The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1906, Image 1

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, Pair tonight and Friday; northweft X) .: , 1 -f6iE - "' ' ' ' " ' " !r
VOL. V. 0. 113.
'. v.
Hill and Harriman Pre
pare for Great Legal
Battle to Control the
Terminals. 'J
Grsat Array of Attorney (totting
' Ready for Contest in Federal
Court Stakes Make It Worth
;. While for Companies to Fight
to Finish. '
'- The greatest railroad, terminal fight
' In the history of Portland is 'te be
ought to a finish In the ft deral court.
Judge FraMr. before whom tha prelim
; taary raund waa fought, haa thrown tba
caaa into tha United 8 tetse court, and
for tha next alz week a large and ex-
pensive force of attorneys for eaoh alda
' will ba' Immaraad In -tha statutes relat
ing to tha right of minent domain.
. Tha battla haa broken out of tha tar-
' (ninal controversy between the Hill and
i Harriman railroad in North Portland.
; Tha eonteat involves eleven blocka and
. fractional blocka, valued at about $710,
' 00, being a portion of the around ra-
ceotly purchaaed by the UN llnee for
' admitting the north bank road and pro
Tiding terminal 'and dock facllitlea. .
" Whan tha Portland Seattle- rail
road's plana were first laid out in North
Portland tha Hill people, it Is aaid. of
1 fared to eomiromiae on routes Into tha
terminal yards by purchasing adjacent
. around and trading with the. North-' a
elf to Terminal company to avoid cross-
: Ina all the . latter' a tracks at Tburmaa
and Savler streets. The offer waa re-
. Juaed. and the tiill ' road proceeded to
i ( purchase a vast amount or property and
. provide for Its owa terminals entirely
. v Independent of theexlstlng terminal
company, in - which". tha Kill roads own
' I only 40 per cent as against per cant
' of atock owned by the Harriman lines.
, - - . atava Spaa Two lfWloma.
- Including tha Weldler dockage tract.
. and all the blocka and fractional blocka
purchased for terminals, tha Hill roads
have apent In the last six months- more
' than St.0v0.0v0 for real .estate on, the
' weat aide of tha Willamette river. . in
V addition to about $121,000 for the atrip
of land to be utilised for making the
-'' cut through the-peninsula between the
Willamette river bridge site and Maegly
junction: v - -
! . In acquiring four rows of blocka run-
nlng north and south between Ninth
' and - Fourteenth, north oft Kearney
v atreet. the Portland BeatUe Railroad
' company bought ; all but v block lit,
i owned by Ellla O. Hughea, between
Ninth and Tenth atreets. Thta block
waa left out because ha owner as lead
' $100,000 for it and tha company thought
tha -price too high. - Later the North
Pactflo Terminal company purchased the
. 1 block and paid tha price asked.- r
The block, as It later transpired,
offered a atrategle position for a tight
which tha terminal company now make
, by . assaulting tha". Portland V Seattle
" all along the Una of blocka between
Ninth and Tenth atreeta, from Kearney
to tba Willamette liver. The terminal
company - brought auit In' the circuit
' court to condemn the around, for rights
" of way for terminal track The Port
i land Seattle company's attorneys yea-
' terday applied for a romoval of the suit
' to the United States court on the ground
- of dlverae cttltenahlp, as tha company
-, Is a Washington corporation. Judge
Fraser today gran ted the petition and
tha light will pasa Into the federal
a, court. The parties have until the first
1 Monday In October . to make np the
issues in the ease and perfect the record,
; ! '-. Besulta At Traeertala. r '
,1 Results of tha battla are difficult to
foretell, it la said, aa tha Oregon state
laws have dealt with the right of eml-
rent domain in a special way. An en
' abllng act passed .some yeore ago In the
' ; Intereat of ,the Oregonlan Railway com
' pany, built from the foot of JetTerson
street to Alrlle by William Raid, haa
' opened a field for argument by the at
torneys In - the esse and the -battle be
.' tween the O. R. N. and tha Oregonlan
railway builders in South Portland will
! be fought over again with slightly al-
tared condltlone.' '.'..' ,
Tha Harriman companies have recent
ly made emphatlo tlalms in local
printed interviews that the present ter
' ' mlrial yards are greatly Inadequate for
the handling of t raffle, and statements
have been made that the aanulsltlon of
, mora ground la imperative. The row ef
i blocka that are Involved in the present
' condemnation autt against the Hill roads
'-( He along the weat aide of tha Terminal
j company's grounds. It la proposed, by
tthe .Terminal company, to enlarge, ita
.1 grounds by tha ribbing of these blocks
' with new tracka, and It la claimed by
the company that the Hill roads can
, ' find equally good ground farther west.
' The situation ,ia similar to that of two
" men who want ; tha same ground ..on
.which to stand and -one la trying to
push the other aside. .
Sees of tka'BattlsT ' ' ':' '
: The - .proposed terminal grounds of
' tha Portland Seattle begirt at the
' point where tha Northern Pacific's main
line ends and the North Pacific Ter-
!!l POSITLiiili)
(Continued on Psg Nina.)
7 (
x iian-ai,v
-A 'I ' I
" , - " !.,, i,
A . . -v-. t ? '' -.
, vHfSW1' . I"
i This la tha" Picture of 'tha Emprcaa.of Cermaoj Which Pnritana of Duaaeldorf Barred From .the Public
' i '.'V SchooBecIarias That DecoBetta Coatwne.IaiHarrnfuI to Youthful Minda. - ; i '
' .... ,. !
Speaker ; Is i' Renominated Tor
Coneress and I boom fotPres-'f
i Wency Smarted -ey . Note
l'Speechibf-lssue;Swf '
i ' (4eenisV peUl 'seritoe.)''.' 4S '' ! '
i Chicago, Aog' lO. The oohgresalonal
conventions, held .in" the" eatljr "pirt of
the day generally Indorsed Speaker Can
non for president." ir la expected that
al the atate will support his boom.! ' 1
W .-.'" ' Hi
4 ' . Joamal Buerlsl Hcrvlee:) ' ,
Watseka. HU Aug. . 18. If there , ie
any luck In the sequence of numbers.
as soma persons believe, the supporters
and admire re of Speaker . cannon may
(Ind- causa ;for congratulation' la; the
fact 'that. on this, the sixteenth day -ef
the month, , "Uncle Joe"- was- named; for
A seventeenth team by. the Republicans
of tha Eighteenth district., If Mri Can
non saw any good or bad omen In the
l-tT-le combination he gaveTio ltidl
oatlon of it, nor did he commit' himself
hen tha convention; - with shouts and
cheers, made It-known that he mas the
choice of rlls'home district for the presidency.-
- The - Republicans of ; this dis
trict bav met seventeen times toname
"Uncle Jo" aa their candidate for ion
treis, but never before, waa the' choice
registered', wttha ao much genuine en
thusiasm . and - evidences of admiration
for their : venerable rcpreeotatlv4; ; la
addition-to .-the- regular delegates, there
were stores ' of - vial tore in 'attendance.
Including a gbod-slsed' coterie of .Repub
lican -politlclana from .Chicago., . j' i ; 1
, Ik hie speech . of acceptance; Spealcer
Cannon-ga to the. Republican party
credit for the - country's prosperity,
even the crop on the farms having
doubled, under' Remiblloan. administra
tions, praised tne uinginy tarirr law ax
the , "most, perfect and .Just- customs
revenue taw ever enacted.' claimed that
wages - have : increased In the past 10
years it.4. Dec cent and . Hvlna exnensea
but'lf por cent, and announced himself
In furor of government by Injunction in
labor disputes" aa .a -principle 'vilderj
than tho constitution." and defied Oom
pers and ''the 'American rederatlon Of
Labor , leaders and their demands. ', ' ;
HI apeech In part waa as follows:, :
- ' '-;' -; icakea 'Two-'' alladea aHvw. , '
T- thank you -for. thla expression of
confidence.; and I. -congratulate .you : on
the prosperous condition of the country
under Rpubllean administration. The
Repuhllcap party... has. followed tba
teachings In the parable ,of the wise
; . - i - J
7" ,'v
j,.;,';; Speaker'JoeCanqon. ',' -
servsht who' returned -to his master -the
Ulerit. entrusted' to' his care multiplied
tenfold, i, We - have ; succeeded In making
two - blades of. grass grow .luxuriantly
under Republican administration where
one grew -'feebly -before 'under the
Democratic1- admirilstrstlon. V-W-:
.'irnder the administration', of ' the
rjlngley tarrlf law there , hss- been a
greater development in all forma of In
dustry, than haa ever -been reached un
der 'any -other revenue: law since the
government - waa " organised. The
schedules - of that law.- are. not sacred,
but - tha. principle -there ..embodied - la
fundament!.. : This remarkuMe pros
perity under the Dtngloy law haa' not
been for one plans but for all the peo
ple.' It has touched the .artisan,', tha
farmer, the manufacturer and the com
mon laborer of the country. - All have'
felt its beneficent Influence. ,. , -. . '
.Inoreaae la Wayes. ?. 1 . :
'. "There haa been .much discussion and
no little confusion, -over . the effort , to
eoApare. the relative Increase In -wages
and cost-of living In the Inst few year.
The labor bureau of the- United States,
In' its last bulletin- on this question.
Says Dingtey Law Is Ideal Tariff
Measure All K Prosperity,1
Even Big Crops, ; Due
' ---to .Republicans.'; ,. t.
made a, very careful analysts for tha
14 years -from-10 -to 1004. In that
comparison and analysis It waa shown
that ' the weekly earnings - of all, em
ployes, had increased tS.4 par cent front
1894 to .1004,' and that the retail prices
of. food products had increased In tha
same time only It per cent. This, I be
lieve, is the only, careful and scientific
investigation that. has been made of the
subject.- - , - -.. . ...
."Not alone". In . manufaoturina - has
there been this ,doubllng-up process in
prosperity under. Republican adminis
tration. - The farmers have doubled their
crops and the money they have received
In exchange. The. farm value of those
three-great staple crops of the west
com, wheat and oats in IBM amounted
to 1134.000,000, and laat year it aggre
gated 11,812,000,000. or more than dou
ble, the value in tha laat year ef Demo
cratic administration. f v ,
t, : jyifglmT rtew evfao.T-:--
. "I have no hesitation in ' saying that
the. present revenue law, known aa the
Dingley law, 'all- things considered, is
tha- most - perfect and just - customs
revenue law ever enacted. - ' .. V
. "Tariff revision In time of prosperity
always haa halted,' and always will halt,
buainesa activity, production .and com
merce. '.' .-' " '"' . .
. "I heartily indorse he platform late
ly adopted by the .Republicans of In
diana, ' which, in substance, says that
the Republican .'party will .revise the
tariff , when it will, do more' good, than
barm to the great masa of the people.
"-, Tavora Zsjnactloaa. .;
"Thera has been much criticism and
much - denunciation - against alleged
'government .by Injunctlpn.' and : violent
attacks have been made upon tbe Judi
ciary of tha United States. ..
"Mr, Oompers advocated a bill which,
in ' substance, prohibited United States
courts from Issuing injunctions in any
case between employer and employe un
less necessary, to prevent Irreparable
Injury -to property or to a property
right of tha party-making tha applica
tion, for which injury there la no ade
quate remedy at law. ,
"I am not In favor of this legislation
(Continued en Page. Two.)
-Another death by a live wire of high voltage was averted today by. nothing more than th
proverbial hair's breadth. Had it not been for the luck of the most miraculous ort the name of
.Ed Stiles would have been the fifth In the list of those done to death by the ever-present live wire
within the past lew we'eks. , : .' :v ;'."; -
At 11 o'clock, this morning Ed Stiles, a member of a line repairing gang employed by trie Port
land General Electric companyascended to the top of a 50'foot pole at the comer of Second and
Alder streets.' A new line was being strung ant Stiles was compelled to move about in a network
of lVe wires, at least one of them carrying a deadly charge of 2,300 volts. While changing his posi
tion Stiles touched, this high voltage wire. 1 ;''.- .'-:-'- .' :- ..'''.'" V ",';'-' v - ' '.' '
- James Welch, who was working on the other side of the pole, saw him suddenly fall backward.
For a full half minute Stiles dangled half conscious and unable to speak 60 feet above the ground,
prevented from dashing to death below only by a safety strap which he had luckily passed around
his body. ' V'.: -V' ' ' , ; .,.-;."'-'..'', , ' :' .."'-'
The disabled lineman" was helped to the ground by Welch, where it was found that the wire
had come in contact; with one hand and one hip. The hand was frightfully blackened and blis
tered and the hip was cooked by the terrific charge. Stiles was taken to his home. He is not fatal
ly injured, but the two facts that he fell away .from the wire instead of 'against it and that he was
prevented from falling by a safety strap are all that saved him from the same fate, his comrade.
Wallace Sherrpd, met only three
Portland eh Are Per
haps Hetfinid by
; Forest :Firw Ner
r Mount Jefferson'
Forest fires . raxing along -tha aouth.
fork - of the Breltenbuah river, in the
Caaoade mountains, are believed to have
penned in a Portland party of campers
headed by R. R. Hoge. president of the
Portland chamber of commerce, and V.
C. Olitner, secretary of. tha same or
ganisation. . , - , j
They are accompanied by Mrs. JC c
Olitner. Miss Alloa Bans bury, B. T.
GUtner and I K. Adams and a Detroit
packer and seven horses.
The . party left Portland Auguat a
for - three weeks' soourn at Marlon
lake. In which the south fork of the
Breltenbuah has its' aource, at the ToO"t
of Mount Jefferson. . .
They went to Idahna, tho termlnua of
tha CorvalUs Kastern railway, and
there took the trail with a pack, outfit.
Nothing haa been heard of them since
tha left th rsJlmsit terminal but thalr
Voute lay along tha Bantlam and Into
tha -' mountains i via the Breltenbuah.
where tbe fire la now raging.
t. 'Btrong wind , la blowing In tha
mountains and tha fires are wreaking
tremendous destruction to some of the
fineat timber in the country. -.
There are known to ba a large num
ber of campera In tha mountains along
tha headwaters of tbe Bantlam and but
few have oome out. Dense smoke oovers
tha mountains and the fires can only
be . eeen occasionally when the amoke
Ufta. .
Tha winds . have driven the flamee
south, east and west auccesslvely and
fugitives would be constantly bewildered
as to in nest mate out oz tha burning
Inquiry at the chamber of commerce
allotted no information aa to tha fata
of the absent officials and thalr party.
Uneasiness is felt by those In the office
and if no word comes from President
Hoge in the next, few days It la prob
able measures will be taken to ascertain
their whereabouts and condition. "
Pasha of Tangier Rushes to Aid
of ths Cslebratsd
' ' Bandit. ;. : ;
' " (Jearsal apedal SefTtst.t
Tan glers, Aug. I. Ralsuil haa fought
a battle with tha aid of tho sultan's
troops against tribes ' near ' thla city.
There were many casualties, righting
still continue ' ' -
Several Europeans are aald to ba in
crIUcal positions. Many fatalities are
reported. Thla city is In a panic
The fight waa begun by Anghara,
tribesmen, who attacked Ralsuil, and
tha battle soon became general. The
new pasha of Tanglers with 100 men
rushed to Ralsull'a. kid and routed the
Angharans. -
' Division ef Ouaeoiaa. . -- , ,
(Jaarasl aseelel aerrles.)
RlO Janeiro, Aug. 1. Tha Pan-Amer
ican congress today adopted s resolu
tion in committee providing for the di
vision of customs duties. 'Chill dele
gates today submitted a plan to make
uniform statistics and port regulations
In all countries. . - -
i r
days betore. j, , , .
Victims of Live Wires
in Portland Dur
ing Ten Weeks -
Charles H. Hicks, May 29, elec
trocuted whileat work at the top
of a pole at First and Alder
Streets.- :"; J , v '-7 '
' Jack LockwoodJuhe 18, elec
trocuted while at work at top of
pole at Union avenue and East
Ash street.-". "'"'.' - ''-.
James F. Bannister, July 21,
killed while working on high pole
on Jefferson "street, neat Fifth.
Wallace Sherrod, August 13,
killed while working on a pole in
front of 148 Third street r
Ed Stiles, Augustlo, Second
and Alder streets, hip burned and
hands blistered. , ,
' Linemen declare that a dozen
others have been more or less se
riously injured within the. past
few weeks. ;
Small Boy Shoots Rifle
Into Car of Explosives
at Mexican Mine With
Fatal Results "
(ftmraal Soeelsl aervles.t
EI Paso, Aug. 11. By the explosion
of an entire carload of hynamlte at -o'clock
yesterday at the Santa Eulalla
mines, 11 mUea from Chihuahua, Mexico,
IS people were killed outright and two-
score injured, ao that many wlldle. Tha
dead are frightfully mangled.
The warehouse and dwellings near the
ear war demolished and almost all the
wlndowa of the entire camp broken.
Two Americana,- whose ' names are as
yet unlearned, are among the killed. ,
The cause of the explosion is- not
deflnttaly known, but tha finding of the
oorpae of a boy with a' small' rifle
among tha dead is believed to furnish a
clue. 'It Is thought he fired Into the
oar or a box of dynamite., causing tha
whole to explode.
The dynamite waa'-being unloaded
from the car by a number ef labors re.
among whom la the largest mortality.
(Jeornal Spectal Bervlee.) 1
New Tork. Aug., !. Tbe officials of'
tha Brooklyn Rapid Transit company
were In court thla' morning before Mag-
iatrate Hlgginbotham. Tbe defendanta
were General Manager CaJderwood, As
sistant Superintendent Smith and Chief
Inspector Now berry, . charged with in
citing to riot. The defendanta pleaded
not guilty and were each held under
$1,900 ball to Appear tomorrow.
During the hearing Magistrate Htg-
genbothem severely scored tha officials.
Ha aaid he had witnessed some of the
scenes that bad been enacted on the
cars and that the disorder that they had
incited had caused death and Injury to
a nwaaber of persona
8fAa.A It. Ce.J
Love of Pretty Young
Girl Causes Aged Man!
to Attempt Double
Murder at Tacoma
Joarnal Special Berries.) -Taooma.
Wash.. Aug. 1. For tha
love of pretty IT -year-old Emma Fo
Peter Reynard, a longshoreman, 1 4 years
old; laat night attempted double murder-
and - later -committed - auicide. . Jn .
company 'with her slater and a young
lady friend and two young men, Robert
Corey and-Chester Russell, she was re
turning to her home in old Tacoma at
midnight, after having spent the even
ing at ay pasty. As - the party passed a
narrow alley, Reynard atepped from tha -darkness
flourishing two revolvers. Af
frighted for an instant, tha party cam
to a halt
Simultaneously Reynard opened fire
on Miss Fox and. Corry, who- bald bar
- ; Hrl Xs Woaaded. ."
There waa an- Instant scatterment of
the party, young .Corry and Mlsa Fox
running out Into the' street with Rey
nard continuing hla fusillade. The first '
shots were fired at-. a distance of but
two or three feet. A ball from one re
volver entered Mlaa Fox's right arm, -,
and passing through it. entered her side
and Imbedded Itself beneath her shoul
der blade. The bullet Intended for
young Corry, graaed hla arm, searing
the flesh. .. - ... . .
. Aa the two ran into the street Ray
nard continued firing. Mms Corey un
der the stress of the excitement, but
having -yet scarcely felt her wound,
stumbled and fell. , Thinking he had
killed Miaa Fox. Reynard turned the
revolver on himself. The first bullet .
went over hia head and Imbedded Itself
In - a building. The second crashed
through his head, and he dropped dead.
IMres Seven Times. .
In all Reynard fired aeven times. As
soon as the man dropped, and stillness
pervaded, Miaa Fox's companlona picked
her up and carried her in a fainting;
condition to her home near by, where
it was found that her Injuries were
not fatal.
Reynard had been stopping at the Fox
home for the past five years. . For
more than a year he had been violently
In love with Miss Fox. notwithstanding
the great difference in their ages. - Of
late be had been threatening Miaa Fox
and exhibiting- indications of an inaane
Jealousy. For threaVdaya past, accord
ing to those who have been In com
pany with htm. he had been in an nsly
sullen mood and yesterday afternoon
ha showed tha revolvera to Mlaa Kox
and intimated that he would kill ber
unleaa aha ridded herself of tbe atten
tions of several young acquaintances of '
hers, chief among whom waa Fox, -
. (Jeersal Bpaelel SerHea.)
Chicago, Aug. 1. The troublea of tha
Standard Oil company In . the courts
here continue to multiply. A new phaa
of tha prosecution got on Ita -way today
whan Judge Bathes Impaneled a second
grand Jury. The spectal work marrl
out for this Jury Is to begin Immedia -ly
taking teatlmony as tn. aliased vm -
tlons of the law by the Standard in r -nection
with the Lake flhore railf
The claim Is mads by that rne.1 t
tha oU company violated the Intar
commerce law by the payment or
age ehargea. After thla Una Is (
gated the rebating question wt.i i
and sensational developments I
pec ted. .
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