The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    t::z onscou daily jou:
tiiuh:dav evz:::::o, -august u v.::.
For Friday and iSaturddy
1 Jl - Iglfttu..
m (ft ft
' " -
aaaaaaat. . . , " -a, "
l.SfrsXSjy.jeSSw'.WvovO. v.vn4m
Front row, left to Hght Lieutenuit-Colonel Wliain H. Corbusier, chief surgeon; Colonel Joha L. Clem, chief quartermaster; General Frederick
Fiuiston; Captain W. C. Haan, chief of staff; Captain Leonard D. Wildman, chief signal officer. Rear row First Lieutenant Edwin C. Cong, artil
lery corps, military secretary; Major William Stephenson, medical corps,' chief sanitary inspector; Captain A. F. Maris, marine corps,- naval at
tache; Captain P. C Stevens, chief paymaster; Captain Edward P. Orton, paymaster; First Lieutenant Burton J. Mltchel, aide-de-camp; , Captain
Edward KimrneV artillery corps, intelligence officer; First Lieutenant Rqger S. Fitch, First calavry, assistant to chief of staff ; Captain John J. Brad
ley, Fourteenth infantry, assistant to chief quartermaster;' Captain Sydney A. Cloman, general staff war department, military observer. ,. K
British Syndicate to Rebuild Ruined Brewery
; in San Francisco and Invade Northern is
."v eerea Special serrlee.) '' I'v
San Francisco, Aug. II. Fourteen
.: ' fears ego a Brttiuh ayndlchte bought up
t an expense of tlo.000.sos the lead
1 lng breweries et 8n Ftanclaco. In the
j ' late lire tbe syndicate loet Its"' plant.
? . Yesterday London, representatives of
, this syndicate wired local agent that
: the erikHcate peopi, after a eareful re-
; eum of the San Francisco altuatloe.
V . had-decided to epeni 12,090,000 In ereci-
l ing a modern . elght-atory brewery
: building on .Second street, aear How-
It appears that the British syndicate
before the" flre owned .seven breweries.
' Since 'the fire Portland. Taeoma nad
1 Seattle firms Inraded this territory and
' are selling beer here at the rate ctf
4 tlOO.SOO a week. These brewery flrmn
have made epeeeial arrangements with
the Soutthern. Peclfle Mount Shasta
route, and ao urgent has been the demand
for beer here that the railroad has been
giving a special rate for carloads at
tached to paesenger trains.
. Tha British syrdicate Is confident
that It can- command the local beer field
and, is determined to do soT further
more, . it -Insists tbat It be given the
same rate, to the northern country that
the northern breweries are getting down
here. x. . , . .,(-. .. -v.
In other words, the syndicate pro
poses to put. up a plant here by means
of will try and control the
majority 'of 'the San 1 Francisco trade
and establish agencies In the north to
counteract the Invasion of Portland, Ta
eoma and' Seattle in thla city.'. .
New Method of Identification Resorted to by
War Department Photos of Soldiers
Supplant Card Measurements
Tannr Rep6rt Thrty-Fiv Hun
K dred Nt Gain During
I" Yar Just Ended.
- Assured of Cooperation of President
1 - in Securing; an Increase of Pen
.i'; sion' to . Twelvf Dollars a Month
;f "J tot Old Soldiers. - "
,i ft. ' .1 ?
' (Joeraal Special Bemte.t
lllnneanolla. iur 1lTha mmllnn.
; Z eur round of pleasure that the O. A. R.
" veterans have enjoyed since their er
'.: rival In the cltv save wav thla mnmint
r, wv.won w wore, rrompuy ai 10
wciock tne fortieth annual encampment
ef the organisation was called to order
"e Auditorium by the retiring eom
. ', mander-ln-chlef, James Tanner of
been elaborately decorated for the oc
: decorations Including flacs snd banner.
; i; and large portraits of Lincoln, Grant
and other leadtrs. .
. in. vpimni nour was aevoted to ed
v f dresses by representatives of tbe state.
j the elty and the local veterans and sp-
i nrcmHate mimiim. .
" tnsnder Tanner and other of the dele
Bates.' as soon mm fK. n.tiMiM.
... ulUjllH.I W Bni.
j. gram was over Commander Tanner o
.... rected au persona not members of the
) Grand Army to withdraw from the hall,
as li wss to be an ejeeutlve session.
Commander Tanner, In his annual ad
dress, touched upon many subjects of
Interest to the veterans, among them
pensions, the cantsen at soldiers' homes,
the observance of Decoration day, etc.
The report of Adjutant-General John
Tweedle showed the number' of Grand
Army posts now exceeds (,000. ' Mora
then 10,000 veterans passed sway dur
ing the year, the loss exceeding 4 per
eent of the membership. ; . ,
. Xaersase Membership.
' In bis address Corporal yTanner said:
"Despite 9,000 deaths, which led ma to
expect that a decrease- wse Inevitable,
the G. A. B last yesr increased Its
membership 1.(00. - During the ' Isst
year, while the public conscience waa
outraged by the exposure of corruption
In high places, the minutest Investiga
tion reveals the fact tha not one veteran
of the olvll war was among the fallen
add guilty.. .
The Grand " Army of the Republic
responded royally to the appeal for
funds for the relief of San Francisco.
I hope Memorial day will be kept
sacred and desire ell to work for the
suppression of ball games, races and
other sports en that day. .
"I am assured of the cooperation to
all possible ' extent of the president In
securing til monthly pension for ell
veterans end tit forsll widows, although
It will take JJ4.000.000 from the treas
ury et the etart." "
The commander referred to the auto
mobile accident in which hie wife was
killed at Helena, and paid her a touch
ing tribute. He eald that nothing in
lfi ever crushed him so, not even the
oo e et Bull Run.
The G. A. R. will elect f commander
and select the next encampment city
today. Brown of Ohio leads for Tan
ner's chair. Ireland will likely be the
next chaplain-in-chlef. .' . ;
Diamond Leaders
llanufactorinf Jtwelers Expert Opticians
Reliable Watches
' (Jeersal pedal Ssrvlee.l -
San Francisco, 'Aug. IS. Pursuant to
ordere Issued by the war department,
which go Into effect December 1, all
enlisted mew In the United Btates army
will be subjected to a new method of
Identification. Heretofore soldiers have
all' been; accurately described by means
ef the "outline figure card," and al
though this method has served to some
advsntagev: the new system will . un
doubtedly, Insure a more perfect Identi
fication. ' ( -
Photographs, Including full and profile
views of every man. will be taken and
eech photograph will be accompanied by
the finger prints of ths subject. A com
mission of army officers was appointed
at Washington some time ago for the
thorough etudy of this system, which
ie popular with the French government.
Each"- member of thla commission will
be appointed to an army poet so that
he can Instruct others who are to be
in charge of the system.
Each post of any prominence will be
equipped with the paraphernalia for re
cording the Identifications and soldiers
arriving at posts lacking these facili
ties will bs sent te the nearest identin1
cation station. - ' , ; x-: '
- All descriptions are to be kept In tbe
war department, the government hoping
in this way - to check the tendency
toward desertion and to prevent the re
enlistment of deserters or those dis
honorably discharged. The war depart
ment enlists from 11.000 to 17.000 men
each year and In the same length of
time the army strength Is depleted by
two fifths of this number. '
Senior Vlce-Commander-ln-Chlef Cook
of Denver. Junior Vice-Commander Tow
ler of Minneapolis. Burgeon-General
Phlller of Waukesha. Wisconsin, and
Quartermaster-General Battles of Con
cord, New Hampshire, submitted volumi
nous reports..
The Woman'a Relief Corps, ths Ladles
of the G. A. R. and the Daughtere of
Veterane held sessions today and the
veterans met In corps, brigade and regi
mental reunions all over the city. ; ;
" " (Continued from Page One.)
demanded by Mr. Compere. The power
of the courts to Issue writs of-Injunction
te prevent Irreoarable Iti'jury to
property or to a property right for
which there is no sdequate remedy at
law is older than tha constitution and
as well established as any other princi
ple of law or equity The Inalienable
right of each cltlsen, no ne weaa or
etrongl is to come and gd to and from
his property without molestation and
to carry on business thereon, and. In
thoexerctae-ef such-right he Is en
titled to call upon the government tor
protection through the courts. ;
. Defies Xabot tenders. "
- "In charity for him. I do not believe
that he realises the consequenoee that
would result from that which he advo
cates, and. in Justice te all the cltlsen
ehlp of the republic. In juetlce to every
man who lives In the sweat of hi face
by honest endeavor, I am now, and will
be at all timed, opposed to this legisla
tion which he demands. ..
Tor 10 years I have represented a
district where nearly all the constitu
ency hsvs lived, end are living, by their
labor. In the transection of the bus!,
nens of their ' organisation I have no
doubt but the laboring men will co
operate with those who from time te
time - they ' piece In authority, but In
their perty efflliatlone. In choosing the
policies of the republic. I am ready to
take my chancee with them, and this,
too, without regard to the demands of
Mr. Gompere when he seeks to control
their sctlon at the ballot-box.
"We are willing to stand by the record
and trust te the Intelligence ef the peo
ple aa to whether they will continue
this record of prosperity end wise re fil
iation of abuses or accept the preaohlngs
and prom lees of the demagogue."
Both Bepmblleaae aad B exonerate Hold
lag ITomlsatlng Conventions.
Jmrsal Speetel gerelee.t '
' Chicago, III., Aug. 14. Under the new
state primary law both Democrats and
Republicans hold their congressional
nominating conventions today. There
ere 10 districts within the Chicago city
limits end all at present are represented
in congress by Republicans. Each of
the 10 Incumbents la a eendldste for re-
nomination and eeven ef the number are
without opposition In their own party.
The renomlnatlon ef all It of the repre
sentatives Is assured.
The Democratic decided
by the recent primary. Willi be: First
district, Msrtin Emerlrh; Third, Willis C
Stone; Fourth. 1. T. MoDermott; Fifth,
A. J. Sabath; Sixth, K. J. Stark; Seventh,
F. Buchanan; Rlghth, Htanley H. Kuns;
Ninth, Quia O'Brien. la the Seuond and
Tenth dfstrlots the Democrats had no
candidate at the primary. : -
Cairo Congressman.''' --
, (Jon real Special gtrvlee.) - .
Cairo, 111.. Aug. 10. The Republican
convention Is In session here today to
name a candidate to make the raoe for
congress in the Twenty-fifth district.
Georgo W. Smith of Murphysboro la tbe
probable nominee. , - , - :
Lowdsn Warned for Congress.
(Jooraal Special gerrfe.)'
Free port, I1L4 Aug. to-Frank O. Low
den, son-in-law of the late George M.
Pullman and erstwhile aspirant for the
governorship of Illinois, was named for
congress today by the Republican eon.
ventlon of the Thirteenth district.
J asxexwaasaesxsssaeialBXseBX. '
(Jeersal Sseelal RerrW I
- Berlin, Aug. It. Isadora Jjuncan, who
caused a furore In Europe and America
with startling dances, Is the bride of
Ellen Terry's son, a young Englishman
named Craig. Ths couple are spending
their , honeymoon in Holland. Mire
Duncen has been conducting a dancing
academy here and among her patron
ware a number or women of Berlin's
most exclusive set- It waa known that
Craig was sxceedingly attentive, but no
Intimation or an engagement wes given
out. The marriage waa conducted wlta
such secrecy that even the closest
friends knew nothing of It until sev
oral daye after It occurred. -
She startled the Oreeke by : giving
claaalo Grecian dancee In the Acropolis
and after eomlng here was ordered by
the police to desist from; dancing In
puuius in omrm ivei, . , ,-
-. (Special DUretefc ts The Jooraal. t
Raker City, Or., Aug. 1. The North-
westsm Guarantee A Trust company of
Portland has purohased the entire addi
tion to Baker city known as the Rla-a-en
and Holbrooke addition and will do aome
extensive improvement work on the
property at once. The president of the
compeny. expects to arrive In Baker
within the next few daye to look Over
the property. This addition consists of
4(0 lots. -
Ten ate net properly looxtag em fee
Te. 1 nxdeee yen waseh The fetunal
Wan Ada.
. 1 '' i
(Jeersal Sseelel Berries.) .
Nsw Tors, Aug. 1 .-The Standard
Oil eempany has declared a dividend for
the quarter of IS a share.
1 ''M ,1 JL-liM'--H-3
Never Anrthlns; Just Quits Like It In
Portland Come In ' Teday snd
Sea What Wa Can Do
.,fpr"';" You, -, ' " -
As our time for winding up this
sals is so near at hand we will
an. additional force of salesmen on
hand for the next 'two days, so tbat
all who come may receive prompt at
tention. Every piano will be sold on
its merits and at nrices to corntorm
to the grade in which it belongs. No
misrepresentations will be toieratea.
Some of the best bargains remain and
prices have been reduced to the mini-
clean sweep of the entire stock before
closing-up time Saturday nignt.
You can buy the Steinwaythe
king of all pianos gt prices- that
will not be duplicated proosDiy in
years. - Tne tmerson, a nousenoid
word all over the world; the sweet
toned Estev: the Sterling.' a favorite
with artists everywhere,, and msny
other well-known - makes, at prices
that will appeal to every well-informed
person aa being so low- that
you will not ask-for one penny off
from - the 'marked price. , Try us.-
Com in todsy. : -. ; .
, SixUi and Alder Streets. -
Carpntars Adopt Resolution Not
to Work Betide i Non
c : Union Workmen. -XI
i r'..V
'. .- .l m-tmt Sllll I 1
. ta'Aaseles. Aug. IS. Thla elty and
vicinity ts threatened with a building
strike which will check, the heavy de
mand' Jtor lumber... Resolutions have
.Xsr.t4 hf the carpentere -union
nriiiini that na member of the Broth-
erhood of Carpenters wUl work on a Job
with nonunion carpenters. If the de
manda be not granted the leaders of the
union declare there will be a general
strike here In the building trades.
Thedlsposltlon jf ths contractors
who employ large numbers orraen ts
a i-aaiat tha demands. The employers.
almost to a man. assert that they will
1st - the men strike oeiore may wui
grant any concession. -"'
imnn. the ranks of union labor gen
erally It ts believed that the demands
will be greatly modlfled before the time
announced for them to go Into effect.
The llrst modification was made by the
carpenters last night, who decided te
meke the ehange apply only to house
carpentere and not to mill workers.
ABCystevy Soiree.
"How to keep eflf periodic ettarke et
biliousness and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life
Pills 'solved for me," writes John N.
I'leassnt of Magnolia. Ind. The only
pills that are guaranteed to give perfect
satlafacllon to evsryb"lv or money re-
sunaea. wnajr see ai aiamore urug w
(Jeersal gaeelal Berrlee.)
Ashland. Or- Aug. l.The Oregon
Copper company has been Incorporated
by C. W. Bvans, a mining engineer of
Ashland, for a syndicate ef London
capltaJlata. The company naa securec
one of the best of eopper claims In
southern Oregon.' The group contains
large bodies of high-grade copper erea
with many thousand tons In sight ready
to be extracted and treated. Tbe ere
will be treated by the non-acid leaching
process of Los Angelas. A quantity of
the ore nas oeen ireaiea oj imi j
at the works ln,Ixe Angelee and tbe
test have been very satisfactory. Uy
this nrocess ooDDsr can be produced
from the raw ore at a coot of 14.40 per
ton. The refuse of one elass of, ths
ore, after being ground finer, la saleable
as a by-product in los Angeies ai ev
per ton as a hign-graae mineral painu
The company la capitalised et I1.S0O,-
S00 with eharoa at SI eecn. per vaiue
the Tendon avndlcate taking five elxthe
of the stock. The directors and officers
ef the company are as follows: C. w.
Bvans. president; O. W. Dodson, master
mechanlo of the Ashland Iron works,
vice-president: C C Hicks, mineralogist,
treasurer;" Clyde A. Payne, chemlet and
aeaarer. secretary; Lee W.vusssll, mm
Ins engineer (late of Colorado), mine's
manager: J, F. Retigan, formerly with
the emeltere at Swansea, Wales, metal.
Iur gist; Louie Oberleln, architect and
builder. constructing - engineer; J.. A.
Harvey, attorney. general counsel.
Messrs. Retigan end Oberleln are of
New Tork Cltv and the balance of the
directors are of Ashland, where the head
office of the company la located. .
f 1
erveylBf Crew Changes Vamp. .
, ' (Special Manatee te The Jonrsal.l
Olrmpia. Wash. Aug. 1 The North
ern Paclfle eurveylng crew has moved
camp ever to South Bay and la now try
ing to And a-practical grade to a level
with the surrounding country for their
main-line road. ; i . " ",
Xn Twemty-r ourta tUlaola Dlstrlet.
IJmiraal SDeelal Sen lee. t
Carml, 111., Aug. It. The Republl-
eens of the twenty-fourth congressional
district mat In convention here todsy
snd named Representative Pleasant T.
Chapman tor another term.
(ea,dSl Sperlal Servlee.)
Washington, ' D. C, Aug. 1. rere
tary Bonaparte put up to the presi
dent the eases .of Naval Surgeons Peese
and Brown, eeeused of "cribbing" tn
examinations for promotions. -
After Oea Trust. '
(Jnnreal Siieetal mrtrm.
New ; Tork. Aug. it. The supreme
court today Issued mandamus- com-
i ... .
Ilandoome Buffet 0 17.50
The picture doesn't begin te do It Justice. Made -of beautifully
grained oak. In golden or weathered finish, and fitted with a heavy -plate
glass that measures ltxSO Inches. Cabinet work and construc
tion are of the very beet. , ' t v. . , , i '
fi-oo-A win Btrre aht avtiou at vmm STom-ie ...
- " -L-s" el I II ww .; ' I J
-v X".: '').' :,-- 'y.Vi':: -"-"7 i'-X- X'lt . .: . ; ,
Kitchen Set
This set. If bought pleee by
Made of
would eoet at least
around steeu with eboa-
isen handles, ana not te ne com
pared to the chsap bargain coun--ter
articles usually advertised.
The butcher knife, panoake turner, 1
basting spoon, serrated-edge bread -'
knife, emery . steel - and paring
knife all for eoe. . , .-
Hall Glabo
Mnde of 'solid quarter-sewed
oak. golden finish.- Measures
II Inches, and Is fitted with three
ornamental , brass hooks, and.' a
heavy French' plate glass that la
a quarter of .ah Inch thick. ' . ' '
i life iuh
Woodard, Clarke
i .i .
X History May Repeat .
Itself, but when your hair
is gone, it's gone; that's
all there is to it, and it
takes a powerful sight
more coaxing to -. get it
back than to keep it -when
you have it.
Will keep it. for you by
destroying ' the Dandruff
Germthe primary pause
of the excessive dryness,
itching of the scalp, Ec
zema and finally baldness.
The dead tissue (Dand
ruff Scales) is removed
and the proper circulation
and nourishment are re
established. ' ; ;
Nature wllltlo the rest.
' ' $1.00 a Bottle X;
. sV.i . - . - :v. :
Tkeie'f a leaaatlea ef ssllgkt after
tas Snt ayylieatiea.
MirSO. beiilaa belse s seaftlTS
furmlHd are tnnle, la aa Invaluable
adjunct te the bouWr snthlng elae
(Wee ra enlte tke aame aat la faction
a delicately eerfameS Sraeeine fee
the bill. .Its use Is s Sae habit.
Ladies Hand Bags
Special Sae ;
of the latest Prench snd American
medals, all new, 'exclusive and In
the latest ehadea. Don't fall te see-
- Special
' 93.15
f 4.20
f 5.95
them. "
Ladles' Hand Bags... 4.10
Lsdles Hand Bags..: I 1.00
" Ladles Hand Bags...! S.00
Ladles' Hand Bags. ..I S.I0
. Ladles Hand Baga... 1.00
Ladles' Hand Bags.. .110.00
Lad lei' Hand Bags... 111.00
Ladles' Hsnd Bags... 111.10
Oomple lfcee of the SMSte-tSe
Xaaleare Bunlslteg yaet received.
Rubber Department
- Special ;
Combination "eontain Syringe,' 4-qt!,
- regular Special... 4. ...vTatt
Dr. Grass' Sanitary Syringe; regular
11.(0. Special ..'............93.90
Fountain Syringe, 4-qt, complete set
.ef tubes; regular $1.15. Special. 83 4
Ladles will alwaya ' And competent
saleswomen In this department to
'wait upon them. , . i - & i
' s' ,
Hammered Brass
Trays 'v;i
You're going to be mighty sorry yon
didn't tske advantage of thla oppor
tunity to get a tea tray for a frac
tion of the usual price. Ton couldn't
buy these same . articles In. New
Tork st twice the price we ask
80r 1 96.00. Better hurry.
A sell 10-eent ess In Seeordanna with I
pelting tha Consolidated Oaa company a law passed at tie Jest assembly,
Immense marble deposits ug ba tae
Inake river, neat Huntington,