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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
daily journal; rouTLAi.j, Thursday Ev::L;a aucuzt 'i:. WW 4 r L::!:r O Frcn!: CS4th Friday Enrico db - . i 1 1 ' ... , . . . $10, 012:50, $15 Vds. K-Prico t:: or : -m V fac' Rlen's three-piece Elue Serge Suits to be to) J tomorrow at lf their yqfne Always stylish, always eerviceahle the Blue serge Is the premier suit for business or drctt wear Three great lines -in this ' offering Hndoiaery ; tailored throushout Hand-Padded shoulders, hand-failed collars Serge lined Single or double-breasted styles Salts the ex t elusive -clothier would eskVon S 1 3, $ 1 8 end $20 for on sale here tomorrow at the following special prices; ' ) ;a; Lot 1 -SI 0.00 Blue Serge Suit $5.00 Lot 2-SI2.S0LlueSerge SuiU $6.33 Lot 3-$13.00 B ue Serge Suits $7.30 Our entire remaing stock of Men's Out ing Suits on sale at Y regular prices Men's three-piece Summer suits at low prices Boys' Wash Suits at ft regular prices Young Men's Summer Suits low priced Men's Clothing Dept. 2d Floor Ma ! i 1 1 i Portlaai't Leading Cloak and Suit, Store announces a sensational oferfaj cf foe Shirtwaist Suits for tomorrow's CS4th Friday Surprise Sale 730 of th&a la the lot Values are so unusual that we hard ty expect thea to last through' the porn tag, so you had better plan to be here early if yon want to share in this phenome nal bsrgcia Tne entire remaining stock of . a , well-known panufscturer Very prettiest styles and materials '-Plain colored wash mcterlx! cad ftney checks and isbcteres PJala and plaited shirtwaist effects, trteznad w!Ui stress and buttons Some of them with Valenciennes lace yokes Skirts to patch College blouse tyies m an assortment of colors, finished with white braids Skirts very full. aa, gored, circular anl kilted styles-Strapped with same material and button trimmed Colors Include white, light blue, cadet, rreen. link. and fancy checks and mixtures All sixes Great assortment Yf (T)) ar $3.50 and X3.7V valnea " V V- ) V 730 to select from -Regular $3.50 and $3.75 values oa sale at this mirve ions ty -low price of, each.. No Mail or Phone Orders Filled OS Store doors, open promptly at fl o'clock'-Arrange your housework so yoq can be here early Second Floor See Big Fifth-street Window Display today Mcfcr Q Frank's 064th Friday Sirrprfao Sola $2.75, $3.00 Conch Covers $1.79 Each r.rt Fridav Surorise Sale of 500 Oriental Tapestry Couch Covert, made of heavy double-faced material I fringed all around; patterns taken from Oriental Rug? and ' Bagdad Curtains; attractive colorings and r. combinations; very large varieties; size, 60. inches wide by 3 yards long? IS patterns to.; 1 fPQ select from;' regular $275 and S3.00 values; your choice tomorrow.. See Fifth' Street window display. . No mail or phone orders filled, M rr - M .assft. - m mm a esi s wear , The Men's Furnishing Goods Section continues to offer really wonderful bargains in seasonable apparel of every description Special values every economical man must be intensely Grcit Sals of tlcrfs Belts ' Great (special purchase' of 3000 Men's and Bovs'eltsra all the latest shades and leathers A prominent 'manufacturer's entire reserve stock, of this season's merchandise Blacks, tans and grays in a very-large assortment of buckles Belt ' bargains never before equated in the city Three great lots to select from as follows! : f ;: -1 , :, ; -"' . ' Values Up to 50c for, each ...... .. .. . 15 Values Up to $1.50 for, each ............. 49e Values Up to $2.50 for, each. ... ........ .70f i .'.'.". ;;v, : ,V interested in Look to your needs. Men's high-grade Negligee Shirts, soft attached collar, plain AQ. . Un, well made and finished; besv $13 values, at...... U7C Men's "Shaw-Knit" Sox, black and fancies, in great assorts fffs ment, all sizes; 25c and 35c values; on sale at, pair..... ItC Extra quality madras Four-in-Handa, basket we.ares and fig- 1 ured effects and plain white; great special values at.......... 1 7C Men's, Women's and Children's Hop-picking Gloves, pair.. ...... .10 Men's pure silk Negligee Shirts, soft attached collar, ( plain tan or .white, full -sizes, elegantly finished; S5 vals.. v7J All Straw Hata on sale at ridiculously low prices.' ; ' i Shirts at Low Prices Our entire stock of men's high-grade Golf Shirts, on sale at greatly reduced pricesOxfords, madras, percales, chambrays regular and coat styles, pleat ed or plain bosoms, light or dark colorings. "Mao- 4 hattan" Shirta.StarhirttrCraett'' Shfrtr and other leading makes. ' Great values at: $1X0 Shirts at......B9 $2.00 Shirts at.... f 1.30 tlM Shirts at. .....97 $2.50 Shirts at... . f 1.95 $3.00 Shirts at.. ..f 2.10; $4.00. Shirts at.... f 2.98 Men's Poros-Knit Underwear, shirts and drawers . coolest and most. comfortable underwear 1 made; all sizes, at, garment.....,, .OOC Men's fine twilled muslin Nightshirts, made full size and nicely finished; all sizes, 14 to AT. 20; 75 values, at this low price rw C Free Lessons in Art Embrbidciy ' .Work;-r ,.- - -. ' " ' " ....-. ' Commencing today and continu ing until further notice we will give free lessons in art embroidery work daily from 2:30 to -5 p. m. Mrs. H. S. Steepy, our expert, is thoroughly versed in all . the new : methods and styles. Point lace. Battenberg, eyelet," French and all kinds of silk embroidery. Arrange ments can be made for joining a class by seeing Mrs. Steepy any afternoon on the second floor. . Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the lowest prices. . Dargflins iiv DrugSimdries Life Buoy Soap; thorough cleanser - and perfect disinfect--ant; great special value at... 4 Violet" Witch Hazel; just the thing after -shaving. 16e Satin Skin Cream; none better for tan; 50c jar 39e "Kosmeo," : the ' great - skin food; special at 39 Bon Ton ' Manicure Sets;-a com plete outfit; - buffer, emery boards, pumice And powder; spe cial value at..'.,. .21) Sticky" Flypaper, 25 double , sheets in a box, at, per box. 904 Powder Puffs, assorted : . colors: . great special value at...... 136 f Eastman's Talcum Powder, . violet : and crushed roses; great special . value at, jar. ...12 ' Large bars of. transparent Clycer inc Soap; special value... .'.t4 All lines of Drug Sundries sold here at the very lowest prices. - Meier G Frank's 864th Friday Surprise Sale SfcS Shirtivai $3-3.30 Vals. at $1.28 In the Waist section for tomorrow's 864th Friday Surprise. Sale another great bargain in fine cotton Shirtwaists 1000 of these in very dainty styles Sheer white Lawns made plain tucked, pretty designs in all-over embroidery Front and yoke of tucks and lace insertion, short sleeves Very large assortment to se lect from all aires Regular $3.00 and $3.50 val- rj y f ues Your choice tomorrow only at special price sJL Jl s0 No mail or phone orders Ailed See big Fifth Street window dis playWe invite comparison with other waist bargains being i , v .' offered around town. '. . .-. J ; ' "Meier Frank's 864th Friday Snrpriso Sale: $1.00 "Spachiel' Goods at 43c Each For tomorrow's 864th Friday Surprise Sale 1,000 pieces of "Spachtel", Goods at Very low price; Swiss and Net Scarfs and Shams; apphqued and cut-out effects; handsome scroll designs; hemstitched. and scalloped edges; very large assortment; values up to $1.00, tomorrow at.... ............. ,".TrTC See Fifth Street window display.,' No', mail or phone orders filled.-t-.r.i' C-'---- a''-',.' '''''a v.V 91 iiWillametta, Machines Our hlgh-erad "Wlllanwtte" ' Bew Ins Jdachinea to b aold at fae- . torjr price the bast eewtns ma chines ever offered at the prioa full ball bwurlnK. beat head, eaar runnlna, drop ' head, band- aomelr flnl.hed woodwork, full . act. of- attachmenta. Kqual In very way to the ISO and MS ' arencr machines and fully auar antaed for ten year this lot of .100 to be'dlatrlbuted to friends of the etore at the 22 AS low price of. each.... vay w BARGAINS IN THE DASEMENT Barry Spoons, -with silt bowl; 11.00 valuea. on aaie at, aach.....SSt Gravy Ladles, with ilt bowl; 1.! value on aaie at, each. ...... .tSe Cold Meat rorka. with (Ut t(pea; tl value at, each TSe lOo Butter Kolvea, each;. ...... ate toe Burar Spoona. eacb.........SSe 0o Nut Crackare on aaie. at this low price, each .-. ves $1.78 Oranire Spoona, per set of 0, . on sale at this price .SlvSS Tableapoona, value,' per eet of '. S, on aaie at....; .Slt Medium rorka, par eeot (, en sale . at this low price.... ....... Sle Individual ' Salad Forks, reg. ft.fS value, per set of 0. ........ .SXSS 4-plnt copper nlrkel-plated'Teapota, for . , .......eie fl.fiO nickel-plated Teapot a .....SSo t-plnt Coffee Pota, 6o value. . . .aso l-plnt .Teapots, f l.St valuea. . . .Ma l-plnt Coffee Pota, 11.16 value.. S4e Alnminnm Wars) Bargains No. I Teakettles on aaie, ea,. . .SXSS No.-t Teakettles -on aaie. ea. ... leminum .Rice Boilers, special . .at ....tTTSMS -quart Sauce Kettles for sale at, each S1.0S -jt. 8auce. Kettles on sale at.. .see Timnnr nr nmi inn mini in inni ' i iiiriiiir r iiiif fi iiiu sriirti 11 nun II iUIIL Ul UltLLLIIIU I UULIU IUUL TnncDiND inn inmiT in cii i in i ii it i ii n 1 1 in n in i in i hi i ' ' , r.,.v. '..-.: . . . ., . - : Women Assert That Judge Frazar In Hit Eagerness to Save Boys . , Neglect Unfortunate Girls and Leaves Them to Their Ow n Resources. ludge Arthur JL Fraser, the cynosure nr nfliinnvieiH .TM luim nr miHn,n of ,hopeleaa boys,- the hero of re formed yoetha. the idol of philanthrope ioally. inclined women.- the terror of the Phlllatlne famea. has held his pedeatal unchal)en(ed for, a Ions time. But now it eeema to shake ellghtlr and totter beneath him, and those who eommand the disturbing forces are the very women who have lauded him so highly. A smoldering ' fire that, has been threatening the atructure for several montns nas tteen suddenly fanned Into blase and threatens to- bring the Judge to the level of mere, ordinary, fallible man. . .- Judge Fraser was asked last March 1 y JauvenUe Court Boys -Ready to Start for an Outing at Gearhart Park. This' Crowd Is jhc Third to Enjoy a Vacation by W Sea. ',' The' Boys Left This Uornb to addreaa the Woman's club on the subject of bis work In the Juvenile court. The consternation of the women knew no bounds, however, when he ap peared and talked only of Instances of young boys and glrla going astray and launched forth into a strong argument against the eareleaaness of mothers In the rearing of their children. Borne of the women arose ' In the midst of his address and made remonatranae, asking If the blame were In no way the father's, and others left the room open ly In the midst of the speech. A mo tion for adjournment waa made by one woman Immediately upon the eonclualon of the address, leaving no time for re marks or thanka. and then ahe left the room without waiting for the' motion to be put. It was said that the address was Immodest, and directed cruelly and unjustly against womankind. - The Indignation felt then was great, but the women whose eheeks burned with shame refused te - discuss the things that had been said. , One state mentthat 10 boys gone wrong were easier to save than one - girl seemed the center of Indignant comment, and the hearers thought It carried with It a question of the worth of saving the one girt. ' . Say Xe Favors Boys. ' ' The matter was given - no further consideration at the time, but recently there came a. statement that the little boys were to be given an outing by the -Juvenile court and there would be three companies of -them- at different times; that after they had been "holi dayed'', some of the little glrla would be taken, if there were any funds left. One lot has been to the aeashore and another Is there now. The - Forestry club met In the City park and had an Indignation meeting and protested agalnat the . Judge'e dlacrlmlnatlon In the ease of boys. , - Mrs. Mary Alice Ogden, a prominent member of both the.Woman's club and the Foreatry club, led the attack and openly pronounced 'her opinions and found moat of the women agreed, be came they were still smarting from Judge Frasere direct talk before the club last spring. Mrs. Ogden was the woman who had ' Invited the Judge to speak on the court work, and ahe felt responsible for the program. She had been as lenient as posalble, she aald, In her Judgment of bis speech, trying to give It the right construction and trying to persuade the other that they had been too ready te misunderstand and take offense. But now she muat decide against his ' generosity with which she had always accredited him and adopt the conclusion which she bad been long In reaching and had tried te stare off, that he was unfair and narrow. . "He cares nothing for girls. she declared, "and, doesn't think them worth the saving; all bla attention' la given to boys, because In seven years or so they will be voters and they are worth buying up now. The - girls will grow up into women and will have no vote, especially If the Judge has his wish, for he Is openly opposed ' to woman suffrage; Ira fact, to go a atep farther he seems to think women most Inferior-, and not worth the trouble of bothering about,' either' as L. girls er grown women." , They Indignantly Frotewt. , i -" All ' this and much more' the' women claim . and Indignantly protest' against It . Is time, they say, ' to ; awaken . the Judge to a, better sense of fairness and Justice, and if he cannot be -corrected In hie' waye another man who ratee boys and girls alike should be put In his place. ' The Judge, they say, has even expressed . his . Impatience . - with women who are connected with him In the work of the Juvenile . court, and openly wished there were none there.' - Judge Fraser has been approached on the matter of. giving the summer out ings to boys alone, and he defende him self thus: '. ..-. "The question of taking glrla for a free outing has been given careful consideration, .and while there are many little girls In the city who i would be greatly benefited by such an outing, we . have been advised by ' thinking women who are deeply Interested . In our work. A general Impression exists that children who are taken on these vacations sre selected' from those, .who have been before the Juvenile court on charges of delinquency. There may yet be a camp of girls taken, and If we should do so we would be careful to select girls who have not been before the court on charges of that sort, so that there could be no possibility of easting any reflection on any of' the little girls who might be taken. Careful area Wlta Beys. "Even emong our boys we do not chooae those who are morally degener ate and likely to have bad influence or eauaa reflections to be cast on the boys who go. We do not discriminate be tween boye who have been wards of the Juvenile court and those who have not been. - Many boys have been taken who have never been wards of the court or complained about In any way." The Judge, quite unconsolous of the storm of modesty aroused against him when gave his address before ' the Woman's club last spring, tails that he did speak strongly and intended to, for then he' had 'an audience of women, mostly mothers, and so strongly does he feel on the subject bf litUe irls that he could not Impress too - strongly upon these women tbe Importance of their care. So far from neglecting the little girls his heart is so torn by their sad eases that he grasped that opportunity to tell the state of things as plainly and as strongly as possible. Ha refused to say. anything for publication about his work with the little glrla In Justification of himself, but hoped and wished the women would come to the court to eee for themselves the work being done for the little glrla and the difficulty of get ting at a girl who la morally delinquent , "They are more than welcome to come end aee what they can do," said Judge Fraser this morning. ',8o far 'from not wanting women in the court, I wish they would come and take some of these little girls off our. haada and do what they can do. My heart Is torn with the pltifulness of their oases, for they are so hard to- deal with and I would do anything to help them. But the women do not seem to be willing to take theae little charges to work with. -1 want their helpr have always asked for It; and have continually pointed forth the ne cessity of having a paid woman workor here If I must be criticised and con demned because I am not In favor of woman suffrage It Is a misfortune that eannot be helped, but I wish these worn-' en would eorae and see for themselves."! PROHIBITION AIDS KANSAS CITY 8tate Official Claims That the Prosperous Community Does r Not Face Bankruptcy.';" A dispatch published recently In The Journal atatlng that Kansas City, Kan sas, was .drifting into bankruptcy on account of prohibition brings the fol lowing response from Assistant Attorney-General Q. W. ,Trlckett of Kansas City: .-..,'..;v : ,7-" . ..;'.'. "There Is very little truth in the ar ticle. This city has a population of 80,000 Instead of SS.000; It hae a bonded Indebtedness of only 1 3,t00,000, Instead of - 14,760,000. Of the S3.SOO.000 the city la . only guarantor upon ' S1.7S0.00O, leaving something like SI00, 000 of actual bonded indebtedness of this city. -Dur ing the past year the city paid off somet thing like S200.000 of Its bonded debt. T-: ' ' You Always Can TeU :r-r';t Abiamp.n THE By the Sign On Its Smokestack -That Appears .. ' in This A4. The Steahter LurJIne Plies Daily.' Except Sunday, Between ' LINE Portland, Astoria ana way Forts Affording Unsurpassed ' Freight "and Passenger Ac- , ; commodations to Shippers and Travelers to Colum- bla River Landings. Low Rates, Excellent Service. . Departs from. the Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. - Telephone Main 613 . ' v ; V r ; and will pay an equal aum this year. "The revenues of the city will be de creased aomewhat thia year by reason of the- fact that we have a Democratic administration,.' and In 'thelf desire to ' please the taxpayers they have- reduced tbe assessed valuation of all property to such an Extent , that the levy will not . raise -the-sum' that was raised last year. .:.'::'''-'' v;'., ."The closing of -the' 'Joints' of thle city, which Is an accomplished fact has notnlng to do with the revenuee of the city. eThere -was a Judgment rendered by the supreme court of this state sev eral months ago enjoining the city from receiving, directly or Indirectly, any revenue from the illicit sale of llquorr and. disobedience of this order would forfeit the city charter. Therefore. If there were a million 'Joints' running in this city it would, not increaae the revenue one dollar. " ' The -price of residence real estate has advanced by reason of the closing of the 'Joints' and ibs driving out of , the gambling dens and houses of ill fame. - -" ' " : f City Improved Oreatly. . "I have talked with many merchants of this city and but oneMoutslde of the lea dealer) renorts the cloning of the ,. r'Jolnts' as having a bad effect upon him. That one was a cigar manufacturer, wno aold almost exclusively to the 'Joints'; In addition, he signed their bonds and suits are now pending te collect same from him.. . ' '"- ' ' '' "In the psst t hare not been an ardent prohibitionist, and the work that I have been doing wss simply that called fdr by the oath of office which I took, but . I am satisfied from the changed eondi- ' tlnna In this city thst the enforcement of the law and the driving out of these . pests la a great thing for this city." ; hOmtington case IS ' : ' TO BE HEARD AGAIN ' - . " "" v tapeetal Dlspatek te Tke fmmaLt -Pendleton. Or., Aug. IS. -The famous Huntington bond esse from Baker eoun v tv will be . carried to the supreme court once mors, aocording to J. H. Raley, one ' of the attorneys lor the bondsmen. At '' the Isst trial before Judge Kills the Jury awarded' Baker oounty .a Judgment for the entire amount ot .tne Huntington shortage, together with Interest, a aunt close to 111,000. The . basis of tlia ap peal will be that the bond of the at. sheriff was not legally delivered anl' consequently the bondsmen , are eet - liable, ' '. , .... ; L 1 . ' i.-.. -i:, ';)... ; ' ' ;v-7