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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
jouniiAL. rc:.TLAi;D, cvtuhday evz:;ii;q, august is, zzz. yr DAILY rcn cale PAit:3. ' M ACRES, IS tens la cultivation, balance Bet , kMn tinker 8 acre at It to paMuref water running through the niece who)" fur; UbI A Hit. 1. aluiuat level; good 8-rooei houee, , barn, aearly seer, 0i0, bsr-csrrler attached! v1 all cuibulldlng Dramr;; ehlcku-houa. WOadneuae. nlhnua 1 h.vr.rss and 1 wood- - tack. ale. : good famllr orchard, kaarlr t era aeaorted, 170 treea. aoma amall trait; trait traaa full bearlua and kaaTllf : at ranch fenced (oud, balance bruah , .fenced: - Ml, aaTaral hos. Poland China. In nluk at condition. milch owe. , traab, I heifer calf, double cultivator, t single ;.k cultivator, ataal dlex plow, 1 plow, ataal-tootk , - barrow; IH mllea coat of Clackamas, on main roaa to Damascus, 14 ml lea to roruona. . ... Price 88.000, i,ua eesh. balaaea Urmia. 0 acraa at high itata at eultlvtloul a-room boaaa, good barn, taslbooaa, wagoa ana tarn) ' houaa and piped bara lot; WW Itallaa prune irwwm, av rente traaa, aw pun. www Bartlett, 100 apples, assorted varieties, char c riaa and all etlar amall trait la abundanoal ;. . abeat acraa at wheat, 1 aera la potato 1 and garden, tba balance la cloveri will leave V' tba earpat oa tha floor and abadaa and cur Ulna to tba window. Prlca 84.600) term v agreed: f goo eowa, 9 oonen cblckena, cream separator and all firming tooU at a reduced rata to to Buyer ai ua piaoei ' mue ima Vaaamrrer, , '". i " Yamhill county 100 acraa Al land.' am 100 -acraa la eultlvatloa and crap; oats 48 ' acraa, vetch la acraa, timothy 16 acraa,. hop JO aaraa, T acre la aumotar fallow, Stt acraa fruit, 8 acraa more claar: a rood roan bonaa wlth pantry; good family atcbard; hopboua. granary,, eb lei an -bonaa; tlaa-aoft watar at bouaai nod tam mar, baraaaa, wagon, ' buggy; I $00 aow, T hog. doeen ehlehnsj 1 ale plow, 1 BMwar, 1 raka, 1 binder otbac thing ton aaaiaroaa to mention I oa B. P. D. -Ball and pboaa Una; T aallaa front good town oa railroad; fine market at borne; U mil front acbool. Price (9.000. on rood I - Only aa market for 10 days front data. v ' M0 acraa 180 to fin ernp, wheat, oat, vatoh, clover: all a Oder fence ; I tin stream tbrougb placai all klnda buildings la good repair; fin garden and potato field; T boraea, baraaaa, wagon, all kinds farming nuchlnarr: 00 , bead cattle: good orchard u . mil to good acbool, phone. 11. p. D. man. Price, as easy Urine, l,AO0: would take good city property; -If not aold wltbln 90 dare will make eale of atoek and cmpe and rant place at a fair rental; 10.000 acraa outrange , for atock or beep; grant bog rancb. , - ISO asraa, 1W hi raltfratlna, t crop now being harreated; wbeat. oata, etch; large ' etebard; good teem, wagon and barneaa; good buggr and bona and baraaaa; eowa. cblckana and twkaya; a modern A-room bonaa; plaaa Ilea Ural, erer -running waUr on It, oa aood aonntrr road: B. P. D. mall, paona la tha bonaa; t ml lea from Jeffaraoa oa Southern Pa cific railroad; would take two-thlrda la good dtp properly at fair price; farm tha aama. . '" DANDY BUT. ITS acraa J aerea la cultlratioa, of whkb - . 90 acree bara an atumpa; good 4-raoai bouaa, with pantry and bath; good fatally orchard: good aara ddaad, aaw hogbonae, weodbooaa. , ' ullkbooaa; fenced and croae-feacad; county road by tba place, B. P. D. mail, phone la "x-s tba bouaai 91 bead cattle. Urn and (mall, of . wblcb T are freak eowa: M bead Angara goaUl 90 acraa craeh bottom onion Uad: 1 , aaw wagoa and barneaa, all klnda farming , Implamanta; lota of other tblnaa too namaron . . to mention: bait tetaraat wheat la aack; half v, later eat bay to bara. one third lataraat t acree aata la aacke. quartar Intereet 1 acre 1 1 apnda, quartar Intereet H acre on lone: 9 - : mllea to acbool and town, to Weablagtoa county. Prlca (4,800! halt ch, balance r- Pr cant, .';,.f. L . :j - - .Room 319 Commercial Bid;. '. vis gen a for Uat at farata for aala. 91.900 BtTTf 100-aera farm, about 60 mllea . from Portland; 2S acraa cleared, good a-room bouaa, t aaraa,' trait, ate.; owner muat ralee money. ' Hajemann 8c Blanchard ai fipth st. ; : Choice Buys , i . I; HJW-10J acraa 90 mile from Portland, 1 S mUaa from railroad atatloa, 80. acree cleared, f acraa green timber, balance aeb aw ale, anally cleared: land leret; good IV, arory traaw bouaa, bara 90x100, good out bulMtaga, amall creek neat barn, 1 acre rood T ; bearing orchardi varUty tralta, oa county mad, of a mlla U acbool. good team, worth 3oO;' fca'ry -VagM, aprtng wagoa, buggy, S - aata baraaaa, bead of cattle, I milch eowa, ' 19 bora, g ehaep. tOO eblrkana, SO toaa bay, 19 acraa oata, 0-acree apnda, mower, raka, alowo, harrow a. eu It Ira tor, -other amall toMe; t '-babT caab. balaaea 9 year at par oent. Thia la tba boat bap aa tba market. Beat at anil. T- 100 aeraa, 90 aitloa froaa TaarouTer: 4-rosn r , boa bouaa,- bara SexM, 1 acre good mlied arcbard, acre Cleared; $asV half eaah. 99.00048 aerc. 10 mllea north of Taa ? fwarer, oa main county toad: 9. acre cleared, good T-roeea boaaa, aood bara, 9 acraa variety , orchard. 8 acraa beenrdam. fine location, erroae roed froo atora, creamery, church, acnanl aad larva ball, 1 borae, aaw wagoa, 9 be J rattle,. 9 boga, eream aaparator, lb ton Bar, 800 buabal eata, 80 ehlckena, aoma tana 1m ' ' pit meat; ana third eaeb, balaaea tar ma; beat of aoll. , . . s 1,800 On'arre. mllea from Portland; SB . acraa cleared. 18 acraa alaabed. burned and . Beaded, balaaea One aeb (wale; 40 acre ' fenced with 4 barbed wlrea. amall creek, new T-room bouaa, amall bafa, bead of cattle, 1 borae, plenty at bay to winter all atock, lerel land, country road aa 9 eldea of place, of a mile to achaol and church, B. F. D., ttb- , phone la bonaa; bait eaah. balance terme. or will take part la Portland property. . city T WasIitagaOn & Oregon - v. -Realty Co.-:. :.' 989 Waablnrtoa at., Booai 19. Portland. Or., - aad 800 Mala at., Vaacoevor, Waab. 'ITS ACRES near Salami SO acrea of flpa honai-l - orchard: about 1,000 enrda of standing tim ber: flaeet aotli fairly good bouaa and barn - bophouae; everything complete to run an np- to-date yard; all Implementa and stock; pii.wvj ivrmu can oa nao. Otto & Crockett 948 WASHINGTON. Homes' Har- VancoETer" ' " 8 acrea, mllea from thla dty: sll under eultlTstlon except about 90 stumps In nna yrner of tba place, good 4-room bouae, - "aAlrkea-boue. etc. 1 TB-barrel eletem, , 9 , fcraa la orchard, of assorted frulta la full , healing. sere atrswberrtee. Prlos $l,18a . . 4 acres, 14 mllea from thla city; new t 4-room bouaa, 9 acre cleared and In gardea, ... balance slashed and very . easily cleared, oa " good road and blrycU path, R. F. D. tele phone by place, city water. Price $1,000. ..6 acres, 8 miles from this elty: nearly at ) under 8ne stste of eultlvattoa, family orchard ' of assorted frulta la full bearing, good 8-coom , bouae, bara, etc. Sne wall of. water, good mad. 40 rod from railroad crossing. Pries If sold Boon, $1,000. 90 aerep, S mllea front Vancouver, 1 mile . from railroad town; 10 acrea under good atate of cultivation, family orchard of aaaortad fruit, new 4-room bouae, good bara and ttber outbuildings; S acres la strawberries la full . be ring and about acre la other amall fruits: mile from church and acbool, oa Saw road aad good neighborhood. Price $1,800. We have what you want. If you don't see It la tba above, call or write. fvartb aad Main ate., Vancouver, Washing tea. Bafarencet Vancouver National Bank. S4.00O, ' ' ' - , us serve, all In Sna cultivation, orchard. T-room houee, good bara: one of the Bneet homee In tba county. 80S Ablngtoa bldg. Mala 8841. 90 ACRES Bear Oregon City: has soma very good timber. Ilea well, good soil; can be bought cheap; several aa-iell place not tar from Portland and aoma aear Tancoavar. f- : : Otto & Crockett v. 1 :"-. 148 WASHINGTON. ' av BALE rhiekea-raaetj ivi acree:,! - fruit, acre amall rruit; t oiocbu irom BoatofSca. near depot; 1,000 cblckena, Ad dreea C. Rboadea, HUlsboro, Oregoa, 1 89.T8A 40-ACRB farni la Sne stsU ef rnltlvs tlon 4 scree orchard. Srat-clsaa bulldlago, ear Blllsboray reaaoaable terme.. i , Hajemann & Blancliard - . 91 FIFTH ST. lOO-ACRS RANCH 68 acres cleared, balance wood timber; bouae. orchard and eprlng; good fnr bops, fruit or dairy; 90 mile fratPort land; close to 9 condensed-milk factories, . . c"e U sawmill; will sell sll or pert cheep for eaah, or will take eity property fnr part. ' Phone Mala 1230. 1 Rvenlmt. Scott 8J07, er t call at 80S VeauBAVelat bids. FOR SALE FAR! ! S. - , . Farm Car? sins 129 acraa 90 acraa eultlraud, boaaa, bara, aoma frulta and berrlea, aire well and anrlng water, en rood road leading Into 0 regno ..City. . 93.380. 400 aire, aU good Und, all wall faaced, . nearly new) ltiO acraa uader plow, 940 acraa . In peeture, 100 acree In timber; Bice new 9-room houee, 9 good hern, good orchard, TO aerea Sue creek-bottom land, 23 acraa la hope, 8ne hopbouee, B. P. D. aad telephone In community; to CUckemae county; thla to a ereap frm. Only per acre. 80 acraa, all good land; 40 acrea fanned, 18 acrea eultlTated, ' 10 acre seeded to feature; B-rooo bouaa, bara and other bulld nga, running water, water 9ume for lum ber aad eordwood to the place: enough '. wood to mora than pay tor place: food aelghborbood, near Waahoagai, Waabinghm; a bargain $1,800. 2M acraa ef land, nearly all past or and -graea Und; good waur, 9-room houee. 9 . barn, other building, orchard; L mile to Oraterrllie. oaWlUapa bay. Pacl3e county, BhlngtoB. A bargain at 18,000. 40. acraa All Bice land to cuittraU. aearly , Ural, bouae, 9 barna. ' cblckaa-parka, tine orchard and amall frulta, acboolhoua on adjoining land, a beautiful trout atream fiowa through toad, aleo fronta oa aaluoa atream; 8 eowa, 1 bull, 1 mule, 1 aow, 80 ehlckena, 9 plow, 1 eultlrator, S barrow and other tnole; convenient to rirer and rail . transportation. All goea aow for $1,180. 40 acrea, all choice land; 89 aerea rultl , rated, SH acres In orchard, new bue, 8 . terra rooua, wood-8ber plaatar; bara, cblcken . park, bouae all furnlrhed, atorca, carpets, upright piano, boraea, buggy, back. 1 Jereey cow, 100 cblckena, near Oregon City, eaay drtra to Portland; tired of farming aud must aelli U goea; bow only 88,000. . Hcnkle &. Harrison ' 91T ABIMOTON BLDO. 80 ACBEK 8H-8 mllea from Clencoa: SO acrea aader plow, 40 acrea of good timber; good -. room houee and ether outbulldlnre; pn of ' boraea, barneaa and S wagona, 8 eowa; on good . road; 82.7A0; It la a bargain, won Id conaldur trade tor bouae aad tot, value $9,260. Otto & Crockett - . - 948 WAHBINOTON. ' ' FOR SALS TIMBER. 970 ACBKI near Deer Irland, Oregon: 80 acre bottom land oa the Columbia. 140 acrea pasture, 40 acree beery timber. Also NO acrea timber land near Caatla Rock, Wash lngton: crulaea 7,000.000 feet, logging atream through place. These are anape. Inrestl- fat. - . il. Tltung, 10a eeraey St., at. ohne. Ore aoa. . CERTIFIED Bcrlp. any Bloc piece lowest price.. W. O. Howell, 838 Chamber at Con. Uerce. ' -' TIMBER claim.- cut 8.000,000 feet, targe log ging atream, pt.ouu: muat aeii. ano Bixra. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS VEHICLES ef all klnda, new and eeeead-band; . largest atoek, lowest prlcee; boraea and liga rented by day or month. TomUnaoa Caa elday, 911 Waahlngton. Paclfl SOT. COVERED butcher's delivery wagon for aula cheap. C. Tapfer. 986 Washington, room 1. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR -BULB or exchange tor good valley stock farm with outside range, aa A-i waeat aaa al falfa reach; location, Umatilla county and CmatllU rlvar rana through the place; good bouae and barna, all fenced! 479 acree: $28 per acre; this Is worthy of lnvectlgstton. Call ao or addreea Turner Walker, roam 8 808 Washing ton at. - EXCHANGE .... 14 acres, ueeutirul tract or una. im proved, part la orchard; aoavenlaat to city of Kurene. Or.t will make tou a nice auburbea home: will trade Into property la or near Portland and pay eaah difference, What can yon offer? HENKXE at HARRISON, SIT Ablngtoa Blag. WANTED To exchange a cosh register tor beat offer. Addreea H 100, care journal. CHICKEN-RANCH. 8 acrea, Bear email town. Mar km county ; a-room awaumr, orcnaru, epleodld garden cow, bay, 60 ehh-koue. tw.1. aann' ttm lieet offer, nnslnaaa N aw eoaat ranch. Addraaa O 90. rare Journal. A FINB Plot of lots, west side, to axchsaga fnr a dwelling -bouse aa west aide, Addreea ' P 84, ear. Jour as 1. - . FINB block ef tots la St. Jobna to exchange tor bouae aad lot. Call at 81 Fifth at. I HAVE a good pair ef lea ski te. will trad tor a pair of roller ska Lea. v w 10, Journal. WANTED A lot la town fnr a amall-alaad farm aear Portland. Addreea N 9, Journal. HAVE a piano; will trade for household furni ture er Borae and buggy. W 11, care Jourasl. A SNAP for a pusher with amsll capital; a profitable manufacturing bualneee; owner ran not operate and will Bell right! might take aome Portland property aa deal. Ad dress W 99. care Journal. Sell Or Trade 11 -ROOM bouae, 9 lot, near 9 earllnra, Sna home, coat $0,930; will aell tor $8.2.V or trade for Wbiu Balmoa or western Oregoa or Waahlngton farm. . . H. C. EASTHAM. . 623 Chamber ef Commerce. BXCBANOB for aa automobile or gaeollne launch, half Interest Is S well-developed min ing eUlme; plenty ere, $9,000 worth develop ment work done; ebsnce fnr aoaie one to make stskc. Addreea Whitney Roe. 919 W Ilia matte boalevard. St. Jobna, Oregoa. FOR EXCHANOE 900-aere fully equipped Srst cIbsb placer mine, for Portland property . mines sre dividend-producers end will stand Inveetigatloa: water rlshu of the bast. Ad- P. o. Boa B8i. uraata rasa. 40-ACRB farm, well improved, good bulininga, orchard, aear HUlsboro, for Portland borne. Hagemana at Blaachard, 91 Fifth sC a y OWN A it nr la: Vt in Kslama. Waahlnrtoa: clear title. What have yoat Would exchange for notion or groceries. 980 Buasall St. FOB EXCHANGE Vlubl English parent for ' vacant lota er farm; thla la a patent of merit worth Investigating; poor man. 8 14, car Journal. TO BXCBANOB Nearly new six-room boaaa . and large lot, fine location, $1,600, Oreroa City, for Portland property or small farm. Fine opportunity tor mill workers. I. I, Jour nal. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. WANTED A good mining proposition to In corporate and finance. J. B. Bailey AV Oo, 481 Lumbar Exchange. MEMBER Portland Stock Etrhange: orders exe cuted on all Industrial and mining storks. W. i. Curt I. 918 Commercial bik. - Phone Mala 8884. THE J. C. LEB COMPANT HI0B-CLAS8 STOCKS AND BONDS. We are alwaya la the market either tn buy ?r cell any active mining er Industrial stock. ( will pay yon to get our price, . H..W. DONAHUE, Mar. Brokerage Dept. . 18-90 Lafayette Bldxj FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rant or tor sale on eaay paymeats. THB BBliNSWICK-BALKR COLLENDIB CO. 48 Third St., Portland. WB print your name on 60 calling cards, proi E alas sad atyle, ooe; Tno nuaineea earns, A, W. Sehaate Co., 928 First, Portland, FOR SALE Freeh Jersey and Durham cow. miie ana rooq miner. Apply esmve sinu?, Maranam's Hill: take steps at bead ef Weed at.? nouta rortiana. WB need furniture and will pay full value. Phone Pacific 70S. Wester Salvage Co., B2T Washington at. ' POOL TABLE complete, bar axturae, safe, tahlea, chairs. Bto. Westers Salvage Co, 82T Wasfclngtoa at BOW TO REACH THB FARMERt Send fnr Kaeton'B Rural Directory; 180 B. D. routee, with 18.000 correct Bamee, Rural Directory Co, 904 Ablngtoa . bldg Portlaad, Oregon, SHOWCASES, counters, 8xturee bought, sold er exchanged. Western Salvage Co., 88T Waah ingtoa at. PadOc T88. . Pt'RNITt'RR We still have a few pieces Jvtng around looae fnr sale cheap. WssUra Salvage Co., 82T Wsshlngtoa St. M0V1N0 PICTV'RR MACHINES. Sims, eong elide, gas ootflt.ete., bonght, ld, rented nd xchsng4. Newmao, 14 Sixth. Phone PscU 962A. 9KW1NQ MACHINES bought, sold, exchanged, $8 and a essn rented. WESTERN SALVAGE. CO., mt vvaaaiugToa st. FOR SALE UISC2LLAMZOU3. POR 8r.B Wseoa trait yara. quart, 88a per d.nen; lid end rubber complete. Crane Pot tle Co.. earner 14th and Coach, hi la SeoS. POR AI. B 1 horse aower ra as bout, abaft dtireu; aa everyday machktel aioailant bill climber: owner baa ao ase tot It-, Addreea O. t. A.. Vancouver. Waab. SECOND-HAND furniture ef all kind; aleo a complete una or new furniture ana home applies aft lowest prlcee; everything muat be aold. 818 Proof at., eoraer Balmoa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order; aecond-bend good for Bale. Carlaou A Kail Strom. 9ta) Coach at. Pboaa Clay tTl. , ARTISTS' material, picture aad framing, q H. bloorhouae Co.. 819 Alder at. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura aara tag rheumattam. Sold by all drugglata. BOOKS bonrht. Bold and TChcd at tba Old Book Store. 928 Yamhill at. , HARDMAN pal no. fin eoodlttoa, $228 caafc. Addrea T 14. Journal. , FOR SALB 8xT-tneh marina engine; MiTt-lnch upright boiler, nearly new. Inquire of aa- . glneor at Haaalwood Creamery. Plftb and Oak. t. '. . ... , BAMRLEB. automobllo for- al at a bargain; Tie 6; 1008 model.' For partlculara address 4. core Journal. POR Sna English bull Urrlarc montha eld, good watch dogs (owner . going;, away), ad ' area O 18, care Jeornal. . AN EDISON pboaograph with 9 born aad SO record. Phone - Paclae 818. . - Pl'RNlTI RE of 10-room bonaa for oak cheap, all new and la flrst-clato condition. 191 Mor ' rlaoa at. 0OOD Jersey row. Corner Commercial and Blaa drri aU. Take L car. HOI'BEHOLD PITRNITCRB SACRIFICED. Quick aalc oa account of Immediate removal to a distance. (No second-hand dealers.) 1084 East Hlxth at. PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladles, have yxrar fnr remodeled . and repaired by practical furrier and expert Steer; 80 years' experience la this, branch ' ensblee ma to guarantee entire satlafactlon; will call at residence and give eetlmaU, If dealred. A, Reiner. Lewis bldg., atorriaoa and Park. Phone PacUU 949T. ANT bsb or womaa caa be Strang and bsppy by nslng Saline Ptlla, the great tonic; price $1 a box, 8 boxes $8, with full guarantee. Addreea or call J, A. Clemeneoa, druggist, cor. Second and TamhIU t Portlaad, Or, MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Glob lie. One month's trsstment. $9; $ months, $8; seat securely sssled by mall. Agent. Woodard, Clarke a Co., Portlaad. Or. DETECT! VB A0ENCT Confidential Investlga , tions: reporU furnished 00 Indlviduala, their character, raaponaiblllty, ate. I bad debt col lected ; mleslng relatlre located : charges reaeopabks; eorreepondence solicited. Oregoa Detective Service, offices 908-904 FUedner ' bldg., 1Mb and Washington eta. Pboaa - Main 8818. MOLES, wrtaklea, superfraous baa? removed. Let me tell you bow. No chirr. Mrs. M. D. HllL Suite L SelUng-Hb-aeh bldg. PacUU 188, SBXINB PILLS- eara- an mnacnlar waehneea I Prlca 81 a box. 8 boaaa $8, with fa IP guaran tee. Addreea er call J. O. Clemeneoa, drag, gist. Second and TsmhUl SU Portlaad. Or. SUITS pressed while you wait, 60a. Ladlee' Bklrta preaeed, B0r. ' Gilbert. loa BUtfe st, ' aaxt to Queue. Pboaa Pacifte 9088. DISEASES OP WOMEN PrlvuU mstarnlty hospital; quiet location and special care. Dr. Atwood, 850 Morrisoa mU, room 8. Pboa Pclflc 1768. ' . ' ' " TES, Pnlmo Tiblela make you eleep perfectly: they cure nervousness and make you strong: price 80 a boa, 8 boxes $9.60; guaranteed. All drugglata, or addreea Brooks Drug Co., ST , North Third at., Portland, Oregoa. BOLDEN'S BHEt'MATIO CURB Sura ur fog rheumatism. Sold by all drug gists. BUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re ceive them; eend a cample of your hair aad we will send yoa one of ear $1 -60 switches. 8 ex.. 99 Inches: examine It; If a big bar. gain, remit: If not. return. Address Ladles' Hair Emporium. $34 Dearborn at., Chicago, BOLD ON There Is ooe thing that will eara rheumatism. Ask your druggist for bark tonic or addraaa or call J. u. tjemcBOoB, arug glat, Portland. Oregoa. . BOTH time end money saved, with a free chine. while getting shsved at the Model Barber . Bbop, 1 Bixta st, set, Ularx aaa uaa au. . ahavlng 16c. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Omrontsa bldg.t ladles sMJBl MllCBIB4i BIOl8s AW 81 ACS A8V4JCB. TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY. Mssaase, shampooing, scalp and face treatmetite, cheat development, manicuring and chiropody. 681 Washing ton,, between lata and 17th. Mala T048V . DOLL'S HOSPITAL Bepalrlug aad dreaalng. SSI Tamhll at BEST commlssloa paid agents oa all tnagaaine BubscrlptloBs. Jone'. Book Store, 981 Alder . St., Portland, Oregon. BALM OP FIGS for all female dtaeeees, , Eaet Belmont. Phone Boat 4084. sss DR. O. V. KETCBUM cares promptly private dlseaese, kidney, nervous, skin and special . female troubles. Call or write. Office 1701 Third St., cor. YamhllL phone Pacific S228. CALIFORNIA Medicated Healing Soap, toilet, nain, couipevxion. nursery. ABB your oeaier fnr It. Moore-Helm Co.. reaeral agent. 971 Morrisoa at. Pacific 1671. DR. BINS CHOONO, Importer Chinese root medicines; sells Chines tea. certain cure fnr all dtseaeea. 181 id., bet Yamhill and Taylor. WHY BE Wa ruaraatee to prevent hair from falling eat aad cure Itching . Bcalp anaolutely. 478 Alder, ft. Mala 988U SCHOOL OF PSYCHOIXIOY tearbea mignerle . healing. aoneentrattna, - hypnotism snd palmistry; patients treated tor all - 478 Alder st. Phone Mala 9881. "THB ADVENTURESS." "Sweet Danger," "A U.mI... I. til .1. r.lA. Veeee Hua'Ung," "Prlsonar at 'Benda," "A Social ' l ion 50 eenta .each. A. W. SAmals Co., MISS GIBBON gives expert scalp treatment and maaasge. Room 69, The Cosmos, 988 Morrisoa at. WANTED To Beet respectable young lady with Intention to rail oa evenlnga. F. tf. Bel tier, 934 Columbia at, Portland, Oregoa. LADIES! fee Chichester's English Pills. Best I Barest I only KellsDIel Tags ao ether. Boy of your Druggist or send 4c, stamps, for par ticulars and Booklet for Ladles. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. YOUNG lady from Chicago hae recently opened manicuring parlors. : sol ft Morrisoa St., room 14, : , ' I ASSAYERS. ABTIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO, , Montana Aaaay orrice. , 188 Morrisoa at. ART EMPORIUM. PROFNCSOR R, MAX MBYEB, 848 Altec. Portrait and landscape artist end teachee. ACCOUNTANT. ALEX. 0. BAB, PtTtI.10 ACCOUNTANT. SO Concord bldg. Phone Mala 8481. AUTOMOBILES. CO V PIT A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth sad Waahlnrtoa Agents tor Cadi 11a. Pierre, Great Arrow and Stsvene-Duryse motor ret; . machines rented, repaired aad atered. , Mala 8488, ' ARCHITECTS. B. B. MBNOKJ",' Architect. 118 Second eL ATTORNEYS. J. S. WINCHESTER. sttornsy-at-Uw, aotory public. 80 wseblrgton ping. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. a MIRKENWAI.D CO.. 804-808 Bresrett , Largeet butebbrs' supply BUTCHERS' SUPPLIRR-e-Adolpb A, Dekem, 191-188 First at., carries s full line and com pel t aassrtmaat at towset market prices. ELATIII-EOOX MAKERS. UAtVfJ rtlVlal AV ot"fT m A sVr) traBk. Ill book aiaaufaeiurera; agenU for Joaee tworaved Lees s Leaf ledger; eee tha new Eureka leaf, the beet ec the market. BATHSMASSAGE. TOTNO Udy give vapor, alcohol aad Bsedlreted hatha. rsrior 97, 988 Stark t. TWO ladlee gives hatha and magnetto tveat menta. aleo chiropody and manicuring. 224 Washington st bvtwsea First and Neeoad. , SOUTHERN tody sad assistant give maaaaga; tub and vapor bathe. il0 Fourth, cor. Washington. MADAMB ' VASHT1 Turkish and tub baths, msssaje treatmaata. 901 Third at. MISS RATM0ND rive bath and masse re treatments. . The Cosmos, 908 Morrisoa at. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Ctosalag Co., largeet pis at en the eoaat. Luring aad Herding sis., tele , phone Bast 10 Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewer and Uldl both steam and latest com- prsssia air proccaet renovating atsti aad feathers a epeclalty. SAN1TART carpet cleaning, aactlea and pressed air combined: carpets gleaned on Boot . Without remaval. Main 8684. Mala 8900. - I. BUNTER. steam carpet aad mattr . cleaner. 880 Jefferawa- Pbeae Mala 914 CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ,v ' FOR A FEW PATS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 READING FOR $L , . ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Greeteet living astrel deed-trance clair voyant of the age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFB; whom yoa . will marry, bow to control (lie pne yoa love, even though miles sway; reunites tha sep arated; gives secret powers to control. t will do all ethers advertise to do. and a Peat deal more. THE ENTIRE WORLD AS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB P0W BRS OP THB UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MT COMMAND, and I prove It to yea wlta aat price by riving you a FREB TERT PREB by having your NAMB TOLD (IN FTJLL. JUST WHAT TOU CAME FOB, and give yoa advice absolutely FREB before yoa decide to have a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT : WILL NOT MB OFFERED TO XOD AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO, Permanently Located In HI Own Home, HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 968 Fifth at., corner Madison at. NIBLO. 989 FIFTH ST. Royal erlental clairvoyant, payehU, palmist. Greeteet adviser oa love, bualaeee, marriage, divorce, law. Investments; ail rsvsaled; tails " exactly what yoa come for, aama, ags, or cnpatloni wham, when yoa marry i develops Bsagnetlam, good luck, power of e-vet con trol, cures sll nervous diseasea, weak habits, restores lost vitality, locate treasure by plrlt power, develops medluma. Nlblo's Egyptian art makes him more sueeaaaful thaa any ether myetlo worker. Love or health. v- PROF. WALLACE. ... Tb4 Coemoa, 988 Morrleoa. - See this gifted sua. Be ealle yoa by us ma. Re tails your Beat, preeent aad future. Telkt yoa who ere your friends, ene mies, nveia. He snow at once wnat called tor. Tells who and when yoa will marrv. Be tells mm avsrvthlnr. The greeteet living clairvoyant, sptrltnalist aad Bslmtat reads for 60e. PEB HIM TODAY I BBMEMBEIt THB PLACB. SCCCBSa SUCCESS. SUOCE8A. Don't . fall to consult tha wonderful soo , easeful clairvoyant, trance medium, mental healer, Helen Aaauve; thla week a valuable aecret Included with a $1 reading, which guarantees success la every andertaklng eon ' corning your future life; readlnge from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. : paluitotry readme 98r; open Sundays till 8 p. m. 18T West Park st. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVBRDINO It FABBELL, preduea ad commie sloa Berrhaate. 140 Froat St., Portlaad, Or. Phone Mala ITS. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WA8HBUBN Sj FLOYD Cut Vilners end asmaga warn. 88 8ta at. Phoa rscias xiua. CLEANING AND DYEIN0. CT.OTHBS cleaned and pressed $1 per moath Union Tailoring Co.. 84T Watblagtoa at. B. W. TTBNEB, profseelonal dyer aad (leaner. 808 Jeffereon st. Pboa Mala 9819. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY f WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CITIZENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO., CITI EENS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM 16. 199 GRAND AVE. PHONE EAST 9888. CAFES. THB OFFICE 988 Washing toa at,, pboa Mala TTl. Samuel Vlgneut. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PE0ICURIN0. Mia. M. D. Bill. Suite 1. Selllng-Hlrecb Bldg. Pacta 188. COAL AND WOOD. BOCK SPRINGS COAL COMPANY. For genuine Hock Springs Coal, Cheapest, cleanest coel ca the market. Phone . Seat 184. 988 Eaet Morrison st. . Know a ss 0. R. DAVIS COAL CO, ALBINA FUEL CO. Dae 1 era la and graea aad dry alabwood. B. R. snd Alhlpa Aie-9 blocks seat of ferryr Bart 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la anal, eordwood aad dry oUbwood. Phew East 494. OREGON FUEL CO. All blade ef sm weoa. 884 Alder st. Pboae Mla SB. BOX aad planer weed. Standard Wood Immediate delivery. Phone Bast 9918. DBY suvsvrood already split, $1.T6 per load. Pboaa PsdSc 1429. H. Baaaea. . Big THB PORTLAND FUEL CO., Successors to C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO.. Pbona East 98. 8T B. Morrlaoa L CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB crockery and glassware. Prael, uegeie CO.. luu to lua rittn. can atari st. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A. OUNBT CO. DISTRIRITTORS OF FINB CIGARS. PORTL A N D, OREGON. DRESSMAKINO. OUR prlcee only half what other rtasrgs, .work tns very nesr, Btyics to Must. Angeiea Dreesmsklng Parloea, 949 Fifth. Parifie 89. DANCIN0. LESSONS la dancing at your home, or Is my residence; lessons evening ana aitaraoon, u. P. Smith. Pacific 1118. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, reatrac- tors, repairer, elrcme wiring, sunn lie. B4 Flrat. cor. Stark. Mala S&8. R. B. Tale. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. $1 Sixth St. contractors, electric anppnee, anoiora ins dynarooa: wa ineull light end power plants. EDUCATIONAL. TO OPEN SEPT. ! "Ths Walton Prlvste Bcbonl" rnr young caiuirea in ages nctween 8 snd 14 yesrs. Vocal and Inatriirsental mnele flvea to all pupils capable of carrying Msm. Piano Instructions after method pursiwd la "Tb College of Muulc" of linctnnatl. Re citals beld every tw months to show wrognss In arVxil brsnebee, elocution .and music. The course of Instruction glvea by experlewced r-ednaU ef a well-known eaatsra college, ultloa nsaoaable, school select, advaatigea the beat. Phone paclnc 9400, 84 Jackeaa at. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compear MBsnfectarers of roraitura tor . lac vaae. Portland, Oree-ea. FURNITURE mssufscturlng snd aperlsl erders. la, Bavenoky 8 raraiiura lactury, siu siuas st. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-Bar furnaces save fuel. J. 0. Bayer Faruara Co.. 908 Secaad. Mala 481. DRVHOU8R HEATING PIPES, made to order by i. Loell. 812 Jeffereon: Phene PaHfle 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB IRON 'WORKS 988 - FUadere at., cor. Third. Pboaa kUla SOuu. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRE W0RBS, 180 Eaet Watar at. Phone East 81. GROCERS; ' WADHAMS eV CO.. wholeeele ale grocers, awrehsata. facturers and commlssloa astrehsata. Fourtb and Oa ats. ALLEN At LEWIS, commlssloa end produce mee ehanta. Front sad Dsvto ata., Portland. 0c. STEIN at WAYNB Jobbers 900 Second st. aad . wholl GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONABY and marine; "Llttl 8 peel si" taaollne Uunch, $188; second -ha ad electric iuoch and bulla. BB1ER80N MACTTINERY C0 19-4-8 Morrisoa st. ' HOTELS. THB BELLEVUB Fourth aad lsuoo: nice eleaa 1 week er moath. Parifie 8108. 1 by day. HOTEL Portland, American plan: $8. $8 per day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th and Alder st. HOOD HOTEL Boom 80c up: r tee by week . er month ; out-of-town trade aolldted. 83 Sixth St., 8 blocks from depot. HAT FACTORIES. BATS cleaned, blocked, made like new for 60; expert Panama bleacher. 84 Third, near Ptaa, Banch. 824 First. Pacific 18. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER CO. Potetoee, feed aad Sour. 189 Union eve. Phone East 161T. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicit opportunity quote prices. T4 Sixth st. Pacific 468. ' INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITB, Sre tasaraaca. Bldg. 800 Dak am IAS. Met WOOD, employers' HsMUty sad In dividual accident surety bonds at all kind. Pboaa 4T. 809 McKay bldg. IMPROVED fire alarm ssrvlre redueee Insurance rates; see ths National Automatic Fire -. Alarm company. P. U. Batehelor. president, 804 McKay bldg. TPIB Germ an-American Fire Inc. Co. of New York, after paying S. F. leases, hae $11,000. 000 seat. Johnson. Wells Co, a rents. 808 Chamber of Commerce r Phone Pacific 9410. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOB SALE Land - acrlp alt klnda, Including approved forest reserve end railroad scrip, for surveyed, ansurveyed. tim bered or prairie government land. H. M, Hamilton. The Portland. Portland, Oregon. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-bead I chlnery. sawmill, etc. 948 Orand are. B. TRENKMAN CO. Mining, sswmlll, log. ting machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting; all Inda repaired. 104 North Fourtb. , , MUSICAL. EMIL XBIEI.HORN, pupil, of SEVCIK, vlnUa teacber. Studio 184 Sixth. Tel. Mstn 8968. PIANO-TUNING, repairing . reflBlshlnr sad polishing; estimate glvea. ' Jobneuo. Witter A Porter. 979 Third et. Phone Pacific 9961 MONUMENTS. NKU 81 KINGRLET. 988 First St., Portland's leading marble aad granite works. MONEY TO LOAN. AM RARY.lfONEY PROPOSITION , Money to eeey to get If yon know where to get it. . vre oav rrauy aoooey at eu time, and yoa caa got It aa your oalary; $10 f8 $100, on best terms aad at loweat rates. We loss oa the easy payment plan the plan that belpa yon and gets yoa eat ef debt. Yoa get the cash, all yoa ask for, snd repay in s mounts yoa caa conveniently spar each payday. We do ant Sla papers, rsqnlrs an la dorse rs. no reference to frlenda or employer. -Opea Tuee. and Sat. evealnrs until S o'clock. Hutton Credit Co. 819 (Bth Soar) Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN . On Improved city property er ror mining purpnaea, tor from 8 t 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all er part of snaa after two years. Loans approved from plsne snd money advanced oa building .progress,; Biortrares trken up aad replaced. FRED B. STRONG. Financial Ageat 949 Stark St. THE STAR LOAN CO Any salaried employe, wags ssrasr, caa gvi en bto Bote, without mortgage Month. Month. Week. SVtuty Repay to aa 818.88 -ee 88.6o-e)Cg,88 $28.00 Repay to us $ 8.88 er $8.88 or 11.88 $16.00 Repay tit us I 4.00 or $9.00 or $1.00 910 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea aalarlec. Inenrancc pollciea, plsno. rurniture, warenouss re ceipts, etc.: any deeervlng pereea may aeenre a liberal advance, repay log by easy weekly br monthly Instellmsnto. NEW IRA LOAN TRUST COMPANY. 908 Ablngtoa bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS MOUy Ca a nutnieiee on easy peyusswt all a, loweat rate: strictly eonfideatlaL . CBESCENT LOAN CO., 498 Mohawk bldg., cor. Third and Morrisoa. person security: special attention to chattel snort gagee: antes bought. C. W.' Pallet, $04-8 Fentoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at. MONEY to loan on Clerkamas county lends. E. F. and F. B. alley, aua .oamvav ai w MONEY to loaa ea all kinds ef security. William Boll, room waeningtoa Blag. TO LOAN Same to suit on rbsttsl security. a. A. Frame, 814 the Marquam. MONEY loaned salaried people ea note: cheap. eai rates, r. e . nwwvam, i sdihiius MONEY LOANED AT S PER CENT On dlsmonds. watcbee and jewelry. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE, T4 THIRD ST. SAVE several thnuaand dollars which I will man Bl o per cent rrn-i wm , wm emu J. Frank Porter. 923 Waahlngton gt., south west corner First. LOW BATB oa furniture, etc.: strictly ma- Sdenttal. Boon ZZ8 meaner oiag. rsnnc 98A8. ' ' MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And ethers upon tnrir sera ss me witnout aecurlty;' cbeaneat rstea. eeslset payment; efficea In AO principal cfllea; va yourself money by retting our terms Bret. TOLMAN. Vii Ablngtoa bldg.. 108 Third t PRIVATE money to loan near dty at reaeos- able rstea. hoi rilocm, n.w t nemnev temnwrge. OPTICIANS. I. CHAMBERS t OPTOMETRIST, ' Vlsloa SHentlflrslly Corrected. 128 Seventh Street. DR. GEO. RI'BENSTEIN, reliable optUrla) (1ae,a adjusted oy tn isisei cicutioe Se. pllancea. 188 Fourtb at. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. ABNOLD LINDSAY, gradual ef tb Oeteopathlc college or Kirssvius, Missouri, woo la a eoeclallst 00 rbenmatlam, atnmacb snd sll female dleceeee. Office 410 Falling bldg.. el 1 hire ana wasningios eta. DRS ADIX NORTHRUP. 416-I8-1T Dekum bldg.. Third and Wsshlngtoa ata. Pboa Mala $48., Examlnatlca free. ' FINANCIAL BAt:::v LADB TTXTOB. BAJfKXRSltoblls-4 to .$69.) - .MeY??; Beasts Bejel. Oolleeti a e st a" BetB aa ' SUUa. I..a? UxWn 'credit leeaed available la Bur, e s 4 sll P-.a to t . ' ;?t?V. and TslegraphJ Tranefera sold on bw lork. !'- IT , v- "". i s-raaclsee and ca London. P.H. Berlin. Ftanorooaho. M , .fJr "ATI0BAI, BANK, PORTLAND, 0BEBO9T. - e R- W. B0YT ....CoabUe 4B0B0B W. B0YT AaatsUat t Tvaaaaeta 8 weaaral Bank lag Baaiasee. Drsfta and Letter of Credit taaasd Aveilast la an rrt ef lbs World. TBirrn states batiobal babx of W ., -t-'. "orrhweat Csarne Thrrd and Osk Street. .a the tlsiSf1 " MT?i k," Burlaaa. DRAFTS ISSCTO Avatlabja fa A at linlted Btatea a. Europe. Hongkong sad ManlU. Collect loos atoda aa Favercbl Teruv. VEti''!.--, J. 0. AIN8WORTH I Caahler B. W- sCBVP"" vua.Pre4.deat..,. . t,,A RARNES AavUtaat Cs.hler .. .. W, A. Aaa1rat Caahler A. M. WRIOHT BAJ,Ur ITAtBEBMEB S BANKertUd. Oragaa. Oarsar Saeeud aad Btsr straeta. L.52.'r denertment. Intereet paid en sarin rs soseunta. Drsfta and T s. a ,'r.i. '0! vallable In all parU ef the world, Opea Saturday svaaUgs froea n s,.IJJi coommodstloa at eustoejers, n.. irVPJLi-;;-- "--: I R. 0. MEARR.... ..." eUp nt I nt I at I .OHNAEATINOvRecond Vlce-Prcldei 'nui! . S.lTirji1' "rat Vice-President THI 0 CALIFORNIA Xstaallshed 1884. B -Psi paid an UMuaa 1 A Amu.,1 k I . . - ' ins sirasnn ataract aa time deposits. Acconnts opened reruaua svsaea ,-hambe .Manager Tst A, MACBAB.. FWST BATI0BAL-. BABX 9F PORTLAND, 0REO0B. ..... Dsalgnated Depository and PlnauHal Ageat af the tnlted Rterea, A-ieeeVn''.!!" ' efTI.LS I Cashier.." " .J. W. NPWWJRJ Assistant Csshlhr.,. w. C. ALVORD Second AsataUnt Cashier.... .B. P. STBVBNS 1 ai.. a,. " Credit -Available la Pwueie and thev Rsatora Btate L- ' ' S."' Evcbsnre and Tslvgrsphl Tranefera acid oa New York. Bnatne. Chlcage, St. IMrhV Li ''J', PvBctsc nd tba prlncipel points Is the Northweet. - "d time bills drawn la sums to soft aa London. Parla. Berlla. Frankferttae-Wata. wont aoogJTokohs res. Copenhagen. ChHstlaala. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mueoow. Sartcb. 1 ' TRUST COMPANIES. . " . '. - 'ISfi nVn C0VPABY OP OREGON-"Tba Oldaat Trust Oompaay to Oragoa.- Sri-ViA'- .76" 000.00. General SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time certificates. B"?. " JfH to 4 per cent Call for estea. $boo Southeast Corner Third aud Oa's street. i fsse.e.." Prealdetit I -. - -..r. , Becretary I ECTJRITT 8AVTN08 A TBT8T COMPANY eJ TruaaeU a . Oeaeral Banking Business. aa Tim sad Savlnra Accounts. Arts ss Credit Available la All A T a.'?.M-8- 1 President I A. L. MILLS.. ........ Second Ttce-Prealdrat I - SEO. P. RUSSELL..-.. "HE MORTO AOS Bff ARANTEI TB1TST . T.""l''t "'r1 Banking Buataeea. vepertmepti 4 per rent Interest elkwed. 9. W. WATEBBURY. President I vsrutu,, , . . L"N HAVS.. ststsnt Secretary - " gits Temple. Seventh and Btarh Btreeto. rhona Miln 164, Opea Saturday Evening 8 to 8. TVT9xYxrWXSTIBB rABANTn A TRVST 11 . Lumber Exchange. S. R. Corner Second and Stark Streeta (second Soar). .'J " FISCAL AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS, Staar, - County. Municipal and Corporation ' Bovtoa Bought and Sold. New a tar prises segaatoed ' ' ' aad 8ns need. Stocks end bond guaranteed, 'ITLB TABABTF.B 8) TRUST OOMPABT 840 WASHINGTON STXZXT. MOBT0A0B LOANS oa Portlaad Beal Estate at Loweat Ret,' Tltfca Jneured. v ' eaessnsw sam .. President I .Ylce-Preeldent I UIUIUI It. MI1.L..... BONDS AND INVESTMENTS.. M 01X11 B10THXBSV Chamber ef Coaunerse Municipal, railroad and DOWBTVO-XOPXnrt COMPANY Katasliahed STOCKS. BONDS, 0BAIN Boagbt Prrrat Wire. BOOK 4 CBAMBEB "HE J. 0, LXE COMPANY 18-88 Lafayette Brokerage Department gee pa Before Buying or Belling Stock Overbeckg Starr & Cooke Co. iSJStLim. . BBATN, PR0VT8I0N8 COTT0W. STOCKS AND BONDS. . . WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. " Ccattaacoa Markets by Private Wire. Quick Bervic. REFERENCES Ladd Tlrtoa. Bask an, sod United Statea Natlonsl Bask ef PertUad. LOUIS J. MTtNIClPAL SCHOOL AND - CORPORATION B0NBS WaartirraaBVtorrrvrtitB " PORTLAND NORTHWESTERN HOME TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECTJRTTtBB. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. e. B. BEACH eV CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I window-glass and glaalng. 188 First. sL Phone 1884. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERT Artistic printing. ace nueeei Liu, u - - Pacific 1826. ' ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, print lng, lithographing, blank books. Pboaa Mala IL Alder st. ' PLUMBERS.' DONNERBF.R4 ft RADEMACHER, removed to No, 808 BurMiae St. - - e FOX ft CO.. ssnltnry plnmbere. 981 Second bet. Mln and Balmoa. uregoa rnon ataia ouut. FINNIOAN BROS, ft CO.. 988 Third St. Psoas Main SuVMI. riumDers ana neaiing engineers. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 948 Alder St.. phons Msta T10; rubber sumps, sesis. Biennis: osggsgu, trade chock: send tor catalog No. 96. ROOFING. TTNROOFINU, guiUrTng. repairing and general pnlng. - J. SJOBIt. aia jeneraou si. rmv. ,e. STREET PAVING. THB Barber Asphalt Paving Co. ef PertUad. Or DC eao Worcester bi. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, slda- uraiKB ann cmeeinae. , SAFES. DIXR0LD Mangsnee and fireproof aafea; aac cessful progrMS sgslust barglsr sad 8rs:lock- A Us. .. sum maeha saiBcl I 01 a" n BnrB mis OLrVIldFtl, aaa w, nuyvi , boss- -- w with J. B. Davie. 88 third. Pboa I860. BIGHT sscnad-band fireproof ear and two eecnaa-uand nana sates tor saa aueap, as iv Sixth St.. Portlsnd. Or. - SIGN PAINTERS. OOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner. economic! eiecinu sisne in s.. " - " ' ' kind made oulrkly. Foster ft Klelaer, Fifth sad Everett. Pbone Exchsnge 88. W. P. BEROEB ft SON, 984 Yamhill at. Sign of all kind. Phone Pacific 9339. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Boal Ca, 98T SUrh at. Phone Pacific 1608. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deeertptlnni bank, bar and store nxtureu maue 10 ewr, sue Manufacturing Co., Portland. X. H. BIRDS ALL. designer; sgsat M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hsmntoa aiag. stain soaiN TRANSFER AND HAULIN0. SAFES, pianos and furniture moved, packed . V ,ki..(M enA ehlnneil! S II srnrh guarsnteed; Urge. S-story ..brick, nre-proot wsretiouse fnr storage. Office 9t) oak St. C. M. Olsea. Phone Main 84T. THB BAOGA0B ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Osk tts.; haggexa checked from hotel or residence nirect 10 uratmaiioa; paaasngers therefor avoid ruah and suaoy- aara at depots. C. O. PICK, office 88 First st.. Between ntsra snd Oak ata., pnowe , n im.r, aioved and packed for hlpplug; enmmotlloii brick rehonae with sepafate Iron roumo, Front aud CUy , ata. ' I OREdON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pbona Male oa. fiver 7 usoiwig sss oanraa. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 900 Waah. PHM -. - CUT ratea ea household goods to all points seat: we Biage up carmana; apenai room ror Imnka whlls waiting. Oregon Auto-Deapatrb, 18 First St. Phone Mala 718. INDEPENDENT .BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. 824 Biara su , msia evi. Montsns sad '') g. YoSohsws. Vsui-a aud boaoture. Collect ioae e Bpedeitv . Portland, ore k. R. 0. ME H. D. STt PLATT A STOREY. . .AssisUat Caahle PLATT .Oen al Read nffee, Saa Pisnsssss. OKtarato. e .. . . . Mj,,e as aati Ron fH .. .. . ,..,m ..., , . puaineaa irenaectea. bavisu iisrse""- far en me ef $10 nd upward.. of Commerce Betiding, J. T. BUBTCBAELL....AsahHaa afaaag banking. Eicbarure en an parts er tba woriq. . 8 to 4 Iter cent: snort-call special eeetlfV. book of "ILT.tlSTBATIOKS."' Phone PrlvatSr Excnaare T9. B. L. P1TT0CK. Meeece VI i W.iilS.eS ' J. o. COLTRA Assistant Secretary - 888 Morrisoa Street. Portland. Ovegew- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed Trustee for Eats tee. Drafta aad Letter ef Parte ef the World. U A, LEWIS ..rtret We-Preeldent B. 6. JFBITB...... Secretary .... Aaalatant Secretory OOMPABT BABX. Intereet PI4 on Time Dapestta. eompnunded onarterty. viter.ouu.oui & W. MILLER Tlce.Pr aside at COMPANY Portland. Oregoa. Abstract rnra'shed. JN0. B. AITCBIRON.., T..T. BI RKHART , .Bacretsrv ..Treasure Bldg. psbllc servrfs enrnoiattoa bonds. 1198 BB0KIBS. , aad Sold tor Caa sad aa Margin, , af COMMERCE. Pheaa Mala ST. Bldg., PertUad, Oregoa. H. W. Doushas. Ms a rev. . er Bond. Ca Alwsys Ssve Tea Moaey. 8. 4 and 9 La Fayette bldg.. Cot. Sixth aad Waab. Stc, Pertland. Oregaa. DIVIDEND BANK AMD CORPORATION STOCKS: TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, cold and repaired. Coast Agency, 931 Sterk. Tel. I40T. TELEPHONES. THB only eicloelve telephone beass. B.-B. cierrric leiepBooe Maanrac taring Pny, 89 fifth St. TOWEL SUPPLY. Ct.EAN TOWEL8V DAILY Comb brush, ana p. et pee- montn. rortiana uaada-y and Towel Supply Co., Ntotb and Oauck, Phone 410. WELLDIGGINO. WELLDIOOINQ Oeorge Beblasoa. St. J oh SB. WINDOW SHADES. GALB WINDOW SHADE CO.. 98T Balmoa St.. . Plain and faary shades made ta order al lowest prlcee. Pboa Msla 86T8. walla i,iucou::ciLf.:.,.:i HOLDS TtVO FAT J033 City Dads Hold Up Watar De partment Bills Upon Learning of Existing Conditions.1, , (Special Dispatch ta The Joeraal.) - Walla, Wailn. Waaru Aug. II lntt- matlon of ft scandal In tha watar depart, ment cropped out at Tuesday night's council maatln whan Mayor Kellouch daollnad to loaua warrants ' (or nearly 118,000 worth of 1 bills contract by tha watar committee) In proaecuUnsr Con struction work on tha naw gravltr water system laat month. 1 It has developed that sx-CouBcllmaa Fred Martin Is holding; two Jobs on the work. Inspector and timekeeper, and is drawlns? down 1280 a month. Bel bills Of a similar character were held up until tns whole matter cab be probed Into by the council ss b whole. Members erf the council oay ths tn BDectora hava fallari tn suli a Mnor ' of the number ot man employed oa the wor tor several weeks. Mayor. Kel lough and the council will make ft trip to headauartara nn tinner 1111 next Monday to Inbpect ths work snd aiao to Bcrutiruse tne , payrolls and other matters connected with ths con struction of ths new pipe line. , -.' :- GROW LATE BERRIES -ON ILWACO PENINSULA iSpect.l Dispatch t The Jourasl.) ' ' ' ' Ilwaco. Waah., Aug. II What prom Isas to be an Imporunt Industry on ths Ilwaco peninsula Is tbs culture of late strawberries. Probably no locality la the country enjoys a mora even tem perature thaa this peninsula, the t parature In October snd November beans; ss high as In May and June. This fact suggested to some ' of the berry growers near Ilwaco, who had r pest aoll which keeps snolst all sum the Idea of ralalns auccaasiva ero 1 atrawbcrrlea. This Is a'ly a- pilahed by pinching- back t..s t until the dealred aaaaon haa arri Alao setting out plants In oprlnv I of fall, so that some ef tha ov J t era pick berries every snonth frosa , to November. Tbs fall crop Is now being pi Thebrrls are of eeilnt nul y 1 fine flavor nd Bra eaallr dlrsl the coast rltleg at from I t crate, the demand excelling If.i 1 A