Tins q-zz2:i daily jOLriAi; fohtlaiid. rrjDAY :;tz:::::o. aucu:t 17. I fJATORS luiTY SE TO BE ELECTED Term of Fifteen Democrat and -v . t f FlftMit RepubHcan Ex J;'i ; plrt In March ' MANY CONTESTS DECIDED " THROUGH POPULAR BALLOT ReauW in Montana, Idaho, Colorado DoubtfulChances Faror. Repub licana in Delaw, Kanaaa, Watt yjrflnla' knd Rhode Island. ' . -'i. lml M4al Servlca.! 3" i Washington, Aua. 1. Ths Wral at ' II Democrats and II Republicans whs '. hava seats In the United states senate entire on March I nest. The Demo- : enli are: Bacon. Georgia; ' Bailer. Tesaa; Berry. Arkansas; Blackburn, -Kentucky; Carmack. Tennessee; Clark, Montana: Dubois, Idaho; Foster, Uuisi ana i reelected): Oearln. Oregon; Me Iurln. MIealealml (reelected); Martin, : Virginia: Morgan. Alabama; Patterson, Colorado; Simmons, norm , vtrouwi Tillman, South Carolina. v f, ,., f The Reoublleans are: Alger, Mtoht- ' tu: Alleo.-Delaware; Benson, Kansas; Burnham, New Hampshire; Crane, Mas- saohusstts; Cullon. Illinois; uoinver, Iowa; Drydan; New Jersey; Elkins, West Virginia: Ftvs. Mstne; Oamble, Boutin Dakota; Millard, Nebraska; Nelson. Min nesota; Warren, Wyoming; wet more, . Rhode Island. . :':.' . Boms of the Democrats have already ; been reelected and others nominated by 1 popular -vote. Berry will be suc ceeded by Davie, Blackburn by Paynter, and Carmack by Taylor; Oearln will , be succeeded by Jonathan Bourns, a Re publican. The states jot Montana. Idabo and Colorado are deebtful, so the Demo crats haver lost one, and three are In ; doubt, v j .. - - . ' In the Republican Hat the stateex-ef ; Delaware; Kansas.. Illinois, West Vir ginia and Rhode Island are .doubtful, (Its in all. but the chances favor, the , Republicans in most of these states. -, The new stats of Oklahoma will sleet ' two senators, and the outlook there Is ' favorable to the Democrats. If a Democratic tidal ' ways ' should 'overwhelm- the Republlcaaa this fan three sr four other states now counted as surely Republican would sleet Dem ocrats. , .,:.. i LETSOH BALLIET IS UAKIIIG r F03TBI 13 TOMB Notorious Wildcat Promoter of Baker District la Doing Legit imate Mining Business. - Baker city,' Or.; Aua.' IT. Letsoo BaV- t Ilet is making; money hi Tonopah, ac 4 cording to T.-C. Shea, -who Is In Baker , Ctty.after having recently returned from the Nevada country, and ths Whits Swan i promoter Is now conducting legitimate mining enterprises. Mr. Shea says that, Ball let has a hold on some rood proper . ties and Is making- them ' bring In re- i turn . " '. i The statements are 'of great - Interest here, as Letaon Balllet has more than otioe threatened to corns back to Baker City and start a newspaper as soon as - he could agalq' get on his financial feet This Mr. Bhea says bo Is doing. Balllet went to Tonopah In the early v history of that camp and managed to ' get hold of soma good property which he Is exploiting; but not In ths sams old .1 . way. - Ha is conducting a business on a isgitimato basis and is slowly refill- . tng his puree. - - w L When yott have a Bad Breathwaice upi AKBUpl It's time lo take a Ceeoarel. 1 ' When ths Wand jra", speak to turn hi iao tba other way, :V ' : ' '"V W; ; Whan your tongue to coated, , ' Whan you have Heartburn, Baloh taf. Acid Rudnra In throat. : . ' . When Plmpls begin to paep out, Whee your Stomach Cnawa of Burns, :., :- 'r . ;' v '.-! v':V ; That'a tha time to chock coming Constipation. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. . , One aingls Candy Cascaret win do It tf taken at the right minute, Juit when jrou first fool the need of it - . Caacareta don't Purge, nor Weaken, , nor watte Digestive Juices In flooding ;uTthe Bowels, like SaTtaiastoTOnr "physksa.' 'f:: ' ' r ' J ' '-., rf ; But, they act like Enarolse pa tha Muscles that shrink and expand the In testines, thus psshlng the Food on Nat urally to IU Finish.' ; r ' , .' , When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby ; mey.neod Etsrcise to strengthen them potPhyato' to pamper them, v ' Caacareta provide the bracing tone that la needed specifically by the Bower' misyrles. ' :'"' 1 :' -! .,: i' Then carry tha Uttle ton-cent "Vest Pocket' box constantly with you, and : take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need Ik . ; . One Cascaret at a time win promptly claanae a foul Breath, or Coated Ton gue. ' thus proving clearly its ready, steady, rare, but mild and effective ao v. Have the little lOo Emergency box of : Caacareta constantly near you I --r-' ' All Druggists sell them over ten mU Uon boxes a year, for six years past I B vary careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet lumped "CCC." , ; . GOLD SEEKERS WILL RUSH TO THE AHT1F0DES Australian Predict That Continent Will Be Mecca ; 'l y for Miner. ; i -Is -v PU RE; ': IK) TNK URSERY Babyo Bath Daby'o Clothoo .' Pw an Ere Wuh, Month WmIl SterOUll , She Bottle and Washing NssUae. . ABSourrtxv pure ' Bewre ef snbetKutss sad bv.lh beraa. Tata ' aaly eS-Mele-Team. An seatars. Bend Je I aawde ead iUaetreted beeklet ea steraa tm ehaNaesersv Address - ' ' fACtWC CO AST BOKAX COMPANY Bfeea BelMlns. OakleeS. Ctllfwla. "20-HULE-TEAM" COtlAX SOAP Cave Hands, Clothe and Labor. Hi , ,,: ' ....... ... '.-'v. ."-::! ttosrsal BeelI Semee.V . Ban v Tranclseo, ,' Aug. i 17. Rlchara tevens, a newspaper man from Aus tralia, who la at the Baltimore hotel, ta on a abort -pleasure trip and intends while In this country to. visit doldfleld to See tha fight. Speaking of Australia. he-said;-' !:, t ; . i n,,ei, . i "Australia today Is ona of ths richest geld mining countries in the world. It is safs to say ths mines In Australia have richer and larger yields than ths mines In South Africa, with thalr nut prosperous times. Pew people have ever neara or the great gold finds In Aus tralia. There never has been a world rush to ths Island for the yellow metal. Ths gold there is easy to obtain, as there are . large number of . placer mines. Ths majority of metal comes In quarts, which has to be crushed. ' "One little town, not far from Mel bourn, of which ths average person In America has probably never beard, has a population of about te.Ooe, and sines It was rounded has produced ft60.eeO.eO4 worth of gold. The whole of Australia arrords a rich field for ths aoldseeker. "1 predict that before another decade bee run out there will be a rush to Aus tralia by ths gold hunters of the world and Its rich -fields will be appreciated. South . Africa, Klondike . and Ooldfield have each had a chaoos,- and ths next country ta serve as. ths cynosure of all eyee wm probably be Australia. wv" Lai lc:;;3. i.i ir--' t yinea I '' taethew L e t f ,i t taii.4aMSh"" i aTTiva ftsta a pai'TiA. .hi r ii-1 1 i H e.n i. inan Miasiianrsnnnrsi DEPEV7 IS HALTED Hi AUTO; CHAUFFEUR ARRESTED: SenatorAccuted of Speeding In Mountains of Westchester 'A'-J.i J County. 'O. "j;, . Cloerwl Sstelal BerTice.1i ', ' WMts-Plains, N. Ti Aug. IT. A bl red automobile, .In which. United States Senator JDspsw spends his time touring Westohestsr county, wse held up today la . Hartsdale . and -the chauffeur sr rested for speeding. . Senator Depew, with Mrs. Depew and' a woman ' friend.' was In the machine at the time. The party had been to Oliver Harrlman'e country place. . Deputy B her Iff Toanssnd. who la eon ducting a crusaje against automoblls speeders, saw ths car approaching and. stepping out Into the middle of the road, he waved a red nag. When the chauf feur brought the car to a stop tha dep uty told blm he was under arrest. Sen ator Depew, who waa In the tonneau. swstbed In a long linen duster, put up tltS cash ball for ths appearance of the cheauffeur and the party waa al lowed to proceed. .' ...i-.--. Senator Dspsw said he did not believe the machine waa traveling so fast, but admitted that the policeman might be right. He appeared to be In good hu mor, and as ths car pulled away waved his hand to a crowd that had collected at the roadside, and smiled. .- . : .'' ' ..'Btvoas etMa . raseelal NseetsB to ne rearaaU Baker City. Or.. Aua. IT. Mrs. W. Y. Kennedy of Pendleton was granted a divorce fey Judge Smith, this morning upon mi snowing rosoe ny ner wnen the esse was heard. The defendant en tered no appearance, and the complain ing wife was represented by Judgs Whits and I. J. Hsllner. The degree granta a restoration of the tody's maiden name. Mauds M. Taylor. She lives In Pendleton. when peine or irritation exist on any part of ths body, the application of Ballard S Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. B. W. Sullivan, Prop. Siilllvan House, El Reno, O. T., writes, June , ltl: "I taks pleasurs In recommend ing BaTtsrd's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives Immediate relief lio, tOS and ILtO. Wsodard, Clarke Co t , . r. V ' ; - ; t Corner First and Salmon Streets ' Tomorrow we offer the bankrupt early fall itock of the Burgee Co, ttd of Yonkera, N. Yi conaigned to The.Boeton by Ullroan, Parnets 8c Co commiasion. ' broker and auctioneer, 407-409 Houston SU New York. The most choice and elegant lot of men,', women', boy', misse and children' clothing, dresses, ' . riaUs aVirf sJimb. hata and nneral stock of dry foods, etc", ever offered at retail sacrifice. Over $50,000 worth must be sold at once at whatever it will kWnr at tArreri enl Tha haroina offered at this store are guaranteed to be from One Third to One Half lower in price than, the same . qualities ' can be bought for anywhere in the United State. We are the only concern in Oregon having direct'New York headquarter, buying for pot cash bankrupt and distre stock of Clothing, Hat, Shoes, Furnishing and Ladieaand Children wear of all kind, and dealer m general J.dry , good. Come tomorrow. . i 3000 Men's i Suits ; 40 pun. czm 07 vaivuii 153.95 For Dark and Medium, Color $9 and' , $10 Suits. ;.,;, ( i-'-'':'': ; 7.45 For all styles of pure wool and wor sted black, blue, gray and fancy, up to ?20 Suits. '; : ' ' f ? ";'..",'' " f 9.95 For Imported Materials, all hand tail ored, serges, Thibet, plain and faacy wor--steds ; worth up to $25. ;' v ?v ; '' ; 2500 Pain WctfsjPants- 05a.. ...... .For Men's up to $2.00 Pant;! $1.45. . . . ; .. . .For Men's up to $3.00 Pants 1 S1.95.. For Men's up to $4.00 Pants 65 For choice of cktra fine lot up tP $4.00-.; Men's and Doys Odd Vests. .V,-1-' - ;-;;' ?1.29 For Men's All Leather $2.00 Shoes 1.95 For Patent Colt stnd Tan up to $3.00 ,Shoea- ?25 For Fall Styles vici, etc, $3.00 and ; $3.50 Shoes. v . . ?-v" ' . :-: ' " , f 1.25 For extra quality Fall Styles $1.75. Boys' Shoes:' . ' $1 .48 For sizes 2 to 6 Youths' Fall $2.25 j r - shoes. Hats i Burgess Fall Stock Correct New York Fall ; .-. - ;' "Style at 'Great Bargains. ?i -. " $1.35 For Soft and Stiff up to $2.50 Hat fl'85 For Soft and Stiff up to $3.50 Hat . 2a For Best 5c Handkerchiefs. . &4 For 20c Suspenders. , lityif For all kinds up to 35c Suspenders. 19a For all kinds Police, etc.. up to 50c Sus-.-' periders. ".';. ' '-' 8e For 15c Sox; 12j4 for 25c Sox; 19a for " ' : ijg Sox. ' - . '' ' K ' : '' 19a Odd Men' 50c Underwear..'' - t 29 For Men' 65c Underwear. 39 For Men' 75c Underwear.' - i - Sldrts' .- r . 29 For choice of Soft or Stiff Bosom Odd and Broken Lots, worth 75c and $1.00. V 48e For Golf or Negligee, latest styles and ; extra quality sateens, easily 75c values. ' 69e For styles and grades of Golf, Negligee and Sateen Shirts, values from $1 to $1.25. 39f.For Men's 65c Bib Overalls. Boys' and Children's Dept. 1 Oa For a lot of S5c Boys" Caps. ' - 19 For extra fine Jot o 50c Boys' and , "; Youths Caps.-. : r -- '-v . 25 For Blue 50c Boys' Overalls. - , fl.48 For All Wool Boys' Suits to 10-year size, sailor, etc. styles; worth $3 and $3.50 81.85 For Knee Pants Suits, dark and me- ; dium colors, worth to $4.00. - . ! 19a..,... ...... ....For 35c Odd Knee Pants 29..,..;..,......,.,.For 50c Odd'Pants fc 39e. . ;:t .U , . .-. . , For. 75c Odd Pants The Beat Crow Black 'ironclads, etc. 127 For 20c' quality ; 19f for 35c quality ; 25 ...........For 40c Corset Covers-;.- 65a. .. Fbt $1.00 Muslin Underwear J 75e. . .For $1.00 Muslin Underwear . . 81.00, ; . .T. r. ; For $1.50 Muslin Underwear ' -fl.25. . . ...... .For $2.00 Muslin Underwear ; f Undcrsliirts - ' 48e For odd lot Blatk Sateen Skirts. J i 98 For splendid quality $1.50 Black Sateen 81.45 For Real Russelion $2.50 Black Skirts , f Ladies' ICnit Undcnvear : 1 25a For all 40c grades. ; " . 50a For-all 75c gradesrt-fallv ; 89 For -atl $1.25 gradeah-worsterL ; lZf For best .Black zuc Hose. ; . :J: ;,. ; Sill: Petticoats v ? "84.95 Will take choice of Burgess &Co? elegant'Ne'w' York styles, worth up to $12 . Cotton 'Gloves U3-ti 15 a................ For 25c Black or .White 25 ..........For 40c Black or White v. : . too Wool Skirts Latest , Fall Styles, Tailor-Made, From 81.75 For choice of 100 worth to $4.00. ; $2.85 For Pure , Wool Tailor-Made Gray, ; Black and Fancy, worth to $7.50. 84.85 Very select fall styles, all hand tailored, regular $10 to $12.50 value - v - Fell Jackets drab and tan Fait G 7.50 value. ' ? Ladies9 Cravcnettcs 83.45 For drab and tan Fait Covert Cloth,.- .regular $7.50 value. ' ?v'.-,; ;j:'yr-x'- .-X" 83.95 For Gray Mixed Full Ungth . $7.50 ; Cravenettes.' iy-y :'' .i-.v,.. , -y.:: 85.95 For Select AH -Wool $10,00 and $12.00 Cravenettes. ' :,.''.:.:, . V.c 88.45 For all Hand-Tailored $15 Cravenettes. 912.50 For black, tan, blue and fancy I m- ' ported Materials, hand tailored,;to $25.00 g . ' Cravenettes. " ' - ' - ; ' ' '"' ' Blankets' v- ; ' U 't. 85e For select quality $1.50 Blankets. . ; r" -81.45 For best $2 Gray, large $2 Blanket? 81.95 Velvet Fleece, large size, $3 Blankets ; " Ladies' ihd : 29. . .'. Fpr up to $1.00 values ! ' 69. ......... ;v. . . . . . For up to $2.00 value 1 - 48a) For fall styles 85c Wrapbers. : , . v 98a Elegant $1.50 fall style Wrappers. - : f 69a For choice of a big lot light and dark ' r color, including sateens, wortn to $3.00. Neckwear:; 10a, 15a, 29a, 39a, ZIOf, worth from 25c;; ;( ;:to $1.50 ' '! " .1', - 'i -j- a r"r nj Millinery rA:vA 48 For choice of all Hats, worth' to $5; the ; windup of all Summer Hats. ? - ; Table Lincni EtclL. la For Laces, worth to 25c' a yard. , 'v": J 'QlAB;FotxMl set bleached $1.75 Napkins,'; large size..' . .'-.'- t. ''- " -' 4a For Wash Cloths. :;','V' .98 For Genuine Babies'. Bedspreads. , : - ' 81.98 Marseilles $4.00 Bedspreads. , ; ' i i-. .i -v-7- Ilrddies! . jShoM V;-;f . 81.29 For $2.00 Common Sense. '.' '-4. -'.-j.1- 81T9 For Dongola, all shapes,' $2.50 Shoes 91.89 Fall Lasts, $3.00 shapes., . ., , ; ; , ' . The Boston, the Cheapest Store in the United 'rl r , v : .. . ; Sute. ;:: ; ' . : "'. at the BOSTON , . j Imitated by many and equaled by no other store In the Great West, The Boston is positively the only concern having direct New York connections,: buying for spot cash Bankrupt or Distress stock of all kinds and selling them at retail and wholesale on their own premises. The Boston owns and tells goods at least One Third Lower than any concern in Oregon, Washington or California, and many of the so-called great epecial. sale of distress stocks of clothing, etc., have been bought at this store from us by smaller merchants. We offer you the goods at the same price that we sell to the small merchant or fakers, as they are better known. ; So why pay them a profit? Come direct to headquarter The Boston Store, Corner First and Salmon. JILTED PASTOR WHO ASKED HAND IN MARRIAGE ' Preacher Who Talked Agalnt Remarriage of Divorced Per- - eons Popped Question. tfourea! Special an-riee.) Chicago. Aug. 17. Mrs. C K. Me Fsdden sst Oak Park tongues wagging lodar br publicly announcing that Rev. Sldner, Strong asksd her to be his wife. and that she "threw him down." . Mrs. McFsdden is a divorced woman, Un to this time ehe has kept silent as ta what was the basis of hsr state ment, but In ths l'ght of the fact that Dr. Strong, aa pastor of ths Second Congregational church ef Oak Park, wse formerly accustomed bitterly to con demn the remarriage ef divorced wom en she thought ths truth might be in teresting. ... Mrs. McFadden s categorical state ment as to the ststus of the engage ment wss ss. follows: . . t "I am aot engsged te Dr. Strong and sever was engaged te him. Four or flve weeks agobs came to me and proposed, t declined. My principal reason for re jecting him -wss that mjr father and mother objected." . 1 1, ... . i , (Maecial Dtepates te TWe learMl.) ' Paker City, Or., Aug. IT. Mrs. Msrls A. Hunsaken, wife ef B. Huneaker, a rancher living nortlr-of Baker City, died last night at St. Elisabeth's hospital, where aba had been for l&a fast three RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTORIA StcamerTELEGRAPH ! FABTBST BOA TOV STSB SAW eTUaTSrSLT MSXrtrmA ' crauBBrnro : Leaves Alder Street Dock, Port land .....I a. m. Arrive at Astoria at. ...... .....1 p. m. Ieave Astoria for home at,...l p. m. Arrrvs la Portland at. ...... ...I p. m. ?r?,?i.flo KeeJs Served a la Oaats, Carry Toar lVaaek U Tee Wis. V ,' , . , . , .... : :;. - A delightful Sunday trip a charming rids on ths grsateet river of weetera America -the beet steamboat en the Pacifle eosst Pelite atten- -lon te everyone. - . , . See the City by the Sea at Little Cost weeks. For Over a year Mrs. Hunsaksr had suffsrsd from dropsy. The deceased leaves two sons. Will Huneeker of Baker City, and two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Stewart of Portland and Mrs. Anna .Klnsey of Halfway. The two daughters and the eon, who are away Xros Bakar, are soable ta be present at the funeral, which will occur Friday afternoon.. . . . ;,: . Asaerloaas A Head SHuteraL , London, Aug. IT. The funeral of Mrs. Cralgis was field today. Ambssssdor Raid, hlf wife and a number ef other Amerleaad .were preeeae . . !!" ' When Vou have tired of the ordinary baker o bread you will find Butter-Nut loaf a re frcohinrj( change. 5c at Your Grocer's x q f.xx ; t-lN ' OCVCLOPtNO AHO J r&t,SMMT WALL KNOS 1 BaskaMaaBaasBsassasBt a &ap sforyoevzLOfieo ovr cat ' 1 n V I -TV r: