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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
A ' Till. : OREGCI J DA ILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," SATURDAY, ZVZV.Vr.O, TV.UCU-T i:, irZTJ TCDAT. ' 1 choice building lot fSOO, worth T-room modern eotUg, U complete. a ndarw house cheap, not fin ished ytv. , . . . . ..;(.';." 4 -room cottage, fBOOi easy terms. - ' i . ' (room 1-ous, fn", trees, completsi bob eesh. , ;f . --v..; -.f ; ! i'lots for taao, some low t tits; s down. and jir mown. ' w.w.c JOE NASH la white house st Nsehvllls Addition, on . ' . uint Roott oar lino. ; , ' ' S4AOO- 8-room new modern homo, lot uo.ian with fumnc. full cement " basement, S" and electrie fixtures, '" one block of Hawthorn avenue. . B3dO0 (room house, lot 800x108. dess to car Una. easy payments, v I3t SO t-room nw modern., resident, VrltS" lumaca, corner lot; a very de , alrubls home; . liberal tprms at pay MwtfL eImmh new cottaa. oa lid at-: terms. 8S08 down, balance monthly taaoo Another block- on Hawthorn ivmni. ' Moo lot on Hawthorn Avenue, near 87tA street. S07fc - ' XrOta on East 88th street, on . aaay monthly payment. - - BOVt wm, within city, limit, at till par acre. 10 aeraa, all lmprored. with l-room . hooaa and barn, near ear line: will ' sail on liberal term or exchange, (or '. - 110 We hare several buyer for good resi dence property In North, South - and West Portland. If yea will Hat your property with ns w can sell It. , V VAOXTCO KBAXTT OO, .', sv n Karrlsoa 042 PER LOT 10x100 fMt n S4S. Awe ara only 40 lots left unsold oat ef a trsct at TOO lota, sod' tba HIborala Ssvlngs Baak bee ordered three lot sold without delay; tberelore tbs price will ha 148 per lot aatfl every lot fc old. Tboao lots ara located aa earllna aad practically aa tba river, high, sightly d M . All cash la required. 'e tunn lna Site perfect Call oa M. t. ClohMM, roaa r, McKay bldf Xblrd aad Stark ata. . Don't , $1,600 will buy s nice' 18-aera tract , of unlmprored tend, one and one half . miles east of the city limits. No sraral. i ''An eprloE-aratar. -T. T. BERRT, No. 4 North Sixth street Phono Paclflo 101 J. Plenle 'and Swlmrnlns ContMt . . At tba Colnmbla Brack ant 8a tar day aad Baa dar, IS aad M. Brtna; yoar lanrb; st year roaad-trlp tlrketa from tba adTartlatng boa aa tlM etroata ar (roar tba aawa ataada; BO caata ' paya carfara, baa rlda aad (ata admlaaloa. ( aaw araryhody aad bara a food Uaw. Taka Vanooavar car, sat aft. at also. Oat tick ata Beautiful Suburban Home H4 acres, highly Improved; 7-room house, it fruit tres; a rare bargain., J. HL HeUbroiviier Q Co. Bit XVaaabar aTrnhaaga, Baoend aad Btark FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Miss This V .: ' WB HAVE FOR SALE TOD AT ONTS OF THK FINE8T BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON ORAND AVENUE. BUCHTEL &KERINS 362 EAST MOKSISON ST. : Portland Heights V Mora, 8 Morka from earllna. aradad atnata and watar, baaatlfal tram. SOoO; alaa 1 . 8 blocks from carllaa; $1,000. Elaaant bollrtloa Itaa for aataral bonaca. 0E0R0X X, WA0 , eOMZA, rbuna Main 8ST. WEATHER REPORT. aaM. , Tba north mi nnrtlM af tba waalara rroorb of 1 low araaaur baa for mad a at-pa rata dla. turtjaaca. which la now aanrral m wntarn bartb Dakota, . Tba fraaaora baa lacraaaad arar tba north PaoiOe ttataa, aad K rnnalna ralatlaaly low aar California and Arlaoaa. dhowara aad tbnnder atartna bar. oararrcd In i anaty.aaatara .Idabas Wyomlnc. Ktab. aoutbara . Nraa. Arlanaa, aotithara Mnataaa, and at . arattorad plaeaa la tba Canadian aorthwaat. . Fair waathar raitlnaaa ta Waahtoton, Ora ' gim and California. Tba klfb nraaaura arra aar Naw Enaland rcmalna naaA. atti..ra . and tba dlaturbanaa ywtarday orar Iowa baa niaappaarva. uorai rains aara accarrad ta tiaianoaaa, ions too waatarn fuir coaat and at raiiaraa pjaraa in tna lowar laka raatoa. ihim aaiiay ann ua anantlr autas. It la . warnaar la Bortbara Navada and aaatara Mon tana and eeolar la aoatbaaatrrn Idaho, nnrthara . ttak. Wyomlna. aorthara Colorado, Nabraaka ' and Sontk Dakota. Elaawharo tba chanaaa la tamnaratnra baa bar. anlmnortant. , Tba adloatlona ara for fair waathar in thai dlatrlrt toalabt and BnmlaT. It will ba , tnnleht In aotithara Irtaha and war mar ftaaday in i w. rrraainin. pw.iw., la. aiarnct. Otawrratlona Ukaa at ( a, in., ParIB tlma! maiiona max. pnn. rrarlp. ftahar CHy. 4raa)oa....... M - M , Fnalna. Maaaamnaatoj. ..... T m .0 ' hlasN Illinois M ' V Tl T !nrrr, Crforado .,.... an . . Kansas i'lly. Mlaanwrl...... W Ta . loa Anaalas, Oallfnmla.. SO aj , ,i ana, Loolalaaa.,.. 0 7 , jtH ; n,w iar na tq , jn Oi son... TB , . M .0 Oraana. SO i l i ,A .aoorl St , T8 . . tak. .......... n '., t w. aHfnrala.,, M M .0 , aablnfton...... M J ' uhlnatna. ...... S -. , .0 , -a, Waablnstaa.. M Bd . a. ft. C Tl .0 BIRTHS . briAoK Ananat 14, t Mr. and Mrs. Jsba a KanaL 114 ranmar. a aor. - HXBtUH.S Inly S. In Mr. and Mrs. Cktrlat W. Inlflniala, 1X4 Bortkwkk, s fUl, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ii j - -i i. . - .i ..I -.-I Hotwt B. W14rll. Waabluftoa atratt. 10: Mliinlo E. Blly, W. - Thawu u. Noftoa, lti Orand fcaaa.tu Utrmo HlUmr, as. . .J IWrrlrk U. Jrdaa, ' BrMdrta, ' CU(orol, w: AaiDer il(h Bnnon. 4. . l-'wl" AdMa, 4io Uowibora aTCBiM, SO Julia Vlnlm Jn-m U i J.rp c. Dowllu. 8T- Eaat Mala troat. 80; aella 1 Doclaa. 2S. Waddlna Carda. W. O. Smltli Oo.. Wuk lartoa bids., cor. roartk and Waahlntoa aU. Woddlas aa aalllns tarda anirrarad or arlntt ,X T. Raabloa. KCtia WaaoiiMitoa at. ' lilaa Bartha U.rtl. aaaaa 1 Allakr alda. Itaaiplns and Boa aaadlvwork; Irakaoa ai. EATHS. WARNICH Aarat It- rbauarar Waraor, M , jaara. St. Vlnroat'a MDllarlua, puliaooary innrrruioaia. . ANTICH Ausnat IB, ' Anton Aotlea, M yaar. 441 4Jllun EtrlKfa Atmm - fit HUCT Tunat IS, Hrla Hurlaf. T Btoatha, 2SH Atorth Vm-alftb maraamua. i COOK Aoa-aat IS. Arrbia A. Conk. M yaar. - St. Vine ot'a boaplul, appandliitla. OttHOBN Aumavt 13, Mlklrrd O. Oahnraa. .81 iraani, T3 Ckorrk, rubarcuhjala of lonsa. ILKI.NSOttOR .Auoat 19. Frtd Kllna.fa, TB rara. N'arada atraet. raltaa, paralyala. KVKsV Aosuat IS, Unr? Kvaa, 7T yean, 8k. Vluraat'a aoapltal, aaalllta. ,. . Mi: BR AT Auartiat 18. Kuma T. Korray. t aaaotba.. ou BaaurlUa koayuai. . swtr antrrllta. . - lTDOUOAIX Aagaat l, Oladra MoDooaU. dart, sa samarltaa aoapltal. . . BALL Aocnat IT, Ffclllp T. Ball. Month, ' rlomica I'ruteatoa boaia. OJNDERTAKERSr-" Danniar. MrBntaa V Ollbaorh. andartakara and mbaupara; aoodera la avarr dataU. SaTaatk ad PI Da. Mail la 4S0. Lady aaalatant. B. Htmatork. aadrrtakar and aabalawr. Baat Tblrtooath aad UawtUla ara. pbona aa 11- 71. Erlekaoa I'ndartaklna Co.. aad aaibalmtna. in turn at. rauaa Mala eiis. lauiy aaaiaiaat. i. P. rtnlar A Son. Ttilrd and Madlaoa ata. Offtea at aoaaty aoraaar, Paoaa Mala i. Edward Hoi aua. andartekar, X3 Third, at. .- i ,K BITUTirW CEMtTEKT. j - . Stnato BTama 810. Faaillr lota 178 to tl.OM. Tha aalr camatarr - aa Portland wblrh Bar- pataally aMlntalaa and rarra (or lota. For fall laformattoa a paly . to W. R. Maekaaala, Wor- caater oiora. nty. w. at. laaa. praaioanx. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joba A. aad Aasnata Lofqulit ul Katk- . wan wo," iwat aula a ana a, aioea 1A Hlrhlaad - .1 law Eli-hard and Bunlra J. Prtea to Marfarat J. Bollaja. lomaud feat, aartloa 1. township l,aouth, ransa 1 aaat ..... 1 Arlate Land rompany bTu P. Mlllbol. . wm. tot lO, block 12, Ina Park IBB Waltar s. Bullla and Maa U. Ballla to Joba EL McKlnala, lot 1, block 1, . Capiat addition to St Johns, arrant- ' Ins a atrln IS fast la wldtk along Ida aaat sldo Una af aald lot ft& J. A. Ball to Aaa J. Ball, lot 1. block X . Arcbor Pines ' 800 F. Uundornb ta Frank B. and Elian K. Butor. lot T, Mock Tt, Hrllwaod ' ' 1TB Tlncaat HIU to Floraaca sVibaoa, lot 14, block 1. SaUvnn4 ....... 1 William Caoraa Mamdns to Oaorca F. sianninf, ants a ana , duck e, Elian- - . balk Irvine' addition ta Bast Port land .- l.oos A. E. and Mary t. Darls to Ladd A Til- m. tota ia aaa M. Dioek ar, Plrd- oot a ATM Saaanna Good to William F. and En- Enla . Hnebna. lota 10 and 11. a ' -i .mi ana Charlaa . aad Maria Btrnba "to Bart a'lid ' Lilllaa D. Jackson, .lot 8, block 8, Oharat 850 0. W. P. T. Caw to John Finer aad Wil liam Wllaoa. lot. 4. block 18, original Mat of cttr View Park XM London A Baa Francisco bank to Howard e. Tnompaon, nndlTdcd H Intaraat ta lot A block 81. Eaat Portland --rr-i William and Lydla Naubanar to Jobs W. Scbappart. waat IS faat tot 4 and aat ' BO fast of sooth BO feet lot 8. block Sd, Oarntnara' addltlrn ta Carntkara' addU ttoa ........ S.800 eenrca sad a a ml Ina lnar . to Wll Ham H. Lobkaaip. 18 acrra la Wll- ' ham Vainer. Tract 1 Bld Oaln and Mary Chaa Held Oaln to H. E. Noble, lot IS, block 82. Wll- ' la matt a , '. 1 Lias la L. and William W. Sharp to Her. maa Wlttannsra, aoath V of aootk H aartloa M. and aaat H of east H af aactloa 84 and nortbwrst of section 86. all la township X north, ransa 8 east . .: 1 Alfred E. and Mabel Staub ta James A. Gray, aaat 83 1-8 feat off tba east sad " lots 8 and s, block 88. Hnnnrald.,.. . . 10 Tbs Hawtaone aatata to Jnlliis E. and . Era B. Kellng, lot T. block 8, Haw. . tkoma's First .addition to Kaat Port- ' Und . v. eno Martin H. -and tHaabetb Maher to Manrlc LT AabsT. lots B. 6, I, B, block IB. Point View TOO William M. and Mary A. Ladd ta Boh.. art J. Bulkier, all of block 1 and lots 1. 8, 8. 8. T. 8. block 8, East Port land TB.000 Bay aad sforris Gnmbert to Msyar I. Bsell. aaat BO feat TH hwhea at lot .- w, vars a, r ai 11 1. annn jrari,,, aw Ad Darband to Jenuls Uosars, lots IS ' and IB. block Brelrn i 1 Joba H. aad Rossllnd Clbsoa ta fytrraat B. Pbelpa, lota II. In and 14, Olbaoa'S BabdIHaloa of tba J. A. Locaa tract la sactlons 10, 80, township 1 South, . ransa 8 aaat , 818 0reoa Land A Inveatment rompany ta Marr w. woirs, iota and JU, block T. Woodlawn - S00 North weal Loan A Trnst rompsny la ' Mary F. Wolfe, lots , in. 11, J J. IS, 14, IB. 1ft, block t, and lota , J, ' and 8, block 8, Uarlem 1 Ost yoar Insnranca sad sbsltacta to real aatata from tbs Tills Oosrsntss A Trast nomnaay. 840 Wsablnsloa street, corner Second. NOTICE.. taaanaaaanajpsnaaaassaaasnsan NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Ia tba county eoart at tna atats ar ureaoa ror Mnltns. mah count r. In the matter of tbs aatata of Joka B. Garrell. deer a aad. Not lea Is bars. by a-lran that tba nnderslaned, admlnlatrstor of tba aatata of aald dareaaed sltaate witbla tba atata of Oretoo. baa filed In asld court bis final account as sock sdmlblstrstnr, and that Frldsy, tbs fourteenth day of Septem ber, mod, st S:80 a. ta.. bss neea fixed as tba tlma, snd tbe eonaty conrtroom as tbs place, for the settlement of sorb arenant . aad tbs hearing; and determining af objes. twaa U are to. . f. C. FlJtNDERS, Administrator af tba Estate af John B. Oaf . rail. Deceased. ' Dsted and first pabllahed Jnly 38, 1B08. IN THE eoontr court af tbe stats of Oregon ror Muitnoman county, in too msttar or tbs aatata of Hrppollte Dotard, deceased. No tics Is hereby (Wen that tbs underetaned baa by cooalderatlon af tbs soars entitled court been appointed administrator with the will aansred of the eelate of said deceased, situate witbla tbe state of Orecon. AU persona baring claims sgslnat tba es tate af aald deceased sra hereby notified to preeeot tbs same, ratified nndrr oatb, wltb tha proper ronchers, to tbs undersigned, 424 Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oregon, within alx montba from tha date of tba first publication of this nott-e. J.- C. FLANDRR8, Admlnlatraror Batata Hyppollu Datsrd. Ds- ceased. Dsted and first published Jnly 8. 1808. BEWARD WITHDRAWAL. ' Kotlen Is hereby glren tbat tha reward of 8900 offered by tha Pacific Eanress rompany, by .circular heratofnra tsaned, for tbs amat and onnrlctloa of sack of tba three men whs bald np train No. 6 of tbs O, R. A N. Co., na Wedneaasy, September 88, 1H0B. between Corbett and Trout da In. Multnomah eonnty, at ar aear mile poet 21, la hereby cancelled aad withdrawn. .. . PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANT. f J. W. Boa-ara, Hnoerlntendent. . : ' Bait iks City, Utah. Aagtwt 18, lOOS. -l NOTICE.-. Rlrta are hinted for boring a Mncbdla meter deep water wall .for tha rlty of Aarurs. Bids ta ba In oa ar before Augast 8ft, IBOS. Rlaht ta reaerred to re ject any or all bids. By ardar of dtr eon ad I. A. H. 0IEST, City ltecoToec, Asrora MOTICB s hereby gt ran that I will not ba eeananslhla for any deata eon traded by my wl., Elisabeth Bhrlrar, shs baring laft my bed . aad board. (Mgnsd) EDWARD SftBITKR, Wm Mr. Ollllea I. McDonald call st M Knott Bfrae, taraih,M knt.l Imm AILIna it eke awienes to aaa Mrs. Roaa M. Johnaoa. LOST AND FOUND. LOST At Malar A Frank Oa., a puraa talsing ti. also certlrVate for 8M. Ret ara te Mrs. oraaa Joaes, ty2 Xaat XinblU St.; saw ara. MECTIQ NOTICES. AI.BINA UMla No. 101. A. r. A A M. Stated . rommuatcatloa Ibla (Haturday) arrnlns, a'rlork, Work M. M. daaraa. ' All M. . M. cordially tavltad. By ardrr W. U, id ittMiuii, Baoroiarr. at. W. A. Oraaoa Oraoo Oamn. Na. .TB. Moa . va. m mam amaraaau: witora waacoaaa. If. W. A. iriBURina riup aaaa Wdnaa4a7 Taalas. AUaky bide. Tklrd aad MorrlaM ata. ' HELP WANTEDMALE. rtRKMKir aad nrakaatta oa Orotoa. raHfota and otbar rallroada; aznarlaaca unaooraaaryi Sraaian $100. bacooM analoaara and aara t0 mnacblyi brakamaa 'ITS, , baroma coadartora aao ara ; poaltinaa awalUns airoof, enrapoteat youaa maa; ata la ai. arod alamo. mum poaltkm prafarrrd. Railway Aaaocla. ttun. Doot. 44, mi Batter at., Baa Fraa- ciaco. ...... -. WAlfTKD Ttrnnr ataa ra laara talafraphr aad , railroad arrvuntlai; aalariaa tTft.0 to $00,011. ' F fraa catah'joa addraaa Mono Collaca ad iaiarapny. aua uia at., oakuao. CM, -vrriw Two ar tbra flrat-claaa, Il-anam4 aiarnina man; parnanaat poaltioa. sood asaav urasoa raraiiara Mrs. uov, Maeaaam roaa. Wl sat work (or aor aaamhara: asaolal bra. 2. x. M. O. A roartk and TaaafclU. ; ' Union Hotel- ' NORTH SIXTH ST". Jraa aoaployniaat ta oar palrnaa. waaaiy raiao: autom. at.aa p Doaro, f IX) W ANTED Imiot oukara: ataady Work) Bf North rroat, coroar af Daw. - 8ALK8MRN ' to fntrodoea tba world' lu rrulta Bnrbank'a aaw . attaaUaa - plow iMIrada). Cbotro ot tarrltory. Caab warkly. ddraaa Waakloittoa Karaary aaaipaay. Top panlab. Waablnstoa. x -r WANTED Morlng-plctnrs ma chine-opera tors I will teach yon tbs business; terms eery rss annablr: positions ssenred; good aalary. Maw man, 14BH Sixth St. WANTED At one, 60 aommoa laborers at 12.50 par day. Call st engineering depart aient Oregon Water Power At Railway 0a.a First and Alder ata., for parttealara. AfJTNTS wantsd to eel an parlor , blgh-grads anrssry stock; complete aatftt farawbsd free; cash srsskly; writs today for eholca af tar rltory. Capital City Nureary Compaay, lalsaa. Oregon. WANTED Boy ; ataady warhv corner Deris. t 88 M. Front. MEN AND WOMEN to laara barber trade la eight weeks; graduates aara from 818 to $3i weekly; expert Instructors; catalogs free: special rates this month. Molar Sretem af Collogaa, 88 North Fourth at.. Portlaad. DON'T M0NKETI Ba B WHOLE MAN, FREE OF ALL DI8BA8E8. Dr. Madlaoa, socoeaaoe ta Bad Cross Dlapsoaary, ear. Third aad Asa. WANTED AT ONCB 86 carpenters and 86 ear pen tar helpers; wares for carpenter. 88, for carpenter helpers 42. HO. Call at engineering department, Oregon Watar Power A Railway Co.. First aad Alder ata., tor partiealars. BOTS WANTED Pay 8-10 a month. Apply I . manager Waatarn L'nloa Telegraph Co. WANTED Aa nleetrlclaa with aanarleac ta outrkle work for plant ta aaull town. AsV dreaa O 81, aara JoarnaL . WANTED Drsaghtsman tat liom 413 Stearns bldg. railroad work. WANTED ar irpertenced railroad brsksmea for logging road; stesdy war ateadr work with araod oar. Addrsss 0 IT, care JouraaL WANTED 4 competent maa for soliciting clothes for cleaning and dyeing; good aalary and commission paid for good aastleret also .a tailor bushslman; must be a good' preaaari good psy tor right party, st tbe Esst Port land Steam Cleaning Dye Work, 148 Grand : are., elty. , -. . OOOD situation - and goad salary to man with 8SO0. Addraaa 0 IB, el care Journal. EXPERIENCED minora wanted for Idaho, 88 - ta 83.BO par day. 2no Washington, room 1. ACTIVE maa wanted te aarertwe. exhibit gooda and manage branch of large mall seder . boose; eslary BlS per week, expanses paid; permanent position with adTancemsnt: boneaty mar esesntlnl than eanerlenc. National Co.. T20 Chaetaat at., Philadelphia, Fs. WANTED Toanar Baople to prepare as bookkeepare and etanograpbera; hare bad 642 calls a! nee September 1; placed 8B6 la . posit loos. We will place yea when eoaa. patent. Day ar nignt. usaiogue. Walker Baslaeea eullega. WANTED Traakmakera, ' bag, draesntt aaaa and - bandle-makere. Apply Hlrachfelder A Mesney, corner tb and Florida sts., Sa Franrlacs. Csllfornls. - j HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Glru to make -: Bees af AU" erer- alas at TB First at HANSBN'B LADIES' AGBNCT. S4SH Wsahtng. tna at, cor. Seventh, apststrs. . Pbsa Mala 2082. Female help waated. 0IRLS WANTXD-lperatora t work ea shirt and overalls. Lsaaone gleea to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Na. S, Oraad sra. sad Esst Tsylor at - THB HOME LAlUF.r AOENCT. . Ferns la help furnish!! free to emplaya. . tbaglstrstloa Free. 16BH Fourth at., upstairs, mem 23. Mats B88S, BEND 10 cents for Baaaty Sairst fornralai alee ctrcnur ot ioo ether rains Die receipts. Ls Angele Receipt Co.. Los Aagslea. CaL WOMAN, orar 86, fatr sdscatlon, aom koslnam a sow ledge, mnst drees asatly, la Use Baalim t once. 22 Lrwta bldg. WANTED Olrl; ataady work. .68 Kerth Froat, WANTED Aa experienced domestic art teacher for an Important Institution 1 the city. Apply W 16, care JoarnaL WANTED Competent girl for general bian wora. apply iao East ista st 28 GIRLS WANTED ta work ta pa par-box factory. Apply to F. (X Startler, loth aad Ollssa ata. -. - - WANTED 0 ladles' cktbes-lronera, at racia Lanadry, 221 Arthur- St. EXPERIENCED girl for n oral housework 1 ismiiy or two. so norm asta at 0IRLR for fin Job: pay from 82 ta 88 par day, srooraing to anility. . no experience reqaired. Apply at 82 4th st. 01 ML to help with work In small bens, family or B, while attending business college or school Phoae Esst A. WANTED Thoroughly capable womss for family lannury, alonaar or Tuasaays, weekly; wages 82 day. 230 Va TamhllL Mala 641 A MIDDLE-AGED womaa young girl wanted for light work. St. John. 638 Gilbert st, Cedar Park, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. LEARN TO WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS by mall; salary, fJt, ts 8100. Call or writ for full particulars. Baaatlfal adrarUsug book free. . . . PAOB-DAVI8 CO.. Dept. 81, Room 418, Oommerctal Bldg, Portlaad. HOPPICKERS We pay B0e per bog, bankbonaa free. Will be at the St. Charles hotel last wssk la Aagust to sell roaad-trtp ticket te Brooks. Com by train September 1. Ad draaa Homer Ooalay, Brooks. Oregoa t Tl r. r. - Gunley, Brooks, Oregoa) ' 80 BELP wsnted aad sappMed. male ar female. B. O. Drake. 806 Wasblsgtoa st PaclAe 170, l.tntl HOPPICKERS to pick 24 scree bops at BOc per box; largest bopynrd fat the world; beat accommodations: ssk for 8-psg nook, glTlng psrttcolsrs. at M2 Fotwth st. Krone Bros. I'booe Mala eBTO. OtBea houi 8 a. m. to S p. ta. WANTED 400 bop-plckere by Sept. t, heat yard ia Oregon; good accommodatlona. Applr to Andrew A as A Co., 8S7 Morrlsoa at. HOPPICKERS wanted: good eamptng amauda; about 14 days" work. For particulars ad dress Hare lean Bros., North Yamhill, Or. HOPPICKERS wsatad. Co., 240 Taylor at Call at A. A.' Church CAPABLE solicitors, erery dty and county; enmmlasloa or salary; the bast policy and company. 824 Lumber Exchange, Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A PRACTICAL fnrnscemaa with SB years' ex parlance In , msaufactniing and Installing furnaces deswes poalthm as sale. man ay eUwwlaa, Addrsss W 33, ar Jvorasl, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, 80 yaare' etperieaca. - will open aad close books, ncouoaia, .. toko charge of book, at reasonable rates; sstmfsctlva guarsatsed, Addreas S 21e care Journal. ... XOUNO man f good habits and goad edooa. lion aasina puaittua. Aanraae u a. enirM.. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED By elderly lady, position as honse k re per hi widower's family. Address W. 18, " Journal. . WIDOW wishes car of child; terms resaooabls. 14 Beech St. . , BEflPECTABLB wemaa waste a position at ance, part ar all day. Addreas o a. ourusi. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPUi YMBNT 0FFI0B T FOB MEN. 8S North Second at Phone Mala 1888. WANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT-Hooaae, eottagaa, flat, a toree, offleea. rwomtog-boaaea, eta. Lead- . lorda will do well to call on . PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF 0KBOQB. Phone Ex.. TA S. B. dor. Bd aad Oak. . , HorsmL ftata. roomlng- rteea. are.- winin -staawtewi aaaurao. . Msin 1171. Und hard A Jack. McKay bldg, WANTED By man and wife na children) 8 to 4 pleasant an rural en ee aouaeaespingoomn. wttbla wi Iking dlstsnca. - with, an. agraaabla family preferred. Pbone Msla Bail.. WANTED 8 ar 8 fornlahed rooms for bouse. keeping; walking distance. B7S wasBingtoa. WANTED To rent boose ot from 10 to 16 furnished os anrurnlahed; atata tloa and rent. S IB, care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. W8 WILL SELL year property, t matter what and we will do the rest Inreetors' Ouldt Co., 811 Marquam bldgv PortlaDSV Oregoa. ; GOOD Income and residence property, lota, ts ras ing ana iiraoer unas. UNDHABD A JACK. McKay' bldg. WANTED Bust sees ar residence is spat ty ta the elty la exchange Tor gooa rsrm lanoe; can basdls snythlhg from 81.000 to 880.000; we akas Bare some cicelies! burs la timber aad' graatnr Issd. Call sad ase as; ws waat to get acquainted with yon. TURNER A WALKER, i- . Boom A BOfiVt WashlognMV at Ui x piuuai ij exennnawa aor ooa inrxos. nan i farms for city property, bf . iv, S's rr'U!B, Wl HtSISaiM BT, . WANT a or T-room boas oa eeet aldei glrs price and location la first latter. D SO, ears Journsl. WANTED Housemorlng, raising and sllltng. ti. soott t'hoaa xaoor mu.-. WANTED Madera scant lota. aa Installment. bars baysra all at tba on im abore. LAM0NT A HARRIS,.' 107 H Blxth By ; WANTED Ta leans, wltb I Tn"l'a8 bay. farm IS to 80 scree; 'lmnroyed, .running watar, within SO mile Portland; Addraaa S IB. ear Journal. ' . . . , , FROhf 8 to S acres wltb 8 cr -roam cottage. good aara. truit traee ana water, within mile; mt be aear earllna: direct from owner. ' C. Tapfer, SNJlt. Wasbhigtoa st, - WANTED FINANCIAL. : tl.000.000 TO build aratlu hotel, Portlaad. r ja, ram uuimi, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTINO. sprsylng and whlv wsahtng tree, . basements, haras, docks, etc; largt-at gasoline spraying outfit ea tbe eoeet. - M, O. Morgan A Co, 822 L'Bloa are. . Pbone Bast 61T. WE WILL BUT year furniture any old time. Western Salvage Co.. 027 Washing tun at WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., i 827 82S WASHINGTON. . PACIFIC TBA- - Msla 8808 Mala BdBS FUBWITUEE WANTED , ' ' ,'" , FOR v .. ' ..,. .. flPOT CAgH . n PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 811 First st Main BBSS HIGHEST cash nrlce Be Id good i Phone East SOTT. 188 Usloa see. WHO IS U. O. MORGAN A CO, t - FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT T-reom houss and 10 acres. T miles from Portland, an O. W. P. By., with some fruit; will rent for year. Address Miss Carrl Tracy, Lenta, Oregon., R, F. D. 1. FURNISHED HOUSES. T ROOMS, arranged for 8 families, eloae I 836. Call Hathaway a sixth aad Salmon. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, 4BVs North Third at. i Si. per wees ssa up. RICELT furnlahed rooms, single ar ea suite. hoard If desired, free bath sad Phone, ! trie lights. Mrs. Brown, 808 10th st THB RICHELIEU, SBVj North Sixth St. Els. gsntiy Tarnished) steam neat aad Da tna. LINDA VISTA. ,34TH Fifth Furnished room snd housekeeping suites. 91. DO per week up. BLEOANTLT furnished roaena, . srngls or ea eulte; every modem coaranleace. Bd North THB WOODLAND, SOS Sixth, cor. of Madlaoa Clone In; beautiful private residence; large laws, elegant room, choice table board: rea sonable. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TUB MITCHELL. Flaader and Seventh Rooms, hsosskesplng a Dd , trans lest; I M.aM.hU. ' LARGE slegsatly furnished boneekeeplag- rooms; gas rsngs, running watar. The Lewaa dele. BOSUj Alder at 11.29 PEB WEEK Largs, --clean - famished nooeei raping -roome; laundry aaa aata.. ia Sherman, Sooth Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP, cleaa fnralabed boaaekses. ing-rooms, wim yara, perior, unnary, ooia, furnace heat 203 Staaton at V ear. . THK JEFFERSONIAN; 614 J.ffereoa at Nicely flirBlaned saltee of two ar three ream wits all eon rent a Dees; cheap, . - 8 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, S per aaonth. B32 Beventh t 4 FURNISHED bannekeeplng-rectn with bath and gaa. 80 Kaat Bights st Pboo East FOR RENT S' partly furnlahed housekeeping- .o. .ess nom iwid; na eaiiaren. 881 SIXTH ST., nice large front parlor suite. 5m: a ma-jar suns, i; nice mcauen; walking latanee. . , THB BBW0A8TLE. 402 H Third at Famished housekeeping enitee; a iao sing is rooms reason able. - I'bone Main 800. " . . ONE large nafnrnlshed mom with closet for light housekeeping, reasonsnis. 2KB Montgom ery atreet corner Fifth. ' . ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS and board at BOS Overton at Pacific !. Pbon FOR RENT HOUSES. BROOM boaae, BIB; thoroughly renovated. pa In tan, etc.) bow in arsx-ciaaa condition; neighbor hoed excellent; T-mlnnte ear dews town; Mississippi eve. and Falling at. PORTLAND TRUST COUP ANT Of OREGON. KADDBRLT TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re liable plana and furniture-movers; stse stor age. Phone Mala land. Offloc 110 N. Tha-A FOR RENT 8-room cottage, between Hoyt end Irving. No. 141 Apply 16th st. ieat door. ld. BIB, 820 THREE modern bouses. Sixth sad IBruiDers sis. ' run, aaa,n aww. BBAND-NRW -eoera'aaoder est, Alhtns; good - neighbor bood, ulck rsrs down tows; gin RHmth; gas and electricity; tin-top plumbing. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, , , . . fboa KAohaog TA - . , FOR REtJT HOUSES. FOB BENT Newly nsosred 8 room, and bath beat condition 112. trad Vlereck, Bast laird aua nan. ' FOB BENT Two B-raom cot Uses an Orand are.! aiao oo. S-story soaaa. J. t. Foes, 4o9 Hawthorn, ase. FOUH alee rooms, unrnrnlshed apartmeat, gas. " e , rwiiiiaiBi, soo lsois St. fOB BENT i room cottage, IB North 81st at FOR BENT 6 roam cottage, nawty aspersd. alee ana tloa, US brerstt Inqults oa premiaas. MODERN B room houao. furnlahed. large yard - with fruit tress' and abxubbsry. Bast Slat ana nun nu. rnone saat loai. FOR RENT FLATS. NEW 8-roem flats, $U room a, fS, at Mala 6So4. 180 Marks! HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . TURK FOR SALE. FURNITURE for 10-room rooming boua for aale cheap; s suites househsepljig-rooms, aay moms. . oxi, nsueiga St. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of abop to rent, sellable for fa la tar ae pinmnar. aua sourtn st. OFFICB-ROOMS, Bnrnrnlahed room aad aample room, cor rut Ooodnoagh bldg. . Apply el. rator. TWO desirable aad wall. located stores ea the esst side. - Apply to Hartmaa at Tbompaoa, I tuutw Ba J 8TORB oa Union ara.; good location! rents tor sii.ou. appiy to nsrtmaa si aonmnaos, Chamber of Cam mere. FOR - RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, ae pa rata or together; new aad with all aoo ran lances. Pbone Mala Bad FOR BENT ar for aaw. cheap, bothoaae. ta gooa location, oa X earunea; aa opposition. w an, enra sournsi. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCK8LBT HALL, BEA8IDB- OBEOON Under new management; conearta, ashing. ciamnaasa, picnics, teasmi me so asset all trains; 100 elegant oaralde rooms; prV .ate hatha; electric lights; annex a ear looking the aaa; collages, tar rates, reeereauoos. addraaa Harrr T. Butterworta. BMnssss. or ' phoae Mrs carUsle, Portlaad. PaclSe MECANICUM INN. Baaalde. Oregoa Hoaaa dl Erectly facing ocea n ; njlowars land specious grounds, electric ugnts, saaay naacn, some cooking. Miss X. Danaaa, prop. - Gat aff at nscanieum atatioa. . THB BBITT, eTamUy hotsl. Long Beach, HOTEL SALT AIR, Centerrllle sts tloa; aceomnxidatlona. -. . . THB PORTLAND, leading hofel. North Beech. HOTEL WICKHAM. culsme. Newtoa utloa AUCTIONS.4 , .i.a An PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. A. SCHUBACH, Prop, "til First at! Phone Mala BOSS. Aactloa dally at 8 p. m. Highest caab price peia iar xurnitare; a tee goooa eota em eoa ' slgnment business Chances. FOR BALE Water-power aaw and planing mill, located oa coed localna stresm. In Wll' lamette valley, and la good farming country; excellent local trade of about Ahioo.OuO fast a year; capacity 10 to is M. an io hoars; mile to railroad; 800 acres ef lead and about S.OOO.OOO feet timber to go with mill; splash dam, booms, ate. Addreas WUllam Moxten i son. Mount AageL Oregoa. WRITE a Quick (boat Vacant Important de- - ve lop meats of the Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal C-; buy arock narora Big aavew J. F. Hurst A Ce., 20 McKay bldg. MEAT market for sale cheap) BUS Union ave-, aorta i ooiag gona awsiaeen. . FOR tnformstlou ar for abaree af the N ioo is coal mines. limited, write to Paul Bockmler, maasgsr. Paloaee. Wash. FOR SALE A general aasrcbandlaa store: stork i novice about 83,000, cheap rent. ,la tows ( wiinin so mnen ox rwuaaa, ea Bnuwi Pacific railroad; paying business! good res ' sons for eelUng, Address B 28. csre Journal. PHIMMATH. " OREGON, wants - - baak, creamery, fruit cannery snd a Soar mill; a ' fine opening bare for each at thee eater prlcee; ea pits lists please Investigate; ask for Hats of Bna farms and properties for sale or exchange. Caldwell ' A Co., Phlk math, Oregon. RESTAURANT aad lunch counter ia good It cation, with lease, for aale. X IS. JoarnaL WOULD Ilka te meet some ana with sbbbU capital ta Iota me la devekmlnc copper prop arty. - i. . F. Nylaader. roma BUS AUaky bid. BAKER WANTED To rest store and living rooms at front and uintia sts. uevarta Bone. 17J-S First at. . - BAKERT for aale, dotng extra good rash beat- hi .. . nj-jjiir irnoe oniy; iowb ot i.swu. in formation on Inquiry. N. C. PsrrUuv Bala lor. Oregoa.. . DRUO store for sals cheap; tha aalr on In good college tawn; stock complete,, oak Bitaree, marble fountain, corner store, rent 810. electric lights and telephone; owner Jolng eat of business; apleadld opening for rugglst; com. aad ses for yourself; part time ' f desired. . Apply drag ator Mount Angel, Oregon. ' . . ' tl-ROOM boase for rent, furniture for Bale, Bargain; asva ta leave city, eza aioer. BUSINESS OPENING large store for rant at novontecntn and Washington sts., suitable rot dry gooda, millinery or notions; brick block, low rent Oevarta A Sons.. 178-6 First at FOR BALK A good paying grocery store; sstl- ng oa accoanx ot poor aeaira. n is, yeornai. FOR SALE Reetaursnt. tables, dishes, knives. rorks, apeena. l-root Monares atava. n is, JoarnaL - . - ' WILL guarantee 80 per cant ea Inveatment In one vesr ana money rerunaea, irom aiuv oot to exceed 62.0no; this Is a boss fide after from a responsible tmslneea man. Answer fm medlstely, W 18, JosrnsL WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. T BARGAIN. . ' Moat Ware tba city at eere sad win sell my real aatata bualness; fine ground-floor offtea In one of Portland' beat suburbs; cheap rent, no expense; this office baa cleared about 82,000 since Janasry 1; large list of property; will sell for prlc of Bator. 8 1, care JeurnaL ...- FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE The Oriental Beanty Parlor a. Hn4. Morrison I good reasons for psrtlng with Ibis rslasble. property. Mme. WysaMcDonsld. , GOING BAST; must sell store; market and lie. lag-roema. rnone main aaoo. . FOR SALE Complete lanndry, including lot. building, aorare. wagons, nsmeea; vmeineaa aver B rrfl par week ; price T,Bn0; reaannable terms: populstlon 10,000. . Addrea W 14, ' car Journsl. JEWELRT. stors flxtores snd snod watch. renslrlnc trade: rent 820: nrice 8100. Chsrlet BUM). Chsrle , Wsber, 210 Madlaoa at, Portland, Oregon. WANTED Partner In good paying reataerant; B1B0 required. ' bom, norta inira at. , SAWMILL FOR SALB H mile from railroad, 8 miles from town; all new mscblnsry, only rna about 25 daya; capacity of mill ao.ond per day; price 82,600. tall 181 Morrison st FOR SALROood mercantile business requir ing B4.60O cash; nig proms aaa ess oastneus, George Melvla Miner, ' Eugene, Oregoa. FOR RALE. CHEAP Blarkamltb-abon, Mb la and Isrgs kit on mats country roaa ana rail road; part cash snd bslenee oa sssy term. Apply to A. Peterson, Bsrlow, Oregoa. FOB SALE Confectionery store entering to the best trade In iset-growing tows near Portland: goad leaee and location; living rooms; references; . no trlflers. Address O 2W care- Journsl. - r THB beet atonsymsklnf basin ss In tbe city for esle oa seconnt ot aicsneas;' ai in vested will resiles $40 weekly or more: ex perlence unseeeaearr. Address T . 1, Jou(nsl. HAVE - good feed and grocery business on O. Wi P. rullwsy, raw mile from port land) doing good bualness, but want to sell on 1 account of sickness; will sell Broneetr snd baalneaa or stock only and less the prop erty: will al st actual Invoice, Audraea O f, car Journal, . . . , . ' , ' - ' ' A-.',''- ','."'.-:'. ' - '.V'i business c:ia:;cz3. rNIBnrTlf! nartv af aood addraaa. witk referenne snd 81,000, osa ssunre kalt lit tsrest la hlgb-clsaa Incneie ousluaat) Bne i p- portunity M eitaer isay ur gcuiieeni ' in mouth and half net prodis; money re funded In 1 yaw if dlaaatlsSad. Address 0 T, cere JouruaL . - .ii ten a SALE A Brat-clsss bsksrr In a Brow lag suburbs town. Addraaa 0 10, JouraaL 1 WW WANTED One NaT aore psreona with small sapltsl to help develop copper miae luu psrtk-ulsrs; 6U0 per cent an tayeataieat. 0 8, csre Journal. 4 ROOMING-HOUSE 18 room, da Aider- at close la, cheap buy; la good condition, JkuJ 84 ROOMS Is brick building; watar aad ward . rebe In each room: all )lgbt rooms; cava) .reui, ronq lesaa, .a.ouu; wh imiioa, : 0. TAPFEB CO., SaoVt Wasblagtoa, Boom 1 FOR SALE General marctiandlas a tors doing - buslnee of 82.000 a month) will Invoice about o,uuv. ivi Morriaoa at. , DAIRY stock for sals; 62 bead at cattle, 8 horses, all farming Implements, tools and delry fixtures; BO tons of hay and elhef crone; also leaee ea 82T.acre of tend until iuu. tail 11 Morrlsoa, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Buy While You Can OUR acreage ia going rapidly; make arrange menta todar to na with nartv tomorrow. 244 Stark at. ...... 1 - -. LOT 88x104, surroundrd by nest bonsee, 1 owes mm car, central Bunnyaioe, .(uu. Ad draw OA care JouraaL ll.Bfln NEW 6-renm k'uae la Hollsdsy perk. worta wow; 1 111a price rar a busts obi) 8S00 cash. 107 V4 Third at. fS.unO BUYS modern bom in Irvtngton, from ewner. - tail at eol Kaat, mia.i near juis mook aad aea It . - I FOR SALE 081, Union are., north, two-story now naiiaing, rent aao a monia; lneiuoes store and flst, bars and lot 84x106; p-tce 82.200; aultabhs for different kind of Busi ness; as agents. v K BLOCK near ear, amslli Itonee 760) taraas. sis Uommerclal Dlk. Mala sua. A ROOM boaae, U block, fruit, near equaled view, sis commercial nix. TO 10 'seres, city Umlfs, near car: run. alng watar; bargain. 818 Coaunarctal blk. 8 ACERB 8-roosB boose, elty limits, near ear; vary oesirsnis. sis commereisi nig. - BEAUTIFUL 8-raom hoi In Irvlngtoa; owner eh, balance terms. lesvla city; 61.260 aoareas a ia. care Journal. ' TWO 6-room cottage. Bast 401 A , - 8 GOOD BUYS 8 - 8900 caab and 828 per month buys nearly new well-arranged modern 8-room home, Ilolladay'a. - 80,000 bay elegant 11-rooia modern east Ide borne, lot 100x190, choice shrubbery, 60 vers, finlt: hslf essh. 84,000, boy apleadld T-room boose, 8 lot. Trull, sewers, aa rrcecett at.) term. , . ; - II. 0. BA8THAM. - 822 Chamber ef Commerce. ' . , Qver 25 Per Cent Ha been mad on Plsdnmt lota the laat alx montba. How hi that for aa Investment Lots BeuO, 8A0O aad 80UO. Inatallmenta. Hound te Increase again as much before spring. Sea Piedmont. Take St John. Woodlawn. ar V rsr. - - IF yea want to build say kind af building, small or large, go to siain-ia inn xnv inmner, tisa- tter, ooors, winoow. pisaisr soaroa. etc. . BEAUTIFUL modern -raom heoea. aaat froat. run mi, aa.wu: ouu, Daiaaoa gaa monthly. Owner. Phone Esst BT6. SNAP Ftn bom.-tot 100 feet musts. Aroma houss, ea eaat aioe; party gone away and left property ror aaie at great Bargain. For full partleulare address C, car Hota Oregon. . . .....-, -. HOUSES, ballt en Inatallmenta. Into If deatred. 818 Ceaamsreui bldg., Msla 1S40. .. . A ROOM Sanders cottage with bath, hot and cold water, nna earpere ann anaoe. a Iota, corner, nice laws, fruit Bad Sowers. 1 block from car. Be fare, 20 minutes' ride; 81-200, hair cash. Towns, sue Morrison St. Psctfle 3614. . - - - i SCC Homes For Sale ' Farms snd city property. ' y THB INVESTOBS OUIDB CO.. 811 Msraosm Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE New 10-room baas cor.' Park and Mill ata.) Beta rsnsn, emets, large clothes room, gaa grate, masteL furnace, full cement PassmeBt wlrk hondry aad fruit room. Fnt sale by A. Welch, The America Clothier, 221 hlorrlmm at J1 1 X FOB SALE, CHEAP H acre at Moaat Tabor) term, owner, BBl J. est atomaon, conasr t'nlu ve. 11.660 BEAUTIFIT. home, aacrlnce; modern. 7 large room, isiiscsa ". mm, nowsrs; Ftrst-st carllne: fsoe cash; see tkl. lasss Moore. JOB nmwas .a. a . ,. FOB a some or Isvestsaest Elegant new 8-raom house, choice iocs t ion, close is. eaat sine. Commercial Isvestmsst Co., SSI Lambs Ex change bldg. FAXON PARK - la now ea tna saaraet; no at seres ge pnaia, according to Improvements. Lata r Ai00 4116. flSB, 610 -; , Lot I0UX2OO B22B. 12ft0, 3TS ' . Lot 800280 8400, ' V. ins - 1 Tbsae lota are mostly in cultivation, level aad sightly, an a good graded street, cVaa ta good lo-reom school, at Lents) 6 fare la any part of Portland; water free) Urme. O. R. ADDITON. OWNER, Tak Moaat Scott car. Be. Lenta, NEWLY fnralabed 6-room flat, good location. costing stqo, aIll tak -hio. . tan at.u. Jennlng A Sob's. 1T4 First st BUY s lot en tbs mat side; S-mlaot car aarv. lea, within walking dlstsnca; fine honeee going ap; prices from 000 ta I8&0; tarau it dsslrsd. . - ' , ' V. I. THOMPSON, " ' 848 Mtestsslppl av. , Phone Woodlawn tnt, ar branch oflle oa tha grennd. Twenty second and Morrison. Open dally B a. m. to 12 m.' Moant Tabor and Buanymde cam FINK balldlng lot oa Baat Salmon at, 60x100; atreet w improves: sno an impravrineata paia; An Bslghborhood. I nqnlre K M. B. THOMPSON. S48 Mleelmtppl are. Phone Woodlawn S08, er at branch efOce, 22d at aad Morriaoa, a. m. to 12 m. CORNER LOT near Union av., full alas and face eeet 'ana eooin; sewer, water ann sme ws lk, with tkeee all paid; . Sne lot for a borne or aa Inveatment. , laqulre ef owner. Pbona Bat 6S7A ABOOM bona and lot 48x100, 84 Bast 18th at. north, corner r issuers, 2,ouu; part caaa. S2 Sherman at 21100 T-ROOM bonee and barn, clos te L'nloa ave.j tnis sine oa n1a-.11. . r' 82,000 Modera B-ronm bona, Xaat 28th; 8io down, balance 816 per month. Bl.eno 6-room cottage. Kaat 2Hthr term. iiOOO 8-room cottage. South . Portlaad; Jaort 4 rooms, bath, Stewart ratios: term. I. BOO 6-room , cottage . oa Commercial terms. ' - 12,500 Broom cottage, S lots. South Port land ' N 8400 t lot, Kenllworth. a cBrlln. C. TAPFER CO., 2861 Washington, Roam L A ROOM enttage and block 00 liver beak, aesr new srnooi. st nmw,yi s very viguuy plsee; 21. 000. Phone Kaat 6148. ' ,5on12 ACRES, all la enltlvatton; d acre Orcnsre, acre. R-rri-.j w- hvu-j--, at,. bam; sea rsr 1 1 line, . s is, car Journsl. FOR SALB or exchange for boo and lot, 40 ere near gooa lawn, soa rsiiainsx, , w iit rsrs Journsl. FOR SALB Cheap, SO acre n Improved land eaey c lesreo, , i miies irom rsnewsver, , from rsllrosdj 84AO. t. A. Woater, itr t. D.. Vaaeeuver, Wash. ROOM new and modem bona and lot lorhtioo, only I1.B80: Rsat BRth and Main; a plch-ap. II. W. Garland A Co., IBSV4 4th at., earner Tsylor. . - - VAjCANT lots ? Near Hswtboma sr., nrao. . lTBxliiO, fsclng en Wl Harnett koulsvsrd, overlooking tba river, 11.600. - . , Ocklay Orees, lot 60x100, BO0. . '' Arbor Lodge, InoxlWK 11.100. . . , Arbor Lodge, 100x100. BrtOO. , ' St. Jnhna. 80x100, 8X26. 4 Improved lots, wall Iocs ted, 81,000. Lot Ariel Park No. 8, 8226. Lot-Grand ., $260. Lots In Highland Park 88 and np. Good terma aa all, af It- 1 , : Otto & Crockett ' . , 4u WASUINwTOM ST. , TCH C..LZ r .L EST ATS. 4 we. ftnlahad. sol si owu, baiaoce aionihly. u-iwn uouae. Jul! ul. ...r, umta v"vi II. BJ.uiiO biegant lo-reom' Bouse, strictly ,'dm new carpet, a parlors, range la .M..O.D. um Bit. n entr -ef snmhfcara. nasr Baal Taylor and 14th; must be sasn appreciated. - v . . 4.0w)U. block Corner Montana to P Dutin. ata.: a na-uaaa a a a - - for another house an an.! -m eaah. ba lanes terms. . . , -4.800 New T-room modem rwldeaca, bulH a home; all modera eonveniaacee. full kt. parked streets; Holladsy Psrk. " , We have -hnL -. . 1 . h . . .. . . 11 w . ,1 a. mtnt mSSS' ?. 'ln Proved. Can and ae our list r-. . wn.-eai . u njocg rortUBd tielgkta, n carllne; finest vTsw. . lyfTms0" M to lrTlnto: blgh and sight- VasSlntcn & Oregca Realty Co. - ' i '' t83?4 WASHINGTON ST.' i SUBUBBAN lot on car line aa It able for store . grocertee or saloon; for. l by owner. 110 Grand ava. near Aider. FINE brand-asw asndera B room enttage. 80S Esst Wasblngtoa, 2,100; 10 down. sUncs monthly payment. A. t. Smith, 42S Wash-' FOR BALE FOR 81.200 . - . B-sore tract of Und located at Ilwacw beach life-asvlng station; all -cleared and .. fenced, good 10-room bouse, good dslry bora, Wat too for 14 cows; sew cream separator and i milk cans, 8 baggies. 1 light wagon. 8 plows. 1 new harrow 4 Jiioi mile c-rwe; fill gaaraateed. J- W. MILLEH, Nacatte, Washington. IF you waat a home, any else, or bits snd. -acreage, aea Joe Nash af Nashville sddltloa;' easy, terms or (big discount for caab.. GREAT BARGAIN ' 4.aoo -eoom houss. BAth, esst; thoroughly modern; lot 8UX10O, lucloeed wltb Iron fence) be rare to ses this. - SOfl Ablugtoa bldg. 9 4p4&e THIS IS A SNAP , f. 8BA00 8-room boase,. . East - Ninth aesr ) Alder; lot 50x100) aea this at ones. 808 Ablugtoa bldg. CHOICE LOTS. .glAO MilOA, Kaat Portland Height. ... , 1400100x100 an Division st. ,. , - , ( ' 85.1060x100 aear Union ave. ' : ' '' - -8750 AOxlOO, luth st, west side, i 7uOShoO on rourtb at , u ' , S - - K 1 t ' SELECT A NEW HOITSr. . BOO 8 rooms, E. loth st: - ' 2008 rooms, flue Iocs tics, near Union v. -60010 room, worth 45,000, near Union ava. r , 82,000 T room en William are,' aew. .1.4M 7 rooms on Rodney ave., modem. -fJ.TBO 8 moma on K. 11th. Irvlngtoa. - r::i-,r:. Fred CHLint Y: BOB rommcrcial blk., 2d aad Washington eta. LOOK st tbs mvsly Aroma modera bouse toddy.'. - S2 Baat Salmon, aoath eeet comer 2Mb! -pur-' chasa fxpm owner: nice yard aad location; money returned wltb -merest oa yaar, it o aired. Acrcaf c : ; : l.OOO acre ta be. car p la small tract from t to 8 acre snd ap: weet side, excel lent Iocs Illy, anil am surpassed: market opens today) 2A to 1.V per acre; terms. 844 STARK STREET. . S-ROOM HOUSE Fall plnmhlng. porcelain inh, electric light and gaa. full cement basement, - corner. 8 blocks fmm school. 1 block front car. IB minutes cot from center, ef rlty; reasonable terma. Pbon Mais 1220; venlngs( Scott 3uT. . v , ANOTHER 21. 0O modern model cottage, nearly ' completed; 6 raoma, bath, toilet, gaa. wand ', Sbar. Sna baaemant, excellent woodwork end . finish; very easy terms. J. B. Hnsmer, T2T Union ara., north. . Phone Esst SIOU, - SIXTH STREET roTTAOB. Modern fi-room not tags mast, he asld before tba aoth ia well located, cloae la aad will w ga cheap. .. MA AGEMANN ft BI.ANCHARD, y vi rina at- . , . ... Shady Wood Park Oct yon borne la tba shads of the tree. . close to csr end lo-rnpra echooBioueet theee lets ara largs, snd fine soil: the emellest lot re BOxias: plenty of roam far-gardes cr eblckra-rard; price f 150 ap; term. mil Irs Kllbora, Lenin, Or, for taformatlon. , 8S.T60 BUYS swell B acre tract ia th subnrba. J. B. Hosmer. T2T Union s-y north. Every YoMMan .... , Should ba a landowner; great aale af acres re ' now on; any else tra ' an. 83s ta iso per Id; easy terms. " ' sine tract from 1 ta is acre aao cr) choice keallt. west 244 STARK STREET. NIOFI.Y located lot 60x100 lor 8450. 1. Hosmer, 727 Union ave., Berth. - . BEST Hood Hirer fruit land for sale, only S mile from town. Addrea Owner, luck box. 68, Heod River. Or. t 101 Acres ' Fine eotl: na gravel; He 828 fart en esrllnei K-ca 88.600; esay terms. TOWXE. 264Vi MORRISON ST. . FOR SALE A new modern 8-room boua and . S lot 60x100, 1 block from South St. Job as atattoB. Here Is a Fe wef Wiley- Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains Hu aeeea Fair S-rnom - boaae.- I aim - af ai neehard. IS acres - under cultivation. S acres af good timber, near carllaa and oa good reed; only 116 per acre. - ' Several Bne pieces of beaverdam laad ra Job neon creek, near Lents; Srat else for . garden purpose. ' Alse Vs and acre tract wMh residences: beusee to rsnt furalshed Bad unfurnished, at reaeonabla rent. .. ." . 4 Bo acta traeta; sll ' Improved with buildings, 8 minute' walk from school and rar station, 8c fsre te ny part uf .fort Und. and lb cheapest lots on th Mousl Scott line. - . ; 1 Wiley Allen fe Co. s, LENTS. OHBOON. - - AACRB fruit ranch t IB Alnd of choice fruit. with Sne 8-room nonse, asm zuxz, aaap xhsiistlbl well with windmill. In auhurbe; BS.0UO, on aay terms. - J. B. Hosmer, 127 Union srs., north. DON'T forget th place The New Ken Paint A Vrnlsh C. now at lis a it.., wm. aaiw... rlson aad Yamhill. .-, - II, Sao FOB B room cottsge, Highland; a, nice 13.2.10 for a room house, large, grounds; Blcely Improved; ensp. ' ' - 14,000 for groom hoaaa. modem throughout I see It. Tamer A Walker, tem d 8081 tV.nklulaaw m ' ll Jphoaa Pacific 268T. TBHWUJW apas 1100 4 LOTS, Aroom henee. on Ankeny line, SO mlnnkee out: will trade for country prop erty; bargain. 80S Allahy- Mdg. LOVELY HOMES for esle 'st res ennabls price and an assy terms; 11 n a r"-" them. Pbon East 8100, J. E. Hosmer, TIT Union v., orth. '. , . ' S AP . . , 1 .1 . -- -. e..ia... " S tWtB la am a a .run iy , ' . dlatrlet In Portland; only 82,To, , ? .."henele a hahribojj. , : r , , 81T Ablngton bldg.v . WEST SIDE Fine lota between 10th sad West . VMt HBNKLBA HARRISON, - f ... 217 Ablngton bldg. 8-ROOM HOUSE Hot sad cold water, porcslsla -, hatb. cement lanndry trays, cement bassmesl ' PlpeO JOT jurnsce, e-twr; ",ii a aiie, corner, 00 carllaa, fruit. Sowars, tawn rod ehmhhery. besatlful shads: aa elegant ar part eaburbaa home.Baer ps'k; chaa a caab. Address O 14. cere Journal. FOR SALE FARMS. FARM FOB SALB ans seres 140 la tmltJraticm, kslaac In psstar and limber, all fenced, good build-' Inge, fruit ef all sUds, wsll watered, il mil to good graded sriool sad railroad station, all level, Sne soil; team, haraeaa, , wsgoa, back, 11 rows, cream saps r a tor, plows, harrows, binder, mower, I a free Bo te toes nd 8 acres of cam ge with the place' : for Blo.Bvo; BT.ona cash, balance ta salt .purees si a p per cent Inaulra ad WARREN A STATE. T dicMlnavllla, Oregaa, ad , I