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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
fHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL!,' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVSIIIKO. AUGUST IV IZZZ V.' V VALPARAISO (Contlaued from rage Ona., aeavtly aad that there hu bHii mora or less losi f Ufa throughout Chll aad Peru aa me meager enspaicnos rs indicate thai tha en t Ira wast coaat mt South America, auffsrad aa- versly. Tha' ' eartriquane was ran throughout Argentina M othar South Ansei-tcaa oounirieB out no f rwi uam aa mmmt nf tha inM la rennrtad. Tha Chilaaa consul cenaral at New York haa rsoeivea na aavioee irons n-a -overnmrnt, all tha newa available com lua' from telegraph com pan lea and. from private messages. . , . . (,: iyg REPORTS CONFLICT ,' (Continued from Page One.) Tha nrlnnlnal bulldlnas Of Valparaiso i ara-thaitrr-rnmant paiaca,Th cuatom bouse, tha large bonded government if- warebouaea. tha hospital, tha city hall and two theatreai , Titer la aiao an im i nana thaoloaicat seminary, 4' naval t ' . . i acaulemy, a lyoeurtv large government 4 railway shop, xottaanea, macmoa anopa. sugar rennerlea and many ana modern V' business blocks, erected by Englishmen, f 1 - an.. lm4MM. AhOUt ADS ' tenth of tna population are foreigners. I Valparalao waa founded In liS by Juan da Baavedxe, wha named It after his birthplace In Spain. Tha city was , captured by Drake U I6TI and waa aa-aln Ukan In 1611 by Hawkins. It l mmmm MnWI th Tlltall U)raalr VlBl V' vimrt in una. , ..;...- J Valparalao haa bean vtsfted by eavara aal-ihnualraa In. 1718 1KXX. 1111 UQ 1171. it was eartlally destroyed by fire In lltl. In 14$ It waa bombarded by ?. a Spanish fleet under Admiral Nunes Y and a urp part of tna town laid in ruine. - ' ' "'- ' f Tha present 'earthquake - Occurred at Y night, which . 4s . vary rara , incniii, S though frequent ' ahakea occur during I, tha day. Most of tha shakes aro mere i. tremblers for.- though shocks are com F . drfWiah.. H fait Mllv i about, one In it years, though minor .' onea-ocour In aoms part of Chili avery j tenth yaar. - - nrr- -. 1 - Tha earthquake manifest themaalves t'r by quick horlsontal and aoroatlmas ro ri tary vibration and when tha focus is -'. ear tha ea It also Is agitated. Tha I ground undulates, but very rarely bursts open.. and avan.tha most violent shocks t are over in a fw second a, though there 1 la a succession of gradually lessening 'I shock. ,-- 1 - 1 ... V In tha earthquake of February, Kit, L the Isle of SanU Maria-was upllftfd 10 I feet but It subaldad fw weeks after F ward and la now lower than Its original i elevation During this earthquake a ' .tidal wave flowed over . tha town of f; . Talcahuano. . v Tha. datp aaa cloaa In f ehore waa dry for a few mlnutaa and f'-amoke burst from tha aurfaca of the ..water. ' v .. , . In tha earthquake at Coqulmbo In . November, Hit, the sea. retired '! "" yards and then rolled back 11 feet high. An English ahlp anchored in aeven jj fathoms of water nearly touched the 'bottom from the receding of tha sea. ' which afterward, rolled In a flood, and j , the water continued to ebb and flow for an -hour .and a .. half. -. t Thera are fear, cltlea in tha United Stataa s, hilly aa Valparalao. ' Ban f 'Frahciseo Is hilly In spots, as la Beattle and Portland,' but 'thay are aH in tha kindergarten class whan compared with Valparalao. 'That' portion of the city which 4a on the level to badly twisted out of shape In the effort to utilise all .available apace." ; -Vc The name Valparalao meana tha val - 1-y Of Parts but Instead of bains; a val ley thahllla are so steep that It Is dlffl ' " cult to climb them.' Several long streets - ; ramble aimlessly along tha waterfront, - but to get anywhere else, one .must take L a rowboat or an elevator. . - - Valparaiso la an important business .' - center but the commeroa Is almost wholly lit tha hands of foreigners, prlav , ,: cl pally Germane ana jsnfiisn. The net ? ter cle of natives go In for farming poi) lies, ine piaca naa oewn a great I 'Vrhaat tiArt and fninr ettlA mrm ahlnneA ,; : from ti, " t - ,-'-' . ., Its southern region agricultural lands ' - and forests, while Its central portion ta t i vineyards. Tha nitrate depoalta In the , northern deaart ara tha greatest In the .' world and are yielding the country Ti , 'per east of ita revenues. The nitrate fa - . used principally as a fertiliser ..- and .Germany buy a most Of It. , .:. 1 Tha varioua communities along the Mat afhtnli n tat m HaI mwimtmwrm , n ttm ', nitrate industry, are supplied with pro- visions by weekir steamer. . - FEAR FOR SHIPPING : (Continued from Page One.) Ing a chance at the wharves. There waa". soma talk of havlngona lot tha .islands blown up when I waa there la order to secure better anchorage facill :tlea - r ... Mffu -1.1 t S t l Aum auilllllie vft lMaiaiiw sm mm- , The Trousers bargain of the season Is right in the 300 pair bunch that we are displaying in our south window f at ....... V , . . , . , $2.35 , Twice a year February and .August, we sort out all the broken lots and let the trousers buyers in on the ground floor. (' ' Some Sold for $3 Some Sold for $4 : Some. Sold for $5 ',' 'i ''V.' :'. ' -" -"' ' ,- mm (DlouHiii (5uSIfuhnPop, -i , We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boys 168 AND 168 THIRD ST. V MOHAWK BLDO. DESTROYED W nanaa. tha ..It Mm the distributing ntrt tnm all tha railnlrv hack Of It tO the boundary of the vast district tapped v... Kn ik. Atlantic shore. v, auHi.Tiin ..w - Th principal urticlea of isWMrt art tilde, tAJlow. iron or na muuu. a.a.A .ka. Mnnaai aaa 1mmnM. 'All asiis a (IV iuini e ai - Earopa carries on aa extensive trade with tha port and tnere is aiw.j. a large fleet of merchantmen there, the flags of avery maritime nation being seen almost any day. . ahould aay that In point of shipping Valparai-o Is sa Important a port as San. Francisco, l . M.M mn .... 4 II sn iiivi w ww. , tThe city Is built according to Euro pean. , plans and haa aome imposma structures, partleulsrly the great ca thedrala. one of wbioh I was told waa erected at a coat o J8.000.000. . It was one of tha moat magnificent structures - mtA aw .v.. An.- Tha cftv is the a wvvi j - - - - . . .! naienrk of railroad f rarVnnnTn "ail Oir-cuunw. -oy-rnTO i which tha vast country o- posea of Its products." , ( ! ' USED TO 'QUAKES. . ....- . sssaiBj---aaBaBa Todga Oaplaa, rorrne Consul a Val paralao,- Says City Is vrepareo. v.. Li,, v fanlae. whose offlcea iwil av.. . r- . . . are in ths Mulkey building. Second and Morrison Streets, in is cuy.,ws ur ivi rears American consul st Valparaiso, Chili. He returned to Portland from thaclty In tha eprlng or appointed consul by the late President McKlnley. Earthquakes ara of frequent occur- t Mn Canlaa say a. I ,UV w.yw - - and consequently every precaution aaa been taken to prevent r"a from them. The houaea are chiefly ajnha anil of law construction. Tha population, he eays, is about 140.000. so m posed largely, of natives, and Span- lards. -' . Tha ' "itv is aeeuatcmed to earth quakes,-,ald Judge Caples. . though during the four yeare i was xnera m. were no tremblers of any consequence. ti.. ki.tam A tha eltv. however, la . 11. . i ' one pf quite frequent disaster from that 1 trwrwi itfc i. .ki.f. a naaManAa ttltv.. thOUSh . W. - " . ' i.m iilatrlota ara oceunled bv manu facturing and business concerna The houses are Bunt moauy oi -aooa anu a long time la devoted to their con- atmotinii. Tha material la considered In that elty aa tha tnoat Ilktlyito with- . . m . w .kiub A vaaa la eiana an i luijuim uw. . required to ouiia a story. Va Imlania At a. fnur-atorv build ing is to be erected, the first story Is put up this year. , the aeoond next year and ao on. The yaar la euppoeed to be sufficient' time for the building to settls and get used to any shocks that may follow. '. Tha oltv la naAiillarlv Situated On tha shore, extending' over a long area." FELT AT WASHINGTON. (Joarsil Speelat Berrlet.) Waehlngton, Aug. IT. North Amarloa was shsken by the earthquake which shook South America last night. The seismograph he fa gives a clear record and shows that at 7:60 o'clock the earth swayed a quarter of an Inch. : 1 The earthquake began at T:tl o'clock and continued four houra The record indicates that the shook must have bean very eevera at Valparalao. ,The reooid- ing pea waa not so much agitated aa during the. San Francisco and 'Indian earthquakes,. ; ; . JURY SAYS (Continued front Page On a) usual, responded promptly, and without looking at either hta counsel or his fel low-conspirator, took the witness-stand and iresolutely faced ' the Jury. All through his examination he kept his back to Judge " Bennett and tha -defendant '. '- Hoping against hope. Judge Bennstt objected to the testimony - of Watson, Insisting that he be advised that ha need not answer any of tha queationa put to htm. District Judge Hunt went Into details In espial sing to Watson the extant of his rights, and the wltnes replied: "I came here to tell the truth," Judge Bennett aettled : down In his chair. A look or aisgust settled on his face. Hia hard work of three days, of trial, " the airy auperstructure that he had bu tided waa doomed. Zachary fumbled with two pieces of blotter and studied the back of tha man who had turned agalnat htm. Watsoa Telle atla Story. . Watson told the whole story. Zach ary had Baked 'him to file on the home atead. From tha time of filing until the time he proved up he had not alept on tha land a single night Whenever he , had -oie m -the claim ha had not stayed there more than "a minute or two. He. told of hia wanderlnga, cor roborating the testimony of other gov ernment witnesses in every detail. He i a For Your Own Selection mm . f $2 35 (Go EARTI had spent most of his time In the Wil lamette valley and had made a trip to Mlaaourt. His absences from Wheel er county varied in duration from a few months to 'three years, and at no time did he make any effort- to comply with the homeataad law. - Several times while In Wheeler county he had worked for Zachary and at such times hsd made his horns on the Zachary ranch., , , The witness talked low but was not depressed. Occasionally ha laughed, aa If he thought stealing nomaateada from the government a good Joke? - ' At last tha long story ended, leaving the defense without a ahot In Ita looker. -That's alt," . said - Prosecutor Henay. Judga Bennett- whispered with Zachary for a few moments and than be, too, said: f 'That's alL" r Prosecutor Henay' announced 1 "The government rests." It was 6 o'clock and past and Judge Hunt ' ordered' an ; Defense Olosea Oasa. - '. Whan court convened today It was apparent that the defense hsd given up its fight, Zachary sat wiU. hia wits and little boy half way serosa tha room from his counsel. Judge Bennett arose and said meekly, "That 'a our ease." Watson had annihilated whatever caaa Zachary ' had and tha announcement sounded like-tha granting of permis sion to take a last look, at the departed, but there was nothing also to do. Coa Barnard, with no Watson to contend against, had put la a defense- and failed. Facing even greater odds, Zachary was helpleaa. . ... --. United States Attorney Brlatol made a brief argument In half an hour he had reviewed the Important testimony, dwelt at length - on the clinching evi dence given by Watson and pointed out the many incidents tsndlng to prove that Zachary . knew that Watson, had never lived upon his claim.. -. 1 Counsel for Zachary followed with a single sentence: "I don't desire to make any argument, your honor." . ' Jadga Xunt Charges Jary. Judga Hunt devoted nearly an hour to charging the jury. Tha defense bad not submitted any- list of requested in structions, .but . had , asked that, the In structions It offered in the Barnard caaa be. considered as offered again. The re quest wss granted. ' Stress waa laid on the fact that it devolved upon tha gov ernment to prove beyond a reasonable' doubt that Zachary committed willful perjury when ho swore thst Watson had settled upon. Improved cultivated and continuously resided on his homestead claim. The. defense made numerous objec tions to ths instructions, and then the. case waa submitted for decision. In to minutes the Jury returned and Foreman Newton Clark handed In a verdict of guilty. Only .one ballot was taken. Prosecutor . Henay asked that Zach- ! ary's bond ba raised to 110.000 and Uiat the time of sentence be set for tomorrow morning. Judge Hunt -replied that he would fix the bond tomorrow. Pend-1 ing eentenee Zachary retained his liber- I ty on his old bond of M.000. : ,: Will Sa eateasea Vocaorrow. Hamilton H. Hendricks, eonvloted of subornation of perjury, and Coa . D. Barnard, convicted of perjury, will also be sentenced tomorrow morning. ' Judg ment wUl ba deferred in the case of Charles A. Watson. Ha may ba needed again as a government wltneaa, and If ha were sentenced ba would ba barred from-' testifying In any court In .the United States that -being one of the penalties of perjury. Ths Jury that convicted. Zachary was made up aa followa: Newton Clark, Walter E. Tales, Lewis C. Bh6rno, Amos iteaen, - wiiuara Knotts, w. T. orinn, L. C. Cavanagh, Francis Feller, A. H. Blrrell, J. O. Malona, Thomas Price and John Bunn. , COLONEL 5AYS THERE, : WILL BE NO TROUBLE (Joaraal Sperlal Servlee4 Washington, Aug. 17. Tha war da partment haa received the report from tna commander of the troopa at Fort Brown, Colonel Penrose, aaying the shooting was dons by an enlisted man or men whose identity has not yet - been ascertained. He declares- h la work ing In perfect harmony with the mayor of Brownevllle and ia allowing nona of his men to go to town, keeping a full company on guard. 'Hi says there haa bean no trouble since the. shooting and he expecte nona ' SHIPPERS FAIL-TO -.s ;L0CK OUT SAILORS (Joerasl Special Serviee.) San Francisco, Aug. 17. The antic! pated action on the part of the mem bers of ths United Shipping Trane-portatiom-aeeoclation, ordering "the ship owners' association to Join handa with them In a general lockout agalnat the union foroea, Is still In abeyance, and It may ba that auch action will be de ferred for aavaral day. - TROOPS QUELL MOB THEN ATTACK JEWS (loareal gpedst aerrlce.t London, Aug. 17. Ths Jewish Chroni cle correspondent says after tha dla- turbanoea lit Warsaw were quelled yes terday tha soldiers attacked the Jews and that tha caausltias among the lat ter number 169. Preferred Stock Osaned wood. Allan -Lewis' Best Brand. AT THE THEATRES. - .. . . , Pantage. ';. '. " The rahtacre usually good shew Is attnet- Ins msay people. Ita principal number Is "The Old Guard." as preMnted by iirntf McOray and ble company. Other entertaining feature sre the srvat Mrlnette, who sets o cleverly that roe could slnwat Imaflne he Is wntaan; Jcsnette Fleteber, who entxrtalne evaryena with her cnaraum alnfing: Merritt sisters In a aerelty act, and away ether ettracttre ausiNrs. At th Lyric A military drstns Is atwtrs latenwty Inter. tint t the mtytrUf ef taople. mbf-ln. as It date, those stirring sad rtHttng -k-iiits ealrnlatM le Implre ana to spar aianklni te actios la the defense of some great priori ti. The -rurrf nt week's bill st tbe I.Trlc, "The Mrchln ' Reclment,' portrays has roiidltlorn and rfdeets a very beautiful eeatliamt oa the part ef some ef Its charar-te.'. , . ' 1 Coming to th Star.' Only a few mora days remain before the Star opens ss e dramatic stork bouse st popular prtrrs. Toe opening Ta eat for neit MntMiay. 'Caoaht la the Wan," a attrrlns ideteetlre rama la four acta, will l,t th.. Iilll, , , At th Grand. . Bright . and cheerful Is the'vauderllle enter. talament at the Grand this week. It Is la karaaoay with the rennrr itIjs ef tbe thaatf ned la a plsaaant nterta'nin.-nt la every rnapecl. Ertward Kallle..tha huuurot. with his aft-r-dinner collection of -odda and ed. I a rant tal rntrrtalner an-1 etna-le-haaded dtflaa autrew sadTMee, ,?.,-. -;v T-.-. ... . ., Th:ii:nnj3 of VCmcn ARE MACE WELL AND 8TR0X3 8ioeiM sf Lydta E. Plsakast's Vagetakls Ce-jpHml Ritts Ua the Fast that it Rtally Dsm slain Sick W Well, Thouaaada upon thousands of Ameri can women have been restored to health bj LydU E. Pinkhams Vegeta ble Compound. Their letter are on HI In Mrs. Plnkhsm's office, snd prova this statement tot a faet and not s mere boast. - 1 - . Overshadow Lc 4 Indeed Is the sucoeee of this great medicine, and oomparad with it all other medioinea and treat, ment for women re experiment. . Why haa Lydla B. Plnkham's Vege table Compound aeoompliahed such widespread results for food . ; Why haa It lived and thrived and don its glorious work for a quarter of a century t Sfmply sAdureTyDecaus6f itilteti ling worth. The reason no other med icine haa even approached Ita suooesa 1 plainly and positively because there Is no other medicine in the world so good for women' Ul. ; ' Th wonderful power of Lydla B. Pinkham's VegeUbl Compound over the til nr. sea of womankind 1 not be cause it la a stimulant not because it 1 a palliative, but lmply because it is the most wonderful tonlo and neon- tractor ever discovered to act directly upon th female jrstem, positively nmm diaaaaa. and displacements and restoring health and vigor. . ' . Marvelous eurva aiv rejiwimi all part of the country by women who have been cured, trained nurse who have witnessed cures and physician who hava recognized the virtu, in Lydla B. Plnkbam' .Vegetable Com pound, and are fair enough. to rive credit where iwi due. If physician dared to be frank and open, hundred of them would acknowledr that they constantly preacrib Iydfa B. Pinkr ham' VegeUble Compound in sever cases of female ilia, as they know by experience that It will effect a cure. , Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular period, backache, bloating (or flatulence), weakness, dis placements, inflammation, ulceration, that " bearing-down" feeling, dlasi neaa, faiatne, indigestion, nervous prostration or th blues, should tak Immediate action to ward off th aeri- - a tt Ka rmtflw tA health and strength by taking Lydla B. . . . . w . l J 1 rinknam terawvw upmwaaii. ui way writ to Mr. Plnkham, Lynn, Mas., for advioa. It's free and always aalpful. :;-'. .. ;,' SAYS MRS. JARVIS IS NOT INSAT1E Neighbor Woman Says Patient's Daughter Had Mother Placed .' v. In the Asylum. ' JUDGE JVEBSTER DENIES THAT SUCH IS THE CASE Declares H Did Not Say Woman Wa Not Insane and 8ay Coanty Court I Not In Habit of Railroad. ing Ptopl to Aiylum. Though Dr. 8. E. Joseph!, en Of th foremost Insanity specialist of x the northwest, pronounced Mra A. W. Jsr- vis Insane after a careful examination, Mrs. O. W. Stewart, a dressmaker liv ing at CSt East Twenty-first- street, takes It upon herself to announoe that she Is firmly convinced that MravJer vis is not Inaane. . ' Mra Biewart Is reported to. have sa'ld that she thought Mrs. Jarvla did nof da serve to be In the asylum, and-that Mrs, Jarvla daughter, Ida Cooper, had cent her there to get rid of her. t "I talked with Judge Webster regard Ing the condition of Mr a Jar-vis," said Mrs. Stewart-yHe says hat she la Just bordering on insanity. . Ha la of the belief that 1f she wilt makeup her mind to eat she will recover entirely. Judga Webater was asked this morn ing about his alleged interview with Mra Stewart He said: "I expressed no such opinion. -1 told Mrs. Stewart that I was firmly con vinced that Mrs. Jarvls waa Insane, as waa Dr. Joaephl, or aha would never have been committed to the asylum. "Mrs. Stewart aeems to overlook the fsot that It Is the county court that aenda people to the asylum, and not ths relatives of ths afflicted person. And railroading people to ths asylum Is not practiced in this court" - Mrs. Jarvls wss at the home Of Mra B. 8. Botsford, at 6C East Twenty-first street when the examination was made. Mra. Stewart Uvea Just across the street. Mrs. Botsford wss Indignant this morning ovsr Mra' Stewart'a re marks. "Mrs. Stewart never spoke to Mrs. Jarvls in hor life," shs declared. "She hss never bean in my house, and never even saw Mrs. Jarvls except across ths street. Mrs. Stewart Is a meddlesome old goselp , who knows nothing about our affairs, and becauss she could learn nothing started this story about Ida having her mother aent to the asylum." ' Mrs. Jarvls' huibsnd oommltted sui cide In Los Angeles In January, by Jumping off a five-story building after fasting seven days. Mrs. Jarvls cams to Portland about three weeks ago to se her daughter, Mra Ida Cooper. Mra Cooper's husband Is a bartsnder in As toria and she works In the saloon with her husband, according to the story told this morning by Mra Botsford, who is Cooper's mother. - Mra Jsrvis had' newspaper aceounta of her hueband'B death, and It la said she read theae constantly, and fre quently spoke of committing suicide. Shortly before her commitment to the asylum she refused to eat' and it was feared she would kill herself. "Th fact that the physician at the asylum ' will promptly discharge Mra Jarvla should she be cured aeema to make Mrs. Stawsrt's sfforts rather un necessary," said Judge Webster. Bleated Sohool Vrtnolpal. (Rperlal 1) la patch ta Tbe Journal.! Forest Grove, Or., Aug. 17. William T. Fletcher, former instructor In ths Pacific university, hss bean elected prin cipal of the High school of Pueblo, Colo rado. He haa been doing post graduate 'work In Columbia univeralty. He ob tained hie colleae education at the rorMt,OroviUtuUoa . , . i -. If tiieSL Of The National Shoe and Clothing Company , HT a; Py f"7 '.-,',: ; ., : , -vy. si TI ' TY ll '''' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED BY EXPERIENCED CLERKS ri The Biggest Biggest in Stock Oftered for Sale, Assprfeient of Bargains' COMPETITORS DO YOU ASK WHY? Here's Because All Q They dare the stocks We Will Discount ' The people of Portland know these things well, that's why this big store will be crowded from morning till night Portland merchants " ; never saw such a sale. Seeing is believing; look'for yourself ; be . convinced beyond a doubt;, we will back everjr, statement . . i',; 207 FIKST STf EE THOUSANDS OF VI ST. L0V9 SaZTASB SAU Off , MEN'S PANTS ' 0?a l.OOO pa'Ira anst lie sold, ana anil qnlck.: These are the prices that will sieve tWa. - Tbe . 8t Louis sslvsf e Cempan Is imer undersold. - . . LOT SO. 1 Onalatlnf ef tbe National tt-M and 12.00 Worklns Panla; SO striae. Is mtton. woreteds. jeans, ate.; all se st. We LOT KO. Over 600 pairs man's beavv easalmare and Jeaaa Pants, sold br tbe National at (2-S and l50; tber ajl lfii 4or ai"palra estrs " VaUtr ' 'wool easatmeras, worsteds sad eordoreja: the National's M te ft Pants, et fl.l LOT SO. 4 Over BOO pairs tallor-nade oarcertsed and allk-aitted wemtads, caa- elmare end mrdurort the National's $4.60 and $S.0O PasU, at MEN'S FURNISHINGS LOT SO. 1 Man's las dreaa Sad work ehlrta eosae sliataUr soiled or dsmasad br wsur and amoket ail standard stakes, worth 60e. at 10a LOT SO. Men's snd dots' yolt and ffllsae shirts, la the aewest striae snd patterns, 75r snd Sue enes, 'st 10e LOT HO. a Men'a floe toll dress shirts, la tha new lare effacta, aonshrlnkable neck. - bandai assorted psttarns, eatfs attached or detached; the National's 11.00 valure LOT 'SO.' 'illconaletlns ef ' all' tbe' 'standard aaakM ta flne dreas shirts, collars attached or neckband stjlas: a broad of fane? patterns; 1.M Qaallty, BalTSse nrtco - M l6l SO. t Ota for sms's soncea silk sba-ts worth $2.00. ' LOT SO. Men's Irene Cambria nlfht hlrts, silk-embroidered, roll M inebca. . $1.00 qnatltr 4Se LOT SO. T Man's extra qaalltf work anlrtai the National's 60e. at Ma LOT SO. I Msa'a beet analltf refaUr $1.00 work shirts ....foe LOT HO. Man's TBs flualltj black satasa wor ahlrta MEN'S SHOES LOT SO. 1 Men's up-to-date. Itrllah sheas. In sstla calf and vlci kid. In sll slses snd widths: the National's $2.50 shoes, at I.... $1.1 LOT SO, S Men's fins Dreae Shoee in inn metal salt, worth $3.00, at .''..fl.l LOT MO. Men's bea.r Work Shoes, with estenalon top soles; shoes thst will coat you 13 00 anrwhere on earth, st $1.4$ LOT SO. 4 Men's extra quality vlel kid shoes, worth M.IK, at $1.4 LOT MO. a Men's Sne Drese Shoes, la velour rslf snd vnnmetsis; ssw Vlel sin; the National's $3.25 Shoesat... $l.d TAf WA alhAnt inA nalra rni'a in. tan Oxford hoea. MOO .aloes...... $1.M LOT MO. Handrede at pairs of men's Ane Dnas BBoss, Is tas, aossia rair, paims colt, French ealf and Tlrt kid shoes; the National's $4.00, $0.00 and $0.00 ahnes. LOT MO.' ' lu-Msn's" ' Eniilab.' " "kip ' ' bellael tonana, extanaioa snis, nea.y wore anoaa; the National's $at0 sed $4-00 ahoea LOT M0, 0rr BOO pelra raen'e tae bench. mads shoes, la valour, Tin, paiani, chrome calf, fna ealf, in ths saw stylleb laata; all elaee; tbe Katloaai'a $l.0 and aa on . . 11. SB LOT M0. 14Conelsrlnf of about M tlTt Sne dress snoes. in an uiorn-r., Panama lasts, worth $100. at ....... .$ LOT M0. XV Mas s 16 Carpet Uppers, at , Don't Be misled, by 2U7 t-irat o.reew Louis Ssiyage. Ob. i Entire btocK at- TPE ST. LOUIS SALVAGE COMPANY IN PANY IS CONDUCTING in Sale and Reduction in Prices ARE' COMPLETELY CONFOINDB Competitors Know 1' That they have no such stock in either quality or values to. :-r ..v 'r ' offer. Here's si $75,000.00 stock. Think of It. : ; k' V; ';,' 2 They cannot make iuch low prices ; never have, cannot now and ; . . : :V,"., never will. The St Louis Salvage Co, challenges the coast. : V 0; not offer auch a guarantee and back and the prices both. Any Price Made on Any LOOK BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON STS.; ; , ; : Por The St Lous Salvage .Company'a Sign-: ..t .;-:y BARGAINS That ST. LOTTI SaLTASS SaLl 0 , MEN'S UNDERWEAR LOT M0. 1 Osnslsrs ef saea'i batbrisiaa asd men 'a eaperwetght marlao nndsrwesr In ell slses, doable seated drawers; ths National a We easlity. t , v Ua LOT MO. S Ooasista of SO styles et Sws's rreneb balbrlitan coral . rlbWd. darby :' ribbed and encfe boo boa. . asede wits strapped sessss snd doobls-eested drawers, beautifully trlmaicd- indestructible seems; the Ktttaaal'a 41.00 valoae, atr.rr.rr.ape LOT MO. ft-avrlaes all ef the Matleaal's lu. B-mnanaee an er xae KSTieoare al and ewnerwclfht Bterlse that they sold te $166 pet firaeati the It tools rags price 4$e . wool and - an alrags LOT MO. Onsllty soents. ' Pare lambs wool. Anatrallan sad silk and wool-mixed nnderwesj, wortk a ta $340 a (arment; t cm price .,r... ........ .....We MEN'S HOSIERY LOT 1Msa'i lSe Meek aad Ua aeae.n e LOT S Msa'i 90a black aad tea boss.... Se LOT S Men's toe fancy nose.... lie LOT Men's BOe fancy lisle boas lie LOT S Men's SSa wool kese Me LOT Man's BOe wool boslary 1H MEN'S SUITS, la abnndsaca ef styles and pattevne, raabinn sbly Ulkired salts whlrb the National sold st tbe leweet possible prices. The St. Iwila Sslvsfs Company hss Sfreed te sell thls stork and It moat go. We hard dlvldsd them late are kits, as follows; . LOT M0. 1 Cotialatlnf ef ever BOO Sotts. In dark and medio m colors, sold by the. Ms-" tlonal at $ ta. $10.00; will he aa sale t ....... s. ...$l0 LOT MO. S Oompiielaf W0 Suits ta choice Pall materlala snd sty las, sold by the National at $10, $11, $11, will be sold at. s choke. M.N LOT MO. S 400 elefsat hand-tailored Bnlts. , all styles and colors, aoms roll silk snd sa tin-lined ; sold by the National at $10.00, $1100 and $11.00, at ,...$7.40 LOT M0. Kxtra qnallry. BOO Knits, enston Blade, imported materlala, eere-ee, Italian, brilliant or fall sllk-llned; sold by the National at $2XB0 to $20.00; choice... .M v V MEN'S HATS The ireateet, (randaet aasortmeat la Pert land, at prices ae lew that they , will mors fast. . . ' IBs for men's crash and straw hats worth SOs aad $1.00. - - --. : - ., ,-. , Se for bmb'I straw hat worth IP tar $1.50. Me for choice of SO styles la men'i soft-and stiff hats, worth ap to $2.00 aad 4 3. BO. ... We fires rod choice ef 100 styles men's soft and stiff bats. In leery new stylish shape ' that's en the market; all etandard Ifsncy bats, worth ap to It 60 and $1.00. -91.41 for choice ef 10 styles la ana's Sao Soft hats Ikst are worth $1-B0. , $1.1 for men's Itetsoa, PnnUp sad Knos styles, worth $$-00 te $B.00. MEN'S OVERALLS' . tOe for ill the ttasdard makes ef ereralls, , ta bib or plala black er blue skadea.- . Imitatioil Sales Oars v SELLING THE ; f e:.-. -.) '.V '. ri:tf ' - -( , 'f - the Answer: ' !' Three Things:: ' It up. We nave . ' t ; 1 Article by Anybody t, - .-. .. ,-' .'jt'i V v.ur '. 'V ..- . . ?.., U IT lvJ-f.M(l! .l i...t r- -1- .', , s.i t. 'it i , Sf.'.' Jv ; Will Amaze You ... ST. LOTTTi . BAXTA0K. SALS. 0 . MEN'S SUSPENDERS.. LOT M0. 1 Boys' SBe Rvipeadera. .v..'.. e LOT MO. S Man's Ma Saapenders lea LOT MO, B Mae's BOe Snspendera.. vl.,.laa LOT MO.' 4 Men's TBe Bnspenders. tpq LOT M0. Man's $1j0O Boapsnders.. , .. " Men's Handkerchiefs i I LOT 1 Msn'l IBs lioaa bsadksvchtkfa LOT Men's S3e linen bandkcrcblefi.i.. e LOT I Mes s Me silk and Ilaea handekfs ls LOT 4 Men's BOt allk ksadkercbtefi. .'... IM YOUTHS' SUITS LOT M0.1 Hundred! ef voath'a W W olid 17.60 single snd doable-breasted itytee, aires 14 to 10; plain and fancy patterned weaves, ef e trans th aad style, at. $S.W LOT MO. ft Kmidrsds ef yon tha $SS0 and J 10 salts, slnile snd doaDle-brsestsd; ases 4 to 80; otyllsh waa res $$.W LOT M0. S Hnndrsds ef Tenths' $1160 salts st U;.$4.M LOT MO. 4 Tooths $1$ end $1$. salts.. $.M LADIES' SHOES LOT 1 Ladles' shoes snd oxfords, vlct kid, , pstenf-tlpped Cabas and hlh heels i the new ' style pumps and oxforde, worth $2.80. st .$i.n LOT ft Conaliti ' ef S plsla toe, oafnt colt oxford, doll back, welt sole; also la vtct -- kid and patent tipped; National's -11 no ones $1.W ,LOT S Omelets ef ladies' $3.60 to $8 00 . shoes end oxfords, la all . styles, wdlths snd slses, at $1.41 LOT 4 Ledlee Sne drese shoes. 'In tas and black shoee and oxfords. In the aew Louis IV keels snd welt soles snd extension soles; the National's $3.00 ones, St. .$1.41 LOT ft Tbe srsadeet assortment of ladles hoes ever pot tn one lot; every pair worth $4.00 to $4-00; all to st... $1,M Ladles' Jackets Waists. Skirts, Kimonos. Etc. We hive lot te sell this stock. We bar- slned te do it and ees't fet away from It. LOT 1 ladles' tan eovert Jsvkets, allk lined, cut la the latest fashion and worth op to $8.00, $10.00, $13.00 and $18.00;: all so ' la one great, grand lot at..;..,..,....$l.M LOT ft Consists of about ' BOO ladles' 1ns drees skirts, wslklng skirts of every de scription, all tbs newest atrlas snd fan- ' lies. They are wortk ap to $10.00: all I go at ll.M LOT S Ooealete of a boot STO ladtse wslsta In tan noobslrs, graas linen, black sateen, etc., etc.. worth $1.00, all go at.. S9e LOT 4 About 800 very floe klmonoe. worth $l; all go at..., Ms LOT f 300 dosen Isdled SB black boss. , high spliced best and tot; warranted faet color; 85o enes at Is LOT S Consists ef a boot B0 dosen todies Ins black snd fancy hosiery la Hals snd lace lists effects; Boe ones, at.. la. LOT ft Consists of shoot tn dosen assorted ladles' pstsnt leather belts, gold rope ef. facts, etc.; worth BOe to $1.00, at..,, lie LOT T Lsdl.s' tine quality boas and carpet slippers, 76c sad $1.00 ones, at..... ...We Is the Only Genuine : ' .v1..i-,-'-i. -.' ..w.v ' - : .".'.''" v..-v"t - Portlandl V 7-