The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    l.ulv ;2j.::al. iz..l..d, t::u.:day L.z:.:::g august iz. itzx
13 TO Qjia
Hafrlman Will Do lit With Itht
New Oregon and Washlng
t ton Uht.- "..
.: i, - will ez the result
Suit WC1 Partial B Jntroduced la
. Everw Washington ' County From
:,r Seattle to Portland to Settle" Right.
'. of-Way Disputes, '"v";-.:
' . . i
The Orexon-as " Washington . railroad.
which la backed by tha Harrlman in
terests, propoaaa o 'parallel tha North'
era PaclBo railway to Seattle. At pres
ant the fight la to be waged la Cowllta
county, but It la understood that before
tha Una can cat a right of way throueh
It will ba- necessary to Inatltuta aulta
In svery county In Washington between
Portland -and Seattle. 4 ,
Whan -tha projected survey for - the
. Oregon Washington road waa made It
waa found that lta Una and that of tha
Northern Paoiflo ' caroa cloae together
between Kelao and Rocky Point. In
fact at Rocky Pointy the ' only place
where tha Una could get through. It
would be alongside tha tracks of the
Northern Paclflo railway. Thla Una had
' a rlaht of way around Rocky Point and
"It la claimed that la an effort to ahut
ut tha Harrlman Una tha Northern Pa
oiflo purchased quite a lex re aectlon of
land at Rooky Point and It la over thla
aaoUoa that tha flcht la now to ba
waged, the Harrlman people endeavor
ma- to make the Northern Paoiflo die-
.. gorge enough of lta purchaaa to allow
tha Ore con as Washington road to gat
around tha point.- ! . - -
Thla fight over- Rocky Point prom
ises to ba bitter and baa aroused much
feellna- along tha proposed una.
srreat many of tha property owners bare
wllllnalr arantad tha Oregon Wash
ington road a right of way. welcoming
it ae a competitor to the Hill road, and
tha action of tha Northern Paclflo In
seising by purchaaa tha atragetlo posi
tion at Rocky Point baa aroused muon
bitter reeling against it.
- Kay Belong ta Mm
To complicate matters and make tha
fight mora widespread, tha Oraya Har
bor aV Columbia. River railroad la pro
jected and It la claimed to ba a part of
, the Hill system. It has ran lta surreys
and at oarers! points crosses tha Pro
posed Harrlman, Oregon Washington
railroad. Tha Oraya Harbor Una, It la
said, is narehaalng a right of way where
the two lines cross, in tha hope of es
tabllshlns? arades that will make the
building of the Oregon Washington
line almoat prohibitory. J
' The battle of tha two great railroad
svstems has aroused all of southwest
arn Washington. Already the aulta
against .the Northern Paoiflo railway
for a rlaht of way around Rocky Point
hare been filed and today suits were
filed at Kalama against a number of
property owners with whom agreement
could not be reached by tha Oregon
- Washington railroad regarding the value 1
bf land tha company deslree for a right 1
jaf way. ia,----w 1 ;-'-- " '
Well Known Traveling Man Sue
', cumbt to Disease at St
r: Vincent's Hospital
Aa the result of a sudden attack of
appendicitis. .Archie A. Cook, a well
known traveling man of thla city, died
at St Vincent's boapltal lata yesterday
afternoon. Ha waa prlsident of . tha
Travelers' Protective association for
Oregon and Washington. ,
While at St. Martini Springs a week
ago, Mr. Cook became suddenly 111 and
waa taken to St, Vincent's Immediately
n his arrival ber Thursday. Dlagno-
r 4
Archie A, Cook. V
ats showed that ha waa suffering from
appendlcltta. and aa operation was per
formed soon after ba waa taken to the
hospital. ' It waa thought that tha
operation would result successfully,
but Tuesday night he began to decline
and sank rapidly until the. end.
Ha had been a resident of Portland
for seven, years, ' living with his wife
and three children at 774 Wasco street
He earn to this oity from Astoria. Ha
waa It years of age, and waa a native
of Canada. For several years . ba had
bean traveling ia tha interest of tha
Union Meat .company and F. Zimmer
man Co.
Mr. Cook was a member of tha Order
Of Elk. . Funersl arrangements have
not been announced, though It Is said
to be likely that the services will be
held under tha auspices of that order
and tha Travelers' Protective associa
tion. ' i .. ' t.
fleeraal Bsaclal garvlee.1.
Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. The Na
tional A arte of Eagles bald lta big
street parade today. Mora thaa 10,000
members of the order were la tha Una
of march, whioh waa viewed by thou-
-rS Til- Acerlcan lis
that ,tfi C man fccLind
the gun -who rine the
battW. And hut aa true is
It that It'e . the. merchandise
back of the tele which ,wina
aocceaa (or he conductor.
Not talk. No "line of talk"
baaed on e foundation of
"bluff and guff" will win out;
such galea crumble as would
building built ' on eand.
Such eeleeand'.they num
ber kcion in Portland the
great (though ' not 'the
lent") ,majorit--xe chieflF
valuable- aa lll.ustratlng' the
fable ofN the frog and, the ox,
.Saleav here are not a bodge-,
podge, but "jtmlvXLy pre
pared, ymmetrically.propor
. tioned collections of depend
able' merchandise ' needed ' by
folk - of ' refined taste and
critical Judgment. We push
into' : the arena tomorrow
fully armed and equipped to
win the victor's ahaxe of
Friday's busineaa from Port
land's shoppers. Here's solid
columns of fighting material
and the" store .back of
erery line. -,:-
The Ms,Ymiman '&Kmg Store
pimnoimmL Danms m tooorroits
.. V--4 i a .
taw a a w. . eS
t. v ; , - -
There s
BwMs "in
Change Purses:
v : Annex First Floor. '. . '
"Put money in thy purse" by
taking a bit from It tomorrow and
buying one of these y
wonm aoo ymuras rom .
' An assortment of pretty - small
. change purses made from beat si
. . Ugator, pigskin . . and morocco
: leathers; with best nickel frames,
inside compartments; double
frames and single frames; come'
in green, brown, red and blue; our
Oe value. Special at 83a)
$2. 00 Bedspreads for $1.59
' First Floor. . . ' ' ' ' ,
The Domeatlo Section contributes si cut of 41 cents each
J on a lot of pretty, full -else and nicely fringed white
Bedspreads' that sell regularly at tt.00 by making
Fridays prioa fl.59
And. not to ba outdone, tha Wash Goods Shop will sell
w. the best ...-,..:
VAJjrsOOXa AT 10 TABV. r
There should be busy times here tomorrow. The Nain-
sooks are of fine, sheer Quality, fin for fashioning
Into Undergarments and Chlldren'a pretty presses, per yard ...16
In These Silk and Dress
; f Goods Specials !
. Savings run freely from tha spigot in the items
printed below. Be sura you catch a fsw. If there's no
immediate need, buy and lay aalda for future making
np. The economy la worth while. The offers bold
good Friday and Saturday. : ;.,
. xm ssaps ieoosa iion. .
J.SOO yards 44-Inch Bilk and- Wool Drees Goods. ' Very swell fabric for
dressy wearers; all colore to choose from: our regular 11.(0 grade.
Special at, yard 83t
Qanulna "Royal" Wash Taffetaa, la a full color assortment; regular 7 So
, grade. . Special at. yard 594)
. .. TDulT Ol
TjotrTi-amT'ai smaTaTai tm'y
Vomeh's Underwear&Hosiery
knit Undergarments. . : -
First Floor. ' . '-. V " '..
woMnra boo vnoinmiio. ;' '
Women's white lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless.
knee length; big SOo value. special lor maay ana
Saturday at. the ault . 8S4
Women's white Swlse ribbed Vesta, sleeveless; lace in
sertlon yoke; our ojrsius. Special at
Hosiery arid J3oys? Waists
sin aaa ' Man lta. v'"' - : -,' I ' f. ' '
seamless Hosa in black, tan, blue or pink.
with lace boota or all lace; our ISO value, special at.
,,,,........ aw7
ioa lto.
sTammi's utm
the pair
nrAVTV sse son isa.
Infants' mercerised lace lisle Hoss in black. Blue, pin
or red; our I bo veiue. opecm
the pair .. .1B4
mome aaa WAJJiTa sse.
Boys' Blouse Waists in medium light shades assorted
atrlnea ana cnecao; war uu
A Barrel of Fun for Baby
In To
morrow's Sale of
Fourth Floor.
Lapboards and
Blanketa for -Less,
Reclining and folding Oocarta, steel
and hardwood frame, reed front
, and back, cushion and parasol, 10-
: inch rubber tire wheels and pat
. ant wheel fastsnar; regular value
t 7.0. Special . .........f 4.05
0o unoaBsi .'' i
pboards made of papier niacha,
r lightweight, strong 'and substan
tial with yard measure on board;
regular value (So. Special.. 40
Gray fleece Blanketa. "11-4 slse,"
. extra ouallty, fancy blue and pink .
borders; good for summer wear or
for making bath robes; regular
value St.OO. Sjpeolal .... .81.35
Aimx nomii to pictc. -
Hats and .
Bonnets .
Shoe Bags
, Xm tk Art aWoaa. ,
$1.25 Petticoats for
--' .
Women's Wssh Petticoats of striped
blue or pink seersucker, or plala '
chambray; regular' price ILK.
Special at ............8Tt
, Chlldren'a Hats and Bonnets at ab
surdly low price. Broken lines of
: Hata and Bonnets In a great va
riety of stylsa and materials;
regular prices from f 1.0 to
111.00. Your choice at.... 81.68
S-pocket Shoe Baga of blue. red.'or
green art material, stamped and
- tinted, edged In white stitching;
regulsr price 40o. Special at 29e
Pretty White Wool
Walking Skirts
Portland's largest and foremost 'Garment' Store in
vites your attention tomorrow to extreme reductions
on remaining lines of the season s newest ana smart
est styles in dainty white Wslking Skirts in voiles, serges, Pansmss
snd alpacas. The skirts possess sn sppearance of delightful sim
plicity snd charm "to tasty wearers. In trim and trig round lengths,
plaited and circular effects, prettily trimmed with bands of materials
or of black velvet, or silk to match, snd dainty buttons; plaits, rucks
and stitching add to the prettiness that the chef d'oeuvres of the
world's msster skirtmakers furnish in this great assemblage of won
' derful skirt values for Friday buyers. Values rsnge up from skirts
that sell at $5.00 to the dainty aristo
crats at 132.50.
Half Price
There's Barrels oi money
VrV 1 x niatchlest '
' i C I J"V'"" yy ' values in
I-UlSI 2f Footwear ;
H ' H ' The great Mid-
H ' H Summer Sales ...
" -fl " SpecUla wUl add
Ty. w . p .rq force to" these. '
& El The Big Clean-.
Items adver
tised are for
the stated V
hours only
at the
Special ; Sale
. ' The Great .
Clean-Up Sale
of Shoes Is .
On All Week
8 TO. 9 A. MJ,
Infants' $1.00 Shoes H9c
Infants' Shoes in four styles, made
of patent kid or bright kid loath
' are, in plain and combinations of
tan, white, brown or blue;1 hand--
turned soles; stses 1 to t; our
. 11.00 value.- Special for one
hour at, the pair. 494
9 TO 10 A. M.
Women's S3 Slippers $1.79
Women's patent and kid Slippers -'
in many handsome styles; with
straps and- bows; valuea to $3. at.
Special for one bour at, the
' pair ., f 1.79
10 TO 11 A. M.
Women's Comfort Juliets $1.29
Women's comfort Juliets In four .
- styles, with patent or -kid tops, -.
very low or medium heels of
either rubber or leather; our II. U
' value. Special for . ens hour-at,
the pair . .81.20
11 A. M. TO 12 M.
Men's High Top Mountain Boots
Mads of black or tea
, heights from I to
leathers In
14 inches.
are Intended for
comfort - la . long
These ahoes
service and
Values. to 1S.00. Special for one
hour at, the pair.,...'. ...f 4.60
Values tollO.00. Special for one
hour at, tha pair $6.59
12 M. TO 1 P. M.
Men 5 and $6 Shoes $3.95
Man's fine Shoes In patent and duU
leathers; made in Bluchar or BaL
style, with heavy single or double
soles all fins shoes and our regu-
lar lt.00 and S4.00 values. Uneciel
'. for one hour at, the pair.. 83.95
1 TO 2 P. Mv
. Girls' Oxfords '
In black or tan leathers, sither but
ton or lacs; band-turned or wslt
solea Borne mads Bluchar
, style,' with regular or large eye-J
lets and wlds ribbon ties; values
to 11.10 .. ,
Slses t to 11.-- Speolsl for one hour
hour at. the pair 81.39
Slses 11 H to 1. Special for one
hour ai. the pair 81.69
A group of powerful little bargain magneto te ex
cite your Interest la ths values that surround. 'in. Re-
mlnders-ria a way of othe economies that, await you
'round tha stors. . - -- '
.- .. FUret Floor. - - '
15o box Shushlne. Shoe Polish. . Special ',...., IT)
lto Jar pure white Cold Cream.-' Special ..16
,10o can finest Perfumed .and Bo rated Talcum Powder.
Special . .-. .....5
Boa of I cakes Medicated Skin Toilet Soap; value loo
cake. Special, boa ' 74;
40o eatra quality Bath Sponge. Special . ..................... 3841
lOo box fine white Writing Paper, ruled" (odd lot). Special 8e
,-lc package of 109 White Crepe Psper Nspkins. Special iae
Extra quality fine heavy laoa aneir raper. tv-yara piece. Bpeeiai . ; . 7 aj
SOc' cabinet box real Irish linen cloth finish White Writing Paper.
Special .....i...... ..............95e
ISc Postcard Writing Tablets. Special . 9
Package silk finish Skirt Braids. In 4-yard length Special . ........ .5
Spool Cottpn, for hand or machine. Special. T spools ......25?
10c package best English brass Pins. Special . v......,......v 6e
lOo pair heavy black and tan Shoe Lsces. Special , .94
Nickeled Tin Wire Coat Hangers.. Speolsl . ......................... 44
1 a BAJk'T. o maMAxn or
A Sensational Sale of Pretty
Jevelry at 19c
. ' -Annex Flrat Floor. . ' '
Prom the many broken lines, caused by a busy season
v - we have- quite a number of odda and ends which wo
are going to closs. out to make room for new goods
:' now arriving. ; The sale price will ia moat instances
bear no relation to the-cost -of manufacture but
youra la tha privilege to take your, choice , of any
thing ahown la the sal at .......... 1B4
A BAMSL op oomo:
AWArrnro mov
China arid " (:
Kitchen Ware
Aaatriaa Obiaa with decorations- of American Beauty
ross and gold line-- ..y , ; f.vii
Otssmsre. Special at '..," v.. 10
Oaks matee, open handles. Special at 25a
Sugars aa4 Creams. Special at. the pair. ........ .35
Berry Seta of IS pieces. Special at, the sat.,..Slt5
Jelly Tumblers, assorted patterns. Special at Se
waraflaa for fruit; 1-lb. ckea Special at. cake .................... .94
Three-Quart Oramtte Saaoeyasa. Special at ,..,....174
Two-Ouart raalte Coffee Pots. Special at ... ..i ... .aT
0-foot Bope Olotbae Liu, with two holdfast hooka Special at 15a
re lis aa Toetapisks strictly high; grade; our Co value. . Special, two pack
age for ' 5
Oairat or bamaxits
Women's Toggery Shops
',. r w . . ." Pita Ploer.
SUM HUt OLOTIS TSe. .- .v:.;-- f.r ,
Two-clasp silk mesh Gloves, with lisle palms and
fancy embroidered hacks; our L00 value. Special at,
the pair T9s)
Lace Extension Tops, SO-button length, la several dif
ferent patterns; in black and white only; to ba worn.
- with short gloves; our SSo value. Special at, tha
. pair . ............... ............83) '
sse mnru Tin rom sa. .
A lot of Tis-some of mull with' hemstltchsd ends snd some of boblnet; '
good ISc value. Special at ..84)
Fancy .white Washable Belts with pearl buckles; our SSo value. Special
at . , i ..48
rxQua ax rnrar souso icnn sum,
A lot of pique snd white linen Bolero Jackets so pretty when worn with
white duck skirts; values to 11.80. Special at ..81.35
2 TO 3 P. M.
Girls' Fine Kid Shoes I
Made by first-class factories, la'
-two styles one a Bluchsr out,
the other with a wide round toe.
" Each has patent tip and wait
Slses I to I; our II. Tl valus. - Spe
cial for ono hour at, pair.. 81.89
Slsea m to 11: our tl.00 value. Spe
olsl for on hour at, pair. .81.59
Slses 11 to I; our I1.S0 value. Spe
cial for en hour at pair.. 81.89
3 TO 4 P. M. :
Boys' Unl. Box Calf Lace Shoes
Of finest stock, with double soles,
also double vamps, making it al
most impossible for them to rip..
We guarantee each upper to out-'.
wear two soles
, Slses to S; our ti lt value. Spe
cial at, tha pair 81.89
Slses IH to IH; our 3.S value.
Special at. ths pair 83.19
' 4 TO 5 P. M.
Girls' $2.50 Shoes $1.19
Big Qlrls' Shoes for young ladlss
who wear low heels and yet must
have a woman's slse shoe. Theee
shoes are of fine kid' In lace or
button styls and come In several
good stylss; slses IH to SVfc; our
11.10 value. Special for on hour
at, the pair 91. TO
la bulging with
Annsx Second -
V. Floor. '.
A Great Bargain
Table C roe sea
tha Salons
"Loaded to the
Guards" with,.
Bargalna. . -
Pretty $2.00 to $2.50 Duck
- Hats for 50c j
Are among the prise finds. They're
daintily trimmed with velvet rib
bons, sdges bound with same.
Large brims that roll back In
graceful sweep; 11.00 to tt.10
vsluss Friday at 50
Misses' $3 Embroidered White
i , Lingerie Hats -
Crowns prettily embroidered, "flop"
, brims. Special Friday at.Sl.OO
Special Sale of Children's ,
Headwear '
A splendid offering of Hsts and
Caps for boys and girls; duck ma
terials In tsns, blues and whites, .
with stltchsd rolling brims and
trimmed with silk ribbon bands.
Also a lot of white Sailor Caps,
, trimmed In blue and white bands,
. These may be easily laundered.
Special as printed
SSo values for.. .400s
Tlo values for ..... 30a
lto valuea for... i t!9f
The August Sale of
Libbey Cut Glass
Offer numberless ' savings , to
. those connoisseurs and others wbe
bav a nleha on their buffet or side- .
board for more sparkling beauty. -Price
are the lowest of aU the year
thla week. Third Floor.
A Pair of SfaWng
Good Bargains :
For u
Mars so MAjro
, Annex First
i, i Floor. :"
Seasonable and '
always needed ' '
things at less .'
' thaa usual price.
The latest novelty. In Men's fancy
bordered, mercerised, hemstltchsd
Handkerchiefs. In polka dots and
plaids; regular "value too. Spe
; 'rial two for ..5
A line of Men's Underwear tn plain
ecru flat Balbriggan'; - regular
' value SOc. Special, garment. 85
and of people. It wa on of tha
greatest parades over sesn In thla elty,
and ths decorations along the line of
march were most elaborate. '
The 'politic of the national meeting
center about the Selection of the next
meeting place. Various cities are put
ting forward for recognition, but the
eastern delegations seem to favor some
place In New England, and It Is prob
able that one of the cities east of New
york , will be choasn. , I
The women , who era attending the
convention are taking an active part in
the politic of the meeting. They are
not only working for varloua ettles
which desire the next convention, but
today tha Kentucky women organised
a committee and started in on a cam
paign to secure the election of Hoortor
for grand trustee
. - L f '
Bald-Headed Clerks at Jersey
City Urged to Seek Mates by
. ' Fifty-Dollar Rewards.'
(Jeans! BaeeUl Berries.)
New Tork, Aug. 14. Swift A Co the
meat packers, have a branch in Jersey
City, arid it haa a staff composed most
ly of bachelors, drifting; late that bald-
j ' -' . '. . -: ' t '
beaded, hope'eas condition of those
who have no place to go at night, and
hence are forced' to seek solace abroad.
This condltloa had become deplorable
until last .week, when out of packing
town by the lake came the announce
ment that Swift A Co. wished the cus
tom of getting marries reestablished,
sad that every male employe who was
willing to surrender his freedom and
marry would be presented with 10 In
gold by his employera The first pHae
wlnner has registered his sppllcatlort for
the prise. He is Thomas McBrlde, chief
clerk of the receiving department.
Wo tha Blgkt Sort.
From ths Indianapolis Star. 1
Lighting struck the governor's of.
floe la the Missouri state eapltoi Thurs
day night, but, much to the regret of
Governor Folk, it was not the presiden
tial kind.'
Cronberg. Aug. II. King Edward and
Emperor Wllhelm parted thla morning,
lha farewells being strikingly affection
ate. The kaiser smed to be much
affected by the parting and he stood
on ths station platform waving a fare
well to the king until the train was
out of sight. The opinion of the news
papers Is to the effect that the meeting
of the king 'and kalssr will be product
ive of much good for both countries.
Dividend of Twenty Per Cent Is
Paid Depositors of
P. - Bank. ' ''W.
(Jearaal Special Serrtrs.)
Chicago, Aug. IS. Federal Judge
Bethea. this morning sppolnted Chart
O. Iawes reoeiver of Steasland'a eo-
operative store under a bond of lllo.
000. Tha receivership Increases the
legal entanglementa growing out of the
Milwaukee Avenue bank failure.
'A receiver haa been appointed for the
Automobils Supply eompany, with s
sets of 140.000. owing the bank UM .
The Polish National aJ lta nee h-e en
tered suit sgalnst the bank for :1,
dsmsges. retser.' ths flrst receiver f
pointed for the bank, this mornlrv 1 -gaa
paying 10 per cent to depoelto. a
The STew J7ty.
From the Detroit Kev.
The Freneh budget makers 4 "w
the best wsy to set rid of sn
official la to cut his salary. 1
ML. Webler, the publlo eseeui
done all the suiting.