The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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    TK3' ORECO.-t .DAILY JODrrAU rOIiTlAIIP. FRIDAY .tVr"I"0. '.VC-"T 17.'
See Our Window Display of PERFECT
Commercial Bodies, Banks ' and
Newspapers Sign Resolution
'. to Government. V
r - - . ...... ' - .
VGood reliable merchandise at" a fraction of its real value. We are determined to make this day
the liveliest of the x whole "month every article advertised below is for one day only. ' No
.mau or xeiepnane; oruci a can dc uucu v ums nuuvu. . .
; ..''." ''v" -: ("'" '"v V'1 W--'. -J ':
;. -,., j ; "'' ; Samnle rfnrCorwt Covers best ctmbrl-w laa : ,
' yoke lac Around .arms-r-two row ribbon and besd- ... v
ing. Keguiar vwii uo.
At 27c Each
Sample Una Coreet Covera two rows lace Insertion
lace and ribbon trimmed around neck and anna.
Standard 4o value.. . :'v " ;',
At SOc Each
Indies' Mualln Gowns : and Skirts gowns with
tusked or lace yoke skirts luce trimmed. Choice of
the lot, Saturday, at 6o each. ,
Mid toX" tfOVSa In ' black ' and ft CA
j white: regular fl.os trade. s.7V
lOmonir OX.OTBB made of heavy drill
for i
for men. women, boys' and girts Special, C-
... .v ................... .V. . . . ."
Men's ' Golf '- Shirts new,"li0 pat-
terns best quality shirting, chev-
v lots and jKaaraa. iso aw Kllr
i fronts. $l.e and.lllevaluesyv,
7ji dosen Men's .Fancy ; So brown. :
' blue.' green. ,ltan and ' black' and
white mixtures. Standard SSc
grade; Here" Saturday VJlr
only, pair .............. ...'S'
... -. ' .; ,
Men's White and Tan , Pongee Shirts
fwriim stvla Mt Hood .brand
"made a llttleibetter'.than aeems' ,
, necessary."- Slaea Is to f?I JQ
Hi 2.oa vahiet ........
for ladles and
children plain or lac. Ef
.Regular. lea values, pair.."'
w f i m s a t n h u i m a- -
( Men's ' White Silk Mohair Shirts .
- negligee styles two front pockets. '.
, Regular $3.09 quallty..r- AC
Saturday only, each ..... s7Izu
J- Men's Cashmere Hose black, ; gray
ahd 'gray 'fancies.,' Our regular 2Bo ,
grade. Saturday only . , . JAg
Men's and Boys' plain white and col-
. ored bordered " Handerchlef a
hemmed, extra quality. Our regu
lar 19c grade. Saturday only.
each , .,
Ida. ..Saturday only, g
osxumnra vast vo.ok
'-(XOn double heel, knee and
toe. Our regular !5e . 7lr
value, pair '"fly
At 47c Each;
Great range of styles In Empire Bummer net and girdle in
pink, blue, white and drab. Our regular 78e and $1.00 values.
At 95c Each ;
Corset of best French' Coutllle Security Hoee Supporters
front and side covers white, black and drab. Beet $1.10
corset made. "."j. :! i
At $1.45 Each
Now model high bust short, medium and long hips straight
front made of best French sateen.' Regular $1.00 value
black, white, drab. ,'. .
tax: ooats, snrxTi a.wo wain trow ow xx-
XBXTzoir xm oxrm sxrmtooM aoon nooB.
JWrite for Samples
Write for Samples
Government Asked to ApproprUta
Million and - Half Remaininf of
Original Estimate for Coos Bay
' Project and Complete Work.
Desiring to close out this stylish footwear quickly, to make
; V-r room for Fall Goods, we are offering . . v
-..FORDS, regular $2.00 values" at.... ;.i eDleiy
. LADIES' VICI KID, in turns and extension soles, very
V, VstyHsVvery handsome and durable, always' CI 'ill
. sold at $2.00 and $2.50, now., .. .....v...... .ePle"
did values at $1.25 and $1.50, while they last at
ufM mm
the Park band will render the follow
ing program at Chapman square tonight
at 7:41 o'clock:
March. "Hall to' the Spirit of Libert r"
' , Sousa
Overture. "William Tell" Rossini
"Police Patrol" .Merrlt
Walts, "Wine, Women and Song".,..
'. Strauss
Medley, 'lioly-Poly".. . ......, .Johnson
Scenes from "Attlla".. ;....Vrdl
Intermesso, . "Love's Dream . After the
Ball". Cslbulka
Selections from "Mam'selle pfapoleon"
Descriptive, "Au Moulin"... Oillet
Twostep, "Uncle Bammy". . . . . .Holxman
Charles L. Brown,' conductor.
Plotted to Xin pons. '
Los, Angeles, 'Aug. 17 After a hard
fight li of the 1 letters Mrs. Bcheck
wrote to Stackpole, and which she had
kept In a aafe deposit vault, were ad
mitted in evidence today, in many of
them she mentions the plot made, to kill
her huaband. . ' "
The Beaver $3
,- Autumn styles are here
soft rnd stiff ; newest shapes.
. Ctradc. miuuc rb)
f PractlcallyJ-avervoommercial body,
bank and newspaper In cltlea on ltnea
of railway in Oregon is committed to
support of the movement to improve the
ship channel at t;ooa My.
" Peter Lorgle. president of the North
Bend chamber of commerce, and Carl
L. Albrecht,a representative of the
name body. . have completed a two
months' tour of the state in the Interest
of Coos bay harbor improvement, and
have aecured signatures to ths harbor
resolution adopted by the recent farm
ers' and shippers' congress held- - at
North Bend, The resolution , asks the
government to appropriate tl.T41.41l
remaining of the original, eatlmate for
the Coos bay project, and proceed - to
complete the Improvement.
The following signatures have been
secured: .. " .
Portland Commercial club: , Portland
chamber of commerce: the Manufactur
ers' Association of the Northwest; Ore
gon City board of trade: - Bt.
Johns Commercial club; ' Merchanta
National r bank of Portland; the
Title Uuanuatee. At Trust company of
Portland; A. L. Mills, president First
National bank. Portland; Ladd Tllton,
bank ere; Bankers' A. Lumbermen's bank.
Portland; the Bank of California, Port
land; Portland Truat company of Ore
gon; united States National bank of
Portland: Ashley A Rumelln, bankers.
Portland; Oregon Trust 4b Savings
bank; Hlbernls; Savings bank; Bank of
Wood burn ; Farmers' dc Mechanics' bank
of Woodburn; Oregon State bank, Jef
ferson; Salem Commercial club; Salem
Business Men's league; F. W. Waters,
mayor. Salem; -George E. Chamberlatn,
governor; Charles 8. Moore, state treas
urer; Robert 8. Beall. chief Justice;
F. A.- Moore, associate Justice; F. O.
1 alley, associate Justice; F. I. Dunbar,
secretary of state; J. R. Whitney, state
printer: Capital National bank, Salem;
Ladd Bush, bankers. Salem; Balom
Stats bank; Olendale State bank; Or'.n
Packing company; Marlon County Hor
ticultural society; Statesman Publishing
company; Dally Capital Journal; Wil
lamette Valley Prune association; Al
bany Herald; E. A. Langdon, Albany:
Albany Commercial club; J. W.-Cualck
sV Co., bankers, Albany; First National
bank; Eugene; Chambers-Brtsto Banking
Co., Eugene;. Eugene Loan de Savings
bank, Eugene; Commercial elub of Eu
gene; the Merchants Protective asso
ciation of Eugene; Eugene Guard; Eu
gene Register; Cottage Grove Commer
cial club; First National bank. Cottage
Grove; the ftiggett Publishing com
pany. Cottage Grova; the Leader Pub
lishing company. Cottage Grove; Bank
of Cottage Grove; W. H. ' Abrams 4k
Co., Cottage Grove; Western Oregon
Publishing company. Cottage Grove; C
Ross, King 4V Co., bankers, Toncalla;
Drain Commercial club: Bank of Drain,
Drain, Oregon; Commercial bank, Oak
land; Oakland Development league;. B.
O. Young 4k Co., bankers,. Oakland; Oak
land Owl: First National bank, Rose-
burg; Review Publishing company, Rose-
burg; Umpqua valley News; Roseburg
Commercial club; SkeUey. Lumber Co.;
A. C. Marston Co.; Douglas) County
bank; Umpqua Water, Light 4k Power
company; O. W. Wonacott, county Judge,
Roseburg; George W. Staley, eounty
assessor; George M. Brown, district at
torney; j. E. Sawyers, eounty treasurer;
Z. N. Agee, county clerk; H. T. Mc
Clallen, aherlff, Roseburg; the Sjatkes
msn, Roseburg; the Myrtle Creek' MaU,
Myrtle- Creek; Myrtle Creek Develop
ment league; First National Bank of
Southern Oregon, Grants , Pass; Grants
Pass Commercial club; Grants . Pass
Banking 4k Trust company; J, F. Gal
bralth, publisher, Grants Pass; Oregon
Mining Journal, Grants Pass; Rogue
River Courier,- Grants Pass; Med ford
Commercial club; Southern Oregonlan,
Medford; Medford Daily Tribune: Med-
ford Mali; Jackson County bank, Med
ford; Medford National bank; First Na
tional bank. Medford; First National
Bank or Ashland; Ashland Tidings;
Ashland Record; Bank of Aehland; Ash
land Fruit 4k Packers association; Rogue
River Valley Development league; Ash
land Commercial club; First National
Bank of CorvalUs; Willamette Valley
Banking company; Benton County Cltl
sens' league; CorvalUs Times; CorvalUs
Gazette; Independence National bank;
Independence Commercial club; West
Side Enterprise; Dallas board of trade;
Polk County Observer; Polk County
Itemlser;, Dallas City bank; Dallas Na
tional bank; Dr. V. B. Embree, Dallas;
First National bank, McMlnnville;" Mo
Mlnnvllla National bank; Telephone-
Reglster Publishing company, McMlnn
ville; News Reporter, McMlnnville; Mo.
Mlnnville Promotion club: The Boosters'
club oY McMlnnville; Oregon Develop
ment League or MCMinnvuie; First Na
tional bank. Forest Grove; Forest Grove
Tlmee; Washington County Publishing
company; Forest Grove board of trade;
Hlllaboro board of trade; E. W. Haines,
bankers, Forest Grove; J. W. Shuts,
banker, HlUsbord; Independent, Hills
boro; Ths Journal, Portland; Argus,
Hlllsboro; Oregonlan, ' Portland: Tele
gram, Poftland; Tlmberman, . Portland;
Butler Banking company, Hood River;
News-Letter, Hood River; Glacier, Hood
River; Hood River - Commercial club;
French 4k Co., The Dalles; The Dalles
Chronicle; First National bank, Ths
Dalles; The Dalles Optimist; The Dalles
Business Men's association; The Dalles
Commercial club; Commercial National
Bank of Pendleton; Pendleton Com
mercial association; First National
Bank of Pendleton; Pendleton Savings
bank; East Oregonlan, Pendleton; The
Promoter, Pendleton; Pendleton Tribune;
Eagle Publishing company, Psndleton;
Umatilla County Development leagus;
La Grande Evening Observer; La Grande
Chronicle; La Grande -Commercial club;
Eastern Oregon Trust 4k Savings bank;
Farmers' 4k Traders' National bank;
La Grande National bank; Elgin Com
mercial club; Flret National bank Of
Elgin; Recorder,. Elgin; Cltlsens' laegue
of Baker City: Baker Loan 4k Trust
compsny, Baksr City; First National
bank of Baker City; Cltlsens' National
bank. Baker City; Morning Democrat,
Baker City; -Baker City Herald; Bank
of Huntington; Huntington Herald;
Huntington Development leagus; First
National bank, Ontario; Ontario cham
ber of commerce; Oregon Forwarding
company, Ontario: Bank of Ontario; On
tario Democrat; Ontario Argus; ' Mal
heur Mercantile- company; First Na
tional bank. Union; KasterniOregon Re
publican, Union;-' ""Union Development
league; Oregon Scout, Union; First Na
tional bank, Newberg; Bank' of New,
- Made in the latest sack styles, single or double
breasted; from fabrics of tested worth; in rieat
check patterns,; mixtures, blues and blacks.
Every suit bears our familiar label, which
.is always d guarantee of good value;
Special Sale of Men's
Negligee Shirt's
, I.
Gur regular 75c values in assortment of pat
terns and colors , r ? Y
Q e t y.b u r Stilt
Tomorrow. Nigh
: Our Clothing Department will be open until 10 o'clock to-x-imorrow
night. ; You are invited to come in and pick out
your tuit during the evening, paying a small deposit, then
- nltr i- ' ' v:.'--''". '. .;'' .?.)
. . ..
IsawWcsiOsBSkia ;
Untl the suit is fully paid for. : It will be so easily paid for
you will thereafter make it a practice to buy your clothing
on the installment plan. Good suits, too we can't afford
to handle any other kind. ' ''-v';-:';'
Gevyrtz & m
173-175 FIRST ST.
819-227 YAMHILL ST.
berg; Newberg Enterprise; ' Newberg
bosrd of trade; Newberg Oraphlci As
toria chamber - of :. commerce; Irving
club, Astoria; Astoria National bank;
Astoria. Savings . bank; , The . Astoria
Budget; The J. 8. Delllnger Publishing
company, Astoria; The Astoria Progres
sive . association; Thomas Daley, city
treasurer, Astoria. '
mood la Bengal. '
iJeersal Special Barries.)
. Bombay, Aug. 17. An unprecedented
flood In Bengal has caused great loss
of life. AU communications eioept, by
boat are stopped. .-
THiaBWKxoa V.fl
- i
Maktt DitttUH ' ((
ll ' YountAgaia J
First Life' Insurance Company Organited in Oregon ;
Has Lower Guaranteed Premium Rates Than Any Other Company,
Reliable Men Desired as Representatives
F. D. Jones Co.
$7.CD k3