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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
r k , :,f ...... v .. .. . ,. ORzcor; daily jouhiial, Portland Friday r,vz::i::G. ' izzi. .JvsrtJsss'to J Secure Rate on ; ; Feeding Prisoner at County jail for Period of One Year : ; From September One." 3 ' Folic-win ' .frequently - announced policy the county eourftoday drtrtltd tor blda for feeding the county prie- onera Ttaa court bu naked forlds fori serving- two meela a dy for II mUn .beginning September I. . Bide win ne re ceived by County Clark V. 8. Fields un 1Unoan of -August . when thsy will . te opened. ' ' No communication to th court haa fees made by Sheriff Stevens and there haa been no consultation between them alnoa for about four- weeks, whea the aherlff asked ttma to consider tha prop oaiUoti that tha- commissioners' court feed tha nrlsonera. ;. J odea Webster and CommlBalonero Barnes and Ugbtner have frequently aid that thay believed thay could save 4 he county f 10 or mora a month by feeding tha prlaonara and tha following advertisement, prepared tnia norai Indicates that thay Intend to try: ywssssls foe Tssdlas; Ooaatw SMssswve, "Bids will be received by tha oonnty .court of Multnomah county for feeding tha prlaonara conflnad In tha oounty Jail f thla oounty for a parlod of It month beginning Beptembar 1, IMS. two maala a day to ba served aa follows: "Breakfaat. served batwaan tha noura of T:i and a. nv, to oonatat at ona order af maat and" potatoes, coffee with ausar and ana half loaf of bread for each prlaonar. .- v" i 'Dinner, to ba . served batwaan tha hours of 4 and p. to conalat of ona order of soup, meat, potato and ona other vegetable, taa or ooffee with agar and ana half loaf of brand for aach prlaonar. ."Bids will ba received until Tuesday, iurut t, MM, at 11 noon, whan thay will ba opened. All blda abould ba aaalad and addressed to Mr. T. B. JFIelda, county clerk. Tha oounty reserves tha right to reject any and all bids," - ' COL TICHNER DIES ; AT COLORADO SPRINGS v'" Sseslal Nspatca ta Taa tonal.) ' , Bakar City. Or Avar. 17. Among - stranger end alone, Sol Tlohnar, owner , of tha White Houae store, died Monday night la a aanatortum at . Colorado tp rings.) ' It waa not until yeotarday morning that bla relative in Bakar City knew of tha death. While ha lay dying his brother and nephew, Carlton Bam bargar, were speeding to hla aide. De layed trains kept them-from Colorado I prlng until yesterday afternoon, when 1 bay arrived to find him dead. Imme diately the brother, Moaa Tlchner, wired the Baker City relative. Mr.- Tlohnar waa a brother of Hrt - It Bamberger end another sister. Mr. Sam Strauss, Uvea in San-Francisco, and these, with hla brother Moaa Tlch ner of Portland, are tha only aurrtTlng near relatrrea. Mr. Tlchner bad not been wall for many months, but bad continued at hla bualneee nntU. in taking a brief vaca tiea laat June, ' ha want to Bait Lake. Thara ha waa 111 and tha physician diagnosed lung trouble, and advised, him to go to Arlaona. Ha waa unable to , stand tha trip, but went instead to Colo rado Spring's, where hla decline waa quick, and death soon followed. ' Mr. Tlchner waa a prominent Elk and waa well known aa an Odd Fallow. Tha re- win ba taken to Portland. CUTS WIFE'S THROAT i ' THEN COMMITS SUICIDE qearssl. luttal Serfc.t -' Log Angeles, Aug. IS. Edward H. Sanderson, secretary of the California Truck company, want suddenly Insane lata yeaterday afternoon, killed his wife and committed suicide la their palatial home. 1IM West Lake avenue. The double crime waa committed with a rasor. Evtdenees showed that Mrs. San derson fought a terrific battle for bar Ufa before overpowered. ; After alaahlng his wlfa'e throat. San derson want Into his own room, dosed ths doors and windows, stopped up the cracks, torsed on the gas, stretched himself on a couch with his bead hang ing over, and with one atroke of hla raser almost severed bis head from bis body. ; - . . , i NARROW ESCAPE OF J BOY AT EAGLE POINT ' fgpaetal Dispatch The tonal.) -. . Kedf oreV Or., Aug. rT. Tha postofflce building at Eagle Point, the eastern ' terminus of the Medford -Crater Lake railroad, burned at S Colock thla morn ing. ' Tha loss is about I1.I00 and tha . Insurance 1700. Postmaster Plorey oc eupled the building aa a residence. His family waa absent In the mountain except ona boy, who had a narrow eacape rrom ina nre,. escaping in fcls nlgbt ; . clothes. -, -k BLOW TO FRATERNITIES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS .;-...- ,j;v ' (Jeeraal Special Serrlea l Olympla, Wash., Aug. 17. In the emae of Oeorga Wayland by his guard ian aa litem, Kusssll way excellent va '. the Board of School directors of school , district No. 1 of Seattle, by EL C. Hughes at al.,- respoadenta. the suoreme -court has affirmed the decision of the lower court striking out the complaint Tht decision ( confirms the Tight of . school directors to prohibit students rrom joining Greek letter fraternities and simnaf organisations. . WARSAW PEOPLE ARE ' i - : FLEEING FOR LIVES -learaal gpsHaL tsrrtet.r ' Bucharest. Aug. 17. A Warsaw panic ft following the killing of th Jewa and I undreds of fugitives are rushing on to ' loumanla. - Ths refugees say the antl j swish rlotg have extended until none . I -el safe. , . .t ,. . t . , CZrCCITO.IS ARE NOT VVC.u'.IEDACOUT MONEY i r. i . ' . Chelsea, MasS4 Aug. 17. When the depoaltora of the First National aaw tha bank waa cloeed.thls morning they went uietly away with tha popular belief oat the bask wUl pay 100 cents on ths dollar. . s m,FDGTO 1002 TEO . STATES SHI Emperor Telia" American Editor That He Contemplates Visit' Z-J ).t to America.' - Unml BneXal garrlei.t Berlin. Aug.- 17. At the apeclal ra- Queat of tha emperor, Herman Judder, editor of the New York Staata Zettung. prolonged hla sojourn at Wllhalmahoa for a aecond audience witn me aaiaer. which took Dlaoa yesterday. The emperor epent mora than an hour In animated conversation on American topics. - He said It was hla daareat wlah to go to America and make personal aoouaintanca with President Roosevelt. whom he admired Intensely, and also to aea the American country and tpe peo pie. Whether aueh a vlsu could be made., he added, depended .upon . the views of hla ministers and advlaora, The"-e)nrpgn temarlied -that- erhen ha proceeded to the Scandinavian shore-or Mediterranean he waa constantly in touch with his home authorities and tha Introduction of wire lose telegraphy-ma Immensely facilitated tha pro pacta of hla visit to America, The emperor aald in perfect Bngllah: - "Tha sooner I can go tha batter pleased l than te. ALLEGED RIVER PIRATES CAUGHT BY DETECTIVES Captain Kldd, . whose example , aa a pirate haa been ao successfully emu lated on tha Willamette river lately, would weep for Joy ware ha living and had he been allowed the pleasure of aeelng four large and husky Port land detectives and ' policemen arrest three youtha who have been making Ufa miserable for wharf owners. Tha policemen are Detectives Hart- man. . Vaughn. Hellyer and -- Rasing. Tha arrested parties are Arthur Covell, aged if, Charlea Elmer, aged II. and Thomas Peterson, aged 11 It la said that there are other mem bers of the gang of pirates for whom tha police are looking and their arrest is expected at any time. The boys have been engaged "In petty stealing from tha wharvea and vessels on tha river.. DECLARES HE COULDN'T MAKE CUSTOMERS LEAVE While tha Are waa In proa-res on Washington street laat night, police men discovered that tha Palmen Oarten saloon waa open. . The hour waa 1:10. which ta half an hour later than tha law allows resorts and aaloona to serve drinks to oustomers. Otto Nussler, the proprietor, waa arrested . and when asked why he had permitted tha In fringement' of the law to occur in his place he stated -that bo had -tried to put tha people-oujt, but that they -would not go. Nussler will . have an opportunity to explain re tha court. ' v ,: CLEARING WAY FOR 1 Y BLUE MOUNTAIN CASE . The work of clearing the way for the Blue Mountain reserve case, which la sat for trial next Monday, waa taken up In the federal court . thla afternoon. Arguments on demurrers ad pleas of abatemam Hunt: ' There are three defendants. State Sen ator Franklin - Pierce Mays, George Sorenson and Wlllard N. Jones. Ths crime charged in tha Indictment Is con spiracy to defraud the government out or acres or publto land in what waa known -,aa ths Blue Mountain re- serve, -..., . . I EAGLES TO MEET IN - : SEATTLE NEXT TIME tyearsal gperUl Servlee.) f ' Milwaukee, Wla, Aug. 17. The Eagles at thla - morning's session sDoroved Seattle for the convention In 10I and adopted a resolution to.esUbllsh a uni form rank. Otto Schoenfeld i withdrew from the grand trustee ticket and aald ha waa nominated without his consent Judge March of Ban Franolaoo reported i, vug in tne rener rund, left to be saved for winter when houaee will be needed. . -, . - COMMERCIAL CLUB IS THREATENED BY FIRE Fire broke out In tha Klkolodeon. the moving picture show at Sixth and Alder street a, at t:l o'clock this afternoon, but It was put out before caus ing much damage. The Nlkolodeon Is located directly under the rooms of ths Commercial, club and the members In ths elubroom msds a rush for the street upon learning that tha club waa again . In danger of being burned out MOODY DEPARTS FROM OYSTER BAY CAPITAL (Jesrsal Seadal BerHee.t Oyster Bay, Aug. 17. Attorney-General Moody - left .this morning. The prestdsnt . today entertained General Wilson.-retired, Cleveland H. Dodge of New Tork City, and Colonel Cobbo of tha English army. EXPECT INDICTMENTS , "IN STANDARD QASE :.','"' . ' '.. ; - Joarsal Seedal Service.) - Chicago, Aug. 17. Three employes of the Lake Shore testified before the sec ond federal ' grand Jury Investigating Standard Oil and Lake Shore relations today. It la believed the Jury la ready to return Indictments as soon ss some federal Judge returns to this city.- Tha first Jury will report Monday. , PRINTERS REFUSE TO , BACK HEARSrS FIGHT ' ' rjonraa! Special "rrlce I --' ' Colorado Springe, Aug. 17. The print- era refused to Indorse Hearst's . efforts on behalf of the labor Qght made in a resolution, declaring it political.. It was withdrawn snd a compromise resolu tioa will be Introduced .later. ' SEISMOGRAPH DID NOT RECORD EARTHQUAKE (Josrmal SpwUl Serf lea.) , San Francisco, Aug. 17, Ths seismo graph at the University' of : California did .not register laat- nlghfs earthquake. ' Boston Tadnrsss Bryaa, . "Boston, Aug. 17. The Democratic state committee today adppted a reso lution ipdoralng W. 1. Bryan for the preeldenry and deHaring blm ths fore most American altlaea, FAST CARS IDGES Bridge Builder Declares Struc- . tures Are Being Ruined by Speedy Trolley Cars. r WEAR AND TEAR ON' ' V - ; THEM VERY SEVERE Motorraen, H Alftfca, Arc Wrack faif Bridg-eg by Runninf Their Cars Across Thcra, at Spe4 Sometimes Exceeding 20 Miles Per Hour. . ' , Beat BUa Xepartmems. . . . "Warning , of tha Injury done to bridges and elevated -road way a by fast running streetcars baa not been sounded too soon." aald C. L. McDanlel. a local bridge builder. "I have often wonlered that the city did not take some atepa to protect the valuable elevated roadways and brldgea. :. Tha wear and tear of a heavy, feet-running: car on a structure of this kind I severe. A mechanical en gineer will tell you that a car ought al ways to enter a brldga at a alow apeed; It may Increase Its apaed after getting on,Uie brldga without much Injury. No tice the engineer on a railroad, bow carefully ha goes on to a bridge. Rail road people know how to take car of their property. ' . ' v ?. ; "If a railway engineer should enter a bridge faster than three in ilea an hour ha would be promptly fired. I have no ticed atreetcar motormea go over the roadway over Sullivan's gulch at a apeed of 19 miles an hour. And ao It la with every bridge and elevated roadway In tha city. There la no reason why the Madison street bridge should ba nearly worn out, except running tha heavy O. W. P. cars at a high rata of apeed r It. " That brldga has been nearly Hrrecked In thla -way. The oity has nearly tl.008,0o Inveated In brldgea and in vladuots over gulches, and ao far aa I know no effort la made to aava tham agalnat destruction by . fast-running streetcars." That the East Third street Southern Pacific franchise la not to have alto gether smooth sailing In 'Securing ths Indorsement of tha East Side Improve ment clubs snd associations is evidenced bythe vigorous resolutions condemning tha project in Ita present shape, adopted by the Brooklyn Republican club laat night M. O. Griffin took tha lead In tha discussion; he declared that -the ordi nance In tha present form , should not pasa, that It gave tha 8. P.' Co. a fran chise of great value with no adequate return. -- He Inatated that tha city aa a whole should receive whatever compen sation la paid for a franchise over thla street and not tha abutting property holders, aa Is now proposed. . - After a spirited discussion, -tha fol lowing resolutions were adopted: rWhereaav-Ther- la- pending before the council an ordinance lcb eonfera a franchise-practlcsaiy freo upon the Vr. i """"""" ejomneBsatton ta the cltv of Portland, on 1 r.' pnbiio msttsr tn wmcn tne wnoie-city is interesiea, ana not the abutting property-owners ex clusively therefore be It --"Reaolvod, That It Is the senee of ths Brooklyn Republican " club - that tha pending franchise should not ba granted Ion East Third etreet without ample compensation being paid to Portland for the A resolution was passed asking tha council to submit to a vote of the people at the June election tha propo sition to purchase Hawthorns park. A resolution was Introduced by 1st O. Griffin favoring a change In. tha char ter, giving to the counoll the right to Improve atreets' and sidewalks where deemed abaolutely necessary. Mr. Grif fin called attention to several instances where large property owners had been able to obstruct , street Improvements where every resident on the street was anxious to .have the work dona, . ; ' The club decided o hold a meeting celebrating the erection of the. new fire engtne-bouee and the letting of the contract for the . Brooklyn- sewer.' Board sidewalks six feet wide are to be laid on both aides of the Grand ave nue fill. Theae are to be temporary; cement - walks will be - laid when ths embankment has settled- ' . . , The' St Johns council wss not la spe cial session last night ss was contem plated, to hear protests against accept ance of several etreet Improvements. Protesting property-holders besiege the council meetings, kicking against street Improvement asseesments or . surveys. It was these protests that brought about tha recent rupture between the council Lakd the -city, engineering department CALIFORNIA DEFAULTER - ; STARTS FOR OREGON (Joersal Special Servtee.) ' Sacramento, Aug.- IT. W.' H. Beck- -with, cashier of the California Fruit Dis tributers skipped yesterday, hiring a rig and driving Sowarda Maryevllle, where It la supposed hs took an Oregon train. Hla abaence waa not noticed till even ing, "when the company started inquiries and discovered that tha cashier was gone.' An investigation of his accounts showed he was short several thousand dollars. This morning s warrant was sworn out snd officers are on hla track. Beckwlth was bonded for 11,000. . VETERANS REFUSE TO n FAVOR CANTEEN LAW ,. I, .- .- - - - . (Jnarnal Special Serviee.) - Minneapolis, Aug. 17. The Grand Army of the Republic adopted a reso lution ssklng the Associated Confeder ate Veterans to uee their influence to prevent southern women from erecting a monument to Wlrts, commander at Andersonvllls prison, v They tabled "a resolution favoring the cantsea for tha soldier's home and adjourned. . LIVES MANY MINUTES . AFTER BEING HANGED (foaraal Special Service.) Louisville, Ky Aug. 17. Joseph Johnson waa hanged at the oounty Jail thla morning for uxoricide. He was not pronounced dead for 14 minutes and groaned all the time, though his neck waa broken by tha fall. Killed, (leoreal Special Service.) Truckee, CaL, Aug. 17. Juan Lanusa waa killed in the railroad yards this morning, sr engine severing his head from hla body. In hia pocket was found a draft for 1600 Issued by a Lewtstoa SAYS (Montane) bank, else 1 100 lngola. CO DECISION 00 DIG DATTLE General , Funston Refuse r , to State Whether Blues or Browns . ; Were' Victorious. , OREGON BOYS FOUGHT . . AT HEAD OF COLUMN Colooel Mans Complimented ' lien Prom Bearer State Upon "the Splendid Work They Accomplished jthirlng kngsfemsnt. ,V" : ' ...'.' 1 1 -t 4 :' ; ---wi . : . ' - , , k - ' .,' 1 . .' , fSnerlel te The Xeaeul.t Camp Taooma, Waab.. Aug. 17 Por two nours tnia morning too boom or ar tillery and aharn aound of . muaketrv reaounded through tha maneuvers Tar rltory. As previously - announced tha Bluaa and Browns engaged la combat and while the umpire will make no final official announcement tt la diffi cult to aay with certainty which olds won. The problem of tha Browne, who were defending Taooma. waa to develop the strength of the Bines, to which all the Oregon troops were attached, Hav Ing drawn fire from., the- enemy, the Browna retreated, having accomplished weir purpose. . ''..- - Both camps were aatlr at I a. m. after an extremely j cold night some of the soldiers aaSjinr suffered from the cold. At 1:30 camp was broken and tha oo- poalng brigades began to cover tha dis tance so pa rating tbam. . Both moved cautiously with advance screens of cav alry far In front to reoonnolter. Be hind them followed the advance guard of Infantry and then tha mWn bodies, t T - . . Plrst sTslrmlsb. ... ' At o'clock ths first skirmishing tsgan, tha oavalry advance being dta- ooverea ana oorn opening nre, in .this encounter, which occurred a short dis tance northeast .of Murray station, sev eral Blues were taken prisoner. The Browna continued to advance with In fantry on both flanks wall screened In tha fringe of woods along tha railroad. In the center of tha Brown poattlon were the mounted batteries. The Bluaa adopted somewhat similar tactlca. their field pieces being concealed by trees. The, Blues first opened ar tillery fire, putting out of action a squadron of Brown oavalry. . , The Bluaa, thinking ths Browns bad retreated, rushed along- a out In tha railroad track on their left wing. Close by. under cover, tha Brown . aharp ahootara had been stationed and several companies of Blues were ordered out of aytlen. Tha recall waa sounded at 11:10 o'clock. v . , - I Oregon Troops Powfmt WeU. ' ' The Oregon troops did splendid work being complimented ' by Brigade-Commander - Colonel Mans. They formed part of .the advanoe guard of Blues and fought valiantly. a - -,.. The fight was a pretty contest and i mfttnmmmmA h men MtmiAm flmwt ,ral Funston. chief umpire, at present Um BOt volunteer an opinion as to tha results from a technical standpoint IsAlP SHE'D MAKE HER' . - , i,JiM--, . ' . I ni unui un kiij UU1 ill llio venous EAT ALL THEBULLETStTOdnOOT,,jc4B'n' Tti ciaremont " lf you. don"t put that gun away ril make you eat those five bullets," Is ths manner In which Mrs. Grace Wolf Is said to have resented the aiming of a pistol at her by Mrs. Edith Cordelia Russell Moore. The assault- occurred laat night at lit Union avenue and the details of tha affair were laid bare In tha municipal court this morning. It appeara that Mra. Moore resides In ths lodging-house conducted by Mrs. Wolf st the Union avenue address, Tha landlady clalma that Mrs. Moors has been abusing her ' children by lashing them repeatedly. - Laat evening Mrs. Wolf alleges aha beard ona of tha youngsters crying bitterly and went to Mra Moore's . room to protest Mrs. Moors is alleged to have reseated this interference snd producing a revolver ordered Mrs. Wolf from the room. In stead of Immediately complying, ? the doughty - landlady made - tha remark quoted above. ' A warrant was issued Tor the arrest of Mrs. Moors early thla morning and Judge Cameron after hearing tha teetl mony took tha matter under advisement SOL TICHNER DIES v AT COLORADO SPRINGS Friends in thla dty have been noti fied of tha death of Sol Tlchner of Baker City, which occurred at Colorado Springs 'last Monday. He went te tha Colorado city several months ago . In search .of health, but declined gradually until the and. ; Ha was 41 yea re of age and waa a brpther Of M.. L. Tlchner of thla dty. Ha was engaged In ths general mer chandise business st Baker City for . a number of yea re. He waa unmarried. . STACKPdLE DENIES IN ' T0T0 WOMAN'S STORY ; . i.,... , (Jearaal Sseclal BerrVe.) ' Los Angeles. Aag. IT. Stackpols took the stand in bis own behalf thla morn ing. He denied In to to the confession mads by Mrs. Btackpole and said that ha visited ths Schecks , early .In the evening of the murder. He afterward went to a fire and then to hla room. Ths defenae rested with bis testimony and arguments begun. - MASSACRE.OF JEWS ? V. CONTINUES AT WARSAW e. -e . - (Jonraal Special. Service.) - 4 e St Petersburg, Aug. 17. The ' e e massacre of Jews in Warsaw. Is . q continuing. Tha government Is -e q restoring - rspresslvs meaaures q q everywhere. Workmen and Coa- . 4 q sacks fought at Kelplno. -Twenty , q e men were- killed or wounded. d 4vAs the result of the past fsw q a days- trouble II policeman are . q dead snd lour wounoea at war-: ey 4 saw. The government la arrest- e e - ing everybody suspected of agl- . a e tatlng a revolt Vragoff, a e e former member of the douma, , e e - has been arrested for Inciting . q the peasants In hia district .A c) e - conference of Social Democrata e b at Mosoow . was closed by tlst e "police todsy. , ' .. i .' Vs' Oolorade ' Ferest meeerva. (Jearaal Ssealal Serrtca.f Washlna-ton. Aug. -17. Tha govern ment today withdrew from publls entry over fOO.OOS acres of Isnd . In south- westers Colorado for a forest reserve. DiOflKMtB tVLaE KJSTEAD r ; " T1, 1 1 . .- J :" And Paid for : H, It Is ; Alleged, :Wrth Worthless Checks, Cet- r ; tin j Good Money Therefor. FOOLED DETECTIVES AND ALSO HOTEL MEN Said Ha-Wat Son of General Man ager ef Canadian. Pacific and In the ' Business. Himself -Those 1 Who Ba- rersuaoing . city t aetectives, employ ment agencies, hotel men and othsr oitl sena supposed to be less wly to. ths tricks and turns of confidence wen that ha Is a son of the general manager of the Canadian' Pacific railroad and . an employe of the road - himself. ' X. Prlnkwater Is alleged-to have been liv ing high off the spoils of his worth less checka - - ' .. :, -. . c Automobile rides,: Jitgh living" and good -times hsve been-the' diversions of the gay young -man who haa been pass ing checks that ths banks refuae - ta honor.-; . - . .'1'. ' ' -'-V ; ' Drinkwater first " made the Qutmby houae. North Fourth . street- his hesd quartars, wipers he reserved, two rooms for . hla use., from one of which h In sisted that the bed be removed In order that he might be-able to transact bla buaineaa. He represented himself to be the 'advance agent of an advertising train that the Canadian Paolfln ; ' w sending over the country. He offer checks of the Canadian Pacific tyj in is morning u. woock. manager ec tne hotel, la looking for the money', Drink water owes him, ' . -". J Moving to tha Imperial hotel Drink- water represented himself to be a de tective in ths employ of the railway company and at tha same time a mem ber of the advertising department - He ahowod a star on 'his vest to .prove hla claim snd obtained 141 , from Alex Smith of the hotel bar by having him cash a check for that amount Sus picion, however, lurked In the- minds of the men"' with , whom Drinkwater had been dealing and City Detective Hart man, who Uvea at the Imperial, took the man to the police station Wednes day night to queatlon him. . Drinkwater convinced the detectives that these were groundless and the officer allowed blm to go. ... ; ' '." v'-v .' . . Secures teasrapaer. ; v To. further impress tha. hotel people with bis business -transactions, Drink water asked where he could obtain a stenographer . for ' week or ten,' dsya Ha was directed to the Stanyan Holmes ' employment agency, 1 North Seoond street He obtained the aerv lees of a Mra. Black, which he . never used, but succeeded in passing a fcheck for tit to S. O.' Stanyan and received I la return 17 being the prloe he Insisted upon, for ths sgency's service In the transaction. . . , - Covey eV Cook, automoblllsta. have' a check for 1110 which Drinkwater gavs In exchange for numeroua automobile rides about tha city and to the varioua tavern management haa another chock for 160, whloh wss offered for a drink bill of 111. Drinkwater .pocketing the returned la change, . WajnraaS Swova Out, 1 .As a climax to tha young man's high rolling, C H. Snyder, of Covey de Cook, swore out a warrant yeaterday after noon for Drlnkwater's arrest. Then It waa discovered that ba bad disappeared, although ha bad been, seen in the city a few hours previous.; - He inquired of Mr. Stsnyan tha ' time " of : leaving of Oregon City trains and It waa ttought that he had gone to the little city up tha river, but a trip to that place by City Detective Maloney and ' Stanyan failed . to -reveal Drink waters where abouts after a diligent search bad been made.' - -..- .-i, . Numeroua telegrams hsve been sent to' Canadian Pacific officials In Montreal and Vancouver, - British - Columbia, but only one reply haa been received. This was sent from Vancouver stating that tha assistant, treasurer of the railroad at that place had refuacd to honor one of Drlnkwater's checks. - A warrant for the arrest of Drlnkwa- tee, on a ' charge tof larceny also has been leaued upon, complaint of C. H. Snyder, who alleges that the young man mulcted him to the extent of 1110. ALASKA' SITUATION . ; WILL BE DISCUSSED ..--.,' - -, - A meeting wlit be ' called for next Monday evening at tha Commercial club, at which tha joint committees of com mercial bodies wilt consider the Nome harbor project aubmltted by Captain Chllcott through tha Portland board of trade. . Voluntary - subscriptions to - the enterprise hsve been mads to ths amount or about iis.uuu. .'-.-- i. -. . It ia proposed to give the mstter final consideration at nest Monday 'evening's meeting and decide upon the method ' to be adopted for raising 1110,000 required to finance tha undertaking and start a Una of chartered steamahlps between Portland and Noma It ia probable that soliciting committees will be appointed. If thla Is not done by ths joint commit tee there Is a likelihood that tha project will be pushed' Independently under ausploes of the board of trade. Officials of that body declined to commit (them selves today but It is believed, the con fidence and enthusiasm f ths board's leaders ' In the1 Nome 'undertaking la strong enough to Indues them to snake the fight for an Alaska steamship lrns independently If they are left In a posi tion that would compel them either to take this course or drop ths whole mat ter. - - r -" ' "' " '. PERSONAL Mr. 'and Mra Phil' Metechan of the Imperial hotel hsve returned - from a three weeks' vleit In Alaska. - They re port an -enjoyable time .while In I the northern ' country.' . ' -'-. J. L. Mohundro, formerly receiver ot tha land office- at Walla waiia, ia suest -at the Perkins hoteL Mn Mohundro. la at present angSged In the real aetata business snd is m ror nana on buslneea. ' Stats Senator "If. ' Wheal don "of Tha Dalles is In Portland on business. Hs Is a suest-of the Perklna hoteL - J. Llndatrom, mayor of Aberdeen, Washington. Is a guest at the Perklna He Is la Portland on business, -EM. Corbus, a Spokane mining man, is s guest at the Belvedere hoteL Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Conner of Salem are In the elty on their wedding tour, Mra. Conner Is a niece of Phil Metaehan, proprietor, 'of tha Imperial .hotel . . R. A. .Hammond,' a prominent busln man of Loa Angeles, Is a guest at the roriiana BOiei. SsaaBaSBaBeSSSBSSBBSSSVBJSBBSBSBSB ' - County Authorities to -Care for Him Until Matter Can Bt:; Thoroushly Investigated. 5 i Wong Sua. the Chinese, who was thought to have leprosy, will ba tsken to the oounty poor farm, where he will hsve a-diouaa all his own at .the expense of the county. Ths county court de cided fhis morning that tt was neces sary that soma action be taken, . and rather than apend tha time la quibbling with the city - authorltlee over - who ought ' to take ears ' of htm, tha court ordered that preparations ba mads,' to take Wong, Sue to the poor farm.; . - For a long time the Chinese had oc cupied hie- hut near Multnomah Held, and the nelghbora wondered If they werf being exposed to leprosy while the city fathers tried to make the. county be lieve the county ought to care for hltu- The question .' seemed to ' hinge on whether the Chinese was afflicted with leprosy and - whether It waa a con tagloua disease. Dr. C. H. Wheeler, city health officer, bas stated that I waa not leprosy, 'and therefore, it waa a casa for -the county. The county authort rlea believed It waa a contagious dis ease, therefore, a, esse for the city. -And while they each tried to fasten the duty of caring for Wong Sua on tha other, he waa left In hla hut, and tha terror of the neighbors st ths thought of -being nesr the contagion of . leprosy grew. -i Yesterday 'afternoon Dr. C H. Wheeler and .Acting. Chief of. Police Orttsmacher called on ' Judge Webster - and a long consultation followed. It waa decided to place Wong Sue In an taolated cottage at tha poor farm, and maintain a at r let quarantine unttL the nature of the disease- can -be- moral thoroughly Inveatl- gated. Wong Sue's Quarters are being -spared today and he will be r I aoon. aa they era In. readiness. removed ft " O FREIDE TO ERECT . HANDSOME RESIDENCE lea Frlede haa taken out a permit to buUd a handsome realdsnoa on Everett street , between . Twenty-second- -'smd Twenty-third. - The house will not fol low conventional lines, but will be of picturesque exterior. . .It will be of 'IS rooms, a two-story, frame structure, set on a lot with a frontage of'TS feet .It will coat about tte.soo. The houae will be equipped with all modern improve ments r snd will be completed about March I r of next year. . - Other permits have been Issued as followa: P. Ronnlng. one-story - dwell ing. Eaat Twenty-fifth. . corner Morris, coat 1400; A. M. Lull.' ons-story dwelling,- Clackamaa, ' between . East Thir teenth and Eaat Fifteenth, cost IMS; Emma A. . Smith, two-story - dwelling, Alnsworth, avenue, between East Seventh and Eaat Eighth, coat 12.100; Keating eV Flood, repairs. Alder, corner Seventh, cost M00; Mrs. Mars, repairs. First be tween Sheridan and Baker, coat 1100; J. C Drain, one-etory dwelling,. Boun dary, between Corbett ' and Macadam, eaat 1 1,000; A. W. Anundaon. chicken house. East Thirty-seventh, . corner Stephens, .cost' 170. T V---' BREAKS WINDOW WHEN . WIFE WONT SEE HIM !':.-.; . : , - .v. v---.;. W. it' Schmidt : was arrested last t"U" upon complsJnL-Ofhls wife, Lena Bchmldt. ror naving maiiciousiy Bra a window of her home at 144 Eighteenth street. - Judge Cameron, acting -as the prealdent of tha peace conference In the municipal court, thla morning, aetUed the matter In a satisfactory manner to all concerned, by finding Schmidt guilty and ordering him to pay for the broken pane. f J "At what do you estimate the dam- aser'- lnqulreer ths , Judgs of . Mra Schmidt ;. v . .',.s.y' - .. T think thst II cents will cover it," said tha woman. Til ba liberal and give her a dollar." chirped Schmidt, and ths - case , wss settled. Mra Schmidt is suing her husband for a divorce on the ground of deser tion end ths difficulty is alleged to have occurred on nor refusal to milpw hint to visit his young son. j . . .. . NEGRO FIEND ; LYNCHED -1 :. BY, CAROLINA MOB V Weorsal Special Servles.1 Oreenwood, 8. C, Aug. IT. Bob Davis, a negro, who assaulted - Miaa - Jennie Brooks and a negro girl near-hare Holi day, was lynched here at 7 o'clock last night : Governor Hey ward made - a strong appeal to aava hint, bat the mob was 'determined and shot the negro to death. - -.,. i Tho. asgro, who .eras eapturad yeater day afternoon near Nlnety-elx, waa posi tively Identified by Miaa Brooks. He was led to within' 100 yards of the Brooks -horns and - lynched,, a" , negro woman firing the first shot Ctre'i a Ose cf Cedprediy fntHttUy Ap?:ii Tte i Cttw-Fresdi Plxsd Uxssfsetvis Co. IVcst Work Dcae V'v' f' OFFICE CARPSNTERINO WANTED. '- r We will have te fix up an office and a parlor or two to show . .piano some people like to hear how a piano sounds in s parlor so we're coins; to fix one up. This work, according; to a fjgurer we ' had yesterday, will be about $300-' Well five you s piano (as fine, as ever crossed the Cascades) snd well pay s cash difference besides ' if youH do the work quickly. t , ; . - ' ' - :j' , :. . : ' - - - - .'-v ' ; , V' ' PRINT1NQ WANTED.' " C U., h J ? We will want to Say quite a little by way of the prindns; prees in the course of the year; we'd fucss about $300 worth. - Wa would 'like for you to look at one of our pianos sse what you think of It ' and if you believe whrf we say of it, take it on account of printing, and if the piano isn't worth the printing well pay the difference. ',V' "V'';' '-''v 45 : ' ..''V" r '"'-'e."'..'e J.' ',." '.;-;.' ' 'r; ' 'We can show a splendid little Instrument for $217 this Is one ; of our own and there's but one profit to look out for 4f s retailer -- had hold of it It would be no effort at all for him to get three and v a quarter for lit. ' " ,- ." . .c 5 X - .n Our combination piano player is the king of them aQ. It makes . . Its own argument- twe'd like for you to hear it ' ,. J . TI12 Rced-Frcncli Ficno Hlffl. Co. '.'.;.'.' -FRO ft MAKER TO PLAYER ;; v ;i?rj , Sixth and Burnslds." ' ' The Commonwsahh Building. . , .. "It a little out ef tbe way, but what ef that?" ; ; ' SilOiiil COOill Jude .Cameron's Justice Chop : Learns How Italian Musician ' Wooes Heart's Desire. Mr RAPIANT FLAME 8INQ3 DUSKY LOVER X. Tells Wife of Ernest Vanucd That ; "Thou Selgnett. O'er, Me Tran- . acendeqt,' Bathing " My, Spirit in ; Tw remarkable letters were prodJoed . In , the municipal court this morning ' as an' indication qf tha ardent manner . In which Thomas Antonelll. the daahing CAraller of D'Urbeno o band, la alleged to have, wooed and won Ernest Vsnuccfs handsome wife.' - , , t ".".! -. . Vanucd is ths man who sssaulted -stoneiu at. rourth and Stark streeta several nights ago and who ' was turned loose by Captasjh Bruin notwithstanding ; his. arrest by a private dtlsen. It Ir over this same-Bccurrence that Attor ney -Tanckwtch' proposed to have Bruin Indicted for malfeasance In office,. : Vanuccl appeared at police headquar ters . yesterday afternoon and aurren- - dared himself on the warrant charging ' him with assault . Ha was allowed to go on' his own 'recognisance and an- -peered In' the' municipal court this morning to answer to the charge,. After enterinr a ' plea of not guilty, he re lated the alleged circumstances leading up to the arrest. According to hta story . Antonelll broke up his home. . In sup- port of this he produced two letters V whlch he claimed had been written by . the musician to his wife. Ona of them ' reads as followa: "Miss Odette ' ,. ' "To die! so pretty and lovely, for ms . thyself dooming, fade thug fprever. ' "Thou whom tbe besvens nlone for , love- crested, but to destroy , thee waa , , my love then fatedl - , . (' "Ah, - no, those eyes ao ' clear and bright, for death too lovely thou artl - . "Heavenly Odette! beauty reeplendent, ', radiant flower,-blooming and bright! "Queenly thou reignest e ar me trans- . eendent bathing my spirit In beauty's light. ' ; . r "A dream of. proud ambition in my heart I was nursing. . Fatal . question, ' but I made by fondest ties, friend, a name more genial l . . ',. t "So. by-by. - THOM. , Tha other letter Is dated July 1. snd In It-after acknowledging the receipt -of a note they writer bewaila the face that he -can not vial t at her. house. .' After Inquiring aa to what aha thinks - of death the lovesick artist aaka the wbman te meet him at tha -poatoffloe on the following evening at t o'clock snd" he will "tell ber what his heart has to ssy." "v ; ' ' ' Judge Cameron ordered - Attorney Tsnckwlch to produce - Antonelll- in court tomorrow.; morning. .... - ' CUPID GETS KNOCKOUT IN MUNICIPAL COURT A aevere Jolt waa given Cupid thla morning when '- Judge Cameron found Robert Kelly -rut Ity of a misdemeanor charge and auapended sentence upon the distinct' understanding thst he" refrain from his attentlona to Julia Shea. It will be remembered that laat week Mra. Shea, the mother of the fair Julia, caused Robert's srrest and' announced that although she Sympathised with the young man, he would have te marry her daughter. . . ' ""'" ' Upon the calling of the eaae thle morning Miss Shea took tha atand and testified that Kelly had contributed te her delinquency, and Mrs, Shea corrob c rated thla . teatlraonyi The young woman claimed that shs had supported him in Idleness snd when she threatened to forsake him forever he had written her a letter announcing his Intention ef committing suicide. It was brought nut tho courtship extended over a pe riod of three rears and that Mrs. Shea on several occasions had sought to estrange ths young ouple. -Julia, In reply -to a queatlon from. Deputy City , Attorney ntsgarald. de clared that her. love- for the daahing ma chinist bad waned. - Mra. Shea broached the marriage proposition In her tes timony but Kelly balked and Judge Cameron after - some deliberation an nounced his decision In the ease.- Kelly seemed relieved and said hs would dally no snore with the girl's sf factions 1f she would not follow blm. ' "I'll take grid cere that they kape apart an' If they Insist upon goln' to gether, ahure I'll have both of them pinched." said Mra Shea as shs led her daughter .away; 1 ,,,11 , t.v. - U6.