The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1906, Image 7

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    t:: cr zz:i daily. jcur.::AU rcr.TLAiiD, T::ur:DAY Evr::i::3. august- is,
;. r
VVMl HlMflM eaa tag .
wul . ea iw at BanHe. teg
Wok u4 Vewsait. A iee-alarea.
fMr lillnc; wul ke ! ines. Ore
lllNI (mi M ml at Me Sela
w4 U UI ettMS sraatpuy t ae
t0 BIAOK Leela . egeatl
. kMinvton at Lwaea, Veah. Iw
livery te all aetata I
BZ4aifiB AfcS WAAB
W. a. Waitaaa.
mam, mmIi
Cfe'a drag Stare, BaeeUM,
ry.te ail aetata ea
ft A-eww t
.pri BeUvery
1 -. BiiiaU. aaaat. heed-
' Quartan at Mewaert, 0.
ail valuta M tha tuoa.
WlUtOtt fI.3S-. 1
nuni va
Inal, wuaoit, V.
SOt LAXl Ie BeatterfaMS Ofc,
afent, but iiut ur. '
OAAeoJr, WAfeA.XlMral Bsrtsgs Be-.
OAfeCADlt, wTkB-aaeee' , Meffe,
ooSfuMi tmrgiAX nrxnrat, irits.
0. T. Seleeev, exeat. OeUiae, Wees.
roviaxri uunnm
trrt ....
Graaa ..,
"Tke Manalna Bad
; ..,-...... Vaudeville
' Bishop Tboburn spoke to en Intr-
tad audience lut evening onh Mat
id whan h addressed th - Hop
School Mission band, th children' or-
. sanitation supporting and educating a
Hindu girl In. Calcutta, (or th position
of medical mtaalonary in . bar native
land. H -told hi audlane of th eon
' dttlons In India,, how th girt wives
wsre com palled to wear rings In their
noses, war supposed to havs no brains.
; how women uffrd at th hands of
men and how many millions , nTr
knw , the. happiness of partaking of a
run meal. Thousands of men may
..had "at any tim to work for cents
per day. their rutins; plao at night
. being beneath any tree or shrub af ford
Ins shelter. He highly commended th
: work th children ar enirased In, and
' spoke la most kindly terms of Mrs.
Sukhurfa .Banarjee and her school In
Calcutta, wher th mission band's
' chart Is being educated. . Th chil
dren hav provided their ward with
clothing to last her for th next two
' years, hare bought her a bed. and now
- lack Tut 10 of enough money to buy
. a- sewing machine, needed 'for 'Hop
school. This will be remitted so soon
a It can b raised. -;y.
Examination In various branches of
' th civil serrloe were announced today.
They will be held In Portland, and will
extend oyer a period from August It
to September 10. . Interpreters are
'among th men wanted by th commis
sion, and tbrc of th examinations will
b for these. On examination will be
held September . for an . interpreter
, of th Assyrian and Greek languages to
fill a vacancy at El Paso, Texas. An
Interpreter of Hebrew. Polish, Slovak
and German, to fill a vacancy at Kills
Island, la th bureau of Immigration,
will b held September SO. Th re-
-; maining examination will be for aa
Interpreter of . Syrian and Ruth an lan
at Kills Island, September It. A civil
engineer Is wanted In th Philippine
service, and aa axamlnatloa will - b
held for th position August tt and to.
Aa examination for aa engineer drafts
man la ths reclamateon service will be
bald September II, II and 14. Another
for an examiner in -' the ' reclamation
wUl be held - September at
aad lt
Thar la not In Oregon a more com
pletely appointed or more pleasantly lo
cated family hotel than The Brown.
' the hsjndsom Av-storyston and brick
DunaiMC located at Grand and Haw.
thorn avenues. from its windows
may bo seea all -ths snow-capped moun-
. tains, tn wtuamett liver, beautiful
, Portland heights and ths busy district
of th busy city. It minutes' walk away.
. Six sleetrfct ear lines pass -its doors,
transferring to all parts of Portland,
and with its modern eonvenienoea the
hous is a model homo for permanent as
well as - transient guests. A splendid
restaurant la connection. Tel. East 111.
A poor photograph libels th aubjet.
None ar so pretty aa to desire to be
caricatured.. We guarantee our work
very morsel of It every picture every
atom. Our appliances ar always th
latsst to be hsd and our artists perfec
tion. Open Sundays from 10 to 1. B.
W. Moore, photographer. Elks' build
ing. Seventh and Stark.
X B. MoCaulsy has been appointed
chief, of pollc of MUwaukl. and has
also been mad dog catcher of , that
p!ac. Ha succeeds A. H. Dowling. who
resigned because the council wanted
' hint to take th position of dog catcher
In connection with his. duties as chelf
of pollc. . .'.
Mrs. Catherine Long, accused of a
statutory charge with W. J. Williams,
was arraigned before Judg rraser In
. ths circuit court yesterday afternoon.
She pleaded guilty' and sentence was
suspended on agreement that ahs stay
In ths Home of the Good Shepherd for a
-year. Williams will be arraigned later.
" Three hundred and thirty deaths
gainst lit births occurred la Oregon
during July, according to th monthly
report of th stat board of health.
rcaTinvrs cosnes stone
Tea cannot erect' a building ex-
. eept you flret have a foundation.
If fortune be the structure begin
with saving as your corner
stone. . in no other way is your
future financial success possible.
If you wslt for soma "lucky
strike" to bring you wealth you
will be disappointed.' Good for-
; tune Is for those who deserve It
who earn their right to It
who have some means of their
own with which to take advantage
of some fortunate circumstance
and turn It Into wealth.
Cpea a Cssk Access! Now
And add a little to It from week
to week or month to month, and
you will soon discover that you
are a fortune builder. .
litres! ca Savl;$ DepcsIIs
Banking hours, I a. m. to .1 p. m.
Saturdays, t a. hi. tot p. m.
Tfcc CIHzcns Bank
am am inm
J. H. LAMBERT President
A. W. LAMBERT..;,. ...Cashier
. . '(Dally Paper.)
They've surely got the limit la that
Pennsylvania town.
With fleas a-honping riot up the boule-
vards and aown,
Attaoklng man and women. Irrespective
of estate. ; -
Doubtleas- singing 1a their- marches,
"What a plcnlol This la great!'1
Th staid old Quaker ladtea ar a-run-
ning for their Uvea,
And Innocent young maidens ery, "Oh,
mercy sakeet th hlvest
Thee must be patient, children," la th
father's sage advice,
But the Yankee rips out language say,
It's not a morsel ale.
Oh, there's torment everywhere '' aa
earth except at our place,
Wher bright girls resemble songbirds
. as they deftly handle laoe.
And linens and linger! that th human
family wears.
WHa hearts that's free from trouble aad
with lives immune from cares. .
- Tel. Main ttt. Second and Columbia,
Neither total la supposed to be com
plete, as country doctors sre known to
be remiss In reporting both deaths and
births to th stat board. Marriages
to th number of -sit war also re
ported.' In Multnomah county there
were lit births and lit deaths of Which
It war from tuberculosis, ons from
typhoid fever and three from diptherla.
.Though there ar 14 eases of typhoid
fever sod IT of diptherla, th general
health af the state is good.
Fir brok out shortly before
o'clock this morning under a stairway
in ths North Park hotel at 104 North
Seventh atreet .' An alarm from box 41
brought out th fir department and
the blase was quickly axtlngulshed. The
firemen enoountered some difficulty la
getting wster on th fir aa th flame
had eaten their way between the walls
snd it was necessary to chop away a
considerable portion of one of the walls.
The guests - at the hotel all escaped
without injury.. The damage to the
building and contents does not exceed
1100 and is fully covsred by insurance.
.J Knock the files. At a cost of H ent
a day per head you ean protect your
horses snd cows from flies, gnats, ste.
Apply Child's "8o Bos-Bo" with a cloth
or sprayer. Easily and quickly dona.
Gives ths stock great comfort. Sold at
Portland Seed Company, front and
Yamhill streets. '.. , , ; ..... ,
yards or sidewalks, or wsshlna aorchea ,
or windows, must b paid for la advance !
aad used only between th hours of f
and I a. m. and t and I P. m. It must
not b used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, r waste
fully, it wlU be shut ctf. ' '
Articles of Incorporation af Hall
Brown hav bean filed In th office of
th county elrk by Madison M.HalL
Edward 1. Brown aad Edmond B. Oase.
They Intend to engage la a commission
business In hops, grata aad fruit. Capital
stock H0.000. ; . -"".
On Tuesday and Wedneeday aes-
slons will be held In this city of ths
American Association of Instructors of
the Blind. At the close of Tuesday's
seast on those who, attend will visit th
Sohool for the Blind at Vancouver; .
Penney Brothers Friday Special.
Five big bargains la wine: II. 10 grade.
white or red Port, Sherry, Mueoat and
Saute rne at 11 per gallon. Phone Bast
IIT. rre. delivery. ITI-lll East Mor
rison. . Friday only. ;i (y
' ltber ' College Concert band - and
ehorua tomorrow (Friday) evening at
Taylor Street M. B. church. Emma Loe,
th Norwegian nlrhtlnral. aovrano.
Rev. Speratl.' director. Coheert begins
:is. Ticxeia at entrance, ; ,
Dlatrlot Attorney Manning has returned
to the circuit court a not true bill In
the oase of C E. Jones, acoused . of
threatening to kilt his wife, Ethl Jonas,
a July . to. -.-;.
Concrete Constrnottoa Cox, Ttl Chaas-
Lber of Commerce, manufacturers f
concrete stone blocka Contractors for
all kinds of cement Work. Tel Mala lto.
. Watehea, dlamonda aad Jewelry en
easy payments; 11 down, lOo a week.
Don't go without ' a good timepiece.
Metsger t Co., Ill Sixth street. 4
Mflton A. Nsthana. ' attorney, tOOt
Stelner street, Saa Franeleco. Commla
slons promptly executed. Inauraao ad
lusted. . ' :: ' . . -
launches to the Oaks every few min
utes every evening from Favorite Boat
ing company's, south side bridge, foot
Morrison street
Japov-Th Japan Anti-Dust Com
pound for sweeping. F. K. Beaoh A Co.,
the Pioneer Paint Co agents. Phone
ltti. r.
- Aem on Co. sells ths beat safety coal
all aad Una gasolines. . Phone East Tit.
' Woman's exchange, ill Tenth street,
loach, 11 :M l'lwr
Rental Signs, Ansley Printing Co.
H. F. WUson of th Pacific Steel de
Hardware company, ' Saa Francisco, is
stopping at ths Portland.
H. O. Llpplncott, a member of th
famous publishing hous of IJpplncott
Cov, Philadelphia, la a! guest of th
Portland hotel. Mrs. Llpplaoott la ac
companying him.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blackmaa of
Heppner ar guests of the Oregon hotel.
fr. Blackman Is a member of the Ore
gon, commission to the Jamestown ex
position, ......
A. W. Clark, a prominent lumberman
of Hoqulam, Waahlagtoa, Is a guest of
th Portland hotel..
i Charles R. McCormlck.. a prominent
capitalist and lumberman of San Fran
olsco, is stopping at the Portland. Mr.
McCormlck, who la accompanied by Mrs.
MoCormlck, la a larg holder of OfVgon
timber lands.
Georg 8. Long of Taeoma Is a guest
at th Portland. Mr. Long la a member
of the Weyerhaeuser Lumber company
and Is attending to the company's Inter
eats whlls In Portland. . . , .
Tefmoat Keeps Baeinlngtom Bay. '
(Joarnal Special Servlee.)
Montpeller, ' Vt, Aug. It Th one
hundred and twenty-ninth anniversary
of ths battle of Bennington was ob
served ' throughout Vermont . todsy.
Flags war raised at many points, the
banks were closed and ths dsy was
otherwise observed as a legal holiday.
Exsrelsea appropriate to the. occasion
wars held under th susploss of ths va
rious patriotic societies.
' ' Funeral Today.
(Special llspt te Tbe JeereaM
Corvallls, Or., Aug.. It. Th funeral
of John Clair Cathay occurs todsy
at t o'clock from the family residence
in this city. Dr. Thompson of Inde
pendence' will conduct the services. He
died Tuesday afternoon of meningitis.
He wss ths son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Cathay and 1 grandson of Dr. B. A.
Cathey. who Is well known In this state.
I Mermen t wUl be in Crystal Lake ceme
tery. , i.j , .; . , , , r
MM A 1 I J r i f f I MW M M aT aW - ' f a-BkaT s i , - mrm If V V taa t m I
$16.00 Arm Rocker to match; sale
price f 11.50
$16.00 mahogany Center Table in the gold
en' oak; isle price ......... .....tJlO.OO
$25.00 Library Table in the golden
osk; tale price ...,.....:.flT.OO
$30.00 Library Table in the golden
. oak; sale price ..,........... .fSO-
GO- .
,1:- re-
, taassaawaassaeasisMM , -
St Johns PolWcIant Schemo to
Play Favorites for ths
1 Mayor's Chair. , .
Blleved He Cannot Hold Federal
and Municipal Job at Same Time
Several Are Mentioned for Place
and Warm Contest la Expected,
10 - -e
(Saat Bids
Tb St. Johns coancu, at Ita Tues
day ' evenlna meetlna, dlsouaaed ' the
question of Mayor Valentine's riarht to
contlnu In offlo as mavor and at the
same time holding th office ot poet
master.' It was th opinion ot th
council ' that th law plainly provides
thst on man shajl not hold both . a
federal and state or munloipa offloe at
the same time, where the state or mu
nicipal offlo has a salary attached to
It exceeding tlOO per annum. Mayor
Valentin asked tor a tew days la
whloh to oonsult eounsel before aivine
the council an anawsr as to hi Inten
tion. ' .; 'r
Already trior or ! Ulk la belna
Indulaed in as to Valentine's suoeessor
In cass he resigns. Councilman Norton
Is being groomed by a faotloa of the
council for the plao. B. U Leagett la
being put forward aa a suitable man
for the toga. It la Understood that
City Attorney Green and Recorder
Thorndyk ar pluming Mr. lggtt.
It is altogether probable tnat a warm
contest is ahead.' Aa expressed by a
partisan of one of the contestants, "St.
Johns politicians allow no grass to
stow under their uet wnen ui xun oi
tilling an offloe is in sight" ;
t now Aanrelons that th St. ' John
Council went off half cocked Tuesday
wkm. I mAnriA a resolution
dismissing City Engineer W. W. Qood-
rlch and Assistants vr. v. s,uioi ana
Oeorge Scoggin. Scarcely bad th Ink
. AMmA iiAfnM a mamhar Af
on mw wv.v. u u. ' -
.th council discovered ths body had no
authority to dismiss city employee, ana
- MMlMtlnn waa fnrthwlth bra.
sented Instructing th city recorder to
xpung from th records m oismissai
Oswego Crawford
JThee are th flneet Oregon
Peaches that houeekeepera will be -able
to procure thia season.
Order early. The beet Peaches
come flret from the top of trees.
Phone Main tit.
D.CCarns, Grccer
310 Tblrd Street
Wa art aJwava plaascd to hava yon ask t or cradlt-our desJra U to : stand '
to fob tha many convenJencea and advantages which our credit-giving gvstam
affords, and wa know that yon will find our methods xtrmely liberal, impla.1
and DMaaant. - .. i
Pieces r in Varioias . Fmisltes v
Selectcl From tke Sale Stock
$5.50 Deik Chairs in the golden oak; sale price. .. ... .f3.50 t
$6.00 Pedestals in the golden oak; tale price...'.,I.....f400 '
$6.00 Arm Rockers In the mahogany finish; tale price:., . ..M-SO
$8.00 Chair in the oak, antique finish; sale price... f5.T5 V
$8.00 Music Cabinet! in the mahogany finish; tale price ....f4.0 "
$9.00 Chair in the weathered oak, seat covered in leather: sale
price ,..i..fe.OO -
110.00 Chair in'the westhe'red oak, teat covered in leather; iile
price .f 6.TB ,
$10.50 Arm Chsir in the weathered osk, teat covered in-leather;
ale price ............. ...... ........r. ,...fS.OO-
$1250 Desk Chair in the birdieye maple; sale price. ...... fT.SO ;
$13.50 Muilc-or Paperstand in the golden oak; tale price. .O.T5 .
$14.50 Reception Chair in the golden oak, carved, design; tale '
price -'.i.i ........ ... , . .fc ; ..f9.T5
$18.00 Combination Music Cabinet and Deik in the mahogany fin
tale .price
Hall Seat in the weathered oak; sale
Library Table in the weathered oak.
Arm Chair in the mahogany finish,
$26.00 Xadyt Desk in the tnahog-.
.Any; tale price ...........;......$18.0O
$30.00 Reception . Chair in ; the ; V
crotch mahogany; tale price.... 10.78
$58.00 mahogany Divan, uphoK "
r itered in silk tapestry; isle price. f20.T6
resolution. But the former resolution
had already aroused the ire of Assistant
Engineer George Scoggin, who was not
to be appeased by a resolution expung
ing th offensive order. Mr. Scoggin
called on Recorder Thorndyk yester
day and demanded his back pay. ; He
ays that sine th eouncll has seen lit
to saver tbe pleasant relations exist
ing between himself and th city of St
Johns they hare, of coarse, made ample
provision to make full settlement. Mr.
Scoggin Is mad through and through at
what he characterises aa officious Igno
rance. He says that he Is thoroughly
tired of being told by avsry man living
on a street Just how. It aught to be
Thia beats any bunch I ever saw,'
aid Scoggin. ' "If they don't like tha
position of a grade etake that I aet In
front of their property they pull It up
and set It wher they think It ought to
be. They seem to have no Idea that
dratnag la th first requisite of proper
grading. Men try to-tell me how to do
my work that don t know a level from
a compass." .
..It seemed 1 to be pretty generally
agreed In St Johns yesterday that the
council has nothing to do with remov
ing elty employes, thst thst was ths
mayor's prerogative. This la expressly
stipulated la the charter: '
The only power that can remove Cap
tain Goodrich rests In Mayor valentine.
Engineer Goodrich was going about his
work yesterday and this morning as
usual, seemingly oblivious f any great
commotion in the oouncll ever bis at
tempted decapitation.. ,
"There Is something radically wrong
when but on bid Is submitted n a
110,000 publlo building contract, such.
aa th new city hall at St Johns is to
be," said Recorder' W. I Thorndyke.
"Th oouncll opened th ion bid Tues
day evening for the construction of ths
building and even the Ion bidder had
not complied with' th legal require
ments. In that no certified check accom
panied the bid.
"Tha labor market must be ' simply
swamped when a big building Job like
our city hall receives such scant cour
tesy at the bands or th eontravotore,"
While the eouncll Is somewhat dis
couraged that the large contracting
firms felled to submit bids on th hall,
they hav assurance that a second ad
vertisement will bring out a larger
number' of bide.
A marked improvement Is noticeable
In th character of sidewalk improve
ment now underway tn Portsmouth and
University Park district Th eld board
walk, one so popular In ths suburban
districts, is giving plao largely to con
crete. Along Kllllngsworth avenue, prop
erty-holders ar parking their sidewalks.
An effort is to be made to Induce the
residents along the entire length of this
street to park their sidewalk . and
streets. ' v
Th fill of th Mitchell, Lewie
Staver lot between East Morrison, Bel
mont . East Second and East Third
streets will be completed by th end of
the week. This work la proving more
sxpenslvs than was expected, due to the
unlooked-for deptn or tne mua. Tne
cost of ths fill will be about 11,000.
Heavy piling will be driven through the
fill material down to the solid rrave-I
for th four-story brick building to reat
upon. Th Hawthorn estate will have
th big dredge nil the blocs rronting on
East Morrison and wsst of East Third
street la th sam manner. .'.'
Very Xw,
Ttoketa Via O. B. It sr.
Aua-ust T. I. t, and September and
10 th O. R. st N. sells very low, long
time, round-trip tickets to eastern
points. . Particulars by calling upon C.
W. Btinger, city ticket agent, Third and
Washington streets, Portland. ,
Mltwaukls Country Club. '.
kriaa .. mmA Baattla . raoa. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City ara at irsi
ana Alder. , v
..,....;..?.. ou
price.... r.:;.fl4.0O
top covered in leather;
'. . ..S15.00
carved design: ' sale '
...,....f 11.60
;mii.'.n;y jf i
kiit:f c-tixjjr -t
UABm susussji aasoB o
Kleeule Usht, tteaav Bet asd Colf gaK Water la Kerry Tab. Bay Tickets to ateasera,
PaeiSe Ceesty, Wart, rasters Addraas. Breakers, Via.,
Judgo Happy of Spokane Ds-
clarss , Only Railroads Are
Nssded to Dsvslop. ;
Judg Cyrus Happy of Spoken spent
today in Portland... He Is on his way
home,' after a week at Coos Bay. Judge
Happy . Is enthuslsstlo over : the pros
pects of th Coos Bay country. ' ,
"I was on a visit. to my son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, William
Kaufman, at Marahfleld." said the Spo
kane Jurist "It was my first visit to
that section, and I put In a good deal
of tims going around and Investigating
th physical features and the natural
resources, and I must say tnat i isrt
with a very favorable Impression. '
"The only thing they lack over there
ts railroads and a deeper channel, into
Coos Bay harbor. They now- have a
to-foot channel,, which could be deep
ened to 40 feet with comparatively lit
tle . expense. The bay is completely
shut in, and' affords a perfect shelter
for ships.
"One thing that surprised me wss
th msny ramifications and inlets run
ning from Coos' Bsy Into ths country.
Ths roads are paved with tide water,
aa It were. The farmers do their mar
keting to 'Marahfleld In launches In
stead of wagons. . I believe -that ths
Coos Bay country has a bright future
before It . The whole country Is under
laid w'th eoeJ. and overlaid with one of
the flneet forest a In the world. It la
th only forest. I know of wher bard
and soft woods grow side by slds. .
"Th vslleys ar narrow, but very
fertile. Panning will be. extended very
much, but other Industrie will spring
to th front such aa coal mining., lum
bering, and the manufacture of wood
en war. I believe the timber supply
Of that country Is . practically Inex
haustible." , . '. - .
... IAf Savlny Parle as. ,
. (Journal Saeelal flervtee.t , .
Boston. Mas a., Aug.. 1 a The. govern
ment board of life-saving appliances
besan a meeting In Boston today to
consider possible Improvements of the
Ufe-savlng service, i ne ooaro is open
to suggestions from any source. in re
tard to Inventions or devloe the adop
tion of which would render easier or
mora complete th task of saving hu
man life along th eoasts of th United
States. . - .. ;.. . . ::..: v , -
' Allen Si Lewis. Best Brand.
k'. " ' II
i.... v.'
. Sale Values ' in tke
jJrapery ' IJepartment.
In an assortment of coloring and art.
' : ,. effects, .',-r )-., v-.;v)H
' 35c yd. Madras reduced. to, yd.. ,..40 ,
'50c. yd, Madras reduced to,, yd..... 2&4
f 70c ydi,Madras reduced to, yd . . . . .0
r75c yd. Madra reduceit to, yd-. ,,;.404
$1.00 yd. Madras, reduced to, yd..'..50 '
St.25 yd. Madras reduced to, yd....05d
$1.75 yd.: Madras reduced to, yJ...f l.OO
15c yd.Silkoline reduced to, yd.. 8 1-3
! 25c yd.' Silkoline reduced to, yd..lZ v
25cyd. Silkoline'reduced to yd ...ISM'
' 30c yd. Silkoline reduced to. yd.... 16 ;,
' $1.00 yd. Silkoline reduced to,, yd... 60
; $1.25 yd. Silkoline reduced to. yd...66
$1.25 . yd. -Bulgarian Stripe reduced to.
yard ... 80f
$1.25 yd. Cotton ' Damask reduced to,
yard . .. .'.i i. ...)
1 $1.00 yd. Corduroys reduced to, yd..60e
; $2.00 yd,' Japanese Gold Cloth reduced.
to, yard . . .f 1.10
Odd pairs of Portieres and. Lace Cur-
tains to close out at half price. Many
splendid values and a variety to select
:' from.. ; '. .. .. ..
$1,75 ,
Reduced to
. $?.oo
Reduced to.
' 91e35
()'- m.v '. .'i u ,a i.wpm.mi mmm
,j;t - " ' ' "
1 0.
n rumo mom:
Hotel Eaton
cos. Konjuaoa ass trzar AU gn.
flaadasswly foralabed, elegasfly eevtsees,
Srepteef, le Blnotee' walk feast seen el
akappias it4 kealaeae StatAet. all Urf.
airy, eetalde reesia. atees seatea, eieeWIe
tlzlita, lelcpkoae la eeeh apartiaest, ete.
urt erseee, Hafia. aatoklBf, wnna.
aaiea- raeepfiee parwra
hr mn er telpae .
Private awalkea eueta tsi
Room$ $I.OO f $S.OO m Day
. apeelsl Rates t Oiinnlil Hea,
iota Teas batos. -
(rersMriy ef BoUi rtdpatk, petasa.l
Cloud Cap Inn
Oregon's ' famous mountain resort ' at
''.'."1 enow Una ' :
on Mount Hood :
Away from tha heat of tha city. . The
moat delightful resting plao In the
northwest' ' Full ' Information at the
'V- O. R. N. - V- ''
; : Washington Sts-
Clsfsop Ittch, Sesslie, Crecoa
ourr siovsa or omsooxf.'
Directly on the beach, overlooking the
ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bath
ing. . Recreation pier for fishing. Sun
parlors, eleotrlo lights, fireplace and
furnace heat - Pine walks and drivea
Sea foods a specialty.
Cites SlSt ssd H.C) Per Day
" " . , ' DAN J. MOORB. Proprietor.
Cheap Bate aal Bonn fog All TIs
". a. a a b. .'...;,'
Take advantage of the two-day tt.10
round trip excursion rat offered by
he A. A C R. R. t Seaside aad spend
aturdav iiul Bundav al th baaK. Am.
pie acrommodatlena at reasonable rates
for sit Ticket at tat Alder street
ana tne union aepot timet eniee.. .
Don't .! Irz:
On Saturday Night at t o'clock
Gentlemen of Color Will Getaway
With a Whole Melon-PrUea for the
Winners. .-"'" '' :'.'T '
..... .... I. '
.if v
100 Neweboyg Wfll Oet Away With
200 targe and Juicy Piea for Costly
Prigea, ' ' ' ' C.,; '
Oos. Taagka aad Tweatr-ronrtk.
13 Cam, aUsnvdnsAng. 13 .
Portland YSeOaWznd
Called at SiSO . tn. BaOev
Oaaaea Called BiSO p. nv Smnaaya,
: ABBOssioar, sa. .
Grandstand, lie. Children, It.
..... . Boa Seats,. 26c. . -. .
Pantfiges Family Thectrc
reerta sad stark IW. eek ef Aegast U.
- ' . ' XeOSAT A 00.
H, Aire Baa eioaoK atoamixi.
: i txx eaxAT xxijiom.
--' Kxurrx aisTzaa. . - , --
, jacx uvob. ; ,
." ' ths sioaBArs.
: Perfarstaaees dally at t:SS. T:M aad p. at,
. Assueekm 10 and 10 eeata: boxea 3S eesta.
Ladiae aad ekudrea at atatiaeee 10 eeata. .
, VentiMlle.
voxs aaanr. JFm,ALSlu;i
KJU ZSWAAD Bieeae IMsea. . . Jtr. Jtmm Bmrae,
. raaseaeepe.
Filiee Mathwes. 10e te al seats except
osea. Bvealoss, lot, tOe, aad hex eeata
SOe. . -
BBommia wxxx or avvt u
etfeinas Svaiy Aftaraaea aad I laala
The Marching Regiment
. . , IN -rvUB . AvTB.
Portland Oregon
lata tbab) wxu onsr sxpt. it.
Pits beys and girls for Bastera
Wsstsra collsges.
Include : a primary aad
scnooi. , .a.--
Boarding hall for girls affordina? tke
comforts and ear of a refined home.
Office hour during th Bummer from
a. m. to II m.
Per catalogue writ t th addr
given above. . y
of Dentistry
' One ef th largest snd best equipped
Institutions of Us kind la the entire
Weet. No dental school can boast ot a
better fore of specially trained teach
era. who devote their entire time to th
Interests of tha students. .
Ths clinics sre una urn seed, being la
exees of the needs ef the students
The annual session begins October 1.
Por Information and Illustrated catalog
address the dean.
Portland. Oregon.
Medical Department
v. ,v . -.-Or THB
Otk Aeaaal Beeilea Brina Arrti. IT. ISO.
Adareae a. B. Joetpbl. si. D.. Peaa,
, at Dekaa Bidg., rerttass.
Columbia University
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
Classical, . scientific, commercial and
grammar grade courses. Apply for
catalogue. ; ; .' '
IthJlUlUl, Ui. II...-
Chicago suits from til ue. 1
order suits la Vsncouver from 4
A large line or ataeon rianena a (
to eeleet from.
10 Fifth stre.i,
seaside r:c
7cat:i c"'
r. , MMrrr, V'".
Carter a -.
AfniiaheS. elein I -fc '
katklef. koa'Wf- "
tnm t ewe 4 ''s
owt trrtee. k. t . t
SpMtai ataa'fer - e- k