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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
daily jour.:: fctlaiid, Thursday cv:n::o. august 18. ices. e a e-e , . ""i lln..i:L 10 OLj FROG EAST Two Sixteen-Year-Old Coys Come to Portland and Art ; Capture by Cruin. CHIEF QRITZM ACHER Saturday endi the greet Rummage Sale, The last few day th e store has been crowded with bargain-seekere they were all sat isfied. The end of the tele hee come. Saturday ende the grea t Rummage Sale, where for the last two days we will outdo our previous selling. Remember every word of these great bargain events. . SOON RELEASES THEM VI Youngsters Ttll Plausible Story and 'i Prove They Ara Abl to Car for ; Themselves Without Atkins Any .t one for Assistances-Told to Work. Begrimed and .travel-atalned by their long continental Journey in a "box oar" ..Pullman,. Nelaon Clark or Worceeter. Massachusetts, and Albert - Phlllipa of Detroit. Michigan, two 1 1-year-old lads with roaming 'procllvitiea, fell Into the clutches or the law aa peraonlfled by In apeotor Bruin, aoon after their arrival in , thta city. The youtha in arranging their sightseeing tour of Portland, unfortu nately did not leave police-headquartera out of their itinerary and were taken Into ouatody while loafing about the an- trance 10 me atatlon. .-,., - Slung over hla ahoulder, each boy ear'' - rled a shoe-shlnlng outfit, and it waa the possession of this, coupled with their . unkempt ' appearance, that prompted llmilM tM lair (h.m Int. ... .4 1 n an inveeTigauon. in an interview 'witn Chief Oritimacher, they told of their trip westward : and the causes , which prompted them to leave home. , According to both of the youngsters, they had difficulty with their reapeotlve parents and " decided to come to the coast. Clark clalme that hit father ac companied them and la now endeavoring to socure work m thia city. Falling to find employment in Denver, the trio em barked on a faat" freight for thia city, arriving here Uat night - A search of Phillips'' pocketa by the ehlet brought ' to light a aalt ahaker, used according to the lad'm statement to flavor 'Mulligan stewa" while en rout. Clark waa the proud poises so r of a allngshot with which they were able, to add wild game to the dally menu. w .. The story told by the youngsters 'Waa ao plausible and they gave aueh evi dence of being able to make their way without assistance that Chief Qrlts macher released them from custody with the admonition to immediately secure employment. or leave the city. They were also warned not to ply their trade of brilliantly Illuminating the pedal integu ments of pasalng pedestrians upon the penalty of-belng plaoed la jail. . FAMILY ARF.1ED WITH GUNS mmf mini: tniff : vunub uuul, hiiu Swell Residence of Newport In- vaded by Robber Attired In ; Natty Summer Suhv.-jt: " - (Jorwnal Special SerIe.) ' ". ' New- Tort: Aug. II. -A special to the Journal from Nearnort aava: Rurvlara invaded "Felrlawn," the palatial home of I. Townsend Burden, early thia morn ing, and furniahed mora .excitement than th "400" had in years. All the Burdens, including Mr a. , Burden 'and Misses Gwendolyn and Evelyn, armed l(k - HiMil r (mImaA In .fO.A . Ktswla hunt that followed. .; Mrs. Burden was awakened by the barking of her dog. She hurried to the door and opened It in time to- see a man attired In a natty aummer autt and wearing a white" waistcoat run down-the main etairway and through the ballroom, The dog aped after him, and Mrs. Burden aelaed a revolver from the table and followed. . Mr. Burden and two daughters, awak ened by the noise. Joined in the pursuit, bu the burglar escaped. ; A FINE HOSPITAL PLANNED FOR CHEMAWA SCHOOL Chemawa. Or., Aug. 1. The Chemawa Indian achool will erect thia fall a new BSBBBBBBS .11'., ' , , I I NOTIONS Ladiee' Hose Supporters, ; velvet grip, all colore ........... Matchless, Brand Dress Shields, dorlesa ... . . . . . ',.. ........ . .9 d 0o Blue Enameled i-qt. Agate Tea fPota. Friday only .......... ,.Z7f ' Ho large else Agate Iteet Enameled Wash Basins. Special Friday., 15e Agate itew Pans, : 1-o.t else, with atrong handle, sold ;' regular ; ZOc. Friday t. i ...... 10t lOo Thin-Blown Optie Olaaa Water Tumblers, ' In f different atylee. Frlday only, each..., .5 ' ' ' a ' 1 ' ' Waterproof Folding Lunch Boxes, sold regular lie. Special , .Friday . ...... 4. lOf Agate Bteel-Knameled Tea Kettlea, hold quarts, aold regular ate. Special Friday only ....... ...55 1 1 , . 1 '" '" 1 ISO 11-qt. ' Steel-Snaaeled Dish Pans. Friday only. . . , .35f I8e Boxes (Swift eV Co.) Toilet Soapa, t eakea in box, in aweet scented odora, auch aa violet, lilac, crab apple, roao and many others. Friday apeotal, box. ....... ...10 lBo Bottlea French Liquid Blueing, beat brand la market.- Speelal Fri day, bottlea .SSf Oloas . Toweling . l-in.. all linen jeaaak toweling, regular price lie,' .or ,,,.... mm to Tenjjlsfoot Fly Pcper Best that's made. . Special for Fri day, . I double aheets for .5 Women's Hose,- fancy lace and stripe effects, all colore, good lisle 'hose; regular lie. . Friday, ...184 Toweling. Ml 1-lc. for In. bleached; regular ..6H Sheets. Ilxld, beat grade ef Muslin Seamless Sheets with I -in. hem: regular 7 val., -for .....634) "' ' ' "' " Mualln Oowna, elaborately trimmed, : the choicest of our II. Tl stock. Friday for .f 1.98 White Muslin Sklrta, laee hem stitched - and tuek-trlmmed, 11.00 and 11.11 values. for...;.....,T94t Short Black Silk Mitts; regular 10a, Friday .'.,. .894t Tour choice of all of our, fine aelee- : tlon of Lawns and Organdies which we sell regularly for lie,' Ho and toe, Friday for..'...,. ...9a MTRA SPECIAL.: 5,000 Yards of BEAUTIFUL SILKS All this season's goods, worth up to $1.60 a yard; all colors, fancy and black In the lot Extra Special Friday, 47c a Yard IN THE BASEMENT ': ' EXTRA -CLOCKS" . Imitation -wood -carved, with or without chain weight. Beautiful for the halL They regularly sell at $1.00. Fri day afternoon only . , Each . 4 Ccforten fer 62c ' Full slaa and good quality, in all patterns, aold regularly for 11.00. -j 15a China, deoorated 'After-Dinner Cupa and Saucer. Friday only, "7. each . ...... .104 Oloraa, long silk gloves, 14-button length. In white and black silk; regular 11.11. for ....... . ,. .81.69 0-tn. Tapestry for ooueh covers and portlarea, tn Roman stripes and, figures, per yard.,.. rr 43 4 - DOr.tXSTICS IMa Swlssea, white ground with toOp figure in blue, yellow and green; regular tlo, for.,,. 16 2-8 Ladles' All-Wool White and Cream Mohair - ' Round Langth Sklrta pleated panel front, aide and back, extra full; IT.I0 values, now your choice for 3.98 Ladles White Wash 11.00 valuea. ' no. . . Silk , Waists; 82.49 PORTLAND'S NEW DEPARTMENT STOIXE DeanFcUtoCeetl TEE PIT : ir Yoa Dont Vblt THE PIT . You'll Regret It lj llf El Entirt Corner 3d tmd Yga&iu X eg!iJ BaES Tsl ' ' " ' ' '- . ! f tf '" ' . ' b : Ever Riccay 1 Safety :ViQzoTi Complete with T bladea, in morooao case (I extra blades Friday only), a regular 11.00 rasor and guaran teed. Special ........81.00 Ribbon. 4 to. wtda, Dresdea SOK XSav boa; regular tlo, for..,.....19e Corset Ooveis, laoe sad trimmed, a largo loot from,' for... assortment to aa- Ladles' Vesta, fancy fbbod seam less, " Test laos trimmed, - rlbboa atrungi ragular tlo. . .Fitdast .t9f Long Black Bilk Mitts; relaw- Tie. FHday ...... .MM.48 Ladles' Oxford Ties, patent kid. rff. bon ties, turn sole, with Cuban heels; 11.00 vals., for. f 1.99 Men's Low Shoes, Russia aalf, taa and paUnt kid; 11.10 vaL, for ........ ...............92.49 Ladles' Oxford t Ties, - gunmetsl flnlah. hand ae wed., with Cuban heels; II I val., for. ..... . -92.89 Chlldren'a Hose, whits and tan, One ribbed Aose, all sises; regular 1 00 pair, Friday . ,. . . ... .ir v ...,11a) 11x10 Sheets; regular price 17c, for ........J,. ....... 4.... 4T4 Pillow Slips, 42xlf. good wide hem. extra quality: regular Ho, for.lOf Business Location t '') :v V :.- ''-. ,: .; ;::! Ill- , , ' t '. brick hospital for which 111,000 Is avail' able. The plans ' and specifications for the building were received at the achool yesterday and bids for this building will be opened at Washington on September 11 by the ' commissioner of Indian af fairs. The main building is 10x11 feet and will be two stories, having two winss iix4 feet each.- ' In addition to ward a for both aexea, the building has office, dlapenaary, op erating room, waiting rooms, convales oenta' rooms, private wards, contagion wards and rooms for the nurses. It Is supplied with the latest Improved meth ods or ventilation and sanitary plumb ing, la steam heated and electrle He-tit- ed. The open-air eanltarlum, which the scnooi Jaa established with vary satis factory reaults,-will--o continued and extended In connection with the new hospital. Dr. George 3. Fanning, the school physician, has entered enthusias tically In carrying out the ideaa of the scnooi management-aiong these lines. tf yoa have wot aasweist Taa goa. aal want Ada lately yoa hara gettea aai ox eonoa wna saiaga. jlll4l)lllll.- AVgetable Preparalionfor As similating meFoodandBeflula tlng the 3 tomocbs andBovwu of ev es Promotes DigestionJCterful nessandRestContalna neither OpiumJMorphine norKiaeraJL KOTNAHCOTIO. 4MebJUe) .ei's tn teisVesat' ' A perfect Remedy for ConsBpa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish heai and Loss or Sum TacSimiU Sijrtahira of NEW YOUK. CCACTCOFyoWaAIBOL 2f- KIM For Infipta and Children. Tha Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears the Signature of M AW -In Uso For Ovor Thirty Yoars COLOnEL HOFER THINKS HE SHOULD BE COLLECTOR Salem Editor Demands to Know Why He Isn't Mentioned as Being In the Race. And now cornea 'Colonel" Kmeet Hofer, editor of the Salem Journal, and proclaims himself ' a candidate for United Statea collector of customs. Moreover the doughty colonel la serl- oualy aggrieved because hla name was not included in tha Hat of aspirants re cently published in this paper. 1 am very much surprised at rout omitting my name from the list of can didates," wrltea Mr, Hofer to Tha Jour? 1. "I flled my applloatioiwwttti sena tor Fulton early In the game. It is true that I have not backed it up with any personal solicitation, letters- of recom mendatlon from alleged influential poli ticians or notorious hae-beena. I have not made any trips to Portland or Aa tori to beaiege tha delegation or bowed down to the throne of any supposed po litical boaaea." Instead of resorting to auch time worn artifices of tha professional Job. chaser. Editor Hofer haa preferred to rely upon ' hla distinguished and dis interested services to tha state. Eight development conventiona have been held by htm during the paat year and aa preaident of tha Willamette Valley De velopment league ha haa labored with out reward-though evidently not with out hope of one..- With rare modesty Mr. Hofer adda: . 'A a a result of my labors, and Tom Richardson's, we have tha state criss crossed with railroad surveys, several tranacontlnental lines are being built, and electrlo Unas are being projected In every direction. At least f lOV.OUO.OOu is to be expended in Oregon If your paper tella tha truth, aa tha result of this de velopment campaign." Through an evident oversight the 'colonel- falls to include In tha list of his aohlevementa for Oregon tha con' atruetlon af tha Columbia river Jetty, the Celllo canal and tha portage rail way. In spits, however, of his pre eminent claims for tha office, none of the other candidates la reported aa hav ing withdrawn. , BIQ RAILWAY FIGHT (Continued from Page One.) wM mlnal company's grounds begin, . be tween : Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. Here the Portland Seattle haa veered aaat and bought ground along tha aide of tha terminal com pany's tracka for aeveral blocks, and haa also bought a number of fractional bloeka along the south slds of Sher lock avenue. Passing through tha plat known aa Terminal block, tha Portland at Seattle has bought a part of 4 he block and condemned lands of the Marshall heirs, who demanded 1100.000 for about IH 21-foot lota extending through thia block. Reaching tha foot of Upshur. Thurman and aavter tha tracka aroaa tha Terminal company'a ground and run south into tha Portland Seattle company'a new yards. - The claah of Interests cornea from two causes. The present terminal company, controlled by tha Harrlman compaaiea, haa discovered that It la completely hemmed in between the Portland Seattle eempany' grounds and tha Willamette river, and that tha Pert- Seattla asmpaaf a golag to he We have at our disposal a fine location, in good neighborhood, for A Confectionery Store and branch bakery. There are living rooms in rear, counter and other fixtures; low rent; long tease. Just the thing for the wife to handle while the husband is busy at bis trade. Apply at FRONT AND GIBBS STREETS (key at drug store), or to Gevurtz & Sons 173-176 First St. . In a position to Interfere ' with tha movement of Harrlman traffic at the oroaalna. . ' "" ' The Portland Seattle haa also ac quired sufficient ground, and with de sirable proximity to the present union atatlon, to make it practicable for that company to erect lta own passenger station ahould favorable terms or con aeaalona be refused by the Harrlman majority management of the present union elation. Altogether the stakes make it worth while for the big com pant. a to fight it out for possession of tha row of blocks that are now the di viding line between their terminal jrrounde. - TO PLACE ESPEE STOCK ON DIVIDEIID PAYING BASIS Reported In Wall Street That Harrlman Will Announce Four Per Cent Profit. rise (Joeraal Special Srmee.) New Tork. Aug. IS.- Unless the ones of Wall street are mistaken liar rlman and bis assoclstea in the south' ern Pacific are determined to put tha atock of tha road on a 4 per cent divi dend basis. On tha atrength of thia general belief tha atock haa rtaen to a record pries, touching II H In very ao tlva dealings. The best previous recora is 11 mads In 101. The southern Pacific atockholders have been watting for a dividend for more than f 0 years. Jn this soma of tha stockholders have manlfeeted an aggressive Impatience, it waa C. P. Huntlngton'a policy not to pay dividends until the property should be able to continue payments. By adhering to this policy in the race of much criticism, ha prevented the road from going Into receivership hands when nearly all of the big western rail road companlee were In financial dlffl cultlea. Railroad experta agree that the system la In auch good condition that lta traffic la bound to increaee and Justify dividends, oow for an indefinite period. . ' ' Appelated areas Phyalolaa. Chemawa. Or., Aug. II. Dr. Frank E. Slater of Salem haa been appointed reg ular phyelcian at the Omaha and Win nebago Indian-agency in Nebraska. Haj has accepted Ua appointment aaa will leave for the east In a few days. Dr. Slater waa temporary physician at Che mawa. and becoming Interested In the Indian work applied fer a permanent ap pointment. I easaahssaShjsaaJ AT THE THEATRES. At the Lyric. It woald be Quite difficult to flod s better flay thai the (oar-set Witter? Srama. "The larrhtng glment," which la the attraction at the I-jrle for tbe current week. The eerte are well aaslgaed and sra Being enacted m a stghir efficient manner. Ibis preduetloa shenld be eta by ell. - w. ' ' ,. J -':) Pantages. As eicellent pro-real Is tbat ef Pantages thle week. It la beaded by Harry McCra ana ble troupe In "Tbe Old Oaard." Tboae who bare mm thle sty tbat it la worth stany times tbe price ef admission, inner reaturea are Menu Slaters, art la tie slngera and graeefnl dancers) (be jQreat Melaotte, who with bla dainty ward' rone Impersonates tbe gentle sea; a llrely little comedy skit, "Wanted: A None." by Mr. end Mrs. Ueerse Merrell, and aaany ether entertain ing acts. !. ...., i , . ,. . ; At the Star. "Caaiht in tbe Web" Is ta be the epenlag reduction ol the Allen sioca eomnaay. whiry epene at tbe Star theater ae a dramatle stack souse next Monday' eveetng. Tbe policy ef tbe Management wiu be 10 rarniea rsrtiass wita a a aeon ef society SMledreaae, . 1 " m . , , At the Grand. . Tkoss wke enjoy a' vanilevllle entertainment where ell tbe acta are ef high standard will find what the seek at the Grand thia week. Tbe MU espeere aartk-ulartj good ea aeeoaat ef tbe bright sad freak anpearanee ef tbe house, ae It haa been eempletely renovated. Edward (elite, tbe humorist, la tbe top liner. Borne Oaaaea aahabarw. ' resale Merrltt rarnMr ta Womas'i Cempankia. , fare tbe rhaharb and eat Into oee-tneh pieces, eslng e llrnr knife. Pack eolldly late a Jar. pet under the cold-water faucet and let the water run for SO mlaatee: tbee adjust tbe cover, I hare naked many cbemletn why rhn. barb eonld be preserves la tbla meaner, bet hare sever received s satisfactory reply. As s matter of faet. I bare known rhubarb ao treated te hee Item eee r ha barb eeaeea te the Best, , , , AMERICA TAKES HAND . . IN DOMINGAN WAR Waahlnrton, Aug. It. Tha situation la Saate Domlace la far frem satlafae- r,iit"j, m?t u ,7-' The Cweustonwwaita ShUldlag oa Slsth and Bturastdo ssrearsa, the aUstrilmV . . ag depot ef the aaeed-Preaoh Plaao aaabeai1as O - Tha peculiar wants of tha Reed-French Co. make tha Commonwealth building Ideally adapted to their purpoaea. The Portland offloee of tha company have the whole northwest to look after, and . ahipptng con veniences la a first consideration, flenty of room, excellent light, near neee to depota and withal a two minutes' walk to tha very center of town makea this location and building Just the place for tha whole ; sallng of musical Instruments. . - The warerooms' are rapidly filling up. (Mr. Pick has three wagons going). About tomorrow will hava- lota of planoa to show fall- styles lit fins pianos you know there la an up-to-dateness about pianos the same aa la everything else. ,,.(: ',.:,'.,,' , And when Saturday cornea we' want you ta call (Sixth and Bumaide. you know) and aee a piano that we're prend of. We doiy't want to get too extravagant In deeeriptlons. but we're aafa In thia caee. We will p la rant house the sweUest, the most ap-to-dase, the moo MsosmUy fwa aataed plaao era showa la this towa for SS1T (pay as yea Uke). This price la at least a hundred dollars less than retailers aaiurt ask for the aama thlnf. ' .'.,' It you don't mind looking around, a dleordered store eonva In befwre Saturday, The Reed-French Picno r.::. nraost kajcbb to watk. .''.: Ooasrioawf Sixth aaa araeide e eMMMMMMMHM-: tory. Orders hava been for Souther land, the senior American naval officer In those watered to prevent th landing of any. hostile force thai may have been organised In Porte T American territory. 1 . revolutionary eefeCJl Li ChrlsU atawaa, 4 4 t 1 1