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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
CZZZZ'j . DAILY JCUr.IJAL, rZT.ZL.'.l'.D. TIIUHZDAY vEVTrillJO, AUGUST 18, 1800. I, WlMWltt AUHUAL LIT W. R. C. Welcomed to Minneap- . nlia With Saint anH ' s' t Flag Drills. V, - - - j .t 7 SPIRITED CONTEST ON 7 FOR THE PRESIDENCY Over Five Tfioueand Spent Among ; Refugee in San Francisco, Mak Ing Total of Three Million Spent Sine 'Organiation "'V'-TtTT -V - (Journal Special Scrvloe.i ' Minneapolis, Aug. 1. The annual 1 convention of the Woman' Relief Corpi '..met at lv o clock this momma In Wes ley M. E. church, Mr. President Adam 1 of Nebraska presiding. Tlv exercises . were opened with salines, nag drills and tableaux-In the curriculum of-patrlollo teaching. The opening; seaslon was de voted to welcome addreeeea, responses and to the hearing of the annual re ports of the national offloers. The total membership, at the present time, according to the reports. Is 1Z, 11. The total number of corps Is 1,141. The' amount of cash expended In relief during- the year waa &I,7K Una thousand dollars was expended for the southern memorial fund; and 10,112 was donated to the Ban Francisco sufferers. The total amount, expended since the : society's organisation - now exceeds 13.000,000. . , .,, j ' . - Regarding the progress of patriotic Instruction, the president. In her annual address, said: t . . . .. , - "All through the year from every da partment have come good tidings of Cie patrlotlo work. The demand for patrtotlo ' literature and flags far surpasses . our limit of expenditures and In the south I find great opportunities, and. despite oertam unpleasant circumstances, I am ' greatly enoouraged by the friendly spirit of loyalty found In many aectlone. That the heart of the 'New South' is throb bing with right Impulses Is shown by . the desire la keep, step with the prog' ress of the tlmee In educational mat tare. In connection with this 1 .wish to apeak of the lack of school In the mountainous region where the children of those peculiar people should be ; taught those branches which would en - able them to be intelligent, respected oltlsens, and where they might also learn to reverence Ola Glory- and to know what It represents. , During the civil war these mountaineers were the ' friends of our "boys In blue,' and today .their children are calling to us to re lease them from the bondage of Ignor ance. Shall we turn a deaf ear to their piteous appeal T" - A spirited contest te en for the presl dener of tha Woman's Relief Corns. . The leading candidates are Mrs. Mary L. Olliman of Massachusetts, Mrs. Clara R. Bparklln of Missouri,, and Mr. Kate XL Jones of New York. . The Ladles of the O. A. R. met In the , First Baptist church thle morning, with the president. Mrs. Ruth B. Foots of Denver. In the chair. " The opening ses sion was also devoted to hearing an nual reports, which showed Increased membership And good conditions gener ally. - The Daughters of Veterans met in convention In Knights of Pythias hall. Tonight the Daughters have arranged to give a large reception In honor of Commander-in-Chief Tanner of the a. A, R. .,, . i .;. (.-..., , i."TT". . : BEGIN RESTORATION OF ' ; WESTMINSTER ABBEY : "V - (Joaraal Special Servtee.i London, Aug. l(. An extensive work . of restoration ha been commenced at Westminster Abbey, the authorities having decided to spend no less than . f 100,000 In repairing the north tran aept of the historic structure. - The need for overhauling some of the stonework has long been apparent, but the matter wee not until recently considered urg ent It ha been suggested that the vi bration caused by motor trafflo has had serious effects on the Abbey fabric but this is denied on the authority of Canon Duckworth. It I the London atmos phere, deadly to buildings, publlo and private, sacred and secular, that I to blame, and it. has gradually deteriorated the northern quarter of the Abbey walla to such a degree that the work of res toration had to be undertaken without delay. . ' . "; " . : , CONTRACTS FOR ASYLUM IMPROVEMENTS AWARDED , .'Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Salem, Or, Aug. It.- Contracts for Improvements and additions to the main building of the state lneane asylum and for painting the roof were awarded to Charles A. Gray of Salem for 127,011. Tha contract for building improvement and. repair was let for 111,111, and for painting and cement painting for 110, 01. The latter Includes the painting of 'the physicians' cottages. Rasmus sen aY Co. of Portland received the con tract for. furnishing the mixed paint at 11. OS per gallon. The board discovered that the amount of the lowest bids ex ceeded the appropriations, and it was necessary to cut out one proposed new lavatory and the completion of ', the quarantine station, u v..' ,' : To Oppose Congressmen nemtt, . IJoarosI Special Barrio.) ' ' Bristol, Va- Aug. If. The Democrat of the ninth district are holding a con vention here today to decide upon a , candidate to : oppose' Representative Campbell Slemp, tha only Republican member of the Virginia delegation' In congress. From present Indications the honor will go to Judge Duncan of Lee county. " -- - Vasoova Band OoaalsgV . - (Joaraal H portal Berrlee.l ' London. Aug. 10. The bend ff .the Second Life Guards sails for Quebec today on- the steamship Canada. The organisation of mualclans. which la one of the most famous military banda In the kingdom, has bean engaged to ap pear at the forthcoming . exhibition in Toronto. . Render the bile more fluid 'and thus helps the blood to flow; It alforde prompt relief from biliousness, indi gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and overindulgence In food and drink. O. U CsldwelU Agt. M. K. r T. R. R., Cheooteh, Ind. Ter., writes, April It: "I wss sick for over two years with en largement of the liver end spleen. Th4 doctors did me no good and I had to - give up all hope of being eured, when my aruggisi aavisea me iu uwm neroine. 11 nmm mMi .wuiiw . www. Woods rd. Clarke A Co C r :c".rrzLLir.,r) John D. Rockefeller About VETERAUS DESIRE CAUTEENS Dopartment Commanders In dorse the .' Utterances of 5 Corporal Tanner. : ; ABOLISHMENT IS BJLOW - : ; ; AT. REAL TEMPERANCE Declare That Soldiers' Homes Should Sell Liquor V to Inmates Rather Than Fores Them to Pnrchate It Ontaids. ' ; - (Waahlngtoa Boreas ef The Jeuraal.) -Washington. D. C Aug. SUff of ficers and department commander of the Q. A. R. by a large majority Indorse the uterancea of ("Corporal"- Tanner. commander-in-chief, that the paeeage by congress of an act abolishing canteens from national- soldiers' homee after nest March waa unwise and a blow at real temperance, bealde a restriction of the personal liberties of veterana . of the civil war that ought to be resented. A number of prominent officials of the organisation intend to bring the matter before the national encampment, now In aeeelon at Minneapolis. The resolutions censuring congress and de manding that the old soldier be treated aa able to care -for himself will bring on a hot fight, as there are k number of of ficials who will approve the work of congress. . ' .' Tenner natames. . - After the Interview with Commander- in-Chief Tanner appeared in the newspa per a, lettere were sent to each staff officer and departmental -commander aaklng his views on the question. Of about 10 answers that have been' re ceived 10 are strong In their approval of the attitude of the oommander-ln-chlef, five favor the abolition of the canteen and five are noncommittal. . Weatern department commanders are practically a unanlmou for the restora tion of the canteen, both In the regular army and soldiers" homes, as thslr com rades in the east. Hamer Butcllffe, de partment commander of Portland, Ore gon, writes: -."! am very much tn faVor of the canteen. Living within six miles of a large army poet. I know the differ ence between there being a canteen and no canteen, and sincerely hope that con gress will listen to the reports of regu lar army officers on that subject, and not to impracticable persons with A dogma." ' .. ,. . Wert WanM Oaateen.' James H. Crelghton,' department com mander of Arlsona, Bays that he is a tsmperance man, and regards tha use of liquor a violous, "but as I know ths habits of unemployed soldiers, I know they will , have liquor, and I am thor oughly, oonvlncad that It. la better for them to gat it at a place- under the con trol of their officers and-within their own campe than elsewhere. I there fore believe In tha army canteen." ' ' William C Allberger, department com mander of California, take this view: "I em strongly In favor of the canteen, having had conaiderable opportunity to see Its benefits In service, and at our veterana' homea In this state. I Indorse every word that our commander-in-chief baa aald." , . , , Taken Anniversary. ' . i (Jesraal Special Servlee.l BeattAe, Aug. .!. This date le a notable one In the history ef Alaska and Ita recent development and doubt less 1 being fittingly observed today In the northern territory. It' waa on thl day 10 yeare ago .that Skookum Jim washed out his famous pan on Rabbit creek," whose- result wss ths bringing of thousands of people to the Tnknn country land enriching the world Ml ill0.VQO.00f U COM latest ricTur.z. to Shake Hands With a ViaitonV 7 TO HOLD REUf Hi LOG CABIN Pionaers Erect Building at Til ; lamook In Which to Enter- tain Their Associates. I WILL BE FURNISHEP IN . r STYLE OF EARLY DAYS Not a Nan WCl Be Used and Every , Article in House Will Have Been Made in or Brought Into the State ftrior to Tifty. ' V (Special Dispatch te The Joarsal.) Ttlalraook, Or.. Aug. William N, Vaughn. Captain William D. SMUwtU. H. Holdsn, George Randall and Wll UantvJohnaon are building a log cabin In whlcTt-to entertain their old associ ates during the street fair and carnival which la planned in this city for August IS, 14 and IS. ."Their. Immediate descendants, chil dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, number 69. The proudest thing thsy have to Bay le there Is not nor has ever been a "black sheep" in the lot. All who hava eome ef age are respected and useful eitlsene of this and other states. , William N. Vaughn., born In New Tork in 1111; emigrated to Oregon In J4. H. F. Holden, born In Massachusetts In 1817; emigrated in litis came to Oregon In 1144. - - ' George Randall, II years old, born In Pennsylvania; came to Oregon In 1181. . Captain Stlllwell, born In Ohio, came to Oregon in 1144. f The building will be II by SO con structed without a nail In It. It will be furnished . entirely - with articles brought to or made In the etate prior to 150. There will be tha- first rock ing-chair ever made In Oregon, one of four clock brought by the Hudson Bay . eempany, a loom Snd spinning wheel mads about A. D. 1141, old Kentucky- rtflea that have their own death records behind them, skillets, bake ovens and primitive hand-forged tools. . The fireplsoe le being built of sticks and mud, a crans 10 years old will be hung and on it a pot - which the . old Moneere Intend shall be as full ef beana. baoon and clama and aa free aa It waa In their earlier day. - The latch string will be hanging out, and they have written to all ef their few companlona to loin than. - ' It made but a scant muster roll, how ever, when they east about for the liv ing ones. 1 - - . SHERIFF CLOSES THE : ' LID AT LONG BEACH ' (Bnecisf Dispatch to The Joornsl ) ' Itwaco, Wash., Aug. 14. Sheriff Mc Donald of Paclfio county ha put the ltd on Long Beach and Nahcotta and I alt ting on It. The sheriff started to close the lid on Sunday and as a result A. Stephenson and T. Camlman, hotel pro prietor, and Jamea Petit of Nahcotta will have to stand trial for selling liquor on Sunday. The saloons In this town, which, have been opened .for the past ' dalveetoa's Sea Well makes life now is rafe In that cltv aa on ths higher uplands. B. W. Goodloe, who resides on button street. In Waco, Tex., neede no aea wall for safety. Ha writes: "t havs used Dr. King's Nsw Discovery for Consumption the paat Ave yeare and It keepe me well and nafe. bofnre that time I had a cxtuah which for yeers had been growing worse. Now it s gone. turea inmnro vougns, i Grippe,-Crmin, Whooping Cough 'end Rrevente Pneumonia. Plessant to tske. very bottle guaranteed at Skldmore rirug t'o. a-nce eve ana blow, xriai HI! aaaaula isaey i - - ' ; tetettteeeeeMtt rV t- V (. : I! nul I mm jrsvt try r. Men Now Visiting the Cltv Invited to Call. ' - Cin Pv.mlnollAn ' " ;X.:, Qiven Free. v ; . It pays men to gt to the Dr. W.'Norton Davis company.' Their phy slclsns are of the world's best specialists. iThay are knewn-ttrrmigh ' out the northwest to be reltaltle, ITonest, upright physicians and surgeona Quick and lasting cures frnve established their reputation. Cured patlenta ' indorse them. .Grateful men recommend them. ' ' Call nt Once If You-Are In Trouble j ; KSaT Young and middle-aged men who have Injured themselves In -body snd mind, with weak back, falling strength, eunken cheeks, hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. - Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been y Cured for $10 and Many Only $3 During the r Past 17 Years in This City We Give the ; Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices. I We are always willing to arrange terms to suit. You can par by the visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal discount for cash. Remember, our charges are the lowest and most reasonable In the city, and you get the very best treatment. , Call and find out about your case at once: If will be the happiest day of your life. Consultation free. r TABIOOU TXUTI, wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain- Rupturet hydrocele and pllee cured without op eration. Consult us free and And Out how we cure without the knife. Our price for s cure is the chespest In the northwest. , CnOaUO skin dlsesses. ecsema, ulcers, sores, piles, constipation. Itch ing, -heart. Kidneys, uver, atnmacn, mi af Sawa ISea Vlattln tka Olfr and maybe you can be cured before be curefl in one or two or more visits. W.BITB P.nnl. who live In outside tnmns and in the country who cannot call should write for consultation, and advice, free. a. Many cases have been cured by home treatment. j . Our new treatment hsa cured 0,000 others ane will cure you. " Come to ue end you will alwaye as tbs moat Important tranac- . tlon of your life. : If you can't call, send -for-our free symptom blank. , We will tell you If you are afflicted. Consultation free. , If yon live eat ef the olty, eosae foe one visit yew eaa go back en ' the next train. . . ; You Need Not Pay Until You Are Cured Should you desire, you' mey deposit the fee with any bank or bust-' nesa houss in Portland, to bs paid to ua after you have been restored to health. ; . . ,.: v. .. ,;, sry.- Ofllce hours I a. m. to 8 p. m.i 8und.ayaand holidays, 14 a. m. to.U m. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS i CO. Leading SpeoiaUsts U the irorthwest. BsvasUshed latt. TA MOT KOTBL, 51 H TMXMD ST, OOkaTZB TOTS, POmTXAaTO, OB. fle Core Men for 12.5ft If you have violated the laws of health and are cdhietou of a constant drain which la undermining your system, corns to us before you become a nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have bad dreams, depressed. lack ambition end energy, unable to concentrate your thoughts, lack vrm, vigor and vitality, come to Us at once: our treat ment will stop all drains and overcome all weaknesses and positively re store yoa to strength and health. We have cured thousands of weak men. , ', t i ... We want every man In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment, We cure you at home. One visit . : only required to oiir office, when necessary; Special Disease Newly contracted and chronio cases cured. All burn ing Itching and inflammation atopped In 14 hours; cures effected In seven day.' W ewer the entire Seld ef special and ahronle, deep seated, compli cated diseases. , Writ If you cannot 'call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies Beni' In plain envelope. No names, oases, letter or photogrsphs of patients published or exposed. ' W charge f eure only. ' We do not expect pey for cur Services un ices we cure a patient sound and well, so that he will be entirety satisfied, and will never again hava to be treated for the same, trouble. laves ttgat end lamrn that ear word to as good en bond. Oar gnaaelal steading la eollA and our long esperianee la treatlag apodal Sieeaaea of men Insures yen ef saodern, ecleatlflo treatment that will aooompnsh a emre. Hour a. m. to p. p.; Evenings. 7 to I; Sunday, I a. m. to It noon. SL Louis UED1CAL AND SUBGIQl oomsma sboobt avb ta i month, were tightly closed .on Sundsy, for on Saturday night they learned that Sheriff McDonald waa In earneet, even If the time for hi reelection waa at hand. The action of the sheriff In clos ing the saloons on Sunday haa met with popular approval and it la believed he will be reelected by a large majority. TRIED TO PURCHASE v VOTE FOR PRIMARY ; .,''; ' .. .. ,.,..' ' (Jearaal Special Servlee.) - fl-o Angeles. Cel., Aug. II. A war rant was sworn out yesterday by Hsrry C. Cerr, a newspaper reporter, and George Herri man,-a newspaper artist, for the arrest of Deputy Sheriff II. O. Vlgnes. charging him with an attempt to buy votea. It la alleged that Vlgnea of fered Carr II for a vote at the prima ries yeeterday for delegates favorable to the candidacy of Sheriff Will White. White denouncea the proceeding. , . - Oaehall Sleta Ooavsatioa. - (gpeeMl lUapsteh te Tue-JearnsLI Chehalla, Waah., Aug. 14. The exec utive committee of the Lewie county Republican central committee met here yeatarday. On account of his duties aa state Are warden. Chairman Welty waa unable to be present. Secretary Grant Cot lerlll of Centralis and Messrs, J. A. Taylor of Agate, J. C. Buah of Clag nato, r. J. Sanger of Coal Creek, R. U Calvin of Toledo and-B. W. Corner of Neelka were. In attendance. Chehalla waa selected e the place for the com ing county convention, and Saturday, September I, wae chosen aa the date for the primaries. The convention will be held Saturday, September II. The vote -ast two yeara ago for Hon. Trea cle W. Cuahman for congress was caoien as the bails (or the apportion- r m. s m j. . MX fx & f t V.'1 catarrn, rneumausm. pains. 'nnsul t us at once unon arrival returning home. Many cases can consultation ana aavice ires. eS AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY BSTASXISKBO SS ISAM XST POBTXABTD. COINSUUTATI9N FREE W&1 WXLXi TBBAT AJTT SXaTOU, UBOO1CP1J0ATXD ; ATXKasrr rom tis-so. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE, NO PAY UNLESS CURED ' A LIFE-LONd CURB FOR Bleed roiaoa, Skin OUeaaas, Sores, Tleera, Stricture, Tartooeela, Xydrooele, aTerrone Decline, Wsakaeae, PUee or OhioBia Slseases of the SUdaeye and Pro state. Dispensary mint POBTXAVS, OB. F3 -REST BY 25 YEARS TEST ' For Stomach end Bowel troubles, Uv er end Kidneys, snd an diseases due to Im pure blood or weak nerves - Small site (tablet!) 25c. large sire, fl 00. At Drug gists' (in black boxrat tl not send fcx FREE trial box to V R.H'a Native' Herbs Company Cohnnaws. Ufctat e Sea rrerlere Cel. Cb CUT RATES For 30 Days Only II.0O Gold Crown.,, fS.OO 11.00 Gold Crown. S3. 50 110.00 Platea 5.00 111.00 PUtee rilllnga, up from ,Z&f Work aaranleeeV - Boston Dental Parlors S1H Btorrtsoa BV, On. S. O. and Stales B Frank, tnent ef delegates, and there will be about lift delegatee In Ahe convention. ''. : Baafe Wrecker Bead. , " Boston. Aug. H.Oenrel Cherles Cole, who eerved a 4ertn In prison for wrecking the Olobe National bank while Ua firesl4at U aa mm 11 TRANSPORTATION. eery Vviluullx Center Line Steamers THK rTXCTJRSIOM STBAMKR "BAILEf OATZERT" makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at a. m.. rsturnlng. ar- ' rives p. m. i Dally service between Portland end i ne uaues excapv .unur, land at 1 a. m. arriving about i p. m., carrying freight aaj passsngera. Splen did accommodatlone , for outnte anil livestock, . Dock foot of Alder street. Portlsnd; foot of Court streeu The Dalle. Phone Main I H. Portlan L , . ? ' : TELEGRAPH raateet an hi.te r -.the enlj steamboat making a round trl ... y , . ; , . BAXmT .. "'"Jneept Sunday' Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA ' An WAT POIsTTS r.eave Portlsnd........ 'J9 m- Arrive Astoria i .......... ..1 P- m. Ijart Astoria.,.. P- m. Arrive Portlsnd. ............ .0:05 p. m. M..I.S SKP.VKD A LA CARTE Pcrtlasd Xandtng, Aide Street Soak. Astoria IVandlag. OaUsade Bock. R' B. BCOTT. Agent. Phone tiain ALASKA FAST AND POPVLAB ITIAallHIPl ' ,: "' '"". Iste Seattle..; ,';. jyryiMow,M Asrt I. ' "DOLtKIM," Aagast 11.- . j CALLt.vo fV:.vTV" ' "' Kstcliltas. , Joneso. DmiglM. Hlas. , CnaaMs wits W. P. A T. reete ter , , Atlla. Dawaaa. Tssssa. Mosm, ete. i Per-AH Ssatkeestera Alaska Pern. Call or arnd for Trip te tVoeaerfnl Alaska." Isdlin Baskslrjr," "Totfis Polefc" . ! tkx aiaka a. s. co. . "frank Weelas C.. Areata. inl . Oak el.-- r PoctUnd. Of. North Pacific S. X Co.'s Popular S. S. RoanoRe 2,500 tons, the only first class steamship carrying passengers to an r rancisco, Los Angeles and Eureka. Sails Thursdayf August 16, August 30, September 13, 8 p. m., from Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket Office 132 Third, near Al der. ; Phone Main 1314. If. .YOUNG, Agent. SOVTRXASTUS ALASKA S017TE. iron sattle at S s. sa. for Krtrhlkaa. luaeaa. Rkas war, White- Horse, Dawsos ssa Palrbanks S. I. City of Seattle. Aag ast 10. 10. 0. S. S. ttnmeoMt. Asgaat A. 14. 14 R. S. Cettsge Cltr (via !(). Aiiaost 11, . VOMI ioUTE. S. I. Renafnp about Aursat IT. to a babt raAgciioo Diaxor. Proa HraUU at a. si City et Faeblo, iMMt a FerUaaA Office, ttl Waaklaetea St., Mala Its. e. m. ui, rasa, . agi. C. D. OUNAN.S..O. P. A.. Saa rraertse.- Erie Railroad TO SIW TOBK A STB BOSTOB ASK . .- AJTT TIOXIT ABV. - .- ; PortlsnrTs ' Widely ( Known arid Successful Chinese Mecliclnal, -. Root and Herb Doctor Bla lasmoe reawdlee. the iBsredleats et hlrb we Import direct fro si the Orleat ta large seantlUes esd srepsre sad est ap for see la his ap-te-date labstorr. He swrrwrr, poleons or drags t sar . kiad eaeaV Parelr vrsrtable. The Dorter treats seeeeaafellr and gsaranteee to ear all stomsra traebles. catarrh. aatha. rnng. thrmt. rbeamstlaai. ssrvueasesa. liver, kMnef sad bwt manhood. PXalAlS TSOUStr AWT) SIX PSITAT1 oiasAaxa. : He fahM er Blslesdlng ststesieste to the sfl'eted. A safe sad lastlsg enre la tb ealeh st possible tine snd st the leaaet east sea. Slhle for benrat rrstaiBt. If ytm eaaaot eall. writ fnr srwptoej Bleak ssd etrealar. fneh(4 seats ta stamps. OOMroTTATIOB TSIS. Xbe 0. See We Ckinese Msdlsiae Os.. leSH rirat St., Oer. Merrkwa, Pettlaad. Or. 1 Please aatlea this saner- Scolfs Santal-Pepsiai Gapsclss A POSITIVE CURE Vtar f nftASMmktfartB sS!eBt sUTtl f tb l1dr and lMstal Kir- ma anil BD PAW Hinirklr sad MTSMaentir lb wnn, hm, at aiis aaaa long etasoun. asaoisisiri fcarmleas. Bold bp drngsists. , Prlca Si so. or a maiL Boss. paid, i boxes. I.7e. THE SAXTAL-PCPS.X CO. BelanteawalSJS. OBjas. by Wcsdard. OUrk O. Evory Wcmsn k kllatsrastod and sboald kaew ' aooni uie wesaatrai MARVEL Vthiriina Spray The new Taawal arravn. Aisc. amttxm. nasi ear. . MfnslnmMnrl I( b cannot ear sly the IsiABVKk. eouspt se other, snt asnd stamp for fllnairaid bok-.lra. fterese rnll partlaulara and Itrcdinna tn. vsiwbM t uiie. jstevsi, reXi 4 d sr.. Saw tesa. S, S. SKIDBOKS CO., UI 7HTSJB ST SIX t. ASB WOOD AAA, C1.1IH 00, Pore, Safe, Sure Dr. Sanderaoh's Compound Bnvln and Cotton Root Pill The beat and only reliable remedy for : Delayed Ve rt ode. Cures ths moat ob stinate esses in I to 1 dare. Price It per box. mailed In plain wrapper, . Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, M. D. Ill first street, corner Yamhill. Portland. OU J2im4v sWi ggtlB ataOWtl T VAIA. Tarraal's Urae el Oaeebe aad OiPIULEI. TkaasHsai sWi Md wA aar fee sueui 1 haaa, turns wan. a. faar sake, aisvislsat a sarry. I if is fare aaaissafal sea, rrleeSU a Uuws At aiartta'a, Bal Waafaladtx trtlsad. Oreai er br mall rrea T! M k ATeiJ a Par Sale Jbx i -.ui sii, ta in Xk. JS1 . sea io lotrrenimi. sV sBPeaaT'aV aesCeVttMeat sUas)4BBaU t ma fro Sm iU Aarrsat Mm M ataaeog it. TRA:::;cr.TAT:oN. 3 tlr3 -Trains Id the East Dally1 r.iiMi vvawiarej mmm vssnsv imp "-ears eallr to Oauka. CMeen. SsaMt SO aleeoingart Saliy to iaaaas txtf. JnWfc reclining; rhak-cars (aauv-teel..ea Rl! feselsj far at W Deatlnfton. mr. :M ) eiMttane Pivav n w.-. IMS Ppt- ive. Arrreav ti!I """L -wens wsiii 1 ' Jt". tWer AHs s-e i m. "?'r" solnta. dstlr. OillBSi S.I Sf-nraeX.ltlssai "fn, ' P"rtv. .rt-.; S;1 am 'Bree ee . , rYir.rrin?A mwr.n nrermnsj. -"s snd ira sntars. eesneettae wtr 5"?" ' nsee sn Knrtli B--fe. eteseMe ' """r1"' -t. J-s ine . aa. Asllv. "WMtnet aartiMn. in s. Sk lirtee a tii gimgay. . ' TAMSrt t arvrs nnrm. JS!L """ C(no Cltr sne ramhttl free lister tree leers Rnts eae tTnooe. Asht. OsrB.-I",- oallr. esiept gsndaf (water see- . fj'yj'l)' , rrt, I SO p. Sk au. eseeet ' ass ntvrn snrfrK. j ;'". fesbo. ea4 srs solnte frrts Blparls. Wjinb., strainers lkse ana LesrH. !r7.,,:4 "!' " " strlsa! Trsla " Sstareay. Arrive Ian Tleke fn.. TTitre e4 Wah:acet eta. T-' Mat T11 ft W. mnotB. City Ticket Aaeat. , -Wa. MeUDRRAT. Renersl Paasessse Aaest 1 EAST " SOUTH rba iv-pot "'Uave.,', ..' Arsrte. Overlsnd Kxpress-Tratae . v . . ' ' for Is lew. BosHMrg. Aab - ' T Z" laad. aTasjHate. OtArm. ' "-.-'V,' ' Jaa Prsartacav Staektoa ", T Anselea, SI Paso. New Orleana snd the esat I:S psi .,S:IS pat : Morntne trsis enotteete at Womthars dsllr escept ' nadsr ertth train foe ' ''. Moest Anerl. Sllvertoe, ' Rresmsville. . enH-isAelA ' Wendllag and Katroa.... S:M as) T:J ssi KaaBe nssst-neer env -. .. . -'. i - :x sects st Wnavtburs with '. , 1 InVHmr Aftc-1 and SIItst." ' -'.----- ; oa fctesl... 4;in esj : W:f& tn 1 rorrnllla nesseeeer....... T:Si am - as ' eherldae nsasenser 4SjOpm ' sm Pot Ororo nrafM-.. !: eat ' IH: am sPPBRMDK4rrSPrr STATtfMI. ' Per Dallas snd Intermediate points dallv Ttft a. si. and p. sa. Arrive Pertlaad lO'.lB a. m. snd 1:80 p. as. roe rime aa. ee'd er mirage sniirreaa tratss aprlr at Cltr Ticket Office, ar at tine, Tleksts te Rasters pnlnts ssd Knreajsi h Isnan. Oitnr. neh)bi snd Ana trail a. Cltr Ticket Of See enrnce Ttilrd tad Weea. tngtm street. Phea Main Til. a W. STTNOsiR. Wm. McrnSSAT. Cttf Ticket gst. - . era. Pssa. Asat '-"" TIME CARD- OF TRAINS Portlands ffTMflAM teaa. Antra. rbehalTs. Centralis. Olrm- - - ainua.i . - its Orar's Harbor. Bonth Iced. Tseoms. I kaae. liewmtea. Bntt. HI!- ' . . Hngs, TVs rcr. Omaha. Kaa- sss Cltr. St.. Uem sa ' anetheost. dalle ftnrtk Cnsst Limited. le ... trie lighted, fee Tseoma geattle. Spoksae. Bat, ' Mlnncsenlls Ot. Pssl sod ' the Baf dsllr ........... S:0B Pnset Roand Mmtted. ter .: fiataa rlareaont. Chehalla. Cn-- trails, Tscoeaa and Seattle ..'''-'' eel, dallr vi." : SJ Twla Clt Psnreto fee Ta. .. -wma. ScsMle. Spokane. R.lcee. Bett. St. PsnU . . MlsseancMs. Lracola. at . - f - losepb. Ksnsse Otr. Oas. v ... he. St. LmiBJ. wttbeet . . cease ef csra. Weeet eim- ... Mctoes tnr en .atat .1 a d e-t.t. dsfl.. ItteSeai tc:fa sa A. D. CHARTTO. AaaWtast Oaasral Ps searer Agest. tSB Merrlnse street, eseaer Thsrd, Pnrtland. Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. trta Deaot' leave. Are). Par Ms7grs, astaler. Cists. ksni. wcsrpsei. (.urine, Aatorls. WimiM. ria. . . ' , l, Hammned. Pct it- ens. 0rbart Park. Beaslde. I -OB am It.- aa Aaanrla and lasahsts, s. dsllr Tifstea SaWea PorttaedBcsstd PTr" Setordep aatp-. Irirra PnrtLind 1:1 p. a. . An teals dattv, " t. C at a TO. O. P. sod P. A.. Aston, Or. C. A STIWABT, Commercial Ageat, Stt Aider street, Pbeae Mala Bud. I- , r.Vt TNC COMPOrTTASIX WAY. 7 Overlxs. Trx!sD23y 9 'Tbe Orleatal Limit, ta Paat BU VIA SBATTLB A WO gPOKAWa, . , - Pally. Osllf. '' Leers.. Afrt. Porflaad tlm icbcdtils f . T ssd from Spoksne, . . - t. Past . Minneapolis. tmlath sad all petals , ' Cast via Seattle I'ssa twie ltielpa IteiHS Th sad ft nm St. .Psel. Mlnse nolle. Delntb 'V , end sll potato Bast ta gpoksee S-ISpm B-eeesx Sreat Bertben StaamUtp. Oe, eMtnag fram ttl far Jape ssd Chlas ports ssd at a an. esrrUg pae eerrs aed fedght. , 8. S. Tmketa. Septmahw I. ' - I I, Hbumesta, Oot M. sippow vvaaa kauh llapen Mall BtMawntp ra., . (. To Mara will sail from Seattle Shoal Anitl II fe Japaa ssd China parts, earrrla psaaasr aed '""per tickets, rets, 'berth- lessrse tlesm. et.. eH ea atdrae PL. BtCXsOH. & 9. f. A. "-t si, Pertlsad, . rbtmt V-a .. S.S.F.A. h Cese Bar. aad Im fni yext asms trsa rnid. T- st esllls frai f" r. u aara.ioi a Srsesvia t : v ,' i -