The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    aily j6u.::al. : .ila!:. rriDAY EVrillllO, -AUGUST 17, lS53tj
r '
. . . , . - - -,
wmeJ - J1L
' aw
. 1
' " 1 1 i 1 1 i i i i i i i . . i ' v m 1
, fwumai Ml w as i
ric uuntr w ee smw --
! Surest Im Mr aaast V -a JfT ,
tSe BIACB-XeaiS otS .!".
, SJUs3s tlo IajAaaaj a
, W. E. Wilta-aa. ! ka4ea
r at Ink Ce.'s drug . ?
,? Delivery . V"':
n ton ' akb TAaTirTifZ
pimUaa, save-age
. tMitm kewrt. Or. '
Zil .jpoiate ea W.WiA -.-
. wnjrUx iranta-. w. lieiei. .
Moat,, Or. -
BOX un-Lake luNHhi 04 '
, eileO-f. WAkrf.-Kiaeral Striata Iter
CiJWAJ B?Ak-M; Xettjrtk..
' oou unritlt, wanret, waiIl
) . eTr. aitv ea, cwua. vmw
Tte....;.:..;....'TlM Ifaret.lnt Begl-aest"
rand . .............. . TT. . VaB4a1ll
UIUW .............. v....Tas4sfflle
! 'Fu'nr propar.4 ; to embark em He
'water of Marion lake oa I rta.tM
Portland camping party heeded by . H.
.. ..11 .fl.A-.
non la nn iu - --..
which aro raging about the eternity of
Detroit on tho Bantlam canyon. Tho
Btortlaai. url WU rMrt. tO BO in
great divir yeeterday, but leet night
' Mrs. uoi rvceiTea .-.a w
to the Uko shore, a hugo log raft built
and all preparatlone mado for forsaking
tho land and saving theme.lva on tho
water should tho nro awoap ovor that
action. Anothar Fortlana orowo. oom-
poati of a numbor of younr mm, war
war also drivon to tho lako by tho ro
porta of tho rapidly travaltns foroat
flraa, which aro now about 10 miloa dlo-
taut..'- ...-,.! .1 , V ,:i . J
i Rot. A. Lawroneo Black of tho Cal
vary Baptist church will learo tomorrow
for a short vacation on ino oouna. isur-
)n hlo absonoo kir. siacK win tih umw
mrml of lb nuiul altlaa Iffl HUKQIT MAT.
Black wlllOcoupy tho pulpit at tho Torn
elo Baptlat church. Baattlo. Ear. Oaora
jiODari llinti. paaior. ua m iw-
Ina Sunday ho wlU apeak at tho Tabors
, naol ohuroh, Boatu. During tno pao
tor'a absanco Mr. Davis, rollaious director
at tha T. M. C JL. and Mlsa Carrie Q.
Mlllapaught women's missionary for
Oregon, will' ocoupy the pulpit at the
. calvary cnurcn. . ; . c , ..
i- a M A . 1. a mm ,1. Tm
nerial Hotel eomnany for alleged viola-
lion ox cvmreoi naia pirn mm an i-uw
circuit - oourt by .the, Omaha Hotel
Supply company. It la allegeo that the
Imperial hotel people agreed on April
I. 10, to keep an advertising Ink wall
cabinet In ' tho hotel office for two
rears, and that they removed It oa May
10 following. Tho Omaha- company
states that because of tho removal of
the cabinet It Is unable to keep Its ad
' Firat-elass ' merchandise at one half
Srfeo of Ito value la sold by John- Dollar,
len's and youths' suits worth lit. 110
and , olearaneo aalot IT.IO, 110 and
fllt.eO: reaular - 14, $. and U
pants . for; 11. 11.10 - and T His tateott
stylo hats, t and 14 grade for 1 1.(0 and
91; : guaranteed ' shoes, full value . of
14. i and oa, special. i. ana is;
big - lino- of - onderwear and , overahlrta,
tie. tte, T5o and II. worth double tho
price. .Wo run two stores, 111-111 First
street, corner TamhUl, and ll-tf North
Third street, corner Porta. .
' " Water ' through hose for sprinkling
yard or oldowalka, or waahlng porches
or windows, must bo paid for im advanoe
and used only between tho hours of
and a. m. and aad I p. as. It must
not be used for. sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waato
fullylt wHl be ohatttT.. ' - .,
loclallsta of tho city wilt attend tho
Oraeo Methodist: church .Sunday night
to hoar what Dr. Clarence True Wilson
has to say on socialism. - Last Sunday
night tha Seventh Day Adventlata wore
present In large numbers and seemed to
en Joy being disevsseo. '
-' A River Ride Sunday.--0 for a trip
up tho Columbia to Cascade Locke and
'return on steamer Bailey Oataert
Leaves Alder street dock I a. m. Re
urna p.m. Dinner, cents. Faro,
IV Phono Main 111. - . :
: September Alnsleo, Smart Sat. Pop
ular, Argosy and many others aro now
on sale. Carl Jones, leading news
dealer. 171 Washington. - Wo coll Tl
leading dallies. Drop In today. WCU
.tell you why. -
- Jeasla M. Bell has begun suit In the
circuit court for a divorce from Harvey
W. Bell, charging desertion, beginning
August ' 1,' lt. ' They wero married
June 7. ItOI.. Mrs. Bell asks that her
maiden name. Wing, bo restored to her.
' Alleging desertion, beginning In Aug
lbst,,l0J, George W. Hoover has begun
suit In tho circuit court for a divorce
from Emma Hoover. ' They wero mar
ried at Shlem, Oregon, In .April. ,JSII.
'Mra Julia P. FJnn of Alblna died at
:ll thla morning at her homo, 400 Sac
ramento street She was the widow of
Patrick Finn and leaves a family of
seven children. ?V 4 ;; .
t Luther college concert band and chor
us has met with un matched auceoaa on
Puget sound. ' Come and enjoy tho treat
at Taylor Street M. B. church tonight
' : Excursion Olven by ' the' St Johns
Cltlsens' Band. Sunday, August 11,
1104, on steamer Beaver up the Colum
bia river to Washougal, Washington.
Steamer will stop at St Johns, Linn ton
and Vancouver and throe hours' rest
We aim to gire
you the yery best
Printing Service
that can be had
Co., v Printers
TttSt k 0Ak;STBEET8
Two Dlroet Uaoe,Btk Kais 111
Mon's D!n3 c?so Scats
At MaEfaeg.-Prices
r - r . v ol- -t ki. Bi...
vontinuauon Ol xnc vrreac oaic n men dius
I Serge Suits at one- half their value -Tha blue
serge is the mwt staple of men's apparel Suit
ilf le i dress or buiiness wear Three great
lr lines in this offering Well made and finished
'' J V throughout-T-Hand-padrded shoulders, hand-felled,
fVcollartSingle or double-breasted styles-Perfect
Jft - fit guaranteed Sixes for men and young men
' The best suit bargain in town Look to your needs
: and profit by these grand values , . i ; v
gio.OO Dluo Saits for $5.00
Q 1 2o50 Dta3 Suits for S6.35
5 1 5.00 Pino Suits for 07.50
ill f
I A .'I
v . Qur cnt(ro itock of Men'g 2-pieco Outing Suit t One
Half Price. AH 3-piee .Summer Suit! at very 0v' pricei.
Entire stock Boyi' Wiib SulU at One Half Prlce.s2d Poor,,
lGii's 50cand ?5c Ksckiveflr 29c Eo.
Today and tomorrow sale ttraordlry cf mtB't high-grade) Neckwwr-A tEdil itt
of 1 00 down Foqrinhartd. scccrsd frotn prominent mnpfacturw at price abott cm
vsi jpfrJ Vf ; um Biuw YMne-KsauuiiH yiojo mwe w rencn iota 'e-J
S.IIIM tTTwy wmm mmm w mm,mw vi MIUM.WI eiaaa m9
Large, traall and medlqm dots, allover patternt, figured
effecta In navy, green, myrtle, lavender, brown, tan, wblte.
y Ted, old rose, porple. Mack, etc. Very attractive variety
ta three widths Neckwear that finds ready
tale at 50c and 75c each Yon may have
your choice todayand tomorrow at the
phenomenally low price of. each
See Morrtso n- Street Window Display
Worn Prices
Women! crepe de chine, moire and Louiaiiene Scarf; plain colon and floret designs, in light fk yift
blue, pink, lavender and white; regular 13.50 valuee, on sale at thie low price................. v)e9eSf7
Lace trimmed Chemeette with exteniion nndersleevet; valuee up to $1.00, for, set. .age)
Princeis and fiat Wing Tic of taffeta and aurah silk; pointed hemstitched ends; all the lead- , C
ind ihadei; values up to 50c, on eale at this ow price, each..... 1JC
Point Gaze "Lace Stocks; white and ecru, with pleated jabot; 85c to fl.W values, each...,...,i...',.,ee)
le Stock; linen and madrai; prettuy trimmea; oc to ojc vaiuei. .....aof
Complete' line of Neck kuchinge and Ruffling, a yard.
...5 and T5
Towels at Xgliiolosole Price
Bleached Hemmed Huc T&rtia,13c Values, on'sale at.......
Bleached Hemmed Huck, Towel, 1? value, on ale at.....M
Hemtitched Bleached Huck Towel, ZOc grade, oit ale at. rrvr.
Hemstitched Bleached Huckyftwel, 30o-value, on ale at.'..;
Hemstitched Bleached Juck Towel,' 45c value, on ale at...".
Hemstitched Bleached Huck Towel, 60c value, on eale at.'..;v
Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, best 20c values, on sale at...'..
Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, best 33c values, oh sale at.....
Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, best 50c values, on sale at...,.
Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, beet 20c value, on aale at...,.
Unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, best 15c values, on sale at..
Bleached Linen Toweling, 124c grade; on sale at special price.
Bleached Linen Toweling, 20c grade; on sale at this low price.
Hemstitched Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, 75c value, sal at
Bleached Linen Turkish Bath Towels,' $1.00 value, at.........
Hemstitched gray Linen Bath Towels, 69c value, at.. ...... ..
Knotted Fringed Bath Towel, regular 75c value, on aale at..
2 Days Sale Men's Furnish'gs
iktn't pure silk Shirt; full (ice and elegantly finished; tan M C(
and white; $5.00 value, on ale at this low, price......... V"""
Men twilled mulin Nighthirt; full site and well made; plain 'Af9g
. white; 75e value, on tale at thi low price.,,..,........,..." V
Men' black and fancy Half Ho; plain and drop-tltch effect; : 1 Q-i
' bet 35c value, on sale at, pair...... ,.,
MeV piaJn white pleated Shirt; coatBtyle; linen boom;, Q9r
: regular $1.50 value, in all sites, at thi. low price.......... ...n V
Men', Women' and Children Hop-Picking Glove, pair,..,.....10e
Advance fall ityle in Men' Soft Felt Hats; black, pearl, tan and brownj
all iM. A bat mot tore ak3.00 each for; our pricey.
Advance faH and winter tyle in Men' Stiff Hat; bt CI Q7
$2.50 value, in all sues, on sale at mi low price. .......r "
"Hawes" Hat, fall and winter, now ready; alwayi....
Gold-plated Beauty Pin or Collar
Pins; immense variety; 1
great special value at.. 1 VC
Sterling ' Silver. Novelties Nil
files, cuticle knive. .tooth and
' nail brushes; great pe f
cial values at OVC
Mlsse' Bracelet with lock' and
. key; every one warrant- 1
ed; special at............ 1 VC
Gunmetal Watches, stem flf-
. wind and stem et.......OC
- All line of Jewelry old here at
the very lowest price..
Women's Knit Underwear Specials
Women' mercerized Jersey, ribbed Vet; high neck and AOa
- long sleeve; all sites; 65c value fpr.v...-...v..'...?.j.!oV,a
Women' fine lmpbrte(TSwisTribSed Vest;' low -"neck, -no- sleeves; .
V I .A.1.J .!. 1l mlmm Wl XCk ..III.. AM . 1 , S V
.', i . i . .
, , ini 40W price, eecn . , ., ..,
"Women's fine riBbed Wide-laoe.. trimmed Pants, umbrella.
4,tyej, French band topi; $1.00 value, on ale at.........
'Women fine Swis ribbed Vests i mercmed,good qualify;
? all ie; bet 50e value, on sale at, etch...........
Best lUig Values in the City
' Burak Rues, maehlno-mado OrlentsAa.
rugs made In Austria, ha vine durabil
ity and style not equaled by any other
popular-priced rot OT h market. Col- '
ore aro absolutely fast; patterns exact
reproductions of Orlentala Grand val
ues in aU alaea, as follows i Take ad-
vantaa-a. i . . , . '
lease-iaefc.;..:. ........ 1.09
mtwM lnnli - 0 2.HB
0 5.25 oaok
110.45 oaok
Wilton Ru5XS-SmalltndRoomSizcs
I -4.50
1 fl.RO
ilS.OO oaok
. nral. ,.-.. I anall anil VAtHH llua VOTV 1eM ttOttOrnB
and colorlnts; treat variety to o.loot frooi.-OraiBeejiyvaluea. aa
xoliowo oy lar ne pea im .
TsM laokeo foe.,
0x30 iaokes foe.,
aaaaa taokoa fo. .
4arTe iaoke. for. .
lo.exia.a for
foot fee. ...... aas.oo
aaia-a fo.,..;...ise.oo
tail aae torn aiO.AA
10.0x1 feet fee.... is 1. BO oaok
ILBmia fee ....... fOT.50 oaok
Notion Spoc'I
ThomaInviible Cement.-.
Thomas'. Ink Eradicator . . . , . .19)
Brass or nickel Coat Hang- A
. ers; great value at.V.j.r.SrC
Indelible. Pencil, each . . i . . . . . . t
Carters Fountain Pen Ink...le)
Carter' Photo Paste..,
Card printed at low prices.
I 54xat-ek ........a
I - : , -- "-BWMMMMM
will be had at Waahoutat ' Baseball and
Athar BDorta. nerresnnienw wui m
. k. ku, Tlnbata 11. tlvarv-
mmwwwv v w -
body eotno. Tou'U to . 7ir nonets
worth., . .. y , .' :, ' .:
' Tour lyee Bsamlned Free. Wo aro
stlU selllna oyetlaaoee at f 1.00. ' A per-
- a -niarafitaed. - ' Mattrer Jk CO.
jewolere aad optlolana. 111 Sixth street,
City salesman wanted to sell Japo, the
Japanaae Auto Dust Compound for
sweeplnt-' A mtniy meriioxivuw ariiui.
F.'B. Beaeh Co., 11 rirst -otreet.
' Laancheo to tho Oaks every, few mla-
ates every evenlnt rrom ravoruo soai
Inr company's, south side brtdto, foot
Morrison street. - . ' ;r ' V , '
' Japo. The Japanaae Anti-Dust Com-
. t mminr W. 1! Baah A Ca.
tho Pioneer Paint Co., stents. Phone
iiit.v. ' :, ' ' '
amatMn., tha tailor, rooms 1 and 11
Ralelth bulldlnt. Sixth and Washtntton
streets. , Fnono niiie seei. ,
, Acnie Oil Co. sells the beet safety eoal
ell and fine tasollneo. mono waei ii.
Woman's exefcaato. 111 Tenth street,
lunch. to I, - - y -
For Oualltv. Quantity and Qukknesa,
go to Morrlo" resuursnt , ' .-
Dr. a. C Browa.Kro-Ear. Mara nam.
Rental glgna. Ansley . Prlntlnc Co. '
'' ' . ' w- . '- . ' 't
' Treacheroua ' lot and eareleto boye
have caused one death and one serious
Injury during tho past J wo dsys. In
each eaeo the- boy waa playlnt on a
lo In tho water, the lot turned ana
crushed htm between It and another one.
Last Wednesday the 41-year-old son
af H. Nelmls. of tho atar Brewery com
pany. Portland, era killed at , honf
Beach by a lot orusnint mm. . arr.
Natmle left yesterday for Long Beach
and la expected to return with tho body
today. - ' " ' '
Yesterday a small eon of. A. Oerdo,
who lives at sot cast Tentn street.
south, wss playlnt on some floating logs
In the river near Bunaye oatnnouse
with a number of Other boys. All tho
boye suddenly dived off except. Oerdo.
The log on which ho sat turned and he
wae crushed. It was first thought that
the boy was fatally Injured, but hopes
'are now held out for hla recovery, r
" ' v.
: The) Botton Tiers Loot. ;
1 The firm of Burgeae A Co.. New Tork,
have bought a stork of bankrupt gooda
through Nellman, Parners eV Co., Hous
ton street. Now Tork. -worth 111.600,
consisting of men's and boys' elothlng,
womon'e and mtesea' euita, skirt, jack
tta, cravenettea, cloaks, underwear and
a general stock of dry goods, which will
go oa sale at the Boeton, corner First
and Salmon streets tomorrow at I a.
m. This stock must bo eold at once
for what It will bring at forced eale,
and oonslsts of everything In man's and
womon'e ready to wear apparel In early
fall styles, besides thousands of dol
lars worth of linens, blanketa. bed
spreads, -napklna. laces. Beware of
counterfeit or Imitation oalee. The old
rt liable Boston store 1 located at cor
ner First and Salmon streets and Is
the cheapest store la tha United States,
Monkaya With Pacutlaf Habit
. Provok Merriment Among
V : - Visitors to Circus. ;
- Th. ' manager!, department of tho
Adam Forepaugh-Slla . Bros.' circus,
which sxhlblts hero Monday aad Tues
day, enjoys In addition to Its entertain
lag features a wealth . of fun and
humor. The monkey oago holds a fas
cination for many.' There to a Siamese
monkey . In a cage with aeveral others,
who for some reason, will have nothing
to do with him. Thlo ostracism exVa-
perated the Siamese and whenever bo
got a chance ho would grab one of the
others by the tall, drat him all over
the high perchee and drop his victim
with a dull thud. '- . 1 ,
, Mr. Patterson, who has charge of th
aoolotloal department, la tho owner of
a Una watch dot which is on friendly
terms with many of .the animal a. Mr.
Patterson has another pet. a lart
"Spider" monkey, ao tamo that he la al
lowed th freedom or tno menatorio ex
cept at exhibition hours. "Zulu,- the
monkey, takea a delight In teasing the
dot. At soon as the aog settles mm
eelf for a dose the monkey will steal
up and give tho canine's tall a vicious
tut. Of course the aog wiu go tor ner.
but she will' simply wait till ho gets
close enough, then leap over ma neao
and tlve hie tall another pull. .
There la another ' monkey or xna
baboon spec lea that at all tlmea will
take hold of th. dish In which her food
le served and put It on her head aa If
It wero a hat. Thus aaornea sue pro
vokes roars of laughter, to her evident
gratification, from th crowd around her
cage. . ., .. -.a
Milwaukls Country Club. .
and Seattle race. ' ' Take
SU wood and Oregon City oars at First
act Alder.
Fee anion mtraMo as.
f m tommai.
the Waat Ook
Oswega Crawford
These aro the finest Oregon
Peaches that housekeepers will be
able to procure thla season. -
Order early. Tho best Peachea
come first from the top of trees.
Phone Main II.
D. C. Corns, Grcccr
aiO Tblrd Street
Almost Perish In Flames Which
Threaten to Destroy Block
. ' : on Washington Strset.
Frit Stucklo, hie wife. daughUr and
baby bad narrow escapes from serious
Injury last night In tho fire that de
stroyed the . Kstee Lindsay bakery
and partially deatroyod adjoining busi
ness houses on Washington atreet. be
tween Eleventh aad Twelfth. Stuckla
end hie family were sleeping In their
apartment adjoining tho bakery when
the Are broke out ' ,
He le proprietor of the Metropolitan
meat market, which la altuated . next
door to the bakery, that waa destroyed.
Tho family apartment. wero on t the
second floor, above the market, and
Stucklo wae awakened by the Intense
heat The room waa donee with emoke
and flame when he awakened and. aela-
Inc tho baby, ho aroused tho others.
With great dlfflculty tha family made
ther way down tho stairs to the street,
but finally escaped. They (est practi
cally all their possessions. Including
their clothing.
Tho Are le said to have atarted In
th. rear of the bakery and had a good
start when the alarm was turned In.
The bakery wae destroyed and the elec
trical store of F. J. McCarthy, adjoin
ing, wae partially destroyed. The San
Francisco Cleaning Worka waa alao
seriously damaged, aa waa scotta sa
loon, on tha west side of the bakery. It
la estimated that tha lose will approxi
mate 16.080, which waa , only partly
covered by Insurance.
The origin of tho fire has not been
aaesrtalned. Firemen declare that they
experienced treat1 difficulty and wore
In serious danger from tha network of
electric wlree wblcjt they were rorceo
tO OUt , t. : . ' ' j v
K.a .iM.tia .Miutliii walla of water
that rlvala Bull Bun have been drilled
w v . -.-. in .1.,. tha new addition
to Welnhard s brewery at Eleventh and
Conch etreete. They wore, completed
yeeterday efternoon and are regarded by
wellmen aa wondere In their way.
Each welt le lo-incn. in on wwr
m ........b ill feat and In tha Other
t 111. Green aaya th water to of ex
traordinary eood quality and tho flow
almost perfect. This makes four 1.
men wens now in n Dr.w.u.
., -i - A ki. man now mn tO Med-
ford, where tho brewery Is establishing
... .,! . 1,1.-. -v.! 1 .
. new plants iv n m .v-... "
I.,..-... ina 'aat. In order to set
water of a suitable quality and a good
flow. If thlo well Is successful It wUl
bs one of the best fn ths elate. .
Only One Day Mors. '
a. anil tlta vraat elsaranea aale
of eults. skirt and waists will be over
at Le Palais noyai. to wmhihiwh
street. ' J
Ash Your Neighbor
What makes his house and fence look
ao aplo and span, aad he'll tell you It's
Bay State Paint the best on the mar
ket , Effective, economical, durable.
cheap. Ready for use, a talloa goes a
groat way and gives ample return for
what It costs. .
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
Pantagcs FcmllyJIitstre
rearth m tteih SI. , ' Week of Aagast UL
bb. An xaa, esoaas Moiam. :
f-L-urrrTS niTOKxa.
' fn aaaax vzlvottx.
. r xniiR uimi,
- . ' I , IAOK UWOB.
. TBS BioaaAn.-'
rrBrmntm All at :. T:S aad a. m.
AeaUaslos 10 as4 10 esate: ketas I eats.
Uetes aad mattaaaa to ants.
Pooitlvely euro y
these JUttto FUIs.
Thar alao reUavs Lm
tnss from DytcejM !
duestin aaa too Bssra
Sstlnfi A perteot rcflflr
DrowfiDSB, wa nte
m tha BouUi. Coated
Tonguo. Paiatar th iida,
renlaU th. Bowaia. Purely vaeotaWe.
' . Ctmi'ms Must Bear
. Fao-Simile Signature
Joarstl Brerlal Herrlce.) . r
Dallas, Te., Aug. IT. The Demo
crat 10 state eonventlon last night nomi
nated the following ticket: Governor,
T. M. Campbell; lieutenant-governor, A.
B. Davidson; attorney-taneral. S. V.
Davidson; controller, J. W. Stevens;
treasurer. Samuel Sparks; superintend
ent of public Instruction, B. B. Cooslnst
railroad- oommtasloner, L.- 3. Storrer;
chief justice of the supreei oourt. R.
R Oalnoa; Judge court criminal ap-
peala, J. W. Henderoon; chairman of
the state sxecutlvo committee, J. A.
Cordon of Dallaa. Campbell la a native
of Busk, Texas. Is a lawyer, but for
several years waa tonaral manager f
th. International m Great Northern reil-
III! Grand
WkHaaaad aa
Oartar, Tarlar 0a,
Villi OsUlas.
Vlae ataaae ZMna. -Mr,
Jaawa Bars,
Prim Mattaaaa. 10 e al eeats exceet
Wixaa. , Braalafa, 10. Be, as est eaau
-.':':,;.V': 'cATC:
: ; . Going .
, . " ' y:- . ine . .
1 The 01 S
And see our flno stock of Summer goods.
Wo have everything that you will need
for uao and sport of tho best that la
made. We are offering a special line of
flies at bedrock price. -
Avery a Co.
Looh Yozaczrj
WARRANTED ! reetora vonthhil
aolor ta Or hair. Nothlnf Ilka It to
irawj darken beoutlfy hlr. Femevea
dandruff, itops falling hair, caret sctls
disease. Doeta'tta!nkln. Abtaluto.
If bermleaa. psilo bat oa. nowojfe. B.&
Robert' Waddell;
and Dolly Ellery
w' Giant
Co. Taagka aad Twaty-eatk.
U Panes. BsiMft Aux. IS '
Pcrtknd vs. OcW:r.d
Sum OalM a 9m p. aa..-ry.
aaas. OaUed ItM p. aa. BajMU. j.
ABRtev. ea. ;
drandetand, tic Children, Uj.
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