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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
THURSDAY cvz:::::o, August" 13. lcca. 0A ce kjteresti;:b r Local Y. W. C: A. Member Are Preparing for Profitable , ; Convention. ft -.. r tt r T , r " "N 1 i SESSION WILL LAST THROUGHOUT TEN DAYS Prominent Faculty ' Member of Northwestern College : Will Be In Attendance 4 Program Arranged Said to Be of Exceptional Merit. The Young Women'e Chrlatlan aeeocla - nnhnnct for ths northweat, which . will eonve ns next month, la ths chief. subject o( lotereei among- nm : wnrknra. . Ulna ConittllCi MaoCorkle. the Portland ieoretary, returned yeater- day from sn extfmdea outing- at noa Cap Iniv North Beach and Vancouver, and has undertaken - the completion of the plans for the conference. . -, The northweat conference is an Inno vation that came. In last year, but it Is to X. - tannanant futon Of the WWMm work. Beginning August II at Oearhart park. It will extend tnrougn eepirai" 10. The hotel will be Wn'u to the delegatea attending, and HO a-lrle are expected. Several faculty members from the . northweat colleges will attend, among thera being Mlaa Luella Clas Car-A-mr t . at tha. University of . Oregon, and Mlaa M. Belle Sparry, the dean or women -at tne jeuinn (Washington) normal achool. - The program lslof exceptional merit and the epeakera will Include many prominent men and women. Three na tional aecretarlea wll attend Mies Helen Barnea and Mies Harriet Taylor, who have Juat returned from abroad, where they atudled the foreign work, and lire. Ern-st E. Barber, of Lincoln. Ne braska, whd made frlenda hers laat lum mer aa Margaret Kyle and has alnfce been married. - Or. Stephen Penroee, preal- Jul Whitman onll-va. will be OHO Of the prominent speakers, and Mlaa Flake of4 Boeton, ' wno . la me leaaer 01 u prominent mlaelonary work In that city, will attend. - BeveraV prominent mlnla ters will be on the program, among them are Key. H. C. Ma eon. , op Cnlverelty Congregational church, . Seattle; Rev. Fred W. CJampett, V. D., of Trlnyy church. Ban Franclaco. and- Rev; John Marvin Dean, of Tabernacle Baptist church, Seattle. The conference' will be led by Mls Helen Barnea, aecretary of the extenalon department tor the American commit tee, and Mrs. J. S. Griffith of Chicago, chairman of the American committee. Mlaa Charlotte Adama, Bible teacher In the- Secretaries' Training : Inatltute tf Chicago, and reputed ona of , the beat Bible teachera In the country., and Rev. John Marvin Deaa of Seattle, will con duct Bible atudy classes. - . The afternoona of the conference wilt be given up to recreation and there will be tennis, surf bathing, walking, driving and other amusementa. One afternoon will be obaerved aa association day l -pfTCMalnn dayand then tha delegatea . will be given a chance to ahow their col lege enthualaam. Thta ta ths only Y. W. C A. conference In ths northweat, .and tha . only other on the eoaat la at Capltola, California. : There are eight of theaa summer conference in the coun try conducted by the national aasoclv .'tlon. . : :-..:. ' y- RETURNS TO FORTUKD AKD FINDS GREAt DIFFERENCE C. B. Cooper Tells' How City Looked to Him Fifteen Year Ago.'; C. B. Cooper, general agent of 'the Northern F.xpreea company, with head quarters In Chicago, la visiting his ' 1 brother-in-law. William 'Mall of Mall . Von Boratet after an abeenea from the Roee City of 1 ye re. . , ' Mr. Cooper established ths first of fice of tha expreaa company, which in .'. those days waa known aa the Northern Pacific Express company, In. Portland, - In mi. - - i "When I arrived hare." wld Mr. Cooper, "ths Northern Pacific railroad waa not completed, and I had to have all expreaa paokagea ahlpped by ataga from Missoula. There were. 15,000 peo pie In Portland at that time. "Thera were no brldgea aorote ths - river and ths people resorted to tha old . Stark atreet ferry for- a crossing. letter, and before I left, in Its, the '.' Morrison - atreet bridge waa completed. The Esmond hotel, at Morrison and -'Front,-was the leading hotel In those days, and everything waa lively . In the city at night. , "Horaecare ' ambled , up and down First atreet, and there was nothing big In the way of bulldtnga except the . Jacob Kamm structure at First and Pine. Before I left, tha Perkins hotel waa completed.' Tha foundatlona of the . Portland hotel had been conatructed ' 'and allowed to He without further building all tha .time I waa In Port land. ' ' "Chinatown was one of the flourish . Ing Jmtltutlone in thoaa daya, - and claimed even a larger population than at present. Ths reat of the city that . spreads over ad large an area did not . exist in list, not even In the minds of ths moat Imaginative real estate deal : are. Property that is now covered . with tall buildings could have been ' bought for' a song when . 1 - was here 4 before." s - : ' Mr. Cooper resided In Portland for five years as the agent of tha expreaa company, and haa not been here sines, - except for a visit of a fsw weeks In 111. -.. ; ' --' ' . ' ' ALLEN STOCK COMPANY TO PLAY AT THE STAR Prom Tacoma tha Allen stock company, which haa been playing with aucceaa In that city, will come to Portland the end of the present week to Inhabit tha Star theatre In this city snd glvs a meller drammer every week. From Tacoma. also, cornea word that another company la tg be. organised to play t the Star theatre there, which la owned by tha same people as tha Star here, and that the companies, to be known as No. 1 and No. t, will paaa the time 'between tha two theatres, changing about every three or four "months. . The Allen atock company will open at 'ths Star here next week In "Caught In the Web," a thriller of tha old achool, calculated to give the hero and heroine a chance to cut themselves (oose en ths . This will be the greatest sale ever held in the city of Portland. .The sale of the accumulations of the terminal points throughout the west has always been held once every year In San Francisco, but as everybody knows, San Francisco is in such a state at the "present time that it will be impossible for the Consolidated. Merchandise Company to hold the sale in San Francisco.' The storeroom . at 104 First street has been secured and the entire first shipment will be sold in large or. small quantities to the wholesale or retail trade at a price to satisfy the freight claims against it. This sala will positively last but ten, days. The first shipment consists of everything in the line of wearing apparel for ladies, men and children. The next consignment consists of hardware, tools, ma chinery and kitchen utensils. Third consignment; dry and fancy groceries, sugar, canned vegetables and meats. ; Our great sale, will be held for ten days only. If thera is any merchandise left after ten days it will be cased and sold blind. This is an opportunity for every citizen in the states of Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington to secure merchandise at a figure that will pay them to store for years to come. Below will give you a short itemized list of what we will sell starting Friday, August 17. Doors will be open at 9 a. m. sharp," Positively no goods will be sold before that time. . ' Men's Chbviot Suits At $3.50, men's well-made, nicely lined' Cheviot Suits; fancy, patterns, come from one of the best makers and shipped to at concern in Idaho; unclaimed for reasons not known. 760 suits in all up-to-date patterns. These suits are worth as high as $15.00; have your entire choice of any 5 CA one for. . .... . .... . ... . . . .ePOsOU. Genuine l-Wobl Serges 'At $$.00---Lot.Nol 2 Ten cases of Men's Suits; genuine black and blue all-wool serges, made by a large Chicago concern, ' . shipped - into San Francisco .before the earthquake. These ' suits are .worth regularly wholesale. $12.00 to $20.00. ; They . are well made, stylishly cut, handsomely trimmed, AA ; 'and your choice for. .................. ... . . . . .tDUsUU The Cream of the Stock Lot 3--The trouble is we really do not know what retail people ' sell these suits for, as it is strictly out of our line, but we have r i told you in the upper part of this ad that the goods must go to realize for the' unclaimed freight and this line contains such makers as Hart Schaffner & Marx, Alfred Buyman, Brokaw V Bros., Stein-Bloch, Kuhn" Nathan & Fisher. . We , have de- : cided to place these all in one lot though our suits are worth v as high as $40.00, -you take your-choice of any suit. They. v come in single or double breasted, for a short, tall or slim man. - " Yourxhoicc for $8.65. for these beautiful suits, . . y .'...if..'.,.'.. . ( " '-' ' ' j" " ''!' ' ' ' ' ' Overcoats It Is a little early to talk of Overcoats, but at these prices it will pay you to store them up ; they are here in the case, and they have got to' go. Beautiful, long Overcoats. They bear the Union Label, all wool, nobby patterns ; medium or extra length Overcoats. Worth wholesale $15.00, and your choice of any . one of them in this lot $3.65. Guess this goes some .u.: ; Cf 0V(E : Lot No. 2 Men's $25.66 Priestley Cravenette Raincoats, every garment bears the.sUmp Priestley. ! These Raincoats are only :; sold by first-class stores, but we have a case of them here in .? this freight stock, and you take your choice of any one of them for 9600. A special Overcoat snap. bverco Styles , The Overcoats are. always the same year after year. It will pay ,you to store them up. Overcoats in this lot are worth $35.00 ; - silk and satin lined, beautiful patterns. - You take your choice of any Overcoat in the house worth as high as 0 PA f $25.00 wholesale, for . e) I eUll , There will be no misrepresentations of. any article adver tised. Thousands and thousands of. bargains will be on sale by the -Consolidated Merchandise Co., of 104 First street - Remember, the doors open at - 9 o'clock sharp August 17, and it will pay you to come early to this great ' sale. The very first time ever in your city. Every single article in the house, even to penny articles, will be marked in plain figures for everybody. Absolutely one price; there is no profit for- the Consolidated Merchandise Co. We are simply put in place to sell these 'goods, and they must go. We are given 10 days to do it, and if figures talk, why, the goods will not last that length of time.- There are about 275 cases of ready-to-wear merchandise, and they will be on display Frfday morning at 9 o'clock. Read on, "people; save your dollars and cents but1 take our advice and ' come early."" v. "; 'fW '.' ; vV..''.'-'.'.1 vl; ;V '..;V:r, . Men's and Boys' Hats '5c About 7,000 dozen Men's and Boys' Hats. We have not time to sort them out and price them, and we have de cided to place them in one lot You take your choice of ' any hat in thethouse -they are Panamas, Sailors; there are Felts, Boys' and Men's Women's and Children's. Some are worth as high as $5.00. Time is limited; impossible to 'mark them here. Have your choice, any one in the house, 5e. Now, mothers and fathers, bring your children. : ' Here is, a chance to secure Boys' Clothing less than the cost .of making. Remember, there are-only 10 days of sale of this entire stock. ..v.:., ., -r' ;'.;,' .'..,,, - ; I Boys' Suits at 25c Boys' 3 to 7-year-old, Sailor Blouse Suits, wholesale pricegs $2.50 ; for this great sale, your choice, a suit. ...... . . . . swOU Ab6utJ8,O00 Boys' Suits; no time to sort them put; they are. in. Norfolk single and double breasted; some are worth as high as $4.00; thrown in one bulk and you take i your entireQQ choice of any of them for ............. ..,......,,..Ow Bargain No. 3 in Boys' Suits Beautiful Russian double breasted, two and three piece Suits, well made; other retail stores will '. ask you as high as $10.00 for any of these Suits; guaranteed all wool; and you take your. choice of any one of ?f- these for... ....... .1.. .................. .. .....ePIef U : Is not this a chance to secure your boys' clothing for now and .for the future? We have these from 3 to 15 years only, and you must come early to secure the best bargains. ' i Nov Ladiss9 Here Is One for Yon We have noticed, on opening the cases, that there are thousands upon thousands of Ladies' Waists. We have no time to sort these out, so have decided to place them. in L two distinct lots. "Waists worth aa high as $3.00 whole- l ..... Lj.!s ekMM UafaavV Uta SVfAtlw "lis MIC f JTUUL VllUiWO Uft lljr VU6 VI, UlBV sW waatv wfw 39f. Waists worth as high as $4.00 put in this great sale for 75eS " :'. ' f"'::r Big Shoe Bargains There are some vefy-choice Shoes among these goods of un claimed, merchandise. Some of the leading makers of the United States. There are Shoes worth wholesale as high as , $7.50' Here is an idea of how the prices" run. L 5,000 pairs of Children's Shoes, have not time to sort them out into g -prices ; your- choice,; a pair. . , . . . . . .... .... . . ........ . Ww 2,000 pairs of Ladies' hoes in all styles and prices ; take your choice, a pair.... 50t About 3,000 pairs of Boys' Shoes and Little Gents'. We have them as high as $2.50 a pair; you take your choiee, pair. $1.00 "Men, -we have got the bargains for you, and we will place on a -- table men's low-cutand high-cut Shoes; have not time to sort the prices of them, but you take your choice df any of them for $1.50. , If you know anything about shoes it will: be up 1.; to you to pick the best ones out .. Take your pick PA or grab the Jot for, a pair...... ..i. ............... e)lsOU The last but not the least, about 1,000 pairs of Ladies' cream ; of the stock Shoes; some 6fthe best makes of Shoes are in this lot, and you will take your choice of any pair CA of these for. . . .. eDleOU Is not this sale worth coming a thousand miles? Will it pay you to be with us on our opening day? You cannot afford to stay away from this great sale, as prices will be placed below actual belief. , We have all of these goods, and we tell you all you have to do is to come and see for yourself ; you cannot help but buy. :.-"". "v"'.'-' v Extra Special Notice 22 cases of Ladies' Fall Coats. It will be impossible for us to sort these out aa we have not got the time nor room. It is a little- early to talk Ladies' Coats, but they are here, and they have got to go. There are no less than 500 Coats to a case. Some of these Coats are worth wholesale as high as $40.00, but we will put one price on the entire lot $1.00 will buy any Lady's Coat in the house. Just think, ladies, for one moment, and realize that you have the choice of 11,000 Coats, Wraps and Jackets, some worth as high as $50.00 retail; positively the biff-rest bargains ever offered by any concern in the United States, and you take' your choice absolutely. They are silk and satin lined, and any big atore will be proud to have them and sell at $20.tX); but here they are one price to everybody. First come, first served. $1.00 takes any of .them. Perfect goods guaranteed.'''' .-. v ''- Pants Now for the Pants. Men's beautiful Cheviot Pants, all sires, worth up to $2.50; a pair........;.;.. ...;.79f Men's Cheviot Worsted Pants, well made, and they are all sizes ; you take your choice of any on of them for, pair . $1.95 Men's Dress Pants, worth .aa high as $10.00; these were shipped to some first-class house and for some reason unclaimed ; you ' take your choice of any pair of these for. . . .... .'. . . . . .$2.25 ' This sale is positively the greatest sale ever.seen in any store in the City of Portland. The sale will positively only last 10 days. Read every word of it, as every letter means money saved in your pocket. The following will giv;you aiuidea of some of the great furnishings buys that you can make. ? . ; Overalls in all sizes, with or without bibs; well made, good, ' heavy ones .. ............ .... ........................ .30 l,00d dozen Neckties, Four-in-Hands, Tecks and -Bows; some are. worth as high as $1.00; you take your choice oLany of : them for .'. ...... ... . . ...... ..... ; ... ..... . . .15 Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Handkerchiefs; they are worth-as ' high as 10c; now. .......... i ........................... .le Men's all-wool California Flannel ShirtsVall sizes; worth as high as $5.00, ...............J. . . ,; . . . . . . . .....98 ? Men's Gloves; good working Gloves, worth as high as $1.50;'- a pair ..... Men s Working Shirts, black 'sateen or black and -white drill ; good heavy ones, well made ; regular retailj at 75c. , . . .'.39ft Men's Underwear Men's Underwear We notice that some of these are In, silk - and balbriggan, some Of the finest makers of the country have sent them. - We have them; your choice for....'. .. ..... 35- It is early to talk of heavy Underwear. Some of "fhe garmenta ." here" would retail as high as $5.00., ; We have no time io'mark ;;; them; all thrown into one big bundle. , You take your-choice of any all-wool garment..'.,. ...... $1.00 600 dozen. Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, good dye....'..... Jl 5,000 dozen Celluloid and Rubber . Collars and Cuffs ; your choice ...... .. ..'.':', 'L. ................ .i.-................. 1 Silk Japbnet Handkerchiefs, worth 25c; now.... T.. ..5t About 300 dozen men's and boys' Sweaters; they are, in wool. and cotton and wool mixtures; the invoices on these prices : range as high as $5.00. V We have no time to mark them that : is your luck so here they go, your choice. ,7. . .'.7. T. ,".T.45t Suspenders-rAmongst this unclaimed merchandise there are five ' cases fit nothing else but Suspenders. Lot 1 goes for 10 a pair; worth as high as 25c. Lot 2 retails as high as 50c; ; go for 15 a pair. . All of the beautiful $1.00 Suspenders,you take your choice of these silk embroidered for, a pair. ... .ZSej1. Boys' and Children's Caps; retaifat any store as high as 50c,v ' but any one lot of them for the ridiculously low price of. lie Thousands and thousands of bargains which It is im possible to enumerate; here they all will be displayed. All we want you to do is, to 'come and see for yourself. The greatest opportunity of your lifetime. ; :';; . ;.:',: .A Few Moire Specials ; Ladies'. Belts,; any one in the houser;.;. .:;;;.. ...'. 54 ln Ladies' Pocketbooks and Waistbags, some worth as high as . , $5.00 ; your choice. .. f . . . .... .. . . . ..... . . ...... 15, Men's Negligee Shirts, pair of cuffs included. ............ .39 Vests, all sizes. ............ ., .25 Children's Hosiery, ' one lot of Children's " Hosiery, sizes 5 to 8... . , . .... . . . ... . . . .lie ; This is a little early to talk of Boys' Overcoats, but they have to go- with the balance of the goods.divided into three, parts. Lot 1 Worth as high as $5.00 ; your choice for.........$l.O0 Lot 2 For Coats worth as high as $7.50.1. "...S2.00 Lot 3 For Coats worth as high as $10.00.. $3.00 Is this not great news for you ?' Just think of it. Just in the midst of seasons for you to secure this great bargain; it will pay you to come thousands of mile to visit this sale. "; , - Extra Special Notice It is our desire to please everybody that comes to the sale. As you will know that we will have about 100 new clerks clerks that have never seen the goods before the day of the sale it is impossible for them to know everything; and if they do not know; the article that you wish, you will do us a great favor by reporting it to either one of the '. floor managers. Every bargain will be forthcoming. . .The great Umbrella special. ' Get readv for the rainy weather. Your choice of abottt 600 Umbrellas, worh as high as $2.50 .. .... r.. ......,,..49 Ladies' and men's. ' ; ;;.;'.': Extra Special Notice to Outsido Trade and to the Merchants Extra special notice to outside trade, and to the merchants desiring to buy merchandise through the mail; Do so, and if the goods are not entirely satisfactory notify us immediately and your! money will be refunded. ' V f n : - Notice to Mail-Order Patrons: All mail orders received will be shipped the same day. as received. -No charge for packing or shipping, and on all orders of $25.00 and over will be de livered free to your home. ; v . : , : Remember, the great sale starts tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock sharp. Be at the door early. Remember the address, 104 First .street, between Washington and Stark streets, in the wholesale district, : ,:,:'::. .: -r ' ",:' ."'.'.,., "'.:;;.'. '.'J' .."v - EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE THE GADSBY FURNITURE HOUSE IS. THIS STORE IS DI RECTLY , OPPOSITE ON .FIRST STREET. Coon ADDRESS ALL MAIL ORDERS TO '. -. : ' .'.'. pv n - ' - . i . ' n o S(Q)UQCusitL(ul iyLrasiflMS Remember, Thousaqds of Other Bargains In Store for You Whon Yci tin. i