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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
Ti:s- cr.nccu - daily journal,' rcnTLAiiD, rrjDAY cvr::ii;Or August 17. it:3, OOSfflB BY l RMRsnn IIIIIUUII (ijth wo Out Irt Last of Ninth, ; Locals send Two Run- . nert Across. MANAGE .VAN HALTREN i y... y J PROTESTS THE GAME Oakland Captain Declares That Mc . Credie, Had No , Authority- to Change Umpires While th Game " Was' OnMcHale's Catch Feature. s Portland. ,4, Oakland I.; ' Batteries Essies and McLean; Ore' . '4iem and ' Haekett, '. v. : :'. '' .. , ' The ' giants annexed ' another game yesisraay, ikii me sea oia siory. . - The visitors are not -In the local's class. ' fiakieiul - haa a, Srood Mam. Van Halt .... ran la wlas to many t'hloaTU-TJiax r ocners., , 'v- t ,, . 'The falthfulv fans, "who stayed to sa ."'ins finish, though tha score was I to ,'.'. t In favor of Oakland, In the last "half . ; M the ninth, and the first two batsmen . eor Portland 'had tone out 1n " order, were. wet rewarded by seeing the locals ,,'.'. snaak upfront tte rtar and sand two runs across, thua snatching a rletory from what .seemed sure defeat. -. '. Buf basehall la baseball and sa long ss ' there is life there1 la hope, snd . on 'V this-hop the Giants found a way to win a hard fought but-loosely played ' -gamS.. ' ,f ,. . -Whether the game will go to Port land's credit Is Question, that-will be , settled by President Bert, ss Manager -.Van -Ha Wren haa 'entered a vigorous . protest. ' - Her - la the feature ' of the V game in,- words,! and -the-mueh-ebueed umpire - 'la' the subject of the story. - Oakland hit B..B. Esslck of Cincinnati for a- cnuple of' runs in the third. . . Graham was pitching great bail. In the ... eighth Oscar got hla wires crossed and eclated 'by several- errora the Qlants "' tied the- score. In the first of i the - ninth Kruger alammed out ' single. ' eiackstt,- the "rat,- knocked a triple, - end Oom Paul scored. : This made the "tore tJ t in Oakland's favor. :. ; ' '.Was Bop Was Peed. ' -. In their last chance Esalck tiled out to left McHale dittoed to second. It : , really looked a cinch for the locals to . 1ofce. The fans war leaving their seats. It appeared all off. Including the shouting.- Bin Sweeney was up. Bill Is a bad 'than from IHlblrh. - His' ancestors Vers bad men with the club. ' Be that as it .may, BUI whipped out a double It waa an American beauty. Mike . Mitchell appeared at tha bastlls with Toat In hand. Graham looked worried. " Mike's reputation as a hitter resulted In Graham glvlnr h!n four balls, knowing . mat Mccredlu waa next up. Now, Me- Credls was mint sauc for, Graham when It earn to making a bit. Oscar looked pleased, but his fsoe soon changed when McCredle 'called In Donahue, who was aotlng as umpire, to bat for him. - Donahue la ths boy, of Tralee. Pat waa happy. Van Haltren objected to McCreedle substituting Gum for umpire in Donahue's place and regis tered a protest with the offlolal soorer, 'KoOredls of Oibreltas. . ' -. Th local manager - wouldn't, relent, snd Donahue went to bat. He caught a choice on on th y snd It went for the field 'Sweeney started home from second. The tferow wsa good but before the collision between Haekett and Sweeney, the stout catcher dropped the ball for "S. -second snd Umpire Onm de clared Sweeney safe. This tied the scare. ' , .. ,. .... . . , - A mighty howl went iip'by the Com muters, .who insisted that Sweeney, waa out but Gum couldn't be talked or chewed Out of the decision, and the game went on. Portland still needed s run to win' snd Jud Smith : promptly singled snd scored Mitchell. That Waa all.7 -., - : " , .,.. - .' . i : Ths feature of the game was Mc-Rale's-, brilliant - catch-- of - Devereaux' drive la th ninth. The soore: . ;, ' " ' POBTLAND. " ' - "". ' -- .' il ' AB. R H. PO. A. K. 1 McHale, cf. ......... 4 1 1 1 Sweeney,' ss. u 4 I' l l Mitchell, ir. , 4 McCredle, rf.' ......... 4 Smtth, l I Moore, 2b. ........ .t t McLean,. o. t Lister, lb. ....... t... 4 Esslck, p. V... 4 ponohue . . .......... I 11 1 e x e i 1 x'e i. i ! e e ' e I B 9 Totals 9 e ,o mmr OABXAND. ' i ARa'H.PO;A.E. ; COTOiT : Badssr ' Athletio Club ' of Mil , waukso Prsssnts an 'lntsr sting Fight Program. jr. SmltK, rt. ' ..V....4 1 0 '! or. .... J 4 Q Ifl f J Van Haltren, Kruger, jr. HacketU c Devereaux,' , i 1 1 aw U. .......... Francka, as. Graham,- pv ......... .. fa . . 4.'1 lb. .4 0 1 ... . ...... 4 0 1 lb. ...!.. I ?0- e . e o 1 . . 0 Totals . ..... ...It ll U 4 r " ; r ' SHRIVE &Cpmpany- itialiout':' itmbeT'rst,:their;tern- j porary building a. "C I yahNess ; Ay. and -; 1 Sacramento Street ' "Co m p 1 e t 'stock of DIAMOND and - G O ID . JEWELRY, : WATCHES, SIL VERWARE, GLASS- "WARE, STATION ERY, ETC., now on 1 ' sale) -at y ...,'.'.': ,-' .' Po t Street and ' .Grant Avenue . SAN FRANCISCO f it - E'l '.. J -" ' - Two out'whsn winning run scored, t ,. ; SCORE, BT INNINGS. Portland ....... .0 0 0 0 9 0 t t 4 Hita . . l i e o o l s s i Oakland . . OlltMM 1 I Hits . . ..0 S -m I I 10 1 Bf - - - - nrjMMART. Struck out By 'Esslck. T: by Grsham I. Baaes on balls Oft Easiok. I; ofl Graham. (. Two-base hlta McHale, Sweenev. Three-base hit Haekett Double plays 'J. Smith to Francka to Halley to Haekett: Hailer to Heltmuller. Stolen bases Moore, McHale. - First base on errors Portland, I ; Oakland, 1. Wild pitch Graham. Left on baaes i-ortlsnd. 11: Oakland. 4. Time of game two nours. umpires uonoeue, asm snd uopkins. - 'S AMERICAN leacue; ' ' - .'. " ' v.' . ;'' -i ' ' WoavLoit P.C Chicago . .....l q 41,, .894 New York . ..64 r 41.- . PhlladelphU . .......41 ' 44 : .181 Cleveland .......... IT . , 44, - .644 t. Louis. .. .....61 '60 .611 Detroit .'. ....'........Il: , 4 f . Washington . .' ..".....i40 ; 61 8 Moeton . st , .isi At Boston. , R. H. 14 I r i . Boston 1 .4 ' T - Batteries Patterson, Altroek -and Sullivan ; . Harris, Peterson , snd Carrl- gan.- ' ' v At Vhlladelohls. First game , - R. H. B. Cleveland . . .4 Philadelphia, . . . 1 .l.v. . .1 Batteriee Hess -and Bemls; Wsddtll, chreck snd Powos,-. -j , Second ame-i R.H. Cleveland . ........... ,1 Philadelphia..,., .....I T 1 Batteries Bernbard and Bemls; Bender and rowers. ; . -'. k ''t"Tif wsaasrtssi."'"- Jv Washington .k.r........l 4- 4 St. Louis 10 Batteries Smith and Warner; Glsds and Rickey, . . . . . -. .. liliwTork. . . . R. BJ. Detroit ............... .......I II t New Tork ....... .;. ......1 4. I Batteries Mull in and Schmidt; Orta and Meuutr. - - .- : j NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At Basts, ,.iif eiit fi ii l ..oeisiooot i u i R. H. B Bum EDOkana . Batteries Toren eel Swindells; Rush, Machola, Altmsn and Buess. R. H. H Taeoma ...... .1 J 1 16 14 4 Grays Harbor . .4 0 4 1 1 1 4 11 I Batteries Doyle and Shea; Blinker and- Boettiger. umpire huiioh - New Rooming House Fnr QalA...P(iP!in I VI UUll; VIIUII ; , '. '-.:,. . i ,;- -;;:."' i ' ' '' ': ' . LOCATED WITHIN 7 BLOCKS OF FIRST ; ' AND YAMHILL 18 ROOMS JUST FINISH ; ED IN FINE STYLES-CENTRAL LOCA '1 ; ..; ; TI ONNO TROUBLE TO KEEP FILLED. . V ' LOw RENT. V':y.v.'--;;: "' :: '.". ''y ' yvf '.' : K . -v. We have a bargain for. some one who wants to en-' ter the rooming-house business. We have just com . pleted the furnishing of a 16-room lodging-house ,- In up-to-date style with brand new carpets and fur- - nlture. It is all ready for business. Circumstances ;y- t enable us to offer you a very great bargain." Call ' '" and see us for further particulars. . 1 tt - Qevurtz cSc Sons ,' J ' 173-175 FIRST ST. I "..'. ' V , - , ' . ,'" 219-227 YAMHILL ST. 'Mearaat Special Srles. Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. IT. An eight- round bout between Charley Neary. th Milwaukee lightweight, and Aurello Herrere, the hard-hitting Mexican, Is the magnet that la expected to draw the patrons ot th Badger Athletio club to the club arena tonight The bout has been under discussion for a long time M witn tne approach or the date the lnSsreat among th fight followers haa Urened-to a noticeable degree. It will be Herrera's first appearance In the ring alnce hla fiasco with Battling Nelson at Los Angeles.. ,.,,,. t The paat records of the two fighters Justify the expectation of a lively betUe. They have met three time and each contest has been a draw. If Neary suc ceeds In getting the decision la tonight's go be will immediately endeavor to get on a match with Nelson. k . Both , Nssry and'Herrera have been working faithfully to get Into condition, though the Mexican as a rule-is notably lax In his training work. Both now so- pear to b In fin fettl. fit to fight th battle of their Uvea Several ptouilalug pielhnlnaHes have been arranged by the club. Tha com plete card for th show is as follows: Aurello Herrera vs. Charley Neary, 110 pounds; Steve Kinney vs. Harry Orlffin, 111 pounds; Jack Nolan 'va. Willie Mo Namara, III pounds; Young Sharkey va Toung Oreenwald. 105 pounds. " SPORT1NQ GOSSIP. v ; Manager Van Haltren based his pro test yesterday on rule 41, which reads ss follows: - . , . i- - , "Theyumplr can not be changed dur ing a championship game by 'the eonaent of th contesting clubs unless the of ficial in charge of the field be . In capacitated . from jervlc by Injury or Illness." - ,.. .- e ,k - - ;. ., ; ' Jimmy McHsle's catoh of Devereauxs hard drive In the ninth, his quick re covery and perfeet throw to the plate, that kept Haekett from scoring, was the prettiest play, of the game. . 'e e - s. '' , '. ' Oscar' Oraham was sore over losing th gam. His work was good through out but his support wss ragged. ,.-.- e e ' , '. ' i Van Haltren said that If Halley had played where he was told he would have had Ju4 Smith's driv in easy Isshlon.' .- ,..-;. - . ."' A"" Dasebaa- Uwyer : submits these "fscts In the trouble over the change of th umpire": Th league was to blame for not having an umplrs on the field; If Donahue had been on the bench he oould have been called to bat; If Port land had forfeited the right to us him at a, critical moment It would have been due to the league's carelessness; not even a baseball team should be forced to euff er through th sin -ot an- oiner; ir tne league sits la Judgment on this game It will have to convict Itself of the offence of not bavins an nmnlre ready: to act; by sanding Donahue to Da roruana aid not gain any advantage In umpires; th team should not lose a gam because It accommodated the league, . , . . ' ' V ;-' '.th ?oist. .league ' need' effieui . who can . arrange matters so that Portland can have a regular umolre fine. In . while. .Heaven knows that th umpires sent her are bad. enough, but then the Olantaean bear any eld - thine that comes along, even an umpire. . -----. Portland crack "colored ball team wants a game for Sunday. Call on Man ager C. A, Fair,. Portland' hotel barber shop. .- . ,.; ; e e , Th football rules Mmmlttu iii. revfaed ths rules, consists of L. M. Den nis, Cornell, chairman; W. T. Reld Jr., Harvard, secretary: James A. Babbitt, Haverford; John C. Bell, University of rennsjrivania; waller ijamp. Tale; F. nomer juniss. Texaa. southern eni, legee; Charles D. Daly, West Point; Paul J. Daahlell, Annapolis; J. B. Fine, Princeton! E. K. HalL . Dartmouth! James T. Lees, University of Nebraska; C. W. Savage, Oberlln; A. A. Stagg. university or cnicago, and n. U Wll llama. University of Minnesota. - . e e -, Sweet Maris trotted a mile vestsrdav at Poughkeepei In l:0H. This is th rastsst tim ever made, by a . trotting mare. , . - r -'"" e e . The fifth snd sixth trial races for the ttooseveit cup, - hem orr Marblehead. war rua yesterday, by th Auk and Sumatra, 1 1 ' H eTuisroiUfsTi Ii: ii. your lil y W offer the facilities of a well-culpped trust company, guided by the experience of successful men, In the os re I and management of your ln- teresta "; If ag. r Ill-health, Isck ' of , tim or any othsr clroum stsno Incapacitates you from ftvlng your affairs the attea Ion they demand, plao them In our charge. Conault us free ly as to what Is best to be : done to protect and further , your property Interests. x - W do a- general banking and trust business, receive 4e ' , posits subject to check, pay 4 ' i, per cent interest on time do , posits and currant raws oa 'savings accounts. - - . . 7--nrMXTASrfISMO0tde 3. Frank Watson .... Prstdnt , . R. L. Durham.. Vice-President . W. H; Fear .Secretary ' 8. Q. Catching. -ASst Secretary ' Uercbs&fs Investsest A , Trust Company ( S4T WasUagtem JMsee. M . NATIONAL LEACUE. Won. Chicago . '. :..7 New York , It J Pittsburg . . Philadelphia.-. Cincinnati Brooklyn . St. Ixuls Boston . ....... . 41 ....19 .IT Lost. 10 14. 40 M l 43 . Tl PC. .TIT .lT .121 .461 .411 .188 .161 .141 Chicago , Brooklyn At Chisago. i hi. ..I,'. R. H. E ...i io e lit Batteries Pfelstcr and Klln- fuib. lett and Bergen. . , At Plttsbarg. . M W I Pittsburg. . ............. ..r is i fr. A . I -I nongn o s a Batteries Hlllman anl " nihum, Pfelffer and Necdham. At St. Koala.. First gams whs St. Louis. , i-s. Now Tork to II 1 Batteries Beebe,' Thompson and W. Marshall; Amss. Fer'a-uson. McOlnntt and Bresnahan. Second same t M w St. Louts ........ ......! 1 Nsw York . t 14 I Batteries Kaiser and Noonan; Mc Olnnlty and Bowsrman. Umpire O'Day. PACIFIC COAST LEACUE. Won. Lost- Portland ,,..87 It San Francisco .., tl -4i ' Los Angeles 4s - Seattl . , . . . .' . . .-.44 19 Oakland ,.....,.41 . 61 Fresno . . ...41 47 . .670 .601 '.614 .427 .14 .III r n rr m Only a . few more ! days sale on wines and liquors Full Quart Whlsklas " Regalar $1.00 '-. - Special 75c Full Quart Whlsklas Regular $1.50 . Special 95c Full Quart Wines Special 25c TOII Treasure uouse 108 SIXTH 'ST. QUAKE MOVED Wmmi ALOaG EEL RIVER Stockmen Find Bed of Streiam Shifted Hole Found In Mountain. 2 - (jowasl Special servtes.) WlllowsrXal., Aug. IT. HunUrs and cattlemen dlsoorsred this summer many changes la th mountains alone th Eel river and in th stream Itself. Thess ar supposed to be du to th earthquake of April It. Soma atookmen hav Just found a hug opening In th aid of St John mountain, on of th loftiest peaks of ths ooast range, lying near the boundary Una between Olena and Lake counties. The crevasse varies from 19 to II feet wide and Its depth Is unraeasureble, as hug stone thrown Into It oaa be heard striking th sldss for sight or tern sec onds and no sound of th boulders hit ting th bottom can b hoard. It Is a constant menace to th large oattl in terests having their center In this Im mediate neighborhood. A NEW DEPARTURE. - I The Cost of Interments Satf Been Oreat- ly Beduoed by Tas Bolaaaa Vaaw taklag Oompaay. Heretofore It has been ths custom of funeral directors to make charge for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. The. Ed ward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portlsnd. beginning July 1, 1104, will depart from this old custom. When the caskst Is furnished by us Its cost will Includs all charges, such ss convoying ths remains to our chapeUoutslde bos. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services whleh may be required of us except clothing, cemetery end carriages. thus effecting a saving or lis to TI on each funeral. THB EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKE INO COMPANT, lie Third street, corner Salmon. '' Tickers Boats Baa.. . , (Journal Special eriee.t Oakland, Cel.. Aug., IT. Rub Tick- '' OUBBS aOIATXOA. Rev. W. 1- Riley. LL TX.Cuba, New York. Wrltee: "After fifteen davs of sxoruclatlng pain from sola tie rheuma tism, under various treatments. I wss Induced to try Bsllsrd's Snow Liniment; tha first SBDllcation glvlnr tn tirat rs. lief and ths second entire relief. I ran five It unqualified recommendation, lio, to. tl.eo. Woods rd. Clsrks Co. ers homo run In, ths tenth Inning yes terday won the game for Seattle. . The scorss ' ... i " ' ' R. H E Seattl . . , . .S 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I I I 1 San Francisco. .0 SOeeeeOl 01 4 I Batteries Vickers and Hansen; Mey ers and Spies. - ' Tigers Beat Aagels. - - tJimm.l apeelal Serries.l -Los Angeles, Aug. 17. Ths Tigers hit th ball at th right tim yssterday snd trounced th Angela Soore: . " R. H. E. Is Angel 190 1 f I Fresno . . . . . .0 1 1 1 0 0 j 0 T 6 Batteriee Nagl and Eager; Mo Oregor and Dashwood. 'Innir Per- t ,.,'.., . . , MI Ell v '.'.'.'.'' ' . " ' IPm1I(IS : IN THE HOUSE AT This does not mean -rlt ' means that we aire going out-of the) Boys Clothing busmess,andh the entire stock ---consisting of ' about 600 ; suitson ? sale at jiijat one-half of the marked pri been the lowest on the coast Any $5.00 Suit Now $2.50 Any $4.50 Suit Now $2.25 Any $4.00 Suit Now $2.00 Any $3.50 Suit Now $ 1 .75 Any $3.00 Suit Now $ 1 .SO Any $2.50 Suit--Now $ 1 .25 Every good style, Every good fabric Sizes 21 to 16 ARID 0TOC0ATS. Td otBD 87 THIRD (Co IP v.. ' - r WE'LL SHOW YOU THE BEST RANGE ON EARTH j - llabUL IV-5i . I Ifydacometousand look at the Celebrated LAUREL RANGE ', . jphJh yTf y' A Range That Will Save You of Your Fuel Bill the First Yecr COVELL TXTTJ'V'P , On accoimt of its scientifically cc V Y XjL X T structed double flue. Every bit of heat is utilized before going up the chimney. If you want the best BUY THE LAUREL, Terms $1.00 a Week ; Q U A R A NTEED 25 YEARS FURNITURE Co. 184-186 FIRST STREET We Furnish Your House Complete and Give You An the Credit .You Want ANARCHISTS LOOT DEPOT KILLING POLICE OFFICERS (Joaratl BpeeUl lie ike.) Odessa, Aug. 17. Anarchists at tacked the freight depot today and bes-aa to loot. Aa .Inapeetor of police Snd three constables upon Interfering were killed br the thieves, who stole f 0,000 roubles and escaped. . SPEND SUNDAY AT SEASIDE Casap BaSse isl Basse o AQ Tl jl. a. m. a. Tsks sdvanUse of tha two-dajr fl.BO round trip excursion rats offered by tha A. A C. R. R. to Seaside and spend Saturday and Sunday at ths beach. Am ple accommodations at reasonable rates for all. Tickets st 1 4 Alder street and ths Union depot ticket offloe, ' If yea havs set aarwersd fas Yea, sal Wast Ads lately ytra aars rottea eat ef esoaa wtu talaga, . The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PI. AM. l fr r--y 4t 'um:s ' 8 y y - m .? -!f , :; VV ' . - 5 , XMAOXM9-tmOKM BBSOB 09 VMM fACma C Blesuis Uht, Steea. Bol ssd OolS Sell WtlT Is Mrmt T. J" ' t Psrlae Oeaatr, Wash. retoMn SSSnas, SfeekeM. V . . P. i, i