The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Ccnmutwa Wr Helplet B
, far th bocoptivo Shootr
; j . J7 of Giant Pitch!".. :.
The Portlandera Find Little DiffU
' cuhjr la Runninf Awy From tha
' 1 Men Whp Work for Van Haltren
laitchelTa Homer W a Feetur.
Portland I. Oakland 4. '
n 1 1 mrt -a l". t mm and Hackett;
deraon and McLean.
! 4 It took the OlanU but a raw mlnutai
yeatardar to put tba official ktboah on
tha , Commuter, ana , i
ItlhM l Uie tuna 01 a w
Oakland'a and of tba saors It la aafa to
unma that they ' war-, treated to a
; When It ' wu time for ina
naii to ' baaia no regular um-
plre had put In an appearance.
. and . after a homa plate dlaouaelon
between Van and Mae. Oacar Graham
and BUtlam Eaajck war given author
lijr to Indicate tha- progreaa and set-
rtacks or tha contest uu "
decisions at first, when McHala waa
tailed out by Oecar and Moore by Es-
. sick and a email package or exim na
vorad ball and atrlkea by both ofthe
officiate. Graham appearing- to be tha
greater - sinner. - their work waa very
well done. , McHala waa on first fully
a minute "before Graham ordered him
out. end Charley Moore waa a safe on
the InttaJ. bat; aa a aalnt In hearen when
B. B. Ksalck wared him to tha wooda.
B. B. meana Bad Bill, according to tha
definition of two girls In tha grand
stand. ''.
Tha game-wa not aa intereating as
ome that hava beCn seen here. Hackett
, waa ' away' of r In bla ' throwing.' His
bad peg to second In the flrat Inning
; waa directly responalble for two runa
f After two were down In, the first.
: MltrhMl got- a pass and stole second
and went to third on HackeU'e throw. .
McCredie drew four ' balls and Jud
Smith1 singled ' Mitchell home. Tha
, hall caromed 'Off Krugwr'a shins and
i Mac skipped to third. - Hackett, whoaa
? arm waa getting stronger every minute,
; took another throw, and McCr-dle
. a g i .-t i M 4J
with a single,. and Sweeney attempted
a sacrifice, but aa both mtn aanutered
along the Oo-nmut era, through Catea,
Francka and Heitmuller, doubled them
up with tlma to snare.
In the fifth McHala singled and made
second while Smith waa making tha
return, throw. .This work of McHala'a
waa vary good. Sweeney fouled out to
Hackett '. Mlka Mitchell bit to Heit
muller, who, . In tossing tha ball to
k?ates, covering tha bag. threw it near
tha bleachers and Jamea McHala reg
istered. - ; ,
Catea was pitching splendid ball, but
his support was ragged. Five -scattered
hits ware all that tha Giants
.. could garner until . the eighth, when
. handsome Michael , Mitchell .' started
trouble Jay. driving a corker to tha right
field fence that dropped through, aHow-
' In -. lllk, mmnlri, ' nlpnnlt IPftM.
mora drives into aafa territory netted
two runa, and. that ended tha scoring.
war x-urtiana nenaerson waa ue star.
lie waa never la better trim and . did
not allow a clean hit '
The official acore gives Oakland only
one hit but It would have been fairer
if Smith were given a hit tha tlma that
tha ball Bhnt above Haiwlarann'a tiatait
mm It waa In a anaa-m aA-,vaw1 K hi.
glove. That waa la tba flrat Inning,
and Smith should have got a hit for It
In tha third Smith , knocked a slow
bouncer and beat it out Ha waa tha
: only man to coma close to connecting
- safely. Tba official score: ., ;
, !. ' PORTLAND. '
a n a M a a
McHala, cf. ......... S 111
Bweeney, aa- ........ 4 B S 1
Mitchell, If. ......... t i i
McCradle, rt ....... 1-4 1
Hmllh, Jh. 1 1
Moore, Jb. 4 11
Mrl-n. c . ......... 4 1 I IS
: l.lmer. lb.-.......... S . t I
Henderaon,. p. ....... 4 1
ToUla . ..
. an, tf aua. ' a wj.
An, rv. n, MTJ. A. Ej.
- Smith. Tf. -if.'. -. r.-.-ri . 4 - e 1 1
. Van Haltren, ct. I 1 4 ,...4 4 4 I 4 1
Heitmuller, lb. . 4 4 4 14 4 1
- Hackett e. t.-. ....... -e4'""I
levereaux, lb. ...... 4 4 t t 4
tinier. Zo. J 4 4 111
rrsnpss. . . A mW ' A
Catea.m ............ e 1 4 4
". t -Totals',; ....... ,...2t 121 IJ ."
Moore out? aK by batted ball, 1
pnrtlanA '.. a a a i a a a - a
Hits . ........ a 114 14 11 14
Oakland . ..,.,...4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Mite , ...... ...t t l l ll -
- SUMMARY. ' .. -
7 struck out By Henderaon, t: by
Catea,.!. Bases on balls Off Hender
son, I; off Catea, . Two-baae hit Lis
ter. Homa run Mitchell. Double play
Catea to Francka to Haley. Sacri
fice hits Lister, McHnle. Smith. Stolen
baaea Mitchell, . Flrat baas on er
rors Portland, !; Oakland, 2. Left on
bases Portland, : Oakland, t. Tlma of
lune-vni nour ana 40 minutes. Um
pires Bsslck and Graham. . . ; ,
VCOTCDn VC DftrMtll '
mm m mm a in I W I invillU
' '; tfcarael RpeHat a-rrka'.i ';
Poughkeepole, N.-T, Aug. 14-Orand
circuit reeulta: ;
- Tha t:14 claas pacing, parse f 1,1 J4,
three In five Ardella won three straight
liaats and tha race In t:Qt, t-4(a
2:07tt. Princess Helen. Bonnv mt.t'.
.way. Billy Seal, Bonansa and Caaatus
auao aiarieo.
- The 1:21 class trotting, purse $1,400
three la five Eaton won three straight
tieats and tha race In 2:14, 2:114. 1:11
Billy H., Toklo. Marjorio 8., Kyra and
arr John also started. -
iiw wiuo oaron. I : if cisss. purse
H.vt, iwa in inree uaoy uau Hamll,
ton won two straight beats and tha rac
i :mjn. - . trro, Mobarta, Van
t- I .1 BB-gg-3
ovaae coatxoa. .
Pa. W. la. Riley, LL. p., Cuba, New
Tork. writes: "After fifteen days of
errucisiing pain irom aciatio rneuma
t - t. under varloua treatments, 1 waa
lau'4 to try Mallard's Snow Liniment;
tne hrat ration giving my flrat re
if and ti e -ond entire relief. I can
r ro It tM od reco-nmendatlnn. 2 60,
I 11.44. V.oodard. Clarke Co.
,0. riAirF2ACAPrj: aus ,cic.ez3:o:x3 ixnsi;
i " " " .. ' . " i - . . . . . : . .. i- .. . .. .......
Zandt. Belle C, Watson 'and Helen Norte
aids atarted.; ....! .-.t .,
TTie :4I claaa pacing, puraa f 1,404,
two In three Hal C. won -the flrat and
third beats and tha race In 2:4754. 2:14.
Rd C , won the aeoond heat in 1:144.
Bea F Lauretta and Autoll also start eU.
44 o '
; 11
Chloago . . ...........76
New York ..44
Plttabur 41
76 f
Cincinnati .
Brooklyn .
St. laOUlS ..
Boston . . ,
At pmabarg.
Flrat game 1 -k R. H. E.
Pittsburg . - .2 t
Boaton . . .1 II 4
Batteriea Lynch. Phillips aad Gibson;
Young and Need ham.
Becon.4 game'. . .- It H. XL
Pittsburg , . ....14 II 4
Boston . . .... ... .. 4 4 4
. Batteriea WUlia, Leyflald and Phll-
II pa: - Dorner and ' Brown, - Umpirae
Conway and Johnetone.
v-- 'r:-' At Olaotaaatl. . y-
Cincinnati . . .1 I 1
Philadelphia . .' ......1 4
Batteriea Ewlng and Schlal; Rltsbey
and Dooin. . Umpire Emslle. .
'' .. At Olvleage, "'
, : R.H. H.
Chicago . . , .14 14 ,2
Brooklyn . 7 4 4
Batteriea Brown, Ltindgren, Moraa
ana waisn: Mcintyre sna Bergen. Um
pi re a Carpenter and Klein.
' At Batte.
1L H. J5,
Spokane .. ...14412112 12 II 1
Butta 144114414 4 4 I
- tsiexrua ana Altman: Fin
nle and Swindells. Umpire Torarc
; 'At Taooaa.
' R.H E.
Taeoma 44111441 11 12 2
Grays Harbor. .4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 1 12 2
Batteriea Butler and Shea: Tonne-
eon ana uoetuger. - umpire Huston, .
New Tot ,.
Chicago , .
Cleveland . .
St. Louis .
Detroit . . .
Boston . ..
At Boston. .
' -:'; K.H. E.
Chicago . . ...................4 4 4
Boaton . . v...., 4 4
Batteries Walsh and Sullivan; J.
Tannehlll, Glass and Peterson.
5 At niladalpUa, - ''
'12 Innings , , , ,, .. r R, H. E,
Cleveland .2 11 1
Philadelphia . f 2 1
Batteriea Rhoadaa and Bern la; Bua-
ivw, iygen aaa.rowera.
",:..-. At Mew Tork. '' '
. . ' " R.H. S.
Detroit . ;...'. hi. 2 4
New York . ................. .10 II 4
Batteriea Mullln, Eu banks and Payne;
Newton and Thomaa
At WasBlartoa. .
- '.' - R.H. E.
. ..a... -1 a
Washington .
St. Louis , , g
Batteriea Patten and Wakefield; Palty
v ' ' ' .'ri Won.,. Loot"; P.a
Portland... ......... ...14 .44 -.464
San Franciaoo 12 ' : 41 .404
lm Angeles . .........67 47 . ' .141
SeatUa . . .....44 5 6 - .427
Oakland.. 41 , 42 .164
t'reano.. . ...........41 .41 ,174
'' Aag-ala 2taaak Xlta.
' .fjesraal . swrlal B-evlea.1
Los AngIaa,v Aug. 14. The ' Angels
captured yesterday's ' game by ecorlng
Ave. rune la the sixth Inning. Score:
R.H. K.
Freano 044441114 4 4 I
Loe Angeles . ...4 1044244 01 I ' 4
Batteries Fltsgarald and Daahwood;
Burns snd Eager. Umpire Perrlne.
V"-' ' ttaala Wis Oae.' .'!".. .
(learsal Saartal arvte.t
San Francisco, Aug. 14. Tetter day's
game waa won by the Seals. . Score:
, 2 44-5" 11
San I-anclsco ..11 2 1424444 II 4
Batteries Jones. Garvin n Blank.
enshlp; Hitt Simons aad aplae. Um
pire Hedson. , . . .. ,., ,
. ''.t..v:;l '; ' Won.;' .Lost ; P.C.
ut ........ 61 44 .641
...........61 42 , .666
. . .......44 42 .682
66 s 41 .666
..! 66 .614
..S4 64 .411
44 . 42 .242
61 74 .226
what mm.M thi;;x
r - OF GI.!ITS
Loe Angeles' Exanliner Gives a
Few. Flguree That Tell Why
Portland Beat Fresno.
Hare Is what the Loe Annies Exam
Iner haa to aay about the Glanta' work
against Freano last week; "Portland
took five games out of six from Fresno.
Some old hard-boiled fan wilt want to
know how It waa dona And luat to beat
him to it, we will give the flguree la tha
caee. - - . ..
. "Figures cannot lie though liars are
often handy at figuring, and the batting
averages of. tba Portland boys tell the
wry. r
' "Throwing out the pitcher and taking
luat the regular lineup, of the team, ex
cluding Donohua, tha change catcher, tha
general average of tha eight men tote up
to .zsl. And any team that can stick
.244 haa a license to trim anything In
this league.
"Big Nemo McLean led the ' bunch
with an average Of .100. On the day
that Freano went Into the air Big Nemo
tore off five hits out of five times, and
this Is not the first time this season ths
long fellow baa done this either. Sev
aral times he had four hits out of four
timee up. lso wonder Cincinnati would
like to lure the giant out of the buahea
. "Little Nemo Mitchell trails In second
with an average of .144 for the week's
wore, jeiicneu ia ngni up si me neaa
of the batting Hat la this league. He Is
vary fsst on his feet and beau out many
an inrieid nit oa which another m
would be thrown out at first f
, "Sweeney Is third with .201 sfod Moore
nae .s. only two men on the -team
batted under .! last week McHala and
Smith. Judaon waa the low man with
.17. and at that the ex-Angel tore off
some terrino drives to tha outfield. Jud
has the flagpole located and all the left
fielder has to do Is to stick around there
and wait for Jud to line one Into bis
glove. i-.. .
"Out of 111 times at bat the Portland
team made 61 hlta for a general average
or .zss. caiirr. Henaeraon. Gum. Smith
and McHala were the weak aUckers last
week. , .
"But the heavy stickers more than
made up for tha discrepancy as the moat
of them got their hits at a time whan
mis meant runs."
' It Is rumored that Cincinnati la eftr
McLean and Easlck of the Giant blgade,
but ao far as ths sale of the men Is
concerned Manager McCredie has no In
formation. Both are stars and would
smne in me raatest company tn the
country, if the are not drafted It well for Portland to bang on
to them, as every one knowa the sreat
difficulty that has been experienced by
roruiira wnen trying 10 get good bat
tery men. Keep Larry and B11L -
-" - e - a ... . ' "
Mike , Mitchell's - ,. home ran.' , that
dropped between tbo fences, was a ter
rific swat Mlks's home rune are get
ting entirely tos frequent for the other
'-a e :
Henderson pitched a remarkable same
yeetarday. . His speed was wonderful.
The ball was often la McLean's slave
when the batsman was swinging at It
e e
Smith should have bean given credit
for - two hits yesterday, though they
were of the scratch variety. . The Brat
that Henderson jumped for and only
touched with the tip of bis glove should
have been recorded as a hit and not as
an error for Henderson..
la the second Inning, when McLaaa
hit safely and Saseney attempted to
sacrifice, both runnings took thlnga so
easy that they ware doubled up. They
ware t "called down" by McCredla .
' " e e ...
Tom Hackett ' felt strong ysstsrdav.
He ahowed his strength by throwing
the ball to center Held several times. ,
v v., ..... ..,
In the third Innin-r -Henderson, retired
the elde tn strikes, Francks, Cats and
vaa tiam-en going down. Smith msn
aged to sneak In a dinky hit In the
meantime but waa lest on the circuit '
The treateet pair of umplrea that
ever officiated In thle league were In
tha limelight . yesterday. Keslrk and
Oraluua were ae . honest that they
roasted their own men. Still.' Graham
waa a (trifle more conscientious than
B. B. In favoring bla teammates. It
looked as If Oscar Inclined to err on
the side of weaker humanity. - '
. ' . : e ... e ' ' -. .. v . .1 .
' Oakland get a man to aeoond In the
first Inning but he died gamely, aa
Henderson fanned Kruger- and Heit
muller. . v..- ''.-;..-,....,. '
v .. v a a ;. . .r'.'i'--'
The notice. "Do not km the umpires;
they are doing the beat the know how,"
should have been displayed yeaterday.
V a . a ... - ' -
The Oregon Slldere dsfsated the Hard
Bittern- yeaterday 7 to I. ,
:.:-. a ... ', ' .' y
The Sellwood boys are etlll grieving
over their flrat defeat which. waa ad
ministered by the Multnomah nine on
Sunday by the score of 1 to 4. Dome
say that the umpire wae given a hot
(reception, but he probably deserved It
- The faot that John L. Sullivan- says
prlssftghtlng Is brutal does not mean
that John dlsapprovce of It- ,.::'r7"..
- . e " ' a "..--5-
- Joe pans reallaee the value of a good
reputation whan he reels it Incumbent
to post 11.404 aa a guarantee that he to
golrur to fight "on the level. " . , ..
. 'e e
. The New York Natlonala have brought
suit against the Chicago team for the
loee of 11.600, Incurred the day that
Umpire Johnstone declared a game for
feited to the Windy City lade.
(Rpeelal Dtspetch te The Jearaal.)
Seattle, Aug. 14. The Meadows races:
Mile and 60 yard a Tuck Back won.
Redwald eeeond. Silurian, third; time.
Mile and yards May Holladay won.
Expedient - aeoona. instrument third,
time, 1:44U. .
Five furlongs Luey C. won. Yankse
Jim second. Lasssn third; time, 1:004.
jd u supreme court won. Martlnmls
second. Cabin third; time, l:im.
Mile and a sixteenth Ralph Youna
won. Baker second. Briers third: time.
1:44. - -
lx furlong Laura F. M. won Golden
Buck second. Sue Christian third; time.
Goldfleld, Nov., Aug. 1. The Ques
tion of a referee for the Nelson-Gans
fight Is still unsettlsd, but It looks like
Slier. The Colma arena model Is not!
suitable and another la being prepared.
Progress haa been handicapped by tbe
elokneas of Tex Rlckard. : . , I .
Ticket sales are lively and ; many
women have secured reiervatlone. - Tba
betting continues to show that Gaas Is
a slight favorlta Gans weighs today
11 pounds and Is training hard. Nel
son la - taking it eaay- and start hi
regular training- tomorrows
How to Gt tho Better of This
"y Cause of Misery,.
A eclentiflo writer tipott - stomach
troubles says: "If you have ever suf
fered from . Indigestion and who hss
not 7 your Imagination .has probably
pictured a ferocious little imp dancing
in the pit of your stomaob, causing
that organ to neglect all of Its duties,
with a result that Is not only painful
but fills you with misery from dav .to
day.". This writer certainly had euf-
fsred with Indigestion, for there Is no
mors disagreeable, nerve-racking and
sick-all-over dlaeaae than indigestion.
A grsat many people who have been
treated for years for diseases of the
heart liver or kdneys, when they used
Mlona atomach tablets found that not
only dl3LMlona cure ths stomach dis
order, but It mads them well all over i
and the other troubles were also cured.
If you suffer with - nervousness.
sleeplessness, indigestion, sick or nerv
ous headache, pains in the Deck, or
aides, get e lOo box of Ml-o-na from
Woodard, Clarke A Co. and take on of
the little tablets before eech meal. it
will do you a world of' good and you ',
will eoon be well and free from Indi
gestion, and Its symptoms. - Woodard, I
ciarae uo. have ao muoh faith In
thle medicine that thay give an absolute
guarantee with every box. - Ask - tbem
to anew you this guarantee. ...
FIrrt Dookt Containing Change
; ' Are Published In the ,
Windy City.
One Such Play Is Allowed in Each
Scrimrtuc--Teii-Yard Rule and
On-Side kick Regulations Make the
Men Do Some Tall Thliiklnf.' i:
i -'' ' ' ': V '.' -'i
- ' - (Jooraal Special Service.) '
Chicago, Aug. 14. Booka containing
the new football rules were Issued In
Chicago ' yesterday and give gridiron
fana their Brat opportunity -to atudy
tham in an effort to And out what the
game cleanse re have dona The moat
radical change la the forwaad-ruah rule,
whloh, permlte one forward paaa of the
ball- In each scrimmage, provided the
paaser of the ball Is behind the line at
the time ho lets It fly.
Should the ball fall to the ground
during auch a paaa without touching a
player of the other aide It goes .to the
opponents. The chances are that, very
few forward pasaes will get away. Thle
clause giving the ball over, however. Is
regarded aa Its only weakness. . It will
Increase the: work of the referee to
some extent and glvea rise to questions
that will bob-up at critical points. Tba
fact that the side with the ball must
gain 10 yards has bean commented on.
Football players look rather blue over
this rule and await the experimental
season with much impatience.
Another odd rule-Is. the on-slde kick.
On kicks, except by the oenter or sna p.
per-back, where .the - ball, strikes the
ground, the kicker's side Is on-slde. A
rolling ball, however, cannot be kicked
- Hurdling la forbidden and tackling be
low the kneea la punishable by the lose
or nve yards. . ... ;
The Multnomah baseball skaters de
feated the Apollo aggregation at the
OakS link last evening by the score of
6 to 2. . The features of the match were
sliding ones, pavld Honeyman proving
the star. The setter oattery wora wae
done by Captain Zan of the Multnomah
bunch. Tale pair can beat anything In
the world on skates. Banks at first
else showed his ability tn handling a
ball in clever fashion while on skatea
i The One good thing about the Apoiioa
was their splendid looks. . The lineup:
Multnomah. - Apollo.
Zan t(Capt.. ... Brant
Watklns ..e., ........... Byrne
Banks . a.;.. .lb. ...... ... Randall
W. Honeyman .... 2b .... . - Tan Derhoft
Zachrisson in. .......... ZledaU
Lltt Murphy
Brown .......... .lb... Dutchur
Knight ..If.. .Johnson (Capt
Kerrigan ....... ..rf.
f Jon real Saeelal i.nlue.l v
Saratoga. K. T Aug. 1. Tssferday1
reaultai :.-).
Selling, five and a half furlong 8eir
gar Maid won. Mint Bene aeoond, Sudora
third: time, 1:07.
Steeplechase, about two mflee Onte-
mora won, Maximilian second, Oleorosa
thira; time, 4:27. .
The Grand Union Hotel stakes, six
furlongs Pennarts won, Aleuthuo aeo
ond, Don Enrique third; time, 1:11 1-1.
Mile and three-sixteenths Peter Ster
ling won. Inferno second, ' Sailor Boy
third; time. l: 1-6. - . .
Selling, mile Hammer Away won.
Woolwich aeoond,. , Edith James third;
time, 1:46 2-6.
Seven furlong Brookdale Nymph
won. Sir Lynwood aeoond. Comedienne
third; time, 1:21 M.
Mayor of Cleveland Will Try to
: Oust ' McLean Ele-
ment :''i'-.J1 '.';;'
'- tJnerael BBaHel hnln l
- Cleveland. Ohio, Aug. 1. "Tha Damo
rratic party can never command the con
fidence of the people with a lot of dirty,
low political crooks clinging to It This
Is a good time for housecleanlng, and all
decent Democrats ought to get together
to put all. the gangsters down and but"
80 spoke Mayor Tom L. Johnson last
night in ' Inaugurating a campaign to
ouat the McLean element from party
control. He plan to 'read out of the
party the preeent leaders, control the
state - central committee, dictate the
State ticket to be nominated next week,
have himself elected state - campaign
msnsger, aa well aa delegate-at-large to
the national convention, and member of
the national committee, membership In
which he new holde by appointment It
la alao claimed that In the event ' of
Bryan's . election to the preeldeney In
TU.-a.-. til Va a 1 - V I
The game ha la playing Is the most
daring ever attempted In Ohio politico.
He plans to stampede the etate conven
tion to him by attacking In a speech and
reading out of the party Lewis Bernard,
John R. McLean's lieutenant; Congreaa.
man Garber, tha preeent etate campaign
manager, and Jamea Ross, boss of cen
tral Ohio. - Ha hopes to force the dele
gates to incorporate - In their platform
his pet measures.
nuuuc nltn rEHnO
- fSperial Dispatch te The Jearn.l t
Med ford. Or- Aug 1. The flrat shlp
ment of Bartlatt pea re from the Rogue
river valley wae made yesterday, C,
H. Lewis forwarding the first car to
points east of Chicago. Today a num
ber of cars will go forward from the
Burrell Investment' company orchard,
and within the next ten ' day fully
14 ears of this staple variety of pears
will reach the eastern markets from
the Rogue river valley.
Until other fruit districts are de
veloped which can compete with the
quality of tbe peare grown here the
Rogue river peare will have the call in
the eastern markta. Usually two
pickings are made, and within a, few
days after the Anal lot of Bartletta are
-at" . ,' l!,,W
ovm wnr KOM. jroiTFx.oo
v . .'..-- ' " "
Thousands of dollars' worth of
Clothing V and 0 Furnishings for
Men, Women and Children;
Housefurnishings, Trunks, Suit
cases, Bags, Jewelry, Art Goods,
Etc. must ; to ft sold - before we
move to out new store To do
1 ' this Ve have made
10 to 50 Reductions
in evedepartment : These re
ductions, cou
markably easy terms ($ 1 a week)
make this a good place tob
This Sale will not last long, so
an early visit is urged. ; ?
Drop In tomorrow costs nothing to look"!
and very little more to buy. Special in- I
ocements to openers of new accounts. J
; The tore Where Your CreditIs Good ;
Washington and Tenth
rather ed the Howell pease are reedy
for shipment, followed by the Boec, the
Cornice and the De Anjou In cloae suo
cessloa. The winter peare the Buerre Easter
and the Winter Nellie ere not ready
for the market until about October.
It la the oontlnuoue succession of va
rieties following through tbe season
which makes the pear Industry so at
tractive in this portion of Oregon, as an
ancient foroe of men,' small in num
bers, oan handle and take care of a
large orchard, divided among the dif
ferent varietlea of peare. . , .
' ? 7oaraal pedal service.) . - v
San Franciaoo. Aug. 1. freight
Traffic Mifiager William Bproule, of tbe
Southern Paclflo company, haa been of
fered and accepted what, la probably the
highest industrial traffic position In the
country.' October 1 next ie assumes' ths
traf fio management ef the - American
Smelting Refinery, the American Smelt
ing Securities company, tbe ' Smeltere
Steamship company, and a score ' of
smaller corporations., Including railways
in Nevada and Alaska and smelters and
mines In both hemispheres of the west
ern continent. i .
On the Pacific coast alone these com
panies own smelters at Tacoma, Everett
San Francisco and Selby. Their proper
ties In Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Mexico
and South America are Immense, Their
holdings in South America are valued at
1100,000,00a or more. - . .. - -
r ; CW BHT6TO 'FIiBAStrBB OBATT. - , - .
tveaves Aider Street Dock, Port
land A m.
Arrive at Aatoria at.'...........l p. m.
, Leave Astoria for home at. .. .I p.m.
Arrive tn Portland at.. ....... .1 p.
' ; , Meals Sssnd a to Oaat. ' Carry Ton Zmaoh tf Tom Wis. . "
.' A delightful Sunday trlp a charming ride on the greateet river af
.western America- tbe best - steamboat on the Pacific coeat Polite atten
tion to everyone.. ; ; t ; ? -'".'.v a "- .. , .
Sse ihs'City by the M at little Cost
3 C
- nt wasimrsToa in norm
(racial Dispatch te The' Jeeraal.)
Olympia, . Wash Aug. 1. Governor
Mead haa received a letter from Jamev
IX Phelan. chairman of the San Fran.
Cisco relief committee, requesting thai
the governor ask tbe several local re
lief eommttteee tn tbe state to furnish
the Baa Franolaco committee with
atatament of their reoelpta aad forward
any balance on hand.
"We would have yon point otrt," the
letter adde, "that while the fund wa
have on hand Is comparatively large,
the work of rehabilitation will neoaeal.
tate the expenditure of Immense sums,
and that wd are desirous of reeetvlne
all outstanding funds in order that we
may more definitely ascertain tha
amount at our disposal aad plan ac
oordlngly. We ehall ba glad to heaf
from you la reply."
atfoaa Baaaway at Boasibaie
tSpeelal Dtapatck t The Jon Rial.)
Roaeburg, Or., Aug. II. J. W. Mullen
a local drayman, waa very eeverely In -lured
yeaterday aa the result of a run
away accident. A dray team driven bfi
Edward Ryan became frightened at m
traction ' engine and ran down Casa ,
street . Mullen, who wa driving hie
dray up Cass street, waa unable to get .'
out of the way, Ryan's team atrfklns
Mullen' dray and overturning It upon .
Mullen. . He Buffered three fractured
riba, a probable fracture of the skull
and Internal Injuries, the extent of
which cannot be determined yet. . . .
AUG. 19
m. f P
I B4 "