS. Cottna future teadr. S to S potuta lower; apote, tedy. pointa lower. SAB TBABCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Baa Fraarlaee, Aug. .14. Ororlal cloae: KM A h. M nntr cnata Water Stelng Valley Water (Haul Powder Hawaiian Commercial.,.-..... Paaitbau Sugar...., Onme Sncar....,, Alnaka Packet California Fmitcannera'. I'aelSe State Telephone...... 66-t ... 2V "' M '..'. ii ... M? 5 W Starling I token- Bate. New V.trh. An. . la -sterling exebauge, 4 aaauo, 4U' SO daya, 41.74. DOUiIMD TREl iVIIEAT PIT All Options Los in Chicago With Trading on a Small Scale Dun ing th Day. ' LIVERPOOL QUARTER TO THREE EIGHTHS LOWER Chicago Drop : an Eighth, to Three Eighths With Largest Lom In the Msjr Coarse Grain List Refuse to Remain Bearish and Corn la Up. HELATITE WHEAT TALTJEB. Ana. IS. Ana. IT. txea. Ibofl. septemher,...( .7014 A 4 .70' 70HA I 70S I .0014 I Jl 14 TSl? 0lJ .2J 774 . 1 December May .77 5 Chlngo, Aug. IS. Tb wheat market dropped 14 to S a buabel today. Tb torgcat hw waa In tb May and tb amalleat la September. Liv erpool w dtomuragtng with 4d loaa ta .the September end Vid la the December. Tb (mil. ea dbuiater bad no effect upon price-making her. Today eealnii waa rather dull, tb movement of prloea being very small. Tbe'roarae grain llat cannot bo induced t follow in th footsteoa of lb wbeat market for more than a day at a tins." While wheat continued It downward flight today, th corn market wa rondderahly firmer and la Septem ber there wa n advance o e a buabaL De cember roe ft aad tb bm gala waa mad by th May. In oata th ton waa aomewhat firmer, bat price fluctuated within very Barrow limit and ckmed at almoat tb eame height a ea Friday. A ateady ton oa th ho kent nork ea a lvl wHh price of th former eeealon. Lard waa a traction orr while rlba war mixed. A well-known grain man eipreeeee hlmaalf aa rouowa: -it la generally admitted that the wheat crop to at leaat 7S.O00.U00 buabele larger than waa expected and price hare declined S cent more than many believed posaibl and to at the low eat price in recent yer. Th ntlr wheat trad la eatarated with hear argument! In their aruteet form. Th ltutma looke hope leaa to th (uperffcUl obaerrer. To m tb alt fat loo to' conifor table and far from hope leea. Country acceptance of com ar owderete and tho on In ion hi aenere! that vtll eet a mi lul of It before September." "racial quotation by. overbeet. Starr a ceoa company : , WHEAT. Open. Hlrh Lowr Cloae. Bept....$ .704 J ,704 .Mil .7S14 .72H .77 ?4 r .7s -nij lec May..... COBN. Sept.,,.. 4S , -4T. .41 .44 '.SotJ .32 Iee May ' Sept..... Dec...'... May..... Bent..... Jan Sept..... Oct...... Jan...... Sept..... Oct Jan .48H OATS. .24 . - .11 .23 .,Ki4 .82 17.00 MESS POBK, 17.00 18.10 LARD. 8.70 S77H 17.00 . 1S.1S ,". 17.00 1S.M ; ' S.SS S.7714 13.2714 S.70 " - B.77H S.77H S.72V, ' 8.7I14B SHORT BIBS. 8.S0 S.S0 . 4.8714 . S 8T4 S.TtiB T.1B ' T.1BH T.1S T1H , LmiFOOL OBAJV XABXZT. Urerpool, Aug. 1" Official prlee WHEAT. ' . Ang. IS. Ang. IT. Lnee. Sad September . . . s ZSd Ueommw 8 S'4d CORN. September 4a Sf44 Deeember .......... 4a Slid Sa i Sa 4H Hi OBXOAwO OBAIJf CAB LOTS.. Chicago, Aag. 18. Oral car lota: Cars. Grade. Eat. 1805. 76 128 238 Wheat Corn Oata . st 22s ana 1.11 ' SI 14ft 418 141 SJO CUeage Oaafc Wheat. Chicago, Aug. IS. Cash wheat: - Bid. I No. S red 4-7'lNe. a bard. No. S red....... .70 No. S bard. Bid. ..$70 SHEEP ARRIVALS QUITE FAIR IN YARDS Toneof JkfjCqod Only a Few Hogs Cam and Demand Is Good Steers Wanted. Portland, t'aiou Stockyarda. Aag. IS. Ur- (tock recelpta: - - Hog. Cattle. Bben. T.lay 87, ... 7ft W lSl w)tTO e a e ' . a- Month age .....14 SS STB Vear ago .. - 26 ... Wood fab receipt are bowa today la th beep market. No rattle arrived aad this la good for tb ton. Receipt of hog are very email. Hog ar firm, eteer firm and cattle firm. Cow eult dull. Today 36 boreee arrived te. Official liveatnck qnotatlmui: Hon Beet eaatern Oregoa. S7.SS4I7.SO: blocker and China fata. Se.SOj (tocher and fee lore. 3.O0; bulla, 12.60. Cattle Beat aatern Oregon ateer. SI.RO: beat cow and heifer. 42.R04J2.74; atocker aad feelers. 41 SO: bulla, 42.60. 1 aiieep Shearling a. 44Uje; lamb, sc. EASTERN MARKETS GOOD. BXdga bb4 Sheep aVre frtrong- Oe-ttle Tons snea4y. ., Chicago, Aug. IS. Livestock receipts: Hog. , Cattle. Sheee. Cblrag S.X 400 I.O00 Kama city.: s.'i , . win .... Omaha S.ono . SUO 600 . Iloga Strong wltb J, Duo left over from eater day. Keeclnt a year ago were ll.wat. rtoM. MImmI S5.MS418.40: eood and heaee. 46 SiuS.Sii; rough and heavy, 45.6806.86; light, 4a.Ktete.40 c tetlie Bieaay. .r : Steep Strong. - BOSTOW COPPEB MABEET, BoatoB, Aug. 18. Official ems! . Bid. I Bid BM. f2S.I OA , SB.00 S.H214 , PSM , - 12.00, , S4.I714 60 no 8.50 . I52j , 67. tw 7.50 ,. 11.50 . , 21 t0 Adventure . 48.75 iTarrott Alkaica Arcadlaa .... Atlantic ..... Bingham .. Calumet Cop Rang.,.. Franklin ..... Greene Coa... Uramby ...... M im kllcbiraa Nerad Con.: North But I.. Old Dominion. Oeceola ...... sa. 00 Phoenix , ... ' 2.50 14.25 So. 25 715.00 78.00 IN.OO tgnlncy Htiannoa ... Tama each , Trinity 1'nltad Cob. I tab ....... 25. 1214 Winona 12.00 !Wolrrln ... 6.00 l !. B. Mining. B4.uVKIr n.zit ir,at Hatta u- iBotton t 41.76 ;al. A 'on. , ArlBona 110.60 IW.STIvl BXW TOBX BABK STATXXZBT. Saw York, Aag. IS. Bank ttmnt: Reaerve , do lee U. B Ixaina Specie ............... Legal fe.M.... In-poalt j... circulation ..4l.170.ssr, .. 1.0H5.475 ., t.i' .. IftO.OIIO .. S.047.lai . . l.stR.aori .. . lS.oia) I New Yrh-Lean Silver. . -ual'sO iZiid. ' U"'"U" sUter, ( Lya TKDEDDDD8 RISE III OEl'l YORK Stoek Market Advances Rapidly Despite a Bank ' Statement , That Is Considered Bad. BIG ADVANCE SHOWN , ALL THROUGH THE LIST Union'. Pacific Leads the; Advances With a Rise of Nearly Six Points Smelter Common Nearly ' Five Points Up S. P. Over Three Up. NET GAINS. Amalgamated . . SMli Mlaaourl Pae i'4 Car a; Foundry atlonal bead IXKWnoUT .. . Sugar Smelter Anaconda . . ... . Central . l4!Ont. A Weatora..,. 41a Nor folk .... 44;Northra 1 Pae...... al .... 814 Pacific MaU 1U !... alPennaylvanla SZ .... It I Pre Btel Cor.... Atcbleeo Baltimore Brooklyn nadin Cent. Leather..... Beading Republic Steel.. t n aatera... .. it. Paul rbpk ....... Dolorado Fnel. .... Denvor ........... Krt 1 do preferred..., Houtnern rnc...., Soatharn By.,..., . falTena. Coal 41 . 'i'lnlon fac 614 . tUtU. S. Steel i . t V preferred..... V KKfiLOSa. . . III. Central. Loalevttl .. Cottoa Oil... . ..Cab r Wall Street. New tork.' Ang. 18. Deaplt a bank atatement which th trad considered quite bearleb th Mock market was fully aa bulllah sa yaeterday. . Th Mtlr Hat wa booated svrl point blgbar. . Chlat among the dvBr wer Reading, 14; Boutbera Pa ri 6c, B14; Colorado Fuel, S; Amalgamated Cop per, IS; Smelter, commoa, 4'4: Canadian Pa dSc. IV; Illlnots Ocatral, 114; Iniuvlll. 114; Tenneeae Cosl, 414) Union Pacific, t. Tb Utter caueed tb rlaa la all ether. Official euotatloua by Overbeck, Starr a Cooke company: . ' AD TABLE ' ' ' ' f CEScBirnox. Amal. Coppee Co Ami Car A Found,, com do preferred Am. Cottoa OU, com.., Am. Locosaotlv, eem. . Aox. Bngar. coea. ...... Am. Smelt., coa....... a nrefrrd io1i 10814 88 1S7H 15514 11614 Anaconda Mining Ce. ... AS am. woolen, com.,..., Atchlaoo, com. ,....,., do prafarrod Baltintora V Ohio, com do preferred... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian ParlSc, com., Central Leather, eem,., do preferred Chi. A ttt. Weat., com Cht Mil. Bt. Paul. Chi. A Northwest., com Chesapeake k Ohio.... Colo. Fuel Iron, aom 87 0714 10014 118M lmie sen lolo. South., com..... do lt preferred. .... Pelaware Hudaoa. D. a B. O., com...... do preferred Erie, com 1 do td preferred..... . do lat preferred...... ttlinola Central......... Louurrin- NoohvllU., Manhattan By Mexican Central By.... M.. K. A T., coat do preferred...., Federal Bmelter. ...... Mlaaoarl I'aclfic. ...... . National Lead New York Central..... N. TV. Ont. A Wat. . . 11 tiC "3 Norfolk a W cetera, cog. r.ortn America. Northern Pad Sc. com . Pacific Mall. SU-im. Oo. PnnylTnl By....'... r. o.. U O. ue Preaoed Steel Car, com. 64T4 a preierrea., Becdlnf, com.......... do 2a preferred....... do let preferred 1S4H Ben. Iron a Steel, com. do preferred Bock lalabd. can...... do nroferfod ........ St. L. A B. F., 2d pfd. 1st Preferred Bt. L. a 8. W ., coat... do Drefcrred 67 Boutbera Pacific, com. . do preferred .......... lis 814 B0 Souther By., com..,,. do nreferrd. ......... Tenneeae t Coal A Iron. Texas A Pacific rv T-, St. E. a Weat., coa. oo nrererr tjnloa Pacific. ....ll8114ll 18114 do preferred 0. . Rubber, eem.,. do preferred... 41 ' 107 44 10714 107 H 77. 8. Steel Co.. com 4014 lOHM. 30 do b referred Wabaab, com .......... do prcrerrea. Weatera Unloa Tele I S3 Btu Wlaconaln Central, eem. I BS do prererred. Twin city Total ealee for day, 1.633.300 abarea. THOUSAND SHARES OIL SOLO ON THE CURB Portland ' Stock ' Kxcbange. Aug. IS. There were no aalea on 'rhang today. on 'rnang toaar, nut after tn cloae 1,000 ah rea of Aaoclat4 Oil wer sold oa the curb at SSe. OfScUl quotation: ' Bid. Aak. Bank of California. e SSI ... Merrkanta' National Bank ... ITS Oregoa Trust a, Saving Rank....... ... ' ISO United state national nana.. , sun ... Portland Tmat Company of Oregon . . ... 115 Bankers' A Lumbermen' Bank....... .... 101 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Manufacturing Co............ IBS ... CampbeU'aOa Burner...,...,.,..,.. ... 6 Union mi...... ....vie zii Associated Oil.. 1.. VS 401 Alaak Packeta' Aaaoclatlen.. , BT SO PeriSe State Telephone Co.. ... , (Ml Horn Tel-phone Co... ; M Puget Bound Telephone Ce. AO Oreaon Life Inauranca Ce ... lorn) J. C. Le Co 142 ISO BM. .1 . . .03 . . .So Merlin Townalts Co I .25 Nicola Coal Cok Co nternatlooal Coal Co.......... MINING STOCKS. Alaeka PetroleaBPr.. Alaaka Pioneer......... 45 Standard Consolidated .ON Oregoa Securltle. .OS , Bnowtovm ..... s-te Leea Creek Gold...... ..0114 Taroms Steel .10 Oallce Coa............ t4 Oallahar .0814 floldea Tul ConolldaUd.i.... .... Bnllfrog Terrible .... Oolcoada ........ ' North ralrvlewA.. . .... IeRoy .. ...... ..'.. .... Hiawatha ,. Caaradls .IS Rambler -Carl boo ............... .ax Dixie Meadow .0214 SUOAB STOCKS. Bid. Aak. Hawaiian Commercial .Sly, tlonnke Bugar., . ... j Hutcblnaon Sv(r 14 83 81 17 47 Makawell Sugar....... Omratea Sngar ,i. 14lt Cnlva Sugar.........t. . Bw Tark Oopeer Bterkot. New Tork, Aag. IS. Copper fntnr: Angtiaf, 4S.atS.70; . Ootoher. 47.a)7.IO; Novemhee, 47.IM47I5; leeember. 47.10ft7.IS: ianuary, 47.7it7.Vn Vehrnarr, 4T.3A)7..'MI March. I7. e77.SA; April. 47 Bni7.0: Mav. 4J.404J7.44; Jaaa, S7.44QTJOi July, 47.O04f.5ft, Pacific Export Lumber Company ' Charters ' the Jethbu - to ' Carry Lumber. ' welCknown bark zinita r: EN ROUTE FROM ANTWERP Sayan Largs . Tramp Steamers, Are How on the War to This Port Un der Engagement to Carry Aivay Full Cargoes of Lumber. Tj,o -veasela , were placed on ths en routs 41st for Portland today, one being the - big Norwegian .tramp steamer Jetbou and the other the welUknown Brltlah bark Zinita. The former was chartered by the Pacific Export Lumber company to carry a cargo of lumber to some port In the orient and the lat ter was engaged by A. Carpenter of Han Franoeloo to load general cargo and ce ment at Antwerp for thla port. The Jethou-la now' on .ner maiden voyage from Antwerp for Ban Francisco, San Diego and Port Los Angeles with a cargo of building material, 8he left the Belgian port August 4. and should reach thla port In time for early November- loading. The new craft reglaters 2.741 tons net and should have capacity for more than 4,000.000 feet of lumber. Bhe Is in command of Captain Pettersen. who waa her a few years ago as mas ter of the" Norwegian steamer Norman Isles. .;, ' . with the Jethou added to the list there are now sevsn large tramp -ateam- ers under-chsrter to load lumber hers within th next few months, and one the Brltlah steamer Knight of . lit, George, due to arrive here with cargo and available for the business. The Knight -of St. George Is expected hers Monday with a part cargo of -cement from Antwerp via, San Francisco, The steamers referred to above aa being under charter are the Brltlah steamers Apollo. Blaine, Fulham. Visigoth snd Wandsworth and the Norwegian steamer Norman Isles.- All or theae, excepting, the Wandsworth, will carry lumber - to ports along the - Chinese coast - .The Wandsworth's destination la said not to have been -definitely settled, but It is understood that she will take a full load of sawmill products to a port In Egypt. posalbty Alexandria.' ' The bark Zinita Is a small vessel of 1.500 tons net register. 1 She was a regular visitor here In former years when carriers ef her slse were more plentiful than the 1,000-tonnera of to day...--'. MAY CO INTO SERVICE. snsems Telephoaa Is Keperted Onar- witt f or Th SeJlea bulb. There is a possibility after all of the steamer Telephone going into commis sion oerors tne end of the summer. Ever since last fall this large arrev. hound of the Willamette has been lying Idle at her moorings at the foot of Eaat fine street, although the river steamers in operation have all enjoyed a proaper ous seaaon. For some reason unknown to the dear publio her owners have re frained from - going out tn search of business, although it is said it could be had almost anywhere for the aaklng. It wss reported this morning that the ceiepnone wouia probably be chartered by ths D. P. ft 'A. N, Co. to operate in conjunction with ths Bailey Gatsert on the upper Columbia.- while tho Dallas City wUl take the place as a freighter ror in norm Dank road while oil-burning furnaces ar being inatalled on the steamer Capital City. Th Capital city raached Alder street dock thla morning ironi ner neia 01 operations above Van couver and she will remain her until th new burners have been Installed. Manager Talbot being out of the city the rumor of th charter of the Tele phone could not be verified today, but It Is admitted that th company has been on the lookout for a boat for some time to aaslst In handling th traffic. MERCHANTS' LEAGUE CROWS ., ' . . , . ,. - ' ererej Xrge gtheaaaers O Xato Com- ' axUSSKloSi 9a (h aeftkSSW " Daring Hh laat half Tf the month of July several large steamers flying the stars and stripes Wer given official numbers by the bureau of navigation of th department of commerce and labor. Tb largeat of th craft waa th steamer Henry U. Rogers of 7,064 gross tons register. She was built at Chicago for the Pittsburg Steamship company, but IHiluth, Minnesota, will be her horn port Next In sis was th steamer Iahpemlng of 4, 424 gross tons, built at Bcors. Michigan, for ths GreaJ Lakes Engineering works, A doa duplicate of th Iahpemlng Is the steamer J. J. Riddle of 4,481 gross tons, built bt Lorain, Ohio, for ths American Shipbuilding - company. An other large steamer to claim Cleveland as her horn port Is th W. G. Pollock of 4,471 gross tons. . She was built for th American Shipbuilding company, 'Although there Is a most active de mand for steamers on the Pad do coast the list lasued by th bureau of naviga tion shows that aa compared with the activity on th great lakes very little is being don on this coast In the ship building line. Of IT vessels officially numbered during th time stated above only two ar accredited to th Pacific coast, not counting the little stern-wheel steamer Aurufn, which was built at Golovtn Bay, Alaaka, for ths D Soto Placer Mining company, . , ' - TREAT FOR MUSICIANS. .: tVntay OoUeg Band WUl Spend Sunday a Seasld. :' '. ' The Luther College band and chorus of Decorah, lows., departed for Seaside this morning on ths swift steamer Tele graph. The members of the band, num bering about 10. arrived her last even ing and gave a concert and Rev. O. Hagoes of this city planned th trip to Seaside today. Th musicians, will spend all of Sun day at the beach resort snd return on the Telegraph Monday evening. They will spend this evening at Astoria, where they ar booked for a concert , " SHOWED HEAVY LIST. Kaadsasa Pear for Safety of Big Xam-feer-O airy lng steamer. - Many people- not familiar with ship ping who saw ths Brltlah tramp steamer Comerlo leave down th river laat night bound for th sea formed the conclu sion that the steamer waa liable to turn turtle any time because she had an un usually heavy llat to starboard. Try tramp was laden to her rapacity with )umber and her. heavy deck load 'made her what sailors call cranky. Reafar lng men. b6 waver, say. that the Cpmerlo ni!.f . LSADDTQ ITnCBCBa BSBOBT VMM SAOinO aTOBTaTWrnST. ; Klegtrle Light. Steam. Rot and Cold Bolt Water In Kvary Tub. Buy Tickets te Bieebera, x, - ..Facta Oosoty, Wash. -vPeatotae Address, Braakara, Wash. will be perfectly safe when aha gets to gear bacHus she wtll-rirrtten as soon as her ballast Units are filled with wa ter from the sea. Going down the river the .tanks were left partly empty so sa to lessen the draft. , t , The Comerlo gnus' to Port Flrle, Aus tralia. She cleared a couple of daya ago, but did not get ready to (Sail until last night , Ths British steamer Beck- enham. at the mllla of the Eaatern Western Lumber company, and the Nor wegian steamer Thyra, at the mills of the Portland Lumber company, are ex pected to get.' away, with , their lumber cargoes next week. JBotn are aeswnea for ths orient, '. :; ' 4JSE-LITTLE RIVER WATER. Most Steamrs Flyinr Out of Portland . ' , Carry Bull Ban. - Opera tore of river ' steamers ssy that they uae chiefly Bull Run water for cooking and drinking purposes on board of the boats. Orily on out of a num ber of passenger boats waa found using water from the Columbia river and it was said that the wafer is taken from a place above Vancouver, where It la clear and cold. In' view -of the report of the water containing typhoid germa, this steamer will alao secure Its water supply ' here in the future, so It -was stated this morning. . ' ' . The Astoria steamers get their water her and at Astoria, but never depend upon a supply from the river. - While it Is admitted thst soma of th tow boats on th Ibwer Columbia do not get their water supply from Portland becaus of their infrequent visits here, they always endeavor to get freah water from th tributaries to th Columbia. -... . , . .- ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Th schooner Sequoia and the bsrkrn th Tropio Bird will be towed down tb river from Vancouver tomorrow by th stesmer Harvest Queen. Th bar tug Wallula Is on th dry dock today being painted. She will leave for Astoria tomorrow morning sfter having been completely over hauled. .- .- The oriental liner Numantla Is still discharging freight at AInsworth wharf. She will commence loading about , th middle part of next week. Th St. Johns band give an excur sion on the steamer Beaver tomorrow to WashougaL The yacht El Prlmero, which was sold to Chester A. Thorns, president Of the National Bank of Commerce of Ta coma. will be Inspected by Messrs.' Ed wards and Fuller before she leaves for Puget aauno. - Th oil-carrying steamer Atlas sr rlved at th Portsmouth tanks early this morning with a cargo of oil. Cap tain Badger reports . an . uneventful voyage up th coast. From her th steamer will probably proceed to Seat tl. - Th O. R. N. Co.'s steamer Ockla Jioma will not go Into commission for gome time, aitnougn. ner annual over haul ln haa been completed. The Harrlman liner Columbia Is ex pected to go into servlc1 between Port. land and Ban Francisco by tne ri ret or September. Th steamer Alliance Is due to arrive her next Wednesday from Eureka via Coos bay. ' There Is already enough freight on the dock almost to fill 'th steamer and the "no more freight re ceived" Blgn will probably have to be hung out Monday morning. - 1 MARINE NOTES. v Astoria. Aug. ' 1 1. Arrived - down - at midnight, Bchooneir Carrier Dove. San Franclaco, Aug. 14. Arrived, schooner F. S. Redneld, from Astoria. Delagoa Bay, Aug IS. Arrived, Brit ish bark Haddon Hall, from Portland Astoria, Ang. 17. Arrived down at 4:10 and sailed , at 7 p. m., steamer Thomas L.- Wand, f-.r Ban Francisco. Arrived at 5 and left up at :S0 p. m., steamer Atlaa, from San Franclaco. San Francisco. Aug. 17. Balled st 4 p. m., steamer roeemite. Tor Portland. : Astoria, Aug. 15. Condition of the bar, at a. m., smooth; wind north west; weather cloudy.. 1- a 1 . PUBLIC OWNERSHIP ABROAD DELUSION AND SHARE Mayor McClellan Sayt That Abomjnable Service Is Given ; In European. Towns. ' 1 - '' . (Jcairnal Special Hmle.S Berlin. Aug. n. "Much of Europe's vaunted municipal superiority Is a de lusion and snare," aatd Mayor McClel lan of New Tork In an Interview this morning sfter he hsd passed five days on sn Incognito visit in Berlin. - "I hsvs kept my eyes wide open for cvldpnoe of successful municipal opera., tion. particularly in Germany, which population Is held as an example, but have failed to find It. I have decided from conditions In cities Ilk Frankfort and Dresden, which own their own street rallwsys, which no ' American community of Second rate importance, to say nothing of New Tork or Chicago, would tolerate. Not only la trafflo of these place Insignificant, judging by American standards, but It Is handled Inadequately and Inefficiently, ' "Conditions In Great Britain with the '.;:. BBOBTJMATTSlt. ' When pains or irritation exist on any part of the body, the application of Ballard s 8now Liniment gives prompt relief. R. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reno, O. X, writes, June 4, 1902: "I take pleasure In reoomraend ln Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rhetimatlam. .It la the only remedy I have found that gives Immediate rener. jeo, too and 41.00. Woodard. Clark A Co. G Mil ji u CUT RATES rum '.-,; for M Day Only ? 18 00 Gold Crowns.. ...... .,... 5.00 ' 44.00 Gold Crcwaa.... ........ .is.&O 414.00 Plate ..Bfe.OO 111.00 put ....f 7.SO Fillings, up from ............35s) . Work wuxwa4V--' Boston Dental Parlors BS1H Morrison at, Opp. 9. O. aad AJgOBBBtmrrm. Pantages Family Theatre l-Mirth oai Stark St., Week ef August Is. MeCBAY 00. KB. ABB MBS. BX0B8B MQBBBXL. ' - ' 4XABSTTK IXZTOHXB. ' , : 1 THl BEAT MXLNOTTB. 1 , MZBBITT BISTXBS. " . JACK LXVOB. , , ". TBI BIOQBAHL " Pfrformanee daily at l:SO, T:S0 aad 0 p. m. AdmMaioa 10 and 30 centa; boxes SS casta. Ladle and children at matin 10 easts. m r a I e Whitehead aad Cl Allii Srisrna Slater. UrallU Oarter, Taylor 0. ratlBlls. - HOBX AOAIW. WU1 O"' MB. EDWABS tia Sldaae .Dbiea. yvi r rw . .-Mr. Joaa Boraa,'--' .... wranepe, . .1 1 ' 1 1 1 ,1 .1 1 1 1 I ,. 1 Price a Mattnea. 10s t al sosta xopt box. Ivealags, . 10c, SOc, aad bos esets 80c. , . . 1 . . BASE BALL ATHLETIC PARK Cosy Vaagna aad nmtr-tnxtk. 12 Camss, Bafjouvng Aag. IS Portland vs. Oakland Chune Called at SiSO t a. Xaay. Crasses OaUed SiSO p. us. atamoavys. ASMTBSZOBT, . SB. ' Grandstand, J5c. jChildren, 14a. . Box Beats, I4c . possible - exception of Glasgow, wher our cousin. Mayor Dunn of Chicago, haa. been taking lessons, are va worse than - oa the continent." 1 . , . r AT THE THEATRES. i - ";At tha Lyric ; It I eult UmuUtlng t wltne tb pre- entatiua of that moat Interesting ' mlHtarr drama. "Th Marrblag Reglmeat," This Is th csrreat week's attraction being offered by the Ljrks a tor . 00m pan? ana is wu wormy tha natrona . of all lovers of tb drama. Th moving picture aad Illustrated Bong can al It ate aa Intonating feature la addltloa te . the aula abow. 1 " " t..i 1 ' , Pantaces. Todav and tomorrow are year last chiaeee ta aa tb preeent grand bill t tb Paatag, . ao don't put It eft antu it a too an. jne featuree ar all new and entertalnlow and In- clfd - Merritt slater, charming aloger and dancerai Mr. snd Mr. Oeorge or rail ra a funny little Bpeclsltyj JTeanett Fletcber, Scot- tlah BlghUngaie, , on many oidot inieroiuis rtlata, ... , , ...-.., ' , At tho Grand. ,, v '.- Traiay nd tomorrow will' b tb I4t op- nnrtnit to eee the entertaining vapaevuie ahow at the renovated Or and theatre. Edward Belli, tb humorist, I a porrormane ra aim- self. He' haa beea an- her tn Oram aaa 00 medio and w popular im win snows. BAY TBAirOISOO aaMTJfO rXCHABOB. . Sea rrsocbico,' Ang. . 18. OfSclBl qoetstJis: Belmont . v .T. .4 laVi'BUInw.r ...... I M i..h uo 7. l.etl foo. Cel. Vs 7 : a-.-- juts. 1 i - "" Oolilen Anchor., .no Ophtr ......M.... S.SS Mexican ' .SO Caledoala -e...... ,3S Kxchequer ...... ,4S Norcro ..,, - ,SS Horn ' .on Jim . S.SS MacNemara ... -S4A Midway .' I M Montana ....... 2i North Star..... .70 . lod Crow..-,.-. .14 Jreat Bend. Jer Ohl . M Keecoe .21 Hlach. Btt x. .OS., Tramp .SO-. Ton. KxtnMi. n.ou Nevada ,.IS.U0 Weat End.... .ua714i""M. - BeliOont.. V . AH iMonUroamrr .Mt. .SI Adam Atlajita . ..... .10 .10 ..SI .41 : .47 .IOA .SI 1.IUI .49 ' .R7 ' .44 .IS nnnaet ,..30 - Scepter .....,, ..60 nioehell ..... Booth Manhattan .it Columbia Mt. Ion Quarry... riamocHlflald Mar lor Hamprej, .24 letter .70 .14 .IS IS ' .20 . -1 . .IS klnnny ........ IHile Hold Wedge..,., txm Star.,,.,,, Oreat Bend X., tlold Idfleld ...... Jumbo ........ do xtnatoa. Kendall . , . 00 itnx Hreecent . ....... I.agun ....... K 'owboy '..,,., .IS Mar Queen.... Mohnwh ienver Annex,,, .Sn Bnll A Beanj. v Blaeh Bnch.j na 8.M- Bed Top 1 27 Hlach' Sandatorm . ... Sliver Tick.... St. Ivea National Bank, pmirer ....... .) .47 .SS .em 1 no .M ISO .14 N. T, ConanL.. . ' .M Manena ,, Lift Utile Jo .07 Mar flower ...... , 7 Inmplng Jacb,..1 ,hb Bed Top anaaix,. .OH A Mitang .tn Bnll rmg Mining .M Krllne OoM liar 0. Ball frog... Few York Ceah Ooffea, New Tork. Ana. 18. eak aiffu- . V. feu 4Vi ! Santos, SJi. '