The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1906, Image 1

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    t .
, .. ' i v-
Journal Circulation
yesterday 0(0 0
.urn. anniH m
i x . x. a t vvxi it a. i i is
1 ' Fair ; tonlf ht Sunday -
'- warmer; northerly winds. , ,
VOL.',Vf NO. 142. '
Th above rtmarkabU photograph
Seaport Half Destroyed by FlamesHiindreds
Reported to, Havi Perishecl Sjantiago Have'Sufferea,;
polis- All Coast and Inland
aged-Hundred Thousand Refugees W''
Nw Tork. Aug. If. (Bulletin.) A de
UyixJ dlapatfh from 8nUngo, Chile,
ay that the earthquake there , has
oauaed areat loa. , ' . .. -" "
' fJoarail BpkUI
New ' York, ; Aua. . H. Intermlttefit
hocka continue to add : horror to th'e
altuatloh at Valparaiso and terror to the
refufwe. 'Tirrm which - etarted ttmne
dlately .after the earthquake. atlli race
' unchecked, consuming hundredwof -the
helplaM ykstlma who lie burled In the
rains, -j .'s . i: t: jV'V--K'
- It Is iatlll Impossible to Wlroater Ui
deadL The survivors . have many of
them fled Into the hills. "Keports are
reaching; Valparaiso of damass throuah
ont the country, .and It Is feared, that
Santiago has suffered worse than. Val
paraiso. .. ...-... .;x. v.-r
Ores 100,000 Befngees. . '. h
, A; hundred thousand homeless people
' are wandering halt erased by the calani
Ity suffering, from exposure and "from
hunger, f. The rail read lliie throughout
? the country rtr blocked by caved tun
nel and twisted. rails,; . Death and" de
' structlon are reported .from nil fides.
. Many landslides are reported both In, the
; city and country.'- ?: i'. , f. :,: ' ,
, West; Duvall ft C?o. received a" cable
direct from - Valparaiso this morning
Stating ' "Tonn nearly JestrOyed.- par
ticulars when shaking eases,'w
' A London 'cablegram states' that the
i Pactf lo Qteamshlp company has received
a message from- lt of floes In the ruined
city reporting heavy'' loss of life .'and
; Money Wrongfully Diverted Ffom
Russian c Revolutionists ;
- ' 1 by Twrrorittt.' :,t" i:
, ; ti : .. r...,,
'..'i ... , - ,..;
' . itnantl Special Bertlee.) .-. f .
New Tork. Aog. It. A special to the
v Journal from London says: "Reynolds'
newspaper asserts a plot has been dis
covered to assasslnats King Alfonso
- . while attending the Cowes regatta. Two
notorious . Spanish anarchists were
found at Cowes and the- polios bsnlshed
them without .arrest, fearing to alarm
H the royalties asaembled." i , - . .-
Reynolds' newspaper further says a
fresh and nomprehenslve plot' has been
f hatched to kill all the klnga of Europe,
j It asserted that ths anarchist are sup
; plied with, nbundant funds,' money hav
ing been diverted t them wrongfully
) from the Russian revolutionary fund, .
fair , and '
of tht ruined scsport and metropolis
Immense damage to property In Val
paraiso.. The. message, says the com
pany's offices were partly wrecked but
floating, property , -was undamaged. ' '
; J . ;.:' - : 0y XsJf Bsffteoyss,
''Another Xondon firm has been noti
fied .that. -two r squares of the finest
buildings wars completely -wrecked and
that several -avenues weredestroyed.
Another firm ' was notified that ' busi
ness was being resumed. ?. .
.' A cablegram from Berlin ststes that
a dlapateh haa' been 'received there by
a bank saying that Valparaiso has been
half destroyed and that th flames are
caging - frem -Almendral to Bellavlsta
street. . The ' letter, is lined with resi
dences and business, warehouses, ,
A private telegram received at Berlin
SayS that Iqulque is unharmed by th
earthquake.'. This 'Is the first news from
Iqulque.' '?.. .: ' ;-.. -(. .
But ' little - Insurance . was ' carried by
Asnerlcan '-companies . In Chile.' - It - Is
thought ' that .' If th'- nre ,rollowed ths
quake Kngllsh companies are hit hard, t
r- x. , wens nmm Bspoxtad. . '. '
. A Washington' dispatch states that the
stats . department and ) the Chilean lega
tion 6a account of the lack of communi
cation believe ,'that : the Valparaiso .'dis
aster. Is. worse: than .reported. None of
the' several-cables landing st-Valparaiso
appear to be. working .well. Fear, that
subterranean force -might- work, danger
on th Panama' canal has . been 'allayed
by "Proessof Hayes." who asys . that
there' 1 no -such danger. . He ay that
the isckbone of. North America ends be
fore Panama Is reached'.' It turns .off
son th, and goes off into the, west., j. j f
' A Hamburg' cable states that the
North: Oerman bahk today received from
its-correspondent' th Bank of Chile and
Oermany- at i Valparaiso, the : followlna
dispatch,' "All well. " Bank building only
iigntiy aamageo. : Many nouses de
stroyed by fire. Unable-to state estent
of damage. . Bank closed." , r
- '5 . Oabls asMg Talkav. ' ' i i "
Manager Robertson of th Central ft
South Amerlcsn Telegrsph com pen y to
day said that be was not la s position
to give but (h report his oompany had
received from their operators at Val
psrslso and other point slong th Chil
ean coast. -.- i
-1 esn tell you that there has been s
fearful earthquake," he said, "and parts
of the city ar on fire.- What report
we have received up to date are In the
rorm oi message to private individuals,
and these we are not permitted to give
to the public- Our. operators there are
so busy and the confusion is so great
that we cannot expect them to make full
reports upon condition there for soma
time to come. .,..,, - - '
-"Communication wss 'restored by our
operator In Chile .yesterday, sad new
our wire Is. working perfectly.. Beyond
- ..(Continued on. pags Two.),
of Chile allowing the entire region
New York, Aug.' 18.-Private '.. advices received from J
- Valparaiso this morning, state, that the; city is nearly de
T : stroyedyr-The quakes still continue Lwhile the flames are
T rapdily consuming the ruins.
I teen burned.? ' From Almendral
.tjames nave swept ana JuenovyHDorfsumtfig- the residences x.
arid business warehouses vvtiich 'Una. -thV latter thoroughfare.':
t .-Little news is being received from the stricken city," op-
i erators; saylhgpartipulars will
S oease.; According to all refjorts there has been a heavy
X' loss of. life.afid an immense- damage to property, not only in
X Valpafaiso but : In" r Santiago
rancaguat wxi i rcniianuv anu vuiK,u,.aio ropuriou tu do in .
ruins.- V- '"T , .,.:,.;".
'f loating property Is reported undamaged, as no tidal
wave has followed the auake, aocordinsr to the measrre cable-
, grams received. ; :" '.- .'''. V 4
Official Announcement
Jrom Vancouver to
v structed at Once
After ; weeks of quiet work by
vevora snd riaht-of-way men. It la offl-I
dally announced that a railroad will bs
built from, Vancouver toiHwaco. Thelf
survey has been completed snd filed, and
Hghts 'of 'way, ar' rapidly bslng ao-
qulred. Ths Columbia .Valley and Wat
lula Paclflo Railroad companies, repre
senting 'the Union Paclflo and' ths Chi
cagA, . Milwaukee ft St. Paul, are back
of ths project. ''' 4
iTbe dlstsnce of the new line will be
120 miles. . Construction will,. It is es
timated. . cost about MO.OOA pec, mil.
Th survey follows-closely, the north
bank of th Columbia' river. . Gray's bay
IS' cmased straight, over a . trestle.- At
Frankfort ths road- will , touch -a fine
harbor,-, with . deep, water.; although It Is
said to be 'doubtful if there will' be
much use for. harbor, faollltlea at tl)lsl
point.,".:-A -r . '...-ivi. (
, '".. ' Irbrvayors Bsgte Wss.--- . ,
The line passes .through th Fort Co
lumbia' military ' reservation. At' th
Ilwaco end ot the route the company'
attorney a have Instituted - condemnation
proceedings for aboot i miles of right
of ' way.- i Agents 'ar going -oyer 'the
line snd securing lights of way aa-fast
as possible,' It la said' land speculators,
having' got' Vlnd of the company's hv
tent ions,- spread out In a phalansv along
the rout and got told of every foot 'of
land obtainable, and many are attempt
ing to hold up the company for high
prices, i Ths company' s gents ar of
fering what they regard as fair prices,
snd on1 refusal ore Instituting condem
nation suits In th 'court, ' -
i Bttvlaf Ta4 Stakaa.' ''
'"Final grade stakes are being driven
today on . the ' Brat aectlon east of Il
waco. :. Th company has filed applica
tion' In the Ilwaco city council for. a
right , of way .on . Sprue , street . to M
point near ths present depot of th Har
rlman. line there. Down to th present
time sgents of th company have rep
resented, thst the Intention -was .only
to build a road from Ilwaco to Frank
fort, where a connection would be made
with the O. R, ft N company' steamer
Potter, which ha had Increasing trou
ble' with sandbars at. Its present land
ing st.Ilwaao.. The reel plans of the
company has been carefully concealed
snd wnffc baa been carried An as qui
etly ss "possible, to avoid speculation In
lend values along th north bank of
U riyar, aad also U ooaosal tbe hmvs-
', i ,";" - ... . i , -: ' '
daaUted earthquake' and
Over half the city has already
toy Bellavista street the J
be seot .'"When the shaking
- and In other Chilean-cities,
. : , y';. ;'' '
Is Made That the Line
Hvvaco Will be Con- v
Surveyors Finished
sur-lment from ths Hill railroad companies
--It was aome time aao discovered bv
Portland Seattle company that
"Jj construction project was on foot
by th Harrlman peopl , from Van.
couver to Ilwaco. and preparations were
st one made by the Hill people to meet
It. Yesterday a party of surveyors rep
resenting th Portland ft Seattle com
pany arrived on th steamer Potter at
Ilwaco, and today , ar busy running
line In. the. vicinity., . There Is . no
longer doubt that both' th Columbia
Valley . and th Portland - ft . Seattle
road will build to the ocean s edge, and
their terminals will Include Ilwsco and
all the beaches . on the north aide. -
; Ths-beach business Is. smsll in com
parison with the output of freight ton
nage from various Industries slong the
north - bank. '.Ther are canneries, lum
ber mi Us, -ah Ingle mills,, and cold stor
age plants, the total output of which Is
already considerable, y and vateadlly in
creasing.' - . -. !,'.'"..,. i. .,' ;. j j
r-rwmww W W "w'fS"sBjPSB Bjs ay p ss
.Where th world's apple-bearing
, la grown In greatest profusion
on belt' of land produces more
.; found anywhere else on earth T
, - Th Sunday journal. ' i. - .,
"Who Portland's most athletlo girl IsT She rides, plays tennis and
-basketball, has sstonlshed the people by swimming the Willamette,
and knows all the household- arts. Tou csn lesrn how she doe sll
this In Th Sunday Journal. -
That th wonders of ths old time are commonplace of th newT
But on of th marvel till hold Ita place, and It I described and
compared with things ws sll know by a clever writer In Ths Sun
day Journal. ..",,''"..: v ' . '.' ' i -" V; ,'.
. Thst th wonderful thing don by. so-called mind readers ar
' trlcksT - That mental 1 tlepathlat are nearly all fakers T If you
don't know this, and ar interested In the matter, and car to know th moat astonishing feat are accomplished, you , can get
- some Interesting Information on the subject In The Sunday Journal.
- kT:t
recently. : Along the bay ahore
Coe Barnard Gets Two
Years in Prison and
Is Fined Two Thou
:sand Dollars -
Watson's Sentence Is Postponed
Indefinitely and He ' Is Per
mitted to Co on His Own Re-
- cognizance -r- Hendflcks and
Zachay Not Sentenced.
." ':-.-"" V:;v : :. '.' ''.
I'1 f;'K .
. . .... , ,, .
-Cos D. Barnard, two years on Mc
Neil's Island and a fin of, 11,000.
Charles A,, Watson, sentence ended
nltely postponed, bondsmen exonerated
and defendant permitted to go on his
own recognisance. . i
- Hamilton H. Hendricks and Clarence
B. Zachary, sentence postponed until
after the . trial of th Illegal fencing
case. . , ;-, -
All four of the-land-fraud offender
named were up for sentence this morning
in th federal court. Watson had been
convicted of perjury lsvoonneotlon with
the final proof on his homestead claim
In Wheeler county.' Barnard and Zach
ary had perjured themselves In swearing
that be had complied -with th home
stead law. Hendricks bad been found
guilty of aubornlng George W. Hawk
to . commit perjury ' before a federal
grand Jury. Each came Into court ex
pecting to b sentenced. Three of the
four had friends, three of the four were
men of prominence In Wheeler county.
and the newspaper announcement that
punishment wae to b meted -out .to
them drew a crowd that filled every seal
and mad the aisles. Impassable.,
5 ' - ' Sceaa la Courtroom. "
Hendricks sat at the lawyer's table
looking older and far less self-reliant
than when he came down from Fossil to
be , tried. On one side of him Sat his
counsel. Judge Bennett, of Ths Dalles,
on the other his wife and little daugh
ter, sharing" single chair. . Further up
th table was a little Master Hendricks
. (Continued on Page Two.)
son la? Where th king of fruit
and with th largest profit? 'Why
and better " apples, ' than can' be
Tou can learn-all about this In
,' . ,
cluster the warehouaea and buaineaa
,. w.'.i,. V .' ' ' ' .. '' 'sssBsaBnaBas.MSSMsaasas-sss...HMM.SMa ' ' ' '
Early Morning Conflagration Wipes Out
Half Block; and DamagesQuirnby
Hotel--Livery Stable Burns Many
Have Narrow Escapes
- . . . . . .
' Nineteen valuable horses and , four
pure-bred dog, were burned to death In
a fir which swept over more than half
a block before dawn this morning and
entirely business houses,
as weU as materially damaging several
others. Ths money loss may be 150.-
000. :.: : " - ..'-.I
The fir, which destroyed th south
ern half of ths block bounded by Fourth,
Fifth, Burnsld end Couch streets,
broke out about 1:10 o'clock, and for
th first quarter of an hoar the wild-
set esclteraent prevailed. Th Uvea of
150 people were seriously - endangered
and ther were a - number of hair
breadth escapes, as well as at least one
heroic rescue. Tho screaming of dying
horses snd the howling" of the dogs
could be heard above the cries of women
and the shouts of men, lending a terrl
bieness to ths occasion such as has sel
dom been known at a Portland Are,-. . ,
, - ratrolaan Saves Xdves. .- -
Th entlr rear section of th
State bakery, a two-atory structure, at
the corner of Fifth and Burnslde. was
a mass or flames, when one of the pro
prietors, Matschlner Brothers, discov
ered that his wif and baby were-still
In the' bunding. Th - stalrwsys were
Cut off, but without a moment' loss of
time Policeman wenitnrf nlecen a lailHep
agalnat ths side of ft he building, broke
through a window, , found .the woman
and. child and, with , the flames curling
sll about him, reached th ladder again
and bore the pair safely to ths ground.
Wltneases of this, bit of heroism say
that If Wendorf -had been .five seconds
slower both himself snd his charges
would have fallen a prey to th Or and
smoke. . ..-v ', : i '. - U v ,,. .
1 . .. Quests Flee From Motel.
The Hotel Qulmby. a. three-story
building at . the corner of Fourth and
Couch, was sttacked by the fire on the
south side. There, were 100 persons la
the hotel guests, employes , and alt, but
sll were saved by the quick work of th
proprietor. Charles Broock, and the
clerk. Charles Surface,- ssaisted by ' Po
licemen Price, - Wendorf, . Sergeant Cola
and Jailer James Anderson.
Broock and Surface went from door
to door of the hotel, kicking lustily and
shouting for ,th guests to- turn , out.
When Surface reached th top floor th
smoke was so thick that he was com
pelled to crawl ott bis hands snd knees
to save himself from being overcome.
He did not. falter, however, and all ef
th guests escaped with most of their
effects. The Qulmby hotel ' was not
burned down. Only about 11 feet of the
south end was destroyed snd all of th
south half waa badly damaged by water.
Large quantities of water, aad an ad
verse -wind -were all that saved the
Qulmby. Dome bagsag on th ground
floor was destroyed. v
- mcae With BlfSesJty. '
Whit th guests wer rushing from
ths Qulmby hotel in their night clothes
and while Mr. Matschlner and her child
was being saved by Patrolman Wendorf,
little, scene ef -the eerto-comlo sort
was being enacted at - th corner of
Fourth end Burnslde. 1 On the second
floor was sltusted Btrayer'a North End
mission, an institution . for the tempo
rary car of the temporarily Inebriated.
Every night it was the habit of th In
mates of this Institution to go out. Into
the highways and bywsys and gather In
th staggering apologies for. humanity,
lead them to th mission and there car
for thm for th Bight 1 . . . 1
section, while on the hilla above
, Last night th mission accommodated
about 10 drunka. - Many ef them had
been aaleep only a few hours and nearly
all wer still in advanced f tagea of in
toxication. When the cry of flr rang
out these fuddle-brained ' men ' wer
awakened and rescued only after some
difficulty. ' j. 'i . , .
Tire! ' Fire! Hie said one, sitting
up and looking dully about him. Hlo
I thought' Fd drunk all ths fir ther
was,' then fell back and reeumed bis
noting. . . t ,
" Some of the lost sheep wer not so
badly Intoxicated a others, and th leas)
Intoxicated helped th more Intoxicated.
Somettmea th latter thought they wer
helping th former. Wben they reached
the street they presented a pitiful sight,
bleary eyed and in, rags, some of them
shouting snd others blubbering tears In
a form of drunken hysteria. ' The mis
erable creature wer rescued none to
Unttsd-hnTiiTlnn.h.. i..w hm... .h.u.rfn.
about 15 occupants, stood midway la th
block on Fifth street. The proprietor's
nam la A. Lee Lewis. The building
waa badly damaged, and man and his
wife. whose names could not be learned,
wer nearly. overcome by th smoke,
Hart's) livery- stable, midway ef th
block .on Fifth s treat, was. totally de
stroyed, together with 10 -horses, 1 4 '
dogs snd about a, soor of buss snd
business wagons. Ther were it horses
In the stable.. Several were, loosed sad
ran out themselves end .several wer
led out..- Tho screaming of the burning '
horses . gave, a blood-curdling touch to
ths horrors of the conflagration, which,
wer greater on account of th darkness. '
Dr. C. .E. Brown, the 'veterinary, lost
a fine pacing, mar for -which, he had '
only, a few '. daya . before refused . I0.
Th . Flelschmau k Yeast company . . lost '
three horses. Dr. .Brooks' lost a hora.
the Crystal Ice company lost . on, as
(Continued on Pag Two.)
. 1:1 a feu cm
Dealer Agreed to Pay' a Dollar ft
' Foot ' and Pargaln Would
Have Bankrupted Him.
(Jearaal Special SerrWs.l
Denver, Aug. 18. Harry Davis, a
Denvr rattlesnake dealer, I a sadder
and wiser snd. poorer man today. lie
offered to pay S. F. Acre, manager of
the Currier ranch. It miles southe".t
of Orectey. 11 a foot fr ail th I .
rattlesnakes he would deliver to 1.
Acre knew where hundred of t
reptile mad their home on the rar '.
and started to bag them. With the -latanc
of a friend he rnntured i I
snakes in a few hours. The r'
had s combined tensth of 1.890 I
making the Job worth II.540.
"Acren eould hsve rsntured tv" -.
many "more, but dwldod to .
e what the Denver man st'
latter admitted thst if Acre 1
to his bares In it would t
they compromises at J 1