The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1906, Image 7

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    :i daily jzvz::.t, zzztlazzz, ' Friday r,vr:::::3. august it.
The Olds, Hrtmm '& Kmg-Stos
l"..H,4, '
f " ftef aMs)4ISeaf'll ' -
Cu i ........ 7
En .Canf In This PriztsJ Ar.nauncentrl Cast Ct Ciekti tip bf lit Goods h fit S::rt-0WS. "0XtUMtO KI.V3
Union and Southern Pacif.o Ac-
' quirt ContrcMlnj tnttrest
v 'n Lar Cyitsrrv . i..
Purchaee Is Blow to HiU-Uorgan
i ; Interests as It Will Afford Rival
..Entrance . Intg JSojiaAcTetritory--
- Uearaal Beef-let Berries.)
.. New York, Aug. 17. It la reports in
nnencial and rauroea circle, ana gen-
' ereally believed that control of the
Chicago. Milwaukee aV St Paul rail
road has baan acquired by E. H. Rani' and tha Rockefellers, through tha
Union and Southern Paciflo railroada.
Tha Bcrutbern ; FaclOo will Uka ovar
enough St.-Paul atock to Inaura eon
' trol. Tha tarma on which It waa eo-
, euraa ere not positively intwn, out
they ara ballevad to eonalat of an as
change of Southam Paciflo prafarrad
.atock, ahara -for ahara, and 1100 par
' ahara cash for St, Paul. Whathar tha
offer of exchange will b4 aztandad to
all tha . St., Paul atockhoraera oaanot
be ascertained. It la understood that
tha holdings of William - Rockefeller
and certain of hla cloaa associates in
! tha St Paul road ara among- thoaa se
cured or tne soutnarn racinc .
Tha Southam Paclfle'a purchaaa of tha
St. Paul will not interfere with tha
proeecutlon of tba St. Paul plan to build
to tha Faolflo coast. Harrltnan haa for
.. years aought a northwaatarn coast out-
vv, n io du nmi uunMun pien
will baeoma tha plan of Harrlmaa to
fulfill hla dcalra In that direction. -Thara
la now outstanding aoma $107,
09.000 or St Paul atock, common and
- prafarrad. Assuming that tha Soutnarn
Paciflo wlU aacura 150.000.000. of tha St.
.Paul atock. it haa In Its treasury auffl
clent prafarrad atock to provide for
share for ahara exchange, having atlll
-unissued $10,000,000 of tha $100,000,000
aathorisad Issue of prafarrad atock. To
, ralae tha $50,000,000 caah that would ba
' necesaary. It la suggested tha Southern
Paelflo mar laaua Ita collateral truat
bonda secured by tha deposit of tba St
Paul stock )t acquires, v ;
V. 14 1 la Slav to m
.'-L-lThls Lecqu'laltlon of- St. .. Paul make
' another . great addition to tha railroad
i mileage operation which la directed by
. Harrlman. Unton Paciflo operatea 1,1(7
i mi tee or roaa; eoutnern raoinc, s.sit
. miles; Illinois Central. 4,274 mllea, and
. St Paul, Just acquired, 0,011 mllea; to
., tal, 2S.120 miles.
In 1000 Jamea J." Hill, Harrlman'a
" arch enemy In tha railroad arena, made
jaul, but waa refused control by tha
, aama Standard OU interests which with
willingness turned tha property , over
( to Harrlman. . The acquisition by Har-
himan la a severe Jolt to Hill interests.
' Tha estimated Income of tha Southern
'Paciflo company abowai Gross recalpta
from transportation. tlOMlO.UO, In
crease t7.47t,Stl; expenses and taxea,
;$70,SSI.S4. Increase 4.(I,0t; surplus,
t $21.(10.712, Increase $$.12S,740. After
c payment of a dividend of 7 par cent on
f the preferred atock. tha ' balance) waa
, ll.70.tlt. Tba sum of $1.117480 waa
credited , for, betterment .. aad , equip
ment . - .....
Allen 4k lwla' Beat Brand, ;
' Meamet loeHal Bemee.l '' ... .
Salem. Aug If. Tha highest recorded
' price - for hope waa paid Wednesday.
William Hansen, aold 10.000 pounds' to
Elsas A Pruts for 17 tt cents. Rumors
have been current of ll-cent purchases
and aoma deal era -claim that they have
offered II cents, but thla la the blgheat
price mentioned In any contract that
haa been. .filed, In Marlon county thla
' aeaaon. "
rv ... , .1' Mzzv;zzz7
' Itendera the bile mora fluid and thu
helps ha blood to flow; It affords
prompt relief from ' blliousneee. Indi
gestion, alck and nervous headaches,
and overindulgence in food and drink. .
i. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. It T. R. R..
'Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes. April II: "J
was alck for over two yeara with an
laraVment of tha nver and spleen. The
oVectora did me uo good and I had to
give up all hope of being cured, when
- my druggist advised ma to use Herblna.
1 It haa made ma Bound gad wall." $0a
Woodard. Clarke A Co. -
. A Vital Nd In Portlands
: Tha vacation la almost over and aa tha
first-day of achool drawa near, moth
ers are again confronted with tha quea
tlon of what to do with children under
publlo achool age. It la the opinion
if all adueatora. who have atudled tha
question, t that there ahould ba - aoma
intermediary atap between the nursery
and tba first grade of tha publlo school.
A, good. first grade teaoher la not nec
essarily a. good kindergarten teaener.
and It la Impossible for any teacher to
do Justice to- 10 or 40 children, who
have had no training whatever, . ana
know nothing of echool discipline. The
kindergarten forma the naaaea connect
lng link and If It (a not advisable to
have graduate kindergarten teacnere in
the publlo achool, then aoma effort
should be made, try tnoee intereaiea in
education, to establish a regular system
of kindergartens In Portland. The de
mand Is far Inferior to the eupply and
aurely tha else of the city would Jus
tify a more organised move in this di
rection than ha yet been adopted.
Perhapa one reason for tha scarcity of
kindergarten teachers In Portland la be
cause It ta Impoeslble to take a course
In kindergarten training thla aide of
San- Jrranplaco. -. .
...,.--.' jf' -..''...-,-. r,
. Past and .FvturtePoaaibilltlea. -
; "1 then be up and 'doing 1 '
With a heart for any fate, . . ,
Still achieving, atlll pursuing
Learn to labor and te wait"
. How1 many women court - the Idea
that their Ufa haa been a disappoint
ment. They begin, little by little, to
assume the poet that their youth waa
full of great possibilities but that Ufa
haa crushed their hopee and time with
ered . their - aspirations Just ' ao all
youth la made up of dreams of great
ness we can all dream It la only tha
exceptional few . that atrlva to realise
their dreams that count In thla world.
If you look back on your youth aa tha
only time worth, while, you ara old, -not
growing old but old. It la too lata
then to patronise the masseuse: The
cause la deeper and more Irradloabie
than wrinkles. It Is a condition of tha
mind, which few have the requisite
strength to overcome. : If you ara be
coming sidetracked, looking backward
Inatead of forward, take atock of. your
poaslbllltlee what you - might have
done la worthless It la what you may
do that ahould Interest you. If tha list
aeema meager: never mind, develop the
few possibilities you have, to tha utter-
most,, and aa each possibility becomes a
certainty. It wUl put forth delicate
tendtile of Interest In other poaalbilltlea
untl tha few have become many and Ufa
regains tha buoyancy of youth.- trlta
aaylng la that "woman laaa old aa aha
looks." Sha la, but her looks ara .deter
mined by tha etate of bar heart. Keep
that young by having a vital Interest In
tha world of today - and you will at
least' not' go to meet "old ladyhood"
half way, a many women do. : "
'r'-'l'v- 'y- ' '"
Bathing Sulta and Dancing, -r-
- Tha peek-a-boo waist wlU take a back
eat If tha talked-or bathing suit aane
Ing costume la adopted. . Wa have had
Innumerable alUy . dress fads but thla
one bids fair to overtop all others. - Tha
Idea la really such attar nonaenaa that
ona la Inclined to, doubt if It - Isn't
almply a fantastic dream.
Health culturista are auppoaed to ap
prove) of this startling Innovation I
have also read of health eulturlate who
approved going back to garden of Eden
stylea, atiU it ta hardly likely that their
Idea will ba adopted, v For two or three
years "sun bath aulta" have been made
for wear on the beach,'- a sort of "hang
your clothea on a hickory limb but don't
go near the water!" and It i waa woe
betide, tha girl that got her" beautiful
suit ruined by "horrid salt water." Tha
girls who wore these eun autta were tha
ones who wall, "straggly wet IhaJr la ac
unbecoming." Now really, when . you
come i to think of It. from wearing a
bathing - eult lounging costume-on the
beaoh and Wearing an elaborate bath
ing ault dancing costume at a beach
dance, doesn't' eeera ouch a far cry
after lt . , . . . .
-r..-: - .
.. , BroOed Mushrooms.
Vushrooma are In seaaon - now aad
nothing could be more delicious for
ao entree. After peeling them, rub thr
smooth aide wall with butter,, and after
taking out tha stem put a nit of butter.
cayenne and salt Into tha cavity. Broil
tha smooth aide and then turn and cook
the - other. Serve on elrclea of toast
dipped In k melted 7 butter and - lemon
juice, i .. .-.
Recsons! Reasons! RecsonsI
WMG(2 b ced r
: Kino dl Ssivino TJccIiIiies; .
'' . 1 Iti ote means the turning out of a 'larger amount of quality -'
work with less labor..-.". .-,.. .,'' y ( 1 . ' .. .-'.'.r-.l...
. ' ' .. '' i.. ,,,,,. - '' . - - . t , ' i
... S It is practically two machine! in on.-; '
8 Thread doet not break off if operator happens to' run' ma- '
" 'chine in wrong direction. - ; -.' :
. ... . .... , , ' ,. j ' :- i ..-' ,.:-, :,'
- 4 Very elastic stitch; Vill not break the thread when seam is -'
v stretched. -. 1 --t . . . ; ,
- . , .. : .' . . - ''".,
' 6 Large double feed of same width on b6th sides," causing the' ,
. V goods to feed through straight without guidance. ' . .'
Hlore Reasons to FoIIov;
i... ' . . . -. .-v -a-. - --. . ,.r t .. , . ; - ,f ...... .. i '
; If you "intend to buy a machine now today, sea me, further i
; about it or ask my salespeople. , - ; r ,. . , -
, Sewing machines rented., ' ' ' ' ' - .,
''Ued machines, all makes, ; cheap. ''. ;
:mui 11$
r ... . e" N
" ' Or phone Main 610Z . A salesman will call. Send for' booklet. ' '
i ''1 IS ",,
11 (
Portland's Greatest Sale of Good
wm . . , . - ,- a ... m rv .
o Co u n vj n shoes ends ooruraav ar o r. u.
a-a aa m m - - .-w, j :..'. - . , m- - - j
The store's great doors will swing CLOSED on Saturday night upon the Grandest Footwear
; Bargains offered by any Portland store this year. ' " ' '
lousier W
Demonstrate for The Pehteti rif;r
Shoes for VomeriJ SUy for how Shoes for Lien '
Shoes for Children . 7 ahd . : -( Shoest forBoys '
Shoes for Hisses I m m Shoes for the Family
jots if
Shoes Are
Styles Are
. This la a Shoe Sale for people who Uka style not merely for thoaa with a thla rummer paraa. Tha Shoe
that form the meat of this great bargain feast ara from our regular fine linea. Shoes we "awear by" for sty la, tot
aervica, for business-building; The Olda, Wortman ft King Shoea are unquestionably the vogua In Portland. And
there's Shoea hereor all the family. Shoea for men for business, outing or sporting wear. Shoea for womea
for atreet, country, shore or evening wear. , Shoea for young folka for romping or "occaslona." AH redoctiona on
oar standard Unea of footwear, not a hodge-podge lot of. "stuff," bought for a "sale." Stocks well assorted and
-stylea good for next season, as well aa for the next two months that youTl yet need summer footwear. But we
have to get summer stocks out while there's yet demand for 'em. These summer reductions are Important, for
Olds, Wortman -ft King standard linea of Shoes ara crheriona of value; exponents of the moat ahoe value and style
tor the money." The present gain la self-evident from these prlcea:
1. Women's .$2.00 Oxfords $1.19. i
700 pairs of Woman's Oxfords in black or
tan, with light or heavy soles; several
- good ' atyles in the showing; our $2.00
value. Special at, the pair.,. t.10
; .Women's $2J0 Oxfords $1.49. '
100 pairs of Women's black or tin Ox
. fords in blucher or regular cut, with light
or heavy soles; values to $2.50. Special
, at, the pair ....................... f 1.49
7- - Women's $3.00 Oxfords .$lJg. ' r
2,000 pairs of Women's Oxfords in patent
: . and dull leathers, in button and lace
styles, Goodyear welt and. turn soles,
blucher or regular cut, several style lasts:
v values to $3. Special at, the pair. f 1.98
' Women's. Oxiorda, Valuea to $4, for $2.69.
6,000 pairs of Women's Oxfords in all man-,
ner of styles in patent leathers, demi
V glaze, gunmetal and kid leathers; all new,
. .down-to-date lasts and patterns. The lot
. embracea our popular Pingree Gloria line,
" . Hallahan & Sons, Val. . Duttenhofers.
.. Wright, Peters Co. and many others of
r equal fame; values to $4.00. Special at,
the pair . . f 2.69
. Men'a $3J0 Oxfords $2.19.
Men's Oxfords in brack or tan, blucher. or
- regular cut; fine selection; values to $3.50.
Special sale price, pain...... S2.19
Men's $5.00 Oxfords $2.98. j. ' .
Men'a Oxfords in patent! or dull leather
made in the best possible manner ovef
lasts that are the newest creations of
modern shoemaktng; values to $5.00. Spe
cial sale price, the pair... 9.98
" - Men's High-Grade Oxfords.
Made by Florsheim & Co., Hurley Bros.,
Edwin Clapp & Son than which no bet
ter shoemakers exist your choice of any
of these fine Oxfords at the:- following
.-' apecial prices: w ; ..y
Our $8.00 value. Special at, the pair. f 6.50
Our $7.00 value. Special at, the pair. 4.95
'Our $5.00 and $6.00 value: Special at, tha
pair .. . . . .... . . , f .......... . f 3.95
- - - Women's $3.00 Shoes $1.98.'"
Women'a Shoes in patent and dull leathers
, in college and regular cuts, with mat or
bright tops; several d
selection; valuea to
the pair ...
Women's $5.00 Shoes $1.98.
Women's Shoes in tan and champagne,
! made of the finest materials, with welt
or hand-turned soles-with or without
v tips; French, Cuban or military heels and
. many new. style lasts; regular valuea to
$5.00. ; Special aale price, per pair.. 51.98
different styles in the
$3.00. . Special at,
................... fl.B
a .
' Women'a $5.00 and $6.00 Oxfords $3.69.
Women's Oxfords In finest grades of patent
, and dull leathers, with i welt or hand
turned solea, blucher or regular lace
- styles. All are made in factories where
nothing but high-grade ahoea are manu
factured. Nothing in the lot worth less
than $5.00, and some to $6.00. Special
. sale price, the pair..,. v.. ...... ,f3.6
Women's Shoes, Valuas'to $5.00, for $3.19.
2,000 pairs of Women's Shoes, made in pat
ent and dull leathers; made by some of
the foremost factories of the country
shoes selected from our regular stock
which means 'they are as good aa if a
possible to get shoes "O. W. K." Shoes
are the atandard of merit; valuea to $5.00.
. - Special, at the pair......r.T....T.t3.10
- : On-la' School Shoes. ' ;
Of good weight kid, with rock oak aolea,
patent tipT ronnd toe, circle foxed; button
- atyle. A favorite achool ahoe.
Sixes lii to 2; our $1.85 value. Special at,
the pair , -..1.65
Sizes 8yi to ll) our $1.60 value. Special at, .
the pair ..............01.4O
Sires 6 to 8; our $1.33 value. Special at,
the pair ..f 1.15
?' .fT-'. Girls Shoes: ''., ; ;
Of best kid leather; lace, blucher eut. with
. oak leather aolea. patent tipa and new
atraight-away lasts. .. These shoes fit aad
wear well.
Sizes' 11 J4 to 2; our $1.85 value. Special at
the pair .....f l.CJ
Sizes B'A to 11; our $1.60 value. Special at,
the pair .......... ..........
Sires 6 to 8; our $1.35 value. Special at.
the ' pair
at a
Girls 8hoes.
Sams as above, only straight lace. 'Prices "
the aame. ....
1 ..' Boys Box Calf Shoes.
Made of the new turned calf in blucher or
regular lace, good, heavy aolea. These
' gre well made shoes and excellent grade,
Slzea 2J4 to 5tf ; our $2.50 value. Spedal
at, the pair .......,f
Sizes 13 to 2; our $2.00 value.' Special at,"
the pair
' "' Boys Kid Lace' Shoes.
Heavy weight, with heavy aolea; well made,
and a good dry weather ahoe. -v ,...J
Sizes 2J to 5yii our $2.00 value. SpeciaJ
at, the pair
Sizes 12 to 2; our $175 value. Special at.
the pair
The Great August Sale of BEAUTIFUL CUT
. WW,
I . ... MDn .
Ends Saturday at Closing Time
... i ,
I . Tnira noor ...
A Group of Remarkable Values in
Crystal Grotto"
. We're going to let the prices speak for themselves, believing
every connoisseur will fully appreciate the bargains when they
come face to face with 'em at the altimmering display, fax the
Crystal Art Grotto's unique exhibit?. Just a few words about cut
glass and its arrangement: ,; ;
-i Cut glass should never be placed among light-colored surroundings -particularly cream' or yellow.
ao that the effect ia lacking in the sparkle and brilliancy that should be the principal charm of cut glass.
J 1 f m 1 . L 1 t . 1 ... .. .
j -jga glass, backed by a mirror.
The result is a iumble of crystal.
The ideal setting of cut glass is plain mahogany.
The crystals gather all yellow light to themselves,
r One often sees s whole cabinet filled with eat
f crystal. . ' -. , ,
It has a richness of color and a' dullness of tone that are admirably aulted to brmsr amt all that
best in glass. 'Moreover, there should be no mirrors, for that only adda to tha confusion. '
i ihen, pieces should have plenty of room. . - , . ' - .
- '.No handsomer effect could be obtained than a bowl or dish standing on a mahogany shelf or cabinet Light oak ia never good aa cabinet to hold
cut glass.- .-," ' -..-.' : j . ...... , . '. . ...... i
'' Every piece of cut glass should be placed at least twelve inches from another piece. If the housewife hasn't room to allow thia apace, let her put
some pieces away and change from time to time. " ,
; The next best wood to mahogany ia dark oak, bog and Flemish, or velvet of 11ack, or dark green or deep maroon. Cut glass should be kept immacu
late. - Scrubbing with warm water and soao. and thorough rinsings in cold water ahould occur vrrv often. . .- . ; - ; - v
Magnificent Lbbey Cut Glass at Special Sale Prices Saturday
: The display of cut glass in the "Crystal Grotto" has no equal on the Pacific coast, and you will feel well repaid for time spent in making a visit,there." W urn
closing out odd lines at special prices-very exceptional values in the offerings, and hundreds of handsome articles from which to select. ' t r
OoMeta, our $14.00 value. Special at '
tha dosen .....fia.OO
' "- .
Sauear-Champagnaa, our 121.00 value.
' Special at the dosen ......fll.OO
Cocktails, our 114.00 , value.. ' Special
. at tha. dozen .9 T.00
Wlnea, our $14.00 value. Special at
... tha dosen ......fTOO
Sherries, our $14.00 value. Special at
the dozen . ............... 8T.00
CorSlala, our $11.00 value. Special at '
tha dosen ..,.. ......... ....,86.00
Oobleta. our $$$0.00 value. Spedal at
- the dosen ...815.00
Champagnes, our $$0.00 value. Spe
cial at, tha dosen ...-815.00
Cocktails, our $27.00 value. Special
- at the dosen ....,'. .......813.50
Wlnea, our $24.00 .value. ' Special at
the dosen .....,... .813.00
Cordials, our $11.00 value. Special at
the dozen ,.......... .80.00,
1-Inch Bowls, our 4..f0 value. Special
at each ..
1-Inch Bowls, fancy Shapes, our $5.00
value.. Bpeclal at, each .. . . v. . . ..,$)3.50
Sugar and Creams, our $4.00 value.
Special at the pair g2.95
Sugars and .Creams, our $4.50 value.
Bpeclal at the pair. $3.25
11-Ipoh Celery Tray, our $I.7 value.
Special at,. each .$2.75
11-Inch Celery Tray a, our $S.t0 value.
Special at, each $4.00
(Inch Footed Comports, our $100
value. Special at, each ........... .$4.25
Whip Cream Bowl and Plata, our $.$0
value. Special at each .,.....-.,..$4.50
-Inch Square Nappy, our $ 12.71 value..- .
8peclal at each .'.$0.50
Water Tumblers, our $11.00 value.'-
Bpeclal at the dosen . , $8.65
Water Tumblers, our $9.00 value.
. Special at the dosen ....$7.18
i O ' ' - - - ' -. '
The name "Libber" etched On every pleee
Insures tha beat.
Rock Cryatal Sherbeta. our $44.0
value. Special at the doaen. .... .$29.30
Rock Cryatal Wlnea, our $11.00 value.
Special at. the dosen ........,...$23.25
' Rock Cryatal Sauoer Champa gnee. our
$40.00 value. Special at. the dosen.. $28.65
Our $1.2$ value." Spedal' at each....,....75e
Our $2.29 value. Special at each, .....$1.13
Our $.tl value. Special at each......f 1.C3
Parasols Reduced
Our entire stock of dainty, fetching .styles in summer
' Parasols sharply reduced in price. Dresden, Pon
gees, Tokios and fancy creations a splendid assort
ment to select from. v ; ,
$3.50 and $4.00 Parasols lot.'.... ............ .$2.50
$5.00 to $7.50 Parasols for....... v.... ..$3.75
8.00 Tokio Parasols
at $4-00
$10.00 Tokio Parasols
at ..$5.00
$12.50 Tokio Parasols
at ..$6.25
Beautiful $15.00 Fancy
' Parasols ........ $7.50
Beautiful $17.50 Fancy
Parasols ...$8.75
Beautiful $20.00 Fancy
, Parasols$lO.OO
Handsome 52.50
Axminsters $1.85
, Fourth Floor. . . .
Very popular Rugs, these Axmins-
ters, and the increased cost of
materials, bringing in ita train
higher prices . for. the coming
season, make today's special
sale doubly Interesting to thrifty
They're good size for parlor, sitting-room, den, library
In handsome colorings and oriental and floral designs:
fine quality and in shades to match any carpet. The best regular
$2.50 values in Portland will be offered Saturday aa an extra sum
mer special at $1.85
rug buyers.
or boudoir.
Special Llillinery Ottering fcr
Pretty $6.50 C!;:X lizts for 12.19
, (Annex Second Floor.)
. For those women who want a dressy black hit f
autumn wear, we shall offer. on Saturday a remarL '
value-in a line of handsomely, trimmed Turb'-s i
broad-brimmed Dress Hats, in horsehair trt v
trimmings of chiffon,-rosea and tips; A hsn ' :,or-t i ,
for present and fall wear. Best regular t-J-U value:
just in
' 1 1 t 1. , , ,