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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
. CI BARTBR What .'.r ; ' K. ,' r. .' Ad Run Free One If you have waythfaj to trde,us thtse 'columns" of The Journal They are yours, ; FREE. ..The Journal also wCl enter Into the spirit of exchange. For every answer ' thaiwe'ezchanse with you, pay us five cents. The ad itself will cost you nothing. Bring or send in to.the line) it At the usual rate of five cents per line an ad of fiyelines :. , It costy you MINES AND INVESTMENTS. '. WANTED A enad mlnln .hmmI iltloa to ts ; i eoreocats sad Snaaee. . J. B. Ball Co - ssi iMmomv awsnaas. . MEMBER Portland Stock Exchange! order exe- ntM on ii industrial ft on mining etocaa. w. J Cottle, 318 Commercial blk. Phone -Mela 6384, : IH J. fV LEB COMPANY HMH-CLA88 STOCKS AND BONDS.-. ij'we are always In tbe attktt either tit bay - or sen Bay active, mining or maaatriai inw, " It Will BIT TOO To get OUT DrlOaa. I ; at. W.'T0NAHIJB. Mrr. Brokerage Dept. ' W-iW Lsfayatte Blag. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS.1 BIIXIABD AND POOL UtllM for ml . nil on eeav MrMBti. r THB BBUNSWICK-BALKX COLLEKDXX CO. . . 48 TO Ira St., Portland. . - wl fftalnor mrn 80 calling cards, peeper ' i sis and style. Mo; "SO buslnees cards. 31. A. W. Bebmale Co.. t Tint, Portland. 6r. FOR- SAL'S rmk Jersey and Durham emr, .: aimlla and rood mllkar. AddIv Jamee Hultr, . liarqaam's Rllli take stepe at heed i Wood at.. Santa Portia ad. VI seed furniture and will bay fall vahte. : - - pbene PaelOc TV. W cetera Salvage Ce 037 Waahlagtoa at. " BOOKS bourht. Bold and exchanged at tar via im store, zzs xamaui ac BOW TO REACH TBB PABMCRt Sand for Kaatna'a Bonl IXrortorri 140 B. J. roatfi, with Jd.000 carroct Baawa, i narai uirortorr l u BUSHI ' ao. '. Bortlaad, Oracoa. B0W0A4KS,' man tars, trtaraa koocKt. aold a axenaataa. waatara Miraaa vo Ul naw iaaaa ai.--raDa Tua. ri PI RNITt'RB Wa atlll kaa a raw ptaeaa lln , arooad looa for aala chaaa. - Waatara Salnfa w.. 4i aaainyiom a. IfOTINa-PfCTniB MACHINES, lima, aaac altdaa. gaa on til til ate.. toaaBt, auld. mt4 and ascaanraa. NawnMB, lie 4a Slata. Paua Paetle an. - , FOR BAI.PV-Maaoa trait Jara, aaart. (a aar ' : aoaani una aaal nooara complcta. uraoa do ' tla Co., aornor 14tb aad Coach. Mala 22M. FOR SALB la-aaraapowar ronaboat. abaft artaoa; aa ararrday aMCtiBia: aiealiaat bill ' rllmbar; awnar haa ao nao for It. Addraaa O. J. A.. VajMoarar. Waafc. . SECOND-HAND faroirara of all klada: alao a anmolata lloa t aaw furnltwra and aaata " anppllH at lowiart prleoa) arwythlnf mast r ba .aold. . Ha Front at.. ' aoraar Balasea. SHOWCASES .AND F1XTTRKS saada to ardar; . . arondJln4 roodl for.. aala.... Cirlaoa Jll itrom. CM Ooaica St. Pboaa Clay atl. aBTISTS' ajatoriala. Dlrtoras aad framing. B. n. uooraooaa ai tJa...aia auoar wu BOIJJEN'S BHE1TMATIC CURR Sara aura tar baoaiatUas, Sold by all drafflata, FOOL IABLB .eotopUra bar ftetnraa. aa tablaa. rhilrs. ata. ..Waatara Salraxa Oa, 637 faaiaa, raairs. WaatJoctoa at S8WINO MACHINES bsaabt asld. axcaanfad. ,B aad an: aiao raatM. , , j, . f WESTERN SALTA6B CO. 2T WaablDf toav at. FOR SALE Naw ttnQ anrlcbt Kimball plana rar fxuo. aoom aa, aouta Anar at. FOR SAIX OHSAP OaatfM aaa. 0 loa capacity, la rood ardar. 13S Put lamuuth ava. BA ROMAN pUno. ftna aoadltloa, S228 aaab. Addraaa T 14. foaraaL - aVBOVT W.000 Wortfe t windows, doors, tlav brra, lumbar for aaht at aarrlflrs, or- w rhaar' tor raal aatata. Addrsaa F M. aan - Joaraal . FOR SALE S-roaai boatboaaa with faraltara, $. rbona Baat B01. . FOR BALE -Hill aoasrra, dirt ehaap: yasntf blrda Ihrowa In: aajnaba at all tlmaa. 821 ' Baat Baraalda at. rbona Baat 1207. BOTNTON BlCBAvRDSON far aala at a barfala. 1ST rront at. i ' am Ti i 't i 1 ' 1 PERSONAL.' FT RRIER LaiJIx, aava yaw fara raawdalad ,' and rap trad by pr"1""1 forrlar aad aipsrt . Sttor; SO ysara' aiparlaaea la thla braarS anablaa bm to rnaraataa aatlra aatlafartlaai . will aall at rssldaaca aad aatlmass, If : "daslrod. A. ' R'lnrr. I-fwla Mdf., Morrlaoa aad Park. Paosa Pari as 8f. - V , NT man or Woman raa ba atrotif and karmy by aalnr Srxlna PUla. tba araat tonlr prlca $1 a bos, S bnsaa JS, wltb fall (iiarantaa, - Addraaa ar call J. A. Oamaaaoa. drarrtat, cor, Saeaad aad XamhlU ata., Portland. Or. M ANLT Tlror rsatorad. try Dr. BobafW Nam ' - fllobilea. Oaa awath(c traatmant. S3; mitba, SB; aatit aamrslr aaalrd nf mall. ' Arsars, Wosdard, Clarka Co., Portland. Or, DETBOTIVB AOBNCT Oaaadaatlal lasaatlra. lions: ra porta furnlahad aa iadlTldaala. tkak rkaractar, rsspoaalMIHy. ata. I bad dabm aot Isctad: ' mlaslnc ralatlraa aacatsd; charasa - raaaooabMi aerraapandaaca anllrltra. Dataoura Barnes, erne S0S-S04 Flladnsr Pboaa bide., tntb aad Waablatiaa, ata. Mala 561S. MOLES, wrtnklaa, aapai flswaa bair lamaiad. Ml ma tan roa now. no anarra, airs, at. u. Bin. Salts L Santns-Htrsrh bide Poaifla ISS, BBXINR. PILLS awra all fOPaBWal JC aS4BVaataS 4af . at oscular waaknasa. For , Ptioa fl a bat. bona S. alt Addraaa ar can f. O.CU Saaead and Tamkin Sta altb fall (aaraa Banana. arat Partlasd. Ur. tM. SUITS 'BTsassd wblla yea wait. SOc, .Ladlaa Ollbart. lOdH SUtb aU aklrta prassad, OOo. asxt la Qoslla. Pboaa Paelna SOSS. " PIRBASRS OF - WOMEN Prlrata matarnlty bosnitali onlat loratloa aad acselsl ears. Dr. ' PaeISc 1753. YES Patma Tablata maka yea alaaa parfaetlyi tbsy cars nsr.ouanaaa aaa maaa yoa BTrona: la an . w. a Bam- Bfl.bO! anaraatasd. AU drnrflata, ar address Brooks Draaj Csv, ST Kortb Third at Portland, Oraf oa. BOWIE N 8 BHEVMATIO CURB Sara car Sot rbaamatlam. Sold by all drarflata. , HUMAN HAIR SWITCHER Fay aftar ysa ra. , . ralra thsmi aaad a aampla at your balr aad wa will sand yoa ana of oar SI 44 awltrbsa, ' i os.. 23 Inches: aaamlna It: If a blf bar. Jain, ramlti If not. return. Addraaa Ladtaa lair Emporium, 134 Daarbera at., Cklcafs, II. i. . BOLD ON Tkere la ana tblnf that will rare rbsamatlsm. . Aak yoar droraiat for bark '- tenia ar addraaa or rail t. O. UamaBBsa. ara - (1st. PartUad. Oraroa. - BOTH tlma and avwey aaesd. wftb a free ehlne, wblla avttlnc akaaad at tba Modal Barber. ,. Shop. SI Plitk St.. bat. Stark aad Oak ata. akarlat ISe. TURKISH BATHS, ana Orrgnnlaa bMf. ladtaa aaya, rattmaa alfhta. Mala lata. TURKIIH BATHS .LADIES ONLY. Maaaaas, ih am pool nr. aaalp and faea traatmenta, ehesf daTalopment, msnleaiinf .and chiropody. Ml Wasoladtoa. katwaaa ! and 171b. , Mala T04S. DOLL'S HOSPITAI ' BsDalrliiaj aad drasaac. I SS1 TaaUiU at ;AHD EXCHANGE Have 'You to WcckFivc Cents your aid,' riot more than five lines (six words will be published ONE WEEK .'FREE nothing. The charge is for answers only. ; ; r V PERSONAL. BBST eommlastsa paid areata a all mafaaln aabarrlptloaa. Jonas' Book Store, 3V1 Alder at.. Portland, Oraroa. , -t BALM OP riOS for all female dlseaeea. S3S Bast Belmont. Pbeaa Bast 40Sa. Q. Y. KETCH t!M carea promptly prleata aaaaaa. kldner. nereona. akin and aneclal rcroau mmDlea. call as enta. ornea lTtisa, Tklrdat., aar. TamhUL Pkaavs Peal as S32B. CALIFORNIA. Medicated BeaUa Soap, toilet. , bath, aemplexloa, auraary. Ask your dealer for It. Moore-Helm Oe.. reaeral axaata, 3714a Merrlaaa at. Paelfla 171. DR. BINO CHOONO,' Importer CMnaaa root aaadlctoaat Belle Chinese tea, certain enra tar all diseases, let 34., bst. Yamhill aad Taylor. WHY BB BALDt, Wa fuarantee to areeent balr from falllrujf ant aad aura Itcblnr acalp abaahiUly. . 471 Aider at . Mala 3831. , SCHOOL Of -PSYCHOLOGY teaches magnetic healing. eoeeaatrattoa, bypnotlam aad Jalmiatryt pa tl enta treated for aU dlsaaaas, 7S Aider at. Phone Mala SSS1. MISS GIBSON rl aspert acalp treatment and maaaaaa.. Room S3, The Coamoe, Mia MoTThma at. YOUNO lady piees adaatlSe aaaaaa ra. manlcar. -Inr Bad pedicarlar. 144)4 Utk at, bat. Morrteoa Bad Alder ate. . LADIES faaraptesd safe and aere relief for all treablee of a prtrate Bature, no matter from . what e aoee na ainoaara. - Call or write Dr. T. I. PI area. Ul Ftrat at, aar. YamhlU. Part land. Oraroa. . , THE ADYBNTTRESS," '-Sweet Danaer," "A Msrrlsre la High Ufa, Twaaf Years Hua'llar." Prlaonar af Benda," "A Social , Moa' SO ream each. , A. W, SAaula Co., no Flrat at MISS GIBSON gieas erTTart acalp treatment , aad maaaara. . Boon S3, Tba Coemoa, 8611m Morrlaoa at, .. ,-. .. WANTED Te awat respectable yeang ladr with Intention ta call aa aeenlnra. F. M. Bottler. 34 Columbia at, Portland. Oregoa. LA DIES I Tea Chlcbaatar'a Eugtlah Pills, Bret I Re feet I Only Rellablel Take Be ether. Bay ef yoar Druggist or sand 4e, etamps, for par. ttrolera aadT Booklet for Ladlee. Chlcbaatar Cbemleal. Co.. Philadelphia. Peaaayreaala. ASSAYERS. OARYIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO, Montana Aanay ornea. la ART EMPORIUM, PROFBSSOB .B. MAX MRYBR, est : A Vase, Pertrslt and BJBdscaae artist aad taacbir. ACCOUNTANT. ' ALEX. -C. BAB, -PTTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. SO frmcord bldg. Pboaa Mala SeOI AUTOMOBILES. COYBY COOK Meter Car Oa Ftftaaatk aad WaeaiDgtea - Agenta tor Cadillac Pierce. Great Arrow and Steve ne Porysa aaater tart marklaea rented, repslrsd aad atared. Mala ARCHITECTS. a. . MamoBs, Areblteet. us imii aa. attorneys; J. S. WINCHESTER, attorasyt-law, notary paoiic. su wasaingtoa aiog. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.- BOWB, DAYIS KILBAM. 100-111 Saaaal ' Siaaa aooa maaaiactarsrst sgeata ror joa .peered Laaaa Leaf Hdgsrsi ere tba ai areka leaf, the baat ac the market. BATHS MASSAOE. Bheamrrhna eared by message bp yoasf aua lady. aH SUrk. 31-33 Tacoaaa B MADAMB YASHTI Tarklsk and tab baths. soile Tbira at. YOUNG lady givaa vapor, alcohol and atedlcstsd Be in a. rarwr it, gnne atara at. THE SNOWDBN bstarooaMi Udy atteadaata. guTH aiaer at. MISS RAYMOND gives baths and massage treatments, y-iae uoamna, oo Morriaoa au TWO ledlea givaa hatha and magnetic trea menta. aisar cniropoay ana manicnrtnr. Z24lt Waahlngtoa at., betweea Flrat and Sscead. SOUTHERN lady and aaatatant give massara) mo ana VBasr aataa. Aiw rear is, ear, Waablngtsn. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 3. RIRKBNWALD CO.. S04-30S Bverett a Larreat Bateeerr aepply aooee aa the aaaat. BUTCHRRS SUPPLIES A dnlph A. Dskam. lai-isa rn-sr ex., carries a run line aaa cm plots aassrtment at lowest market prices. CARPET CLEANING. rANDABD Carpet Cleaalag Oe., targeet pleat ea the eoaat. Lertog aad Bardlna ata., tele. phone Bast 3S0 Carpets cleaned, refitted. Sewer aad lald both steam aad latest eon prmta aw araesaai reoevaaaa man aad faathara a epeoialty. . SANITARY eeraet eleaalng. racrlaa aad eetas. pi aaaia air cemoiBca; earrere neanee on Boar Wltneul re mora I. Mala t51t Mala tSOO. t. HUNTER, eteam carpet aad main sea cleaner, asa Jefrersoa. Pboaa Mala 31. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. 4. SPRCIAL M BEADING FOR ft. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. B. KRIMO. , ' i . Greatest Malag astral dead-trance elatr! oyaat at tba era; ADVISER ON BUSINEXS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LfTS; whom yoa will marry, kow as control tba ene yoa leva, even t beera mllee awayi reaaltaa tba sap. aratad: gfvea aecrat pewsrs ta eoatroL I will d all ethers advertise to do. aad t great deal BMre. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW. ERS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES I HAYS AT MY COMMAND, snd I prove It to yea Wlts aat price by rleing rra a FEE B TEKT FR EB ' by bavins; year NAME TOLD (IX TVUA, just what you cams for. and give yoa advice ebeniately FREE before ya decide o hare a reading. - WHO CAN OR WILL PO MORi TO CONVINCE THR RKBPTICt DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT SB OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KRIMO, . Permanently Located In lile Own Horns, . OUB. 10 TOS. DAILY AND SUNDAY. Be. BW Fifth , aoraar Madiera at. ;rc;:::::; daily jouhital". rciLAiiD. t::u?.sday Trade ? for Each Answer i .... would cost $1.50 per week. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST NIBLO, SSS FIFTH ST. Bayal oriental clalrToyant. payehla, palmlat Grsstsat adrlae? oa lore, baalneea, maniare, dleorcs, lew, IneestmenU: all reeealeds telle . exactly what yoa coma for, name, are. oc cupation; whom, when yoa marry; deeelope Biarnatlam, good lack, powers ef secret con trol, cures aU aervnua dlaeases, weak bablta. . re. tores lost eltsllty, locate treasure by aplrlt power, deeelopp meilluma. Mbki'a Egyptian rrt makea blm mora eaeeeearo) than any ether myrtle worker. Lore or health; , PBOF. WALLACE. " The1 Coemoa,- 368 Morrlemi. ' See this gifted ait, He aslla . yea) by ' Basse. , He telle year neat, nreeent end future. Telia yoa wbe are roar friends, ene . mtes, rlrals. He knows at encs what yoa called for. Telia wbe and whan yoa will marry. . Ha tells yoa everything Tba greateet Wring clatrroyaat, splrltaaUat Bad palmist reads far BOe. , , SEP HIM TODAY! " BBMEMBBR THE PLACR. ' JWa FOURTH ST. MOO reading 1 thla week: nsst daad trenea clalrrejant In towai telle yea ex actly what yea call for, year seme aad age, ale. - 1104 FOUBTH. COB. WASHINGTON. , zifc MMS OA. Rrrntlaa eat rasa, aaedlaaa. palmlat clalrmyant. healing thronsrh psycble poarer, clalreoyaBce deer loped la etbere; read Ingif dally, goe and ap; errry one goea away Bat I. fled; ne circles nntll further notice; permanently located. ' 9Mm Morrison, Cos mos, erer Beyal bakery, . ' SUCCESS, SUCCESS. ; SUCCESS. Don't fall to consult the wonderful suc cessful clairvoyant, trance medium, mental , healer, Helen Aanove; this week a. valuable secret included with a SI reading, which gnsraatees aucceae la every andertaklng sen caralog year future Mfe; rsadlnre fram 10 a. m. to g p. ra. palm let rv readlnrs 3Be; ' open Saadaya till S p. m. 1T West Park at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS.' EVERDINO ah FARRELL. predaea and eommls. aloa marcbaata, 140 Frost st, Partlaad. Or. Phone Main 179. - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN Si FLYD rrpesters, Jotners and carriage work. St Stk at Pboaa Paetfte tiOS. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES deaaad snd arasaad 31 per xsaatB. Ualqae Tallortag Co., 347 Washlagtoa at. II. W. TURNER, prof asa tonal dver aad OAS Jefferson at. Phone Mam SB1S. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES. ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY f WB I OLI.KCT BAD DEBTS OH KO CHAROB. CITIEENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CITI. BENS' BANK BUILDING, ROOM M, 133m uttAnu ave. fHuna east bvsb. CAFES. THB OFFICB-oM Waahlagtoa at, Baeae Mala th. aamnei vigneax. . 'CHIROPOblSTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. Mrs. M. ft. Bill. Salte 1. Sslllng-Hlreek Bldg. PaetSe IBS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaeawere. PraeL Hegele A Co.. loo to 100 Fifth, cor. Stark st CIGARS AND' TOBACCO. M. , A. OUNST CO DISTRIRITORS OF FTNR CIGARS. ' - PORTLAND, OREGON. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer la autdaaod. esel ana green ana ary aiansreoa. a. ana Alulae are.. S blocks aaat ef terry. Beet 474. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Dealers la enat. aaiaweiia aaa ary siaeweoe OREGON FUEL CO. ATI klada at coat aad areed. 884 Alder at Pbeae Mala SB. BOX and alanee weed. SUBdard Wood Oa. laaaaian aeuvery, DRY atora wood already split, 1.TO per load. raone r-acine lsxz. n. uaaaea. Big THB PORTLAND FUEL CO., . ' Succeeaora to i C. B. DAY18 FUEL CO.. Phone last SO. 38T B. .Morrlsoa St. DANCING. LBaaoNS la dsarlng at year heme, er at ary residence! aassnns evening aaa aitsrneos. u, P. Smith. Paclae 1110. DRESSMAK3N0. OUR prlcea only balf wkat ether charge, work tne very nest, siyies rue lateot. Angeies Dremmnklng Parlora, 34S Fifth. PactSc M, ELECTRICAL' SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Rnrlaeere. tore, repeirers, sieern wiring, sappiiaa. a First ear. Stark. Malu Sa. R. B. Tata. mgr. WESTF.BN ELECTRIC WORKS. SI Sixth at Oontractara, electric supplies, motors ana dynamoo; we Install Hght and power plants. ii. . . FURNITURE FACTORIES. - 0BEOON Fornltare Maaafactorlng Company Manufacturers sx roraitara lar taa uao. Port la ad, Oregon. I . a FURNITURE maanfactwing aad apeclal orders. L. Ruveibikya mrnltnre tsetory. ll rront at. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm -alt fnrnaca ears faeL J. 0. Bayer TOroare ve., zoa aecoaa. maia ai. DRYHOI'SB HEATING PIPES, made to enter by J. Ieell. 813 Jefferson; rnone Pacific 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR IRON WORKS MS FUadsra at, aar. Third, raoae Mala sow. BAST PORTLAND. FENCE A WIRB WORKS, ISO Eaat water at. paoae aaat azj. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., whsteeale fectarere aad east ad Oak ata. eats. - Foarlk ALLEN A LEWIS, eommtsetoa aad pmdnca a cbanta. grant aaa imvta ats., roriiaaa. STEIN WAYNB eobbars grocexa, 80S Secoea afc CAICLINS Ele'GIKZS. STATIONARY and marine; "Little Special" "gssollnv launch, lltat; secoad hand sleculs leascaes ard bulla. BsUs,noN MACHINERY CO., v lni-4-4 Morrlaoa at. ' 1 hotels: THB BELLE YUR Foarth aad Ralmea: alee clean roocaa by dap, ' wssk or maatb. PadAe 810a. HOTEL Poetised, American plaa; 13. IS per day. BELVEDERE; Buropaaa plan; 4th aad Alder anil HOOD HOTEL Rooms 60c up; rates by week ee atoatb; oat-o(-towa trade solicited. nixtn sc., a moras mm aepoc, HAT FACTORIES.. BATS cleaned, blocked. BMde Ilka sew for 60c . expert Panama bleacher. M Third, near Plaa, Branca. IZ nrst. racipe la. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER s CO. Potatoes, feed aad aoar. izg Luton eve. Phone East lb IT. HARDWARE. Portland Hsrdwars Co. eeltclts opportunity quote prions. T4 Sixth st. PaclAe 46. INSURANCE. ' IAS. Mel. WOOD, ampler ere" liability aad In dividual aecldaatr eurety bonds ef all klada. Pboaa 4T. Si3 McKay bldg. . IMPROYBD Ire alarm service reduces Ineurancs rates: see, I th National Automatic fire ' Alarm company. F. M. Batcfielor, V'aiaenc 004 McKay bldg. THB Oertnan-America a Fire Ina. fpo. ef New York, after narlna S. F. lossse. bss 113.000. 000 resets. Johnson, Walls Co., areata. 80S Chamber of commerce. Phone pacific 41o. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE Land eertp all klnda, iBcludlag approved forest reserve and railroad scrip, tor savveyed, ttaearveved. tim bered prairie govrramsnt land. H. M, Hamil ton, Tne Portland. Portland. Oregop, MONEY TO LOAN. AN BASY-MONBY PROPOSITION Money la easy to get If yoa knew where to get It. We have ready money at art times, and yea can get It oa year salary 1 Sio to 1100, ea best tcnas and at lowest ratea. Wa loaa ea the easy paymsnt plan the plan that helps yoa and gete yoa eat at , debt. Yoa get the cash, all yoa aak for, and repay la aaaoeata yoa caa conveniently spar each payday. ' . We de act 01a papers, reqatrs no In doreere. aa reference to friends or employer. Opea Taea. aad Sat avenlnra nntll 8 -o'clock. Hutton Credit Co. . BIS (Sth Soar) Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN . . ' - Oa Improved dty property er for halldlnr ' purpoaea. for from 1 to 10 yeara time, with urlrl lege to repay all ar part ef anaa after fwe ysara. Loana approved from plans and money advanced aa building progresees; aaortgarea taken ap and 4-eplaced. . FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agsat - 343 Stsrk at THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, ware earner, raa get aa hie Bote, wttaeat mortgage Month. H Mnntk. Week. Sno.00 Repay to aa S18.M er 84.60 er St.M Kepar to na t 8.05 oe g.t.8.1 or tl.M 18A0 Bepay to as J 4.00 or- 33.00 er fl.OO 810 McKay bldg., CONPTDBNTTAL LOANS ea salaries, inaarsscs pollclea, pianos, rami ru re. warenease re ceipt, etc I aay deeervlag parsoa may secure a liberal advance, repsy log by easy week If er monthly Inaullomnta. ' NEW ERA LOAN TRUST . COMPANY. . 306 Ablngtoa bldg. . . BBADQUABTERS FOB SALABY LOANS- , Mosey caa be - harrowed ea easy eaymaat " alaa. lowest' rates- strictly confldaatlaL CBESCBNT LOAN CO.. - . t-' 43S Mohawk bldg, car. Third and Morrleoa. MONEY to loaa ea real, persenal and collateral escarltyi special sttsatloa te chattel mort. . gagea; notes bnorht. C. W. Pallet, 304-S Featoa bldg., 84 Sixth at MONEY to loaa aa Clackamaa county lands. B. F. aad F. B, Blley, 80S Chamber af Cenv LOWEST ratea ea furniture and pianos. Fast sra Loaa Co., 440 Sherlock bldg. Pacific SUA MONEY to loaa ea all klnila of security. William Ball, ream B Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sums to entt na chattel aecarlty. B. A. -Frame. S14 the Marquem. MONBY ananed aalarted people ea note! cheep est rates. F. A. Nswtoa, 434 Ablngtoa bldg. MONBY LOANED AT S FEB CENT Oa diamonds, wa tehee and Jewelry. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE, T4 THIRD ST. PRIYATR money to loan Bear PortlaaA at reasonable ratea. Sol Bloom. 880 C. of & MONEY TO LOAN--860 to 8600. oa entletersl; lew rat ef bi tares t. 80S Sixth. Evenings. BAYB severe 1 theweand dollars which.! will loan at S per cent Interest on rood aeraruy. J. Frank Porter. 323 Waahlugtoa af, aeatb- LOW RATE ea furniture, etc.! etrletly eon ptenuau Boom wt meaner mat. . racinc &8, MnNRV ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE- Aad others upon tneir ewa name witnont SSI Ul 117 i meapeeT raiee. eeeieel pm mii , office la 00 principal cities; ssva yourself money by settlor onr terma Brst TOLMAN. 32 Ablngtoa bldg.. 100 "4 Third at. MACHINERY. THR H. C. ALBEE CO. Second hand ma- ehleery, aswmllls. etc. zss araad av. B. TBENKMAN A CO Mining, eawmtll. log. glng ssschinery: aydrsnnc pipes, caa ting; ail sinfls repairea. ins nortn roertn. MUSICAL. EM1L THIELHORN. pupil ef BEVCIK. vloUa toarher.- Stadlo IRS Sixth. Tat Mala SPSS. PI A NO-TUNING, repairing, refintahlng and rllahlng) eetlmatea given Jobaaoa. witter Pirter. 373 Third at Phone PaclSe 21. MONUMENTS. KBU A KINOBLEY. SOS Flrat at, Portlaed't leading marble and granite worka. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. ARNOLD LINDSAY, era due ta et-tba Oateopathlc college of K Uteri lie. Mis nrt 1 , wbe te a specie Hat ea rbeumatlam, etnmaeh aad all female dlaraase. Office 410 Felling bldg., corner ef Third aad Waahlngtoa ata. DR. ADIX KORTHRUP. 41B-1S-IT Dekam bldg., Tftlrd and Waahlngtoa ata. rhoa Main 840. Eiamlnatloa free. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBKRS . OPTOMETRIST. Vlaloa SdeatlOearly Cocr acted. 12S Seveatb Street. DR. GEO. RI'RENSTEIN, reliable ctitlcUe! glasses aajnatea ny tba IS tee I sciestine ap pliances. 1M Fourth St. PRINTING. THR MODERN PRINTERY Artistic prlntrng. to Ruessl Mdg-,' gearta aaa Morriaoa. raoae PaoISc 1626. - ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, print. 1ng, lithographing. Blank Don as. rnsoe msia 17. SOS Alder at , PLUMBERS. DONNERBr.RO A RADEMACBEB, removed ta Ne. t)I Barsmae at. FOX A CO., ssnltsry plnmhere. 331 Secead bet maia ana aiiwrq, we e..w F1NNIGAN BROS. A CO., 80S Thh-d at. Pace Mala jwoo. t'lamoerg aaa aeeuug asgiueers. evz:ii:;q. august is, FINANCIAL EAi:3. B-IBST RATIONAL ' BAVX OF PORTLAND. I DealaTBated Depaattary and Aaststaar .... A. l bnLLS I aar Casnler W. C .ALYOfti) ai.. aTtter? if Cretflt AvalUbls la Eorope aad the Baetera Statee ; a ,X and Telegraphic TraneferTeold ea New York. Boatoau Chlaage, It taatt, Ca I BUaL OttsBlia. Hngt TWmaBJa4.M. ..A V. i I I--. S. mframtth sWasaYC. Bof,"ht,'U,w V"? Mlto -r,r" U e vaoenasrea. X ADS a TIXTOX. lirrtti ra.uuj ls ' .' Traaaseta a weaeral Baakhie Bmalneea. Colleettena made el art . . ito. letters of credit leaned Exchange aad T.I rarer hie Tranafera sold sa New York. Waahlagtoa. ."rTila r "T'' 0"ha. Sea fr a aad Montana and Brltlth ColamMa. Eackaaga raid en Lonov,., fmrU BerllB rTBlfortj Bmgkoag. Yokohama. Manila aad Bonolata. MMXBOXAsTTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0BBB0X. ' t rurAfIloAT0, ..Ptealdeat I R. U DURHAM : j7rm'TTl B. W. B0YT Cashier GEORGE W. BOYT AralataBt Caablar Ttaaaaata B Biases! Banking Bsalseea. Drafts and Letter ef Credit lasaeB Available , ' AU Partr ef the World. Collectlone a Specialty . TBTTXO STATU VATIOXAX, BARB OF Bsnawest corner Tarrnj. Tiaaaeela e - l i k , aSi-ie 1 'tolva aua Europe. Hongkong ead Vtoa.PeI.Mll. .... t AINSWORTH I 1 i K. LEA RARNES I Asrlauat Cashier. BaJntBBr A LVbTBXBMXXS BANK Portlaad. Oregsa.. Corner Seooad and Start streets. Commercial and aavlnga deasrtmaat. let arret paid oa aavtage aeeeaata. Drafta aaa e "vdlt Issued available la all parts at the world. Opea Saturday evening treat I 'lT osmmedatloa el eertomers. . - . a s , -. E: A PBLTON.. ...Preeldaat I X. tl. MARS.-..V....:..'.;w.J. i. Crralar FRED H. ROTHCHILD... Fleet Vlee-Preetdent JOHN A. KEATING. aocoao vice-ptesidsnt I r T OF OALITOBNIA EaUhlUaed 1884, Bead Offiee. Baa Fraaalsse, Caitferaav Capital paid an 84.000,000 I SorpLua and undivided proflta .... "2iSf ... P ra' Baaklnt 4ad Bxsbaare BualptA Transacted. SAVINGS DEPABTMBNT, latarest sa time depaslm. Aceoanta opened tor earns ef 310 snd apwerd, -. PortUB Braach Chamber ef Commerce Bonding, - . zJJlAB2jl--' ''Jntgjf. T. BURTCHAELL......Aasrstsat Miaaree ' TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TXVST CO MP ANT OF OREO0X "The Oldest Tract Oempaay la Oiagea. Rf J.OURCBS OVER tl.TBo 000.00. General peaking. Exchange ee all partr af the world. . ."JINGS ACCOUNTS. . Time eartlOcatea, S ta 4 per centt shoet-e.ll special eertlrt estea, 8500 er ever H to 4 per sent Call for beak "f "ILLt'STRATIOKS." , f -, SoatSeset Corner Third aad Oa'g Streets. Phone Private Each age TR, REN. I. COHEN President I B. LEB PAGET. , 8?rfavtary ' EOURITT SAVXMOS It TBVST OOI(WABT TranaacU a General Baakrag Bnatneea. ea Time aad Savins AceoaaH. Acts aa t-reait Available la All AnAtjta m i. . .President I MILLS ..Secnod Vice-Pre. Ideal I GEO. F. RUSSELL.. npBX M0BT0AOB GUARANTEE A TRUST I - Transact a Qeaera Banking Business. lotarest Paid ea Tim Dspaslta. - BkvtBg , Dprtmeat 4 tier cent Interest a 11c wed, eampnaaded ouarterly. - -, - CAPITAL-. ,. 100.000.08 - . a W. WATIBBURY. ,-. Preeldsat C W. MILLER ...Vtce-Preslaeat . S. LOGAN HAYS... alatant Secretary .-. Xtka Temple, Seventh sad Stark Street. Phone Main 164. Open Saturday leaning 3 to S NORTBWXSTZRX OUABAXTXX TRUST C0MPABY-Partlaad. OragoB. , Lanaer Xxchaag. S. B. Corner Seeoed aad Stark Street (laaaad Sear). ' ., " ' FISCAL AGENT FOB COiPOBATIONS. a-' Stat. Caaaty. Ma aid pal and Corporatloa Bouds Bourht and Sold. New tamipileea acgaalait aaa naancea. atecra Hp'TlB UABANTFX St TRUST CO MP ANT MOBTGAGB LOANS a Portland Real Batata at Lowest Rater, - . Title I Beared. Abstracts Furaishsa. . 7. THORBURN ROSB President 1 GEO BOB B. BILL.. . Vice-Preel dent BONDS AND M 0XXIB BROTHXRS. Chamber ef Cemmaroe -. . . Monldnsl. railroad and Dowxrxo-Boinax ty ' STOCKS. BONDS. GBAIN Boaght Prl vats' Wires. BOOM 4 CHAMBER tBX J. a LEE 0OXPAXY 1S-M Lafayette - Brokerage Department Bee V Before Buying or Belling Stocks CiV0rrr it-irf St, rtinVm Cn ' vtvi hvvjm wwi a am. wwm.. ws aUrX. TXOTISI0XS. 00TTOTT. STOCKS ART) B0XM, : . : .i ' . WB DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Contlnnoaa Mark ata by - Private Wire. Quick era, aaa uaitea ata tea national aanx ar rortiana. LOUIS J. WILDE' BONDS CORPORATION. J WA14W, , Htgheat Bettarea to- Iavertora Ca estatent Wit Abanrato Safety. PORTLAND NORTHWESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SBCtTBITIBB. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Ptoaeer Paint C. wlndow-Blaat aad glaalag. , 138 Flrat at Phone 1334. RUBBER STAMPS. .1. . P. C. STAMP W0BKi,S4SAIis. pboaa Msla TIU: mooer iuev mwm. .-, y-mw-m. trade checks; send tor cataloge No. 36. ROOFINOT TIN ROOFING, guttering. repaMas aad general JuOnUlg. e. Lgeir. ai. ,.uow. . - STREET PAVING. THB Barber Asphalt Paving Ca. at Partmad, Office BM worceetsr eia. WABBEN CoBstractmri Co.. atreet paving, aide- M I . 014 A V easamtvaaae Br arsektah BhaVsB SAFES. DIEROLD Msnganess and reproof csfesr aoe- cessfal pregrtes age met smrgiar see mtw; eats opesed. mr. aujw. mecusoie.. e. wltb t. B. Davl. SS Third. Phuaa lOBa. KlGItT second-hand flrepreef eafea aad two eecona-baaa sna saies tux emea tana, Sixth et. Portias. r. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners, economical electric alrns aad eigne ef all " klnda made qalckly. roster A Klelearr-Flftk and Everett Paoae ExcbaBge 68. W. P. BERORR A SON, 384 Yamhill St. Slgas ef all klada. - Ppoae Facia; kux. ' SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. 87 Stark at. Phone Pacific 1600. Beal Ca SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every dsserl ptioa) bsak. bst sad atora flxtarea mads te order. The Lath ' Msnnfactarlng Co., PertUed. R. H. BIKDSALL, deal Lumber Co.. T Hamll mer: agent . winter mlltoa bldg. Mela 630. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, paoa and tarnltare mevad. packed for abtpplaf aad shipped; all work teed; Isrgs, 8-story brick. Sre-preef use far storage. Office SOS Oek at. guaranteed erereholies C M. Olaea. Pboaa Mala 847. THB BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO.. ror. Sixth aad Oak ata.) baggers checked from betel er redds ace direct te destlaatleai pseeengers therefore avoid rash sad eaaey ascs at depots. Private Exchange 08. C O. PICK, ofSee SS Ftrat at, betweea Stsrk aad Oak ata.. phna 60S; plane and furniture moved and packed for shipping; comqwdloa Bclca warsnoiaee wiie wvuiw w Frost aad Clay ats. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Bone Mela aa. usavy Bsanag see POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Be. SOOI Waab Ingtea at. Pbeoe Mala SOS, , . MIT Mfrae Mi eneda Sa all ids: a peel. I room fee frank wall waiting. Oregon Aate-Dcepeteh, First at- raoae maia i is. INDEPENDENT BAGOAGB A TBANSFEB Ca. Stores. 334 Stsrk St. Msla 407. - TYPEWRITERS. RBW tyaewrltsra. all makee. reefed, aold and resalredTl Ceeat Ageacy. 3l Stark. ToL 14QT. TELEPHONES. THB only exdealve telepauae beaaa. B.-R. Electric A Tslepaoaa Maaafactorlag sum pa nr. 03 Fifth at . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cb, preo, aeap. 81 DeV moaia. rertiaaa uiaarr see low.. Sunnlr Co.. Ninth aad Cooeh. Pheoe 410. WELLDIGGING. .WEXJiDiaOlNO eorg atoblsaee. BU Jehjar. nzi. RnfSfaBBrBPBB IB IIBBIi - .ZZTZZ 0RBOOX. PlnanH.1 Ageal af tke Calted ftates. Caahler SsoooA AsataUnt Caaklet B. F. lirwwTJ BIB Unoon. Paris, Berlin. Fraaktort tfce-Mala. a. Btncanoim. at. reiereuwa, ihi eaewte ea raves. eeell.hle ta Karoos and all aoiara ra we, PORTLAND, OBXOOR. ana osr arrser, , .,, - n . w ,Bff.wM .M.a.a. W in nvtaa ea Manila. Collectloae Made en Favorable yerm. , Cashier v, arrRMFRR Aasutaat Csshler. . anl.T ............. w ' ..A. U. WRIGHT ft ft BTOHBT ...... .....Asrlstsnt Cashier PLATT A PLATT. ..General Connect PL t. Pl'lTfif'K Vlce-PYeeldeet ...... ,i("i .Asalatant Secretary O. GOLTRA.. Tea Morrison Street. Partlaad. Orerwa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. lateraat Allowed Trnstea for Eat a tea. Drafta aad Letters et Parts at tae WerlO, L A, LEWIS ........a Vei TaernMnm X. G. JUBITS v.Btmtary Amlatant Secretary COMPANY BANK. ana needs Tfusraateeq. 840 WASXTXBTOX STB EXT. JN0. X. AITCHISON ...Secretary T. T. BUBKHABT. .Treasurer INVESTMENTS. Bldg. ' if pabllc aai tic corporatloa benda. aad Sold for Oaab aad aa Msrgta. ef COMMERCE. ' Pbeaa Mala ST. Bldg.. PortlaaA, Ortgea. - - H. W. Bvnahaa. Maaager. '''' ' ar Bonds. Caa Always Save Tea Meeey. 'Member Chicago Bear. ji Trad. og Tblr St, McKay Bldg.. Per tl aad. Service. REFERENCES La dS aV'Ttltaa. Bask. Bos ma 3, 4 and La Fayette bldg..' ear. Blxtk aa Wash. Sta., Partlaad, Oregea. ". ISIOGES tuarOBATlug WINDOW. SHADES. GAt.BJ ariiannw aKtana avi ea e-i - fi.1.""' fMwL o'1 made te order ai prices. Mala SSTO. I..D!6rjTI0a OVER. KORTH BEACH. CUIHjlOIJPI n Attempt to Take Land Now Held aa Homesteads and on Which Settlers Live. . (Spertai Dlapateb te The Joaraal.) Aberdeen, Aux. lt.-An . Attempt et claim Juraplnx that haa avrousad much Intaraat sa well as lndlgnatloa baa re cently 'tween Attampted on. North. Baacb, A number of people, moetly from this DlactL. have recently filed on lend In Jef fagVoa county, which Jisd Already bean rued en aa homaeUeds, end On which. In some instancee, the settlers ere now Uv Ins. . ' . . . . -One caae In particular Rrousinx the pitiful Intereat of many Is that of an old. white -halrad women, who ta mak ing her tiorne In the lonely aolltudea of the denae foreata, ' and- enduring the trlale and hardshlpa Incident to each e Ufa, so that she may have ea independ ence, when, no longer .able to work. - Bhe haa no family to depend on, and obtalna the naceaaltlea of Ufa by going to the harbor towne end peddling about A few artlclea of woraen'e apparel. Another Battler, Mr. Caatlle, haa A good faouae on hie land, containing a brick fireplace, and haa 10 acree cleared. He haa made the land hla home for a long time, and a echool for the children of th district te held in the house. - Nearly all the Battlers ere either living on tba land or ere complying with the law In regard te the neceaeary Improvements. SETTLERS EXPECTED TO USE LOGGED-OFF LAND (PWIal Dtapatek te The Jearaal.t ' Aberdeen. Aug. It The loggad-off landa of thla county era beginning to re- cetva the notice of Intending Battlers who are looking for A location In thle part of the etate. . Several colon lee ere expected tp arrive to locate on them thla fall,. end a colony, moatly eompneed of Pinna And Folaa, haa Already Battled on landa aeveral miles up the Wlahksb rlrer. ' Mrs. Jean Stewart, widow of the lata Jamea Stewart, haa net aatde 1.000 aerea aa alta for a colony, end It la expected tnat eettiere Front the east will arrive thle fall to locate on It ' They will prob ably come from Ohio, end will be men ef experience In the agricultural Una. They will find a ready home market for All their produce, aa all ef tha fren frulte end vegetablee, with A few exeep. Hons, come from California. Dairy farming la alao a paying Una, ea rattle do well outdoors all the year round. - Diet ol Eggs. The Kngltsh prose Baa been Comment ing upon -alleged Improvement ef the Cambridge crew through a diet eon slating largely ef egga, . Thla would not do for every ene. In notable eontreet la the efficiency ef the Mew Zealand football team, every man da athlete, but who ezereleed n training Mar any ape clal diet. Tha marveloue soundness of constitution acquired by thoae who have been obliged to undergo hardship and privation "In 'thd open secma to be' a matter generally overlooked by the av erage theoretical physical dulturlst, i j 0 L l V DwCompoMd . Cody of J M" Pulled From Water in ; -1 llwaco Channel.' '. ! 1 hPAIil X" aV 3 atXAW traBe a ata. aram ' ' 4 rtwrut cmjuT PtAai 1 ; ; ' FINELY PACKED SALMON Orsgon SMt Fishinf LvY .to Tested In the United Ststee Court ' AppesiB Ttkea .When . Prisoners ine journal aaa opened a aewe aad esnV aerlptloa hureaa at 430 Commercial street. Astorbs wuere aay boelnoae wlrb ttie I paper aaar ba traaaaataa. pause Mala 3301. illnai t.l .M Sk. s-...- .1 t . Journal'a Astoria Bureau. August Is. Tha badly decompoeed body of' a man waa found in -th tneahee of a flahnet snd drifting In the Ilwaea) channel yes terday. Captain Segeratrom of Ham mond waa the person who made tee ghastly discovery. He first notioed a derelict glllnet In the eourao of his boat and as ha was hauling thla 1b tha arm of tha oorpaa was brought out of the water, v - The net waa at once buoyed and the news 'of the find sent to tha Capo Dis appointment Ufeaavlng ' crew. - PYom there word -was -sent to Coroner i Ken nedy of Pacific county, who made ar rangers enta to aecure the body. NO one has so far been sble tQ. Identify, t1 r msins. . . ,. , , The finest xrade ef Royal Chinook salifion. - tn one-pound flats, - is being eoaaumed by many of tha famtliee In Scow bay thta greek, ; WieR tha two cere slid off the A. 4 C. trestle Into tha bey b few days ago 'a carload of thW Columbia River Pac Iters' association's finest product want overboard Into the water. When the wrecking crew atarted work, and-th car had been partially lifted out of ho water, A . number e Scow bey boys vlatted the scena In ersVll ektffe and .loaded' their bote -with tha product, some securing ovpr. 6Qj nA. . v T i , Two cases to teat the Oregon etate law that no fishermen can take flab out ef tha Columbia rlvar unless he ,bo . A eltlsen of either Oregon. Waahlngton er Idaho -were tried la the juatlee court today, end while convictions were ae eured by tha state and fines aaa eased, tha cases were promptly appealed to the United States courta. The defendants are Frank Furla and Joaeph H. Dea jatro... .'. .- , .. ,..'.'- .' ' DOUGLAS COliriTY RAISES AbStdbLtlll bncAILT. : Inrraaaai In ft ai rtrt a rn Pfrrtin Vafl - nation .Reaches Nearly Four Million Dollars, ...... .- -f K iSpectal Dtspatok to The esraal. Roeaburg. Or., Aug. 16. AsaeasoF Oeorge W. Staley has made a cloae as tlmate on the ' aaaaaa ad valuation of property in Douglas- county for the year IfOS, which shows an lncreaaa in valu ation of about 2SS per cent trrer that' of last year. The aaeeeament rolls will not be completed for about A montrC but Aaaeeaor Staloy'e estimate for thle year le f 13,000,000. . Thle Includes tha exemp- tlona which baa previously; been left off the rolls. ' ....;' The aeeeesment loot year waa about ll.IOO.000,. with the ' 1100 houaehold exempt ion I allowed...- The largest per centage of- lncreaaa will be In the .value ef the property of corporations, which value are Increased about 300 per cent The southern Pacirio company's valu ation In 1801 was 11,713,730. while thle year It le approximately (8,311.411. The propertlea of some of the large timber corporations have been raised as large and la some eaaee larger thaa the South ern Paclflo company. , , Crsvay ISaa Terrified . YFemexu .. ' (Spectal Dispatch to The Jearnal.l -' Brownsville. Or., Aug. 13. Joe Attto, living weet of Halsey, waa found wan dering around In the , foothllle - about eight miles aouth of hero yesterday era ay and almoet etarved, having had nothing to eet ror eome time.. Albert Overton and Ed Wiggle took him .to Halsey and telephoned 'for the eherlff -to come after him. Attlo terrified nearly 811 of the women and they left their horaee until be was taken front thla district. .-. . . ' - PKONOGRAPHIC NOVELTY. Verm cf Pe1iirlnar the Tlltis , trsted Song and Story. Fhonographlo nariore have paaaed the experimental stage and have untveraal approval.' The combination of the phono graph and the klnematograpn haa alao proven poular. At the preeent time an enterprising promotor le " establishing narmanant btograph exhibitions In tha larger cities, the admieslon being small. with a change of plcturee twice a weak. A New Tork City inventor etll further lmprovee the btograph by the assistance of the phonograph. - Tn ether words, be HCW ILLUSTRATED 1" haa slmpUSed the product: i ' luetratdd song by means nC i ratus shown In the lnuf - -tanaoualy, with the pro-f-tlrt; turea npon'o ecreen, e phcii.c utilised to render a ronsl. rl r la eoojvinotlon with the L. t. V A