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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
, t. c. .THE 0REG3II DAILY JOUniML, PORTLAND, - FRIDAY - CVCrill 0 AUCU..T-1?. .V.ZZ. WORKING ON LEWIS AND CLARK C 1 1 MEMORIAL MONUMENT. IN PARK '-'v.. ';.'.: '-,(.'". v V Wo aro cloclnc out all llnoa of ' , . '. ' - .I... -. .... .... . . Oummer Quito; Hfrht weight i J Underwear and Hata a ti A - v ' reductions of from 20toao IT w V I' hlfrh ao COper cent 1 : v'v x: In this connection it ought to be understood ' that we make no false ftatemehts in our.'. ways dyertlssments. O are t gen-y tune, as may tie seen in. our , v , V ' ;f 'r V. -.f ill III I ' M a-aiBBBBB j M w s J ii aessai r m i. iv- en 01(D) III ,. A 1 ill I ' "',.' 1 .." - . . . f Working on the Granite Block of thf Lewis and Clark Memorial ' -', . " . ' . Monument.. ' ' ,. '"' dtUri the , the The Coming of the WhKe Man V After Ions and rpemld Lwls nd Clitrk memorial monument near ' tha , Park -avnu entranca to th Cltjr, park 1 olne ahad rapidly. - The k , bla- abaft la being trimmed and chipped x Ion the rlcht alse and the other bloofca :'y of graalte aaa being cut own In pro i portion. ' The monument ahould be eom- plated, within a few months, ' - From the eralnerwe on which It atanda, i the rlalon has a tremendous aweep oxer ' the city and the hills to the eastward. ' The City park ha a sereral . wonderful . altea for monuments and. statues, and, and the Lewis and Clark memorial locations ara two of the beet. , ' A peculiar. Interest will always be at tached to. the memorial shaft because President Roosevelt laid Us cornerstone on the occasion of his. only visit to Port land. .. V With the completion of the memorial soon. Portland can boast a little of bar publio statuary.. The Second Oregon monument' on the plasa block and the several pieces In the park are worthy of any city, and iever fall to attract at tention: from vlsltbrs. ., ., A SUCCESSFUL ED TO mum , ! Worn Out by Continual Round of i";' Pleasure, Veterans Are Leav- d-'-.v'f-'V: 'ng 'or Home: , ! BROWN IS CHOSEN ' ' A.-. COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF i Ohio Maa to. Lead Grand Army Dn - ; In j Coming YearMany Mew Eng I land Delegate to, Extend Trip td Pacific Coaifv' "-' " & '. ' .. , . r""'- (Joaraal gpeetet Ifcrrlea.) VTntlM nr im Minn Aur t7 tXTnA nil by the round of continuous pleasure that . has been theirs since , they anivedl In 'Minneapolis early In the. week, the Grand Army veterans, the 'members of affll tlated organisations and", the. thousand t i of other vlsUors who have. been here today saw the official ' end of 'what la jloudlr jralaed as ene of the most suc- eessf ul national encampments In . the 'history of the O. A. R. , . ' . J Dankrupt Sale Of the $6,000 Stock LAMING & CO., 88 6th St. Udlee' sad Orata PimMilae. Ooeda e all kiade at SALT M.IC. . Com. hi and look . ever ear hastenee etncfc ketore kr1n eleewkere ead yea will be ear te ai.k. a porehaes freai as after setting ear eatreaieiy tow prleae. ,m raioza asx ctrz nr gur. j , - MAN, SING CO W Wztk timet, Mm Oak aad Stark. ' Saratoga. New Tork. . was 1 selected today for the nest encampment. . . The various organisations assembled for" their final . sessions today and Cleaned the decks of all unfinished busl nesa. The new offloere were kept busy receiving congratulations, while no las effusive demonstrations were given In honor of their predecessors. . On every hand nothing but praise is heard for the manner In which Minneapolis has played the boat - Despite the fact that crowds were even larger than were calculated every detail of the reception and entertainment program has been carried out with machinelike precialon. The tens of thousands f strangers have been treated as the city's guests In every sense of the word. The local com mittee have made It a point to sea that the visitors hava not been vlotlmlsed by " overcharging. .', . . The departing trains today, were' well filled and tomorrow will see a majority of tha visitors wtth their faces turned homeward. ' Seme will remain In this vicinity sightseeing for a - few- days longer, while others will avail them selves of the-opportunity to take a run MP Into Cahada, or1 a trip through tha great lakes. -iMany of tha vlaltors front New Englandjand -the' east- will extend their, trio on to the -Paclffo.. coast sm4 will visit ..California- end - other parts .HAfovi m9tmitm kmnL . V,.' ,i.' ' 4 'The following national bf fleers' were elected last eight: .' C v Commander-in-Chief R. B." Brown, Zanasvllle. Ohio.!- . jV' ' .i , - Senior , Vlee-Comnlandar-Wllllam ' H. Armstrong,' Indianapolis. ., . - Junior -VIce-Conunaadar H B. ' Fen- ton, uetroit. I I John aoUln-ln-ChTef Archblshon . Ireland, St PauL- . ; 8ul-geon-Oeaeral-VW. Hk Johnson. LJn- eoln. Nebraska.. n i The new commander-in-chief. R. TI. Brown, was born In 1S4S and has al ways lived In Ohio. He enlisted in the Fifteenth Ohio Infantry at the are of 11 krtd served In' the TfturteentlT Army corps In the army of tne Cumberland, until he was mustered out In 1114. , He than reenllsted and serveB until the end of the war. He was a private for three yeare and then became a ndn commlasloned officer. He haa long bees active In the work of tha Grand Army, a Frefened Stock OaaaeS ejoeaa. AUa Lewis' Beat Brand. Tea are not pre parly leekta eat fot To. X ailiss , you watok The foams! raat Aaa. . . A CELEBRATED German cnemiet recently ' t . V . a " ' t - r . ' '' ' : . - saiat - X learned my vroteenoa in Vier- many ; went from tnerc to England,' wners I studied EngKan mctnods ,ol Drewino; for some time, tnen cams , to America and entered tli employ of a large trewery. Eack montn we purcnaeed in tne ' open market tne bottled Deer of our rarioua com petitore for purposes of analysis. Tnere was one of tnese beers tnat .was always tne same- nerer waried absolutely pure tkat was Pabet Blue Ribbon.' ' Qeanlineas and purity are eeeential for bealtL ful beer, just as tbey are eeeenkal for anyotber bealtbful food. And purity and cleanliness are watebwords in tbs great Pabet 'Brewery at " : v " . " t- ' "' . ' ' ' ' . ' '' ' . Only tbe excluairs Psbst eitfbt- -. day malt and cboicest bops are vtsei. Tbe whole Fabst proeess is the result of sixty years pursuit of all tbe best luurwa .: , methods in tbe science of brewing Tne PabstBIus Ribbon label isaTI - guarantee of sge, purity and strengtb, cleanness and tbe ' Lbest ' beer brewetL:7' call for Pases Bhis Ubkcsi. Charles Kohn & to. phone, rletn 460 lli II i 1 : A JMn M ISIS r $12.50 and $15 i mmi . ' t ' 1 1 They are splendid garments dressyt and' durable, and actually worth $12JtO to $15.00,1 but our price is now $10.00, and not a penny more. . -- '. ..' , Midsummer Sale Prices in all Men's Furnisbshg Gbbdis Summer footwear is also included in this sale. Now is the time to secure expensive and stylish garments at exceedingly modest prices - v-"';-.: Tlhe Kcsdl lFr(0)initi iicci ic- it rwDA ncni ALIttRICAN BAR ASSOCIATEOr? -TO - MEETilMST PAUt Judge Alton . B. Parker f to -: ; Itver Annual . Address : to Lawyers. De- ii - . ' 1 -.; . . i (Jooraal Special gerrlce.V . St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 17. Tha pro gram has been announced for the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Ameri can Bar association, to. be held in this cuy during Ihe last three flare of this month. ' Judge Alton B. Parker. of New York, late Democratic candidate for the presidency. Is to deliver the annual ad- drees before the ecletion. .- Tha presi- Idenrsvaddreee will be deUvared ty George R. Peck .of Chicago., ; ' ; e Other eminent legal lights who' are to contribute papers or addresses tor the meeting -ara Itoaooe Pound of Lincoln, Nebraska; .Thomas J. Kernan of Batoo Rouge,: Louisiana, 'and-General George B. Davis. Judge advocate-general of the United States army. Eminent representatives ef the fore? most law schools of America will speak before the section of legal education. There also will be a meeting of the As sociation of American Law Schools) at which the - principal apeakers will be Clarence D. Ashley of the New Tork University Law school; Henry Wade Rogers of tbe law school of Tale uni versity, and Professor Floyd R. ICechem of the University of Chicago Law school. Acvastlate. Beply Tonight. ' At tbe Auditorium on Third street, be tween Taylor and Salmon, at I o'clock tonight .Pastor' George A. Snyder, w haa occupied- the. ehsUr of Instructor Bible and history la Walla. Walla col lege for the past three years, will, re ply, to Rev.-C True Wllson'e erltleieme of Seventh-Day Adventlem and the translators of the Bible, Special song service begins at 7:44. . , ; ( POTTER IN SERVICE.' y ropmlae O. B. a ST. Bomrlo Boat Be ensase Tripe to Bee eh. The T. X Potter" leaves Ask street dock for North- Beach, touching at As toria, ae followe: - August 14. 10 a. m.t August IS, 11: a. m. ; August II, 11:80 p. m. From Ilwaco: August 11, p. ml August 15, a. ra.; August 17, S a. m. v Tickets at Third , and Washington streets and at Ash street dock, Meals may be secured on ths boat. ' I Dusiness uocauon Ws have at our disposal a fin' location, In good neljhbOThood, for ' A Confectionery Store and branch bakery. There are living rooms in nar. ' counters and ' other fixtures; low rent; lone; lease. Tnst tJie thins; for the wife to : handle while the husband U 'basy at his trade. Apply at FRONT ' AND OIBBS STREETS (key st drag store), or to CEVURTZ J i-SON8, 173-175 First street. , - . . .. T. HOWARD IS ARRESTED FOR INJURING COWS HUlsboro. Or. Aug. IT. Ernest How ard of this county has been arrested tor maliciously Injuring personal property. It le claimed by Messrs. Thomas and Wilson that Howard threw some pri sonous substance en two of their eows, causing great Injury. Mr., Howard will have hie hearing next week. ., t.' ... ' f L S. BROMBERGER CS, CO.'S NEW CLOTHING STORE To Occur on Saturday, August 18, at 8 A. M ; at 343 VVashington Street, Second Door West of Seventh, to which we extend a cordial invitation to all, assuring yisifors an opportunity to inspect an exceedingly elegant line of MEN'S CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS LATEST FALL STYLES Fresh from tjie hands of Eastern manufacturers ? Our jgarments come direct from New York and tepresexit tne smartest m mens raiment to be had in this country. We call attention to OUR $3.00 BEDFORD HAT, the clever production of one of the most skillful hat makers of America.. We show, these in liberal profusion. occ uui iciicsl . m men a ranay aim xcisuiuiiumic iiosicry ana nccKwcai ri . . . " ,' ' 343 Washington Street r,. .4 H v BtT l B-t M Kr" -n. M Yirr r - .. '-.'',.,.' . r ' ; . . . . . ' , leS gjS ' : ' . ' ' ' .' J 1 . SECOND DOOR WE3T OF SEVENTH. ST, r'