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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
3 cr.rcc:i paily joumr.i; rcTLAra rr.iDAY zvz::i::o. august it. ltzs. C1 I t::a -;-07--: EcnsnTieraLcouTEStia Ambitious Young Men and Women Making Last Efforts to Secure !. y . ' ; Valuable Scholarships Offered bV The Journal's ' , ' . v - - Circulation :V S'" - v.'v", .' . y. ' . . : .-i rusho or oobttsstastts ht yotbs. ' - o , ' Horace A. 'Wilson. IS5 Halsey BU PortUnd. Or. ................ .iM.&IO e Nlll Mar Shannon. f Ttntno, Portland. Or. ....... .1.66 Lillian MoVIcker, St. Johns. Or. . ... .U.'... ...'..V. .1 .61.T66 . ,'s Rhode U fitalnaker, Albany. Or.............. v. .. .4,4J8, ' ;., ' Guy Graham. Troutdala, Or. .... I .7.fl4 -0 r: Mildred L. Clemens. University Pwk. r Charles Gross, Y. M. C A Portland. ;, ',' , Carl Bhelton, Forty-eighth St. Mount Mac Pendergraas, 121 North Seventeenth St., PortIarid,"br. .18.011 Roy Johnaon, T4 Division Bt, Portland, Or. , v12,810 Bertie Q. Chan. J -Clay Bt, Portland, Or, ."..'.. ....I........... .11.110 Clay Jonea, 40 East Twelfth Bt;, Portland; dr. .,;.';..,,;...., ..10,616 Edith M. Harris, .41 Oxford Bt., Portland, Or . ; . . . , .. .16.676 John. Benson, Cheraawe, Or. ...v.,.........,,..;....,'....,...... .16.H6 'L; a Mary E. Powell, 41T Balmon St.. Portland. Or, .................. .1I,&0 y 4 Paul Nyrren, 186 East Third Bt, Portland, Or, . . ll,60 4) Dorcas Van 8ohoonhovn, Coya, Qr. ......... ......10.406 Mabel Macneaa, Amity, Or......,..,........:... .".,." .40 Harry Brant, The Morton, Twelfth and Morrison. Portland, Or.'. .. S. 036 p Ruth. Turner, tot Kerby Bt, Portland,. Or. 1,760 ;' 4 Lloyd Riches. Bllverton, Or..................... ..1 Dean Knox. Corvillla. Or ...".. . y ' - ew(l ' f ' 4 Clay Cary, Salem. Or.", t : Maine iruonnelj, Buxton, or..-rt 31enn Patlllo, Grants Pass, Or. ......... . , . . . . Alleen Hackman. Myrtle Park. Portland, Or,.... .............. . Guy Johnson 106 Grant Bt., Portland. Or...........';....,.... Louis Soott. Central addition, Portland, Or.;.................. R. W. Cyrus, Bclo. Or......................... ,.........,.' Mi Ivy Owens Cedar Mills, Or.........,..-.,.;.,. ., 1,715 , 4Edw.ard L. Kinsman. Llnnton, Or..,...f.,.....',;.- . Acnes Evans, Latourell, Or. .................. ..i..,,,,LJv W. E. Gwynn. 641 East Thirty-seventh St., Portland, Or.....;... ' 600 Richard W. Gilvln, Rosebur. Or., . . . . 416 Gerv D. Kins', Kingston. Or....,... '. The tint Is arowins; short for! the t ; Catherine; of rotes in the educational f contest. The boys and trlrls down near tb foot of the clasa would better hurry , 1 up to make records. - ' Thar are a treat many youns; people ... who want scholarships - in the .' good r schools In The Journal's Hat of prises. ; , They will not stand by and see th val it t uable scholarship prises go for small blocks of votes. f -. The A lbany tee.- ; . . Rhoda L. Btalnacker of Albany gath ' . red subscriptions that gave , her a - credit of (.411 votes th first day that : sh - decided to . go -, Into th contest. " During th next 11 days sh ran har ' ecore up to 15.645 votes and took sixth plao In th contest From July SO to , August 1. a period of 'eight working ? i days, sh polled 1.(96 votes,---And she ' .' has kept up thes high averages and '. ' now stands for a cash prise as well as tor a scnolarabiD. . Taa (Mrtruk lassU." '. Dorcas Van. Bchoonhoven. , th Sag brush laaal of eaatern Oregon." bounded V Mto ths contest arena and went up the aa antelope going over the divide. Her first score was 1,746 votes and h now ha to bar credit 10.406 votes. If the rnntMl ahAitM mrA mri t K tlila tifiH-Jtiil ', ' It does not sh probably would get her j choice of scholarshlpe. It Js entirely valley will put her up among th six -'rcaah prises aa well as to civ her-a ,; 'scholarship. ;'-.. ' ;. " , Miss Van Schoonhoven has mad this '. headway and now occupies seventeenth f . place, although alno entering th con- tost sh ha lost an entire week on aooount of sickness, t t ; h will be able to make up - for th ' delay for a lot of people at La Grande ; Union, Island City, Elgin, Summervllle ( and Cove are saving subscriptions for' . her. Teey want her to call for thes Subscriptions. ' How much thes good friends might 1 , help her If they would remit th money . .direct to Th Journal, aaking that th t money b credited, at th earn time ' notifying her by letter or poetal, or send the subscription money direct to herl ( That would enable "th 8aga brush girl"-to spend her tlm soliciting for subscriptions which do not com so V asy. - ... :.-..-.,.-..-. J J Friends. of other candidates may act ..upon this suggestion in helping their . own candidates. -- '. s . v ha Baztoa OlxL " h.; Malale O'Donnell of Buxton.' Washiqg- ' tos county, did not enter the educational : CAMBRIDGE DERBY Dec 3Xs? Crohit 6? Knapp Co. a New Creation mm v , Introducer anil Den'tfnsr I I C ft 'at n r f-s-m - IMPERIAL HOTEL BLDG. r.v , Department. Portlsndi Or.; t;,...jt.A;Hj A. v,.,..;,:. Tabor,: Or. , ...... .....S.iw .too 6,066 4.666 4,780 4,410 1.726 S,l 1.110 too . 1 . . contest until August S. and she already has 4,710 votes toward a scholarship, with thousands mors In prospect , She has passed by 10 contestants who had been in the contest for three or four weeks before sh entered. - If the contest were to and today sh would win a scholarship.' But sh has not yet con, high enough to win th on sh wants. But sh has demon strated Jer ability .to go to th front and her admirers have confidence,, in her finish. ," ' It is something of an honor to enter th contest lata and to win a prtsa It shows superior ability and popularity. Where there's a will there's a way. v O rants fut Oaadldava. - Glenn Patlllo,a bright lad of 14 years t Grants Pase. is an Illustration of th courageous contestant , ; He entered the educational contest on Auguat II and will run to th finish. j His first report was S.600 votes. Judge W. C Hale of Grants Pass noticed th merits of th contest and took an In terest In young Patlllo. He started him out .-with 1.60 votes, his own yearly subscription to Th Journal, and helped Mm to get several subscriptions from others. Dr. Flannagan Joined- In th good cause and In a short while Glenn Patillo's candidacy was fairly launched ana wun excellent prospects. 7 " staown as Vews Ag-emt, business community of Grants Pass as a new scent He sells an Illustrated weekly and by 'hustling constantly has nuut up a coasmeraDie net or patrons. His sincerity and manliness havs mads hire popular. Now that hs has launched Into th subscription business In order to earn a scholarship In a good school th -old -. friends 'and th new will patronise him mor liberally than aver. Glenn Patlllo Is th son of Mr. and Mr. W. H. Patlllo. Hs has an older sister who( will help him aa much as sh csn to make calls. After canvassing u rants ra ne may go to Medford. Ashland and . Jacksonville, representing soutnern Oregon in in contest - Opportunity for otfcsxs.' ' As the contest stands today nearly aa many scnoiarsnips ar being offered as there are contestants. AH but th lowest five would be awarded scholar ships If the contest were to clos on this tdste. Not all would be able to select . th . schools they want as th cnoic or scnoiarsnips is to De mad In the order the contestants stand In th scor iln. - But there Is- now ' abundant oppor tunity for nsw contestants to enter th rac and win scholarships, i Inquiries In this Irne will be promptly answered by ow oT Stylisk Hats lor Mil ,'.. M . ej ,1 - , i. . WlV.. t,a IV...V.I - rs ' Kea's COothiag, f2as u TanliUif Crooda, Plrso From Vew Terk and Ja Maaaf aotnrT, (aa sTUrtert Fro ' daetleaa of (ha xaksrg SklU, WiU B ZUVerally Displayed. . Th new clothing store of 8. Brora berger A Co., 641 .Washington street first door west of Seventh, will open its doors tomorrow morning st ( o'clock. Upon Its shelves and counters will b displayed the lateet creations of the skllfull manufacturers of th east 'and all that la faahlonable in men's apparel will be there for Inspection. Th ateck is entirely new, every garment up-to-date,' and, .of course, representative of all that is timely In both material and cut i Indeed, visitors will find . It a clean-cut establishment, new, trim and sparkling and .everything marked, in ( n B. BROMBERGER. figures so that th customer may know at a glanc the cost of anything that may meet his fancy., Purchased very close for cash, prices will boar favoi. able comparison with any concern of its kind on the coast, and It Is certain that those becoming Its patrons - will b plessed with their purchases. c Mr. Bromberger, head of th hous. S'as for 14 years In th clothing bust ess - in. this . city, but sold - out more than a year ago. He could not remain in Idleness, however, and hence secured a long loss on his present 1 premises and is again actively before the publlo. Those who dealt with him before will be glad to know that they may renew their business friendships. th Contest Editor of Th Journal, Port land, Orsgon. , -i. . . ,. v - Whit Temple Indnrssinsn. Horao A. Wilson, ths tndomltahl leader of th contest Is fortuaat la having an excellent letter to aid him in hla canvassing. - Th letter is as fol lows: ,, v.'- f-, . , "Th Journal ' Publishing Company, Portland, Oregon Gentlemen: W ar very happy to see th good work don by Horac A. Wilson In your educa tional contest He Is a member of our church and also of th Alert Bible club In our Blbl school and w wish him continued success In th struggle for prise Not 1 or I. He la a splendid young man and worthy , th highest support given him. . 7 ' , "With th highest approval of his oandldscy, and -of th admirable enter prise of Th Journal, ws remain, "Tours very truly, -' "J. WHITCOMB BROUOHER. . . .. .. ' .."Pastor.."-,. .' . TBLNATHAN SWEET, - . : h .. . "Assistant In gold and cash oommtsslons. Following Is th list of scholarships, with annroxlmat cash . value of each. offered aa prises. Detailed Information concerning them will be published from tlm to tlm, or furnished on applica tion to th contest aspartmsnti Academy of th Holy Names, As toria, valu I60 Albany College, Albany, valu. ; ... 100 Behake-Walker - Business - College. Portland, valu. 101 Capital . Business College, . Salem. valu 100 Columbia - University, . Portland, value 100 Dallas College. Dallsa, valu....... 101 Ollleapl School .. of . Expression. : Portland, value 116 Hill Military Academy. Portland, valu ; 100 Holmes Business College, Portland, value 100 Holmes-Flanders Private - School, Portland, value ................. 160 International Correspondence . Schools. Be ran ton. Pav value.'..'. 110 McMlnnvlUe College, McMinnvQle, value 44 Oregon " Conservatory of Musis, , Portland . v One Pianoforte Scholarship,' value 100 One Violin Scholarship, value.'.. 116 . One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar - ship, vslue 100 Pacific College. Newberg, valua. . . .. 16 Paclflo Telegraph Institute! Port land, valu ;...l!6 Portland School of Domestlo Sol- enoe. . Portland (T.. W. C. AO, value 1. .ltl Sacred' Heart Academy, Salem. value 144 St ' Mary's Academy, . Portland, value 100 Besides th cash, commissions which tb students receive when they secure new subscriptions,- cash purses to tjh totsl sum 'Of (160 will be awarded aa follow! . 1. A purse of (100 for the gansral ox- pans of th winner whll attending any publlo or prlvot Institution providing irs tuition. I. A purssxf (100 to be used In ths same manner as th above. ' t. A purs of (100 for Incidental ex penses to supplant -.a scholarship se lected from the. foregoing list. - 4. A purs of (76 In addition to ea Of th foregoing scholarships. 6. ..A purs of (60 In addition to on of th foregoing scholarships. , (. A purss ef (26 In addition to en of th foregoing scholarships, - , y :. QUARTETTE OF YOUTHS ' l ADMIT SLAYING MAN (ioarsal Special Orvlee.t San Francisco, Aug. 17. Fred Peter son. William Meares. Walter West wood and Frank MoAuliff. four' youths still In thslr teens, last night confessed that they committed th aerie of hold-ups which culminated In th killing of Fred Mulllneaux on th Ooean boulevard last Sunday night' Peterson, aged 'IT, admitted that h fired th ehet which kilted Mulllneaux when th latter resisted robbery. . . McAullfte, aged 14, broke down and gave the name of the other three. Peterson told In detail of the robbery et four persons in one hour before ths murder of Mulllneaux, and a hold-np on th boulevard the night prevloua Westw6od the leader of th gang, la about 1 years of sg. Hs admitted that' he was ths gnnholder In th other robberies and was Peterson's torn when MuUlaoaus - was held up. IfsaM la 14 V j - :" I ' j- " f i r- ' i ft I ' 7 ' I ' . " iii u . .. Cranci Qkmil , - CULMINATION OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL 7 PIANO 8ALX KVBR ;HXLD : IN PORTLAND Tomorrov Night Winds It lp ! NO TIM FOR FURTHER - ARGUMENT PRICES v TALK PIANOS FROM $125 Ut-COME IN V : All pianos unsold Saturday night will be turned over to ths Sher-. man, Clay dV Co., who recently bought th entire rnterett of tha Allen ft Gilbert-Ramaker Co. of the Pacific northwest. We prefer to retail the few pianos on land gale pries to turning them over to the Sherman, Clay Co. at actual selling.prica. " ;r " , " ' i"77- . : "' Mr. Dundore will be permanently associated with the 8herman, Clay ft Co. and can bo seen at hie office on the second floor of ths. Allen ft Gilbert-Ramaker store at Sixth and Morrison. ' . Wt appreciate ths liberal patronage that has been extended to ths Dundore Piano Co. and Mr. Dundore personally will gladly, greet his friends and patrons st Sixth snd Morrison streets. Do not miss the bargains offered tomorrow our last day. Corns in and sea - r bow easy it is to buy. s first-class piano at s pries that will fully ' satisfy you. You can practically make your own terms. ' .. The Diindore Piano Co. sixth and Alder Street! . - P. Sv Pianos range In pries ths last day from $125 up. Why . not investigate? v.-..,:.,. .;,; , LUMBER EL;BAR60 IS liOI RAISED AT 'FRISCO Southern Psolflo ' Will Not Re ceive 8upplis for Shipment' , -to the Bay City. 1 The lumber embargo - against San Francisco and Oakland has not been rslsed. Ths Southern Psciflo company NOW: IS .THE TIME, j j '- ,.' ...'. 1 ''" .11' Summer - ! Beit . Season - to Cure CaUrrh. Hyomci Sold Under , '.;' V . Guarantee. .fr . ' ' . -. '' Summer 1 the best time In the whole yWr for the treatment of catarrhal troubles, and Woodard, Clark St Co. urge vry reader ef The Journal to nse Hyomel now and be permanently eursd. Unlike , the . ordinary treatment for catarrh, there is .no- stomach dosing when using HyomsL Th remedy. Is breathed through a neat pocket, inhaler that cornea In every outfit, and It bal samlo healing air penatrates to th most remote parte ef the nose. ; throat and lung, searches out and kills the catarrh germs In all parts -of the respiratory organs and soothes and hesls any Irri tation there may Be in tns mucous mem- bran. Hyomel la not aion in oniy natural eatment for catarrh, but It la th only on sold under an absolute guarantee to refund th money unless- it gives satis faction. It kills all dlaesss germs and reetoresths mucous membrane of th throat. noss and. lungs to perfectly health? condition. - - Th complete uyornei mm coeis mil 11.00. . sstra bottles 6O0.. Woodard, Clarke V Co. sell Hyomel under an abso lute guarantee to refund the, money If It does not glv setlafaetlon. Tou run no risk at all in buying UO. guaranteed Jjretneda Our . entire line of Young Men's Outing Suits and all our Young Men's Regulars in Odds and Ends One-Half Price An extraordinary offering of Odds and Ends and broken lines of Boys' and Children's ; - Knee Pants Suits - , One-Half Price st s smsilmargln above the whole-1-! has Issued orders that lumber shipments from - Oregon oan be accepted for all California points outslds of Ban Fran- claco and Oakland, conditioned) on un loading of 'the lumber at deatlnation. and not aubleot to dlveraion. There are still thousands of carloads of freight m th - San Francisco and Oakland terminals and other thousands cf 1 carloads sidetracked at points be tween there and Portland, awaiting movement . Into th San Franclsoo ter minals. Th larger part of this tonnage Is lumbar. ' A fast as ears ar un loaded In San Fra'hclsco ths mptla ar moved out and mor load are moved In. Th clearing up of . th blockade 1 slow work and hss not, yet reached a stag where mor lumber can b ac cepted from Oregon mill for ahlpment to San Francisco.' It is probable' that weeks will '' elapee before a normal movement of lumber and other unperlah able freight Into San Francisco will be resumed. Meantime th lumbar mills may ship thslr . products to an? other point In California as usual. HEIRS OF MITCHELL (Contlnusd from Page Ona) petition' aaking that h b authorised to sell the real estate at private sale, stat- cAmerican : Restaurant OOB. STB OOUOK STS. Opea Bay and Wight, FrUS Besot dasas .15 Fried HaUbat, Steak.. Fried SaJmea Steak 154. Fries Ootambla BUve Smelts. ..... 154 Stom Stada asaag t.C-. ...... ..IK atntton Ohopa ..ICS Fork Cnope .....20 Teal Outlet .......SO Fried ataaa ....15 Fried Uvea and Oaloaa.. .IB Fried Bassm 1S Ftsktod tasik Ceifftft. Fotato Salad ........20 Floktod Flge Feet, Fotato SakU..,20 Ooraed Bf SlaeSv FDaeked Srg...lB Bread, Batter, Fetateee and Oeffee Wth all order. Blalasseot- fee leelea, v J" Your choice of our entire line , of Children's . v " Wash Suits One-Half Price Saturday Specials .5:30 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. Positively None Solo Before 1is Time Regular Regular 'Value 65c-'-". Value 65c 6-Quart Berlin Kcttlo ; A; ";; Royal Enamel .Ware W. V log that th property . can b sold for more mono?' at piivat sal than at a publlo sal. Th real estate la located largely In Holladay's addition, and was appraised at 64, 116. ' Personal, property snd cash In ths handa of ths adminis trator amount to 61.66. Ths heirs of th estate are: ' Mattl B. Mitchell, widow, residence II Rue de Constantino, Paris, France; John H. Mitchell, eon, St Paul, Mlnneaota; Jen nie M. Fawcett, daughter, Canton. Ohio; Hiram K. Mitchell, son. Fort Hancock, New Jersey; Mattl, Marquis d Roche foucauld, daughter, tl Rue da Conatan tlne, Paris, France; Allc Chapman, granddaughter, . .Tacoma, Washington; Mildred Chapman, granddaughter, Ta- coma, Waahlngton; Jorat Mitchell Han dy, grandson. NwN Tork City, and Ho bart Chatfleld-Teylor Handy, New Tork city. . , , i ..... CHILD SAVED ' (Continued from Pag Ona) waiting to remove- hla clothing hs plunged into th .water, and, diving, suc ceeded in finding tho body of th smaller boy. which wss st ths bottom of the river. H brought- him ' s shore, where th lad was Anally resuscitated. Lin sos' fsat . was witnessed by a number of others, who applauded him heartily. He didn't se anything very rem ark able about K, and so expressed himself. He wss asked to tell how he did It, and replied that there was noth ing to tell. He wss also asked for bis aliotograph. 1 ain i never naa none laaen. ne re- Plied. 'east a tamUz (roup. Tou kin mi; v Ml r 1 ..Ul;-;;'; ..U Regular Value 25c . 3 Steel Fry Pan 1 ) i have that If you want It There' nln or tan In tb family, I believe but- I ain't Quite' sure." Admirers of th lad's herolim who wltnased his bravery ar preparing to send hla name and the details ef hla dead to the committee tn charge ef the Carnegie hero fund. Lingo live with hla parents at lit Grand avenue.. GARFIELD PARK BANK ANNOUNCES FAILURE ' (Joaraal flpeHal tervtre.) " Chicago, Aug. 17. The Oarfleld Park bank. an. Institution on West Madison street.' wae placed In ths hands ef a re ceiver 1st yesterday afternoon by Judge Beathe In ths United State district court. Three creditors "led ths pet Ulna snd also asked that Fills E. Prsks, president of th bank, be declared fcf solvent. ' Th collapse ef th Milwaukee Aw- state bank Is ld to hsv c"- : eloatng of th smaller tnetttv . statement of assets er lisbi.... ) preeented In court. 1 ! 1 . L '-.J-i... ----- . Ttj TjJ Y;3 C::3 . Bears ths C;r.tirr i