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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
tiis Oregon daily journal. rbnTLAND. thOespay Eyr::i::3. aucu:t i:, i::;. Jtdl'E i.'ET AROUtJD ZACHARY : 4 ' Attorneys for the Government Gather Damag; ing Evidence While r : Try to Have Their X Tli Blue mountain reserve e) e tend fraud case la to go to trial e next Monday morning ' with -- l j : ; . Vee Btata Senator Franklin Pierce Maya, - Wlllard. N. Jonee ana .George Borenson aa defendants. Congressmen Blnger Hermann and J. N. -Williamson were In cluded In thla Indictment, but Hermann baa, hn a ranted a eTranoa and v William on haa ; : not been notified to prepare for . . trial The government doea not " desire to try WUllameoa at thla time, and may decide that ao far , aa he ta concerned It la aatletted with one. conviction.; ? - v V: The big fence 'of .the' Butte Creek ' Lend. Livestock A Lumber company la now being wound ardund Clarence B. Zachary. whose trial fpr perjury . haa already taken three day of the time of Judge Hunt and a Jury. At every turn of the case Special Assistant Attorney General Heney brings in a string of barbed wire and tbe defenaa vainly ob jects, for the court holds that auch evi : den re la admissible to ahow Zacbary'a motive when he made affidavit that Charlea A. Wataon bad compiled with the requirements of the ..homestead law. Zacnary -Is ranch manager for the Butte Creek company. While the fence Issue waa In dlapute thla morning Judge Bennett; counsel for Zacnary, said: . There Is no particular enormity la the fact that these people had soma government land fenced up, ss every body had been doing that for years." In this instance "some government land" meant 18,00 acrea. K. Putnam, the man whose persistent fight against the methods of the Butt Creek com pany brought about the- Investigation that resulted In several Indictments, gave" Important testimony for the pros ecution. - He told of the string of home stead clalma along which the company ran a fence that connected with the rlmrock along Butte creek and" John Day river. Along the south Una of the fncloeure, which the company modestly called Ita "big pasture," were claims taken up by Clyde Brown, a sheep herder; "Dug Sellers, who drove the Fossil stage; Lee Smead. ' a, horse breaker; Mrs, Cynthia Hamilton, keep P. BRUIN, INSPECTOR OF POLICE, ' LOCATES REAL MR. BUTINSKI All those readers of the comic sup-' plement who bavs labored under ths Im pression that ths Mr. Butlnskl, who has been so graphically depleted by the pena of the versatile artists, waa merely the figment of an overwrought Imagination can have tangible evidence to ths con trary by applying to P. Brain, inspector Of police, ... ,.; .... . . . . The captain was approached' in-the , Station this . morning by a foreigner, who aUted that he wished to notify the authorities jt the theft or a roll of blankets, containing all " his worldly possessions, from -' -the Grand Central station. Brain, after securing one of the report blanks, as a preliminary in quired the name of the complainant To OF 111 HELP- DECIDE CK1ESE IEPER. QUESTlOa Head of Police Department Made Member of Health Board by :: Mayor Lane. . -atayer Lane last evening delegated Chief of Polios Orltsmacher aa a mem ber of the board ef health to acquaint the health officer with the wishes of ths council ' as' expressed at. the' meeting with regard to disposition ef the Tanner creek gulch leper. - - At the eouncM meeting A. Walter Wolf appeared In the Interests of hla neighbors who don't went Wong Sue anywhere la their vicinity. Olven the t privilege of tbe floor ha told the coun cil that the neighborhood was up la arms, that tbe hideous victim of leprosy . was frightening women -and children, . that the children were accustomed to playing .about a spring only 10 feet from the leper e shack and that every ':. resident of tbe vicinity wanted tbe leper moved away without delay. Preston remarked that he bad 'In tended ths health committee approprta- tlon of IT0O should cover the expense ' of oaring for ths leper. Finally the matter was left In the health officer's 1 hands. .. Dr. . Wheeler declares that the. tTOe ' appropriated will not more than cover the expense of the smallpox hospital, - emergency eases and other regular ex penses during August. . .. - Twenty years ago II lepers were found la Portland. They were at length . confined In a stockade on ths county's property as far away from the poor- farm bouses as possible. Occasionally they took a notion to come down town and levy tribute upon their countrymen. Then the police would have all kinds or trouble getting them back to the stockade. Finally they were exported to Hongkong. Some died on the voyage an it waa always oeueved hero that the others were killed soon after they left tbe British colony and before they reached Canton. . Chief Orltsmacher Intended calling on the health officer and accompanying him thla afternoon on a visit to the county commissioners but the commis sioners were not at ths courthouse. ,. .. POLICE DISTURB PARTY r V OF RUSSIAN PRINCE ties reel Speelel Servtee.t ' - tt. Petersburg, Aug. II. There is freat activity today among ths police. ' Their attention was called to at least t we ei-memberg ef the doama. A former deputy at Klehnoff waa arrested and the police entered the residence of Prince Doigurorr while ne was enter taining a party of friends. The prlnoe In greet snger telephoned the perfect and after tnaelt parleying the police were withdrawn, the perfect being as sured that ths party st the prince's bowse wee a private gathering. , . eUiea at Lewie Beet Bread, Attorneys tor uetense Protest ei er of a boarding houaa at Fossil, and Mrs. Brarn Wilkes, a waitress. . Putnam testified that he never eaw any of tbacpersons named living on their claims. Each claim had a cabin, like the one on Watson's claim, but there were no signs that the cabins mm hvm Inhabited. : : A cross -exam (nation of mors than aa hour ' failed, to ahake Putnam's testi mony. He had, fought Ihe Butte creek company for several years and he waa sure of his information. . ; During his testimony ha told of his vnin sppeaie to United States Attorney jonu n. nan. Land Commissioner Blnger Hermann and Special Agent Clark K. Loomls. all of whom have since been Indicted. Clyde Brown waa called and testified that he- filed on a homestead at the sug gestlon of the - defendant. - Zaohary agreed to buUd a cabin and put up a fence for him. Shortly after the federal greid Jury began Its Investigation of the Butte creek company Brown aban doned his clslm. . - I ' ' - Henry Neal told of going with zacn ary to put ttoora and stoves Into several of the cabins on the south line of the big pasture. This was dona after Spe cial Agent Dixon of the land office ap peared on the scene. , ' aTe Deagee, Said Saebaiy. ' . 5 Irvtn Wilkes testified that his wife, Mrs. Emma Wilkes, had Uken up a claim, but had never lived on 11 When the Investigation came off ahe told Zachary ahe waa afraid to prove up, and he assured her there was no oanger. Wilkea himself took up a claim De cember it, litfr Ho had an agreement with Zachary and was to get 1100 after ha had made final proof and deeded over the claim. Cost of filing. Improvements and all other expensss were to bs borne br the Butts Creek company. Wilkes made final proof aa agreed, and one of bla witnesses waa Clarence B. Zachary. The direct " examination of Wilkes waa .still In progress when tbe , noon adjournment wss ordered. Numerous witnesses were called yes terday afternoon by Specelal Prosecu tor Heney and United States Attorney Bristol,' . Their testimony, which was ths same as that given at the trials of Charlea A. Watson and Coo D. Barnard, tended to show that Wataon had nsver lived on his homestead claim.- ' ' t Slow progress Is being mads and there Is now no prospect of the eass going to the Jury before tomorrow night. . . V . " ' ' . "... hla great surprise the fellow gave his cognomen as Butlnskl. To make sure that there was no miatake Bruin re quested the man to write the name in s clear, lesible. hand. - He wrote Andrew Butlnskl. According to Butlnski's state ment he secured a position through sn smployment agency and repaired to the depot to board a train. He laid his roll, containing a miscellaneous collection of effects including everything from a pocket mirror to a violin, in the waiting' room and went out to get one farewell doss of Second street Joy Juice. During hla absence a thief butted in and carried away hla belongings. Detective Raising haa been detailed on the caae but haa no clue to tbe Identity of the thief. FARMERS FOUr.l OAJORITY Many Will Plead Busy Season as Excuse and Special Venire May Be Necessary. -', Of ft men whose names were drawn la the circuit court thla morning to act aa Jurors for ths September term, are farmers by occupation. As . most of them will ask to be excused because of. being busy with . harvest. It Is thought probable that many special venires will have to be ordered before the Juries are secured to hear the trials. ' Other occupations are scantily repre sented In the list of talesmen drawn this morning. There are four capital ists, three- engineers, two laborers, and each of the remaining IT has a different vocation, from clerk to deputy sheriff. ' , . The veniremen are: A. E. Bell, - Wil liam Frledlander, J. . Bhadenberg, Scott waiion, james uurran. w. b. uiaxton, John Drlacoll, John Larsen. R. B. Carr, H. P. Smith. Fred Klelnschmldt. James Bysrs, W. J, Bums. O. H. Flthlsn, N. Davis, Peter Stenbler, H. C. Coleman, J. Bedmont. J. B. Beck, P. Schmidt, Ellis Robb. O. C. Metsger, A. Munson, James Richie, Prank Laver, O. W. Kenney. Z. M. Knight,- Thomas E. Colllnson, Sam uel Streben. 8. V. Stone, J. O. Paup, Mark CrandalL A. Do Benedtttl. William Cornfoot, Thomas Dodson, Charles Walt man, N. u. snow, Frank Orchard. Percy Olesle, Henry U Coffin, William Sas teekn, Frank Dioklnaon, Michael Fisher, William Tegard. I. J. Herman, V. E. Ramboe. J.' H. ' Courtney, Fred Knecht, Mike O'Oara. WlllUra T. Legg, Clar ence PhlUlps,' M. Heggar. Frank P, Davis, James A. Lawrence, P. Mority, O. I. Neal. Alex Duncan. A. I Turner. J. F. . Roberta, - H. - Freebough, Fred Brandea, Joseph De Harton, Frank Powell, H. W, Mathtson. John Connelly, H. C. Leonard, D. W. McKay, Mike Ras, C Morher, William Patton, Henry Fleck ensUln. P. J. Lynch. Charles Slner, J. H. Preston and C W. Herman. . Colonel Batcher to Meet Brraa, : (pedsl Dlspatca as The aersal.l Baker City, Or Aug. (.Colonel W. F. -Butcher, the stalwart Democrat Of Oregon, leaves tonight for Now Tork City to attend the great reception which haa been planned for 'William Jennings Bryan when that notable lands on his native snll- after a trip around - the world. Colonel Butcher expects to make a long stay tn the eest and while there will confer not only with Mr. Bryan, but with the leading Democrats of the nation. Oerpe rations a ranted OaASsers. . (aperlal IMssetos te The Jesraal.) Salem, Or., Aug. Is. The following eorporeUono filed their artlelee la the office of the secretary of state today: The Portland Messenger Delivery company. Incorporators Ales A. Oiler, K. E. Farrlngtoa, Nelson S. Bortsnd, main office Portland, capital stock $.0. Clovsrdsle Telephone company of Cloverdale, Tillamook eounty. Ineoreora- tors Charlea Ray, Charles p. Nelson and Mori Nelsoe, eapltal stock f Mv '.' 'i ::,''. ";; VMM ACCUSED OF FORGIOG 111 Mrs. Mabel Warner Xing Arrested at Weston by ' , f "'wV''";- Bank. . ; ACCUSEDS SLIPPING BOGUS PAPER IN BOX Three' Different Tettgmentt Cause : Trouble in Estate of ' Late J. W. . Young-, Who Died During April of This Year, V :-fy, 'tkr (Sseelal DliDSteh to Tie JmirMl.l ' Pendleton, Or., Aug. Is. Mrs, Mabel Warner King Is charged with the forg ery of a will and a warrant for her arrest has-been sworn to by.B. B. Hall, cashier of the Farmers' bank at Weston, and the woman la expected to be In the custody of the sheriff todsy. Tbe trouble occurred in the Bank of Weston during AprtL Mrs., Warner la the niece and adopted daughter of the late J. W. Young, who left a wlU and an estate valued at 111.000. ' When he died laat fall no will could be found. The dead man had been keeping hla papera in a box at the bank, but no will was there. f . There are now three wills, or alleged wills, in evidence. The first one, exe cuted on September -J. 1111, is ths wilt now before the probate court. . Tbe chief beneficiary In It la Mrs. F. D, Watts, wife of Dr. Watts of Cosur d'Alene, Idaho. - , ' . The second one la tbe document whioh Mrs. Warner declares was found among her dead uncle's effects in a box at the Farmers' bank of Weston, and ' which Mr. Hall declarea waa Inaerted In the box by Mrs. Wsrner while his back was turned. ' In this document Mabel Toung Warner la given a substantial bequest. The nature of the third, and most mysterious will cannot be learned. It la aald to bequeath Mrs. Warner 110.009 and a few hundred to Mrs. Flcard of Walla Walla. ! - . LANE COUNTY LUMBER MILLS MAY SHUT DOWN (Special Dispatch to Tse Joaraal.) ' Eugene. Or., Aug. It. R. A. Booth. manager of the Booth-Kelly company. today announced that on account of the car shortage on the Southern Pacific oompany'a lines the night shifts at ths company's four big sawmills In Lane oounty will be taken off this week, and unless conditions sre bettered within a very ahort time the mills will posi tively close down until such time ss ths railroad company ia abls to furnish enough cars to haul away the orders., The company la now 600'cara ahort of what It ahould have In order to meet Ite ahlpplng requirements. The Booth company uses on an a vera ge of 160 cars psr month, whjereas laat month It 'only secured 110 cars. Ths extent of the loss to this eommunlty-ln case the com pany's mills close down Is shown by the fact that the payroll la now 1100, eoe per month. Tbe company has sa abundance ef logs, plenty of labor and the beat of markets, but is handicapped and does not look for anything better for some months to come. ' . MANY TEACHERS PASS X IN EASTERN OREGON (Spedal Pispateh to Tke JeereaLI Pendleton, Or.. Aug. The .Uma tilla county examining board has fin ished, the work of correcting papers snd It is found that II applicants for eounty papers have paaaed, according to County Superintendent Wells. i . In Baker eounty II teachers have been Issued ; eertlAcsteo sines ths school examlnatlona held laat week under tba direction of Professor Payton. County Supeajfttendent Bragg ' ot Union county states that out of II ap plicants JO paaaed the required mark. wnicn is considered a very good show lng. , 1 ' t BOY THROWN FROM HORSE SERIOUSLY WOUNDED (Special Diepatrb to The Joaraal.) Forest Grove, Or, Aug. it. Anions Herman, the ii-year-old son of William Herman of Verboort, near here, was thrown from his horse lsst evening wnue armng arier eatue. HS fell on his bead and haa not regained con aclousness. Dr.. Wsrd waa summoned but can not yet ascertain how seriously Hurt me ooy ia. . INVESTIGATION OF ICE TRUST AT TOLEDO ENDS (Joeraal aperlsl Srnee.t - Toledo, Ohio, Aug. II. The interstate commerce commission today ended lta Inquiry into the methods and workings of the Ice trusts, seversl members of which wore.', recently convicted. Ths findings will not be msde public or ac tion decided upon for some time. HOT SPRINGS CHOSEN ( ' FOR PRINTERS' MEETING ' (Joeraal Ipedal Service.) ""' ''' Colorado Springs, Col., Aug. It. The typographical union today unanimously chose Hot Springs, Arkansas, as the next meeting place. A public reception wss given this afternoon and an address made by ths governor, A barbecue fol lowed. Married at Salem. ' " (Special DIsDatch to The Jom.lV Salem. Aug. II. Robert IL fclavage ano miss iaa oiege were married yee terday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. Mr. Cllfre. The groom and bride left on ths north oouno tram ror a lo-daya' trip through ths northwest Isaac H. Campbell of Springfield, Ilit nola, and Miss Inss Shelton of Jordan, Linn eounty, were married last, evening at I o'clock by Rev. W. H. Selleck of the Methodist church. Ths marriage was celebrated at the home of Mrs. Lydla Campbell ' two miles south of Salem, Mtataal Cevaaory to Besoms, (fteeelal Dlepatek to Tke JoeraaLY Salem, Or.. Aug. II. After a vaca tion of three weeka the Salem Mutual cannery will resume operations next Monday. The first work on this run will be esnnlng pears and ths msnage ment expects to glvs work to J 10 people for ths remainder of the see son, con tinuing until November 1. The peers thst are coming In now were bouaht under contract for 111 nor 'ton and this' iprioe ww reaaaia i feree mala la fetee aU IlLilfllCKS G1S TESTIL100V Called by Prosecution to Jestify Against Clarence B. Zackary In Perjury Case, i ' '; MAY BE HIS LAST X J ' TIME ON THE STAND After Sentence Ii Imposed He Will Be Barred From Giving Testimony in Any Court Until Judgment Atainet Htm Is RevWaed. . ' Irwin Wilkes, witness for ths govern ment In the case of Clarence B. Zach ary. charged .with perjury, teatlf led thla afternoon that after bo had proved up on his homestead claim In Wheeler eoun ty he carried but hla previous agreement with Zachary-by deeding It to the Butte Creek Land, Livestock as Lumber com pany. At that Urns he was given the 1100 promised him by zacnary. tie nao. never lived on hla claim a single day. Wilkea further teat If led that his wire also deeded her claim to the Butu Creek company and was paid 1100.' She had visited the land two or three times, but never made her homa upon It. On eroaa-examlnatlon the witness de nied ever having tried to sell hla claim to Coe Barnard or H. K. ogiivy. Hamilton , H. Hendricks, , formerly United States commissioner at Fossil, waa next called and made what may prove to be hla laat appearance on the witness-stand. He waa recently con victed of subornation of perjury and Is to be sentenced next Saturday. After sentence Is Imposed bs will be barred from giving testimony In any court un til ths Judgment against him Is reversed. This afternoon iienoricxs issunea that Clarence B. Zaohary had appeared before blm as a final proof witness for both'Irvln Wilkes, and Mrs. Emms Wilkes. Ths testimony -of Hendricks was formal In lta nature, merely rout ine to offlclsl acta, and was called for hv the arovernment for the purpose of Introducing In evidence tne nnai proorr affidavits made by Zachary. wno awore that Irvtn Wilkea and his wife had con tinuously resided on their homestead clalma The desired affidavits were sd- mitted over the objections ox ma ae fense. ... nrk E. Loom la. who wnus special agent of the land, off Ice did things that resulted In his indictment, wss me nexi witness. Hs testified to Investigating the Illegal encloadre of the Butte Creek company. At that time Zachary gave him a written statement- in regard to the fanelna? of government land. . Prosecutor Heney produced the state ment referred to, the wltneea identinea It and it was admitted In evidence. , COUNCIL AND EXECUTIVE - BOARD WILL ARBITRATE -e-r . , i . To create by legal and mors regular means the office of assistant building Inspector, it Is probable that member of the council and ef the executive board will soon hold a conference at which a truee will be declared. t The veto of Mayor. Lane of the ordi nance creating the position and naming Walter K. Benvla to fin It was eus talned by the council last night It was a cinch for the mayor, as less thsn two thirds or ths members were present when ths session began and the six In their chairs split even on the ote." The need of an assistant for the In speetor le not doubted, but the council hss -contended that It has ths right to appoint while the mayor holds that the authority rests with tne executive Doara. - What will be , done Is - ths probable Introduction of a' new ordinance by which the council oreatea the position and the executive board appoints the man to fill It Benvle Standa at the ton of the eligible list, having passed ths . civil service examination at the aame time as Inspector Spencer. ROBBERIES REPORTED TO POLICE DEPARTMENT Variel Vlcer and Dlmltar Todorow re ported to the police thie morning that a sneak thief entered their room at IS North First street laat night and stole 161. Detective Carpenter la endeavor ing to locate the thief. J. M. Plttenger of 174 Borthwiok street has notified the 'authorities that during ths absence of his family laat night some one entered the bouse and carried away till In gold. The key to the resi dence had been secreted and tbe fact that It waa found In ths door after the crime leads ths polios to believe that the thief was familiar with ths prem ises. ...... DEPUTY CORONER FINLEY EXPLAINS HIS POSITION "With reference to holding Inquests, 1 wish to be thoroughly understood on that point," said Deputy Coroner Arthur L, Flnley thla morning. "1 have consulted District Attorney Manning on numeroua occasions .with reference to holding Inquests and 'bavs nsvsr been advised by him not to hold one. The statement In ths paper yes terday purporting to come from him to that effect that I bad stated be advlaed me not to bold one snd dsnled by him, is consequently erroneous. "We havs beld numeroua fnquests at hla advice and numerous ones without consulting him. ' But In no case has hs advlaed us not to bold an Inquest" NEW SAWMILL TO ;SAW HARD WOOD v....:;.,. . ., t . A sawmill for the aawlng of hard wood lumber for the Paclne Coast Hard wood Lumbar Manufacturing, company la being erected by the Banneld-Versey Fuel compsny at ths Steffen shipyard site. corner or front and liall e treats. The company will have the mill In operation by oetooer i. Tne bunding la 11x124 feet and will be equipped with one of the moat modern plants tn the country. It wlU'aaw oak from the north Paolfla coast and. other hard woods from Si beria and the Philippines. The capaolty of the plant dally will be 15,000 feet of hard wood or 40,001 feet of Pacific coast fir. .. . . ' ( . Death of aa Ootogeaarlaa. , . (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joaraal.) Salem, Or- Aug. 11. John P. John son, sn sged and .highly respected cltl sen, died this morning, shortly after midnight at the home of his son. Wal ter W. Johnson, 411 Church street this city. Mr. Johnson was born In Indiana tn lltl and came to Oregon II years age. Hs le survived by bis wife -and els ehildrea, jyoetFpno; DL'OIiCE iirj Declares ' Couplet With Children ' Should Not Be Allowed to V Separate. . -'r,;A--. PREACHES SERMON AS HE ISSUES A DECREE Three Mismated Couplet Granted Re- .' lief fpr Desertion snd Cruelty Jen nie Rogers Telia Story of Her Un happy Matrimonial Experiences. "The separation ef people who have children is a great evil, and la becom lng more and more common. For the saks of your child you ought to live to gether," aald Judge Freker In the cir cuit court this morning to D. W. Camp- ball, who waa auing for a divorce. from Alloc Campbell. Campbell testified that hla Wife had deaerted him la January. 1101. and that he waa willing that ahe ahould be given the custody ot thslr 1-year-old son. . Well. If she Is good snough to havs lbs oars of ths child, .why Is shs not good snough for you ' to . live wlthf aaked ths Judge. ' . I am willing to live with her," re plied Campbell, "but aba will not come back to me. I have asked her repeat edly, and ahe has refuaed. ' She fhad no reason for going that I know Off." "There la something In this case that doea not appear here, said. Judge Prav ser. "A woman who baa a child doss not leave a good husband for nothing. Tba greatest percentage of children whd get Into trouble are those who bavs but one parent, ' the other- being dead or divorced.- "You are technically . entitled to a divorce, but If I had any discretion I would not grant it" - - . Preferred Xer XnAspendenee. ; Campbell and his wlfs were married at Skamowa. Washington, In April, ills. Testimony was Introduced at tba trial showing that Mrs. Campbell's parents are well-to-do, but that ahe prefera to earn her own living by working aa a waitreeo. She , la now employed, at the Vienna cafe. . ' ' Two other divorcee were granted by Judge Fraserthls morning, both on the grounde of cruelty. ..,,. Jennie Rogers testified that : Fred Rogers had married her la August, HOB, and sight days after . their wedding day kicked her out of the. bouse and blacked her eye. Next" morning, shs said, he told her they were not legally married, that bs had not been divorced from his first wife six months. Hs said he had purposely married her 10 days before the expiration of the six months so shs could not claim any of his property.. ,.. ' Mrs. Rogers went to her attorney and to District Attorney Manning, shs said, and waa advised by them that the mar riage was legsl and binding. Thea her hdsband begged her to return to him, promising to . be good. She aald he asked her to sign, deeds to the property soon afterward, and when ahe refused railed her names and kicked her out of the house at . midnight when It was raining.- She went to the home of her daughter, and when ahe went back to her husband's bouse next morning it waa locked and he was gone..', . . wets Sivoros and Alimony. Mrs. Rogers' daughtar, Mra. FOsdlck. testified that Rogers had told them be fore he married ' her mother that hla first wlfs bad been dead five years, snd that after the marriage ha had read them a summons .from an Idaho paper proving that he had been dlvoroed less thsn six months before. Mrs. Rogers wss granted ft divorce and lit a month alimony. Rogers mads no appearance to contest the auit- . Atba Shaw was granted a divorce from Martin Shaw on the grounds of cruelty. - sne testified that her husband was a gambler and that he told her be fore their marriage that he was a news paper man. 8ha said hs hsd assaulted her frequently, had threatened : to kill her and ones whsn shs woke up at night ner nusnana was trying to chloroform her. ' She said be served a sentence of six months In Jail tn San Franolsoo for beating her. They were married la this city In November, II II. Mrs. Shaw aald ths laat time ahe saw bar husband was In thla city and that he told her he was running a keno gams at , the Portland club. . - ANT-EATER TO JOIN THE CITY PARK ZOO The boo at the dty park will eoon be enriched by the addition of an ant eater from Mexico. W. H. Shepherd of Vancouver haa been given permission to put bis pet ant-eater in the park and the transfer will be made Immediately. Thie odd little animal will be one of the queerest exhibits of ths boo, rank ing close to the long-qullled porcupine. It has bssn raised ss a pet and la ss tame as a oat Having been given the run of fhe house it had developed all kinds of mischievous traits. One is to find a nswly made bed. then roll the covers up In a wad and tumble the whole thing to the floor. It ia passlon ately fond of perfumery and goes straight sftsr every bottle It smells. Ths carpets and furniture of the Shep herd resldsncs have -been plentifully sprinkled with the perfumery the ant- eater has thrown ground. , COON OF WASHINGTON NOMINATED BY EAGLES 4' Joaraal Speelsl Servtoe. I Milwaukee. Aug. 11. The fight for the presidency of ths Eaglea la on be tween H. D. Davis of Ohio and Bdward Krause of Delaware. A surprise was sprung upon the delegates when Gerr of Pennsylvania withdrew In favor of Davis. The Convention was surprised by the nomination of Lieutenant Gov ernor Coon of Port Townsend, Wash ington, for vice-president against Theo dore Bell of Napa, California. The buslnsss sssslon has been dropped for the parade, which takes place this aft ernoonu ' TERRORISTS AT PT0CK KILL FIVE POLICEMEN tfearaal Special In i m.l ' Ptock. Aug. II. The terrorists broke loose this morning snd there were sev eral claahea with ths police, in one mix-up 'flvs policemen were killed and two hurt.. : i , ew Oesrtee fot BUUsbero. , (S.ieelat maps tefe to The Jcnrasl t ,' Washington, Aug. II. Walter Thomas has been appointed rural carrier and Fred i Thomas substitute carrier for HUlsboro, Oregon, . : eottoaciiG State Militia Had Left for Man . euver 'When Executive '':7'wvt"v" Called. GENERAL FUN3TON SHOWS - PARTY MANJY COURTESIES Oregon's Chief Will ' Be Present at Big ,, Conflict of Opposing ,Armiei Tomorrow-- Sharpshooters Pre par Ing for Trip to 8eagirt. ; ' ,l ' : (Special Dispatch to Tke Journal.) Camp Tacoma, Aug. II. Governor George S. Chamberlain ' of Oregon, ao eompanled by hie ataff. paid aa Informal visit to eamp thla morning: Oregon's -executive arrived from PorUsnd in Ts- coma at 1:30 a. m. After breakfast the party secured aa automobile and a rove out - to campj They toured the camp and visited ths location of the Oregon troops but tbe militia bad de parted.. . Oeneral Funston at beadauartere waa visited. . Tbe trip of the governor and staff was purely Informal. Oeneral Funeton was extremely grselouo and ahowed the distinguished party ths usual eourteslse. Governor Chamber lain and hla staff returned to Tacoma and left for Seattle at 10 o'clock. They will -return tomorrow mornlnr to cams In time to view the conflict between the opposing armies, which la the bla event of the week, .; . , - . , Governor Muck Pleased. This was the governor's first visit He wss much pleased with ths sits of the encampment and exnreased the opinion that It was very desirable to have tbe combined camp. He studied the map cloeely and ahowed great In terest in everything connected with tbe encampment . Governor Chamberlain waa accomna- nled by Adjutant-Oeneral Flnser, Colo nel Houston, Colonel Waddall, Colonel reruns, Lieutenant - Colonel -Hasan. Captain Meara and Lieutenant Jenkins, Oeneral Flnser returned froA ths tar get range at Aurora to most ths. chief executive and hla staff. , At Range No. II the sharpshooters are practicing diligently, and will con tinue to do so until Sunday evening. On Monday morning a team of 14 men and three officers, under the adjutant- general's command, wul leave for Sea. girt, 'New Jersey, to compete la the na tional rifle shoot Lieutenant Jenkins,' one of the team, bats ths shooters are doing splendidly, although the range Is strange to them. While here Oeneral Flnser arranged for tbe pay for mem bers of the team. . , , . . - Om a tftevKOe Mate. -Ten minutes before the eovernor and his party visited ths Oregon camp tbe Third and First bsttaltons had left to partial pets In today's maneuvers with STABBED BY HOBO I'HOSE FAHFHE HAD PAID ; ;,',. ' r , Jasper Patton of Row River Vio .tlm of a Murderous . Assault. - ' (Special Dispatch ta Tbe Joaraal.) Cottage Grove, Or, Aug. II. Jasper Patton, a resident of Row River, east of thie plana, was stabbed by a hobs at Alca today. ; Patton had paid ths tramp's fare from Toncalla to Corn- stock, then went with him to Alca, to the Chambers sawmill. The hobo want In ths oookhouee and used some bad language to the eooke. Patton ordered him out . Tbe hobo went out and Pat ton followed him out and knocked htm down, 1 When Pattoh turned his back the hobo stabbed htm In the back, striking ths flftfi rib, which stopped the knife from going Its full depth, which would havs killed Patton. Tbe wound le not serious. ? t ..-.. -.'..-.-, Doctor Beet of Cottage Grove, wss called to dreaa ths wound. The mill- men tied ths tramp la tbe mill arm tele phoned for a constable. They talked of lynching. .. The constable brought him to Cottage Grove for confinement Prosecuting Attorney Brown of Doug las county, will investigate before thsrs Is any trial. Patton says bs will not prosecute him as be made th asssult himself., . r: ..' ." MAY EXTEND SUMPTER T ROAD TO GRANT COUNTY (ftDeela! Dlepatek te Tbe JearaaL) Sumpter, Or, Aug., It David Ecolea, president and H. H. Spencer of Ogden director of the Sumpter Valley railroad, also Joseph West, chief engineer, havs arrived here. It ta understood they will proceed at once over the line to make an Inspection with a view to ex tending the road through Grant county Into Burns. If this Is dons it . will mean much for the development of Baker county, ... BIG COMPANYTO RECLAIM GRAND RONDE VALLEY - (Special Dispatch te Ths Jooreel.) Salem, Or., Aug. II. Artlolea of In corporation of the Grand Rondo Reser voir -company were filed in the offloe of the' secretary of stats yesterday af ternoon. The Incorporators are George Stoddard, Walter M. Fierce and Tbomss H. Crawford. Ths capital stock Is f 100,000 and ths main offloe of the company will bo at La Grande. Tbe company was organised for the purpose of irrigation tn ths Grand Rondo valley. STOCK FOR EXTENSION il., ISSUED BY ST. PAUL .;'' : " ' (Joaraal Beetle! Service.) New Tork, Aug. II Chicago, Mil waukee St Paul directors today au thorised aa Issus ot common . stock at par to ths sxtent of It per oent ot the present holding, both' common snd pre ferred. Ths issue will amount to zl. 000,000 and will be used to extend the road to the PaclHo coast. . Contracta for the extenalon tovnost between 110,000.000 and 171,000,000 were let last fall. . Beed Leaves fee Seattle. Henry B. Reed left this morning for Seattle for the purpose of investigating conditions preparatory to beginning his work of exploiting the Alaska exposition which Is to be held In that dty in If 01. I He predicts a great uooeea for the fain iaLi.!.:...u.-yiSllTOGuP J ths Blues! Ths Oregon troops were as- Signed to the Important duty ot ad venes guard. Captain. Doble's com psny deployed ta advance of the Blues, who ere marching about ten miles south, of Murray to blvouae tonight . - V ;' eett Tistta Oamg. Senator Nathan'B. Scott of Weat Vir ginia toured the American . lake eamp sits yesterday. Hs was aooompanled by Senator Plies, Congressmen Cusbman and Humphrey, and a party of prominent- Tacoma business men. - The party circled ths entire elte, traveling over 10 miles. . After returning they paid a visit to Oeneral Funston's ' quarters, where they were briefly entertained. ; re sonator Scott who ranks second on the senate committee on military affaire, expressed muoh enthusiasm ever the grounds for ths purpose of maneuvers. He admitted .their desirability but added that ha will not advocate the purchase ot the property unless ths property own ers agree to sell at reaaonable figures. Hs believes that ths prices should be most reasonable, as the eoil la useless for agriculture. Quia, ad Champ. ' :' r ' Taatarda waa m. mil., l u The militia did aome drilling. The First ; Dauauon, uregon militia, put In some time drilling and practiced In ' tent pitching In preparation for tomorrows maneuvers Thla InimlM, K4wm.-mI.imm tomorrow night and the Oregon boys will ' not bs slow in getting shelter for the night. ... . , .. Today and Friday the Oregon troops Join the army of the Blues, under com mand of Colonel Maua, Twentieth In fantry. The oommander this morning conferred with the Oregon officers. In structing them rea-ardln details nt . f roblem. Ths guardaman paid eloae at entloa and It will be a surprise If they do not nrove a mnt min mIu , Colonel Maua force. Thie body marches about 10 milss to 'the south, .remaining' Out Thursdav nlarht- rattirnJnv -i,n,tl, Friday morn In a. Before nooa that a ihey will engage In eombat with the Browne. Thla will be the apeotaoular : movsmsnt of the wee.k - . Pay Pap fee Troope.. Yesterday waa pay day for all the Ore- ' gonlans. The men received ths same wagea aa Uncle Sam pays the-regulars. 41 cents a day. Each man was paid for 10 days snd when ths mllltla returns ' home.. Oregon i state will add to thie smolumsnt about II psr day . for each man. .- ' . , .... Colonel MoBlrhey of the Second Idaho called oa Colonel Oantenbela yesterday, bringing ths Idaho staff. . It was a happy svsnt and ths best of good fellow ship prevailed. Oregon and Idaho mili tia are vary friendly, aa they were camped side by side two years ago, ... weanesasy afternoon ths Third Ore gon baaeball team defeated the Montana mllltla by a score of 1 to I. It waa an ' exciting game and there was plenty of enthuaiaam. ' , Tbe umpire, had a hard task, however. - T - The Third Oregon officers have the beat mess on ths grounds. They sat ' under a large tent and have a competent set of chefs and waiters. Many visitors sre being entertained at thla table, at the Oregonlans always have the latch- ' atrlng out .. . NAVAL OFFICER Oil TRIAL FOR HIS ESCAPADES ; Lieutenant Edward Dunn Said v to Have Brought Woman : - - Aboard Ship. ;i- (Joaraal Special Serrlee.) Vallejo, Cai., Aug. II. The court-. martial ef IJantanant WAmrA r. -4 V. a N., charged .with ecandaloue con duct aboard the receiving ship Inde-. pendence at Mare Island, which com menced . yesterday afternoon, waa - re- sumed today. Attorney J. T. Ryan rep resents Dunn. Ths first witness. Boat swain Kitting, testified that ha saw the womsn In ths esse. Marlon Churchill, who was from ths local tenderloin die- -trlct come on the ship. Dunn was sx pecttng her. The witness did not see her leave, but shs might havs done ee without his knowledge. .. . Psy Clsrk Price saw Dunn and ths woman in Dunn's room two dsys later, when the witness demanded that she go s shore. Hs testified that when Dunn brought her to dinner at the officers' mess hs . waa badly Intoxicated. The next day' the witness ssw Dunn drunk In Paymaster Nicholson's office. Tbe witness knew the Churchill woman to bs a womaa of bad repute and had seen 1 . Dunn with her In the tenderloin district, 0DELL FAVORS HUGHES r -; FOR NEW YORK GOVERNOR e MM .H ,M ' (Journal Speelel Service.) " t New Tork, Aug. II. Indications' are : today that Charles E. Hughes, the In- . surance Investigator, will be nominated by the Republlcana for governor ot New Tork. Udell's friends have announced that ths ex-governor favors Hughes. , it " is Intimated that Roosevelt has been notified of this plan. . Roosevelt : alee favors Hughes. This plan eliminates Hlggtns snd wilt cement waning fee tlons. Odell's friends say that If the schsms carries Odell will gladly retire from politloev. '- ... '"-",.. PRISONERS RELEASED BY ORDER OF SULTAN (Joaraal Spsdsl Serrlee.) " Constantinople, Aug. II. Ths sultan as a mark of gratification ovar the re. eovery of hla health has ordered the re lease ot all prisoners In the empire who have' completed two thirds Of thels terms. . .. Wheat Sales at Peadletoa, .. (Joeraal Sseeiel Serrtsa. , ' Pendleton. Or.. Aug. II. The second wheat sales' day by ths Umatilla County Wheatrslsers' association was held yes terdsy afternoon, tl.ltl sacks having been offered In all. As before the local wheat buyera refused to attend the sale, only one Independent buyer being In at tendance. . In the local market club wheat has been quoted at II cents and bluestsm st II cents, a drop of one cent having occurred. . . Wants te Keoover Option.' (Special Dlepateb to The Joeraal.) Baker City, Or., Aug.. II. Por I1M0I Tlllls R. Bsrrett offered a three quar ters undivided Interest In ths Wolverine group of qoarts claims In Oratat oounty to Isaas W. Anderson, seoordtng to hot petition of complaint filed in the cir cuit court. Anderson, she claims, agreed to pay the price upon certain datea or forfeit 1710, He failed to do either, Mrs. Barrstt says, and shs aske Judg ment for the smount claimed. Fred ' Ponatlne ef Sumpter . rsnrsesnlg the somplainaat ' ..... .. t : 1 I