cizz 1 cr.zcc:i daily jousijai; rcr.TLA:n. konday eveniijo. august i. im. TODAY'S MARKETS ; . ' ' ' ' " ' POTATO DAUAGE IS Continued Hot Weather Telling Both; on Quajity and In - the Quantity. v . t -v 'RAINS NEEDED FOR ' r , .MOST COAST CROPS Onlon Very SmaU With' Lack of Moisture Heavy Demand for 'j Fruits With Supplies Too Small-. :7 Peaches Higher. Front I tract Aug.-!. Tb principal fe.tare. M tti Portland wholesale uinii looey sri ' Greet haying f fruits. , , " J Tomato euppllee rery mil. , Cm colons la (ram Walla Walla. . Potato crap la damaged. . Firm tone no tod la poultry. Hop market la eulet, bat firm. .. , Change la due la the act market. . Several can watarmslons unloaded, .. Car peaches due tola awning. -Dtaaaad mast atsrsst remains Oxm. - ' . ' Fstats Crag b Damaged. '"' All doubts aa to damage ta tba potato crop y continued dry weather bars at lat barn d lapel led. A bw waaka ago there arara In dleattoaa that tbla yeaf a crop ta Oraton woold tta aaa ac tns Jsrgest la tba - atata'a avtary. Dry waatbar baa bald an too tone, bowoTar, 'and at tbla tlma tba damage la apparsnt every where yaa look. Not only baa tba yield been ' radoead considerably la quantity, bat tbara la alao aom damage la quality. Early potatoa -tba far racalTad bar not that kaeptnf quality .foe wklrb Oregon baa beaa aotad tbaaa atany years. No aaly la tbara a lark ol kaapint quality, bat la aMMt Instances aotod tba atocka "arc ef vary am. 11 else. Tbla la for aarly atoefe. Tbua far proapacta arc (or a food ylald ol - lata potatoes. If a suffielsnt amount of rata should fall, ' quality would ba aseured, bat a lack of BMlatar would ba detrimental. Like tba potatoes, tbara la a cry In a demand from aaloa greaote for" axra aaolsture. Ia tbla Una .vary am all alaaa are ehown ta flrat receipt. Receipts of anlooa at tbla tlma are vsry small. A few lota at email ala hare beaa rseatved from local potato. A car came la tbla morning from Walla Walla ta good abap and another ma resorted la from California. Tba market la rery firm, wltb prleaa ruling between 1.M pat ai.oo. . . Tomato Supply ' Terr Soaat, - Tat a rear with ao macb dry waatbar- rhla aeeaoa aaa beaa a atoat remarkable aaa aa tba Pacific coast. Generally there la a crying need la tba Pacific aortbweet for mora aaa' ablna for tba ripening and coloring, of tomatoea. but evtdently tbara baa been too macb tbla : aeaeoa for atocka are withered and are of poor quality.. Tbla la not alone noticeable ta the Oraeoae. hat m eooarant In nractically' all ar rlTala from California and weablngtoa. Beat quality ebewa biinga fl.lS a box along the afreet today. Tbla m for tbree-tter packages. r"ge bctwaea si. and fi-io Xeavy Baying af Trait. Tbara ta very heavy baying of fruit aVmg rroat atraot today. Keeelpte are quit liberal. bat trade la growing aa fact that a ahortage la aotad la moat lines. Practically all Califor nia aaa talon pea are eat or market and Oreaon arc la better abape, wltb aaay demand. Borne cbeea Barflert peara ware abowa along tba arret today, pat com wjo niga a quote, uea - bag at good quality eonttoaae err ecarca and - prlcee aoattau ap to top notch. BeTeral cara of watormo lone and a car of peacbee war ra- pertaa xa uia moremg. . . 1 Ttrm Tama VatoS ta Poultry A vary firm tone to aotod la the poultry market today. Baa are eepecially deatrahle around prevailing prlcee. Tber la coma dif ficulty la maintaining tba price of eprlnga, bat all racalTad were cleaned up from tba utealoue week, a limited aau m aotad la turkey a. botb draaaad and alia. Oeeeo and dueka are quoted t Juat fab? with racaipto email today. Egg are ta a poaltloa where to market Stic will eeoa abew a abang. Preaent trade i rafbar alow aa account of poor quality, but aa cooler waatbar I promterd a. bettor demand la expected. ' Creamery batter demand la Juat about equal to aappllea. Poor country a tore butter, that err tr In la bad condition, la hard to real! aa, . but good-packed Muff, la wanted at tba price lie tea. Hop market rim, Vol Quiet. . : . Wltb rather a quiet ton today, tba ho mar ket to quoted firm. A few email doala are reported around lie, but cannot ba confirmed. That price to now being aery freely offered at country polnta, but gnawer do not ear to contract at tbla time. Crop conditio are rather mrxed, wltb mora or leec da ma fa report coming from all centera. Sraated Xaat Market Firm. Altbaugk aa eaaler ton ruled to i Teal at the eloae of laat week, arrtrala are not aaary and prlcee are being maintained. Draaaed bog tlU elew la arrlTlng, wlU price bald loeer to top. - The trade pay tb following price to rroat Prlcee. paid ah in para ar leca regular .. qrala, Plear and Veea, OEAIN BAG Calcutta, M9K baytag price; cell Inf. 10c. WHEAT Old club, TOeu red Eaaal.a, fTe: -Blueatem, 7Xcf- aalley, TOc; acw club. cf red Uue.l.a, (Te; blaeetrm, 70c: Tally. 71c. BARLEY Peed, M.0O; rolled, M.0O2S.O0; brewing. 124.00. CO EN Whole, I2T.00; arackad, 2S.0O per .tea.' . . RTE 11 U er cwt ' - 1 . ' OATS New Producer' price No. 1 whiter fl w gray, - rUOCB New e.atera Orrgoa pateata, ft.pott S-M; atratabU, f8.40Q3.u: export. M.lo; valley. 163; grahem, Ve. 13.B0: wbale wheat, .n rye, 60. 5.00: balra, iV. MILUTUr-rS Bran, (17.B0 par toa mid ' dllnga, $20.00: aborta, country, 1 30.00 city, l.5o: chop. 1S.OOS1.SO. U AX Producer' price Timothy. Wlllemetto eaiiey, fatcy, lt.OO; ordinary, 10.00J10.CK) cetera Oregon. la.000 17.00: ml ted. lie.OOkj 10.00; rlor.r, I grain. 7.0UQoMl Oheal, I.UOt.(W. Batter, Err and Peal try, BUTTER PAT P. e. a. Portland -Sweet cream, Kic; aonr, 90He. BUTTER -City creamery, Uci oat. I da fancy. lrauHci ordinary, llOol atore, 14c. BOOH No. 1 freab Oregon, candled. It A S3c: eaetern, SOOaio. CHEESE New Full cream, flat. UMOMe; Xonng America. lafllAVte. POULTBT Mixed chlckeqa. 1H ear Tb; fancy bene, 1414K lb) rooetera, old, lOHc per lb; ataga, lTUVta Bar lb; frrera. Wo; brellera. 144 per lb I old durka, iaMOllc; lb; aprkig deck., 12H01H H gaaae, 8U104 lb; turkey, lc per lb; draaaed, SO par lb; cquaba, 160O-0g pet aoa; plfeesa, l00 Bar doe. Hep. Wool and Hide. - BOP Con tract a, 108 crop, 16(8 IT tb. . WOOL 1B0 clip Valley, coarw to medium, 12c: Doe, 14c; eaaiera Oregoa, go12l. . ,- MOHAIR New, nominal. , ' SHEEPHK1NS Shearing. lSOSU each bort root, S&t40e; medium wool, SOqlTae aab ton woof, 7oc$ 1.00 each. tallow prima, par in, ibkI no. I tad , areaee, tQltte. CH1TT1M BARK: 10S (teck. HCa per Tb; 1S0S, . tiSStto par lb. HIDES irrr. No. L IS lbs and an. 1SUA 17H par lb; dry kip. He. I. I to 16 Ins. I4ci dry calf. Wo. 1. undor B lb, lie: aaltad Bldes MONDAY PRICES IN . ..THE WHEAT MARKET X Bpt. Deo. Chleairo ......I - f .Tl . Minneapolis ... - .TIHB w BBSS) . a , . ,7 , a'aHtl q New Tork .71 HA Duluth ....... ,7IHB Mtlwauke .... .71 Bt. Loul. ,BH Kansas City... ' Liverpool I 14 . lOlKOIlFlliLlED JOURNAL'S DAILY ' TIPS Qti MARKETS - s . Bp w. a Olarkav , Hens formed th major part of tb demand la poultry during; , d q the paat week. ' Raoelpta war , e a aomewhat larger but demand q was . oonalderablp . bttr and d q prices beld their own. Tbar q 4p wa eonalderabla ..waknaa In q aprlns chicken and soma eon d ceaalon wa mad bp dealers- la ' order to keep th market clean. ' d q Ess continued rathr alow. d q ' sal, wltb ' raealpta - omwht larger than th prevlou - weehv- d) d This latter waa a surprlaa to th d 4.'trad, continued hot weather d had mad them dHt ther . d d would be Ug-hter arrlrals. Frloes 4 ruled about tb Bam. ' . . q ' Although - Share wars soma- q q ' what mere Ubaral reeelpU of ' q q drsed veal. th market held , Vary wall at last wk's prloea. .. q 4 Dreaaed hog war fully - as 4 4' scare aa a' week ago and price q rmaind at --the top. . 4p 4 - Demand for country stors but- d tar la quits food for th best . d) rra4. Prices are unchanged. ateera. aoaad. SO lb aad oree. lOfUlei tea. tofjuttci ataga aad Ball, aoaad. 7e ain, 1 to SO (be, c; calf, eoaad. under IS lbe. He; green, unaalted, 1 Wee; enila, la per lb Wee; horeehldee, aelted, eech, fl.2SI.TSl dry, eaeb. iwijv colt aiaee, wajoue; goal aaiaa, commooV eacb. lDfalAal Aaaora. Ii.oa. . Pralto and Tegetaalaa. POTATOES New. BOcClll .00 ncr aaekl Bt uuwre price ror car iota, tfwo per cwi. -ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla ' Walla, e&.ov per aaca; new . vamorpsa. . rau, A.ev, allrara, 11,50; x.rllo, 83e per IB. PRESU ' rRlJlTS New apple.. WcOH-BO; wangoa, ValencU, M7oiS6.00; bananaa, 6 fw lb: lemona. choice. a4.AOA.BO box: fancy, 6.004iS.50 par box; Umea, Mexican, fl.tft par loo; llawaUan, Saajft; gooaeberriea, le lb; cherrlee, 11.78 par box! pluma, HxatlM arau; aoeenoarriea,; cantaioupei berrlea, 12; black fun. Sl-MP blackberrlea, 1.2S per crate; water ru. lone. l)c, crated. lHe per lb; aprlcota, Sl.ooaj t.w;- peacnea, aoovue; peara, fl.70i bulk, te lb; packed. SO box) buck) UHe. - . V KO ETA BLES Turn lea. new. 11.00 ncr aaekl nrraie. f i.oo oar aaca; Deata, par aaca; Parenlpa, $1.50 per aack; Orego radlabea. SOc . par doc: cabbaee. -Oreaon. te: bell peppera,. lua par lb! tomatoee. toe 00 per box) parenlpa- oce1.00; atrlng beane. Oregon, OTe per in; eeuii flower, fl.00 per do; peaa, j4fflc; boree radlah. Si7e ser lb! artlchokea ' 1Za er do: aquaah. lci free a enlona, Oregon, lift per do buncbee; cucambara, SS per boa; celery, 1100 per doa; corn. 11 HO 18c doal aum mer eqoaahi - focetlXW per boat ggpmaK 12.TBC18 00 per erata. . UKim a-Hurrs Apple. eaporato. ISO 14c per lb; aprlcota, lHHCtlBc per lb; peaehee. U 13 We per lb; aack., , par lb leca; prunca, 80 to 40, Set He drop en each MS (mailer hw axe. cBiiiornia niaca. Bxcevhe nar in: CaUfornia white, iHe ncr lb; daaaa, golden, J lee per lb; tarda. 11.4001.60 par lS-lb baa. wrecerla. Jloto. JEtev SUOAR All reflncrlo Cuba. SS.SOi ao entered. !V06; fruit granulated, SS.0S) dry granulated. 4.SS; eoaf. A, $4. VI; weatera P. 4.8o; lawallaa 0. 0., 14.80; extra O, 4.4o; goldea C. 14.45; D fellow, 14.45; bbla, 10c; H balm r; Boraa, wa .iranceja Jcx eaaia. leca So per ewt for each, la da ye; maple, aclM per lb. Abor prlca apply to ealee of tea tba car lota. Car lt at apeclal price aabjeet Buctnatlona. ' , honk i par erata. rorPEB Packaaa branda. tlT.tsaiB.TB. SALT Coaraa Half ground: lOUw S3-0S pat ton! boa, SO.Mfc table, dilrr. SOa. 1)1 00: 400a. fll.TB; Imported LtTerpooL SOa, ' $17.00 100a, f; EMa, lie ooi extra Bsc, bbie, aa. Be, lua. S4.60Qfi.50; bulk. 130 lba, S4.O06.0Oi eecka, SOa, eaaSBct Llrerpool lamp rock, flB.60 per n; oo-ib roe, bb.wi lova, bb.iw, RICEf-lmperlal Japan. No. 1, Sei Rev Sailici New Orleans head, 7eJ Ajas, Be; Creole, BHc. - BRANS Small white. Sd.tffi lara white. S8.M; pink, $2.75; bayou, $4.78; Umaa, $5J5; Mexican reoa, ca. NUTS Peeauta, Jamba, Be per Tb; Tlrglala, Sttc ; per lb: roaeted. bsshc per II lb; Japa- eesHe; reaated, 7t7Hc per lb Bua, SotlSO per doa; walauta, 164lHc par lb; plBeauta, ioOHH per lb; hickory ante, 10 per lb: cbeetnuta. eaetern. leOleo per lb; Braall nuts, loo par lb: filberts, 144)15 per lb fancy pecaaa, 15c almonda. iKOlia. Paints. Oeal On, It. ROPE Per Maalla. Mtiai atandard. ltUai ale. I. lie. COAb oilrrean or a.otij vaa iH per gal; water white. Iron barrebi 14e pat sal. wooden itc per gai; aaaaugai, liv-ecg. Bl HC per f.L. OABOUN bbla lac per SaL BENZINE eS-def. SB SI bble 18 He per gal TURPENTINE la SS per able ac per f.L . WHITS LEAD Tea VKa, T4 per Tb SOO-Ik lota. 8c per lb; tree late. Site per H. WIRE NAILS Preeeot seals, at fx. So. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In S-t)l lom. SSci l-bbl lot, 5Se; eaeea, 6oe par gal; genalae kettle boiled, caaea, SOa par gaff l-bbl lota. 54c; l-bbl lot BBC per gai; groan caxe, car wta, aw.wv per ton; leaa thaa car lets, $80.00 par tea. Meats, risk and Irerlslea. . PRESH MEATS Prout B treat Hoe, fancy. BHc; ordinary. 7MQBct poor. T7Wc par lb; balla. SMSVka per lb: aeaL extra. TUaffta lb: ordinary, 7e par lb; poor, 6 per 7b; mattes. fancy, B4)8Ho par lb; Umbo i, agwe. BAMS, BACON, ETC. Portia ad pack (local) bama, 10 to Id lbe, 17c per lb: 14 to Id lba. ItlVtc per lb; breakfaet bacon, Isasie ner lb; plcnlre, 11H per lb; eottare, lOhit per lb; regular -abort clearer-aaa moked, Ue- per lb; amoked, 13e per lb; clear beck., ana moked, 1X0 par lb; emoked it per lb: uaioa butta 10 to IS lba: c n moked. Be per Ibt .moked. Be per lb; dear belllea, nn. moked, 14 par lb; moked, 16a per lb; sbeuldera, 18H par lb; pic. IPO lODBue. eo.wu yutrirr uwi. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, '1 a,'IIHi per . Ita per lb; Oil a.. 11 etc lb: 6s, HS,e per lb; 60-lb. tins, team ram idered. 1 10a. 11 He per Ibt com Ibt compo SHC. CANNED SALMON Columbia rtrer, 1-Ib talH, 11. SO; t-lb talla, fz.TB feary, l ib lata. l. Bo U-lb fancy Sate, $1.16; fancy 1-lb eaals. $2.76; Alaaka telle, pink. BBOSOsi ted. $1.60: nominal e, ai.n Ink, SB Ba. tell, 1200. PISH Rock cod. Ta par lb: Sounders, Be per : hellbat. Be per lb; crabs, $1.6 per doe; striped beaa. ItHa per lb; ratlWb, Sc per lb; ealmoa, Columbia rlrer Chinook. Sc per lb; ateel heada, 8c per lb; bloebacka. Be per lb; herring, ac per id; eoiee, wc per id: aanmpa, 'iue per lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, Ta per lb; tomcod. Te ner lb: lleer amelt. Ta ner lh: lobaters per lb; freab mackerel. Be par lb; crawlah. SO per doa; shad, so per lb; sturgeon. 10c per lb. OYSTERS Snealwatot bar. Bar a.L saex. per 110-lb aack, 14 00. , CLAMS Hard.hell, per . bag, $100) raaor elaaw, $2.00 per boa. tnrrrxD statu aoTEBjrmrT 'Boipa. Hew Tork, Aag. 11.- Oeret nmest twndal aaa i MM per gal. area Date. Bid. Aak. IBOS 104. 1 KIAU IBOl lft C IOAU 1 ln lORiJ 14 IBOS 108il 104 .-...? 'insu 1SOT losi 104 1IX7 l')8(J 104 1026 120 190 12S 1 ISO .... 116 .... 109 . ..... . Twos, irfi.tered. ........... do COUPOB. ... ............ Three, registered.',...,.,. de canpoa.. .... Twoa, small bond... ....... Foe re, , reglatered. .......... do coupon Fours, reglatered... do con poo Matrlet of Columbia , Philippine aa . iajt rtABCisoo Mrania took. Csa rrsBclsee, Aug. 11.,-Offlelal close: Bid I Bid. Golden A arbor .-..,$ .50 tJttle Joe. .......$ Xit Jim Butler l.4.1IRed Top .1.46 Starlight .a Jumping Jack..... .34 Sandetorm .AlUnnact la Buffalo S.0R Ton Rxtenaloa $.rVI Round Mt Tl Booth Ml Igana ,...1 40 Greet Bend.... 42 Dexter .erl!Adame .08 ntaaioaflfleld .... .M Mob.wk , $.46 Bllr.r Pick .47irrctlon 67 P0BTLA1T) IUI sTAnxirr. rlesrlng Balancae H.i'i.rt t 10X240.B8 . Starllag Xxebaa Bates. . . New York. Aug. Is. Sterling rete: Da ma ad, g4,aoa484.TO; SO daya, dBl.SOfiiSl New Terh-Leado tUter. ' . K,w-XCrki.,- iUTWaoUoi Loo- au u-isdy . LITTLE GIIAUGE IS L1H0E TODAY Wheat Market In Chicago Very ' . Quiet WHh but a Fractional ' vC ;; : Declina in Prlcta. : . . LIVESTOCK; HOLDS A ? : : ; GAIN AT CLOSING Bad Crop Condldons Rsportcd In t Southsrn. RusaU uropa Buying fwmtricaa Saetnber Incr In Homo Consumption HslpfuL. aUCLATTTI WHBAT TALTTBS.. Aug. IB. Am. 11. IBOS Sept .......$ .72 U $ .72a I .00 vea i.iii 764A .85 Map TB 7S Chicago, Aug. IS. A wading man of tba soathweat wired today that a aery careful eaea- petatlea of the proeabls eoasamptloa of wheat per capita for the next IS moo the Indicated that aometblBg like SOO.OOO.OOO busbele will be required to feed tbl country, and this to only of tb many hopeful feetarea which are cropping en th ereae of wheat barera, . foL tow lag tb long period of depreaaloa aad pun- labment for holder., ni forelxn era turn un ewnere ex raw miuxva nuanei 01 wnaat taaen en ear September . eoetraete aad tba wheat goa abroad end the plan f the elerator people may be entirely changed, t The foreign Situation enows aery bed crop condition In southern Ruaala. The decline here today amounted to He la both tba December and Seotember. Mar notion closed at TBa. tba acme aa n oaramayv Official quotatton bp Orarbeck, Start A uoose company: WnlAT, Ouen. HUrrt. . Lew. . Ore. I? 0 .T2I4B .76 B 'UPSJ Msp ,.V ID .76 .78 .th JB CORN. .4UB .48 UB Dee Ms ... . .6H OATS. Sept Dee May Jl .12 MBSS PORK. ... urr .... 11.86 lT.ia ,18.66 ill. 1T.1S 16.86 . 8.TB S.6S TW " SB. SO 43 Jaa . LARD. ' . : 8 TB ' S.SOv 6.00 gar. .TS .TB IM 'sss .ST TB T.SS Jaa , SHORT BUBS. ScT Jsa . I T B BS , S.7T 7.46 SAJT ITUJIOTbOO looai. stocks. Sea Praaeieoe, Aug. 18. Official elossi - ' Bid. Aik. Contra Costa Water..'.....,'. 664 6TH Spring Talley Water..... 81 81 uiarrtrT-owder rr.-. 1.1 so BOt Hawallaa Commercial ........ ial SH 87 181 14 HoDoaea Sugar .. Hutcklnaoa Sugar Makawell Sugar .. 14 Si 14 :' nil Pssnbsa Sugar... .m. .......... ..j, , IS . ' TJTTBPOOt ORAIjr stAJtlXT. UrarpcnV Aug. 1 Official prleaa! unite. Open. Close. Aug. 11. Qsln, sTd Hi Sept.... Sa 4Ud Sa 6a tii CORN, ea Td da TUd ue..... B b 5d Sa Slid , ds Td .. 4a THd , Sept.. .... Td TVs! Ue...... . Cktoage flask Wkaaa, " CklCBC. A... I-JMB wbtoto Bid. rTe. t red I .TB N. herd Ma. I TlSlNa. I sard ALL LIVESTOCK QUOTED STEADY TO STROKB " Two Hundred Head of Cattle Only Arrivals Little Interest Displayed. Portland Taloa teckyards. Ao. ' 1R tir. stock recalptei floca. Cattle. Sheen. Today ., .. 200 : ... week age .. , si MoBtk Sg ...a........... ... ,. SSS , t ... xear age - 11 xs ... There to ant much InSerest la Urea tork to day. Receipt, continued aery small and Includ ed bat 200 cattle. Not alngle errlral of bog or abeep. All msrkets quoted steady ta atrong. Official llTcetork quotations: Hoee Beat eaetern Oreaoa. 87. 86 417.60: blockers snd Chins fets. 64.60; atockrra and fecdera, $8 OOt bulla, itM. Cattle Beat eaetern Oregon eteers, I8.S6C) 1.60; best cows snd ad fere. fl60)X7S stock, are aad feedera, 82.60: holla, 62.60. SbecB BheariiBga, aje; exmns, s. EASTERN HOGS BETTER. Trotpta Jujrt Banal to Tmuf Ifo an xaavsTb.ow trnftovwrnmni. '? Chicago, Aug. IB. LlTeetork racaipto: Hoere. Cattle, fflirr. ...... 60.000 12,000 22.000 Kaaaaa City 6.600 lO.fmO 4.000 Oxoaha ,. 7,000 ' 6.000 18.000 Hogs are strong to B ceuta higher wltb 4.800 left orer from Beturday. Receipts year ago were 80.000. Prices: Mixed and butchers. 65.5iB:16; good and heery. 5.76l 10; rough and heavy. t4ftJ.06i Ught, 66. TO 8.20. . t attia atrong to to easts ap. Sheep Strong. i SUGAR UP TEN CENTS PER HUNDRED POUNDS ' There was an adrahc of IS cents' par 100 i pounds In all grades -of refined eugar this " e morning. This Is In anwr to q th rcnt advance mad In tha q price of the raw product tn th east. . The new 11st is now in t- ' fectr 4 NINETEEN TEACHERS ; PASS DALLES. EXAMS (Special Dlapatck te Tae Joarnst.) Th DalUa, Or., Aug. 13. Tb school examination closed Saturday. Th It successful sppllcants, . Ave first grad. vn second grade and ven third grad crtlflcata balng lsud. Three papers war sent to other counties and have r.ot bean paaaed on. . ' Work.ea Onlf fAiBoff, (Jonrnal Special Service. I Rosswsll, N. M., Aug. II. Work ort- tha gulf cutoff start on September 1. Th principal work will ba from Brown. wood td Txaa. Th road will run Into Mexico,! connecting Galveston with the Fselflo aeasti Nsvsr Hu Thsre Cstn Cuoh Demand for Fruits In Portland as at This Tim All . t Prices Are Therefore Being; Held Firmer. SIIAJDE HIGHER Stock Valuea Advance In New . Yorlc .Owing to Better Con- . V ? ditlons Abroad. -:y ' RIOTING ON BROOKLYN -' L STOPS RISE THERE Efforts of Companw to Chargs Far of Ten Cents to Coney Island Bad for Stock Mors Activity -in the Trading. , , .' ' ' KBT OAtlta. Anaconda . . . Amalgematod Atcblaoa .... Vf Erie .... Loulaellla .... x Norther Padftt... Katy do preferred..... Mlasourl Pacific.... Norfolk N Y. CeutraL Out. A Weetara.... Penaayrraala Preaaed Steel Car.. Sugar . Smelter Baltimore ........ i Colorado Pael.,... 1 St. Paul ........ 1 0. N. W i Cbeaapeake ...... I Cen.di.n . Looomotles Reading I Republic Steal.....'! National Lead .... S Rock lland., ...... St. L. a B. w Cotton Oil 1H oouuiem ny, Son ther n Pac y...... H de preferred..... c t o. S. Steel... Me..,.. C de preferaed .... Union Pacific Woelea . Wall B tract. New Tork. Aug. 18. The stock market was livelier today. The market has beea eery heavily evereold and tbla canaed prlcee to advance quite fair during- ths day. Thar wa fierce fighting between the bulla aad bur. and thla kept the market within narrower limits thsa etberwlee. AawiieaBS la London were rather eteady with a' general ad. vanoa. There waa a serious riot on Brooklyn "L" today ea account of aa attempt te collect a 10-ceat fare to Coney I .land. Official quotations bp Orarbeck, Itarr A Oooka eomnaar: Open. Atnal. Copper Co...... 102 A mer. Car roaadry, 00m 88 Bid. 108 89U do nraf erred 1004 314 88 Amarlcaa Cotton Oil, -com........ American Looomottve, Cora. ....... 82 .52 American Buaar, com nugar, c too) 162 American Smeltsrs, com 00 prater 1 eo . . . n ABaronda Mining Co...... Amarlcaa Woolen, 00m, ,, AtcbleoB, com ... 2854 287 67 87U 64 do preferred . . Baltimore A Ohio, .....M 84 101 110 1214 B2 764 1H7W 884 . . . lex preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com Central Leather, com., do nref erred feii 167 101k n...-- 181 1RU iul..'imI lBStZ ...,ofl Sil Chicago si Greet Weetern. com, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Culrafa a North weetern, com Mi...wM m www Colorado Fuel a Iroa. eom.r Colorado Southern, com - do Sd preferred ... do lat preferred Denver a Rio Grande, com do preferred 61 64 7ju 444 do U "preferred . do lat preferred Iiunota ventral tniHTHH m v mma 1 1 tm ........ Meilcaa Central Railway Mteeoorl. Kanaas a TexaAV-m do preferred . 1 mii.u.i. .... virfinla Chemical Mtaanurl Pacific . .r. ...... a . . National Lead , . . , ..ww .wrc vvnue. , , 1 , . ..... New York. Ontario 4 Weatera... Norfolk A Weatera. earn........ do preferred , Northern Pad fie. com Pacific Mall Steameblp Oe. Pennaylvanla Railway People's O.e, Light A Coke 0.. Preesed Steel Car. cam. , do preferred Readlna. com ........ do, Sd preferred do. lat oreferred Republic Iroa A Steal, com....... Republic Iroa A Steal. Bfd.. Bock Island, comomn Rock lalaad, preferred St. poola A San Praa., com St Loalr A S. W., common. St. Louie A S. W., prrfarred Southern Pacific, common... Southern Pacific, preferred. Boutnara nauway, Sou thee a Railway, prafe Tanneaaae Coal A Iron. ?exas A Pacific oledo. St. Louis A Weetara, de n referred .., union raciifc. do preferred Called Stataa Rubber, com... do preferred .. 10T Called Siatee Steel Co., com 40 . do preferred ....,.,..... 108 Wabaeh. com 1 Es. dlv. 14 Par cent. INITIAL SALE IS MADE ON LOCAL EXCHAKGE Thousand Shares of Gallce Sold at Two and a Half Cents Today. x Portlasd Stork BicBsnge, Aug. 1. The first sales on 'chants were made today and ma aleted of a block of 1,000 snores of Galie Cn aolldated at.SHc a chare. There waa Mvellc Bidding thaa during the Initial trading of Sat urday. Attendance Is eapeeted to Improve with the return of cooler weather. There were of ferings of s blnrk of Merchant National bank tock at 178 today., Thla was th first sank stock Hated. Official bid and aak prices are: BANK STOCKS. Bid. Merchants' National bank, .....1 Bankere' a Lumbermen's Sank... ..... Ieaer Mfg. to : 18S C.mphelle' Oas Burner Union Oil (. SOT- Aaeorlated Oil Co SS Alaaka Packers' A can Sd Home Telephone Co. P.clfl So tee Telephone Ce..... ..... Oregoa Life las. Co , J. 0. Ue Co ISO MINIMO STOCKS. AUska Petroleara lt Alaaka Pioneer M. Co.... 44 Standard Consolidated IOUj Oreaoa Securities OS Lucky Boy Snowstorm IBB Th Leec Creak Oold Mines..... 00U Norlk Falrvlew Mining Co 04 Gnlrnads 04 Gallce Consolidated OBtt Gallaber Mining a M. Co Taroma Steel 10 tt QoHen Bute Con ..... Bullfrog Terrible 8L0AR COMPANIES. Haaaltaa Coa SS llnnokea 11 Ilntchlneoa , IS Mikaweli .1 2 Onomea 1 SI , Paanhaa IB L'alon. .. 44 Aak. 10a 00'.' ' . B SS 'b6" ss 1000 ISO 0 ta SIS 01 OS 04 0;t Oft 14 is oai4 OS HOME HEARS THAT THE POPE IS ILL AGAIN (Journal Special Berates.) Rome, Aug. It. It le stated that the pop is again 111 from qout and some alarm Is felt here sa it Is said his heart la affected. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY - WANTE1 riaaar feeders a sd. (radars, M Waatrra. Luaiser Ce, nn al4' 4,1 70 T4 176 1444 146 ... ..... SI 8INU ... ss 4 14f4 141 : -fi SOS S0i4 88T 1864 1864 h 181 1814 S"4 S8 . 28 89 4 -ea 84 1".'..". "U leJi 684 644 TB4 75 lis 874 874 eMIII e e ' 99 1664 144 ..... ..... 88 ITltl '48 4 47?t 44 I E FIRE IS FlameeStTlL Eating Fine Timber h but Worst It Believed to Be Over. ;. ' . GREATEST DAMAGE FROM SUDDEN STRONG BREEZE Showers Aid,. Fighters In Quelling Great Conflagratiba Which Threat ened Detroit and Destroyed Best Forests ttr That 8ection.'' a ;' ': (Jooraal Bpedal Bervtea.) Albany, Or., Aug. II. The fir In th Cascade forest reserve' la still burning, but la practically under control. Laat Bight a heavy rain fall for Tral hour and tlHs morning several amaller ahowers contributed to th flcht against th namaa.' ; As a rasult of th rain and hrolo work of a larss fore, the blasa Is under control, and, unless a heavy wind should fan th flam no further danger la feared. The firs did not rat beyond Dtrolt.L-but destroyed- a trsot of th finest timber between Berry and Bretlen buh. Th CUrtlss . Lumbar company and forestry aarvlca wer jointly flght lnsT th flamss with many small ranch ers eooperatlns. No live wr lost. - SEIZED WITH DEATH IH THE ' MICIPIH COURT W. G. Swanty Victim of Apo plexy While Awaiting to Tes tify "In City Case. . W. O. Bwaney, coast represantatlve. of tha Ingroll Construction company of Plttsbnr; and manager of th flgur lg-ht and carousal at th Oak, was strtcksn wlth"Spoplxy In th municipal court thla morning and died within a fw mlnut after being; carried to an anteroom. Th affair oauaed Intra axclternant In court, but order waa r stored without th necessity of Judge Cameron adjourning. 1 . Swanay, In oompany with Bert Btnlth, one of , hi employee, was present lh court this morning; to testify again at a man named Edelman, who It Is al leged created a dlaturbanc at' th Oaks laat night. Th caae had not yet been heard whan Bwaney, who was sitting by the door' with Smith, 'suddenly fall backward In tha throes of what ap- 1 pearra 10 d an atiacar r epilepsy. Bailiff McDonald at "Dno rushed over to the man ana carried him to an ad U I JO" 4nlng 1 oom, He waa- rrouiing freely at th mouth. but ther was none of the othar char- aotarlstle symptoms of a fit. Aftr laying the man on th floor officers tried to revive him with artificial rea- plratlon, but wer unsuccessfuL , A physician was summoned, but be for hi arrival Swaney bad breathed his last. Coronar Flnlay was notified and tb body removed to tb. morgua. Deceased was about II years of age, and resided at th Antler hotel In this city. Hrs father, W. J. Swaney, reside In New Cumberland. West Virginia, and a tele gram conveying notice of th death of his son will be sent by the coroner. Deceased was well and favorably known at th Oaks, snd bis daatrt cam as a great surprise to th management of that resort H had nsvsr complained of Illneea. and appeared to be in the beet of health. TERROR ARRESTED AFTER ; EIGHT YEARS' REIGH : Rock Ellery Holdt Neighborhood at Bay but Is Captured by Sheriffs Posse. (Special Dispatch to Tb lotmsLt " Th Dallas, Or., Aug. II. Rock El lery was adjudged Insane this morning after medical examination. Ml Insan ity is homicidal. . ElUry has been' th terror of th neighborhood for many years. He lived alone and threatened to shoot any on who cam to his cabin. Ha had a good ranch, but Ms hay was uncut and his cattle strayed and every thing was going to ruin. He is IT years old and lived 14 miles south, of The Dallas for about 20 year. It la about eight years sine 'his homi cidal Insanity showed Itself.' Neighbor wer afraid to maks a complaint Th sheriff and a deputy went to his houas ysaterdsy, accompanied by Mr. Bonoml, who talked Franch to Ellery and In duced him to com out of his cabin. H wa handcuffed and plcd under arrest , In his cabin waa found a wicked rifle, II cartridges, an axe and hatchet well sharpened and a knlf II Isoh long with a keen edge. Several ' yeers ego a constable at tempted td arrest him, bat waa scared away with a rifle, filno he hae lived ion unmoltd. He was born In Canada and hae been In thla country Lfor 16 years. BAY CITY IMEIEN DEMAND INCREASED PAY (Jonrnal Special Bervire.t San Francisco, Aug. II. Two hundred composition roofrs (truck thl morning for an Increase from It to IB a day. Breen sV Wilson and th Harris com pany complied with the demands and th employe returned to work. Tha other contractors refused th demanda. - Th waterfront atrlka was further complicated this morning when several hundred bollermakers and ahlpsmlths of th varloua iron work throughout th city presented a demand for an Inrraass of from 11.10 to 14 a day. Unlet th rat Is forthcoming or a compromise Is ffctd another strike will undoubtedly result Up to this afternoon all the member of th Rigger' and Stavedor' union, numbering soms 1,100, returned to work on all docks with th exception of thoa of th American-Hawaiian company. Th tevedores demands conceded wer an Increas of from 40 to 10 cents sn hour for eight hours work. 10 to 71 cants for ovsrtlm on coastwlB vessels, and It cents for loading and discharging dp GISGAD UODER C0I1TR0 TnAL'SPOKTATION. Cc!:zl;!3RiverScecery Cjitsr Une Steners T1TB PDCCtjRBVTf STCAMKR "BATtBT OATZKRT" make round trip to CAB. CADE IOCKB vry Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at a. bl. returning, ar rives 4 p. ra. Dally aarrle between Portland and The Dalles aseept ButTomy, leaving Port land tl I a. m., arriving about, carrying freight and passenger. Splsn. did accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Aider strsat. Portland: foot of Court trU Tb Pailaa. Phon Main . Portland. TELEGRAPH . VaatMrt am th BVtv The only steamboat making a round trip ' "- Exoapt Eunday- Between - PORTLAND cad ASTORIA ajtd wat onm - Lean Portland,.... ,T:00 a. ra. Arrlv Atorla .........110 p. as. TCaava) Astoria. 1:10 p. an, Arrlv Portland .0:00 p. m. Uul SERVED A LA-CARTS Pcrtlana Zraadlng, Aider Streee Bock, Astoria landing, OalUndax Zroek. E. B. SCOTT. Agent 1 Phone Mala III. ALASKA PAST AMD rorCLAB STBAaUBIPS , ' Laaee Baettle ' "JirrBBSOaT," Aaguet S. ' ' . VOLTUM." Aaguet It . " - , - CALUSa AT Ketcklkaa, ' Juneau. Douglas, Bataea. Skag way, Connects with W. P. A -T. rests tar Atuo, Dswsoa, Tanaaa. Moaas, eta. For All Southeaatera AUaka Part. ' CaD or sand for "Trie te Waaderfal Aleeks," "Indian Baaketry,' 'Totera Polaa." TKS AJASXA S. B. 00. rrnnk Wselaay Ce Areata. BBS Oak st Portia ad. 0. North Pacific S. i Co.'s Popular SsiTloanoRc 2,500 tons, the ' only first class steamship carrying passengers to ban rrancisco, Los Angeles and Eureka. Sails Thursday, August 16, August 80,. September 13, 8 p. m.rtrom Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket Office 132 Third, near Al der. Phone Main 1314. ; - H. YOUNG, Agent . soTrrwiASTrmir axasxa botts. ' From Seattle st p. UJ. . for Ketrhlkaa, Juneau, Skag way, White Horss, Pswsos ana Palraaaka S. 8. City of Seattle, Asg nat 10. so. so. B. 8. Hamholdt Aaguet 4. 14. S4. Sitka). Auauat 11, S3. . BOMS BOUT rs. A S aenctar abont Auauat IT. . von saw vnAwrjidoo BtaxflT. ytoai Seattle st B a. City st iSeblo, PertUnd'bfffce. ttO Waaktarlca at, Kara SSS. . a. u. ui, race, ti. jkgt, . , 0. D. OUNANN. O. P. A, Baa madsca. Erie Railroad TO TodksT. asn otto- aUTT TXCXST AOBSTT. Make No Mistake Bay State Paints ar the most perma nent and warranter! not to fsde, cal or blister. All colors and tints, put up ready for Immediate use. Easily ap plied, and will preserv woodwork bet ter and longer than any other. VMM Mia PATsTT STOBB, Fisher, Thorsen&Co. PSOsTT KOBftXSOsT STS. For Iced Tea USK '': Devefs Golden West Ceylon Tea Peculiarly Refreshing. Sealed Packets Only. Clossct Co Devers fUTfa CUT RATES For 30 Days Only. . 11.00 Gold Crowas. .. ...... ..fS.OO It.SO Oold Crowns. .......fS.SO 10.0efP1ata ...f&.OO Ili.BePUtea ...)r.60 Filling, ap from..... . efftf ' - - Wtwh ujaMswsLj j. Boston Dental Parlors SSlVt Kerrteoa Oyp. r. O, Bad. ' -Ksist ft rraak-a. . essnaSSeasaaBaaaeBj WbsV Q S-ioTiiaira iuoUraoimicinc w -Trains to the East DaayJ nJiT. """"en stsndare and vsarlst atee. r?f day ta-OBMka. Cklrago, Snskeaet 2?" slaaolagBrs dally ta Kewaaa City. tV.roV.t SS!,!1.' r Calos Dspot-."' ' - . Lesea. lull ' thKrr' st . " iSJiZ! 1i Hustlogton. dly. :BQ SiSSSW WaTkie. eater. , TJZuF Wslla Welle j,?.yr0oasr rl-Alan aai t " ' ' Jo?ern Mate, dally. 0:1801 BBS "atrtle lime, fo tka East vl. a,ny r Bits par fllSasi JJertland-Blssa locel. 'fer'sW KI.T.j "aiweew . Biggs sad Pertlaad. dene.. tSaa H)se . - " . WttTaf BTA BITS It tITTSTOlt. wJmLi'i antala. eeMecttsa wW 5""" foe ITwaiM mmd MWtfc U.. JhM "JaBt. dock, lea Tee 8 v SB. 4JeJTy. 1Z .iti Bwrerris. 10 a. eat'ey. wanoay; - TAMrTTT.l, BfTBB BOTTPaV f j . wcw iiy aaw.aaenin I . ... EH "!""'? ' aad Vodoe. Aab. deck. Mtet.Lt' erceot Bondny (water see. Busday. " ar-Xewleton. fd.k uaiir except rrttar. iweat Of Sc. Third aad WcenlngyW sea Terer-Mne Mala TIB . -' . STIHOBB. City Tletet Aaawt. Wat. IfelfCBBAT. Ceaeral Pssaaagar AsaaL EASTvu SOUTH rnloa Overlead Bipeass Trstaa 'Satoni, Roaetrarg, Aea : lead, Secrameato. OgdeavV - , Saa rrcacleco. Stock tna tos Angeles. Paaa, aw Arleera sad the eaet eg.41 at r" " ' -a wain .mraei is ei . e , t Weadbura dally azeapt ' " ' Sonday wtrb tmla for BfeSBt Angel, BlreeHoa, - -.-''. : - prownevllle. SMnanala. Wendllng and Natroa.... 8:B0aai Bas ages eest,ner eo . sects st Woadbars wltb ' . Moant Asef aad Silver- . . ' - tan local 04. fm i-m am Owvanta ef-an . SrSe Baerldea naeaeaser 4 -M yai e H tm Poreat Orae neecenser. . l'.n asi . S:S0 pal arterte. Hnette nwel SiMie. jrvTeaaou-BTsrarr stattow. . for Dallas and tatersMdlat Botrrta daily T:SS a. at. and 4:19 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. w, and 0:80 p. at. for time and card ef Wewsge eatieitjca Oral apr'y at City Ticket OfSce. er atarlea. Tlckete to Eeetera Bolsts snd raroaa ale Sanaa. Chlee. Hn"lala ard Anatrana. City Ticket Office earner Third t-nd Was. tngtno streets. Psoas Mara Tlx. , , . C. W. BfTTNfJBB. Win. McWtJBBAT. ". City Ticket Ageat. . dca Pea. Aaess. TIME CARD OF. TRAINS: Portlands Tnloa Depot 1 . treeee. reuowatBsa rark-Kaass Ctry-St. Louie Bnestal for . CBeasne. Oetralla.- Olya. ,1 . . pis. Orsy's Barsor, South Bend, Taeeeaa. Seertle, Sre- kase, Lawietoa. Butte. BIU llna. fearer. Oraeka. Ran. , ' see City. St.- Uals aad . Sontbaast. dally StSOaa dtSSaaj Kerth Coaat United, eles- . . trie lighted. far Teaman , . Seattle. Spokane. Bntte, MlnneepoHe St. Psal.ssd '. the Boat, dally t:0S TsM P.aet Bound Limited, far riareaentit. Ckekells, On- , trella. TaeB sad Seattle i. nle. deity , l:' :rfB 8:80 Be Twin ate Btwbss ft Ta-,m . eerns. BecMle. .'-,,. Helens. Bste, Bt. Paj, a , ; If InneaBolle. IJneota. St, ieeepti Kaneaa Oty. aia. Be. St. Louis. urttBewt . ehaee ft ears. TMreet ean eecttnee w alt T-tsts . ' sject M rVwckeeer. danv.. TlrdB sal fSiSBna) A. P. CHASLTO!. Asststsnt Oeaeral Sanger Agent. BBS Merrlsea treat. Taw. Pnrtlsad. Oeyne. , . . . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, traioa Dcboc ' U far Maya-re. Batata. Oats kasle. Wesrpert. CM from. Aetorle. Warrentoa. Fle rL Haraaaead. Vert Stev. ana. Oearkart Park. Seaside. 8:08 11 JB aa) AatorU asa seaenore. es- . sreea dally T-Bt. SrS "Port!. nil -eei1e rije." Salaiday aly-e Issees Portlaad B:10 B, at. All tratna dally. - y. t at a TO. 9. 9. snd t. A., Astoria. Or. C. A. STBWABT, Cownasraaal Agaad. SSS Aids street, races Mala BOO. . TBJK tWHrOftlAMC WAY. 2 Overbad TrtissDtSy 2 ike Ortareaal Uealaed. tea Fast Hit VIA BBATTLBJ ABB SPOKABB. ' Pally. Anise, e fertlawd flw srSedulo Ts and from St Paat Mlsneapolta. . trulstb aad all patats - Beat via Seattle...... S'SSsai tli IISbsI T sod fraea St. Ptm. Sflnneenolle. Dulntk . ' -snd all polnta laet . vts S-fS pa) SrSS SSJ )raa Bertkera Staaauktp Oe. Batlln fee. Beet tie fer J.San sad . China parte and klaslls. sarrrlaa e ' sess.ra and freWrkl ' S. 8. Paketa. SapteiBar t. - '. ' ' . B. 8. Mlasaaata, Octosor SO. ' Birroa TWSIB XA1SHA , fi.pee Me") fe.1 8. Teas Vara will sell front BV.ttle about Anreet IS fcr Jape aad Cklna sorts, earrytsg BsaseBers sad , '''r'er ticket, re tee. Bert IHSlis Hons. etc.. e.H or addrees BU yartland. Oresee. aeaa kak a- ) S.S.F.A. Kill::: fa Cues Bar. Baraka aad Sea -' Kast sslllsg frees PratUad, TkaradJf , A Kelt sailing from Sad Prasetaea, Tkur, j v P. V. OHKIStHiCH. A . vesssliA aAaA A. S. i . t t i2S.twJ"t?m' ,,,w- uy Fat few flp !!. atearoera Saokaa snd Lewts. . m.www. win. c m. . i. ..rSSBaBBBBBBkw ' ' : ms vs. Arswev r(Pn V I waii vesssia, . , j-. Vj A, 1 . ,i . ' 1 . , 7 '-A ; '., ' .,...- v , . V