IT THS OREGOU DAlXY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUwJST 13. i:!3. i:ZVt TODAY. ' A 7 1 i .v , "'"T ','..:. We have a large lot of improved and unimproved farms for 6ale in .tm . nmn We -are rot . amnt. tv-r in' inn. UUL a e niv owners of all the land we offer '. for sale,:N.::'Vv;-'' ;y X;:'.'7 r Out of one dozen farfns- we own we will only describe a few. . 800 acres 4 miles southeast. of lone, in Morrow county, xnis is all good wheat land; 320 eres of, this place is plowed ready for seeding this tali. . ; : , I We also have another 800 acres close to the above with about 700 acres plowed all ready for seed - inf'"-.-'-Vv-'--'.,:-V.-f':" ' "And still another place of 640 acres, half of this land is. plowed at this time, there is not one acre of waste land on all the above ' P1" - ' We also .have one 800-acre, one 480-acre and one 1,000-acre farm in Gilliam county. The price of out land Is from $20 to $25 per acre, arid we sell on easy terms. If we can get a small payment down we are will ing to take one third or two fifths of the crop each year as payment on the place. This plan gives the buyer a chance to maice the place pay for itself. You can see, we believe the land to be first class or we wbuld'not make this offer. We would take some Portland property in exchange for land. MOORE BROS. See W.' .ri. Moore, President OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts. In the Scramble for Gold don't xprl r ctek la ana day. VeitnaM oca uuraaUy tail lowly. no mil thonMnd 1 tha eutrdaat ha E. Tkw th aanitnr pour of yowr thou ; ml fclp pong wi ruing paw. . be, tow Bvarlod ta aaro you first . turn nil I . . ibl orbart 0 Mr today open m aoooaat with, .' - . , " Wl VAT f-v; 4 Per On Savings Deposits , ' JNTBREST COMPOUNDED 8EMI- ; , .. ANNUALLT. V . SAVINGS BANK 0 ID TITLE GUARANTEE & V TRUST CO. ; S40-S44 WASamroToa btssbt . ' , ', tCornar Sbcond). ibtiav9( oaaooa. ; Wa bava aereral buyara for good Paat - dene property in North, South and Wait Portland. If you will lint your property with a w can Mil It. iACxrco aaAXTT oo, . .' roa B, IW4 Ttratj Btrwat, Batwaaa BtoniaoB aad Aider. 042 PER LOT 50x1 no feet tor 94S. There are only 4 bite left nneold eat of tract of Tu lota, aad the lllberaai Baring Bank baa ordered inra eold wllholit delar: therefore the art.- will be S4S per lot antll errry lot U id. Ibaae Iota are located aa rarlla aad wxttBallr an the river, blgb. algbtly and lrel. All ceah ta reqalrrd. ha teraie glrea. -le perfect. Call on M. t Clobreay, ream I . McKay bldg.. Third aad Btarh eta. MORTGAGE iZ . LOArib7 u Cent NEW TODAY. BAf3 AKO BANKERS Desiring a 11 quid taveetmeat tnr aarplm fund t predtabl rataa af Intereet will dud vat sftflii aDTinans cr kpqsit Exactly united to their requtreMt. ' Then Special CertlOcataa ar iaauad for amounte of 60 er aw, repayabl m 10, 80 or OO day' call, ed bear 1)4, 814 and 4 per cast totnrast. nepcuvyr y . CIdcst Trust Company In Oregon" la raealrina ' liberal 4noalta from IndlrMaaai ran aa4 corpora tloaa; ah froai Baaka aad Baokara la Oracoa, waahuiatoa aaa idaaa. i laaaa Ipactal Cartlfc'ataa. . Tba total scDoalu with aa oa lamt U. ivua, iron ui aaurca aioaa atara $900,301.5(5 Oanaapoadaaea UTlt4 aa thla nbjaet. . ; a BvarirzM vtAUt m rxias. ' . EESOUKOES OTXS H.Tat,aM.V - ; Portland Trust Company of Oregon . K, eocc M and Oa ata. Paaaa Bx. Tt, BEN J. I. COHBN.. Praaldtnt B. U MTTOCK. TIca PrMlaVBt B. LEI PAGET .Sacraurr I. u, ttuuu. ,,.,,uniuii aacraiary Inside Buy It 1-lslvO. eloaa to Sixth and Burn- lda.- wilt aooa ba withdrawn. Baa E. J. Daly, 222 Failing Bldg. If Sold Within Ten Days ,0091 WILL, BUT H BLOCK ON tTX BT. FINE CORNER; BEST BU8INES8 CEN TER. ADDRESS T . JOITRNAU .' Alberta Red Wheat Command hihaat prtea bacauaa . tha aoil and cllmatlo condition produo tha flnaat quality. Low rataa. Prlca right. Tarma easy. W. Q. JDE, 251 Alder St. H uitf, 1U mil from 81 John en road to Vancourar; I-atory tionaa, flna rebard, rtoh aandy loam, anaxeallad tor g-arden and barriaa. Frio I1.T6. aaa a. wAooovxm. noma acata mr WEATHER REPORT. Tba fearsaMtar aoatlaaaa ralatrralr bteb avar tba north Paclfle atataa aad tba ratna bara caaaad In thla dlatrlct. At Alberta dlatarbaaca baa advanead aaat ta Baakatcbawaa , wltboat caaatac aay aaora ran la tba Canadian aartb rrat. Taa aaraaMtar m tarn oat Arianaa ana inmaally low awe California aad taaadar bowara have actairad la aoatbara Arlaoaa. bat Bo raia la rnortad la California. Tba praaaara la remarkably anltona ta tba aaatera Mate aad allKbtlr below aornMl. Local relne. beary la piacra. bare raiiaa -in tba fair atataa, taa lower MlaalaaipM aad tba tower Obia aallera. Minaeaota. Tcaneeeee, Vlratnla and tba Carat lima a. Tba temaerarare baa rhwa decidedly la aoatbara Orecoa and It ta waiauet la eaatera OrrexMS aaatera Waablaftoa and wratara Mon tana. ' Eleewbcr ao Important ebanf la Umparatura baa eaxamd. Tba ladlcatloa are . rnr fair waa titer ta thla dlatrtct tonlxht aad Tboreday. It will be cooler tonlrht la aoatbera and aaatera Oracea, aaatera Waehtnftoa and aertbera Idaho aad probably ararmer la aoatbaaatara Idaho. u Deer ra none naea at a a. an., racioe naaai . . , -Tamp. Station '.. Max. . Mm. Praeta. Baker City. Oraaaa 84 fit .6 AS 6 TO TS d T Ronton. Maaaarhnartt M J Cblrate, Illlaola Tt .0 .9 .0 .01 JO : . .0 .0 .0 . ... A .04 . .0 .0 Haaaea city, aneeoan. ..... m lit Ancvlea,, California.... M N, New Tork. New Xork T . Portland. .Orraon.. ......... 1 . l Roarburg, Oragon.. ........ x St. LraU, Mlaaoorl M ' . TO Salt Lake. Utah M an Ran FTaaclaro. Caufornla.. T ll Upokana, Waahlnxton. ...... SO Taroma. Waahlnxtna. OS 5' '' 50 . Walla Walla, Waablngtoa.. SO .. . as Waablnitton. I. C ,. St ad ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. O. B. Blett, W: Sadie O. Oarrliaaa. a. Edward H. Webb, asavfc (Vet at.. 28: Lrflla B'Ttlng. SX . Elra Tbarp, sn; Raaa FTeaman, SO. Carl Bailer Wlntler. 46 Ball atraet. Hi Mabel Marcta Ball, ti. Jnha R. Anton. Km Baat rifternth atieet. ft; Mary O. Baaer, JO. Lewkt A. Ponen. Moneow. Idab. SB: Ota tba A. rorrtaa, 85. Adam J. oron. aw Vpahar, Sit Aan M. Bcrcmana, SO. Jnha 1. Pay, Etna. California. 41: Laataa L Woltord. 38. Weddina- Carda. W. O. Bmltb A Oe.. Waab- tavtoa bid., .eor. Poartb aad Waablntea ata. WeddlntT and eallinaT card enerervd or prlated. K. T. Boeblon. 32Vt Waablactoa at Mtn Bertha Martin, room SIS Alktkr bldar. Stamping and flna needlework; lenanna gtrea. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McEntea A Ollbangb. andertaker and embaimera: modern ta every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Lady aaalaunt. A B. Renwtock, undertaker and embalmer, Eaat Thirteenth and VmaUlla ava. Pbeaa Bell wood TI. : ,.. Erlckaoa Cndertaktng Oo. , and embalming, 400 Alder at. I' bone Mala 6 1st. Lady aaetataat. J. P. tinley A Bona. Third and Madieaa ata. Offtr af eenaty ooroaoa. Pboaa Mala S. Edward Bolmaa, madertaker, t20 Third BJTEAvXEW CPfETKBT. Ingla rtavre 110. Family lot ITS t 11.000. Tha onlr remeterr la Portland which Petnally malntalna and carve for Iota. Par fall Information apply to W.- R. Mackenaie.- Wor cretrr block, city.' W. M. Ladd. amldeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Portland Conaolldated Railway company ta Portland Hallway company, atrip of land , comincnclDg at eoathwaet corner of block , Clifford ......" A. W. and Barah P. Ooddard to Peter Wetland, lota S and 8, Vaaea, aonUla-, in 39.14 acre Maa-dalea M. and Prank E. Dix to Ed- ' V ward s. and Ixlla A. Moor, lot I aad S. Mart 15, Weat Piedmont...,' 1,800 John aad Mabel Aw Teaacber to John Manalrr, lot 10, block 4, Market Htreet addftton 4,800 John aad ftybll Bain to 1. J. Armetrong, bt 10, block U WlllUma-ATaaua addl tton No. t . t E. B. and Alma B. Holme and 1. P. ; and Loalaa M. Menefea to Prank L. Elmmerman, lot 6, block IS, Min Irv htx a rtret aditlUo ta Eaat Portland. 150 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery comoaar ta W. . Tbompaon, lot 21, block ST, Lena . Fir cemetery 40 M. B. and Joaephlnc PareHoa to 0. P. Tn. lot 8, block 0,- Eaat Portlaad . Hrlnkt 10 Obarlr iM Roea M. and M. t. little- . page to Ellaa Steaa. 1 acre aeetlea SO, townehlp 1 north, range S eaat t Amelia K. Btoa to Ellia Btone, 04 acre In aectlon 84, tewaeblp 1 north, ranga S eaat. la Addiaoa C. Dnnbar donation land claim 1 Cnlted Statea National ttaak ta Joha C. and Alice P. McCarthy, lot 15, bktck ' lb, Soathera Portland ................. I Adam u4 Mary A. Oreen to J. M. Hailtb, lot 10 and 11, hkxk A SaaU Roea Park addition , 1 . W. and Ella M. StrrVer to Adam ( Or, lot lt and 11, block t, Saata Aoa Patk ddiua U E AO. JOURNAL row REAL ESTATH TRANSFERS. ;,' PartUnd CM11?. f ' eompany. a atria of . uoana doaatloa land aera W. Brown as Mareaxet Walkeri Pnrb " ' block - HLji ."ci " j-' ' " '"' traaell: aaat to feet bt . block 22- too TT i i , ;u"LTOH3rar to ueorfina i. ftrtalw. lOuxTa taat la Cute? ad- 4AaHaim1ci'toOanraV aoc jx, Mock 17, Lincoln Park.. TOO mv.v w araaa n itaida. lnta in 11. It, block 1. aubdlrlaloa af Alna. a, TT.r7:''v."i"v. 'i":."'i - - aa. a. jaaaa aa fartuaa j a Bcattte Rail war aumm. a-a-ra . atrip la Milton Doaaa dmiatloa land ' claim., eeetloa M, townabia I, norib. ranae 1 wmmi ' -. I. . Krank Wataon, traetee. 'to"portUli4 Hallway company, atrip la MUton Uoana doaatloa land claim, eec "oaaa ia aoo in. lowaaaip , aorta, ranaa -1 aaat. for rlarhr nf Mr. C. K. Pond to H. & Kobla. loa IB. block 92. Wlhan,. oh a and B-aale Boydetoa to Edward North Jrr- Kraecer, lot T. block tt. Inetoa ' : ana a-awaro Tnckey ta. adoloh Kreaae. aonthweat U. aectlon la. - taamahla 1 unit autre to Hiram T. Campbell. aortaareei u and went H af north treat U aartloa IT. aad lota 1 and af aoo rJon 18. towaabip 1 aoath. raae aaat (Dateott B. I,. Lorajor aad H. F. Lerejor to Katl M t araetL, aoc idl Mora a. . auriam addition L 1 000 rona J. com to sauna aanrmann. lot is. , blork 13. Miller e addition to Ball wood. . ITI . m. Haarortb aad Llllle Haworth to Cbarlea W. Hadaoa. nortboaat 100 taet at lota I and f , tmltbaoa I4iad cam Danr'a addition ta Eaat Portland Tba Lead Company af Oregon ta Pcnnla and Lory Buckley, lot 1. block S, City View Park Oeorna A. and Uaale M. Smith ta WU- nam n. Morebouee, lola 1 aaa la, block S. Miller addition ' William R. Morebonea Jr. aad Lillian U Morebouaa to Oeoraa a., and Llnla M. Bmrth, lota it aad IS. block Tt, Bell- , arood P. J. aad Mary A. Malta to Jamea Ma. ami re. lot T hVack 1. Lancola Park Xanax U Toba R. aad Katie A, Lareoa and Ottla Bkrllka to rtanda I. MrKeaoa. Iota 11. U. 13. 14. block 1. Bortamoatb.... ITnloa froat aa Jnveatment comoaar- to . Battle EmetBf. lot . block a. Iranboa. 10 B. L. BtcTeaa, abarlff. to Lot Q. Swat Una, lot 1. block 15. Kenllworth..... Joaeph Btariba to Joaa -Mlkae. lota and 10. blora a, urcaara riace, eaaaa b-lna a aahdiTlaloai of lot 11. Olea wood Park BM Lena and J. P. Kb-by ta Valentin Kaon, In a hlM.Br a rinnk'a aAAltloo to Al. blna ' 1,W4 '. E. and Efne M. Lewla and Maada O. -Rndana ta P. J. Hoealer. lot la. block ' B. Prnnedala VI k, W A. Q.W In in - V.l-b BA fUllwaod 100 treacle and Laura MrKeana t Joha H. Lareoa, lot sn, blocs s. ranamonu VtlU Brtended W., 11. and Pbeba Bbarp ta Jama WU. n.M. n.iM.1 im T i,iA-a ix bbidi a ntilMno ta Eaat Portland. tW Andrew Job nee ta William Beldt, north' arret or aoatneaat 4 ana in an action Ha. towaebla 1 north, raatr 1 went, eorwauunn; 10.11 avw........ Land Company af Oregon ta Lettta Ellaa- Ti M beth CamnUna. lot IS, bbxh S, City, view raxa ..... Pardloaad aad Carolina Draaaer ta Lenta P. 'Bene, aaat H of lota and T, block view para STS BIS. Conea addition Oat roar tnearance aad a be tract ta real aetata rrom tna Titia uaaraatee iran at t0 Weeblngtoa atreet. aoraer BeoonA NOTICE. a rv a nn -with ntiwiT . ' Watte la hereby given that tba reward at SS0O offered by tba Pacific Bxpreaa company, br circular herbtofora laanad. for tba arreet ad aonrletlon of each of the three men wba held ap trala No. 9 af tba o. it, m N. uo.. on Wedaeeday, September SS, 1100. betweaa Corbett and Trontdal. Mnltnomab connty, t or near milepoat SI, 1 hereby cancelled aa withdrawn. ' PAOIPIO EXPRESS OOMPANf. " I, W, Roger, Sop lint an dent, ' Salt Lata City. UUh. Aagnet IS. 10. NOTTC Peraoa baring goad or merchandlee etored' wltk m at my wnretionaa. 81 Norb . Preat at., are hereby notified that f bava lea Bed tba premie a ta other, aad that tbvlr , property meat be remaaed. within 80 day. All good remaining aa tha pramlaaa Sept, I ' anil be lomoand and atored lee where at ewner'a eipenee. 1 thank ye all for yenr patronage and tba aoafldence ripoaed la m. . . PBEO BICKEL. HQTTCB. Bid 1 S-lachdUnteter Invited for boring doe water wen roc City af Aarora. Blda to b In on or before innat SfL 1A00. Rbrht la reaerved jact any a all bid. By arder of cltv coancll , a. H. orusr. ' ' -' City Recorder . Aarora, Oregon. MEETINQ NOTICES. ATTENTIOIf NEIGHBORS Something" Doing1 TO-NIGHT! " BETTER COME WASHINGTON Lodga, No. 40. A. P. a. M-otate aommnmcauon tnw (Wedneedayl e ran tug at S o'clock, TtQTkherd building. Work B. A. degree. Tie! tore welcome. By arder W. M. . B. RICHMOND, Secretary. M. W. A., Oragon Orap Camp; N. ASTS. Mon day. ITtb aad Marehall: vtalbar weloocae. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. S40S. Wednoadey avenue. Aliahy bldg., Third aad Morrlaou at. - LOST AND FOUND. LOST Trl-colored colli, female, 8 month old. Phone Main 6IS1. Reward. HELP WANTEDMALE. SECOND COOK, hotel, 80S and roam: fry cook, 575; fry cook, $1T.50 week; email betel cook, 800; boat cook, 880; pantryman, dlah waehera, kitchen kelp. ' Man and wife, ma to work aa car penter helper, and woman to cook for It men. SAO and founA Man and wife, aa wood laborer aad cook for 15 awn. fTA , Man and wife a conk aad help for vary . On entail ramp, 85, ar will tax tw 8 waiter, country hotel, f3B foond, far paid; S bricklayer. ST; S blackamltha, JT5 and found. Blackamllta for aboelng at Tet lowaton National parkii helper In railroad ahoia, 83.(0, frea fare, Carnaater, So W, SS.ift. 88; 10 belnera. A60. free far. Woodemen, aawmlll help, tee mater, city: many other beald the railroad work all "hANSBN'S EMPLOTMSNT orpxCPS. . M North Second at. SB0 Barnald It, WANTED Toung me to leer telegraphy and railroad accounting; aalarte 878.00 te 600.00. ' Fnr free catalogue addres Mora College eg dTelegrapby. 80S 13th St., Oaxlaad. CCi WANTRD Tw a three flrat-cl, all-around machine meat permanent position, goal wage. Oregon Furnltur Mfg. Cat, Macadam rand. WB gt work for car mem Serai pacta! meia bera, SS. J M. 0. A, Fourth and TamblO. Union Hotel ' . SI NORTH SIXTH ST. . Pre mploymnt to "or patraaa, Weekly rate: Room. 61.3S up) ran board. M AO P Anoeroou. proprietor. WANTED lioung maker; ateady North Front, corner af Davie. work I 88 SALESMEN to introduce th world' wander I rrulta Rarbenk' new etoualeee plum i Miracle). Choice af territory. Ceeh Weekly, ddrea Waahlngtoa hnrewy ompany. Tap. . BwaiBO, weanieew. WANTED Moving-picture uaacblu opttara will teach yoa th boat nee: term very re nuable; paaltlona ecured good Mlary. New ma. 145H Sixth . - peateb, waahlngton. WANTED At ence, 80 labor ere S2.S0 er dar. Call at engineering depart- anent Oregon water rower a naiiwa uo i"Uat and Aid (la., la aai 11,, WnWA inisht, every nirjht ; and Sunday morning HELP WANTEDMALE. AuENTS wanted to elt awpertor, nnreery atocki aompleta outfit tni high-grade fnrnlahed free I weekly : write toda for choice or ter ritory. Capitol City hareery Compear, Baleen, amaaaw WANTEl-Boy coraer Dan. ateady work. 54 N. Froat. MEN AND WOMEN ta lean barber trade) eight week: graduate eare from SIS to 828 ' weeklri e inert Inatrurtora: cataloane free: , apeclal rate thla month. Moler gyetam af CuUegea. SS North Poartb t.. PvrtlaaA WANTKD Tw ahorelere. McMeboa Brae., 4Sd and Olvbuon ata.. aad Richmond carina. WANTED. B1TM4 Carpantar' work, cblmneya, ailir work, pahttlng. plumbing, axcavatlug. ahlnxle. to biilld ft-room cottage. Room 1 Vambrldg bldg.. Third and Morrison eta. WANTED Expert to operat Sulllva machine ' air drill; quart mining. Fairb Quart mlnln. ralrbank. Man A Co.. nrat ana atari eta. DON'T MONKEY! Be WBOLB MAN. PREZ or tu, U18KABE8. nr. Madiaon, aaeeeaor to Red Croee Dlapeoaary. or. Third and Aaa. WANTED AT ONCE X carpenter and S9 Tax. pouter belnera: wage for earpentera 88, fnr , rerpearer Helper fj.oo (aa tool needed), rail at - engineering Oepartmeat, Oregon Water '7wc Railway . Cau. l'lrat and Aider at., aw perucuMr. . . BOTB WANTED A errand bay to tart. whoa parent aonalder well adapted for ooen BMrciaT Ufa. Apply to Me A Ilea McDonnell. WANTED Maa to eleer land, la Tillamook county: will gtva acre for each acre he clear: he ca bar all wood k cam. 000 McKay SBWER-SBOVBLBBA 83.50 par day.. bonn. ACTIVE man wanted to adrertlee. uhim good bouea; and manage branch af large mall arder alary SIS per week, eipeneea paid; permanent rwa w: 1th advancement: honeetv ntlal than exnerlooce. - Katlonel Co,. tzv t.-natnut at., Philadelphia, p. WANTED Aa ex perl raced man for window cierx; nat reference, expertenoe, . aaUry aw"eeu a auu. oar Muraai. WANTED 35 hopple ere. September .. drea John hfyera, Aurora. Oregon. 1. Ad' Rout 8. BOTS WANTED Pay 880 month. Apply to ww iwmrw tnw 'jeiegrapn tjn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN a cook and help fnr email saw- tniii, caoice piaca, nn: coon, mau reauurant. no; noaraing-nouee, so. a camp wal J -a aad found each 2 beach botel waltrmaa, W, naatry girl, 1; S houaekeepera, (20 and; . enamoermain, m, room ana ooara; 3 cbambermalda, 8X0; S uuraaa for chlldr; eaok and honerghla. HANSEN'S LAD1ESX, AOKNCT. taS4 Waahlngtoa at., aoc. Baventh, npatalr. WANTBD-Olrl to mk 'Boa c All" over- ii at t rim at. - HANSEN'S LADIES' AOBNOT, 848 H Wsabtng. ton at., cor. Seventh, a pet a Ira. Phou Mala aava. remaw aelp wanted. 61 EL WANTED Operator to work an nbtrt n avarall. Laaaon given to lnexpenenoe. Apbly at Standard factory No. A Grand v. and Eaat Taylor at. THB BOMB LATVlRr AO NOT. Peamla help faruleheb frea to amployar. - Registration Pre. 1S5H Pourtb at., npatalr. roam SA Mala BBSS. SEND 10 et for Beaaty Secret formula at cwcaiar 01 iuo orner varaania receipt. Ma r Angel Receipt Co., La A age lea, OuL r WOMAN, ever So, fair adeeatioa. 1 anowieaga, nan area neeuy, ta tna poaiuo t eoce. SS LewU bldg.; OIRL wanted for general bono) ark. 811 Kerby at., cor. railing, rnon Ban six. wanted A goad lady cook far . boa rum r- nouaa; gooo wage te riant party. uu Bed Hood at., rben reel no ar. WANTED Six ladle- clothe-lronera, 3 March er, at Pacific Laundry, 231 Arthur at. WANTED Tonne people to prepare themeelvea a bookkeeper ana teaagrapaeri nave aaa A4S call sine September 1; placed 80S la poaltloaa. W will place yaa when com petent. Day or night. Catalogue. Bebnk- waixer uuainee WOMAN for general bo work. Pbena Eaat g74. r adaraaa an. man. z aia avta aa. WANTED Gb-1; ateady work. 6 North Front, earner ad vavi. WANTED An experienced - dnmeett art teacher for an Important inatiruuo in to city. Apply W 15, ear Journal. CHAMBERMAIDS and 1 waltrea. - City- Em ploynmnt ofSc. 38&H Waahlngtan, room 1, WANTED Toung woman for office! mt kv had o I acting. had KB experience In bookkeeping aad Ool Apply room xat noingtoa oing. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOPPIOKERS W pay SO per ho, bunkbau rre. will ux taa oa- wnmt m. week ta Aogvat to eell ironnd-trln ticket to . - " a. mI nnteanhee 1. 1. draaa Homer Gouler. . Brook. Ororoal T acre, ere. P. P. Oonlay,; Brook. . Oregon; , 00 HELP wanted and enppMed. mal m female. JB. . Drake. ZOOH waaBinaron ex. raoaaw 300 HOPPICKERS to pick 034 acre hope at 60e per box; largeat bopyard la the world; beet accommodation; ak for S-pag book, giving particular, at SS Fourth at., Kreb bro. Phone Main 4070, wrAWran ann nAawfiichere r beet, li B. yard in Oregon: goon wraniaetio. appi to Andrew Ka A Co., 387 Morriaoa ex. BOPPICKBRS waated;' good aamptng greunda; goent i uayn worm, ror p.. drea Harrlaou Bro., North Tamhlll. Or. BOPPICKBRS WANTED Too wlahmg to pick andreee Homer Moniey. sranxe, vrwmm, or p. p. Oonlay. Brook. Oregon. TS and 00 BOPPICKBRS wanted. Call at A. A. Chnreh Co., SOS Taylor at. WANTED Tbacher In 0 outiy ecoool; mal prererrea; eiary pou. anqoirv awiu ewia Third, downetalr. SITUATIONS - WANTED MALE. WANTED la outhara r eaetora Oragon, poaltto aa atewara or mauagav ax boxm or restaurant: competent to um full charge. Steward' car Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Poeitton ta lady help, aeefnl aonv nanion or booaekeeper. Apply Mia Kldd, Piatat ott, cdbor say roea, vioxeria, Brttlah Columbia. I. king to d at home. Phon it 6S00, . eaU 1181 Mln neeot (v. WANTED-AOENTS. IP TOU want to ll the bet health nd c cident policy, U r writ S34 Lumbar Ex change bldg. s EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TBB Portland Employment Oe., BOOK Morriaoa t. Paoae Pacific 3HA HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CB FOB MEN. B0 North- Baccmd at. Phon Warn 11(90. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hoaaea. eetta, flat. (tore, office, rooming-boa, u. LaaA : lords will do wen to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOOST. Phon Ex. 72. S. R. Cor. Sd aad Oak. . Rnnssa. flat, rnominx toree, need, pbo flee, etc. Prompt attention aaanred. Mal 1171. Ltndhard A Jack, McKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL roar property, no matter what it ia or where located. Send deerrlntlon now nd w will do tb rt. Inventor' Ould , SU maronaa bldg., rwtUad, Otegea, CLASSI PH WANTED REAL ESTATE. - OlOOD tncoma and reeldene property, kit, farm teg and timber land. . . UflUuaHD JACK, McKay bldg. WANTED Buatnee realdene nronarty IB city tn eacbenae tor aood farm lan an handle aaytblng from 81,000 to SSb.ouO: we alee hare boom aiieellaat bay tn timber graaing iana. call sua B j Went to get rinlnted with yon, . . TUKXfr 4,'WALKER. ' . - Room 4. SOdnj Waahlngtoa at. ' " 0ITT fare property vicheaged for good fanna, and m iot city property, ay r. euvita. j S21H Merrieaa It, I WANT a 4 or T-room boo on aaat Mi giv pnea aoo toouaoa in urai letter. . v tor Journal. WANTED Boneemovtng. ralelng and nlUlag. J. n. ocota. i-Ron -xanor xw. , - t WANT d ta 0 acre near ear. oltbl fa .fruit aad cbnrkena:.! won't pay fancy price. auorna cmrm eoarnai. WANTED Modern ho nee, vacant lot, houae . laat au maul ; ire buyer lb aU af above. 1 , . . tAMONT A HARRIA ; r ') - 10TV Slth St. - IP yoa bava good acreage ar good city prop. cry, and yoo want to U It quick for eaah. P. FTfCHS. 321H Morrleou' t "i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTTNO, (praying and whitewashing tree. baeementa, barn, 1. ooca. etc: urgcet g praying ontnt on tba eoeaf. al. o. Morgan A Co., S33 Union ava. phon Eaat 01T. WB WILL BUY yenr furniture any aid time. weetem aaivag i., zr waabingten at. WE WILL 'BUT. SELL OR TRADB ANT OLD Triinu. WEBTEHIt. BAL V AU E W.. Oa7- WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T0A . Mela 505S Mala 6458 . , ruRNrruRR wanted . - '. ; ' for -- ' SPOT CASH ' " PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS ' ' til Pint at. - . Mala 6868 HIGHEST eaah price peld for aaaaad-hand geoda. Phone Eaat nuTT. 138 Union ava. WBO IS M. O. MORS AN A CO.T WANTED Furniture; will pay ta beet prlca, t-ona r-acina yawr. . -r , L ' WANTED For mah. furnltur of 6aor room nouae. complete; what bar yon I rnon Paclfla SJ8T. V - - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GBAND. 45. North Third t Room for gentlemen S1-S5 per week and up. NICELT furnished room. (Ingle or en autta. board If deeired, free bath ana pnona, aiec- jignta. Mr, mown, aua una at - THB RICHELIEU. SSH North Sixth at. Ele gantly rurniaaaa; ateam neat ana nuio. LINDA TlfTTA, 34TH Fifth FornUhed room and honatkeeptng ultn. per weex up. BLEOANTLT furnhihod room. (Ingle a eulte erery modern ennvmlene. a Nona SSd at. Phon Main 054. - -. - - TBB WOODLAND. MS Sixth, cor. f Madleon Uloa in; beautiful pnvat ratdnoe; birx lawn, elegant room a, ebole table board; re eon able. , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING till MITCH KIL. and Bar tranalent; Rooma, bouaekeeplng ana anient I prlca reaaoaablev LAROB elearantlr fnrnlahed hooaekeaotng. rooma: ga rang, rnanlag water. Th Lawna- aale, wilt Alder at. 81. tS PBB ' WEEK large, ! rnrnbwed nooaeeeping-rooma ; launary una onus. - aa Sherman, South Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP, clean fnrarabed boneekeen. log-rooma. with yard, parlor, laundry, bath. furnace beat. aunm Btanioa ex. u ear. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 614 JefToreou at. Nicely rurntabed eultee f. tw r tar rooma wit all eoBvenlen?; cheap. FURNISHED houaekaeplDg-raoma, month. OAS Seventh at. t- 0 per FURN1SHED. op nnforntekad bouaekeeplng und leeplng rooma, 81 week. McCoy, 371ft MoT- u, naconn iioor. - BOUSBKEEPINa-ROOMS, new rut, modern. central: no children: eultahle for adnlta man and wlf. 05 North 13th at. 4 PURNIRHED bonaekeeplng-roonM with hath and . 80 Eaat Eighth at. Phon Eaat UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 0NR) targe uufurniahed room with closet, for . ii ni nouaeneping, cor. ' Fifth. 80S . Montgomery , at., HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALS New furnltur of new 6-reom Sat, uax rent ruaaonapia. oon neconn at. COMPLETE fnrnlahlnga at S-room bone new Bigb-grad rnrniture; ffltap. w ttniiaaay are. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT A farm for rant; h.a 10 acre 1 bop. Addree W 34, car Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. S-ROOM houae. SIS: thoronxhlr renovated. painted, ate.) now In fi rat-clan condition) neighborhood excellent; T-mlnut ear down town: Mtsaleatppl are. and Falling at. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON. KADDBRLT TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable piano and furniture-movcra; aUo tor- ax. Pbou Main 1080. Office 110 N. Third. POB RENT S-room cottar. No. 14S 15th at., between noyr an Irving, apply next noor, MODERN t-room cottar to rant, Knllwertb. Key nut ooor. Fbon seat Ton. 10, 81A 830 THREE modern bona, Sixth and uarutoere bib.- rnoaw main eoea - - f . BVn Bani--ni7 pBpvrvu v iwnw nns V.I., beet condition 1A. a rea vitcb, m.t um ana abb. FOR BENT Tw 5-room cottar Grand ee, 400 are.; alee one S-ftory bone. Hawthorne v. J. S.. POUR nlc room. nfurn1hed partment, gaa, net a. giu; permanent Boa uapie at, . 4-ROOM cottage on Eett Darla and Seventh for 610 per month. P. FUCHS,'231tt Morrlaon at. BRAND-NEW 8 -room modem Sat, Alhtna; fond neighborhood, quirk car down town; 618 mouth; gaa and electricity; tip-top plnmhlng, PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OREOON. Phon Exchange TA FQR RENT FLATS. $10 FURNISHED S-room npoer Satl modera convenience. Phone Eaat 0055, morning and evening, between T and 0. NEW 8-room flat. llf room, 88. at, Mal 8004. 180 Markei MODERN 8-rnom nat, on blork north (toal brtdge, fronting river. 100 Margin at. FURNISHED HOUSES. T BOOMS, arranged for 3 faejlllea, cloa In, 035. Call Hathaway nixta (no naimon. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART af ahon to rent, anttahl for painter or plumber. 200 Fourth at. OFFICE-BOOMS, anfurnlabvd room and eaaaple. room cor runt, uooanaugn niog. apply ale vator. LAROB rtore, brick building. 843 Front t. rent 830, Main 6804. ' 1 . TWO Oeelrabl and well-looted eforea en tb eaat aide. Apply to liarlmaa A Zbompaoa, 8 Cliambe d CviuaMrea, y . EDS ttimttibi FOR RENT STOR-S-OFFICES. STORB en Unlaa a v. ! good location; rantd for Apply to rurtmaa Xaompeon. t namoer ox torn FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and bell! aeparate or together; new nd with all reon Main SSO. FOR RENT oc for' Ml, cheap, hothouse, I gooo mcarwB. oa a aariine; a eppoaltloa w 30, car Journal, -1 SUMMER RESORTS. LocKSLKT Hall, seasidb, oreoon Under new mnagement eon cert a, gahlng, . cltmbakea. nlcnlca, tennwi frea boa meera - . ell train; iu elegant outaio rooma; prt . vat bathe; electric light; annex verleoklng , the eee; cottage. For rate, reaervatien. ; ddrea Harry T. Butterwortb, maoer, or phon . Mr. CtrlUle, Portland. Vmr -S8A NECANICUM INN. Seaald. Oregon Unua dl rectly feeing ocean; Sower and apactoua around, electrla llabta. eaadr beach, heme cooking. Mhw E. Damann. prop., fiat off t Necanlcuw (Utloa. THB BBITT. family hotel, Lang Beach. HOTEL SALT AIR. CatrvUb atatioor flneat ' accommoaatKaa. . . . THB PORTLAND, leading betel, North Beech. HOTOL WICKBAM, Newton tatloa; excel lent ruiam. AUCTIONS. 1 . PORTLAND AUCTIOW ROOMA V' A. 8CHUBACH, Prop. 311 Ftrat it. Thorn Meln 60SS. ' Auction dally at S p. m. Hlxbrat eaah price paid for furnltur! aleo goooa aold an aon- - f BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Water-nower aw end mill, located os good logging treem. lamette valley, and la aood farming country excellent local trad f about Aoon.OtiO feet year; capacity in to 15 M. tn 10 hour: 44 mile to railroad: ZOO acrea af land and about 0.000,000 feet timber to go witb mill; pmh nam. noome, tc. aadrea William . Morien ann. Mount Angel, Oregon. t-- WRITE u ulck about raceat Important dc vciopmenm or tna nurat Automntie Bwitru at Signal Co. ; buy (tork befor big advaaa. J. P. Buret A Co.. 300 McKay hJdg. MEAT market for Ml cheep; SU Damn ar.. north; going good boslneee. . SAWMILL for aale. 33 mile from Portland; mnet eell for good reason: capacity 10,000: S.OOO.OHO feat of yellow fir. 30.O00.000 feet more can be bought cheap: mill almost new; rood local trad; prlca 87.100. I si. Journal. FOR lnfornutlnn ar for ahare of the Nicola coal mine, limited, writ to Paul Bochmler, manager, -Palouee, Wash. WILL axehang a bnalneaa clearing 8300 a monta lot jand.' (Jul! Btark at. CIOAR ter for aale; On location, cheap rent: pertle whhlng to leav city. 3AS 1st at. FOR SALE A general mercbantllee a tore; atork loovicca oauc 4,uai, eneep rant, in enwn within 35 mile of Portland, aa Souther Pacific railroad; paying bualnee; good rea 00 for aclllngrS Addree H 38, car Journal. SALOON Owner will ruaranle you 88 a day near partner: H required: eiairuaco cell joTt Btark at. FOR BALE Confectionery, dgar and fruit tor doing good bualneua; S large llrlng rooma in connection. rj nrat at. PHILOMATH. OREGON, want a hunk. .creamery. It it cannery nd Sour mill: One opening bora .for - each of theee eater price; capita Mat plena Inveatlgater k for Uets of One far ma and propertle for eel r exchange. Caldwell A Co.. Philo math, Oregon. , .' THB beat money-making bnslneee la the city rur aai oa account or mrunee. aetw in veated will real! 840 weekly ar mora; ex perience anneceeaary. Addree X L car Journal. . . WANTED -Partner for wood alcohol. , 353 Rne- ell t. ' MAR of expert euca In handling emlpoye ha capital to Inveet la en eatabllabed bualnee that will bear inveetigattoa and give actlv employment. Addreaa X T, ear Journal. RESTAURANT and lunch eounter In good It cation, with Ireee, for ale. X IA JournaL WIDB-AWAKB man can make 31 50 month , partner; 81.000 required, fully curd. ( all 84 Surk at. WOULD ilk to meet eoeae on with email capital to Jkdn me I developing copper prop erty. J. P. NyUnder. roam 300 Allaky bldg. BAKBRT for aale, doing extra good eaah bnel- neaa; count trade only: town of t.300. In- formation oa Inquiry. . S, C. Farrnw. Rain ier. Oregon. . .- , DRUG ator for Ml cheep; th 'only a In good college town: stock complete, oak ftxtur, marble fountain, corner ator, rent S10, electric light and telephone: owner going out of bualnoaa; pleud!d opening for drugglet; com and yourself: part time If deeired. Apply Angel, Oregon. - drug ator Mount FOR SALE A nrat-rlae grocery buelnee ta euburh at invoice; doing about 640 per day; rent K per month; 10 Unng-reoena. Ad dree B 21, ear Journal. - PARTNF1R wanted for real ett bualnee: pey you 63o n week; 3ua required. 3-tMK Stark at. , ,.. prtieular 8300 OOOD meat market, well located. at loTlb Thb-d at. ' . Call tl-ROOM bona for rent, furnltur fnr aale, ' Bargain; aava to Jcare city. zu aioer, BITK1NESS OPE NINO Laraa tor for rent at Seventeenth and Waahlngton at., anttahl for dry good, millinery or notion; brick block, 1 low reat. Gevarta A Bona., 178-6 Pint at. BAKER , WANTED To rent ator and - living room at Front and Oibb (t. . Oewarta A Bon, 173-8 Flrat at. FOR SALE A good paying groeary tore; wil ing on account of poor health.- X U, Journal. FOR SALE Reataurant, table, dlahea, kntv, , . fork, spoon, T-foot Monarch atove. N 14, journal. v OROUP of 10 mining claim for nU, (11 eg . part. 63H North Sixth at. . . . WILL gnarantee 36 par cent oa tnvaatment I on year and money refunded, from 8100 not .to exceed 82.000 ; thle I boa fid offer from reaponaibh) bualnee man , mediately, W 18, Jeurnal. . WHO IS M. O. M0ROAN A CO. t A S0-ROOM modern building, new. well located an Met aid, for rent cheep; ban If deeired. J. Freak Porter, 22S Washington at., pat a Ira, ' BARGAIN. Moat leave tb city at one and win Mil my real ntat bualnee; tin ground-floor omre I on ar fort land Mat Mlmrba rhean rent, no (xpenaei thl office ha cleared bout gz,ono line Janosrv 1; ar( net of property) will an tor trie niturea. a 1, Mr Journal. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICB Tb Oriental Beauty Parlor, 8A4 Morrison; good re sort for . parting with thl valuabl nronarty, Mm. Wym McDonald. t . . - A Snap v'y A in (tork af grocarle on Union .; in location, clean (tork, cheap rant; will In vole. PACinC REALTY CO., I40H Flrat et., bet. Morrleou and Alder. OOINO BAST; at Mil (tor: market and Mr- ing-rooma. fbon main aan. FOR SALE Confectionery and dgar ttor, cheap. . eoi WMmngtoa. - FOR SALE-r-Complt laundry, Ineludlog lot. building, BorM, wagon, narneM; buelneea aver 6300 per week ; prlca 7.60O; rMennabl term: pnpuUtWa 10,000. Addree W 14, car Journal. OOOD INVESTMENT 8 IS. 000 paying better tba 10 ner cent now. atMdi iy Inoreae every week; investigate thl. 1 0. Apt' ar c, ma Weeding ton at., room x. HERE'S WBAT TOU WANT Grocery, cigar, atationery gaa tn nrler general etore la tip top location and wltb good bnslnee': will Invoice all or lump for BuOO. Hem Uad C., 46n flrat St...", -- BUSINESS CHANCT3. GOOD STOCK of grocer lee on weat aide, well eocateo, wit llrlng -rooma. rt S-O month. 1.0o0; erery thing foe except tba oohl It I a bargain. - Otto & CrccliJtt - '345H WASHINGTON ST.' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IP you want to botld any kind af building, omaTi ar large, go to America In for lumber, ttnv ' bar. doors, window, plaeter boarda. ta. . , BBA.UTIFUL modern room beuoe. aaat front. run mm, aa.uuu: 0300. balaaca 835 monthlv. Owner. Pboaa Eaat 0T6. SNAP Fin ham, lot 100 feet eqnare. Snoea . houae, e Mat aide: party gone away and left property, for Bale at a great bargain. For full particular addree C, ear Hotel Oregon. ? . 4.noo S-ROOM modern bouse aad 3 lot en Eaat Morrlaon at. Call at 10T4 Third at. HOfgF.S butK aa Ibetaltmenta, kts if dlrd. 018 Commercial bldg.. Main 1040. ' . 1)4 ACRES, mil outb of Lent: B chiered. email bouee, well; 83,200. R. D. L Box. A I'n ta. Oregon.- . 4-ROOM modern enttag wltb barb, hot and cold water, Sm carpet Bad abed, S lota, corner, nice lawn, frutt and Sower. 1 block from car, 6e fare. 30 minute' rid; 81 too, : half cash. Town, S08H Morriaoa at. Pboaa PaclSe 8614. , SOU Homes For Sale y Farm and city preperty. THB INVESTORS OUIDB CO.. 81 Marqnam Bid.. Portland. Oragon. FOR SALE New 10-room houee nr. Park and , Mill ata.; bath room, chmeta. Irg clothe ' room, iu grata, mantel, furnace, full eameut basement, with laundry and frutt room, peg , mm by A. Welch, Tb American Clothlar. 331 " Morrmon t. FOR SALE. CHEAP H t Mount Tabor; . terma. Owner. 881 Eaat Morrlaon, cor no -Union . ...... '" v' 11.560 BEAUTIFUL bom, ucrlflc: modem. irv rooms, icrracao- lawn, rrult. now era; Flrt-t. c.rllno: $mo rash; aee thin, lata Moore. 15 Nebraeka at. : "" ' Acreage .;: I.OOO acres to he cat up ta (man tract from 1 tn 6 acre and up: weat aide, excel , lent locality, anil nnaurpaaaed; irkt open today; 886 to lo0 per acre: term. HI STARK STREET. ' ? ' : SIXTH STREET OOTTAOB. Modern room cottage must be aold befor tha Suth; 1 well located, chwa la and will go cheep. , HAGBMANN A Tff.ANCBABD, . si pirn t FOR SALE 400 acre timber Mud Bear Sean. pooas; gooo mcntio cor FortiaBd aawmllli cheep: 816 ner acre. Aba 11-acre ranch! SO ncre cultivated. mile from river oa good road, school on place; $1,530 If take t once, w 20, car Journal. . FOR ham or tnveetmeot Elegant new 0-room "v. cooica locuiio, cioe iu. eeet no. Xommercial Invuntment Co., 831 Lamb Ex change bldg. , ., 1 , . .. 10 LOTS In .Taboratd only 85 per lot; thla I " '7jr ." creg m tnt awcunn, tan al 10TH Third t. FEW nlc bona and cottage for aale; to. ' raiiou. goou, moovrn m awry see peer, bamly w -now. ana IU priceu r nxnt don't forget. Um number Stat WMhlngtoa at., . 0. LOOK t tb lovely 0-mm aantlern howae today. mm oeianon, oouTeeuex corner XBtUl BUT. nice rard and locatfa tloul money returned with tntereet ana year. It- a Itad. .... , ... ... ' . . v . Shady Wood Park ; ' Get yon aboni tn tb shade af th tree, ' etoea to cap and 10-room echooAoueei then lot are large, and fine aotl: tb mallet lot .. r nftxlM: plenty of room for gardea a , . ' chk-krn-rard; price 8M0 np; terma Call en Ira Kllbora, Lenta. Or, for a formation. . Eyciy;IooDs: Man. nnonia n mnaownert greet Ml of acre- ; ww , inr eiae xrarx rrom J la n iy alM tract from 1 ta to cre and . op. mm to f 100 1 Ida; eaay term iou per arre; onolr locality, weal 344 STARK STREET. BEST Hood Rive frntt Und for mm, only I mile from town.. Addr Owner, lock box 88, Hood River, Or. 300 FABMS, mll tract and Iota; bargain en O. W. p. electric line. O. R. Addl toe. laau, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car, tc APTRR appTrunra 1 THESE PLACES WILL COHT MORS) MONET t e.i"w 00 a jxiuu, B-n university ran. - 82.00000x1(10 -. aotta,,, East Olbwa. 88.750 2xloo . corner, room : modrn hone. 24th and Eaat Ankeny. 84,50060x100 corner. 6-ream strictly mod- - ra borne, 14th and Eaat Hatmon, . . . - ' f H. HRILBRONNKR A CO.. 810-10 Lumber Earhuag. Second aad Stark. 1 Of Acres PIm oll: no gravel; lie t24 rt a rUn . price 8t.5no;.My term. TO WNE. 3S8H MORRISON ST. GOLDEN fruit, lovely lawn, (totoly nouM, moovrn, with lee bath, furnace, ga ad electricity, grounda lOftxTOOt vwy elghtly uburbaa bom; e.K oa good terma. J. if. Hoacar, 727 Lalou are., north. Pboew Eaat lWej '', . , , t- 1 ; a FINE Aroma cottar with lot 60x100. S block from beat' carllne, for only 61,850; 61.000 , 2Z7ni halanc at 0 per oeuL J. A Hoaioer, : T37 Union are., north. .- - CHOICE BOMB AT A BARGAIN 0WNBR IN , ,' r .ALASKA. . 0 room, annaervatory, bath. ra. electrle S.M100, fruit light, hot water heeling, . tot tree, bero;- eaay term; . northeast corner cut iBtn ana iiavie. . . . , ; ;; F. Jl. Batchelor (v. ; 1 004 McKAT BLDG. ' " 1 : Good -Homes- - 13,00060x100 corner, modern. S-room est- ' tare, Eaat GIImb. . . " 63,000 60x100 corner, excellent Amem houee, 60th and Eaat Davia, ' 88,100100x08 ebmer, good T-room , bona, tttb and Eaat Aokeny. 84.60060x100 corner, - trlctry ' modara , . 6-room bonee, 14th and Eaat Salmon. Will make very liberal term to any f . n. ' nr.iiiDBUiinaa v w.. '618-16 Lumper Exchange. Second and Stark. IF TOU DON'T WANT TO BUT. DON'T LOOK ' For If yarn look yoa ar mr to buy thla 5-ecre , tract of One landl all level, Bn (oil, half cleared e cIom to rallroed, 6 milea cut; bet. tar Und than eo that I ealllng for 400 . per acr fb Mm dlataac out; prlca only il.lOO; 8000 Mah, balanc a time. 1 A Sna S-room . modera bouM end SoxSO fVet p Igannd, en Qulmhy at.; rent fa 60 : 8-cr tract; houM, barn, fruit, running water, S mile out; only 81.500; half cnab. PACiriO REALTY COMPANT. 140V8 Meet at., bet. Murriaon tad . Alder at. A GREAT bargain; Sn' plot lot, want aide, for Ml at aacrtAc: mnet eell quick a 5' wner need tb money. ' Addreu T 33, Mr outmI. . .. NICB HOMB EMt aid, u-room Aatory heueet eligible corner; baeenrent, beat ear eervlcel now ccnpld bet peaeeeeto can h given I a , bort time; within walking dlataac; 63.10lif term; Sn velue. Obll np nwnar by phone,, Eaat 122a, on any -day thl week, from T 3D . m. aatU 1 r. at. Addr W. IA Mr JournaL - Tr! .. ..... Lcnls Salosicn ' Roon, gso Lumber Exchaege bldg. BontbaMt Mr. Seaond aad Surk ata. GOOD ENOUGH FOB A KINO ' ee.eou, o r.aaar permaaiiu, put yam Into poeecMlon of Itrlctly (nodern aew T-room bouee. weat aide; tn neighborhood, May walking dlataac t canter; - IbvmU gat thla bargal. . - P. FUCU. 331, ILa-tlgeS V . '