THS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY SVHIIKIO, 'AUGUST IX IZZ MT wi n i i i i m L ml. .jsbbbbbbbb 11 i r3 x3 PiCOUARD SPARED LIFE OF y l3 UiJac3- .'... -V-.;., aUUIl pwWl4It-VW- 111 VeWal, , ANTAGONIST: A il l Friend of Dreyfus Let Enemy . Shoot at ftim and Contempt f uously Refused to Fire. : : ; jvi; ; ' ,"..-vV-v , MANY AFFAIRS OF HONOR HAVE SERIOUS ENDING Against Laws of Game , to Fatally T ; Wound Anyone Abaurd Side Seen -. at Lett by Frenchmen and Cuiidm Destined to Die From Ridicule. V"'i By' Frank Arlsttde. : ' tCooyrlght by CurU Brown.)' - Parla.' Aug. It. Dueling really , n .. mmIvi lta deathblow In France. The newa will com aa a aur- 1 cries to the eutaide world, -long eocus tomaj to regard the code duello one ' or id. moil iirmir (bwdiidutu u Institution -The sodden revulsion ef feellna- which baa awopt over Franc i. however, the direct roault of Colonel Ptcqnart'a action In hla recent duel with General, donee last month. Though for many-yeara the French Antl-Duellng leaa-ue has worked assiduously to sup press thla barbarous and Irrational cus tom; all lta labora have not proved any thing Ilka . aa effectlva as the unique method adopted by Colonel Plcquart to . ahow hla contempt for thla manner of It will be remembered that Colonel Plcquart la on of the heroee of the Drayfua affair. : When Dreyfue was thought guilty by moat of hla fellow-officers; Plcquart alone boldly defended him, wrecking thereby all hla Immediate military prospects, and. finally, being degraded and treated almost aa unjustly aa Dreyfue himself. : r y "-fi. ; lfrae to Dreyfus Affair. It was out of. the Dreyfus affair that the recent Oonae-Picquart duel arose. Jt seema that, during tha trial, Plcquart and General Gonse had a diacuaslon orer the merits of tha case. Colonel Plcquart announced hla conriotlon that jjrvyiua mmm jhuvvvwh . -r of weight to back up hla judgment. "If . . if ji , a. .,a yon aeep quiet, uint uvn aw to hare remarked. no one wiU ever know about It" These words Colonel Plcquart boldly swore to at tha court of caaaetlon: and. from that time, a amol- derlng feud existed between the two dls tlnirulshed army offlcera. It finally , . " : :t .... ; ii ' 1 1 i h 1 . W 4V ew. ' ' ' - - i " ' V , ' W 'at 1 ea a Sf a . I Have Made Millions of Dollars for Thousands of people vy my r-awnw t vnr maVafntmnna rnnr This stock has increased in, value more than 100 per ' . . n . . . .Mf -' 1 .-t.4 -..ka a Ka Inonma tr Viflnr1rfriff ulVinenQS. Be ceni since oepx. isi, ivj, ana bhuvuu umau jruu ;- ---- -. r i l - .e miirh of the ctnr.Ic a vmir means Will UIOW. ; Alio imuc auiu Oisuic uivcaiw iivji gv.i - - j t. , natural increase of pusiness ana inquiries ior motors nas lorccu uic a ur r" It will soon go still higher v . : ? ; ; .'; The Didwell Patents Will Double the Capacity of Any Motor r The Encounter Between M. de San Malato and CheTalier Plnl in the Bout de Boulogne, in Which the Fonnef ''- - v-v -" Waa Slightly Wounded in the Arm. , ::. - Franca ia tha serious results that have followed one or two duela lately. , t'p to this time, dueling haa been tolerated becaua It waa eonaldered "bad form" for antagonlata to wound each other vitally. . Ia-tfaeJ, expert eworaamen moat French duela being fought with aworda deliberately learn how not to kill.) A man who ktlla another In a duel in Franca la regarded In the eyea of the law aa a murderer and muat flee the country tf he wlahes to escape trial and conviction on a capital charge. Duelists strive, therefore, to administer alight 'Incapacitating" wounds; to draw a lit tle blood; or even to give a acratoh. of which the aecanda always take ad vantage to declare that "honor la eatla- fled.".. - ;: Kolea to Frerem zarary. In addition to thla all aorta, of devices are reaortea to oy eacunua 10 nui harmleaa. L-sad and mercury bulleta are often uaed, which crush to powder on belna rammed Into pistols; bulleta of smaller caliber tha the pistols are em- -f- X .'M , ; . " . M. Albert Sarraut, Under Secretary of the Interior, (on the d M. " Puglienti,' Member" of Parliament,' (onl RecenUy -Met at Ville-d'ATray, With Serioat Reaulta. ; vV : ;7r.. reached lta climax when General Gonee came out In tha Partaian preaa In a let ter giving Ptcquart'e statement tha "lie direct." Of couree, a challenge fol lowed. Plcquart and Gonse mat on the field of honor at a suburban villa of Parle. ' General Gonse who la a fine shot and posaeased of Intrepid coolness did his . best to bring down hla man, but missed. When Plcquart' s time came to fire, he glinted hla eye down the, barrel of tha pistol for a moment, and then, suddenly turned and threw the weapon on tha ground, with an ezolamatlon of disgust "What good would It do to kill hlmT ha cried. "Nothing would be decided the whole thing absurd." ; , ' v yiooaarl la Vphatd.' ' ; Tha next day all Parte waa talking ef the event, and tha atranga psychologi cal phenomenon . presents Itself of Frenchmen agreeing almost nnanlmoua : Ir that Plcquart- wss right And thla after eentnriee of dueling, during which the coda became an approved fixture of French Ufa. - . Another thing thai haa helped to bring tha "affair of honor" into disfavor In ployed ao that they will not carry auf- flclently far to do any harm; double charges of powder' are need to destroy tha aim of good shots; and other ruses known only to the seconds and agreed upon without knowledge of principals have hitherto made the duel mora or leaa of a paatlme. In sword practice antagonlata who try to Injure their op ponente seriously are not encouraged; though, of course, occasionally "acci dents" happen, and one or other of tbt prtnclpala haa died. But thla la a most unusual thing. , Soma duelista, however, recently have shown a tendency to 'TOean bualneas,' and It la on thla account that aa outcry haa been raised in rraaee. - erlona Oaelg Kaasly. One of tha moat sanguinary en counters recently waa the duel be tween IS. BarrauCnnder-aecretary-at the Interior, and M. Pugllesi-Contl. the NatlonalUt deputy. M. sarraut ae verely boxed the eara of tha deputy during a sitting of tha chamber over tha recent Dreyfue revision. Of course, a duel followed. Swords were used. and after a furious battle M. r8arraut waa eeverely wounded under tha arm. ' Other serious duels recently have been fought by De Roydaye. editor of the Figaro; M. tAbardeaqua. Max Regie, tha Marqula da Dion, Oerault-Rlcbard and Bonl Da Caatallana. "Count Boni," by. tha way, la eonaldered tha flneat pistol duellist In Franca, He haa fought . Innumerable duela, often se verely wounding his antagonist, though not fatally. Hla favorite "hitting polnta" are the right lung, well above the liver; or elae In tha leg. .."I always avoid tha head, er tha re gion of tha heart," ha eatd In a recent Interview with the writer. Peraona who encounter M. Castellane may feel re markably aura of escaping with their life. His expert markamanshlp makea him very popular among - those who favor, duelling. v ' .. Alwaye Sraws Blood. Another great duellist is M. Lebar- desque, one of the best swordsmen In Europe. He alwaya -erawa oiooa from the arm or leg of -hla antagonlat early In tha affray. Duela with Lab-1 ardesqua are soon ever, owing to -his wonderful aword play. During hla last fight with . M. De Vellette, -the duel lasted Just two minutes, during which Labardeaque succeeded in mulcting a severe arm wound which quite satis fied hi antagoi!lat.,The aeconde haattly called the duel . off and . the usual elaborate "reconciliation breakfast" was enjoyed by the party. Most French duels take place In tha early morning, at aome quiet auburb of Parla. and afterwaTd there la generally a "spread." Max Regie, known to fame for .his entl-Jewleh cruaadee, haa had to-ght manr a duel within the last, few yeara Out of all theae encounters he haa come untouched, often , inflicting gnevoua wounds an hla enemy. Regis la equally at home with aword or pIstoL He al wava wears a large soft felt slouch hst at these encounters.- Ha haa met ofteneat in battle M. Labardeaque, both theae men being deadly antagonists Aa each la a wonderful swordsman the meetings are usually regarded In Parla aa extremely entertaining. , ladlee Wltaeea 9ela. Not Infrequently ladles, are Invited to wltneaa the proceedlnge. Duels be twaen these two men are never per mitted by tha seconds to be fought to a . finish, .for , Regis and Labardesque hate each other ao thoroughly that it la believed -a finish fight would and In tha death of one or the other. There fore, the slightest Scratch, drawing a drop of blood brings the meeting to a close. ' Oersult-Rlchard la another famoua duellist, who, however, haa dona much to suppress duelling by making It a rule never to send a challenge, though ha never refuses one. One of hla most famoua flghta waa with the Marqula de Dion, who elapped M. Oerault-Rlchard In tha face during a meeting of tha chamber. The marqula. eonalderlng that ha waa tha offending party, announced that he would await M. Oeraull-Rlch-ard'a seconds. As the Utter never sent a challenge, the publlo was Interested to know how ha would meet the diffi culty. ja did ao by publishing In the "Petite Republique" an Insulting article concerning tha marqula, who, after all. eent aeconda aa a- result In this fight ths marqula waa badly wounded. Even In duelling clrclea In France the tendency aeeme recently to . have been toward a more, "common aenae" view J of the - entire matter. Franca eeeme. In fact to have suddenly awsk ened to a aenae of tha folly of deciding a point of honor by a question of good markamanahlp . or fine - sword play. Doubtleaathe action of the French army officer will -result In vigorous legislative measures being tsken to sup press duelling altogether. unVss ' tha practice dies a natural death from the strong publlo feeling which haa sudden ly sprung up against It - , . MUST DIE SOOII OR IVOMAH 111 ESCAPE TRIAL Mrs; Jennie . L May, Who Shot Her Traducer. May Not Be ' Tried on Murder Charge. ' (Joarnal gpectel service.) ' ' Washington. Aug. II. If Louis Lu clen HConen, member of tha Marina band, who waa ahot September 17. 105, doean't die before September IT. hla as sailant, Mrs. Jennie L. May, cannot be tried for murder. The District of Co lumbia code provldea that a person a saulted must die Inside Of a year to permit tha grand Jury to bring in an Indictment' for murder In tha f lrat. da- ' Conen and Mrs. May were fast, friends and the husband of Mrs. May objected to this friendship so strenuonsly thai Mrs. May finally yielded and prom lead to aea Conen no more.1 A , little later she heard that Conen had made derogatory remarka - about her, and meeting him on the atreet she ahot him. The bullet struck tha spinal col umn and entered the left lung and while he la etui alive, tha lower part of hla body la paralysed and ne hopes are held out for hla recovery. Should he survive ths nsxt six weeks. the only charge that can be brought against Mrs. May. who la out on bait will be that of asaault with Intent to kill. . , jrj jp Instantaneoiis jtjT. s h ' '' ElT Individual Visits or M Service W, listens -1 I ., ataaldeaae aoirl-leee Oeatralt . : -( .- Adopted in 60 leading cities In trie United States Here is what they say: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN .The Bervice. of the ' Automatic Telephone in this city ia very ' : eatisf aotory indeed. " i-v-y:j.-' : ; "Aa you probably understand, wa ring up: our party direct and -when we are through, we disobnriect ourselves., :.... ' "The fact of secrecy is a great, element in business matters. We can hear distinctly; in fact,, the people in the city are nuoh pleased with the telephone; and with the servioe. Many of ; thea would not go back to the Bell even if it were given them free . ' "'.''-'' - - ' ' ' ' '"'i - y .' ' ' :- r'y " u . 1: .t'..;-S.. H. BURtfMAi,, President. C Arrange to "Hitch your house to aHome,H when the solicitor calls. ;V: ' ' .': Rates reasonable. ' '." ::'' THE HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY, ,2?ZS253 K011AKGER FROM AMERICANS IN CANADA. SAYS TEDDY eMBWawasaaSBBwawawMBwawejaeaw. Roosevelt States Canadian Laws Are Better Administered , Than American. . 1.:. ; nor. uvsoir stswill Xavaato ef the Tiollay Oar System. 'knawatot of the fMtUway One Tale- Jo never made an unsuccessful Invention: My first invention was tne. eiewia fsn. Just aa It la run sll over this country In hot. weather. X didn't get a patent on It, but see what a tremendous success It is! '.''-.- " a- , . I next invented the Trolley Car System. Just as It la run todsy.ri made it , perfect and aucceaaiul right from: the start. It has never been Improved since 1 Invented It VooH at the millions of money It has msde for the stockholdera, The stock In the trolley manufacturing companiea aold below 11 cent, a ahare . In IMS and 19. Poor men could buy that atock then. Thouaande of taem did buy It. and' every one who held on to it la a rich man today.. ;. 1 , . ', - No Alan on Earth Ever Lost a Penny If ao I will make It good." Nest I Invented tha Hallway Car Telephone Syatem. i It la'a ayatem by which p'aaaengera or train crews can -telephone from still or moving cara anywhere tha earns aa It seated In an office. It la a -more perfect system In operation thsn any other telephone you ever saw. This Is on tha road : .toward, mllljona for, the stockholdere. , , v- ,s' . : y' ; :, ? ' : This Is riy Greatest Invention Now l Wave Invented aomethlng bigger and greater than either of the above. It la called the Bldwell Cold Mtotor. It la guaranteed not to burn out. and la exactly the kind of a motor the ateam- railroad people have been looking for. It will change all the ateam railroad-systems over to electrlo roade. because It will ba cheaper to run than ateam and can be run f aater and mora aafoly than ; The one drawback, tho jrallroads nave naa in cnanging over " haa been that no motor aa at present made can be run 159 mllee at 0 milea an hour without burning out. It would melt the very wlrea. . . By using the' Bfdwell Cold Motor a train of cars could be run from New York te Ban Francisco without a stop at the rata of 0 or tO miles an hour and ' not even warm up and without a hitch. .' - '..' , ' -'-- '- no .. th. would he mora aafe and aura than ateam, eost J less to operate, and would last longer thnn any other motor now known, t The Bldwell Cold Motor is the greatest Invention out since I Invented the " trolley 'car.-'. '. -.' ( .-;',-,.. ., ' : i'J' -..':.;,r' .-i. ? ., v;", - ,"v The Opportunity of a Lifetime t varv'man'anit woman a chance to coma In with ma on this. . for I eapect te make million for the atockholdera out of this nsw . The .took will be aold on the aquare. There will be no hocua pocus about preferred or common atock, nor any ether aoheme. trick or wrinkle . by which pkona Systeaa, Zareatoy of the waweu ooia now,,, preferred Zaveaitoa of tha Water ftleotrie weav anybody can be froser , out. , . ' - . . . i , Kvtrr dollar invtwwMi win rir - - - mteli;:7;"-' " " Every .hare will be exactly like every ether .hare. Tha vm r -h;a tie a. it.. - tk. -a. a..aew Mhaf aihara. . In a.rlOrt. inert) Will Of" HUtfllllB HUi en eH"' a Will gjet ins BMinieK mm vnej uiviu via eieij w v - ... i- atock Id fully paid and non-aasessable. - . 'i ," - ... ' , ,f ,h.t ,to,khoIder gate a Bouare . i have a lirelong reputation xor square aeaung. :. wh . i - deal on thla , ' ' - ; ... "' k .n' tha lahnr anl wasea in the Mora money la made every day by good juagmem in mvwi.p ' - . ..... - c . hMwa fnwHtiMHiii in T ma bxotk win muc ium. - v ... .... You will never get rich on No on. aver did. Bvery man in this wnrtd who f . .... innMn.nt Kiuxn inn ta nnaara. xou aiana more cramt " , ....... w ........ rT... . K-, ..,, relurna I , mente are right the other way. ' Maae a saie inrmunmi y ( ,- , .: -. .;.-. Don t hesitate about this stock, it is aoaoiutciy ai : r. Here Is an Important Point to Remember There navaa haa bean a f aUuaa of eoaaeqoaaoe la eleotrloal saaauJaeturlag. mensely euccessfuL All pay blg-dlvldenda and have maue inoir invewr Thla company win soon ne one o. nt "'" LJ. " . . ""..-. i. ,d hut will have to sooner Stop and. think Of that-All are 1m-- In tha world. Tki. - m ha in nxnaa there la not a nlaca now Where or later change for the Bldwell Cold Motor or Generator, why T Because we kind known, - '. : . f . . ,i;Vi , ' ... ;. . .. fc. . that. IHH llthflf umav viHTftuuii ...... vj Hetty Green; Woman in the Richest the World, Says: "The Way to Get i Rich Is to Invest in Ne-. cesities." The Bldwell Cold Motor la one of the greatest neceaaltles of the twentieth century. This Block has already taken five iumdi uo. Now la the time to buy. , It will soon advance. Tha profit Is yours. Don't speculateInvest. Hera you t have a neceaaity. t.ooa i m these people made hie fortune by supplying aome great neceaauy . Vanderbilt Gould Whitney Belmont ' Mackay . Marshall Field Leiter ': -. Armour Swift Uearaal tBertal Serviee.l -. Ottawa. Ont., Aug. 1 President Roosevelt has answered for tha good conduct politically of many thousands of hla fellow-cltlssns who sre'now tak ing up homea In tha Canadian west. - - F. W. Heubach. well known ui eon nectlon . with tha Winnipeg exhibition. who haa Juat arrived at Montreal and la now discussing tha Battling up of the west, related how ha qulta recently dis cussed this matter with the president. Hsubach stated he did not fear the con sequences of tha so-called American In vaslon. and tha prealdent said: "Tha - danger la even leaa than you Imagine. Americana who are now going Into your western country will find your lawe Just aa good aa those they left behind and they will, find them better administered In the bargain. They will aettle down to work eut a happy deatlny under your flag and will never Ameri canise Canada." AMERICAN PROFESSOR V Y - ARRESTED AT MOSCOW " ' ' : V . (Jearaal Sstelal lerviee.) ' George H. Blakealea of Clark unlver- it. m wrtMiftip. lfaaaaehuaatta ' waa erreeted aa a auspldoua character and releaaad upon tha raqueat of American Consul Smith , at Moacow. Professor Blakeslaa waa aocompanted by a newa paper man, - M. N. Lubelskl, and ia studying conditions In the provinces. . CALUMET AND HECLA PAYS BIO DIVIDEND ' -l (Jearaal ipwitl Barvlee.) Boston. Aug. It. Ths Calumst A Mecla Mining company haa declared a dividend of MO a share, an Ineresse of $1 ovsr tho last payment, which waa made June . - GRAND JURY FAILS ' TO INDICT ICE TRUST Peter Cooper McCormick : Carnegie Rockefeller Senator Clark Heinxe ? ' Pillsbury Studebaker Fairbanks ', Here Is the way "manufacturing stocks In necessities Jumps , '-..'i. -.- ...(-! ,. . '( " lire Sold at.- Wow SeU at fki xiaetrla Tnwt "a . , , aiav.oo Quaker Oata, eoauaom Amartoaa Xadlator, oommoi ... ammoaa smnuif ........ And this Is only a Frlck Morgan Edison -Stanford Moore Leeds Harriman -Pullman .. 4Be ', ' 14 00 3o aioo.00 soe SlSo.00 " Safer and aurer than life insur-' ance or truat atocks. All this advance haa been made In 10 yeara and less.. - . ' I will supply the greatest necessity now known In tha businesB world. The demsnd Is so Urge that It will make all of us rich. If you want to get in with me on thla you will have te be quick about It. The atock ia eelling like hot cakes. - , ,. . 1 ' . , -.-' ' ; 'V-: Hi i. r v (Umnl apeetal Servlea,) -lfew Tofk, Aug. l.-'The grand Jury report today failed to Indict the mem bers of the Ice truat. "It taunderstood the Investigation will be continued. Tae aae aaasy Want Ada la todare renaaal that will tatereae ywa. ' These Are Cold FactsYou M If you want aome of thla ateck at the present low price you must come In now. There la only a small amount, to rmly-b?ue7e"h ahort time the atock will be ealllnV at $S a share! ' Thl. Is your ' WrtunltV: It la . ' ... ITX,. n.nric or not at alL As to eur reliability and financial standing we refer you t any commercial agencyf - .w. j ..4 ..m.. t. ' tn ih ma n: thla hie deal I have decided to asll In oroer to maae ii pomiun ir . . w 7 -w...... .. ... ... . v" - , . tha atock for a ahort time only at the following prices: . ii(im, the "i39 M. 100 afcaiwa, aeo.OO ISO eaaaea, SaT.SOl BOO shares, 1 80.00 1 IM shares, 16fl.Mi 800 shares, 100 500 saarea, gae.oi ukwi e"i - , " . .firVi? f Our "Monthly '-Payment;- Plan x ? r;; ba atvaa. Sajo eaah and five monthly faymaata of Sa.00 eaehi 100 shares, $la.0O eaah, aln monthly payments ef s.00 i.a Viaw e. smonthiy payms of S13.M eaehi too aharM, S03.M eaah, eere -oathly payntente of Sliib., see sha. SSfOKl atkiy py-aat, , of 'ui naymanta of B33.SO eaoai. ovw . aw.ww y"t - - . ' ' monthly paymema eww.av 1 iwni - - .j Sead all money by bank draft, express money order, postoffice order or registered letter. Special to Electric Light Men and Manufacturers f' Aa Im ah a aw et ea at aa rt. tthsra wX'ge halVge tTOOItl to employ 100 people. .7nTaJJ-.Md li "d cold generator, for are TtrJ.- .Luhnurlni tha Bldwell Cold Motors. and incandescent lights on a guarantse not to burn out for 10 yesrs. anteed not to burn out for tnree yeara. Also eelf-coollng motore and generators, guar- I The undersigned Is an authorlaed broker for the gate of eur stock In the' West. " Call, end aea him and 1st him explain anything you do not underatand. . ' i If you cannot call, write and ask for our free booklet. It gives full Infor mation. Address all orders and Inquiries to : " F. Jt JOHNSTON, Broker - AXO Eltel Building. Oeattlc, Wash. v V 1